2 Excavata: Acrasiomycota Amoebozoa: Dictyosteliomycota, Myxomycota

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2 Excavata: Acrasiomycota; Amoebozoa: Dictyosteliomycota,



CONTENTS they are amoebozoans and not fungi (Bapteste

I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 et al. 2002; Yoon et al. 2008; Baudalf 2008).
II. Acrasiomycota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Both dictyostelids and myxomycetes are
III. Dictyosteliomycota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 widespread and often common in the microha-
A. Life Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 bitats in which they characteristically occur,
B. Distribution and Occurrence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
C. Isolation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 where they are major predators of bacteria
D. Taxonomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 and other microorganisms (Stephenson and
IV. Myxomycota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Stempen 1994). However, because of their cryp-
A. Life Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 tic life cycles and the fact that the number of
B. Taxonomy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 specialists studying them is relatively small,
C. Distribution and Occurrence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
V. Ecological Significance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 they are among the least studied groups of
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 terrestrial organisms in nature, although a few
species, such as Dictyostelium discoideum (for
the dictyostelids) and Physarum polycephalum
(for the myxomycetes), have become model
I. Introduction organisms for laboratory studies. Although
once classified in the same group as the dictyos-
One of the deep branches of the eukaryotic tree telids, the acrasid cellular slime molds (or acra-
of life consists of an assemblage of amoeboid sids) are not closely related to the other
protists referred to as the supergroup Amoebo- organisms commonly referred to as slime
zoa (Fiore-Donno et al. 2010). The most diverse molds. In fact, recent studies of acrasids have
members of the Amoebozoa are the eumyce- revealed that as a whole they are not even
tozoans, commonly referred to as slime molds. closely related to one another and are more
Since their discovery, members of the Dictyos- appropriately referred to as sorocarpic amoe-
teliomycota (dictyostelids) and Myxomycota bae (Brown et al. 2011). As a group, they are
(myxomycetes or myxogastrids) have been var- much less familiar organisms than either dic-
iously classified as plants, animals, or fungi. tyostelids or myxomycetes, and many biolo-
Because they produce aerial spore-bearing gists are unlikely to be aware that they even
structures that resemble those of certain fungi exist.
and typically occur in some of the same types of
ecological situations as fungi, slime molds have
been traditionally studied by mycologists
(Martin and Alexopoulos 1969). However, II. Acrasiomycota
abundant molecular data now confirm that
Although grouped with the eumycetozoans
until detailed observations of morphological
1 features and the availability of molecular data
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Arkansas,
Fayetteville, AR 72701, USA; e-mail: slsteph@uark.edu
proved otherwise, members of the phylum

Systematics and Evolution, 2nd Edition

The Mycota VII Part A
D.J. McLaughlin and J.W. Spatafora (Eds.)
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
22 S.L. Stephenson

Acrasiomycota (sensu Alexopoulos et al. 1996) distinctive pinkish color. In the feeding (tro-
are better placed in the supergroup Excavata phic) phase, the cells are amoeboid and char-
(Page and Blanton 1985; Roger et al. 1996; Adl acterized by lobose pseudopodia (Olive 1975).
et al. 2005; Brown et al. 2009, 2011), with a few When conditions are appropriate, the amoe-
examples recently reassigned to the super- boid cells aggregate singly or in small groups
groups Opisthokonta and Amoebozoa. This to produce an erect, spore-containing fruiting
small assemblage of microorganisms (usually body (or sorocarp). In A. rosea, the sorocarp is
referred to as acrasid cellular slime molds or made up of chains of spores that collectively
acrasids) was recognized as the class Acrasea by form an arborescent-like structure (Fig. 2.1).
Olive (1975). However, because members of the This is borne on a thin column of living cells,
assemblage are now known to produce soro- one of the major features that distinguish these
carps that have different evolutionary origins, microorganisms from dictyostelids, in which
this taxon as circumscribed by Olive is no lon- the stalk is hollow or filled with dead cells.
ger valid. As such, these microorganisms are The sorocarps of A. helenhemmesae typically
more appropriately considered as sorocarpic consist of a single chain of spores. Although
amoebae. A. rosea has been isolated from a number of
At one time or another, the sorocarpic localities throughout the world, relatively little
amoebae were thought to encompass six is known about its ecology.
genera: Acrasis, Pocheina, Copromyxa, Copro- Pocheina rosea (called Guttulina rosea in
myxella, Fonticula, and Guttulinopsis. How- the older literature) was first described from
ever, the genus Copromyxa has been shown to dead wood in Russia during the latter part of
belong to the supergroup Amoebozoa (Brown the nineteenth century and later reported from
et al. 2011) and is probably closely related to North Carolina and a number of other localities
Copromyxella (Raper 1984), whereas the genus in the eastern USA by Olive (1975). The soro-
Fonticula has been reassigned to the super- carp in this species is short-stalked with an
group Opisthokonta and is most closely related apical, rose-colored, globose structure contain-
to the nucleariid amoebae and fungi (Brown ing the spores. The genus Guttulinopsis, created
et al. 2009). at the very beginning of the twentieth century
Of the taxa historically called acrasids, only by Olive (1901) to accommodate what seemed
members of the taxon Acrasidae, which to be several species of dung-inhabiting slime-
includes the genera Acrasis and Pocheina, are mold-like organisms that were characterized by
currently considered valid (Adl et al. 2005). Of stalked or, more rarely, sessile, globose to
the Acrasidae, only Acrasis has been studied in somewhat elongated sorocarps. Nothing is cur-
any detail. The type species of the genus is A. rently known about how Guttulinopsis is
granulata, described in the late nineteenth cen- related to any of the other sorocarpic amoebae.
tury (van Tieghem 1880). However, the taxo- Because they have been so poorly studied, little
nomic identity of A. granulata is somewhat is known about the global distribution and
controversial because the original description ecology of any of the sorocarpic amoebae.
provided no illustrations and only limited mor-
phological details (Olive and Stoinaovitch 1960;
Olive 1975; Raper 1984). A second species
(A. rosea) was described 80 years later by III. Dictyosteliomycota
Olive and Stoinaovitch (1960). A third species
(A. helenhemmesae) was more recently added The dictyostelids (also commonly called cellu-
to the genus (Brown et al. 2010). A. rosea is by lar slime molds) are a relatively homogeneous
far the best known and most widely distributed group of approximately 150 described species.
of the three species (Reinhardt 1975). Cells in In the single most comprehensive monograph
all stages of the life cycle of this species have on the group, Raper (1984) listed approxi-
orange-pink pigmented lipid droplets in mately 50 species. Hagiwara (1989) added six
the cytoplasm. This causes the cells to have a more in his treatment of Japanese dictyostelids.
Excavata: Acrasiomycota; Amoebozoa: Dictyosteliomycota, Myxomycota 23

