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Alenka Pavko-Čuden
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Department of Textiles, Snežniška 5,
SI-1000 Slovenia

Skewness and Spirality of Knitted Structures

Poševnost in spiralnost pletiv
Scientific Review/Pregledni znanstveni članek
Received/Prispelo 04-2014 • Accepted/Sprejeto 05-2015

Weft knitted structures are affected by various forms of dimensional distortion. Inclination and distortion of
loops within knitted structures are commonly known as skewness and spirality, respectfuly. Causes of skew-
ness and spirality have been thoroughly investigated, analyzed and classified. They can basically be divided
into two groups: material causes and process causes. One of the material causes is yarn related and is caused
by residual torque in the yarn shown by its twist-liveliness. One of the more important process causes is ma-
chine related and is connected to knitting with multiple feeders on the circular knitting machine. Skewness
and spirality have been subjects of research for almost a century. Models have been developed for under-
standing and predicting the loop distortion phenomena. Procedures for reduction or even elimination of
the skewness/spirality have continuously been developed and improved. Some of them include changes in
raw material, the others in mechanical processes and/or equipment while the other again concentrate on
after-treatments. Many standards and other testing methods for measuring the skewness and spirality have
been used in research and industrial practice. The uses of many terms describing this phenomenon have
shown the continuous importance of the skewness/spirality problem on the one hand and the inconsist-
ency of the terminology on the other.
Keywords: knitting, knitted fabric, skewness, spirality, loop inclination, yarn liveliness, residual torque

Na votkovne pletene strukture vplivajo različne deformacije zanke. Nagnjenost in izkrivljenost zank v pleteni struk-
turi sta poznani kot poševnost oz. spiralnost pletiva. Vzroki za poševnost in spiralnost so podrobno preiskani, ana-
lizirani in ocenjeni. Na splošno jih je mogoče razdeliti v dve skupini: v materialne in procesne. Eden od materialnih
vzrokov je povezan s prejo; poševnost/spiralnost pletiva povzroča preostali vrtilni moment preje, ki se odraža v ne-
umirjenosti preje. Med najpomembnejšimi procesnimi vzroki je povezanost s pletilnikom, ki se nanaša na večsis-
temsko krožno pletenje. Raziskave poševnosti in spiralnosti pletiva potekajo že skoraj sto let. Razviti so bili modeli
za razumevanje in predvidevanje deformacije zanke. Ves čas razvijajo in izboljšujejo postopke za zmanjšanje ali
celo odstranitev poševnosti/spiralnosti. Nekateri vključujejo spremembe surovin, drugi spremembe mehanskih po-
stopkov in/ali opreme, medtem ko se preostali usmerjajo v plemenitenje. V raziskavah in industrijski praksi so bili
za merjenje poševnosti in spiralnosti uporabljeni številni standardi in druge preskuševalne metode. Uporaba števil-
nih izrazov, ki opisujejo pojav poševnosti/spiralnosti, kaže na trajen pomen problema na eni strani in na nedosled-
nost terminologije na drugi.
Ključne besede: pletenje, pletivo, poševnost, spiralnost, nagnjenost zanke, neumirjenost preje, preostali vrtilni

Corresponding author/Korespondenčna avtorica: Tekstilec, 2015, 58(2), 108–120

Assoc. Prof. D.Sc. Alenka Pavko Čuden DOI: 10.14502/Tekstilec2015.58.108–120
Tel.: +386 1 200 32 16
Skewnes and Spirality of Knitted Structures 109

