Speech and Dedication Lp.

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Detailed Lesson Plan in English Grade 10

Date: January 28, 2020

Time: Diamond 7:30-8:30/ Aquamarine 11:00-12:00
I. Objectives
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of how
world literature and other text type serve us
instrument to resolve social conflicts, also how to
use the language of research , campaigns and
B. Performance Standards The learners competently presents a research on
relevant socio-cultural issue.
C. Learning Competency (Code)
EN 100L IIIG-1.10
Deliver a speech of dedication
D. Specific Objectives At the end of the lesson, students are expected
a. Use structure of modefication(adjective
and adverb) in delivering the speech
b. Share experiences about public speaking
c. Create a short speech of dedication
Subject Matter types of speech communication
III. Learning Resources
A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide pages
b. Learner’s Material pages 368-372
c. Textbook Celebrating Diversity through Word
Literature(Learner’s Materials)

d. Materials Projector,Laptop, and speaker

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Routinary Activities:
Good morning class! Good morning Ma’am.
Before we start, may I know who’s absent
for today? None Ma’am.
Okay! Very good!

Who wants to lead the prayer?

Let us pray.
A. Reviewing previous lesson or
presenting a new lesson

Ok class! Before we start our lesson for Ma’am

today, lets have a review. It is all about the structure of modification using
adjective and adverb?
What is our lesson yesterday?
Very good!

Now kindly give you a one function using Qualifier as Adjective Modifier
Adjective as a head
Kindly give you an example of qualifiers?

Very good!
Can you give another function using Adverb as Adjective Modifier
adjective as a head? Noun as Adjective Modifier
Verb as Adjective Modifier
Adjective as Adjective Modifier
Prepositional Phrases as Adjective Modifier
How about in adverb kindly give you the
four function using adverb as a head? Qualifiers as Adverb Modifier
Adverbs as adverb Modifier
Noun as adverb modifier
Prepositional Phrases as Adverb Modifier
Ok class now you are already understand
the structure of modification using
adjective and adverb as head. Yes ma’am

Now class! I want you to write a simple
speech apply the structure of modification
using Adjective and Adverb as a head
after that I will call each of you to present
it in front of the class.
You only have 5 minutes to finish the
task. Presentation…..

Ok class! Based on the activity we had

earlier what do you think our lesson for
today. About speech

Class did you experience to speak in

public? Yes ma’am
Nervous, happy,scared….
What did you feel?
 To give information
So now why people give speeches?  To entertain
 To give gratitude

So class when you write a speech in

giving a thankyou, gratitude or honor in
some events or person what kind of
speech did you use or write? Speech of dedication

Ok! Very good our lesson for today is all
about speech of dedication.

When we say dedication what comes into

your mind.

What is Speech of Dedication? Students answer_________.

A speech of dedication is delivered when

a new store opens, a building is named
after Someone, a plaque is placed on a
wall , a new library is completed, and so

These speeches are designed to highlight

the importance of the project and the
possibly those to whom the project has
been dedicated.

Building, monument , and parks maybe

constructed or dedicated to a worthy
cause, or to commemorate a person,
group, significant movement, historic,
event and the like. At such dedications,
the speaker says something appropriate
about the purpose to be serve by
whatever is being dedicated ans about
person/s, event, or occasion, being

How to give a speech of Dedication:

If you suffer from a fear of public

speaking, you are not alone. Giving a
speech can be one of the most nerve-
wracking moments of your life, but proper
preparation can help steady your nerves.
Long before you deliver a dedication
speech to honor a family member,
colleague or friend, make an effort to
prepare the right content to ensure that
the entire audience, and especially the
guest of honor, will appreciate your
words. Once you dazzle the crowd with
your dedication speech, you may even be
asked to give another at a future event.

Highlight Strengths and Share

Write the dedication speech to honor the
individual. Dedication speeches often
take place at retirement parties,
anniversary celebrations and award
banquets. Regardless of the specific
event, your speech should highlight the
individual's accomplishments, share
personal anecdotes and combine
poignancy with humor. You can write the
entire speech based on your personal
relationship with the honoree, or ask
other key people for their input for the

Seek Feedback
Share the speech with some of the
guests who'll be in attendance to gauge
their reactions. Often, a dedication
speech relies on humor, but your speech
shouldn't offend any guests. A few neutral
parties will help you determine the
appropriateness of your words. If they
make any useful suggestions, make the
necessary changes. `

Practice Your Speech

Rehearse the speech until you're
completely familiar with it. While taking a
printed copy of the speech to the podium
is acceptable, simply reading your speech
reflects poorly on you. Deliver your
speech mostly from memory, while
keeping an eye on your notes to maintain
your place.

Center Yourself
Relax in the period of time leading up to
your speech by breathing, talking with
friends and drinking water. Remember
that joyous events tend to put people in a
relaxed mode. Your speech delivery
doesn't have to be perfect, so don't worry
about thinking it has to be. Instead, keep
calm and don't fret as you get ready to
deliver the speech.

Maintain an Appropriate Pace

Speak clearly and at a slow pace while
you're giving the speech. Rushing your
delivery when you're feeling nervous is
normal, but doing so negatively affects
the delivery of your speech. Speak at a
normal pace, and take pauses when
appropriate, such as after you made a
joke. Often, speeches get easier after you
speak for a minute or after you earn the
first real laugh from your audience.

Ok now class did you understand how to

give a speech of dedication?

So now class why it is important to follow
these instructions in giving a speech of Yes! Ma’am
It is really help you to have a good


So lets have watch this video presenting

on how to deliver a dedication speech.

After that I will give you enough time to

contruct your own dedication speech.

Write a simple Speech of Dedication .
in “ Why Education is Important”
V. Remarks
VI. Reflection
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the
B. No of learners who require additional
activities for remediation who scored
below 80%

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