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W hile much of the cyber security news agenda

around the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak has
focused on the opportunistic, callous nature
of cyber criminals – for whom this presents a
n opportunity to spread chaos and make a fast buck – for
goldeverage business, cyber security is about more than keeping
the a st of threat campaigns, bug disclosures and cyber attacks.
abrearently, the biggest concern for chief information security
Cur rs (CISOs) and other security professionals is maintain-
officeheir organisation’s cyber security posture during a period
ing t e the vast majority of office-based, IT-reliant workers are
wher to be working from home.
goingTal Zamir, founder of Hysolate, an Israel-based supplier
As of are-defined endpoint technology, explains, the
softwtransition temporary state of compulsory remote
to a working surfaces enges old and new.
chall s said that home is where the heart is, but with the corona-
i a large part of the workforce to work from home to

c oronAvirus: how
contain its spread, home could be where the headache is,”
to implement sAfe And if it’s not too late, lay tHe

secure remote working Assuming it is not already too late to do so, IT and security
teams should do their best to get out ahead of the transition to
Find out what CIOs and CISOs need to know mass remote working by taking a few preparatory steps, says
Liviu Arsene, a global cyber security researcher at BitDefender.
to enable their users to work remotely and
“Before deciding to enforce work-from-home policies, IT and

stay secure. Alex Scroxton reports security teams need to assess their current resources, project
Home 7-20 April 2020 20



News how much strain they need to support to “Make sure employees are using a VPN with
enable remote employees to work in optimal ❯ We look at how staff appropriate encapsulation and authentication
can remain productive,
How IT leaders and conditions, and assess what risks need to be to the data they are accessing. If possible, use
their teams are healthy
helping staff through
factored in and addressed,” says Arsene. and happy while working from IPsec [internet protocol security] or SSTP [Secure
coronavirus crisis “For example, setting up and supporting confer- home during the Covid-19 Socket Tunnelling Protocol] as a connection,” he
coronavirus pandemic.
encing software that ensures a stable voice and says. “You can suggest split tunnelling, which
How postmasters video connection should be a priority, as most allows a user to establish a secure VPN for work-
made legal history with
referral of potential meetings will occur virtually and reliability is related connections but use their own internet
miscarriages of justice Making sure that all employees have valid credentials that connection to do non-work-related activities.”
Giving public cloud expire in less than 30 days is also mandatory, as changing are vpns all tHey’re cracked up to be?
the credit it’s due expired In reality, for all the industry talk of the VPN as a means to
Active Directory credentials can be difficult when remote. enhance security, the technology comes with its own set of
Editor’s comment
“Even if a large number of employees need to change their problems, as Chapman points out.
passwords before leaving the office, it’s a hassle-free For one thing, they are reliant on the security of the originat-
Buyer’s guide
to application
procedure that is best addressed proactively than reactively,” ing network, and if this isn’t up to scratch, it can be a potential
modernisation he says. source of trouble.
It goes without saying that whenever an employee is working “Advise your employees to avoid using their Wi-Fi
Coronavirus: How to remotely, they should be accessing your organisation’s network connection at home and rather connect their laptop or
implement safe and
secure remote working and any software-as-a-service (SaaS) resources they need via workstation to the router with a network cable. Not only does
a virtual private network (VPN). A VPN is a piece of this provide a more secure connection, but also enhances speed
Future of open source software that creates a safe, encrypted “tunnel” from the user as it will be quicker than wireless,” he says.
licences is changing network, whether public or private Wi-Fi, across the public “There is a greater security risk of using potentially malicious
internet, and into the organisation’s network. Wi-Fi networks and infected personal devices to access corpo-
If preparing for a sudden increase in the volume of remote rate assets. Security teams want to ensure that access to cor-
workers, it is absolutely critical to make sure that you have porate resources is always done from a safe, trusted, operating
enough licences to accommodate simultaneous connections system – in some cases, this is a hard compliance
from all of them, says Arsene. requirement,”
Phil Chapman, a senior cyber security instructor at Firebrand says Hysolate’s Zamir.
Training, says there are several steps security teams can take
to make sure their VPNs are as robust as possible. 7-20 April 2020 21


News “A work-from-home solution must protect against a variety of says. “As we prevent viruses from infecting our bodies through
endpoint-related attack vectors, such as operating system vul- isolation, so too do we look to prevent viruses from infecting our
How IT leaders and nerabilities, app vulnerabilities, network vulnerabilities, computers. Isolation is the key to prevention. It ensures sepa-
their teams are
helping staff through
browser/ mail vulnerabilities, USB/external device ration between healthy and ill. For the health of our corporate
coronavirus crisis vulnerabilities, and insider threats. It should be hard for infrastructure, we leverage isolation to separate sensitive data
malware to simultaneously access corporate network resources from anything that could potentially cause it harm, including the
How postmasters and have direct unfiltered access to the internet,” adds Zamir. wild internet.”
made legal history with
referral of potential For this reason, says Zamir, the most sensible thing to do is
miscarriages of justice endpoint security and tHe ciso’s dilemma to lock down all employee devices. But in practice, he acknowl-
Zamir also points out the need for endpoint security. “The edges, this is a terrible idea because the lockdown model typi-
Giving public cloud Achilles’ heel for many IT teams will be securing endpoints cally ends up being just another source of frustration for users,
the credit it’s due
that remote workers use to connect to the corporate network, and one they will try to get around, putting the business at
Editor’s comment
endpoints that now will be fair game for cyber criminals,” he greater risk than it might otherwise have been.

