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1. The factors that lead to the 2008 U.

S Financial Crisis is primarily caused by deregulation in the

financial industry. Market efficiencies, bad practices, and a lack of transparency in the financial sector.
The gov't involvement in the financial system backfired.

2. The most vulnerable risks of the financial industry are unintentional insider vulnerabilities. Because
this where staff within a banking or financial organization inadvertently leave the company open to

3. Deregulation put depositors, consumers, and banks at risks. They created on environment in which
mortgage lending expanded and speculation in other financial markets were heightened, even though
riskness was steadily increasing.

4. Based on my research, the gov't does not have a legitimate role in controlling executive
compensation. But generally, the law did not impose a limit on the compensation of business
executives. And I think it should be considered as a management risk.

5. It was their mess, It is ours to clean up. They have persuaded to vote consistently against their own

6. For me it should not be, beacuse the bank bailout cost U.S taxpayers nothing. The bank have
politicians, and taxpayers firmly in their pockets.

7. They demanded more mortgages to support profitable sale of these derivatives.

8. They created demand for mortgage-backed securities by pairing them with guarantees called credit
default swaps. It covered the insurance companies. Unethical abuse maybe, banks used swaps to insure
complicated financial products.

9. They contributed in the flow of global investor funds into these securities, funding the housing bubble
in the U.S. The unethical abuse is the agencies have been blamed giving investors false confidence that
they were safe for investing.

10. When increasing numbers of U.S consumers defaulted on their mortgage loans, U.S banks cost
money on the loans, and so did banks in other countries. Banks stopped lending to each other, and it
became tougher for consumers and business to get credit.

11. The top 25 people to blame for the crisis. Includes everyone from former federal reserve Alan
Greenspan, and former president George Bush to the former CEO of Merni Lynch. But for both American
and European economists, the main culprit of the crisis was financial regulation and supervision.

12. Yes, the crisis has affected the Philippine economy in terms of declining exports, remittances of
Filipino workers and foreign direct investments.

13. About this documentary, it tells us the unstable system that led the 2008 Financial Crisis. Well, it is
true. Definitely, it really happens. And we should call them corrupt or culprit.

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