Fig. 2.1 Fruiting body of Acrasis rosea (photo by Matt Brown). Scale bar¼0.1 mm

Since then, the number of species has more an increased understanding of the variation
than doubled. This increase is due to the greater that exists within this group of organisms.
intensity of sampling by a larger number of
individuals, sampling in regions of the world
(especially the Southern Hemisphere) and A. Life Cycle
habitats not previously investigated (e.g., Land-
olt et al. 2008; Cavender et al. 2010; Vadell et al. All dictyostelids are characterized by having
2011), and evidence that some isolates previ- uninucleate cells with a reticulate, peripheral
ously assigned to a single species actually rep- nucleolus (Olive 1975; Raper 1984; Cavender
resent separate, distinct taxa (Romeralo et al. 1990). Amoeboid trophic cells, with acutely
2010). For example, in his treatment, Hagiwara pointed pseudopodia, differentiate into aggre-
(1989) emphasized stalk tip and base morphol- gating cells that migrate in streams to an aggre-
ogy, aggregation patterns, and spore morphol- gation center (Fig. 2.2). The multicellular
ogy, which helped narrow the species concept aggregation, or pseudoplasmodium, develops
for dictyostelids. Since then, there has been into one or more elongated slug-shaped struc-
greater emphasis on the early developmental tures that may migrate in some species or
stages in delimiting species (Cavender et al. transform directly into a mature fruiting body
2013). The utilization of molecular and mor- (or sorocarp). The entire process is coordinated
phological characters has also contributed to by the production of chemoattractants. The
24 S.L. Stephenson

Fig. 2.2 Aggregation center (right) and early developing fruiting bodies (left) of Polysphondylium tenuissimum
(photo by Andy Swanson). Scale bar¼0.5 mm

Fig. 2.3 Fruiting body of Dictyostelium sphaerocephalum (photo by Andy Swanson). In this species, the fruiting
body consists of a stalk with a single sorus at the top. Scale bar¼0.3 mm

fruiting body consists of a stalk that may dis- asexual dispersal process, but sex is known
play branching and one or more sori of spores for many species (Raper 1984; Cavender 1990;
(Fig. 2.3). Aggregation and fruiting represent an Kessin 2001). The latter involves the formation
Excavata: Acrasiomycota; Amoebozoa: Dictyosteliomycota, Myxomycota 25

