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Life Cycle Assessment 

October Second, Two Thousand and Twenty 

San Marin High School 
Daniel Ford

Emma Rice

Derek Dela Cruz

James Wreden 
Table of Contents  

Introduction 2

Raw Materials 2

Transportation and Distribution 3

Manufacturing Processes 4

The Use 5

Recycling 6

Wastes and Emissions 6

Conclusion 7

Citations 7


The goal of our product is to equalize sound in an efficient way that is also accessible to amateur
musicians. Our product’s four main functions are amplification, equalization, portability, and
adaptability. We are using a preamp knob, tilt EQ, a cylindrical shape, and an XLR adapter to
accomplish the functions, respectively. The product will be a cylinder with circuits inside. An
XLR cable will go through the cylinder, and the preamp and EQ knobs attached will be able to
adjust the settings.

This life cycle assessment (LCA) will show the process of creating, using, and disposing of our

Raw Materials
○ Braid
■ Copper/TAC(Tin Plated Copper)
○ Cotton Yarn
■ Cotton Threads
○ PE Insulation
■ Foamed Polyethylene
○ Copper Conductors
■ OFC (Oxygen Free Copper)
○ Connector (Female and Male)
■ Gold or Silver Plated Contacts
➢ Casing
○ Painted Carbon Steel
➢ Circuit
○ Resistors
■ Carbon, Metal, or Metal-Oxide Film
○ Transistors
■ Germanium, Silicon, or Borax
○ Capacitors
■ Conductive Plates (Metal)
■ Dielectri​c (waxed paper, mica, ceramic, plastic or some form of a liquid
○ Inductors
■ Co​re (magnetic core made of iron or ferrite)
■ Coil (Copper)

○ Diodes
■ Doped Silicon
➢ Knobs
○ Plastic or Aluminum

Transportation and Distribution

For the ​transportation​ of perishable, light or valuable ​goods​, air ​transport​ will be the most
efficient ​mode of transport​ to use, although it is expensive. Importers and exporters should also
consider the overall cost of ​transportation​, keeping the “hidden costs” such as insurance
premiums and finance charges in mind.

For our product specifically, we would most likely go in a different direction than just air
transportation. Cost wise, it would be inefficient to spend enormous sums of money on air
transportation and put less​ money in other areas. Transportation that would be realistic includes
most ground transportation. As cars, buses, or trains used to take passengers to and from airports
and planes we would find ways to utilize delivery vans and trucks to transport.

In the first stages of our company and product, we would limit our transportation and distribution
to domestic regions. Financially, it would make more sense to build our product, and improve
before sending it overseas in competitive markets.

Distribution is the next part of transportation and getting our product into the market. The
channel of distribution is defined as the most efficient and effective manner in which to place a
product into the hands of the customer. The channel is composed of different institutions that
facilitate the transaction and the physical exchange. There are four basic types of marketing
channels which include direct selling, selling through intermediaries, dual distribution, and
reverse channels.

Direct selling is the marketing and selling of products directly to consumers away from a fixed
retail location. A marketing channel where intermediaries such as wholesalers and retailers are
utilized to make a product available to the customer is called an indirect channel. Dual
distribution describes a wide variety of marketing arrangements by which the manufacturer or
wholesalers uses more than one channel simultaneously to reach the end user. They may sell
directly to the end users as well as sell to other companies for resale. A reverse channel goes in
the reverse direction and may go — from consumer to intermediary to beneficiary. Think of
making money from the resale of a product or recycling. This is a new channel brought by the
increasing use of technology in our world.

Our most promising channel of distribution would be selling through intermediaries. We would
find ways to get our product to retailers that would appeal to our consumers, such as music
stores, and have them sell the product. While financially, we would be losing some money, this
is the most efficient way to reach our consumers nationally before we move into other markets
internationally or improve our original product.

Raw Materials
➢ Need fossil fuels for distribution
➢ Our product would utilize other materials to be composed (see raw materials section)

➢ Use trucks, trains, airplanes
○ Cargo ships when international
➢ Oil and fossil fuels would provide most energy

➢ Transported through airway and ground transportation
○ Waterway when international
➢ CO2 and other greenhouse gases are emitted through these delivery means
○ Contaminate the atmosphere

Manufacturing Processes

There are two major components of our product: the circuit and the XLR cable. Both
components have intricate manufacturing processes, with additional manufacturing steps in the
combining of the components. Although we cannot definitively say what the manufacturing
process is yet, we have a very strong idea as to what will be in the process.

