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Stands for "Information and Communication Technologies." ICT refers to technologies that provide
access to information through

telecommunications. It is similar to Information Technology (IT), but focuses primarily on

communication technologies. This includes the

Internet , wireless networks, cell phones, and other communication mediums.

In the past few decades, information and communication technologies have provided society with a vast
array of new communication capabilities. For example, people can communicate in real-time with others
in different countries using technologies such as instant messaging , voice over IP (VoIP), and video-
conferencing. Social networking websites like

Facebook allow users from all over the world to remain in contact and communicate on a regular basis.

Modern information and communication technologies have created a "global village," in which people
can communicate with others across the world as if they were living next door. For this reason, ICT is
often studied in the context of how modern communication technologies affect society.

ICT is an acronym for “information communications technology”. Many people ask what is ICT. What is
the meaning or definition of ICT? The acronym ICT is often used in many different contexts. For example,
people refer to the ICT industry, ICT sector, ICT companies, ICT law (laws like the POPI Act, the ECT Act,
and the Cybercrimes Bill), the ICT BEE Charter, ICT governance and ICT legislation.

But what is the acronym ICT actually short for? With the acronym you lose the “and” and commas – this
creates ambiguity. In my view, ICT should be a shortening for “information, communication and
technology” so that it is broad enough to include all the different aspects of what the acronym stands
for. Some people focus on the “technology” whilst others focus on the “information” or
“communication”. For example, ICT governance is not only about the governance of “technology” (the
storage tanks and pipes), but also about the governance of “information” (the water).

What is ICT?

There are two options of what the acronym ICT could stand for:
information and communication technology

information, communication and technology

“[M]en’s lives may depend upon a comma” Johnson, J

These might appear to be subtle distinctions, but there is a significant difference in meaning – the
second is much broader than the first.

Option 1

Most people will tell you that ICT is a shortening for “information and communications technology” –
option number one above. Let’s unpack that phrase. So it is “information technology” or
“communications technology”. It is not “information” or “communication” standing on its own.
“Information” or “communication” has to go with technology – they cannot exist independently. You
could shorten information and communications technology to just technology.

Option 2

In my view, it should be “information, communication and technology” – option number two above.
Each aspect of the acronym can stand on its own. So it includes “information” or “communication”. It
also includes technology or “information and communications technology”. This interpretation is wider.
Another way of looking at it is that ICT stands for:

Information – (or data) in paper or electronic format

Communication – in person or electronically (electronic communications), in writing or voice,

telecommunications, and broadcasting

Information technology (IT) – including software, hardware and electronics

Communications technology – including protocols, software and hardware

A plumbing analogy
The distinction is also illustrated by drawing an analogy between an information system and a plumbing

A plumbing system is made up of storage tanks and pipes. Water is stored in the storage tanks and
flows through the pipes. ICT is made up of information technology (storage tanks) and communications
technology (pipes). Information (stored water) is stored using information technology (storage tanks)
and a communication (flowing water) reaches the recipient through communications technology (pipes).

What is ICT

Recent uses of acronym ICT

Let us look at some recent uses of the acronym ICT.


Wikipedia defines ICT as “information and communication technology“. They also say that their
explanation may require clean-up to meet their quality standards – I might give it a go.

Information and Communications Technology Law Book

The latest textbook on ICT law says that is a shortening for and the book is entitled “Information and
Communications Technology Law“. In the book itself, the authors do not go into details as to why they
believe ICT is a shortening of information and communications technology. I don’t agree with their
shortening because their book deals with information law and communications law – and not just
information technology law or communications technology law. The title is narrower than the content.
For example, data protection is not just about information technology.

Black economic empowerment charter for the ICT sector

There are various relevant sections in the black economic empowerment charter for the ICT sector,
which I have quoted below for ease of reference. The ICT BEE Charter is unfortunately poorly drafted
and contradicts itself. Have a look at the sections below. For example, the drafters have defined ICT in
different ways. Initially, ICT is a shortening for “Information, Communication and Technology”, but then
in the definition of ICT it is defined as “Information and Communication Technology”. As illustrated
above, there is a difference in meaning between these two and therefore the ICT BEE Charter
contradicts itself. In my view, they got it right initially. An example of poor drafting is the definition of
“Information & Communications Technologies Sector”. It is not clear what it means – I’m not even going
to try to interpret.

“Recognising the cross cutting nature of Information, Communication and Technology (ICT), and its role
in the social and economic development of our country.

“ICT” means Information and Communication Technology and refers to the combination of
manufacturing and services industries that capture, transmit and display data and information
electronically (OECD 2002: 18; SAITIS 2000: 3)”

The “Information & Communications Technologies Sector” shall without in any way limiting the ordinary
meaning of the terms, mean the sector in which employers and employees are associated for the
carrying on of any one or more of the following activities:

marketing, manufacturing, assembling, servicing, installing, maintaining and/or repairing systems,

software, equipment, machines, devices and apparatus, whether utilising manual, photographic, optical
mechanical, electrical, electrostatic or electronic principles or any combination of such principles, that
are primarily intended for the recording and/or processing and/or monitoring and/or transmission of
voice and /or data and/or image and/or text or any combination thereof for use in any one or more of
the following activities:

accounting, calculating, data processing, data transmission, duplicating, text processing, document
reproduction, document transmission, record keeping and record retrieval, broadcasting or transmission
for entertainment or information purposes of voice and/or image and/or text or any combination
thereof and/or; the provision of services relating to the above.

“ICT Enterprise” means an enterprise that conducts business at any stage of the value chain of the ICT

Evolution of ICT

ICT began with the rise of humans. There are 4 main periods in history that divide the era of ICT.

The Premechanical Period (3000 BCE – 1450)

Humans started communicating with one another using words and pictograms curved in rocks. They
started to write synmbols as substitutes for pictures to depict ideas, objects, and animals.

Human realized that stone tablets are too heavy and bulky. The information to be stored was growing
and was becoming enormous, and writing these pieces of information in stone tablets was impractical.

When paper was finally produced from the papyrus plant, storing information was revolutionized.

