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If your data is typed in database format (i.e. no blank columns or merged cells) then you can
use the subtotals command.

In the following example we can first sort out list into company order and then we can
subtotal the list specifying that at each change in company name we would like a subtotal for
the Amount, VAT and Totals column.
Invoice Date Number Company Amount VAT Total
11560 22-Sep-94 TC/001 Ability £3,472.00 £607.60 £4,079.60
11561 25-Sep-94 TC/004 Lectern Systems £782.00 £136.85 £918.85
11562 25-Sep-94 TC/024 Adept Computer Technology £690.00 £120.75 £810.75
11563 27-Sep-94 TC/004 Lectern Systems £499.00 £87.33 £586.33
11564 29-Sep-94 TC/001 Ability £2,890.00 £505.75 £3,395.75
11565 30-Sep-94 TC/004 Lectern Systems £1,809.00 £316.58 £2,125.58
11566 30-Sep-94 TC/010 Northwind Systems £3,635.00 £636.13 £4,271.13
11567 30-Sep-94 TC/024 Adept Computer Technology £804.00 £140.70 £944.70
11568 30-Sep-94 TC/001 Ability £1,575.00 £275.63 £1,850.63
11569 03-Oct-94 TC/028 Inova Business Services £638.00 £111.65 £749.65
11570 03-Oct-94 TC/004 Lectern Systems £597.00 £104.48 £701.48
11571 03-Oct-94 TC/010 Northwind Systems £357.00 £62.48 £419.48
11572 03-Oct-94 TC/001 Ability £2,556.00 £447.30 £3,003.30
11573 04-Oct-94 TC/107 Courseware Company £2,869.00 £502.08 £3,371.08
11574 05-Oct-94 TC/004 Lectern Systems £254.00 £44.45 £298.45
11575 05-Oct-94 TC/010 Northwind Systems £329.00 £57.58 £386.58
11576 05-Oct-94 TC/001 Ability £3,002.00 £525.35 £3,527.35

1. Click in the Company column (do not select the entire column just click on one cell
within the column)

2. Sort the list alphabetically by company by clicking on the Sort & Filter button on the
Home tab and choosing Sort A-Z

3. To subtotal activate the Data ribbon and then click on the Subtotal icon in the
Outline group to the right hand side of the ribbon. The following dialog box will be

4. Click on the arrow alongside At each change in: and choose Company

Provided by Abacus Computer Training, Rickmansworth

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5. Click on the drop-down arrow alongside Use Function and choose Sum (you can
use lots of different functions i.e. count, average, max, min)
6. Click on the drop-down arrow alongside Add subtotal to and put a tick alongside
Amount, VAT and Total as these are the columns we require subtotals for.

7. Click on OK to complete the command.

Your list will be displayed in Outline mode as per the example below:

8. Notice that alongside the column headings you have 1, 2 and 3. If you click on 1 the
Grand Total only will be displayed. If you click on 2 all the totals will be displayed.
Clicking on 3 will display all records. You can collapse or expand your groups by
clicking on the + or – as appropriate.

Removing your Subtotals

1. If you wish to continue working with your list it is necessary to remove the sub-totals.
You can always switch them on again later.
2. Go back to the Subtotals command on the Data Ribbon and choose Remove All

Provided by Abacus Computer Training, Rickmansworth

T: 01923 710552 M: 07885 232 030 E:
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