1 Introduction: skewness and panels of a garment resulting from the release of la-
tent stresses during laundering of the knitted fabric
spirality as a constant problem forming the garment. Further, it is indicated in the
standard that twist may also be referred to as torque
Knitted fabrics are complex and dimensionally sen- or spirality. On the other hand, skewness is defined as
sitive structures. Variations in material, structural, a fabric condition resulting when filling yarns or knit-
process and environmental parameters significantly ted courses are angularly displaced from a line per-
influence the performances and comfort properties pendicular to the edge or side of the fabric. In this
of knitted fabrics, as well as their qualities. Inclina- connection, the reference to the ASTM Standard Ter-
tion and distortion of loops within knitted struc- minology D 123-92 is given [8].
tures are commonly known as skewnes and spirali- In standard ASTM D 3882 [9], skew is defined as a
ty, respectfully. They affect both the aesthetic and fabric condition resulting when filling yarns or knit-
functional performances of knitted fabrics and knit- ted courses are angularly displaced from a line per-
wear. They are reflected in an inclination of the low- pendicular to the edge or side of the fabric.
er edge of the knitted garment and/or the dis- Smirfitt [10] used the term spirality and indicated
placement of the side seams to the back and front, that it appears when all the loops in the fabric take
mismatched patterns, assymetrical necklines, in- up inclined positions, thus giving the fabric a
clined slits, cutting and sewing difficulties, etc [1]. skewed or spiral appearance.
If the distortion exceeds 5° it is considered an im- Brackenburry [3] used the term spirality as well. It
portant problem [2]. Nevertheless, Brackenburry was described as a fabric distortion which arises
[3] stated that fabrics of around 10° spirality are from twist stress within the constituent yarns of
commonly processed. plain fabrics, causing all loops to distort and throw-
Single knitted structures are the most affected by ing the fabric wales and courses into an angular re-
various forms of dimensional distortion. Double lationship other than 90°. In the chapter on spirali-
knitted structures like rib, interlock and purl are less ty, it was also stated that if the fabric is retained as
sensitive in this respect. One of the more investigat- a tube, the spirality throws the vertical alignment
ed distortions within the knitted structure is the of the fabric awry so that the wales lie at an angle
asymmetrical shape of the loop which is reflected in to the edges of the fabric and slowly spiral around
loop inclinaton. the fabric.
Lau et al [11] noted in their paper that in flat knitted
fabrics, an inherent inclination occurs of the courses
2 Terms and definitions referring to to the wales : the wales are not perpendicular to the
courses. This phenomenon was referred to as wale-
knitted loop inclination: spirality. They pointed out that it should not be con-
non-standardized terminology fused with spirality which is defined by Textile
Terms and Definitions as a distortion of a circular-
In ISO 16322 standard, Part 1 [4], distortion of a knit- knitted fabric in which the wales follow a spiral path
ted fabric in which the wales follow a spiral path round the axis of the knitted fabric tube [11, 12].
around the axis of a tube is termed wale spirality. In Primentas [13, 14] distinguished spirality from drop.
ISO 16322 standard, Part 2 [5], spirality or torque in Spirality or wale skew in a knitted fabric is described
fabrics are defined as fabric conditions, wherein fill- as configurations of the wales which are skewed
ing yarns or knitted courses are angularly displaced from the vertical, whereas the drop or course skew
from a line perpendicular to the edge or side of a fab- concerns the course skewness from the horizontal
ric or garment. In ISO 16322 standard, Part 3 [6], spi- and is due to the helical dispositions of the courses.
rality and torque in garments are defined as rotation, Shahid et al [15] as well as Abdel-Megied and
usually lateral, between different panels of a garment Ahmed [16] used the term wale skew for the wales
resulting from the release of latent stresses during skewed from the vertical, and conversely, course
laundering of the knitted fabric forming the garment. skew for the courses skewed from the horizontal.
In AATCC 179-2004 standard [7], gament twist is de- The same terminology was used in the Technical
fined as a rotation, usually lateral, between different Bulletin published by Cotton Incorporated [17].

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110 Skewnes and Spirality of Knitted Structures

There are another terms often used to refer to the Basically, two terms should be applied. The term
same phenomena like: bias and shear [18] and bow skewness (Figure 1) should be used for the loop in-
[19]. clinaton/distortion caused by the yarn twist-liveli-
It can be seen from the above-stated definitions and ness which mainly occurs in flat-knitted fabrics. The
descriptions that various terms are used when refer- term spirality (Figure 2) should be assigned to loop
ring to the fabric dimensional distortion induced by inclinations/distortions in tubular knitted fabrics
the loop inclination in knitted structures. Moreover, produced by multi-feeder circular knitting machines
the same description is attributed to various terms. leading to the formation of spiral knitting courses.
For example: »a fabric condition, wherein filling
yarns or knitted courses are angularly displaced from
a line perpendicular to the edge or side of a fabric«,
is defined as spirality or torque in fabric in ISO 16322
standard, Part 2 [5]; skewness in AATCC 179-2004
standard [7], and skew in ASTM D 3882 standard
[9]. In another case, the same term has been used for
different concepts. For example: wale spirality is de- θ
fined as »distortion of a knitted fabric in which the
wales follow a spiral path around the axis of a tube«
in ISO 16322 standard, Part 1 [4], which clearly
means that it refers to circular knitted fabrics, while
Lau et al [11] used the same term for the phenom-
enn which appears in flat knitted fabrics where incli-
nations occur of the courses towards the wales.
In order to avoid misunderstandings and misinter- Figure 2. Spirality in single circular-knitted structures.
pretations related to the loop inclinations and dis- The wales lie at an angle θ to the edges of the fabric and
tortions in knitted fabrics, the terminology con- slowly spiral around the fabric (θ = skewness angle)
cerning this phenomenon should be redefined and
standardized. 3 Early observations: rather
reduction than prevention
of the problem
Early studies by Woods [20] emphasized the rela-
tionship between the structure and the mechanical
properties of single yarns. The theory of twist was
studied for ideal yarns. Nevertheless, the variability
of yarn diameter, shrinking due to change of twist,
radial compression of the yarn and fiber slippage
were also noted as influencing the yarn properties.
Later studies by Baker [21] stressed the importance
of bending in yarn geometry and in connection with
the mechanical properties of textiles made from
these yarns. In his paper, Baker [21] outlined the re-
sults of a geometric analysis of the idealized struc-
ture of a bent yarn. The importance was stressed of
such knowledge in problems dealing with the me-
chanical properties of twisted woven and knitted
Figure 1. Skewness in single flat-knitted structures textile structures. Specific attention was given to
with tubular welt. The wales are not perpendicular to computations of local and average fiber strains
the courses (θ = skewness angle) which occur in highly twisted dense structures.