They compiled records written on pieces of paper and bound them together, eventually giving birth to

In the late stages of this period, humans started using the numerical system. They started to optimize
and invent devices and techniques in counting. The “Abacus” was throw most popular device created
come from China.
The Mechanical Period (1450-1840)

The interest in automating and speeding up numerical calculations grew. The machines driven by
mechanical means such as a steam and gears dominated information processing and calculation. The
highlight of this period is the advent of the mechanical calculator called Pascaline, which was invented
by the famous mathematician inventor Blaise Pascal along with Wilhelm Schickard.

Charles Babbage invented the Analytical Engine, which is considered the first programmable mechanical
computer. This earned him as the “Father of Computers”

The Electromechanical Period (1840-1940)

The use of electricity for information handling and transfer bloomed. The need and the urgency to share
information with one another in a faster yet reliable manner over long distances aroused.

The information is coded in sounds of dots, spaces, and dashes over wired ( and eventually wireless)
media. The telephone was later invented, enabling voice transmission over long distances. Human
started to control electricity using vacuum tubes in devices that eventually led to the development of
today’s electronic gadgets.

The telegraph is considered the fist electrical communications device. First invented by William Cooke
and Sir Charles Wheatstone, the first working models used five magnetic needles that could be pointed
around sets of letters and numbers by using electric current.

Computing devices also started to revolutionize information handling and processing. Machines were
mechanical in nature but were run by electricity. The machines used in gears, levers, vacuum tubes,
relays, and wires for processing and calculations.

The Electronic Period (1940…)

This highlight on the advent of solid state devices or electronic devices. The four main events found in
this period are the late vacuum tubes period, the transistors period, the integrated circuits, and the
computer processors period.

The dawn of the Electronic Numerical Period Integrator and Computer (ENIAC), the first electronic and
general purpose computer, marked a revolutionary period in computing.
The transistor was invented in 1947. The electronic device with properties and functions similar to
vacuum tubes, but it is lightweight and faster. The first full transistor was developed in 1957 and was
faster than vacuum computers and was faster than vacuum computers.

The Integrated Circuit (IC) is a device that is composed of a group of transistors and circuit elements
compressed in a single package The IC revolutionized the use of computers and electronic devices
because circuits are integrated in a chip or a single package, limiting the distances between components,
resulting in a faster operating speed.

The fast-paced development and innovation in personal computing paved the way for the birth of
different user applications that introduced ease and comfort for the users.CFP: 'Technologies 4.0:
Understanding the evolution of ICT and its role for business development'

Deadline: June 16th 2019 - January 16th 2020

Over the last ten years the evolution of information and communication technology (ICT) has radically
changed people’s lifestyles and firms’ activities, leading to a condition where financial, economic and
even social inclusion is strictly influenced by attitudes towards technological change. However, the
consequences of the digital (r)evolution have not as yet completely unfolded. For example, it is
extremely difficult, at this stage, to predict all the effects of the application of artificial intelligence,
machine learning, and the management of big data.

In particular, the financial industry, which has always been an early adopter of new technology, is
dramatically changing due to many factors. On the demand side, demographic aspects play a key role;
specifically, the rise in demand for high-tech financial services, such as retail payments, wealth
management, consulting, etc., is positively associated with the growth of a new generation, often called
‘digital natives’. On the supply side, the rise of high-performance computers and cloud computing have
permitted management and treatment of big data as well as data sharing. Moreover, from a different
perspective, ICT progress has helped alleviate asymmetry information issues between lenders and
borrowers by adopting the role of ‘creator of information’. This role has in turn contributed to the
development of P2P lending, which is often viewed by less lucrative firms as a good alternative to bank
loans. By its very nature, P2P platforms differ from banks in the way they assess credit risk. Through the
use of cutting-edge FinTech systems, and the ability to assess large volumes of data, P2P lenders can
change their credit scoring algorithms daily – major banks typically do this only on a monthly or
quarterly basis. In other words, P2P has the ability to quickly respond to changing market conditions. A
related example is the rise of robo-advice services where clients just need to provide their ID number to
a computer, which, using artificial intelligence, selects the best set of investments in line with the client’s
risk aversion and liquidity preferences. At this stage it is also worth mentioning cryptocurrencies that
challenge some of the more traditional banking business models and are seen as the last frontier of

Inevitably, the digital revolution raises a number of questions on the outlook for the traditional financing
system. Indeed, it is still unclear how FinTech will affect the future of banks and, in turn, influence banks'
supply of services, profitability and market power. However, there are two possible scenarios for the
future. On the one hand, these platforms may make the technology more readily available to
intermediaries, which, in turn, could give rise to not only new forms of financial intermediation that
satisfy customers, but also new styles of alliance among lenders. On the other hand, FinTech evolution
may make room for new entrants, i.e. high-tech platforms, that could compete with traditional
intermediaries. With the worst-case scenario being the rise of big corporations operating in the
information technology industry by undermining the survivorship of traditional intermediaries. An
extraordinary example of this possible scenario is Amazon Lending which aims to provide loans to SMEs.

Other important issues associated with the digital revolution relate to how best to manage the cyber
risk, address regulatory uncertainty and promote a more innovation-focused culture.

This special issue aims to contribute to the literature on ICT development by welcoming both qualitative
and quantitative papers, from all finance and management disciplines, that examine the interplay
between 'Technology 4.0' and business growth. In particular, we would like to encourage researchers to
think 'out of the box' and provideICT Evolution

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a term used to describe technologies in
manipulating and communicating information. As telecommunication systems have evolved, they have
increasingly used computing technology in switching nodes and then in non-switching nodes supporting
services. With mobile telecommunications, the amount of information processing required to manage
mobility and services has increased enormously and this has resulted in a tremendous increase in
computer communications within the telecommunications environment.

The parallel emergence of computer communications in science and business, the enormous increase in
the capabilities and numbers of personal computers and the extraordinary changes brought about by
the Internet have driven a merging of computing technology and telecommunications as the two areas
have moved from analog to digital and then to packet technologies, and as the Internet has emerged to
become the dominant data communications system in use today, whether as the “public Internet” or
“managed Internet.”

What started as a circuit-switched voice network has evolved to a packet switched data network.
Initially, data was handled by making it look like voice (modems.) Now voice is handled by making it look
like data (Voice over IP or VoIP.) While voice remains the dominant revenue generator, the shift to VoIP
brings major challenges to telecommunications operators as they manage the enormous shifts taking
place in the nature and volume of traffic they carry on their networks.