Buyer’s guide
to application

Coronavirus: How to OB
implement safe and E
secure remote working

Future of open source
licences is changing


As people seek isolation to protect themselves physically, CISOs need

to think of isolating sensitive data from the grasp of the wild internet 7-20 April 2020 22



News “Users prefer to use a single device with a single set of periph- CyberArk’s Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) director,
erals, without switching between devices. They would like to David Higgins, says that endpoint security for remote work-
How IT leaders and have direct connectivity to their apps and data, without any ers should be considered in the context of a zero-trust security
their teams are
helping staff through
added network latency, in the corporate network, in the cloud, policy. “In the current environment, where endpoint devices
coronavirus crisis and in their personal home network,” says Zamir. such as smartphones and laptops have disparate levels of secu-
“They expect to always work natively and locally and have rity, cyber security needs to match the flexibility of modern
How postmasters fast, responsive applications. They want working,” he says.
made legal history with
referral of potential to be able to print with their home “We can no longer ensure the
miscarriages of justice printers and to be able to use their “s ending out rules security of these endpoints. We
Wi-Fi networks at home or at the and should assume endpoint devices
Giving public cloud coffee shop.” are already compromised or soon
the credit it’s due
For this reason, CISOs must walk guidelines regarding accepted will be. This position is important
Editor’s comment
a fine line between overly restrict- because it mandates that we adopt
ing user behaviour and optimis- applications and the critical premise of zero trust by
ing cyber security hygiene. If the enforcing isolation to prevent such
Buyer’s guide
to application restrictions are too tight, you risk
collaborative platforMs is a devices ever directly accessing
alienating your user base and Must ” critical assets.

liviu arsene,
choking their ability to work productively, but if the restrictions “Once combined with a just-in-time provisioning of access
Coronavirus: How to
implement safe and are too loose, you could expose your business to unacceptable process, this can dramatically reduce the likelihood of an
secure remote working levels of risk. attacker using a remote worker’s identity to infiltrate a busi-
“Sending out rules and guidelines regarding accepted applica- ness,” says Higgins.
Future of open source tions and collaborative platforms is also a must, as employees
licences is changing
need to be made aware of what is sanctioned and what is not,” talk to your people, don’t let tHem be tHe weakest link
Downtime says BitDefender’s Arsene. “Combined with the deployment of As has been demonstrated time and time again, one of the
network security, monitoring and logging tools, IT and secu- greatest risks to organisational security is humans themselves,
rity teams can be notified whenever untrusted connections or who collectively display an ability to accidentally do the wrong
unauthorised applications are spotted to quickly and timely thing in almost every situation – in this case, falling for a cyber
block them.” security threat. 7-20 April 2020 23


News At a time of heightened stress and fear, this becomes even “Use a favourites list or Google to navigate through the inter-
more crucial. What is more, the cumulative volume of phishing net. Do not follow directions or links from emails or text mes-
How IT leaders and emails and other cyber threats that have coalesced around the sages you weren’t expecting. If you think you’ve identified a
their teams are
helping staff through
coronavirus is enormous – it may even be the largest ever. social engineering attempt, report it. If you’re unsure, ask. It’s
coronavirus crisis All this adds up to a real headache for CISOs, but fortunately, if good to talk about cyber security.
your workforce is appropriately equipped and educated, it “Don’t leave yourself vulnerable to malware infection or data
How postmasters doesn’t need to be, leaving you free to concentrate on the big loss. Encrypt your data and keep backups on clouds and external
made legal history with
referral of potential issues. hard drives just in case.
miscarriages of justice Even though some of the risks associated with working in a “A green padlock doesn’t necessarily mean a website is safe.
public place – or even in an office – are minimised when Make sure you check the website’s URL. If you’re ever unsure
Giving public cloud isolated at home, Firebrand Training’s Chapman says remote about the legitimacy of a website, stop. Google it and follow the
the credit it’s due
working staff can start by behaving as if they are in the office link provided to reach your destination,” he adds.
Editor’s comment
and apply the same mechanisms as they would in their usual
workplace. remote working doesn’t Have to be risky
Buyer’s guide
“Acceptable usage policies (for corporate and bring-your- The volume of interest in coronavirus means that cyber crimi-
to application own-device equipment) should be robust and apply at home nals and threat actors will continue to heavily exploit it, and
equally as at work. This should also apply to telephone calls and depending on how long the crisis stage of the pandemic lasts,
online meetings,” he says. we could be looking at the emergence of a highly significant,
Coronavirus: How to
implement safe and Oz Alashe, CEO at CybSafe, says there are several basic long-term cyber security issue.
secure remote working steps that remote workers can take to protect themselves. However, as is so often the case when it comes to cyber
“All emails, text messages and phone calls can be faked or security, paying a little care and attention to basic security
Future of open source ‘spoofed’ to appear as if they’re from colleagues or from hygiene should be the first priority for CISOs, security teams and
licences is changing
other trusted parties,” he says. users alike.
Downtime “These attacks are especially convincing for remote workers. Just as going into self-isolation and quarantine will help us
For emails, check the sender details. If you receive a request you collectively flatten the curve and minimise the number of
weren’t expecting, or one which has an undue sense of urgency, coro- navirus infections and deaths, collective caution when it
slow down. Stay in control of your actions. comes to remote working and cyber security will help
“Think about what protections you need to have in place at organisations and individuals avoid falling victim to a needless
home. As a minimum, use an antivirus program, turn on your and unneces-
firewall and update when prompted,” says Alashe. sarily distracting incident. n 7-20 April 2020 24

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