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19848408 Assignment 1

Secondary Curriculum 1A Commerce

1714.1 Master of Teaching (Secondary)

Assignment 1:
Professional Task Stage 5 (3 lesson plans)

Sasindra Amalini Jinadasa

19848408 Assignment 1

Lesson Plan 1

Lesson Plan
Topic area: Stage of Learner: Syllabus Pages:
Consumer & Financial 5 Page 25
Date: 08/08/2019 Location Booked: Classroom Lesson Number: 01

Time: 60 minutes Total Number of students Printing/preparation:

 Prepare and print worksheets and
25 Scaffolding.
 Prepare the link for the YouTube vide
 Prepare and print One Minute Paper

Outcomes Assessment Students learn about

Students learn to
Syllabus outcomes Lesson assessment  Explain factors influencing consumer and
COM5-1, COM5-4, COM5-7, financial decisions, for example
COM5-8, COM5-9  Participation advertising/marketing, age, convenience, culture,
classroom customer service, disposable income,
discussions environmental considerations and social media.
 Contribution to
Life Skills outcomes the
COMLS-3, COMLS-11, COMLS-12, brainstorming
COMLS-13  One Minute

19848408 Assignment 1

Cross Curriculum themes & General capabilities Explicit subject specific concepts and skills

Cross Curriculum Priorities  Decision making and problem solving in relation

 Sustainability to consumer and financial issues
 Effective research and communication
General Capabilities  Working independently and collaboratively
 Critical and creative thinking
 Ethical understanding

Quality Teaching Elements (lesson focus) Highlight the appropriate areas

Intellectual Quality 1.1 Deep knowledge 1.4 Higher-order thinking
This refers to pedagogy focused on producing deep understanding of important, 1.2 Deep understanding 1.5 Metalanguage
substantive concepts, skills and ideas. Such pedagogy treats knowledge as something 1.3 Problematic 1.6 Substantive
that requires active construction and requires students to engage in higher-order knowledge communication
thinking and to communicate substantively about what they are learning.
Quality Learning Environment 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 2.4 Social Support
This refers to pedagogy that creates classrooms where students and teachers work 2.2 Engagement 2.5 Students’ self regulation
productively in an environment clearly focused on learning. Such pedagogy sets high and 2.3 High Expectations 2.6 Student direction
explicit expectations and develops positive relationships between teacher and students
and among students.
Significance 3.1 Background 3.4 Inclusivity
This refers to pedagogy that helps make learning more meaningful and important to knowledge 3.5 Connectedness
students. Such pedagogy draws clear connections with students’ prior knowledge and 3.2 Cultural knowledge 3.6 Narrative
identities, with contexts outside of the classroom, and with multiple ways of knowing all 3.3 Knowledge
cultural perspective. integration

How the quality teaching elements you have identified are achieved within the
Teaching element Indicators of presence in the lesson
1.1 Deep Knowledge Students explore and clearly articulate the relationship between a range of factors and how
they affect consumer and financial decisions within various scenarios.

1.4 Higher Order Thinking Students engage in applying, evaluating and synthesising information they obtained during
the video in order to formulate their personal opinion about “ ban on plastic bags and
reusable bags” from the standpoint of a consumer. Students engage the understanding of
different factors affecting their consumer/financial choices, to synthesis on how to make
better choice sin future.
Through out the lesson, students engage in conversations with teacher or peers about
1.6 Substantive factors affecting consumer/financial decisions.
2.2 Engagement Most of the students most of the time will be participation in activities, individually, in pairs,
as groups or a s a whole class with the teacher. The variety of content and pace of different
activities will keep all levels of students engaged.
2.4 Social support Teacher will be walking around the class discussions and assisting students during the
3.1 Background Knowledge Students’ own experience as consumers will be the platform for the activities, supported by
the knowledge obtained through the lesson

19848408 Assignment 1

Tim Teaching and learning actions Organisation Centred

e T/S
5 Teacher enters the class and greets the students. Teacher: Teacher speaks
Teacher and students will recap on what was discussed
in the previous lesson. Student: listening to teacher T

Resources: Teacher
5 Whole class Brainstorm- Teacher announces the topic Teacher: Observing
of today’s lesson.
Teacher writes the question “ What are the factors Student: Writing down S
affecting consumer/ financial decisions?” on the white brainstormed ideas
board and encourages students to brainstorm what
they think the factors may be using their prior Resources: Pen and paper
knowledge. Teacher will practice “withholding
judgement” strategy to encourage student sharing.
10 Concept Map Activity- Teacher hand out the Teacher: Teacher speaks
worksheet with a concept map.
While the teacher explains each factor affecting Student: Fill out the concept map T&S
consumer & financial decisions, students will use the
concept map, to build a detailed list of factors and how Resources: Worksheet and pen
they may affect the decisions.