ICT capabilities vary widely. In developed countries, they are widespread and sophisticated, while in
developing countries, they may be less available and offer less capacity. Developing countries are
catching up quickly by leapfrogging older generations of technology as well as creating solutions that
suit the needs of their user communities. In some cases, the lack of a legacy infrastructure makes rapid
modernization easier.The Premechanical Age: (3000 B.C. - 1450 A.D.)

The Premechanical Age: 3000 B.C. - 1450 A.D.

Writing and Alphabets--communication.First humans communicated only through speaking and picture
drawings.3000 B.C., the Sumerians in Mesopotamia (what is today southern Iraq) devised
cuniformAround 2000 B.C., Phoenicians created symbolsThe Greeks later adopted the Phoenician
alphabet and added vowels; the Romans gave the letters Latin names to create the alphabet we use

Paper and Pens--input technologies.Sumerians' input technology was a stylus that could scratch marks in
wet clay.About 2600 B.C., the Egyptians write on the papyrus plantaround 100 A.D., the Chinese made
paper from rags, on which modern-day papermaking is based.
Books and Libraries: Permanent Storage Devices.Religious leaders in Mesopotamia kept the earliest
"books"The Egyptians kept scrollsAround 600 B.C., the Greeks began to fold sheets of papyrus vertically
into leaves and bind them together.

The First Numbering Systems.Egyptian system:The numbers 1-9 as vertical lines, the number 10 as a U or
circle, the number 100 as a coiled rope, and the number 1,000 as a lotus blossom.The first numbering
systems similar to those in use today were invented between 100 and 200 A.D. by Hindus in India who
created a nine-digit numbering system.Around 875 A.D., the concept of zero was developed.

The First Calculators: The Abacus. One of the very first information processors. As shown on the image

The Mechanical Age: (1450 - 1840)

The Mechanical Age: 1450 - 1840

The First Information Explosion.Johann Gutenberg (Mainz, Germany)Invented the movable metal-type
printing process in 1450.The development of book indexes and the widespread use of page numbers.

The first general purpose "computers"Actually people who held the job title "computer: one who works
with numbers."

Slide Rules, the Pascaline and Leibniz's Machine.Slide Rule.

Early 1600s, William Oughtred, an English clergyman, invented the slide rule Early example of an analog

Babbage's Engines Charles Babbage (1792-1871), eccentric English mathematician

The Difference Engine.Working model created in 1822.The "method of differences".

The Analytical Engine. As shown in the image above.


Joseph Marie Jacquard's loom.

Designed during the 1830s

Parts remarkably similar to modern-day computers.The "store"The "mill"Punch cards.

Punch card idea picked up by Babbage from Joseph Marie Jacquard's (1752-1834) loom. Introduced in
1801. Binary logic

Fixed program that would operate in real time.


Augusta Ada Byron (1815-52). The first programmer

Electromechanical Age (1840-1940)

Electromechanical Age (1840-1940)

The discovery of ways to harness electricity was the key advance made during this period. Knowledge
and information could now be converted into electrical impulses.

The Beginnings of Telecommunication.

Voltaic Battery.Late 18th century.

Telegraph.Early 1800s.

Morse Code.Developed in1835 by Samuel MorseDots and dashes.

Telephone and Radio.Alexander Graham Bell.1876

Followed by the discovery that electrical waves travel through space and can produce an effect far from
the point at which they originated.

These two events led to the invention of the radio Guglielmo Marconi 1894


Electromechanical Computing

Herman Hollerith and IBM.Herman Hollerith (1860-1929) in 1880.

*Census machine

*Early punch cards.

The first large-scale automatic digital computer in the United States was the Mark 1 created by Harvard
University around 1940. This computer was 8ft high, 50ft long, 2ft wide, and weighed 5 tons - HUGE. It
was programmed using punch cards. How does your PC match up to this hunk of metal? It was from
huge machines like this that people began to look at downsizing all the parts to first make them usable
by businesses and eventually in your own home.

D. The Electronic Age: (1940 - Present.)

D. The Electronic Age: 1940 - Present.

First Tries.Early 1940s Electronic vacuum tubes.

Eckert and Mauchly.The First High-Speed, General-Purpose Computer Using Vacuum Tubes:Electronic
Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC)


*Used vacuum tubes (not mechanical devices) to do its calculations.Hence, first electronic computer.

*Developers John Mauchly, a physicist, and J. Prosper Eckert, an electrical engineerThe Moore School of
Electrical Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania

*Funded by the U.S. Army.

*But it could not store its programs (its set of instructions)


The First General-Purpose Computer for Commercial Use: Universal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC).

Late 1940s, Eckert and Mauchly began the development of a computer called UNIVAC (Universal
Automatic Computer)Remington Rand.First UNIVAC delivered to Census Bureau in 1951.
But, a machine called LEO (Lyons Electronic Office) went into action a few months before UNIVAC and
became the world's first commercial computer.


The Four Generations of Digital Computing.

The First Generation (1951-1958)The First Generation (1951-1958).

Vacuum tubes as their main logic elements.

Punch cards to input and externally store data.

Rotating magnetic drums for internal storage of data and programs

Programs written in Machine language Assembly language Requires a compiler.

2.The Second Generation (1959-1963).

Vacuum tubes replaced by transistors as main logic element.AT&T's Bell Laboratories, in the 1940s
Crystalline mineral materials called semiconductors could be used in the design of a device called a

Magnetic tape and disks began to replace punched cards as external storage devices.

Magnetic cores (very small donut-shaped magnets that could be polarized in one of two directions to
represent data) strung on wire within the computer became the primary internal storage
technology.High-level programming languagesE.g., FORTRAN and COBOL

3.The Third Generation (1964-1979). Individual transistors were replaced by integrated circuits.

Magnetic tape and disks completely replace punch cards as external storage devices.Magnetic core
internal memories began to give way to a new form, metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) memory, which,
like integrated circuits, used silicon-backed chips.

Operating systems Advanced programming languages like BASIC developed.Which is where Bill Gates
and Microsoft got their start in 1975.

