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Arrange the sentences in the correct order to answer items 1, 2

1.-was / on / Friday / dancing / sister / my.

2. - parents / my / dinner / last / cooked / night

Read the text and answer items 3, 4.

Aztec empire
The Aztec empire was a empire based in Tenochtitlan, which extended its power throughout
Mesoamerica in the late postclassic period.
It originated in 1427 as a triple-alliance between the city-states Tenochtitlan, Texcoco and
Tlacopan who allied to defeat the Tepanec, that had previously dominated the Basin of
Mexico. Soon Texcoco and Tlacopan became junior partners in the alliance which was led by
the Mexica of Tenochtitlan.
The political clout of the empire reached far south into Mesoamerica conquering cities as far
south as Chiapas and Guatemala and spanning from the Pacific to the Atlantic oceans. The
empire reached its maximal extent in 1519 just prior to the arrival of the Spanish
conquistadors led by Cortés who managed to topple the Aztec empire by allying with some of
the traditional enemies of the Aztecs, the Nahuatl speaking Tlaxcalteca.
Smith, Michael E. (1997). The Aztecs.

3.-Who was defeated by the Triple Alliance?

4.- Who were enemies of the Aztecs?

Read the experiment and answer items 5, 6, 7, 8.

The fireproof balloon

Balloons are fragile things. You know that they must be kept away from sharp objects. They
also need to be kept away from flames. However, in this experiment you will find out how you
can hold a balloon directly in a flame without breaking the balloon.
For this experiment you will need:
two round balloons, not inflated
one candle
Inflate one of the balloons and tie it closed. Place 60 milliliters (¼ cup) of water in the other
balloon, and then inflate it and tie it shut.
Light a candle and be careful to avoid burning yourself or causing accidental fires. Hold the
candle under the first balloon. The balloon breaks even before the flame touches it.
Light another match. Hold it directly under the water in the second balloon. Allow the flame to
touch the balloon. What happens with this balloon? The balloon doesn't break. You may even
see a black patch of soot form on the outside of the balloon above the flame.

5.- Select a warning used in the experiment?

6.-. Select a obligation used in the experiment

7.-In the experiment:

8.- Select a security instruction in a laboratory

Read the recipe and answer items 9, 10, 11
Oaxacan Tacos
I showed to a man from Texas how to make these tacos when he lived with my family. This
is traditional Mexican tacos and is the best dish I know how to make.
Ingredients Directions
2 pounds top sirloin steak Cut the steak into thin strips and chop the
salt and pepper jalapenos, onion and coriander. Fry the steak
1/4 cup vegetable oil strips, stirring constantly, until browned on the
18 corn tortillas outside and cooked through, for about 5 minutes.
1/2 onion Season with salt and pepper. Put on a plate and
4 jalapeno peppers keep warm.
4 limes Heat the oil in the skillet, and quickly fry each
1 fresh coriander tortilla on both sides, until lightly browned and
flexible. Set aside, and keep warm.
Place tortillas on a plate, and top with steak strips,
onion, jalapeno, and coriander to taste. Squeeze
lime juice over them. Wrap and eat.
8. Where are tacos from?
B) Chile
C) Texas
D) Mexico
9. Choose an uncontable ingredient
A) Pepper
B) Tortillas
C) Onion
D) Limes
10. According to the recipe, choose the right
A) First

9.-Where are tacos from?

10.- Choose an uncountable ingredient

11.- According to the recipe, choose the right sentence

Read the text and answer items 12, 13, 14

A journey through pre-Hispanic Veracruz

Gateway of Mexico to the world due to its geographic location, Veracruz has an invaluable
history. Since they are located in the tropics, the climate is usually hot and humid, therefore,
don’t forget to wear a hat, bring water, insect repellent, comfortable clothes and a raincoat.
This tropical land gave birth to the Olmec culture, the mother culture which influenced all of
Mesoamerica, including the Maya and Aztec. Tajin, “city of thunder” is the imposing
architectural legacy of the Totonac people and has been designated a World Heritage Site by
Another pre-Hispanic past of Veracruz is Cempoala, one of the most important cities on the
Gulf coast, which was home to up to 30,000 people between Totonacs, Chinantecs and
Zapotecs. In the site’s museum, you will find pieces that reveal the artistry of its inhabitants,
including a detailed figure of Xipe-Totec, the Aztec god of abundance.
Cempoala is located 21 miles southeast of the port of Veracruz, and about 6 miles on the
street to Nautla.

12.- What is the weather like in Veracruz?

13.- How can you get to Cempoala from Veracruz?

14.-. What are you going to do in Cempoala?

Read the text and answer items 15 Y 16

Airport timetable Mexico city

Departs Arrives Price
Friday 17:00 22:00 $ 23,400
Saturday 10:00 15:00 $ 28,500
Sunday 10:00 15:00 $ 28,500


Saturday 9:00 10:00 $ 2,550

Sunday 12:00 13:00 $ 3,200

15.- How much is a single ticket from Mexico to Veracruz on Sunday?

16.-. What method of transport correspond with the timetable?

Read the text and answer items 17, 18 19.

Water Pollution

Water pollution is the contamination of lakes, rivers, oceans, aquifers and groundwater. Water
pollution occurs when pollutants are directly or indirectly discharged into the water bodies
without adequate treatment to remove harmful compounds.

Water pollution affects plants and organisms living in these bodies of water. In almost all
cases this effect will damage the species.

About 10% of waste water is recycled in Mexico City, compared to 90% in London. With
political agreement it will take at least 10 years to make significant change.

If you want to help keep our waters clean, there are many things you can do to help:
Conserve water by turning off the tap when you brush your teeth.

Be careful about what you throw down your sink.

Not to overuse pesticides and fertilizers.
Don’t throw trash into rivers, lakes or oceans.

17.- What is an example of water bodies?

18.- How much water is recycled in Mexico City?

19.- What can you do to help water clean?

20.-What is an endangered animal?

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