(Resource 1)
Individual Activity- Teacher asks students to think of Teacher: speaks and observe
5 an important purchase they made recently, and make S
a list of factors, which affected their choice. Student: Make a list and share
Teacher invites students to volunteer to stand up and
share their thoughts with the class or write down on Resources: pen and paper
the whiteboard. Teacher points out that all students
have many common factors affecting their choices.
10 Think pair share activity- In pairs, students will discuss Teacher: Observe
and list differences in spending patterns between
teenagers and elderly people. Student: complete the question S
Students will use the question grid handed out by the grid
teacher to complete this activity.
Resources: pen and worksheet
(Resource 2)
15 YouTube video activity- Teacher will show a video on “ Teacher: Teacher observe and
why reusable bags may not be as useful as plastic answer any questions
bags”. S
In a group of 5, students will discuss their opinion on Student: Discuss and complete
supermarket ban on plastic bags and how their draft answer
consumer choices are affected by the ban.
Students will be provided a scaffolding to draft the Resources: YouTube video,
answer, and present to the class. computer and worksheet

(Resource 3,4)
8 One minute Paper- Teacher will summarise the class Teacher: Answer questions and
using a one-minute paper. give feedback
Once completed, teacher will walk around the class T&S
and randomly check papers to give feedback and Student: Complete the paper
clarification based on the answers.
Resources: question paper
(Resource 5)

19848408 Assignment 1

2 Students pack up and teacher dismisses the class. Teacher:



19848408 Assignment 1

What have I learned about the teaching and learning process when preparing this

Through out the development of the lesson plan, I came to realise the importance of
having activities to ensure student engagement and creating innovative activities to
keep the students focused. I also realised the learning process is much effective
when the activities are more student centred and relevant therefore the learning is
embedded in the real life scenarios they face everyday.

How am I measuring the outcomes of this lesson?

Learning Outcome Method of measurement and recording

COM5-1 Concept map activity and group brainstorm on factors affecting
consumer decisions
COM5-4 Analysing spending styles in different age groups and comparing factors
affected the individual choice of a recent purchased item
COM5-8 Use of concept maps, written essays, question grids and oral discussions
among groups

Other considerations

Complete the table blow by inserting the AISTL graduate standards that you are
demonstrating and indicates the evidence from this lesson that should comply with
the standard.

Graduate Standards Evidence within this lesson

1.2 Understand how students learn Used different teaching strategies to suit abilities,
learning styles, behaviours and attention spans of
students and the class as a whole.
1.5 Differentiate teaching to meet the Used different strategies and activities to suit
specific learning needs of students different students in the class. Started with a
across the full range of abilities simple task and finished with a higher order
thinking activity.

2.1 Content and teaching strategies of Using appropriate knowledge of the central
the teaching area concepts of the subject through the lesson plan,
explanations and linking of content and outcomes
to syllabus documents. Used discussions and
questioning activities to assess the understanding

19848408 Assignment 1

of the concepts.
2.2 Content selection and organisation Lesson has been sequenced to scaffold the
acquisition of knowledge and skills.

3.1 Establish challenging learning goals Suitable learning challenges have been devised to
encourage students to achieve their learning goals
and progressively take responsibility for their own
4.1 Support student participation Catered for a range of learning styles by including
visual, individual and collaborative activities


What are the key risk issues that may appear for and need to be reduced/eliminated
in this lesson? Using your syllabus and support documents as well as other WHS
policy- Outline the key WHS considerations that are to be applied in this lesson?

 Work station assessment maybe required for computer use

 Computers, projectors, electrical plugs and switches needs visual checks and
ensure has been provided periodical checks
 Student desks and chairs and permanent fixtures in class room are in
acceptable conditions

References (In APA)

You must list all references that you have used for the content and resources of this
lesson in this space.