4.The Fourth Generation (1979- Present).Large-scale and very large-scale integrated circuits (LSIs and

Microprocessors that contained memory, logic, and control circuits (an entire CPU = Central Processing
Unit) on a single chip.Which allowed for home-use personal computers or PCs, like the Apple (II and
Mac) and IBM PC.Apple II released to public in 1977, by Stephen Wozniak and Steven Jobs.Initially sold
for $1,195 (without a monitor); had 16k RAM.First Apple Mac released in 1984.IBM PC introduced in
1981.Debuts with MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System).

Fourth generation language software products E.g., Visicalc, Lotus 1-2-3, dBase, Microsoft Word, and
many others.Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) for PCs arrive in early 1980sMS Windows debuts in 1983,
but is quite a clunker.Windows wouldn't take off until version 3 was released in 1990EVOLUTION OF ICT

The beginning of ICT can be traced back when humans started to use objects to communicate with one
another. It is a ascertained that ICT began along with the rise of humans. There are four main periods in
history that divide the era of ICT, namely, the premechanical, mechanical, electromechanical, and
electronic periods. The periods that greatly affect our lives today involve the electromechanical period
and the electronic period. Nevertheless, there is still a need to observe and learn from the previous
periods to appreciate the technologies enjoyed today.

Periods of ICT Development

•The Premechanical Period- can be traced back thousands of years ago, around 3000 BCE 1450 CE.
During this time, human started communicating with one another using words and pictograms curved in
rocks. Then they started to write symbols as substitutes for pictures to depict ideas, objects, and
animals. These gave rise to our modern-day alphabet.

•The Mechanical Period- served as the bridge between our current period and the premechanical
period. This period started around 1450-1840. During this time, the interest in automating and speeding
up numerical calculation grew. The machines driven by mechanical means such as steam and gears
dominated information processing and calculation.

• The Electromechanical Period- ushered ina new age in communication and information. This period
started around 1840-1940. In this period, the use of electricity for information handling and transfer
bloomed. The need and the urgency to share information with one another in a faster yet reliable
manner over long distances aroused. This period saw the use of the telegraph to transmit information
over long distances.

•The Electronic Period- the last period in ICT history is the electronic period. It started in the 1940's and
continues to the present. The highlight of this period is focused on the advent of solid state devices or
electronic devices. The four main events found in this period are the late vacuum tubes period, the
transistors period, the integrated circuits period, and the computer processors period.

Benefits on Business

The Benefits of Using ICTs in Business & Finance

Vladimir Vladimirov/E+/GettyImages

By: Ian Linton

Reviewed by: Jayne Thompson, LLB, LLM

Updated November 08, 2018

Information and communications technology systems include desktop computers, laptops and tablets,
fixed and mobile telephone systems, communications networks and software – even wearables. Your
business can use ICT systems to benefit from improvements such as reducing costs, increasing efficiency,
improving decision-making and increasing your competitiveness in the marketplace.

Better Decision-Making

ICT systems allow your business to store, process, analyze and share vast amounts of data. The
information available from corporate data enables managers and employees to make decisions quickly
and accurately so that they can manage operations effectively and respond rapidly to business
opportunities or threats. Communication networks also enable decision-makers in different locations to
work together easily when they need to take joint decisions.

Increased Manufacturing Productivity

By automating business processes and giving employees ICT tools, your business can improve its
individual and overall productivity. On the production line, for example, solutions such as computer-
aided design can help to reduce set-up times and improve manufacturing accuracy so that employees
spend less time on reworking. Access to manufacturing data enables managers to plan production more
effectively, making better use of resources and reducing lead times.

Improved Customer Service

Quality of customer service is an important differentiator for businesses. Your company can use ICT
solutions to offer faster response to and higher standards of service to its customers. If you run a call
center, for example, your agents can access databases that provide comprehensive customer
information, including purchase history and product preferences. The information helps them deal
quickly and efficiently with inquiries, boosting customer satisfaction. Service personnel working in the
field can access customer, service and product databases using smartphones with secure Internet
connections. This enables them to fix problems quickly and effectively, again boosting customer

Greater and Virtual Collaboration

Communication networks enable your project teams to collaborate effectively. By using

videoconferencing or web conferencing over the Internet, teams can hold virtual meetings that bring
together members from different locations, or different organizations, such as suppliers or business
partners. This helps to create stronger project teams and enables the teams to maintain progress on
important projects, rather than waiting for members to meet in a single location. In a product
development program, for example, teams can reduce overall project time and get new products to
market faster, giving the company a strong competitive advantage.

Improved Financial Performance

ICT solutions can help your organization reduce costs, increase revenue and improve profitability. Using
videoconferencing to host meetings between members in different locations, for example, reduces
travel costs. Production data can help staff identify quality problems, reducing waste and reworking
costs. Call center agents can use information available on their customer databases to increase revenue
by identifying opportunities for selling additional products or services. Cost reductions and revenue
gains make an important contribution to overall profitability.ICT includes all digital technology that
assists individuals, businesses and organizations in using information. It covers all electronic products
that deal with information in a digital form. Therefore, ICT is concerned with digital data storage,
retrieval and transmission.

ICT makes a business more efficient, effective and promptly respond to customers’ needs. ICT can assist
business activities including design, manufacturing, R&D, distribution and sales and feedback.
Prof.Nassef reports that “contrary to the prevalent predict that ICT will decrease the demand for face to
face communication and will result in greater dispersion of economic activity. She suggests that ICT
promotes industrial agglomeration”. In addition, Prof.Nassef argues that “The search of job and
recruitment via the Internet offer potential efficiency gains to the labor market and the economy
through reducing transaction cost and providing better matching between workers and vacancies by
diffusing information about job widely”.
This theme includes a deep analysis of the impact of the information and communication technologies
on different aspects of development and growth. It covers topics related to the financial, economic and
technological aspects and stress on the importance of ICT their role in facilitating a wide range of
services and transactions such as online banking and online services provided by companies. It discusses
authentication methods used in online banking and various online services. ICT through facilitating the
supply and access of a wide range of financial services, increasing efficiency in institutions and
corporations, reducing costs and promoting and enhancing communication are a major channel for
development. In addition, It covers topics that links information and communication technologies to
urbanization and show the importance ICT in urban service delivery. It presents how ICT can be used to
promote and ensure urbanization which became the norm of life of the twenty first century and poses
one of the most critical challenges to achieve economic development and better standard of living.
Furthermore, Big data as a tool for development presents topics that show how the big amount of
digital data continually generated by the global population could be analyzed to support decision making
and to generate actionable insights for policy makers. It also indicates the major role that big data plays
as a tool for promoting various aspects of development.

