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Historical antecedents :

Selecct 1 technological inventions/advancement in each

category( ancient,medieval,Modern and Philippines).Obtain an image of these and
discuss the purpose of their creationat the point in time

Ancient age:

Egyptian Paper


Egyptian paper, made from papyrus, and pottery were mass-produced and exported
throughout the Mediterranean basin. The wheel, however, did not arrive until foreign
invaders introduced the chariot. They developed Mediterranean maritime technology
including ships and lighthouses. Early construction techniques utilized by the Ancient
Egyptians made use of bricks composed mainly of clay, sand, silt, and other minerals.
These constructs would have been vital in flood control and irrigation, especially along
the Nile delta.

Medieval Age:

Horse collar


Once oxen started to be replaced by horses on farms and in fields, the yoke became obsolete due
to its shape not working well with a horses' posture.[10] The first design for a horse collar was a
throat-and-girth-harness.[10] These types of harnesses were unreliable though due to them not
being sufficiently set in place.[10] The loose straps were prone to slipping and shifting positions
as the horse was working and often caused asphyxiation.[10] Around the eighth century, the
introduction of the rigid collar eliminated the problem of choking.[10] The rigid collar was
"placed over the horses head and rested on its shoulders.[
Modern Age

Wearable Tech For Seniors


Seniors are the next big thing as far as the wearable tech market is concerned and with
good reason. The gadgets being produced today can help seniors stay safe, healthy, and
even in contact with their beloved family members. Wearable tech. it has brought much-
needed peace of mind to both the seniors who use them and their family members.
Accidents such as falls and loss of consciousness are some of the leading risks that
seniors have to live with every day.

Philippine Technology:

Karaoke Machine


Roberto del Rosario invented his version of a karaoke machine between 1975 and 1977,
and in his patents (UM-5269 on June 2, 1983 and UM-6237 on November 14, 1986) he
described his sing-along system as a handy, multi-purpose, compact machine that
incorporates an amplifier speaker, one or two tape mechanisms, an optional tuner or
radio, and a microphone mixer with features to enhance one's voice, such as the echo or
reverb to simulate an opera hall or a studio sound. The whole system was enclosed in one
cabinet casing.

Marine Technology:

Hybrid Turbocharger

The “Cutting Edge” Emergency Propulsion System. We have often heard of situations
wherein the ship’s main engine has shut down in mid-sea, causing the ship to go out of
control. In case of grounding or any other kind of accident, shipping companies have to
spend thousands of dollars in towing the ship to the nearest port. An innovative
emergency propulsion system works great in such situations without the need of tugs. In
this system, the propeller shaft is attached to a motor during emergency to propel the ship
to the nearest port.

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