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V personality

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P using a dictionary toother eopler's farmdes T

Duglas Couplard
IA Self-portrait anadian aut

the c 13) Listen to Part 1 again, about Frida. Complte
painting by Frida Kahlo and
a Look at a
reasons. Frida's biography.
questions with a partner, giving your
about Frida Kahlo? Which
1 Doyou know anything
person do you think is
her in the painting? Frida Kahlo
2 Do you think the painting is finished? Why (nor)? She was in
She was born in in2
of daughters. She caught
3 Who do you think the people in the 'cloud'are, and why
as a child, and when she was years
do you think they are arranged in that way? Ccrasned
was in a terrible accident whenna
4 What do you think the unborn child in the middle She had previously wanted to stuoy
into a 8
represents? 9 _,but after the accident she
on this
5 Who do you think the three people with blank faces in to 10 instead. Frida started work
but never 12 It.
the bottom right-hand corner might be? painting in 11
She died in 13 attheage of4
b 12) Listen to an audio guide about the painting and
check your answers to a. Then match the people below the painting
d 14) Listen to Part 2 again, about
to numbers 1-9 in the diagram.
Answer the questions.
What is the significance of
the position
her maternal grandparents her niece Isolda I
of the unborn child?
Antonio and Isabel her nephew Antonio from?
2 Where were her father's family
her parents Matilde her sister Matilde
mother's family from?
3 Where were her
and Guillermo her sister Adriana
from the painting
4 What do we learn
1 her paternal grandparents h e r sister Cristina
marriage? Cristna

Frida's relationship
like with hersistert
W h a t was
e Talk to a partne. c 15)L isten to the expressions in the box. Which words carry
What do you think of thepainting? extra stress for emphasis? l isten again and repeat the phrases,
of vour family that
copying the rhythnm and intonation.
2 Dovou have any photos
like or dislike? Whv?
vou particularly
has been painted Expressions for agreeing and disagreeing
3Imagine thatyour tamily
in thesame way. Drawa quick sketch and agreeing disagreein8
tell your partner about the people. 1 Itotaly agree. 7 Im not sure I agree with you
2 That's just what I think, too 8 im afraidi dont realy agree
3 Absolutely! 9don't really think you're right
2 SPEAKING half-agreeing British people tend not to use strong
4 Isee your point, but. expressions of disagreement
a Work in small groups. Choose one ofthe
5 Isee what you mean, but... eg.completely disagree, but try to
ot questions below and soften the fact that they drsagree by
sets 6 lagree up to a point, but.
half-agreeing. or by using expressions
Do you have any ancestors from a different ike 7-9 above
country? Who were they? Where did they
come from? When did they come to live in
d Have a short discussion about the topics in b. Use language
your country?
from c to agree, half-agree, or disagree with the other people in

Who are you closest to in your family? Why your group, and say why.
do you get on well? Is there anyone you don't
get on with?
3 GRAMMAR have: auxiliary or main verb?
Who are you most like in your family? Are
there any family traits (appearance or a With partner, look at the groups
a of sentences 1-4. Answer the
personality) that members of your family three questions for each group.
share? Are all the options possible?
b lou I s there any difference in meaning or register:
are going to discuss the statements
below. First decide I s have a main verb or an auxiliary verb?
individually if you
agree (A), half-agree (HA), or disagree (D)
with the statements. Think I Ihaven't got time to see my tamily often.
of reasons and I don't have time
Cxamples to support your opinion. I haven't time
2 I've been making loads of food. We're having a famil
I've made loads of food. dinner tonight.
YOu have to
love your family, but you don't
have to like them. 3 Have we got to
dress up tor the party, or is it just tamilh?
YOur Do we have to
family are the people who care about
yOu, not necessarily your blood 4 I've hada portrait painted of our children.
relatives. I've painted a portrait
better to be an
brothers and sisters.only child than to have 1A. Learn more about have.and practise*it
bp.140 Grammar Bank
sponsbit ytobrought
it's true tor
you up, so it's your CWith a partner, for each ofthe sentences below savy it
theyre old. take care of them when you or not, and why.
Tcant stand having my photo taken, and l'd hatetu have m
chidren are
parent not to young it's better for one portrait painted.
work and to tew close triens
he look after them. Tve got lots of friends online, but l only have a
only per
trticize your son who should be allowed to
that I see regularly face-to-face.
farmily 15 y0. 'Tve never wanted to leave home. I really likeliv ing with mv

ushouid aiways detend

amly agoirst
the nostcompetitiveperson in m famil. Wheneveriplay

one something wron mermbers of your
sport or game, I always have to win.
poice, even if Tve
try to get out ore.I thinkI spend muchtime too at home.
they have got to
to me and that
lew possessions that are reall important
Iwould hate to lose.
Tve been arguing a lot with mn family recenmy.

STutoR 1A
4 VOCABULARY personality
a Towhat extent do you think the tollow ing are good
the adjectives that
deseribe personality below.
Look at
if vou consider them to be positive ways ofpredicting personality types?
With a partner, sav of
and why. Would you
use any
online quizzes your handwriting
or negative qualities,
them todescribe vourselt? personality tests your star sign

b You are going to do a well-know n personaity test.

affectionate assertive boSsy curiOUS easy going
rebellious reliable sensible Before you start, look at the follow ing painting for
oyal mmoody outgomg
sensitive stubborn 30 seconds. Write down what you see. You w ill need
this when you do the test.

bp.160Vocabulary Bank Personality.

5 PRONUNCIATION using a dictionary

a Underline the stressed syllable in the words below.
Con s i en tious 4easy -gojing
de ter mined 5 steajdy
tho rugh 6 spontainejous

b Look at the pink letters in each word. Match them

to the sound pictures below.


verbs and
idioms in adictionay
J Looking up phrasal
Phrasal verbs PHRV
listed in alphabetical

Phrasal verbs
1 9 isten and checkvour answersto a and b. verbs.
entry for the shown

(sb or sth) is
If the object m e a n s thephrds

parts, e.g. put sth

off, this
Checking pronunciation in a dictionary go betwete
Al good dictionaries, whether paper or online, give the separable, and the objectcan the cb
after the particle.
particle or
pronunciationof a word in phonetics. with a stress mark the e.g.
look for sth,
the particle,
to show the stressed syllabte. Online dictionaries also after
cannot be separated
ave an icon you can click on to hear the words, many and the particle
Eving both British and American pronunciation. Idioms DM ot a
can usually find the Jove"
YOu words (nouns,
verbs, e

needydecte of its 'main'

but NOT
and articlest. g
under cJt
nd will be given
ni:d ) Am c a t c h your eye

e 8

ATter some very dions

bad. the
uectivees, eg ma

entrIes for the next

Comes uinder sport

o h4ant d
test t
di h apartner. pssible ansners Ptasalv
it the ph1etis s t n e smore adjev tNCs Readthe ques
snatit W th a partner, wrk out how they are ot the highlighie
ut the ing
Omn et and
spet, and sav what thes nmean if hont honh them
n d o n s , bur

dse dutionary toheck
4 nsd highlighted phrases
D - a irmallv use a
aper datars r
an nlne cah questi
omeWhat kosu think are
its man atvantagev w dothetest lor
nswer best deseribes ate vot


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