Different research avenues could be suggested to address the role of information and communication
technology in business. For example,Software Piracy (SP) is a worldwide, multifaceted phenomenon that
presents a major challenge for software producers. The SP problem has been heightened worldwide
because of the pervasiveness of the Internet and the progression of information technology, which have
increased the probability for increasing the intellectual property rights violation. Establishing measures
to effectively curb SP in Lebanon, however, requires understanding the underlying motivations and
justifications for SP behaviors as well as SP rates and the factors influencing them. In their study, Khalil
and Seleim, adopted and tested a causal model of software piracy attitudes, intentions, and behaviors in
Lebanon using professionals and managers sample.

Future research designs should also employ other student and non-student samples in other Lebanese
private and public sectors in order to verify the findings. Future research models should also include and
investigate new constructs, such as national culture, demographics, corruption index, and economic
development, that may moderate the SP intention-behavior relationship.

Another research stream aims to show the use of Electronic business (e-business) in enhancing the
organization’s competitiveness via deploying innovative information and communications technology.
Several studies have been conducted in this area. For example, thAnother research stream aims to show
the use of Electronic business (e-business) in enhancing the organization’s competitiveness via deploying
innovative information and communications technology. Several studies have been conducted in this
area. For example, the impacts of using SNSs (social networks sites) as a way to encourage word of
mouth between customers or the effects of SNSs on social or academic performance of university
students. Dr.Abbas finds a significant influence of SNSs on firm`s competitive performance, social and
academic life of university students.

Future research that fall under this subtheme may include using SNSs as a strategic tool to implement
firm`s strategy, the effect of using e-commerce on market share, the role of SNSs on social bonds of
university’s students, using information systems to customize firm`s product, and comparisons between
traditional communication tools and interactive tools to improve firm`s performance.

Also, in community-based dental education programs, student-provided services can be an important

source of community clinic and practice revenues. Therefore, the research within the department of
Developmental Sciences are directed towards the construction of new community-based programs as
the construction of an educational message to the pre-school teachers in relation to dental

In a dynamic business environment, accounting profession should deal with different multifaceted new
issues. For instance, how to record innovative business transactions, expand value-added business and
information processes, distribute valuable knowledge to a broad group of information users, and offer
assurance services across a whole range of economic activities. Information communication and
technology has drastically altered the way in which business is performed. Now, most companies used
accounting information systems in running their operations. Developments in information technology
have radically enhanced accounting systems. Computers and other digital technologies have amplified
office productivity facilitating the fast exchange of documents, gathering and analysis of data. According
to Dr.El-Haridi and Dr.Mandour, the use of ERP systems in corporations has a significant influence on
their performance.

The diffusion of computer usage and software development brought about strong adjustments in
accounting businesses’ procedures; however, the influence of these innovations has not been accurately
analyzed. Therefore, future research in this area is needed to judge the influences technological
innovation has instigated in the accounting firms through a survey, using a structured questionnaire that
can send to people responsible for the accounting firms.

The ICT progresses made available huge amounts of information. This availability causes substantial risks
to computer systems. In spite of noteworthy improvements in the information security area, several ISs
are still susceptible to internal and external attacks. The presence of an internal audit for ISs avoiding
these attacks or reducing the negative consequences. Therefore, an exploratory research on informatics
audit for ISs security is needed.Information technology drives innovation and innovation is the path to
business success. Innovation in business has the same impact that steam had on the industrial

In fact, it’s hard to imagine any business that has not benefited from the digital revolution. Even
something as hands on as agriculture uses computers. Farmers use computers for production records,
financial planning, research on technical issues, and procurement.

Nowadays the formula for business success is simple: drive innovation with information technology. So,
the first thing startups in any industry try to figure out is how to make smart IT recruiting choices.
Without a backbone of information technology, a business is not going to go far.

The Love Affair with Innovation

We like to imagine that the human race has always been innovative. But innovation was a slow and
steady affair for most of the 20th century. It was the work of individual genius or think tanks. For the
most part, brilliant people innovated and the public slowly adopted the idea. The mainstream love affair
with innovation began with the invention of the computer. It attained momentum with the birth of the

In the 1980s, innovation was not necessary for business success. A business could do well just deploying
a proven business model. Efficiency was not a prime directive.

Following tradition was a sensible way to stay in business. A store owner, for example, was content with
using a cash register similar to the one invented by James Ritty in 1879 to prevent his employees from
pilfering his saloon profits in Dayton, Ohio.

All this changed on 6 August 1991, a little-remembered date, when the World Wide Web went live to
the world. There was hardly a mention of it in any newspaper on the planet. Most people around globe
had no idea that the Internet existed. Although Tim Berners-Lee’s invention changed the world as we
know it, it was only toward the end of the decade that the Internet became popular.
The Rise of Innovation

The rise of innovation can be traced to the human race getting smarter. According to the Flynn Effect,
general IQ has begun to rise since the 1930s. The average IQ has risen from 80 points to 100 points.

While innovations in travel and multimedia improved collective intelligence, these were mainly passive
forms of learning. Today, computer applications and the global brain have switched on active learning
and improved how fast people learn new things.

Innovation in Business

Information technology fosters innovation in business. Innovation results in smarter apps, improved
data storage, faster processing, and wider information distribution. Innovation makes businesses run
more efficiently. And innovation increases value, enhances quality, and boosts productivity.

Innovation through information technology has created the following radical changes in business:

· Online shopping is more efficient than shopping in a store.

· Digital marketing is more efficient than high cost newspaper, television, and radio advertising.

· Social networking is more efficient than going to clubs.

· VoiP communication is more efficient than legacy telephony.

· Cloud computing is more efficient than a private computer network.