Resources Attached:
You must list all the resources that you have created or found in this space.

19848408 Assignment 1

Appendix- Resource 1- Concept Map






19848408 Assignment 1

Resource 2- Question Grid

Question Teenagers Elderly People


Time spent on

Frequency of shopping?

In store/Online?

19848408 Assignment 1

Resource 3- Video
ABC News. (2018). Why not all reusable bags are good for the planet | Did You
Know? [Video]. Australia

Resource 4- Scaffolding

How does the ban on plastic bags affect my consumer choices?

1. Has the ban affected/ changed the usual supermarkets/places you shop at?

2. Do you prefer bringing your own bag or purchasing a reusable bag every time
you go to the supermarket?

3. Do you believe the consumers should bare an extra cost while retailors are
enjoying the cost savings?

4. Do you believe by using a reusable bag, you are contributing to a sustainable


19848408 Assignment 1

5. What is your overall opinion on plastic bag use ban and how it affected you as
a consumer?

Resource 5- One Minute Paper

One-Minute Paper- Lesson 1

1. What was the main concept of today’s lesson?

2. What was the most surprising/ interesting concept you learned today?

3. Are there any questions not properly answered?

4. What was the most confusing area of today’s lesson for you?

5. What did you gain from today’s lesson?

19848408 Assignment 1

Lesson Plan 2
Topic area: Stage of Learner: Syllabus Pages:
Consumer Financial Decisions 5 25
Date: Location Booked: Lesson Number:
08/08/2019 Classroom 02
Time: 60 minutes Total Number of students Printing/preparation
 Worksheets
 PPT slides

Outcomes Assessment Students learn about

Students learn to
Syllabus outcomes Lesson assessment  Examine how individuals make particular
decisions. Including
COM5-1, COM5-4, COM5-5,  Participation - Whether to spend or save, eg. Being
COM5-7, COM5-8, COM5-9 classroom prepared for unexpected expenses
discussions - Whether to buy, eg. Different types of goods
 Contribution to and services
Life Skills outcomes the
COMLS-3, COMLS-11, COMLS-12,  Completion of
COMLS-13 homework

Cross Curriculum themes & General Explicit subject specific concepts and
capabilities skills
General Capabilities
 ICT capabilities
 Numeracy  Decision making and problem solving in relation
to consumer and financial issues
 Effective research and communication
 Working independently and collaboratively

19848408 Assignment 1

Quality Teaching Elements (lesson focus) Highlight the appropriate areas

Intellectual Quality 1.1 Deep knowledge 1.4 Higher-order thinking
This refers to pedagogy focused on producing deep understanding of important, 1.2 Deep understanding 1.5 Metalanguage
substantive concepts, skills and ideas. Such pedagogy treats knowledge as something 1.3 Problematic 1.6 Substantive
that requires active construction and requires students to engage in higher-order knowledge communication
thinking and to communicate substantively about what they are learning.
Quality Learning Environment 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 2.4 Social Support
This refers to pedagogy that creates classrooms where students and teachers work 2.2 Engagement 2.5 Students’ self regulation
productively in an environment clearly focused on learning. Such pedagogy sets high and 2.3 High Expectations 2.6 Student direction
explicit expectations and develops positive relationships between teacher and students
and among students.
Significance 3.1 Background 3.4 Inclusivity
This refers to pedagogy that helps make learning more meaningful and important to knowledge 3.5 Connectedness
students. Such pedagogy draws clear connections with students’ prior knowledge and 3.2 Cultural knowledge 3.6 Narrative
identities, with contexts outside of the classroom, and with multiple ways of knowing all 3.3 Knowledge
cultural perspective. integration

Teaching Indicators of presence in the lesson

1.6 Substantive Through out the lesson, students engage in conversations with teacher or peers
Communication about how to make th decision whether to spend or save
2.2 Most of the students most of the time will be participation in activities,
Engagement individually, in pairs, as groups or a s a whole class with the teacher. The variety of
content and pace of different activities will keep all levels of students engaged
Students are repeatedly engaged in activities set within relevant real life settings

19848408 Assignment 1

How the quality teaching elements you have identified are achieved within the
Tim Teaching and learning actions Organisation Centred
e T/S
5 Teacher greets the class and has a brief recap of last Teacher: Teacher speaks T
Student: listening to teacher