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Skewnes and Spirality of Knitted Structures 111

Studies conducted by Woods represented the basis 4 Complexities of skewness and

for further practical and experimental investigation
into yarn torque.
spirality: advanced investigations
The spirality was studied by Davis and Edwards as
early as in the 30s of the 20th century. In addition to In general, there are two main reasons for knitted
wollen, cotton knitted fabrics were also investigated loop distortion. One of them is yarn related and is
[22, 23]. The authors observed that various methods caused by residual torque in the yarn shown by its
had been adopted for overcoming this defect but twist-liveliness. The other is machine related and is
they had all been directed towards removing the connected to knitting with multiple feeders on the
spiral efect from the fabric rather than preventing circular knitting machine [2]. If the twist-lively yarn
its formation. Further, they commented that as a re- is used for knitting, the resultant loop is no longer
sult of prolongued investigations, it could be stated symmetrical because of the induced torsional strain
that the spirality was caused mainly by the amount in the yarn. The twisted yarn has a tendency to un-
of twist in the yarn. Nevertheless, in their research twist and release the torisonal strain inside it, in or-
the impact of yarn feeding, loop forming, machine der to acquire the natural configuration of a mini-
type and machine gauge on the knitted fabric spi- mum energy state. The yarn attempts to rotate
rality was also investigated. inside the fabric, thus lifting one side of the loop out
In their general review of the methods of manufac- of the surface while the other side stays inside the
turing and physical properties of various types of ho- fabric. This distortion of loop symmetry induces an
siery stretch yarns, Munden and Fletcher [24] com- inclination towards loops and rib-like effect on the
mented on the tendency of twist-lively yarns to form fabric. A small amount of fabric distortion can also
a spiral knitted fabric as well as to snarl when re- be observed in fabrics produced from non-twist
leased, causing faults within the knitted structure. In lively yarns when knitted on a multi-feeder circular
order to overcome these difficuties, doubling two machine. This loop distortion is caused by unbal-
single yarns of opposite twist-liveliness was proposed anced tension in the two legs of the loop. However,
with just sufficient turns to keep the single yarns to- the loop distortion effect in such cases is much
gether. Moreover, additional machine settings and smaller than that generated by the residual torque
the uses of anti-snarl devices were indicated. in the yarn [11].
Smirfitt [10] indicated that loop formation involves Beside the two above-mentioned reasons, there are
both twisting and bending, resulting in twist redis- also other factors influencing knitted loop distor-
tribution in the arms of the loop. If the yarn is twist- tion that have been investigated by many research-
lively so that it tends to snarl upon itself, then the ers from both fundamental and practical viewpoints
loop shape will be affected as the yarn in the fabric is [26, 27]. Several theoretical approaches were taken
prevented from snarling by its contact with adjacent to analyze the spirality phenomenon, yet because of
loops. The result is that all the loops in the fabric its complexity, each study focused on a limited
take up inclined positions giving the fabric a skewed number of factors, either for the sake of simplifying
or spiral appearance. the analysis or due to limited ability to verify the
Kliment [25] cited a force couple system to explain theory using experimental approaches. Other stud-
the torsional moment applied on the loop arms. Kli- ies have dealt with the analysis of spirality from the
ment stated that because of this moment, which is strictly experimental view by examining the effects
effective towards the front of the fabric in one arm of a number of factors, some of which were ma-
while it is effective towards the back of the fabric for chine-related and others fabric-related, on the ex-
the other arm, causes the arms to slide over the sur- tent of spirality of knit structures [18].
faces of interlocking arms of the adjacent loops. The It has to be noted that researchers have mainly used
yarn lengths of the arms differ and loop leans on the the term spirality in their publications, therefore the
arm that has shorter yarn length. Kliment also dis- same term is mainly used in the following review.
cussed other factors influencing loop inclination: Banjeree and Alaiban [28] found out on the basis
yarn twist direction, rotational direction of knitting of their experimental work that the knitted fabric
machine, yarn tension, number of feeders on circu- should be knitted on a machine with the finest
lar knitting machines, etc. possible gauge at a tightness factor value ≥14.0 to

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112 Skewnes and Spirality of Knitted Structures