Businesses that have embraced the innovation paradigm tend to have the following characteristics:

· They have more accurate business planning

· They have more effective marketing

· They have higher global sales

· They have more systematic management

· They use real time monitoring

· They offer instant customer support

In fact, it’s hard to thing of long term business growth without the push of information technology.

5 Reasons for Accelerated Business Growth

The technological revolution has improved businesses this century in the following five primary ways:

1. Information technology has given business the tools to solve complex problems.

Improved hardware (more memory, faster processors, sharper visual displays, etc) combined
withImproved hardware (more memory, faster processors, sharper visual displays, etc) combined with
smarter applications (Mindmapping software like X Mind, collaborative software like Kanban boards,
organizers like Google calendar, etc) have made it easier to research data, analyze it, and plan
scalability. Many tools available to solve complex problems.
2. Information technology allows businesses to make better decisions.

Good decisions in business are based on solid market research. This can be done through engaging
teams through video conferences, reviewing public sentiment on social media and industry forums, and
using online surveys to get customer feedback. There are also tools like Microsoft CRM Dynamics and
Google Analytics.

3. Information technology has improved marketing.

Internet marketing using online advertising methods (SEO, PPC, Facebook Ads) are far more accurate
ways than traditional marketing of finding target audiences, discovering their needs, and building a
marketing campaign to persuade them to buy. It’s difficult to see how many people read a newspaper
ad. It’s easy to figure out how many people clicked on an online banner.

4. Information technology has improved customer support.

Customers can receive support from multiple channels telephone, emails, social media platforms,
webinars, and so on. Additionally, customer relationship management systems help businesses
understand customer behavior.

5. Information technology has improved resource management.

Cloud computing allows a company’s employees to use any device anywhere in the world to access their
enterprise level software.

Innovation is the Wave of the Future

If the purpose of business is to increase profits, then innovation is the way to make more profits, faster.
The story of Jan Koum gives us a clue how much big businesses value innovation. He went from food
stamps to billionaire because of his invention of WhatsApp.Technology has important effects on
business operations. No matter the size of your enterprise, technology has both tangible and intangible
benefits that will help you make money and produce the results your customers demand. Technological
infrastructure affects the culture, efficiency and relationships of a business. It also affects the security of
confidential information and trade advantages.


Importance of Emerging Technology

Why Information Technology Is Important


First and foremost, technology affects a firm’s ability to communicate with customers. In today’s busy
business environment, it is necessary for employees to interact with clients quickly and clearly. Websites
allow customers to find answers to their questions after hours. Fast shipment options allow businesses
to move products over a large geographic area. When customers use technology to interact with a
business, the business benefits because better communication creates a stronger public image.


Technology also helps a business understand its cash flow needs and preserve precious resources such
as time and physical space. Warehouse inventory technologies let business owners understand how best
to manage the storage costs of holding a product. With proper technology in place, executives can save
time and money by holding meetings over the Internet instead of at corporate headquarters.

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Technology creates a team dynamic within a business because employees at different locations have
better interactions. If factory managers can communicate with shipment coordinators at a different
location, tensions and distrust are less likely to evolve. Cliques and social tensions can become a
nightmare for a business; technology often helps workers put their different backgrounds aside.


Most businesses of the modern era are subject to security threats and vandalism. Technology can be
used to protect financial data, confidential executive decisions and other proprietary information that
leads to competitive advantages. Simply put, technology helps businesses keep their ideas away from
their competition. By having computers with passwords, a business can ensure none of its forthcoming
projects will be copied by the competition.


A business that has the technological capacity to research new opportunities will stay a step ahead of its
competition. For a business to survive, it must grow and acquire new opportunities. The Internet allows
a business to virtually travel into new markets without the cost of an executive jet or the risks of
creating a factory abroad.


Working in Computers & ICT places you on the frontier of society, as a result it attracts innovators and
those who love working with computers. The tech sector is dynamic and vibrant, but it can be
demanding with the most appealing jobs requiring high skill levels in coding, hardware and data analysis.
Tech companies often have informal work cultures but demand hard work and dedication in return.
With technology driving change throughout society computer skills are now essential assets in any

As nearly all aspects of life become more intertwined with technology, IT Jobs will continue to
experience substantial growth during the coming decade.

With cloud computing, mobile applications, massive amounts of data, software of all sorts, the ever-
expanding world wide web, social media, and a whole world’s-worth of information security threats,
organizations large and small rely more and more on well-qualified and highly-specialized IT
In accordance with this rising demand, IT jobs often pay well, and many come with desirable benefits,
such as options to work remotely, and room for promotion.

Sifting through the many IT career options can be a daunting task. This article pulls together the twenty
best IT jobs for 2019 and coming years.

As nearly all aspects of life become more intertwined with technology, IT Jobs will continue to
experience substantial growth during the coming decade.

With cloud computing, mobile applications, massive amounts of data, software of all sorts, the ever-
expanding world wide web, social media, and a whole world’s-worth of information security threats,
organizations large and small rely more and more on well-qualified and highly-specialized IT

In accordance with this rising demand, IT jobs often pay well, and many come with desirable benefits,
such as options to work remotely, and room for promotion.

Sifting through the many IT career options can be a daunting task. This article pulls together the twenty
best IT jobs for 2019 and coming years.Rankings Guidelines and Information Source: We based our IT
jobs ranking on salary, employment growth projections, and job satisfaction. Salary statistics information
has been sourced from, and reflects median annual salaries as of March 2018.
Employment growth outlook information comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, for 2016–2026.

20. Hardware Engineer

What they do:

Hardware engineers design computer hardware.

Hardware engineers draw on computer engineering to develop hardware, either for use within an
organization, or as a product to be sold commercially. Hardware engineers work in teams with other
technology professionals and scientists to design, build, and troubleshoot existing computer hardware
or entirely new hardware. Hardware engineers work with the goals of maximizing technological
efficiency, minimizing issues and errors, and meet current technological needs.

Median annual salary:


Education Requirements:

Individuals in this field must have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in a relevant engineering field, such
as computer engineering or electrical engineering . Some employers may require a

master’s degree .

Employment growth outlook:


19. Network Administrator

What they do:

Network administrators oversee networks and communication systems to keep information and
communications flowing smoothly.