Resources: Teacher

5 Brainstorm Activity- Teacher asks half of the class to Teacher: Observing

brainstorm on the factors they might consider when S
making a purchase of good, and the other half, factors Student: Writing down
they might consider when purchasing a service. brainstormed ideas

Resources: Pen and paper:

5 Think pair Share- I Teacher: Observe T&S
Introduce the term ‘”Comparison Shopping”-
In pairs, discuss the importance of comparison- Student: Discuss and share
shopping as a 21st century consumer.
Resources: pen and paper

Group Activity- Divide the class in to 5 groups. Ask Teacher: Observe

each group to find the best price for a given list of S
products using the recommended websites. Students Student: Search prices
15 will have the liberty to find other internet
tools/websites to find the best price. Resources: Computers, worksheets
Compare prices among groups at the end of activity.

(Resource 1)
10 Class Discussion- Teacher will discuss situations where Teacher: Speaks T&S
spending an amount now may save a larger sum later
in the future. Student: Engage in class discussion
Students will be given “activators” by displaying the
clue words on a ppt slide. Resources: Projector

(Resource 2)
10 Individual activity - Introduce the term “ Impulsive Teacher: Speaks and observe T&S
Buying” with a personal experience of the teacher.
Students will work individually on a 5 strategies to Student: Writing
prevent impulsive buying and write a small paragraph
about an instance when impulsive buying has Resources: Worksheet, pen
negatively affected them.

(Resource 3)
10 Teacher will summarise the lesson, and the take home Teacher: Speaks T
message from the lesson.
Home work activity- Write a 200 word research Student: Pack up bags
paragraph about the “ How to navigate Quality=Price
mentality in Comparison Shopping” Resources:
19848408 Assignment 1

What have I learned about the teaching and learning process when preparing this

In planning this lesson I have learned that students learn a great deal from listening
to the personal experiences of the teacher and find the lesson more relatable when
the teacher also participate in the sharing. I also noted the importance of providing
“activators” to get the discussions started rather than expecting the students to
generate ideas without initial assistance.

How am I measuring the outcomes of this lesson?

Learning Outcome Method of measurement and recording

COM5-1 Students engage in activities based on analysing and solving real
life problems and or decisions
COM5-9 Individual internet search activities, group brainstorms, class
COM5-4 Analyse factors to consider when making a purchase and when to
control spending
COM5-5 Develop strategies to prevent impulsive purchases

Other considerations

Complete the table blow by inserting the AISTL graduate standards that you are
demonstrating and indicates the evidence from this lesson that should comply with
the standard.

Graduate Evidence within this lesson

1.2 Used different teaching strategies to suit abilities, learning styles,
behaviours and attention spans of students and the class as a whole.
1.5 Used different strategies and activities to suit different students in the
class. Started with a simple task and finished with a higher order thinking
2.1 Using appropriate knowledge of the central concepts of the subject
through the lesson plan, explanations and linking of content and outcomes
to syllabus documents. Used discussions and questioning activities to
assess the understanding of the concepts.
2.2 Lesson has been sequenced to scaffold the acquisition of knowledge and
3.1 Suitable learning challenges have been devised to encourage students to
achieve their learning goals and progressively take responsibility for their
own learning.
4.1 Catered for a range of learning styles by including visual, individual and
19848408 Assignment 1

collaborative activities

What are the key risk issues that may appear for and need to be reduced/eliminated
in this lesson? Using your syllabus and support documents as well as other WHS
policy- Outline the key WHS considerations that are to be applied in this lesson?

 Work station assessment maybe required for computer use

 Computers, projectors, electrical plugs and switches needs visual checks and
ensure has been provided periodical checks
 Student desks and chairs and permanent fixtures in class room are in
acceptable conditions

References (In APA)

You must list all references that you have used for the content and resources of this
lesson in this space.

Resources Attached:
You must list all the resources that you have created or found in this space.
19848408 Assignment 1


Resource 1

Find me the best price!!!!

 You can start with the following suggested websites


 Find the best price for the following list of list of items and mention
which websites/website you used

Product Best Price & Seller Website used

Herschel Retreat 13inch backpack in blue

An air ticket to Hawaii from Sydney, one-way

18th of November 2019, 2 passengers

Third party car insurance for a Wrangler 2001

A copy of “ A Dance with Dragons” by George R.

