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OBJECTIVE To gauge the concept retention and application of students within the
course Crafting an Entrepreneurial Strategy. After completing this
assignment/project, not only will the trainees be able to contribute to the
Jamaican society but will also be able to plan, launch and maintain a
successful business venture. The trainee will create an actual product and
present it to the course administrator. The product will be filling a gap or a
need for a defined target audience.

SKILLS & ABILITIES Each trainee must be able to positively contribute to the successful
completion of a business plan and sample product. Each trainee must
possess or find some degree of creativity and innovation. Care should be
taken to not over-budget or under-budget for this project hence the role and
responsibility of each team member must be outlined both cognitively, and
in the business plan, they will create. There may be others; however, these
roles below should be listed and assign:
 Marketing Manager
 Production Manager
 Finance and Accounting Manager
 Human Resource Manager
There may arise a need for added resources and financing to print and
model a sample product. Each team will be assigned a leader to make plans
and execute them to raise funds for this effort.


Think of a product or service that will fill a gap or market niche that has been overlooked by
larger firms. Thoroughly review the market and the potential business environment before
selecting your product or service. Your product or service must display the possibility of
filling a gap or satisfying a need. Once your product/service is identified, you must then
move to creating a sample product or roleplaying a sample service that fills that gap. Here
are a few ideas:


 Hair Treatment Products

 Weight Loss Products
 Health & Wellness Products
 Green Living Products
 Herbal Products
 Skin Care Products
 Oral Health Product
 Craft & Novelty Items
 Contemporary Foods

 Order Fulfillment
 Weekly/Monthly Third Party Shopping
 Online Tutorials
 Male Care & Pampering
 Future Forecasting
 Herbal Treatment & Consultation
 Household/Home Care
 Childcare Services
 Elderly Care Services
 Total Body Care Services
 Personal Coaching/Mentoring/Consultations
 Fitness Services

For all the product and services listed about, the key is to prepare a comprehensive business
plan that thoroughly explains concepts such as your potential financial sources, as well as
specific features and qualities of your product. You also need to explain why your
product/service is unique and different from all similar products/services.

Carefully state how you intend to market your products, whom your ideal customers are, their
likes, preferences, and personality. Utilize concepts such as the Marketing Mix (4Ps, Product,
Place, Price, and Promotion) to share how you would promote, price, locate and create your
product or services. Create a budget with real and actual costs by doing careful research.

Once you have completed your business plan, create a sample product or roleplay a sample
service to show proof of your understanding of the concepts provided in your business plan.

Your sample product/service must be unique and fill a gap that exists in a
current market. Your product/service must be adequately explained and
differentiated from that of other companies. Be sure to add labels and
unique packaging to your physical product or a unique name and tagline to
your service. You may also choose to offer two or more product/services to
satisfy the varying needs of your customers, however, be sure to
differentiate the purpose and use of each product/services.

You may need to contact corporate entities in Mandeville to have labels

created and supply you with containers and packaging for your product. Be
sure to include these expenses in your overall budget. You may also want to
pay a graphic designer to create a beautiful logo or package Mockup for you.
The key is being professional and viewing things through the eyes of your
potential customers thus creating packaging, labels, and services that they
can connect with.

SUBMISSION Your project should be submitted in three drafts. The first submission which is the first
draft must be at least 35% completed. This draft should be submitted to me via soft copy.
Here I will review and provide guidance on what corrections should be made if any and
whether or not the group is on the right track.

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The second submission of your project should be the second draft. This second draft must
be at least 55% completed. This draft should be submitted to me via soft copy. Here I will
review and provide guidance on what corrections should be made on subsequent work if
any and whether or not the group is continuing on the correct path.

The third submission of your project occurs when you have completed at least 80% of your
business plan. This draft should be submitted to me via soft copy, here, you should be
putting in the finishing touches to your project and asking me for final I will review and
provide guidance on what corrections should be made if any and whether or not the group
is on the right track.

The date for the final submission of your plan has not yet been finalized. However, it is like
to occur before the final week of this class. The first submission must be 100% completed
and should be submitted to me in hard copy/printed form. Each group member should print
and submit an individual copy of the business plan on the final submission. Your project will
then be marked and its results communicated to you on the day of presentation before they
are packaged and shipped to HQ for review.

PRODUCT/SERVICE Your Presentation is set for the third week in May 2018, which is also the
PRESENTATION final week for this class. Each group will present their chosen
product/services and plans to successfully launch and grow their business
venture relating to that product/services. Each group will have
approximately 20 minutes to present their plan, product/service and idea
to the class and panel of adjudicators.

The key is winning your audience over into buying your business idea and
providing substantial evidence that you will be successful. You need to
identify the risk in your line of business, the rewards and profits you will
earn from your business and the primary resources you will need to start
doing business. You also need to explain the type and sources of funding
necessary to commence business as well as how you will secure these

Be convincing, realistic and most of all persuasive in your presentation. You

will be posed with two to three questions from the panel of adjudicators
based on your presentation. Be positive and respectful yet confident in your
answers and defend your choices and plans to the best of your ability.

DOCUMENTATION The style of documentation for these types of projects is the APA format of
documentation. Research this format and be sure to present your business
plan in this format. A sample plan with be provided to you via email. Be

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sure also to record any references used in the preparation of your business
plan and Product.

IMPORTANT DATES Selection of Product/Service

Tuesday March 19, 2018

First Draft Submission (35% Complete)

Tuesday April 3, 2018

Second Draft Submission (55% Complete)

Tuesday April 17, 2018

Third Draft Submission (80% Complete)

Tuesday May 1, 2018

Final Submission (100% Completed Project)

Tuesday May 15, 2018

Presentation Day

Tentative May 22 or 23, 2018

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