of macrocysts. In brief, the process begins with bacteria. Dictyostelids are present in pastures
the production of specific chemoattractants and hay fields (Hammer 1984), and certain spe-
that cause some of the amoeboid trophic cells cies are abundant in cultivated garden soil that
to aggregate. Cells of two mating types fuse is amended organically (Kauffman 1986).
under certain well-defined (Lewis and O’Day Moreover, the so-called canopy soil microhabi-
(1977) showed that a volatile sex hormone was tat (the mantle of soil-like dead organic matter
involved) but still not completely understood often found at the bases of epiphytes that grow
environmental conditions to form a giant cell, on the larger branches and trunks of trees in
which is essentially a diploid zygote (Chang and moist temperate and tropical forests) is now
Raper 1981; O’Day and Keszei 2012). The giant known to support an assemblage of dictyoste-
cell then ingests the surrounding amoeboid lids (Stephenson and Landolt 1998, 2011).
trophic cells prior to encysting. Ultimately, Interestingly, a few species were first described
meiosis takes place in the resulting macrocyst, from these aerial microhabitats. Dictyostelids
and numerous haploid amoeboid trophic cells seem to be more common in forest soils than
emerge through a rupture in the multilayered in agricultural soils, grassland soils, or deserts
wall of the latter structure. Macrocysts were not (Cavender and Raper 1965c; Raper 1984; Feest
recognized as the sexual stage of dictyostelids 1987; Cavender 1990). More species are found
until the 1960s, and these structures have not at lower latitudes than at higher latitudes
yet been observed for many species. Most spe- (Cavender 1973), and at a particular latitude,
cies of dictyostelids seem to be heterothallic, more species are found at lower elevations than
with mating types required, but homothallic at higher elevations (e.g., Hagiwara 1976; Traub
strains have been reported for some species. et al. 1981; Stephenson et al. 1999). Higher
Macrocysts also serve as a resistant stage in densities of dictyostelids are present in moist
the life cycle, allowing the organism to survive soils than in dry soils, although they are rare in
under suboptimal conditions. Individual amoe- saturated soils. Singh (1947) described the rela-
boid trophic cells also have been observed to tionship that exists for fruiting ability and the
encyst (thus forming microcysts) in some spe- level of soil moisture, while Cavender and
cies of dictyostelids. Microcysts thus represent Raper (1965c) showed that different species
yet another way that these organisms can deal vary in abundance along a forest-moisture gra-
with unfavorable environmental conditions dient and also that species abundances can be
(Kessin 2001). related to differences in forest composition.
Horn (1971) found that there was competitive
exclusion between species that depended on the
B. Distribution and Occurrence same kind of bacteria.
Some species of dictyostelids seem to be
Dictyostelids are found in the soil microhabitat strictly tropical, others are strictly temperate,
worldwide, particularly in the surface humus and others, although cosmopolitan, are more
layers (Cavender and Raper 1965b, c; Cavender common in either tropical or temperate regions
1973, 1990; Raper 1984; Feest 1987; Hagiwara of the world (Cavender 1973; Raper 1984;
1989; Stephenson and Landolt 1996). They are Swanson et al. 1999). The highest biodiversity
particularly abundant in the layer of leaf litter of dictyostelids has been reported from neo-
found on the forest floor and decrease in num- tropical rain forest soils (Vadell and Cavender
ber and diversity with increasing depth 1995), but a few species can be surprisingly
(Cavender and Raper 1965b; Stephenson and abundant even in tundra soils (Cavender
Landolt 1996). Raper (1937) and Singh (1947) 1978; Stephenson et al. 1991). It seems that
showed that dictyostelids can consume a vari- some dictyostelids display an affinity for mar-
ety of soil bacteria but prefer coliform bacteria ginal or disturbed habitats not often sampled
if these are available. As such, dictyostelids may for these organisms previously, whereas others
play a role in keeping the soil environment free may be confined to a single limited geographi-
of the pathogenic forms found in this group of cal region of the world.
26 S.L. Stephenson

C. Isolation D. Taxonomy

Dictyostelids are usually isolated from soil (or In the taxonomic treatment traditionally used
other soil-like material) using some variation of for dictyostelids, species have been assigned to
the so-called Cavender method (Cavender and three well-known genera (Dictyostelium, Poly-
Raper 1965a; Raper 1984). In brief, this method sphondylium, and Acytostelium) on the basis
involves collecting samples from a number of of the overall morphology and size of the fruiting
sites in a given habitat, returning these to the body. In brief, those taxa having unbranched or
laboratory, and then diluting and suspending a laterally branched fruiting bodies have been
measured mass of material from each sample in assigned to Dictyostelium, those with repetitive
a known volume of distilled water. A small (but whorls of regularly spaced side branches to Poly-
measured) amount of this suspension is spread sphondylium, and those characterized by fruit-
evenly on a plate of a weak nutrient agar such as ing bodies with acellular stalks to Acytostelium.
hay infusion agar (Raper 1984) or weak malt However, Swanson et al. (2002) showed, using
extract–yeast extract agar (Spiegel et al. 2004) rooted cladistic analysis, that the three genera do
and then overlaid with a turbid suspension of not represent monophyletic groups. Schaap et al.
Escherichia coli in water. Plates are incubated at (2006) developed the first molecular phylogeny
ambient temperatures for 3 or 4 days and then of the dictyostelids) with data from the small
examined for colonies of dictyostelid fruiting subunit (SSU) ribosomal RNA and beta-tubulin
bodies. Identification to species is made from genes. More than 100 isolates, including the
direct observation of features of the fruiting majority of the species in culture at the time
bodies. When necessary, a particular isolate the study was carried out, were considered.
can be subcultured (often on water agar) to The phylogenetic tree constructed from these
maintain it for further study. A critical consid- data showed that the dictyostelids consist of
eration is to use a very weak nutrient medium four major groups (clades), none of which cor-
that stimulates spore germination but does not responds to the three traditional genera. Species
promote the growth of bacteria or fungi. The of Dictyostelium are found in all four groups,
E. coli added to such plates has an amazing species of Polysphondylium occur in two very
ability to inhibit both soil bacteria and fungi. well-separated locations in the tree, and species
Samples collected for isolation of dictyoste- of Acytostelium form a mixed group along with
lids should be processed in the laboratory as species from the two other genera. Only mem-
soon as possible because the species present bers of the latter genus seemed to show any
gradually die off. Many of the rarer species evidence of being monophyletic.
seem to be lost within a few days or weeks Romeralo et al. (2011) published an
(Stephenson and Cavender 1996). The reduc- expanded phylogeny of the dictyostelids that
tion in numbers after 8 weeks is up to 25 % was based on SSU ribosomal RNA data from
when temperate soils are refrigerated (Cavender numerous additional isolates of dictyostelids
and Raper 1965a), and this figure can be even collected in various localities throughout the
higher when soils are exposed to fluctuating world. These included at least 50 species new
temperatures. Moreover, a number of as yet to science. The phylogenetic tree they con-
unidentified factors present in some soils structed revealed eight well-supported clades,
inhibit the growth of dictyostelids, and some none of which corresponds to any of the tradi-
temperature-sensitive species (e.g., Dictyoste- tional genera, and also showed strong support
lium septentrionalis) may not develop in cul- for the four previously identified major groups
ture plates even when they are present in a (Schaap et al. 2006). In addition, three previ-
particular sample if the incubation temperature ously isolated but inconsistently resolved
is above 20  C. However, the Cavender method branches were now observed to form major
has yielded a considerable body of qualitative divisions in their own right. These new groups
and quantitative data on the occurrence and have been referred to as the polycarpum, poly-
distribution of dictyostelids throughout much cephalum, and violaceum complexes in order to
of the world. retain the original groups’ numbering scheme
Excavata: Acrasiomycota; Amoebozoa: Dictyosteliomycota, Myxomycota 27