R. Martin
19848408 Assignment 1

Resource 2

PowerPoint Slide
19848408 Assignment 1

Resource 3

When Impulsive purchase went wrong….

1. What product did you buy impulsively?

2. Did you sacrifice any items you were meant to buy?

3. How did you feel after you made the purchase?

4. What was the response from others to your purchase?

5. Why do you think it is not wise consumer decision impulsive purchases?

Come up with 5 strategies to prevent impulsive purchase.

19848408 Assignment 1

Lesson Plan 3
Topic area: Stage of Learner: Syllabus Pages:
Consumer and Financial Decisions 5 25

Date: 09/08/2019 Location Booked: Lesson Number:


Time: 60 minutes Total Number of students: Printing/preparation

25  Prepare and print worksheets

Outcomes Assessment Students learn about

Students learn to
Syllabus outcomes Lesson assessment  Examine how individuals make particular
COM5-1, COM5-4, COM5-5, decisions including,
COM5-7, COM5-8, COM5-9  Participation in -Where to buy, e.g. locally, regionally,
Brainstorm activity interstate or globally, physically or online
 Participation in store
 Performance in
Life Skills outcomes individual activity
 Performance in
COMLS-3, COMLS-11, COMLS-12, writing task

Cross Curriculum themes & General capabilities Explicit subject specific concepts and skills
Cross Curriculum
 Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia  Decision making and problem solving in
General Capabilities relation to consumer and financial issues
 Critical and creative thinking  Effective research and communication
 ICT capability  Working independently and
 Intercultural understanding collaboratively
 Literacy
 Numeracy

Quality Teaching Elements (lesson focus) Highlight the appropriate areas

19848408 Assignment 1

Intellectual Quality 1.1 Deep knowledge 1.4 Higher-order thinking

This refers to pedagogy focused on producing deep understanding of important, 1.2 Deep understanding 1.5 Metalanguage
substantive concepts, skills and ideas. Such pedagogy treats knowledge as something 1.3 Problematic 1.6 Substantive
that requires active construction and requires students to engage in higher-order knowledge communication
thinking and to communicate substantively about what they are learning.
Quality Learning Environment 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 2.4 Social Support
This refers to pedagogy that creates classrooms where students and teachers work 2.2 Engagement 2.5 Students’ self regulation
productively in an environment clearly focused on learning. Such pedagogy sets high and 2.3 High Expectations 2.6 Student direction
explicit expectations and develops positive relationships between teacher and students
and among students.
Significance 3.1 Background 3.4 Inclusivity
This refers to pedagogy that helps make learning more meaningful and important to knowledge 3.5 Connectedness
students. Such pedagogy draws clear connections with students’ prior knowledge and 3.2 Cultural knowledge 3.6 Narrative
identities, with contexts outside of the classroom, and with multiple ways of knowing all 3.3 Knowledge
cultural perspective. integration

How the quality teaching elements you have identified are achieved within the
Teaching Indicators of presence in the lesson
1.4 Higher Students are challenged to apply, organise and reorganise their knowledge through creating
Order Thinking advantage/disadvantage lists, engaging in meaningful debate.
1.6 Substantive Through out the lesson, students engage in conversations with teacher or peers about factors
Communication affecting consumer decision on from where to make their purchases.

Most of the students most of the time will be participation in activities, individually, in pairs, as
2.2 Engagement groups or a s a whole class with the teacher. The variety of content and pace of different activities
will keep all levels of students engaged
2.4Social Teacher will be walking around the class discussions and assisting students during the activities
3.5 Students are repeatedly engaged in activities set within relevant real life settings
19848408 Assignment 1

Tim Teaching and learning actions Organisation Centred

e T/S
10 Teacher enters the class and greets the students. Teacher: Preparing give feedback T&S

Teacher discusses the homework activity and invites Student: Having the homework
any students who may like to share their work to read activity ready for presentation
it out to the class.
Resources: Student note books
10 Individual Activity- Using the internet search and Teacher: Speaks and observe
existing knowledge, students are asked to make a list S
of popular “Brick & Mortar” and online retailors for a Student: Listen, search and make a
given list of products. Teacher will explain many Brick list
& Mortar stores also offer an online shopping website.
Resources: Computers, worksheet
*Before starting the activity, teacher will explain the
term “Brick & Mortar”

