Flow Investigation in A Francis Turbine

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FACHBACH Flow Investigation in a Francis Turbine

G r a d u a t e Research and Teaching
Assistant, Technical University in G r a z ,
Results of both theoretical and experimental investigations of the flow in a Francis
Institute of Turbomachinery II,
G r a z , Austria water turbine are presented. The flow visualization with the aid of rotating five-bore-
hole probes provides the relative velocities, the pressure and energy distribution, the slip
factor, the boundary layers, and the secondary flow. It is the intent of this paper to
compare the theoretical and experimental results and to inform about the usefulness of
the assumptions based upon the method of computation.

Introduction tions. To get a good idea of the real flow in radial and diagonal
turbomachines, Prof. Niedermayer started research series with
I HE development of hydraulic machines during the the intention of measuring the actual flow data in stationary and
last decades was characterized by empiric methods. T h a t led rotating parts of these types of turbomachines. This paper
to high efficiencies indeed but not so much to the knowledge of shows the results of the investigation of a Francis water turbine
the flow field in the machinery. For the computation and the with high specific speed and compares them with the results of a
design one- or two-dimensional methods combined with experi- frequently used analytical method.
mental results were often used. I t was not until the last years
that three-dimensional analytical methods, developed in the
fields of compressors or gas turbines, were made use of in de-
signing the hydraulic parts and computing their flow data. The computation of the three-dimensional flow in turbo-
machines is often carried out by separate evaluation of the axi-
All methods of analysis are based on assumptions; their use-
symmetric problem of the meridional flow and of the problem of
fulness had to be tested with the aid of experimental investiga-
the stream through cascades on surfaces of revolution. I t is as-
sumed t h a t the meridional flow remains axisymmetric also by
different velocities on the suction and on the pressure sides of the
Confcributed by the Fluid Machinery Committee and presented The streamlines of the actual flow deflect from surfaces of
at the Winter Annual Meeting, New York, N. Y., November 29- revolution; the displacement depends on the pressure ratio, on
GINEERS. Manuscript received at ASME Headquarters, August 3, the number of blades, on the boundary layers and secondary flows,
1970. Paper No. 70-WA/FE-16. and on the influence of the Coriolis force.


C = absolute velocity, mps W = relative velocity without influ- rate between streamline and
Fb = blade force, mps 2 ence of relative curl, mps shroud to whole flow
H = total head, m AW = relative velocity, induced by the rotation speed, rad ps
HR = relative total enthalpy, m relative curl, mps
h = static enthalpy, m Z = number of blades Subscripts

h„ = loss factor, m (3 = relative flow angle, deg m = meridional streamline direction

N = work, H P S 7 = angle between meridional stream- n = direction normal to meridional
n — speed of rotation, rpm line and axis of rotation, deg streamline
V = static pressure, m water gauge 77 = efficiency p = pressure surface
"P = static pressure difference, m water r = relative curl, rad ps R = relative value
gauge p = density, kg s 2 per m 3 s = suction surface
Q = mass flow, m'ps 0" = blade thickness in circumferential u — circumferential direction
R = radius, m direction, m
Re = Reynolds number <p = coordinate angle around axis, deg Superscript
K = radius of curvature, m ip = streamfunction, ratio of flow — — mean valve

Copyright © 1971 by ASME

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Shroud,41-0,0 J

(Leading Edge

Traili ng Edge

Hut>>t •-1,0

Fig. 1 Meridional streamlines in passage

8 _- ^_ Ws /"\
V^~ N \ Section if-0,9

y /
(near Hub)

/w. ws

^ W,
> 1 -
Section ni-0,1 Section iv - 0,5
(near Shroud) (Middle of Channel) -^w p

20 40 60 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60
Fig. 2 Theoretical velocity distributions along three blade sections

The axisymmetrio flow is given by the equation of motion in until these equations are satisfied. The computed meridional
a direction normal to the meridional streamlines [ l ] 1 streamfield is shown in Fig. 1.
To compute the blade-to-blade velocity distribution, the
cj c„» . „ 1 ^>P "approximate method" of Stanitz and Prian [2] was used.
sm y = Fb - -• — (1)
With the assumption of a linear variation of the relative veloci-
rK li p on ties from the suction side to the pressure side and the assumption
The computation of this flow field was carried out iteratively.
of no absolute circulation on surfaces of revolution, for thin blades
A first set of streamlines were assumed and their positions were
the velocity on the suction side is
controlled by the equation of motion (1), by the energy equation,
and by the continuity equation. The streamlines were changed /2RiT
Ws = W + C (2)

1 The velocity on the pressure side is

Numbers in brackets designate References at end of paper.

526 / D E C E M B E R 1971 Transactions of the

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Fig. 3 Geometry of the model turbine

Fig. 4 (a) Probe; (b) installation of the probe

W„ = 2W - W, (3) The Actual Flow

This method cannot provide the slip factor—its value must be Test Rig and Instrumentation. To get information about the real
assumed for all stream surfaces. The results of the computation flow, a Francis turbine test rig was built. The computation of
for three sections of the impeller are drawn in Fig. 2. the hydraulic, parts was done with the aid of the described ana-

Joumal of Basic Engineering DECEMBER 1 9 7 1 / 527

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the head by a manometer, the speed of rotation with an electronic
counter, and the torque by a water-cooled disk brake.
The optimum efficiency of this model turbine comes lo i)\y
percent. For the determination of the flow data in the channel
to Manometer of the impeller, specifications of operation were chosen as follows-