minimize the spirality in the finished fabric. They Ceken [1] investigated the effects of various finish-
also stated that fabric mercerization causes a larger ing-dyeing processes on the wale spirality of single
reduction in loop assymetry than yarn merceriza- circular knitted fabrics and seam distortion. Single
tion, though the treatment remains the same. jersey samples for T-shirts were prepared. Higher
Tao et al. [26] determined empirical relationships spirality angles were observed in the fabrics treated
between the spirality of cotton single jersey fabrics with open-width finishing-dyeing processes in com-
and yarn linear density, twist factor, fabric tightness parison to tubular form, however the seam distor-
factor and loop shape factor, using statistical tech- tion degrees of the T-shrts sewn from these fabrics
niques. They confirmed that the yarn twist and fab- were minor which showed that fabrics in open-
ric tightness are the most predominant factors con- width form are more relaxed.
tributing to fabric spirality. The experimental results Kothari [14] performed a study on the effects of
also demonstrated the importance of relaxation various yarns and machine parameters on the spi-
treatment on fabric spirality. rality of cotton tubular single knitted fabrics. The
Similarly, Chen et al. [29] used regression tech- experimental results showed that repeated wash-
niques to determine empirical relationships be- ings and tumble drying caused an increase in spi-
tween the spirality of plain knitted wool fabrics and rality depending on the level of twist presented in
the parameters of plied yarns and fabrics including the consistent yarns as well as the amount of tight-
the twist factor of plied yarn, loop length and fiber ness present in the fabric structure. Lower loop
diameter in both dry relaxed and simulated indus- length, higher machine gauge and higher yarn line-
trial relaxed states. Their experimental results ar density reduce the spirality, as tightness of fabric
showed that the twist factor of two-ply wool yarn is construction imposes restrictions on loops getting
the most important factor influencing fabric spirali- distorted. Increasing twist factor increases twist-
ty. Loop length and fiber diameter also show signifi- liveliness in yarns leading to large spirality angles.
cant effects. In general, increasing the twist factor of This effect is further faciliated in those fabrics with
two-ply yarn, loop length, and fiber diameter in- larger loop lengths, made from finer yarn and knit-
creases the angle of spirality. The experimental re- ted on coarser knitting machines.
sults demonstrated that relaxation treatment of fab- Zaman & Weber [32] examined the effect on knitted
rics in water decreased the angle of spirality. fabric spirality of feeding speeds of elastomeric yarns
Marmarali [30] performed research on the dimen- with 100% cotton yarns. The reuslts of the research
sional and physical properties of cotton and cotton/ showed that with increasing speed of elastomeric
spandex single jersey fabrics. In her research, three yarn feeding, the spirality angle starts to reduce.
different types tightness and two different types of cot-
ton/elastane fabrics were used. It was found that the
spirality is more distinctive in loose fabrics than in 5 Causes of knitted fabric skewness
non-elastane fabrics. Along with the fact that the spi- and spirality
rality values of cotton/elastane fabrics are lower than
5° as an acceptable level, cotton/elastane fabrics which On the grounds of a thorough review of the theoreti-
have elastane thread knitted in every course have con- cal and experimental research into the skewness/spi-
siderably lower spirality values than fabrics with elas- rality phenmenon, the various causes of fabric spiral-
tane thread incorporated within alternating courses. ity can basically be divided into two groups: material
Degirmenci and Topalbekiroglu [31] systematically causes and process causes. More precisely, they can
investigated the effect of fabric weight, yarn produc- be classified into four main categories: fiber causes
tion technologies, the yarn twist direction and dye- and yarn causes within the frameworks of material
ing on the spirality of knitted fabrics. Plain fabrics causes and knitting causes, and finishing causes with-
were investigated made from cotton ring-spun in the framework of process causes [18, 33].
yarns. The results showed that increasing the fabric Fiber causes include fiber type, fiber quality, fiber
weight decreases spirality; however, the decrease torsional rigidity, fiber flexural rigidity, fiber blend,
does not have the same reverse proportionality for fiber finess, and fiber length [18].
all yarn types. It was established that the dyeing Yarn causes include yarn voluminosity, yarn spin-
process decreases spirality. ning process, fiber arrangement, twist level, twist

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Skewnes and Spirality of Knitted Structures 113

direction, yarn linear density, yarn plying, yarn pre- ulation (which was in accordance with the technical
conditioning and mechanical properties [18]. possibilities at the time of investigation), the shape of
As regards material causes, many authors have stud- a loop within the fabric could be calculated from
ied the nature, origins and characteristics of the spi- consideration of the inter-yarn pressures exerted on a
rality of knitted fabrics [11, 13, 22, 34–37]. They loop by its neighbors. According to the tightness of
concluded that the main factor for the spirality is the knitted fabric, other contacts than interlacing be-
the yarn twist-liveliness, denoting the active tor- tween neighboring loops were also anticipated. Adja-
sional energy present in the yarn. Its magnitude de- cent wales were presumed to be so close together as
pends primariliy on the torque inserted within the to touch and a condition known as »jamming« was
yarn by means of twist [13]. When a twistless yarn assumed. The presence of residual torque in the yarn
was bent by forces and couples to form a two-di- was simulated by introducing a twisting couple act-
mensional loop, a perfectly symmetrical (to the cen- ing on the yarn in a loop. Since the spirality had been
tral axis) loop configuration would emerge [11]. previoously proven to be affected by both yarn twist-
Knitting causes can be further classified into two liveliness and fabric tightness, the calculation was
main gropus: fabric parameters and machine pa- caried out for a range of values of these variables.
rameters. They include fabric density, tightness fac- Such an analysis yielded information about the theo-
tor, loop length, fabric structure, knitting machine retical interactions between yarn residual torque and
gauge, needle type, number of feeders, yarn input fabric spirality. However, practical applications were
tension, fabric take-down tension, etc. [18]. limited because of its complexities. Murriells [40]
Skewness/spirality increases with the loop length commented on Hepworth‘s research that it had been
which is connected to the tightness of a knitted based on certain assumptions and the results would
structure. The yarn in an open knitted structure has have been determined by the validity of these as-
a higher tendency to rotate inside the fabric after re- sumptions, which did not appear to be fully verified
laxation while in a closed knitted structure the in the Hepworth‘s study [40]. Kurbak et Kayacan [2]
movement of a knitted loop is restricted, and thus considered the Hepworth‘s model too complicated to
the spirality is reduced [18]. apply. Further, they noted that it only treated spirality
Skewness and spirality are more distinctive in single angles of up to 15°, while in practice the spirality
knitted structures while in double structures the ef- sometimes exceeds 30°.
fect of spirality is nullified. Nevertheless, spirality A new knitted fabric mechanical model was devel-
can be noticed in certain jacquard structures. Rib oped by Choi and Lo on the basis of the prevously
and interlock structures do not exhibit the skew- described energy model [41, 42]. It was assumed
ness/spirality problem [18]. that the shape of the yam after knitting was curved
The number of active feeders in a circular knitting and had non-linear mechanical properties. In the
machine influences the angle of spirality which de- new model, considerations of the loop shape
pends on the number of feeders per machine diame- changes due to twist-liveliness of the yam were
ter. With a multi-feeder machine, the fabric is created made and the improved model allowed skewing of
in helix. The rotational direction of a knitting ma- the loop and hence an asymmetric loop shape as
chine has an influence on spirality as well. Z-twisted viewed from the front. Minimum energy consider-
yarns induce clockwise spirality while S-twisted yarns ation of the fabric structure also led to the inclu-
induce counterclockwise spirality [18]. sion of the freedom for the loop to bend out of the
Finishing causes include stentering, calandering, fabric plane. Namely, in a loose fabric the loops
softner, mercerizing, resins, enzymes [18]. have more freedom to move about. They can rotate
in both the directions of the z-axis and y-axis. The
rotation in the z-direction is the well-known phe-
6 Theoretical skewness and spirality nomenon of fabric spirality. The loop rotation in
analyses the y-direction does not affect the overall dimen-
sions of the fabric but it has a localized effect of
Hepworth [38, 39] theoretically investigated the making one arm of a knitted loop become more
mechanism by which the use of twist-lively yarns prominent than the other. For a Z-twist yarn, the
leads to spirality in a fabric. Through a computer sim- right arm would rotate out of the fabric plane. The