until formal names can be assigned. The new Although a number of early workers pub-
species included in the tree also expanded the lished recognizable descriptions of various
range of morphological diversity found within genera and species, the first noteworthy treat-
the previously established four major groups, ment of the myxomycetes was published by de
which suggests that the dictyostelids as a whole Bary in 1859. Interestingly, de Bary (1859)
are in need of a major taxonomic revision. seems to have been the first to conclude that
An appreciable number of the new species these organisms were more closely related to
noted previously were characterized by small- the amoeboid protozoa than to fungi. To
sized fruiting bodies (i.e., an average height of emphasize his point, he proposed the term
no more than 2 cm), and recent data (e.g., Mycetozoa (literally fungus animals) for the
Cavender et al. 2005, 2013) indicate that these group. Rostafinski, who was a student of de
dictyostelids with small fruiting bodies, partic- Bary, is credited with producing the first rela-
ularly those in group 3, as reported by Schaap tively comprehensive monograph on the myx-
et al. (2006), are the most common and diverse omycetes (Rostafinski 1873, 1874–1876).
forms found in nature. As such, most of the Unfortunately, the monograph was written in
species remaining to be discovered are likely Polish and thus largely inaccessible to most of
to be members of this assemblage. the scientific community at the time it
appeared. However, much of the information
contained in the monograph was made avail-
able in publications by Cooke (1877) and Mas-
IV. Myxomycota see (1892), both of which were in English. The
single most significant pre-twentieth-century
Myxomycetes (also called plasmodial slime publication on myxomycetes was the first edi-
molds or myxogastrids) have been known from tion of A Monograph of the Mycetozoa (Lister
their fruiting bodies since at least the middle of 1894). This monograph, revised and expanded
the seventeenth century, when the first recogniz- versions of which were published in 1911 and
able description of a member of the group (the 1925 (Lister 1911, 1925), became the standard
very common species now known as Lycogala reference on the group during the early part of
epidendrum) was provided by the German the twentieth century. MacBride published the
mycologist Thomas Panckow (Stephenson et al. first edition of The North American Slime-
2008). Evidence from molecular studies (e.g., Moulds in 1899 and followed this with a greatly
Baldauf and Doolittle 1997; Baldauf et al. 2000) expanded second edition in 1922. These two
suggests that the myxomycetes have a long evo- works (MacBride 1899, 1922) are of particular
lutionary history. However, due to the fragile importance because they were the basis of yet
nature of the fruiting body, fossil records of the another work, The Myxomycetes (MacBride and
group are exceedingly rare. Domke (1952) Martin 1934). Several decades later, Martin col-
described a species of Stemonitis and Dörfelt laborated with Alexopoulos to produce their
et al. (2003) a species of Arcyria from Baltic comprehensive world monograph, The Myxo-
amber dating from the Eocene, whereas mycetes (1969). This monograph is now more
Waggoner and Poinar (1992) reported a rather than 40 years old and out of print. However, it
problematic fossil of a myxomycete plasmodium still remains the single most definitive treat-
in amber from Eocene–Oligocene deposits in the ment for the myxomycetes, literally represent-
Dominican Republic. The maximum age that ing a bible for those individuals engaged in
could be assigned to any of these fossils would studies of the group. Other more recent
not exceed approximately 50 million years, regional monographs include those by
which is greater than that of the few records of Farr (1976), Yamamoto (1998), Nannenga-
fossil spores that seem to be those of myxomy- Bremekamp (1991), Ing (1999), and Stephenson
cetes, which date only from the Oligocene and (2003).
Pleistocene (Graham 1971).
28 S.L. Stephenson

