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A heck lot of


BY: Nate Sherman and Becca Robison


You may have heard of the Australian bush fires. Since our topic
focuses on heat, this event is very relevant to our presentation.
These bush fires are relevant to heat because as global warming
gets worse, the temperature rises. Also sometimes, we have cold
snaps which are related to global warming. This means that we
need more heat. That is how these two topics are related.
Climate Change Connection

Our topic focuses on electricity. Electricity is a system because it

has a whole lot of parts that are working together. Our school is
a system because it has a lot of different parts that work
together. We want to know what our plan is in case a part of
our system gets shut down ( Specifically Power outages, heat,
and pipes) which are all part of our system
Research Question

Our research question is “How does extreme

weather affect electricity, heat, power, and
water/ pipes in our school.
Steps we Took

Number 1: We Chose our topic

Number 2: We came up with questions about topic
Number 3: We asked our school Administrator (Matora)
questions we came up with about our topic.
Number 4: We wrote down the answers we gathered from our
Number 5: We made a survey to gather more information from
Number 6: We made a slide showing everything we have learned.
We made a survey that

are peers responded too.

Here is the link to our Survey:

Our school is sort of prepared for climate change, mainly because we

have an emergency plan if we lose heat. However, we should
consider getting a backup generator. It would be catastrophic if we
lost power while school was in session. This would make us more
prepared for the worst which is; as climate change gets worse, the
more weather catastrophes. That is why we are kind of prepared for
climate change but not physically, only mentally.

Our school is contributing to climate change by using too much

electricity. Our radiators are powered by oil which is good if we have
a power outage. Not that we could really afford solar panels anyway
Action Plan

1. Research generators.
2. Get emergency kits
3. Figure out if we need a generator
4. Plan for emergencies

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