Network administrators implement and maintain network software and hardware, fix network
problems, and ensure network security, availability, and performance standards. They also optimize
existing systems to reduce costs and increase productivity, as well as install, optimize, and secure new
systems. Network administrators typically work with a team of other IT professionals with unique

Median annual salary:


Education Requirements:

Network administrators must have a bachelor’s degree in network administration , computer science ,
systems engineering, or a related field. Some employers require a master’s degree . Network
administrators can increase their career opportunities with network certifications, such as Cisco’s CCNA,
or CompTIA’s Network+.

Employment growth outlook:


18. Data Architect

What they do:

Data architects oversee the design and maintenance of data across a variety of information systems and

The main goal of data architects is to ensure that data in a system or database is accurate and readily
accessible. More than just administering a system, data architects must employ knowledge and
analytical skills to determine if data is being handled in the best, most efficient way possible, and what
methods can be implemented to improve existing systems. Data architects work alongside other IT
professionals in teams.

Median annual salary:


Education Requirements:
Data architects must have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in information technology ,

information systems, computer science , or a related field. Some positions may require a

master’s degree .

Employment growth outlook:


17. Solutions Architect

What they do:

Solutions architects develop technological solutions for organizations.

Solutions architects rely on technological knowledge and critical thinking to assess an organization’s
technological needs and goals, and to develop and implement a plan toward reaching those goals.
Solutions architects communicate between various departments in an organization to determine what
solutions need to be in place, and how to make them happen.

Median annual salary:


Education Requirements:

Individuals in this field should have a bachelor’s degree in computer science , information technology ,
information systems, or a related field. A degree in business, such as a bachelor’s in

business administration , or an MBA, could also be useful.

Employment growth outlook:


16. Computer Network Architect

What they do:

Computer network architects design, build, and implement computer and data networks in a diverse
array of settings.

Computer network architects may work with local area networks, wide area networks, or intranets.
Computer network architects, plan for maintenance and updates of computer networks, to ensure that
networks function efficiently and remain technologically up-to-date. Individuals in this field may work
for computer network service firms, or directly within a specific corporation or agency.

Median annual salary:


Education Requirements:

Computer network architects must have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in computer science ,
computer engineering, information systems , or a related field. Individuals may benefit from earning a
master’s degree as well, in a technical field, or in an area of business study, such as an MBA.

Employment growth outlook:


15. Computer Technical Support Specialist

What they do:

Computer technical support specialists engage in troubleshooting and problem solving, both within a
corporation and for individual clients.

Computer technical support specialists draw on a general knowledge of computer systems, hardware,
and software, as well as knowledge of specific products, to alleviate technological issues. Some
individuals in this field work for technical support service companies, while others work within
corporations or agencies. Computer technical support specialists must maintain up-to-date knowledge
of current technologies and technological issues.

Median annual salary:


Education Requirements:

Computer technical support specialists should have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in

computer science , computer engineering ,

information systems, information technology , or a related field. A master’s degree can lead to
professional advancement in some areas of employment.

Employment growth outlook:


14. Site Reliability Engineer

What they do:

Site reliability engineers work to ensure that an organization’s website runs smoothly and efficiently
serves its intended purpose.
Site reliability engineers maintain, update, and troubleshoot websites for their employer, to guarantee
that the website remain functional and do not suffer from interruptions. Site reliability engineers utilize
a variety of programming language, including HTML, Javascript, and CSS, as well as website management
technologies. Site reliability engineers work alongside teams in their organizations to keep the website
in alignment with organizational goals, and to keep it up-to-date in relation to the rest of the web.

Median annual salary:


Education Requirements:

Site reliability engineers must have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in computer science ,

programming , information technology , or a related field. Some employers may require a master’s
degree .

Employment growth outlook:


13. Computer Systems Analyst

What they do:

Computer systems analysts draw on business and technical expertise to evaluate a company’s computer
systems and procedures, with the goal of recommending strategic changes to increase productivity,
lower costs, and achieve other objectives.

Computer systems analysts design and program computer system updates or closely oversee the
development team. Those without a programming background collaborate with the software
development department to implement changes. The main objective of a computer systems analysts is
maximizing the return on investment of a company’s IT budget.

Median annual salary:


Education Requirements:

Computer systems analysts must have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in computer systems analysis,
computer information systems,

computer science , business intelligence,

information systems, information technology , or a similar field. Since the occupation deals with both
business and IT, some computer systems analyst jobs require a Master of Business Administration (MBA)
, preferably with a technical focus.
Employment growth outlook:


12. Software Engineer

What they do:

Software engineers design, develop, test, and optimize computer programs used in areas such as
operating systems, business applications, network control systems, video games, and social networks.

The field encompasses a wide range of careers and professional roles. Some software engineers may
work on specialized software or projects for niche companies, while others may work on software for
networks and databases, for large groups or government agencies. Software engineers typically work in
teams with other engineers, as well as administrators.

Median annual salary:


Education Requirements:

Individuals in this field must have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in computer science , computer
programming , computer engineering , or a relevant field. Some employers may prefer a master’s
degree .

Employment growth outlook:


11. User Interface Designer

What they do:

User interface designers work to ensure that software functions smoothly and logically for users and

User interface designers operate within a software development team to design, create, and
troubleshoot the user interface aspects of software. User interface designers rely on technical
knowledge, familiarity with a variety of programming languages, critical thinking, and ingenuity to
ensure that the user experience for software is not hampered by a poorly designed interface.

Median annual salary:


Education Requirements:
User interface designers must have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in computer science ,

software programming , information technology , or another relevant field. Some employers may
require a master’s degree .

Employment growth outlook:

11.3%10. Database Administrator

What they do:

Data Administrators are responsible for organizing and managing an organization’s data, making sure
that data is accurate and available and that database performance meets organizational requirements.

Database administrators make sure that software and hardware is maintained, allowing for vital
information to be easily stored, accessed, and utilized. Database administrators also help guarantee
security of data, and work alongside teams of other IT professionals.