Fig. 2.4 Generalized life cycle in myxomycetes. (a, b) subsequent nucleus also divides without being followed
A protoplast emerges from the spore. (c) The proto- by cytokinesis, thereby producing a single large cell (j),
plast can take the form of an amoeba or a flagellated cell the plasmodium, that represents the second trophic
(the term amoeboflagellate refers to both forms) during stage. Under adverse conditions, the plasmodium can
the first trophic stage. (d) Under dry conditions or in form the second type of resting stage found in myxo-
the absence of food, an amoeboflagellate forms a mycetes, the sclerotium (i). (k, l) Fruiting bodies are
microcyst, or resting stage. (e–g) Compatible amoebo- formed from the plasmodium. During fruiting body
flagellates fuse to form a zygote (g). (h–j) The nucleus formation, spores are produced. Adapted from
of the zygote divides by mitosis (h), and each Stephenson (2003)

A. Life Cycle consisting of uninucleate amoebae, with or

without flagella, and the other consisting of a
The myxomycete life cycle (Fig. 2.4) encom- distinctive multinucleate structure, the plasmo-
passes two very different trophic stages, one dium (Martin et al. 1983). Much of what is
Excavata: Acrasiomycota; Amoebozoa: Dictyosteliomycota, Myxomycota 29

Fig. 2.5 Plasmodium of a myxomycete (photo by Randy Darrah). Scale bar¼25 mm

known about the myxomycete life cycle has These feed and divide by binary fission to build
been derived from studies of P. polycephalum up large populations in the various microhabi-
and Didymium iridis, but the life cycle of a tats in which these organisms occur. Ultimately,
number of other species has been observed in this stage in the life cycle gives rise to the plas-
laboratory culture (Clark 2008). Plasmodia are modium. This process can result from gametic
motile, and those of some species can reach a fusion between compatible amoeboflagellates or
size of several centimeters, with truly extraordi- it can be apomictic (Collins 1980, 1981), as is
nary examples sometimes exceeding 1 m described in more detail in what follows.
(Fig. 2.5). A large example contains many Most myxomycetes seem to have a basic
thousands of synchronously dividing nuclei. one-locus multiple alleleic heterothallic mating
Under favorable conditions, the plasmodium system that controls syngamy between haploid
gives rise to one or more fruiting bodies (also amoeboflagellate cells to produce the diploid
referred to as sporocarps or sporophores) con- plasmodium (Clark and Haskins 2010). How-
taining spores (Fig. 2.6). For practical reasons, ever, more than a single locus may be involved
identification of myxomycetes is based almost in some species, and three multiple alleleic loci
exclusively upon features of the fruiting body have been reported for P. polycephalum
(Martin and Alexopoulos 1969). The fruiting (Kawano et al. 1987). Each of the morphospe-
bodies produced by myxomycetes are some- cies examined to date also contains a number of
what suggestive of those produced by certain biological sibling species that are unable to
macrofungi, although they are considerably interbreed with each other. It is not unusual
smaller (usually no more than 1–2 mm tall). for these to occur in different regions of the
The spores of the vast majority of myxomycetes world. Each morphospecies generally contains
range in size from 5 to 15 mm in diameter, with numerous nonheterothallic strains that can
most species producing spores 10+2 mm in complete the life cycle from a single isolated
diameter. The spores are largely wind-dispersed spore. Some of these strains are possibly
and complete the life cycle by germinating to homothallic (i.e., genetically identical amoebo-
produce the uninucleate amoeboflagellate cells. flagellate cells fuse, resulting in a diploid
30 S.L. Stephenson

Fig. 2.6 Fruiting bodies of Hemitrichia calyculata persists to form a cuplike structure (or calyculus),
(photo by Kim Fleming). In this species, the fruiting above which the capillitium and spores are visible.
body is stalked and the lower part of the peridium Scale bar¼1.0 mm

plasmodium), but there is more evidence to heterothallic versus nonheterothalic reproduc-