A majority of the manufacturing will be in the creation of the printed circuit board, or the PCB.
PCBs act as a guide for circuit creation and are used as the main surface of circuit creation.
Soldering is a necessary skill for success. After testing our circuit with a breadboard, we will
move onto a PCB.

PCBs, before they are made, require a schematic of the circuit’s design. These designs are
printed out using a plotted printer. From there, after taking the physical board, the substrate,
which is the insulating material, is formed. This is made up of epoxy resin and glass fiber. Then,

after being plated with copper, in order to add the circuit design to the PCB, a layer of
photoresist is added to the board. Exposure to UV light hardens the photoresist, and any
unwanted copper is removed. Another layer of copper is added, which is the press plate. During
the laminating process, which applies heat and pressure, the layers of copper and epoxy are fused
together. Another layer of photoresist is added and hardened. Then, in a process called etching,
ferric chloride removed more unnecessary copper, establishing the connections. Finally, the PCB
undergoes silkscreening, which prints critical information on the board.

To make an actual circuit, components are soldering onto the PCB. Since multiple circuits will
be used in our product to make it efficient, we will have to perform a lot of soldering in order to
make the product function.

Afterwards, an XLR cable is made. XLR cables require a cable. After the copper wire is
measured, stripped, and twisted together, heat shrink is added. Then, the wires are soldered
together and the heat shrink is applied using a heat gun. The XLR connector is assembled
afterward and the boot is tightened, finalizing the end.

The wire will be connected to the circuit and a frame will be created using 3D printing or carbon
steel. Knobs will also be attached in order to adjust amplification. This manufacturing process is
from an individualistic point of view, and if this project were to become popular, factories will
be able to find ways to be more efficient.

The Use
Reuse and Maintenance


This product will require no additional parts. Using is simple, simply plug in to your output
device and then turn the knobs to equalize. This product will also be designed to work over a
long period of time. If properly cared for, these materials can last for a while and really help an
amateur musician get a start as a musician and experience equalization in a simple format. The
product may need a small amount of maintenance, but it will be very simple maintenance if it

The circuit we will be creating uses a battery. This means that we cannot reuse that energy being
used. However, since our product will be versatile with multiple speakers, it means most people
will only need to buy one of our products. This saves the energy of making multiple disposable

products. For maintenance, users must make sure they do not keep a battery in their product for
extremely long periods of time, as it could corrode the product.

The battery will be unable to be reused after it has died, meaning our product will create a small
amount of waste. However, most brands of battery are able to be recycled into making more
batteries, meaning it is not 100% waste.


Most of the materials that go into our product can be recycled. If users return the product, we
could use the materials for creating more of our product. Additionally, most of the materials used
in our product require fossil fuels in order to be made

The energy used in our product is unfortunately non-renewable. However, rechargeable batteries
can be used to prevent the waste of energy.

Most of the waste produced can be reused in the creation of other products. Batteries can be
recycled, and returned products can be repurposed. For what cannot be reused, the disposal
process is becoming much more environmentally friendly, and uses more green energy sources.

Wastes and Emissions

During PCB manufacturing, unwanted copper is disposed of. This copper can be recycled, but
disposal is important. The insulation of the XLR cable and the plastic used with 3D printers can
be recycled, but it can’t be recycled with other plastics because of the different melting points of
the materials.

Circuits emit electricity and heat during use. However, circuits are not 100% efficient. There is
some energy that is wasted, but this is due to the laws of thermodynamics. Efficiency is an
important function of our product.


After reviewing all of our concepts and researching, we are confident in our decision to pursue
designing and developing Concept 2. It will allow us to appeal to our desired consumer market,
as well as incorporate our most important demands and wishes. The research presented in this
paper covers the basic life cycle of our product and how we plan to make it efficient and
accessible to a wide range of music enthusiasts. Ampliteam is on a mission to create a product
that serves the people, and we are ready to continue.



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