(Resource 1)
10 Discussion-Teacher displays an example of a flow Teacher: Speaks T
diagram to express the Supply Chain for two items;
1. A handmade saree from India Student: Listening
2. An exotic teapot from China
Resources: PPT slides, Projector
Teacher will introduce the words “ manufacturer,
exporter, importer, wholesaler, retailer and consumer”

(Resource 2,3)
10 Group Brainstorm- Divide the class in to 5 groups. Teacher: Speaks S
Make a list of advantages and disadvantages of online
shopping using the clues in the worksheet. Student: Make a list of
brainstormed ideas
According to the order of group number, one member
from each group come and write down one advantage Resources: whiteboard, worksheet
and as disadvantage on the whiteboard. Following
teams cannot repeat the same

Teacher discusses the lists students came up with and

offer any other ideas students may have not come up

(Resource 4)
15 Debate- Divide the class in to two sides and ask to Teacher: Observe S
debate on the following topic.
Student: Debate
“Purchasing local products at a higher price V.S
Imported substitute products at a cheaper price” Resources:
5 Homework activity- Based on the facts presented Teacher: Speaks T
during the debate, write a 200-word paragraph to
summarise your opinion on the debated topic. Student:
19848408 Assignment 1

Teacher will recap the activities done during the class Resources:
and dismiss the class for the day.

What have I learned about the teaching and learning process when preparing this

In this lesson plan I understood the importance of research and take home activities.
Take home activities combined with research allows slow learning students to take
their time and process, organize, link and synthesize the ideas learned at class at a
slower and less intimidating space. Also I learned the importance of scaffolding as a
support tool and a differentiating method for students of different levels.

How am I measuring the outcomes of this lesson?

Learning Outcome Method of measurement and recording

COM5-1 Students engage in activities based on analysing and solving real
life problems and or decisions
COM5-5 Putting together lists of advantages and disadvantages of online
COM5-9 Individual internet search activities, group brainstorms and
COM5-4 Student debate and search activities

Other considerations

Complete the table blow by inserting the AISTL graduate standards that you are
demonstrating and indicates the evidence from this lesson that should comply with
the standard.

Graduate Evidence within this lesson

1.2 Used different teaching strategies to suit abilities, learning styles,
behaviours and attention spans of students and the class as a whole.
1.5 Used different strategies and activities to suit different students in the
class. Started with a simple task and finished with a higher order thinking
19848408 Assignment 1

2.1 Using appropriate knowledge of the central concepts of the subject
through the lesson plan, explanations and linking of content and outcomes
to syllabus documents. Used discussions and questioning activities to
assess the understanding of the concepts.
2.2 Lesson has been sequenced to scaffold the acquisition of knowledge and
3.1 Suitable learning challenges have been devised to encourage students to
achieve their learning goals and progressively take responsibility for their
own learning.
4.1 Catered for a range of learning styles by including visual, individual and
collaborative activities


What are the key risk issues that may appear for and need to be reduced/eliminated
in this lesson? Using your syllabus and support documents as well as other WHS
policy- Outline the key WHS considerations that are to be applied in this lesson?
 Work station assessment maybe required for computer use
 Computers, projectors, electrical plugs and switches needs visual checks and
ensure has been provided periodical checks
 Student desks and chairs and permanent fixtures in class room are in
acceptable conditions

References (In APA)

You must list all references that you have used for the content and resources of this
lesson in this space.

Resources Attached:
You must list all the resources that you have created or found in this space.
19848408 Assignment 1


Resource 1

Brick & Mortar vs. Online Vendors

Product In store Online





19848408 Assignment 1

Resource 2



Threads, Beads, Clothe, Manufactures the final Exporter to

Crystals etc. Saree Australia/ Importer
from India

Indian and non-Indian customers Sell to the customers in Australia.

e.g. Indian Ethnic clothe shops
19848408 Assignment 1

Resource 3



Clay, Paint and other raw Importer from

Final tea set made in China/Exporter from
materials from Beijing
Shanghai Australia

Resource 4
Chinese or non-Chinese Chinese household items
customers in Australia seller in Australia

Online shopping- Advantages V.s Disadvantages

19848408 Assignment 1

Advantage Disadvantage





19848408 Assignment 1

The three lesson plans are built based on the “Consumer and Financial Decisions “ of
Core unit 1 of NSW year 7-10 syllabus, and are targeting to achieve stage 5 outcomes
for the learners. The aim of the lessons is to enable the students to develop the
knowledge, understanding and skills required to make sound, responsible consumer
and financial decisions by being able to identify and research issues that individuals
encounter when making consumer and financial decisions, while working
independently and collaboratively (Commerce Years 7-10 Syllabus, 2019).