suggest that they are characterized by an apo- tion in nature, but the latter may be more com-
mictic system derived from blockage of meiosis mon.
during spore formation. As such, these nonhe- The genetic structure in particular popula-
terothallic strains produce diploid amoebofla- tions of myxomycetes is still largely unknown
gellates that can develop directly into because few studies have been carried out.
plasmodia without the need for syngamy to Fiore-Donno et al. (2011) investigated the
take place. genetic variability for three genes (SSU ribo-
In the textbook sexual life cycle outlined somal, internal transcribed spacer 1, and partial
previously, two haploid amoeboflagellate cells elongation factor 1-alpha) in two species of
fuse to form a diploid zygote, and the latter then Lamproderma associated with a spatially lim-
develops into a multinucleate plasmodium in ited microhabitat (bryophyte-covered boulders
which all of the cells present are diploid. Under in a series of moist ravines in Germany). Iden-
appropriate conditions, a plasmodium gives tical sequences were found to exist for a num-
rise to a fruiting body, within which meiosis ber of specimens in each of the two species,
occurs when the spores are produced. An which suggests the occurrence of distinct clones
amoeboflagellate emerges from the spore to that are the result of a nonheterothallic repro-
begin the life cycle anew. However, as already ductive system.
noted, some myxomycetes are known to be Winsett and Stephenson (2010) examined
apomictic and thus do not follow this general the global distribution and molecular diversity
pattern. Clark and Haskins (2010) listed 51 dif- (using the mitochondrial SSU gene) of Didym-
ferent species in which the reproductive system ium difforme. Their data seem to support the
has been examined for one or more isolates. Of concept of long-distance dispersal in myxomy-
these, 14 were found to have both heterothallic cetes since similar sequences were found to
and nonheterothallic (presumably apomictic) occur in widely separated regions of the world
systems, 8 had only heterothallic systems, and (e.g., Kenya and the central USA). However, in
29 were reported to be nonheterothallic. Rather some instances, collections from a single region
little is known about the relative proportions of showed a very high degree of similarity, which
Excavata: Acrasiomycota; Amoebozoa: Dictyosteliomycota, Myxomycota 31

Fig. 2.7 Fruiting bodies of Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa (photo by Kim Fleming). Scale bar¼5 mm

at least suggests that some constraints to gene Stemonitales, and Trichiales). However, mem-
flow also exist. bers of the Ceratiomyxales, represented by the
Bacteria apparently represent the main food single genus Ceratiomyxa (Fig. 2.7), are dis-
resource for both amoeboflagellates and plasmo- tinctly different (e.g., their spores are produced
dia, but the latter are also known to feed upon externally on individual stalklike structures and
yeasts, algae (including cyanobacteria), and fun- not within a fruiting body) from any of the
gal spores and hyphae (Stephenson and Stempen organisms assigned to the other orders, and
1994). Under adverse conditions, such as drying modern workers have removed these organ-
out of the immediate environment or low isms from the myxomycetes (Olive 1970, 1975;
temperatures, a plasmodium may convert into Olive and Stoianovitch 1979). The exact evolu-
a hardened, resistant structure called a sclero- tionary affinities of the Ceratiomyxales are still
tium, which is capable of reforming the plasmo- debated, but they seem to be a sister group to
dium upon the return of favorable conditions. the so-called true myxomycetes (Fiore-Donno
Moreover, amoeboflagellate cells can undergo a et al. 2010). With the removal of the Certiomyx-
reversible transformation to dormant structures ales, the myxomycetes constitute a well-defined
called microcysts. Both sclerotia and microcysts and homogenous group. However, evidence
can remain viable for long periods of time and from DNA sequence analysis (Baldauf and Doo-
are probably very important in the continued little 1997) suggests that even what seem to be
survival of myxomycetes in some ecological closely related taxa on the basis of morphologi-
situations or habitats, such as the bark surface cal similarity may have diverged from each
of living trees and deserts. other a long time ago (Clark 2000). Fiore-
Donno et al. (2005) reported that phylogenetic
data based on partial SSU ribosomal RNA and
B. Taxonomy elongation factor-1 alpha sequences suggest a
dichotomy between light-spored and dark-
Approximately 900 species of myxomycetes spored myxomycetes, with the light-spored
have been described (Lado 2001), and in all clade consisting of the monophyletic Trichiales
but the most modern treatments of the group, and the paraphyletic Liceales and the dark-
these have been placed in six orders (Ceratio- spored clade consisting of the monophylectic
myxales, Echinosteliales, Liceales, Physarales, Physarales and the paraphyletic Stemonitales.
32 S.L. Stephenson