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114 Skewnes and Spirality of Knitted Structures

rotation of the loop about its own axis in the y-di- Murells et al [40] proposed an artificial neural
rection due to the effect of twist-liveliness then re- network (ANN) model based on experimental re-
sults in a so-called wavy loop seen from the top. sults for predicting the degrees of spirality of sin-
The new mechanical loop model allows a more gle jersey fabrics made from 100% cotton conven-
precise description of the loop shape especially in tional and modified ring spun yarns. The factors
the case of fabric knitted with natural fiber spun investigated were the yarn residual torque i.e. the
yarns. With the new model, fabric dimensions can measured twist-liveliness, yarn type, yarn linear
be predicted more accurately and the skewness density, fabric tightness factor, the number of
problem may also be anticipated. This model was feeders, rotational direction and gauge of the knit-
tested on real wool knitted fabrics. Experimental ting machine, and the dyeing method. The ANN
results showed that there was excellent agreement model was compared with a multiple regression
between the calculated and measured values for model, demonstrating that the ANN model pro-
both course spacing and skewness. duced superior results for predicting the degree of
Kurbak and Kayacan [2] developed a theoretical fabric spirality after three washing and drying cy-
model for the spirality of plain knitted fabrics by cles. A relatively good agreement between the pre-
modifying the plain knitted loop model [43]. The dictions and actual measured values of fabric spi-
model was drawn to scale by using the 3DS-MAX rality was achieved with a correlation coefficient,
computer graphics program. The loop shapes ob- R, of 0.976 in out-of-sample testing. The relative
tained were exactly the same loop shapes as observed importance of the investigated factors influencing
on the real fabrics knitted with compressible yarns. the spirality of the fabric was also investigated.
The proposed model is thought to be applicable not Both the ANN and the regression approach
only for studying the spirality of classical textiles but showed that twist-liveliness, tightness factor and
also for modeling small diameter tubular technical yarn linear density were the more important fac-
textile fabrics. In Kurbak‘s study, it was suggested that tors in predicting fabric spirality, with the other
because of the three-dimensional nature of the plain factors having a minor influence. This confirmed
loop, the yarn part at the left arm of the loop and the the generally held view that twist-liveliness is the
yarn part at the right arm of the loop have torsions in major contributor to spirality.
opposite directions. If the yarn used was twist-lively,
the potential twist applied in the same direction for
both of the arms. Therefore, the total twist decreased 7 Methods for determining
in one arm and increased in the other. In order to skewness and spirality
equalize their total twists, the curves of the yarn axis
in the arms differ from each other. The loop head and Several standard and other methods are available
legs are arranged by replacing the elliptical upper and for determining the skewness and spiraity of knitted
lower curves of Kurbak‘s plain knit model with para- fabrics.
metric curves. In order to obtain a simple model, it
was assumed that the fabric dimensions, the average 7.1 IWS Test Method No. 276: Method
course spacing and the average wale spacing do not of Test for the Measurement of the Angle
change with fabric spirality. Another method of twist of Spirality in Knitted Fabrics
redistribution in the fabric which differentiates the With the IWS method, the spirality is determined
wrapping angles of the helices on two arms of a loop by placing a protractor on the fat smooth fabric sur-
has been defined as the second kind of spirality. Kur- face with its base-line along the course and reading
bak noted that the second kind of spirality can mainly the angle between the wale line and a line
be observed in rib structures as well as in some of the 90°perpendicular to the course line [11, 45].
technical textile plain knitted fabrics. In their further A modified IWS test method TM 276 was used to
studies, Kurbak and Soydan [44] invstigated twist- measure the fabric spirality both before and after
liveliness and the second kind of spirality effect on the the relaxation treatment [40]. The angle was meas-
rib knitted structures in which the rib components at ured between the wale line and the line parallel to
the right side and at the left side of a plain stitch com- the machine running direction which in this case
ponent are different in construction. was the edge of the circular fabric.

