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Abbi Heafner

6 October 2020

HIS 131- 711

The Appeal of Jackson

The Jacksonian Democracy was a time of reformation during the presidency of Andrew Jackson.

During this time slavery grew and became a big part of the agricultural lifestyle in the South. The new

President Andrew Jackson was seen as a president of the common man, because he came from humble

beginnings instead of a large wealthy background. He became one of the most popular presidents when he

invited the public to his inauguration ball and earned the nickname “King Mob” ( The

Jacksonian Democracy accomplished many things such as the Compromise of tariffs, the suffrage of men

and increased trade.

One of the bigger issues during the Jacksonian Democracy was tariffs. These tariffs were started

as a way of protecting goods from low priced imports, but in 1828 tariffs were raised tremendously to

almost 50% (Bauer). The tariffs were started by President Adams, and when Jackson was elected the

people just assumed, they would go away (Politics ppt). Jackson tried to ease the people by lowering the

tariffs from 45% to 35%, but this just made the people even more upset (Politics ppt). These tariffs made

the South angry because they would cause them to lose profit (Politics ppt). The tariffs angered the South

so much that they threatened nullification, but Jefferson made it very clear that any states that chose to

nullify would be forced to pay tariffs (Bauer). Although they were told not to, South Carolina nullified the

tariffs and eventually threatened succession if the tariffs were taken out on them (Politics ppt). Jackson

requested Congress to pass a bill to assist in tariffs, and Congress responded to Jackson’s request by

passing the Force Bill (Bauer). “The law allowed the president to relocate customs houses and to require

that customs duties be paid in cash” (Bauer). This bill caused South Carolina to revoke their nullification

of tariffs and nullify the Force Bill instead (Bauer). By Requesting the Force Bill, Jackson was heroic in
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the eyes of nationalists (Bauer). Nationalists believe that his heroic action preserved the integrity of the

Union and underscored the primacy of the federal government (Bauer). Through the process of getting rid

of Tariffs, Jackson was not liked by the people, but by the end he was liked and respected for finding a

resolution and compromise for the people.

Jacksonian Democracy was all about allowing suffrage to all men. Before Jackson, only men with

sufficient property had suffrage (History Hub). One of Jackson's promises was that he would gain

suffrage for all white men who were not property owners (History Hub). Without granting suffrage to

white men, we would probably never be in the place we are today where anyone no matter gender or race

can vote. After the granting of suffrage to men the voting turnout increased tremendously (US History I).

The change of voting requirements not only changed voting outcomes, but it also changed the way men

were allowed to vote (US History I). Before the change of voting requirements, a man would walk into a

voting place and cast his vote orally, but after the change the voting process was more secretive (US

History I). A man would walk into a voting place and be given a ballot that he would fill out and return

(US History I). The suffrage of men helped spread political power from the elite to the common ordinary

man (US History I).

In Jefferson’s presidency trade between the states and other countries increased tremendously.

This was a good thing for the South who relied primarily on importing and exporting their crops. The

South had more agriculturally based lifestyle compared to the North, which is why they were more

against tariffs, and more for slaves. Jackson was a pro-slavery president and owned 142 slaves, which is

what helped him secure votes in the South (Politics ppt). In order to secure more land for cotton Jefferson

made a deal with the Indians, he would provide them a trail to a new way of life in exchange for their

land.(Politics ppt). The increase of land resulted in the increase of cotton plantations which resulted in the

cotton-boom ( The cotton-boom increased trade and gave the South a more profitable

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Jacksonian Democracy was a reformative time in America. It was a time of compromising and

fixing past issues, in order to please the people and create a more unified nation. During the beginning of

Jackson’s presidency, he was not favored by the people, but throughout and as time went on the people

started to love Jackson. One of the reasons that people loved Jackson so much was that he was a humble

man, and he did not grow up in a large wealthy family. The Jacksonian Democracy helped resolve many

issues like Tariffs, suffrage of men, and trade.

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Works Cited

Andrew Jackson. 12 Mar. 2020,

Bauer, Patricia. “Force Bill.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 16 Apr. 2018,

Dr. Campers Politics Powerpoint

History Hub, Editors. “Jacksonian Democracy.”, A&E Television Networks, 4 Apr. 2012,

“US History I.” Politics of the Jacksonian Era,


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