Members of the genus Cribraria, traditionally of the more familiar groups of organisms
assigned to the Liceales, seem to represent a (Mayr 1970), is sometimes rather problematic.
sister group to both the Trichiales and Liceales As mentioned earlier in this chapter, it is now
(Fiore-Donno et al. 2010). These data place the known that a number of the more common and
genus Echinostelium as the sister group to the widespread morphospecies actually consist of
two major clades. More comprehensive ana- complexes of geographically restricted apomic-
lyses, based on complete SSU ribosomal RNA tic clonal lines (El Hage et al. 2000; Clark 2000;
and elongation factor-1 alpha sequences from a Clark and Stephenson 2000; Irawan et al. 2000).
wider range of taxa, indicate that Echinostelium These genetically isolated lines are capable of
branches as the sister group of the dark-spored independent evolution, which can lead to the
clade (Fiore-Donno et al. 2008). The concept of accumulation of minor morphological differ-
this sister group has been expanded by ences that reflect specific adaptations to the
Fiore-Donno et al. (2009), who recently particular set of environmental conditions in
provided evidence that the enigmatic organism which they occur. For example, some of the
Semimorula liquescens is a modified echinoste- forms found in special microhabitats (e.g., the
lid myxomycete. inflorescences of tropical herbs) differ in some
Interestingly, it has become increasingly respects (e.g., color and size of the fruiting
apparent that the myxomycetes include a num- bodies) from specimens of the same species
ber of amoeboid forms that apparently do not collected from more typical habitats (Schnittler
form fruiting bodies. The latter fact prevented and Stephenson 2002). These almost certainly
the true phylogenic position of these organisms represent biotypes that are adapted to the
from being recognized until they were sub- microhabitat in question. Approximately 50 %
jected to the appropriate molecular-based stud- of all described species of myxomycetes are
ies. For example, Fiore-Donno et al. (2010) known only from the type locality, or fewer
reported that sequences they obtained from a than five localities worldwide. It seems likely
number of amoeboid forms previously assigned that many of these so-called species are no
to the genus Hyperamoeba clearly indicated more than morphologically distinct biotypes
that the organisms involved should be consid- present in particular habitats or confined to a
ered as myxomycetes. Moreover, Hyperamoeba certain regions of the world. If so, then the
was found to be polyphyletic, which rendered criteria that need to be applied before describ-
the genus itself invalid. It seems possible that ing a taxon as new should be reconsidered to
nonfruiting forms of myxomycetes are wide- account for this phenomenon (Schnittler and
spread in nature, sometimes occurring in cer- Mitchell 2000).
tain habitats or microhabitats which would be
regarded as rather extraordinary. Dyková et al.
(2007) isolated an amoeboid organism from a C. Distribution and Occurrence
species of sea urchin (Sphaerechinus granu-
laris) that yielded SSU rDNA sequences Myxomycetes have been recorded from all ter-
showing a close relationship with the myxomy- restrial ecosystems examined to date. Temper-
cete genus Didymium. Myxomycetes have been ature and moisture are thought to be the main
reported from a diverse array of microhabitats, factors limiting the occurrence of myxomycetes
but their presence as apparent endocommen- in nature (Alexopoulos 1963), and species rich-
sals of a sea urchin clearly indicates that the ness tends to increase with increasing diversity
total range of potential microhabitats is even and biomass of the vascular plants providing
more extensive than previously realized. the resources (various types of detritus) that
Because of their small size and the limited support the bacteria and other microorganisms
array of morphological characters upon which upon which the two trophic stages in the myxo-
their taxonomy is based, determination of what mycete life cycle feed (Madelin 1984;
constitutes a natural biological species, in the Stephenson 1989). The pH of the substrates
same sense that the concept is used for many potentially available to myxomycetes in a par-
Excavata: Acrasiomycota; Amoebozoa: Dictyosteliomycota, Myxomycota 33

ticular habitat also represents an important Studies of the assemblages of myxomycetes

factor influencing the distribution of these associated with tropical forests and other major
organisms (Härkönen 1977; Stephenson 1989; types of terrestrial ecosystems have been
Wrigley de Basanta 2000; Mosquera et al. 2000). reviewed by Ing (1994) and Stephenson
Much of what is known about the distribu- (2011). In some of these ecosystems, myxomy-
tion and ecology of myxomycetes in terrestrial cetes are associated with microhabitats poorly
ecosystems has been derived from studies car- represented or absent in temperature forests.
ried out in temperate forests of the Northern Examples include the inflorescences of large
Hemisphere. In such forests, myxomycetes are tropical herbaceous plants in tropical forests
associated with a number of different microha- (Schnittler and Stephenson 2002) and succulent
bitats. These include coarse woody debris on plants in deserts (Lado et al. 2007). One ecolo-
the forest floor, the bark surface of living trees, gically distinct group of myxomycetes is
forest floor litter, the dung of herbivorous ani- restricted to alpine areas of mountains, where
mals, and aerial portions of dead but still stand- its members are found fruiting along the mar-
ing herbaceous plants. Each of these gins of melting snowbanks in late spring and
microhabitats tends to be characterized by a early summer (Ing 1999; Tamayama 2000;
distinct assemblage of species (Stephenson Stephenson and Shadwick 2009). The species
1988, 1989; Stephenson and Stempen 1994). that occupy this rather special and very limited
Lignicolous myxomycetes associated with habitat are usually referred to as snowbank or
coarse woody debris are the best known since nivicolous myxomycetes. Interestingly, the
the species typically occurring in this micro- majority of species in some genera tend to
habitat tend to be among those characteristi- belong to this group. For example, this is the
cally producing fruiting bodies of sufficient size case for Dianema (Kowalski 1967), Lampro-
to be detected in the field (Martin and Alexo- derma (Kowalski 1970), and Lepidoderma
poulos 1969). Many of the more common and (Kowalski 1971).
widely known myxomycete taxa, including var- On the whole, myxomycetes would seem to
ious species of Arcyria, Lycogala, Stemonitis, be rather opportunistic or fugitive organisms
and Trichia, are predominantly lignicolous. (sensu Hutchinson 1951) in that they have a
Much less is known about the myxomycetes high reproductive potential, seem to possess
associated with the microhabitats represented effective dispersal mechanisms, and are char-
by the bark surface of living trees and forest acterized by rapid development. These proper-
floor litter. The primary reason for this is that ties allow them to exploit successfully habitat
many of the species involved are rather incon- islands occurring both temporally and spatially
spicuous or sporadic in their occurrence and, in nature. Although a particular habitat within
thus, difficult to detect in the field. However, which a species of myxomycete has been estab-
the moist chamber culture technique as it lished may persist for only a short period of
applies to myxomycetes (Gilbert and Martin time, the species always survives by reestablish-
1933) provides a convenient and often very ing itself in some new habitat (which may
productive method of supplementing field col- indeed be the very same habitat if conditions
lections when studying such microhabitats as once again become favorable). Although the
bark and litter. Since its introduction, the tech- spores of myxomycetes would seem to have
nique has been used with considerable success considerable potential for long-distance dis-
by many researchers (e.g., Keller and Brooks persal, there is little question that some species
1976; Härkönen 1981; Blackwell and Gilbertson are more common in some regions of the world
1980; Stephenson 1989). More than 100 species than others, and the nonavailability of certain
of corticolous myxomycetes have been reported microhabitats apparently imposes major con-
from the bark microhabitat as field or moist straints upon their occurrence even within a
chamber collections (Mitchell 1980). The particular region. As such, it would seem that
moist chamber culture technique is described myxomycetes do not necessarily conform
in some detail by Stephenson and Stempen completely to the “ubiquity of small free-living
(1994). eukaryotic species” concept as proposed by
34 S.L. Stephenson