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Skewnes and Spirality of Knitted Structures 115

7.2 ISO 16322 standard Textiles – drawn at an appointed distance above the bench-
Determination of spirality after mark. Another benchmark in placed on the parallel
laundering line directly above the first benchmark. After the
This standard has been published in three parts: laundering, the displacement is measured and spi-
• Part 1: Percentage of wale spirality change in rality calculated. There is a note in the standard
knitted garments [4] pointing out that some fabric constructions, like
• Part 2: Woven and knitted fabrics [5] denim, may have spirality intentionally introduced
• Part 3: Woven and knitted garments [6]. during manufacturing. Another note states that gar-
In Part 1 [4], a method of measuring the percentage ments made of fabrics from circular knitting ma-
of wale spirality change in weft-knitted jersey gar- chines may have inherent non-verticality of wale
ments produced on knitting machines is specified alignment.
following laundering. During the testing procedure,
the welt or hem of the body of a garment prior to 7.3 AATCC Test Method 179-2004 Skewness
laundering is tensioned until the top edge of the Change in Fabric and Garment
welt or hem is straight. The angle subtended by the Twist Resulting from Automatic Home
wales with a line perpendicular to the top edge of laundering
the welt or hem is measured by a protractor. This The AATCC test method [7] determines the changes
measurement is repeated after laundering and the in skewness in woven and knitted fabrics or twist i.e.
change in spirality is computed from the differences spirality in garments when subjected to repeated au-
in the results. In recent times, the spirality angle has tomatic laundering procedures commonly used in the
been measured from knitted fabric images by using home. The changes in skewness in fabric or spirality
computer graphic tools. in garment specimens are measured using bench-
In Part 2 [5], three procedures: diagonal marking, in- marks applied to the specimens before laundering.
verted T-marking and mock-garment marking are The paths of the course lines and the wale lines in the
specified for measuring the spirality or torque of wo- examined knitted structure are determined accurately
ven and knitted fabrics after laundering. For the diag- by either placing the protractor or a ruler along the
onal marking, square single-layer fabric specimens path or drawing a line with a fine tip pen. The proce-
aligned with the selvedge or tubular fold line of the dures of samples, markings are similar to those de-
fabrics are prepared and the corners of the marked scribed in the ISO 16322 standard while the launder-
square are labeled. The Inverted T-marking procedure ing and drying procedures are specified in more detail.
using a T-marking device is particularly suited to nar- There are also additional explanations regarding the
row-width fabrics. Mock-garment marking includes marking, laundering and measuring procedures. The
an over-edged seam along each long direction and one standard points out that for some fabrics, the skew-
short direction of the specimen, forming an open- ness of the fabric in a garment is not solely dependent
ended bag or pillowcase-type specimen to simulate a on its behavior in the unsewn state; it may also be de-
garment panel. Spirality is measured in millimeters, pendent on the manner of garment assembly. The
percentage of a marked distance, or angle of non-ver- standard allows a digital imaging system to be used as
ticality. Similarily to part 1, this part of ISO 16322 is a measuring device in place of the prescribed manual
not intended to measure the spirality of fabrics as measurement devices if it is established that its accu-
manufactured but rather the spirality after laundering. racy is equivalent to the manual devices.
Part 3 [6] specifies the procedures for measuring the
spirality or torques of woven and knitted garments af- 7.4 ASTM D 3882-2006 standard: Bow and
ter laundering. Similarily to parts 1 and 2, this part of skew in woven and knitted fabrics
ISO 16322 is not intended for measuring the spirality The ASTM test method [9] covers the measurement
of garments as manufactured but rather the spirality of distortion regarding courses in knitted fabrics from
after laundering. When measuring, a horizontal ref- the normal path perpendicular to the fabric length
erence line across the width of the garment panel is [46]. The straight line distortion of a marked knitting
marked above the bottom edge or hem. A benchmark course is measured from its normal perpendicular to
is placed midway along the horizontal reference line. the selvage or edge. The measurements are performed
A line parallel to the horizontal reference line is in three places spaced as widely as possible along the