Median annual salary:


Education Requirements:

Individuals in this field must hold a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in database administration ,

computer science , computer information systems,

information technology , or a related field. Employers may prefer candidates with an MBA with a
concentration in database management, computer information systems, or management information

Database administrators may enhance their résumé with specialized training and certifications in
popular database management systems such as Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase, Oracle, MySQL, and IBM

Employment growth outlook:


9. Business Intelligence Developer

What they do:

Business intelligence developers oversee databases and information systems with the goal of optimizing
the storage, implementation, and flow of data in corporations.
Business intelligence developers must draw on a large pool of skills and knowledge to complete a variety
of tasks, including coding and designing systems, troubleshooting systems, analyzing data systems, and
managing teams of IT professionals. Individuals in this field combine aspects of computer and
information technology fields with business administration.

Median annual salary:


Education Requirements:

Business intelligence developers should have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in information

technology , information systems, or computer science . A degree in business, such as a bachelor’s in
business administration or business intelligence , may also be useful.

Employment growth outlook:


8. Information Technology Manager

What they do:

Information technology managers oversee the IT needs of an organization.

Information technology managers typically supervise IT service teams within corporations or agencies.
They engage with solving IT problems through troubleshooting, updating and implementing technology,
and assessing the technological needs of their organization. IT managers draw on knowledge from an
information technology background, as well as a business management background.

Median annual salary:


Education Requirements:

Information technology managers must have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in an area such as
information technology management ,

information technology , or computer science . Some employers may require a master’s degree.
Business degrees with a technical focus, such as a bachelor’s in business administration with a
concentration in information technology, may also be desirable.

Employment growth outlook:


7. Data Scientist
What they do:

Data scientists direct the gathering and application of data for a variety of organizations, including
corporations and government agencies.

Data scientists approach the retrieval, storage, and implementation of data and data systems from a
broad view. Rather than just focusing on the architecture of database systems, their administration, or
the specific methods used to store and convey data, data scientists work to develop large-scale models
of how an organization relates to its data. Individuals in this field consider methods of data mining,
methods of storage and conveyance, hardware and software, trends in data, and niche applications of

Data scientists work alongside teams of other IT professionals, often taking a directorial approach.

Median annual salary:


Education Requirements:

Individuals in this position must have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in computer science ,

information systems, computer engineering, or another relevant field. A master’s degree may be
preferred. Also, a degree in an areas such as

business administration business analytics may be useful.

Employment growth outlook:


6. Development Operations (DevOps) Engineer

What they do:

DevOps engineers function as a “jack of all trades” in regards to databases and information systems in

DevOps engineers work in a variety of technical areas within their organizations, utilizing a broad set of
knowledge and skills. DevOps engineers often work with IT teams to oversee areas of concern such as
database architecture and maintenance, web and software development, information security, cloud
storage and maintenance. DevOps engineers must have a wide knowledge of current technology and
trends, as well as strong communication skills.

Median annual salary:

Education Requirements:

DevOps engineers must have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in computer science ,

information systems, information technology , or a related field. A master’s degree may be desirable for
career advancement. DevOps engineers may also pick up a wide range of professional certificates.

Employment growth outlook:


5. Applications Architect

What they do:

Applications architects ensure individual software projects follow the organization’s application
development methodology and parameters. They also ensure the project fits a company’s technology
infrastructure and business strategy.

Typically, large companies employ applications architects to work with a diverse set of existing
applications that need to be integrated with numerous new application development projects. Based on
an employer’s design standards, applications architects design components of applications, including
middleware, interface, and infrastructure.

Median annual salary:


Education Requirements:

Individuals in this field must have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in computer science ,

information technology , or information systems . Some positions may require a master’s degree.

Employment growth outlook:


4. Cloud Solutions Architect

What they do:

Cloud solutions architects design solutions for companies seeking to move their IT infrastructure and
services from on-premise servers to a cloud-based storage solution.

Cloud solutions architects define the cloud structure for a company and work with business analysts to
make sure the architecture is in line with business requirements. They also make sure the cloud service
provides high availability, scalability, and fault tolerance. Cloud solutions architects manage cloud
infrastructure and ensure that private and public clouds interface well.

Cloud solutions architects must have an understanding of the basics of enterprise architecture, including
how to configure information technology assets around the needs of a company; they also need to have
an expert understanding of service-oriented architecture (SOA).

Median annual salary:


Education Requirements:

Individuals in this field must have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in computer science ,

information systems, information technology , or a related technical field. Some positions may require a
master’s degree in the aforementioned fields. Cloud architects may also choose to pursue a variety of

Employment growth outlook:


3. Web Developer

What they do:

Web developers collect or create web content and plan website layouts and navigation, as well as
coding for web pages. They also test and optimize a website for user experience and optimum

Web developers draw on expert knowledge in programming languages used for the web to develop
front-end and back-end aspects of websites and applications. They need to be highly proficient with
HTML, Javascript, and CSS, and should be familiar with server-side programming languages to develop
more complex applications. Web developers typically work in teams alongside web designers and other
IT professionals.

Median annual salary:


Education Requirements:

Web developers must have a bachelor’s degree in an area such as computer science , computer
programming , information systems , or a related field. Some employers may prefer a master’s degree .

Employment growth outlook:


Find the best schools for an online bachelor's in web development degree.

2. Information Security Analyst

What they do:

Information security analysts develop and implement computer security strategies and systems to
protect vital information from computer crime and cyber warfare.

Information security analysts monitor networks for security breaches and, when required, respond to
attacks with countermeasures. Information security analysts must understand the current state of
threats in the field, the needs of their employers, and current systems available for combating threats to
information security. Information security analysts also educate employees on computer security.

Median annual salary:


Education Requirements:

Many employers require at least a bachelor’s degree in information security, network security,

computer information systems, computer science , or a related field. Also, security-focused professional
certificates increase employment opportunities.

Employment growth outlook:


1. Mobile Application Developer

What they do:

Mobile application developers create applications for mobile devices, such as iPhones and Androids.

Mobile application developers utilize multiple programming languages to optimize application

functioning on a variety of mobile platforms. Individuals in this field may find diverse project and
employment opportunities, including optimizing mobile versions of existing applications, designing game
apps, or designing functional lifestyle apps.

Median annual salary:


Education Requirements:
Mobile app developers should have a bachelor’s degree in software engineering, computer science ,
mobile application development, mobile computing, or a related field of study.

Employment growth outlook:


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