Finlay (2002) and Fenchel and Finlay (2004). protozoan community available to date. Eumy-
The very fragmented range of Barbeyella min- cetozoans were found to represent the single
utissima, a species that seems to be confined largest component of total soil protozoan bio-
almost exclusively to a substrate complex diversity, which seems to underscore the major
(involving leafy liverworts, decorticated wood, ecological role these organisms play in the soil
and certain species of algae) found only in microhabitat.
montane Picea or Abies forests, provides a As noted earlier in this chapter, myxomy-
good example (Schnittler et al. 2000). cetes are commonly associated with the micro-
habitats represented by the bark surface of
living trees and various types of dead plant
material. Although their fruiting bodies are
V. Ecological Significance often collected from each of these microhabi-
tats, little is known about the exact role that
A major portion of the net annual primary myxomycetes play in each instance, although it
production in forests and other terrestrial eco- might be assumed that it is similar to that
systems becomes directly or indirectly available already described for soil. For example, amoe-
to the decomposers in the detritus food chain. boflagellate cells seem to be exceedingly com-
These decomposers (bacteria and fungi) are in mon in decaying wood (A. Feest, unpublished
turn an important food resource for various data), and an individual moist chamber culture
phagotrophic invertebrates and protozoa. For prepared with a sample of dead plant material
example, bacteria are preyed upon by bacteri- often yields several different species, plasmodia
vores (e.g., protozoa and nematodes) as well as several centimeters in total extent, and numer-
some detritivores (e.g., earthworms). Naked ous fruiting bodies. Their sheer number, rela-
amoebae, which can make up 95 % of the pro- tive abundance, and biomass suggest that
tozoan population in some soils (Feest 1987), myxomycetes represent an ecologically signifi-
are the single most important group in terms of cant component of the assemblages of organ-
bacterial consumption. In addition to their isms associated with such microhabitats.
direct influence on the structure of soil micro-
bial communities, these amoebae play a key Acknowledgments Appreciation is extended to Drs. Matt
Brown, James Cavender, Jim Clark, Alan Feest, Anna
role in nutrient cycling. Mineralization is sti- Maria Fiore-Donno, Ed Haskins, John Landolt, and
mulated and decomposition enhanced by the Maria Romeralo for reviewing portions of this chapter.
amoebae releasing nutrients tied up in the
microbial biomass. For example, amoebae are
known to release ammonia to plant roots when
feeding on bacteria and can produce increases References
in dry weight and nitrogen content (Clarholm
1981; Rosswall and Paustian 1984). It is not Adl SM, Simpson AGB, Farmer MA, Andersen RA,
Anderson OR, Barta JR, Bonser SS, Brugerolle G,
known what percentage of the total population Fensome RA, Fredericq S, James TY, Karpov S,
of soil amoebae is made up of the amoeboid Kugrens P, Krug J, Lane CE, Lewis LA, Lodge J,
stages of dictyostelids and myxomycetes, but Lynn LH, Mann DG, McCourt RM, Mendoza L,
judging from the data available from a number Moestrup Ø, Mozley-Standridge SE, Nerad TA,
of recent studies, it is significant. For example, Shearer CA, Smirnov AV, Spiegel FW, Taylor
MFJR (2005) The new higher level classification
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1985), but Urich et al. (2008) used an RNA- Baldauf SL, Doolittle WF (1997) Origin and evolution of
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Excavata: Acrasiomycota; Amoebozoa: Dictyosteliomycota, Myxomycota 35

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