Tekstilec, 2015, 58(2), 108–120

116 Skewnes and Spirality of Knitted Structures

length of the fabric; the minimum examined length is The method was based on image-processing tech-
1m. If possible, no measurements are to be made niques, specifically the Fast Fourier Transform, for
closer to the ends of the roll or piece of fabric than obtaining the directions of the wale and the course
1m. A distinctive color yarn or pattern line across the in order to measure the angle of spirality. Namely,
with of the fabric can be incorporated within the knit- the most visible peaks (white regions) lie in the hor-
ted structure or a suitable marker should be used to izontal direction carrying information about the pe-
trace the knitting course path. The distance along the riodicity of the wales. Similarly, the more visible
straight edge between the two selvedges is measured peaks which lie in the vertical direction carry the
to the nearest 1mm and recorded as the fabric width. information about the periodicity of the courses.
The distance parallel to the selvadeges between the Thus, the lines in the horizontal and vertical direc-
straight edge and the distinctive color yarn or marked tions passing through the more visible peaks and
line is measured to the nearest 1mm and recorded as intersecting at the center have to be determined or
the skew distance. The skew distance should be re- defining the angle of spirality. The proposed algo-
corded including the skew direction, right hand »Z« rithm has yielded fast and accurate results.
and left hand »S« and whether evident on the face or Semnani and Sheikhzadeh [51] developed a new intel-
back of the fabric. The skew (%) is then calculated ligent method for evaluating the deformations of loops
from the ratio between the skew distance and the fab- in various weft-knitted fabrics based on an ideal shape
ric width. The ASTM 3882-2006 standard [9] notes of loops and angle of direction of loops in a knitting
that skew can be induced during fabric manufactur- machine. In order to measure deviation of loop direc-
ing, dyeing, tentering, finishing, or other operations tion against internal stresses, an image analysis tech-
where a potential exists for uneven distribution of nique was applied to images taken from different fab-
tensions across the fabric width. Futher, it comments rics using constant front light. Evaluation of fabric
that skew is more visually displeasing in colored and regularity with emphasis on the deformations of loops
patterned fabrics rather than in solid colors because was based on analyzing the fabric images using Radon
the contrast makes the distortion more prominent. transformation analysis. The index of fabric regularity
The defect may cause sewing problems in such fab- was obtained from the deviations of loops from the
rics and draping problems in finished products. original direction of the ideal regular fabric.

7.5 Other methods for determining skewness

and spirality 8 Reduction and elimination
The spirality can also be measured on the basis of a of skewness and spirality
quick dimensional stability test method [47–49], us-
ing a microwave oven for drying. Square samples of The acceptability of the skewness/spirality extent var-
the knitted fabrics 30 x 30cm are cut and marked ies with the quality, price and the use of the knitted
approximately 25cm apart in both wale and course fabrics. There are many techniques adopted for over-
directions. After a sample has been dried for 10min coming i.e. reduce or eliminate skewness/spirality [3,
in a microwave oven equipped with a turntable and 52,]. Some of them include changes in raw material,
having a 600watt output capacity, the spirality is the other in mechanical processes and/or equipment
measured by a protractor. The sample is then soaked while the other again concentrate on after-treatments.
in lukewarm water containing a little non-ionic wet- The more suitable method for producing spirality-
ting agent for 30min. The exact concentration and free single jersey is by knitting two-folded yarns but
water temperature are not critical. After the excess this increases the price [3, 22, 34, 52]. The opposing
water is removed by blotting the sample with a tow- torsional forces in the single yarns and the resulting
el, the siprality of the wet, relaxed sample is meas- folded yarn are counterbalanced. Garments, knitted
ured. The sample is then dried again in the micro- from folded yarns like T-shrts become heavier. The
wave oven for 15min and the dry relaxed spirality is use of two-folded yarns requires the production of
measured. The procedure can be repeated to simu- finer single yarns to produce lighter fabrics, resulting
late repeating cycles of laundering and drying. in a dramatic increase in their production cost [52].
Celik et al [50] developed an algorithm for deter- Low twisted yarns can also be used for spirality-free
mining the angle of spirality using image analyses. knitted fabrics but their apllication can cause other

