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Precedent No.


This deed of adoption is made on the previous……………day of……….by me, AB widow of

CD, by caste.................and resident of…………….
1. My husband, the said CD died on the 1st October, 1929 without leaving any male issue;
2. The said CD had before his death by a deed dated the............ (or, on the……....orally)
had given me authority to adopt a suitable boy belonging to his caste;
3. Acting under the said authority given by my husband, the said CD, I have on
the………..adopted E.F. son of GH, by caste…………and resident of……….and
aged………years, who is my brother’s son and is in every way suitable;
4. The said EF was given to me in adoption by XY, the mother of the said EF, GH the
father of the said EF having already died on…………and;
5. All the ceremonies prescribed by Hindu Law, to which I am subject for the making of
adoption have been performed.
Now I, the said AB hereby declare that I have duly adopted the said EF as a son to my
deceased husband CD and that the said EF shall from the date of adoption have all the legal
rights of an adopted son of the said CD.
In witness etc.

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