The teaching strategies and activities of these lessons follow the Outcome Based
Education (OBE) approach and Inquiry Based Learning Approach (IBL). According
to Spady(1994), OBE encompasses the idea of clearly focusing and organizing all
aspects in the lessons around “what is essential for all the students to be able to
successfully perform at the end of the learning experience”. Furthermore, Spady &
Schlebusch (1999) argues that OBE focuses on a big picture approach where the
lessons will be built around the future needs of students and give prominence to the
real life roles, learners will face once they have finished their school education. The
lesson plans also incorporates the other hallmarks of OBE approach including
outcomes are; demonstrations of learning, within appropriate contexts and learners are
expected to demonstrate high quality learning. This is also consistent with the
requirements of the NSW Quality Teaching Model; Deep knowledge, Deep
understanding, High Expectations (NSW QTF, 2008).

The lessons have been designed in such a way, each and every topic is delivered
within the context of real life situations learners may encounter and by engaging in
the lesson will develop life long skills, knowledge and understanding to make the best
decisions. Lesson 1 lays a good base followed by Lesson 2 and 3, which explores
further consumer dilemmas such as impulsive buying vs being ready for unexpected
expenses, getting the best value for the money spent and making most of different
shopping methods available. Each lesson is constructed starting with simpler activities
and further moving on to higher order thinking activities, where the students will
gradually take control and responsibility over their learning. A significant focus has
been given to comply with the AISTL Graduate Standards with regards to the
composition of the lesson plans.

The second pedagogical approach shaping the lessons is Inquiry Based Learning
(IBL) method, which is also a student centred approach. It often starts with a real
world problem and the knowledge is constructed using an inquiry/research process
based their prior knowledge (Keselman, 2003;Lazoner and Harmsen, 2016). This is
evident in many research activities incorporated in to the lesson where the student is
presented with a real world issue, and is expected to come up with their own opinion
about the topic in question. It is worth mentioning this is an excellent way to keep
Advance Learners interested throughout the lesson. Real life problem solving and
open-ended activities are used to provide some autonomy and responsibility over what
they are learning.

The lessons are constructed in such a way the first activity of each lesson questions
the prior knowledge of the topic followed by other activities to evoke curiosity and
build knowledge by channelling that curiosity in to research. To support the lessons,
original resources were developed including worksheets and scaffoldings. For
example, in lesson 1 a concept map was used to test the prior knowledge, further in to
19848408 Assignment 1

the lesson a question grid was provided to help students to process and organize the
information they have learned so far. Many activities also included an ICT aspect as a
form of research tool. Internet as a learning tool is a popular choice at classroom; it
can be used as a tool for training activity in schools as a form of complementary
activity (Sangra, 2011). Using the Internet students were able to collect, organize,
analyse information and use the knowledge to synthesize a solution for a given
problem. E.g. Lesson 2- “Find me the best price! “Activity.

The activities are differentiated; individual learning, collaborative learning, whole

class discussions, student research and writing to cater for different styles of learning
among students. With regards to higher order thinking activities, lower level learners
or EALD/ESL were given the opportunity express themselves in written form at a
slower pace, in case they might not feel comfortable/capable to be vocalising in class
with a limited time to process the higher order information. Heavy reliance on
cooperative learning is connected to achieving the lesson outcome COM5-9 as well as
a differentiating tool. In economics, Yamarik (2007) found out students tend to score
higher grades when introduced group studying, which eventually leads to an enhanced
interest in the subject. The cooperative learning technic’s advantages to the students
undertaking these lessons are so many but not limited to, building positive peer
relationships (Johnson, Johnson & Holubec, 2008), encourage weaker students to
persist and stronger students to understand gaps in their knowledge (Felder & Brent,
1994) and students who might otherwise feel stressed by participating in whole class
discussions can engage in a more relaxed atmosphere (e.g. underachievers, students
with disabilities and EALD/ESL students).
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