Tekstilec, 2015, 58(2), 108–120

Skewnes and Spirality of Knitted Structures 117

production and quality problems like pilling, low The blending of a small percentage of low-melt
tenacity, etc. PES with cotton and heat treatment resulted in a
Reduction or elimination of skewness and spirality reduced spirality [34], however the texture of the
can be achieved by setting, i.e. using resins, heat, fabric was rather unpleasant due to the stiffness of
steam or mercerization, depending on the material the fabric.
compostition of the knitted structure. Setting by Park et al. [56] investigated spirality-related me-
resins, steam, or dry heat is often slightly unstable chanical properties such as torque, the tensile and
and after repeated washings, skewing of the wales torque tendencies of single knit fabrics made of Lin-
normally reoccurs. Therefore, spirality can be elimi- cLITE® and conventional yarns, respectively. They
nated by setting the residual twist in the yarn. In concluded that twist liveliness, snarling tendency,
single yarns from natural fibers, where the problem torque and residual torque, and the assymetry of
usually occurs, the set is not generally permanent to torque and tightness significantly effect the spirali-
washing [10]. Twist setting or relaxation relieves the ties and skewness of single jersey fabrics. They as-
stresses set up in textile fibers by twisting. It ensures sumed that the remedy for spirality should basically
the standstill of the twist-liveliness of even highly be achieved by the modification of the knitting yarn
twisted yarns while retaining their twist level [52]. itself. They discovered that by replacing 100% Meri-
Setting processes can include storing yarn packages no wool with special LincLITE® yarns (soft and
at high temperatures and relative humidity, or bulkier yarns, developed by the Wool Research Or-
steaming. ganization of New Zeland, now known as Canesis
Primentas [53] reported that partial detwisting re- Network Limited) provides less spirality to the sin-
duces significantly and in some cases eliminates the gle knitted structure. On the other hand, some re-
spiraliy of weft knitted fabrics produced from single searchers found out that knitting with elastane can
ring-spun yarns. Highly twisted yarns were steam- also reduce the spirality [57, 32, 30].
set and counterbalancing torsional force was intro- Spirality can be eliminated or reduced by replacing
duced by partially detwisting the steam-set yarns to single knitted structure with one of the spirality resist-
a level of 15–30% of their initially intrdouced twist. ant structures. Spirality does not occur in 1x1 rib and
Araujo and Smith [54] studied the effects of yam spin- interlock fabrics. The loops formed in oposite direc-
ning technology on the spirality of jersey fabrics in tions cancell out the distortions [3]. Cross-tuck and
the dry and fully relaxed states for 100% cotton and double lacoste structures produced on circular knit-
50/50 cotton/PES blend yarns. The 100% cotton yarns ting machine from cotton, polyester and cotton/poly-
showed a greater angle of spirality than the 50/50 ester and cotton/viscose blended yarns performed
blend in the fully relaxed state. For 100% cotton, for lower spirality as well [57]. When comparing plain
both dry relaxed and fully relaxed states, the angle of jersey, single lacoste and double lacoste cotton knitted
spirality decreased as follows; friction > ring > rotor > fabrics, it was discovered that with the increase of tuck
air-jet yarns. 50/50 blend yarns, both the air-jet and loop real density and spirality decrease [58].
the rotor spun, which had the lowest tendency to Knitting alternate Z- and S- twisted with equivalent
snarl, the lowest angles of spirality were observed in twist-liveliness produces an overall spiralty-free fab-
both the dry relaxed and fully relaxed states. ric with an irregular and uneven texture, presenting
Open width finishing with the fabric passing a cockling or a herring-bone effect on the fabric sur-
through a stenter corrects the spirality while finish- face. In this way, spirality can be turned to a pattern
ing the fabric in tubular form does not [3]. which in addition, gives the fabric a greater poten-
Higgins et al [55], investigated the effects of different tial for lengthwise stretch [52, 10].
tumble drying temperatures on the shrinkage, skew- Mercerizaion treatment of cotton yarns showed
ness and spirality properties of 100% cotton plain, substantial reduction in yarn twist-liveliness and
interlock and lacoste fabrics. They observed the low- therefore also the reduction in spirality. Although
est spirality for plain and lacoste knitted fabrics’ mercerization is an efficient wet-relaxation process
structures at 65–75°C tumble drying and 65–75°C it is not a complete solution fort the spirality of knit-
flat drying processes. For interlock structures, the ted fabrics [52, 28].
spirality was the lowest for both 22°C and 65–75°C Resin treatments known as cross linking is sometimes
tumble drying processes. used to reduce the degree of distorion due to spirality.

Tekstilec, 2015, 58(2), 108–120

118 Skewnes and Spirality of Knitted Structures

The resin is applied to the fabric in aqueous solution in knitted fabrics, only two basic terms should be
and is set by passing the fabric once through a high standardised: skewness and spirality.
temperature stenter. Beside eliminating some or all of The presented review aims to expose the paradox of
the spirality, improved dimensional stability, appear- seemingly simple phenomenon which has continu-
ance and handle are claimed for the process [3]. ously required a universal solution. It also points out
Mavruz Mezarcioz and Ogulata [59] proposed a the main problems associated with the skewness/spi-
more systematic approach for dealing with spirality. rality phenomenon and seeks to induce further reflec-
They investigated the use of the Taguchi parameter tion leading to a more systematic approach to prob-
design and concluded that it provides simple and ef- lem solving. From the review of the sicentific and
ficient methodology that requires only a few well- professional literature, it can be concluded that the re-
defined experimental sets and offers a simple ap- search has mostly been focused on cotton knitted fab-
proach for optimising preformance, quality and the rics. Some researchers have investigated polyester and
costs of single jersey knitted fabrics. cotton/polyester knits and knits with added elastane
threads, whilst only a few have analysed woolen knits.
9 Conclusions Although cotton is more commonly used for knitted
goods, the research should be oriented towards other
The main comparative advantage of knitted fabric in raw materials as well, including regenerated cellulose
relation to other flat textile structures is their comfort fibres and synthetic fibres other than polyester. Fur-
due to their handle, permeability, stretchability and thermore, besides elastane added to the knitted struc-
elastic recovery. However, some of these properties ture in the form of bare threads, the research should
are not always just an advantage; they induce defor- also be focused on core-spun elasticised yarns.
mations among which so called skewness and spirali- As plain single structures have mostly been investi-
ty are ones the most problematic from the perform- gated and only a few researchers have investigated
ance as well as the aesthetic point of view. The rib, interlock and basic single tuck and miss knitted
skewness/spirality problem may seem bizzare as it is structure, a more systematic approach is expected
often connected to low-cost knitted fabrics and knit- to emerge regarding spirality and skewness in other
wear, while on the other hand its complexity impedes knitted structures.
a simple and ultimate solution or even elimination. The investigated knitted structures were mostly pro-
Therefore, further investigation of the problem is an- duced on circular knitting machines. Although the
ticipated by focusing on conventional as well as novel loop inclination is mostly a problem in knitting with
materials, knitting techniques and structures. multiple feeders on circular knitting machines, in
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search for almost a century. Causes for skewness fluencing skewness in flat-knitted structures includ-
and spirality have been thoroughly investigated, an- ing 3D and whole garment structures.
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