II = 3.04 m 17 = 91.2 percent

Q = 0.1655 nv>/s N = '6:11 H P S
n = oOOrpm He = 2.15 X 10 6

To measure the pressures, the velocity, and its direction, a. (ive-

bore-hole probe was used, Fig. 4(a). This probe was calibraled
in a test nozzle to a maximum angle between flow direction and
Rubber Sealing Ring axis of the probe of 12 deg. The precision of the probe in case of
calibration was 0.1 deg. The probe was installed in a channel
with the aid of computed forms, Fig. 4(5). The hub had to bo
perforated and the probe was fixed in it with the metal filler.
The six pressures of the probe were transmitted in thin tubes (0
from the pressure transfer device. Each pressure arriving in a radial
Impeller bore hole of the wave was transmitted in a small chamber built
of two stationary rubber sealing rings, Fig. 5.
On both sides of each chamber there are other chambers filled
with water to press the lips of the seals against the wave and to
dissipate the friction heat.
Fig. 5 Pressure transfer device The probe could not be installed closer to the blade than 1.5
mm. To get the pressures on the blade surfaces themselves,
lytical methods. The most significant criterion for the design of small holes were bored in the blades and connected by thin tubes
the impeller was a linear decline of the angular momentum along- with the pressure transfer device.
all meridional streamlines to get a uniform energy transfer from To measure the flow conditions upstream and downstream of
the flow to the blades. the impeller, the probe was also installed in the space of the. guide-
The 13 blades of the runner were separately manufactured of vanes, in the space between guidevanes and impeller, and in the
bronze and were fixed by a metal filler in milled slits of the hub. diffusor, see Fig. 3.
The shroud and a part of the diffusor were built with "Plexiglas" Relative Velocity Field. The knowledge of the relative velocities
to enable the observation of the flow into the impeller channels is very important for the detei'mination of flow separation and
during operation. The impeller has a diameter of 280 mm; its cavitation. Fig. 6 shows the measured and computed velocities
meridional plane is drawn in Fig. 3. on a surface of revolution near the shroud of the impeller. The
To control the performance of the turbine, suitable instruments angular momentum of the real flow arriving at the impeller on
were installed: The mass flow was measured by a venturi tube, this section decreases because of the friction on the wall, and the

>- Section i|i • 0,1

Fig. 6 Comparison of fheor&ficai and experimental velocity distributions on blade section *p — 0.1

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Fig. 7 Comparison of theoretical and experimental velocity distributions on blade section i/' — 0.5

direction of the upstream does not correspond with the design of

the impeller. Because of this, in the first part of the cascade the
energy transfer and the difference of the velocities between suc-
tion side and pressure side are small. Downstream the conform-
ity of the measured and computed velocities is very good until
the development of the boundary layers produces divergences on
the outlet. The velocity field in the middle of the channel is
shown in Fig. 7.
Boundary Layer. The areas of boundary layer observed in the
channel of the impeller are drawn in Fig. 8. The largest field
lies on the suction side near the shroud. This phenomenon was
also observed by Hamrick [3] and Ellis [4] in radial compres-
sors. The reason for the existence of boundary layers on this loca-
tion results from the great delay of the relative stream; in the case
of the Francis turbine, the narrow corner between shroud and
suction side favors its development. Because of the short length
of the channel compared with its hydraulic diameter, of the
small number of blades, and the only slightly curved channel,
the fields of boundary layers in this type of a diagonal turbine
are small in comparison with those of radial turbines and pumps.
The distribution of the static pressure in the cascade near the
shroud, shown in Fig. 9, is typical for the existence of the boundary
layer. By delaying the flow near the suction side, the pressure in-
creases only slightly and remains constant rrp to the trailing edge.
The same phenomenon could be observed also on the pressure
side in the small part near the outlet of the channel. A good
criterion for presence of boundary layers provides also the draw-
ing of the angular momentum. Fig. 10 shows a big increase of
RC„ on the suction side adjacent to the shroud. The relative
velocity at this spot is very small and the circumferential com-
ponent of the absolute velocity equals the circumferential veloc-
ity of the blade. The distribution of the angulai- momentum
on other sections appears uniformly.
Load of the Blade. The design of the blades for uniform energy
transfer also conditions an equal load of the blades. T h e mea-
sured difference of the pressures on the blade between pressure
Fig. 8 Boundary layers in the channel and suction side is drawn in Fig. 11. For a large part of the
blade surface the load is quite equal. Only in the area near the

Journal of Basic Engineering DECEMBER 1971 / 529

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_ Section i(i-0,1 1)1-0,5 ly- 0,9


1 -

40 80 40 80 40 80
Fig. 9 Static pressure along three blade sections



10 20 -10 20. 10 20
Fig. 10 Distribution of angular momentum on the outlet along three sections

leading edge and the shroud is there a maximum of load pro- in the direction to the hub, on the pressure side to the shi , " l "'l
duced by the not exact upstream. hence, it follows a torsion of the meridional stream surf.,n'lV-
Torsion of the Stream Surfaces. Generally the shift of the actual In Fig. 13 the measured vectors of the relative velocities adjiK-t'"'
streamlines against the axisymmeti'io surfaces is caused by the to the blades are drawn; they show the described influence ol ''"'
influence of the boundary layers and by the influence of the component YR,,,, of the relative curl. The quantity of thi- lll_
Coriolis force. The main influence on the torsion of the stream fluence depends on the number of blades and on the inclin'i11""
surfaces in this type of Francis turbine is exerted by the "Relative of the meridional streamlines to the axis of rotation. In niliiil
Curl." This expression, used in the literature of hydraulic ma- turbomachines there exists only the component YR.U', m "A
chinery [5], characterizes the vector YR = — 2u), t h a t is, the vector machineries, only the influence of YR,m [6].
of rotation of the relative stream by not rotating absolute stream. Relative Total Enthalpy and Losses in the Impeller. B y measurer"'" 1 ,
The relative curl YR can be divided into a component T^.m in di- of the pressures and the velocities, the relative total enthalpy "•'•'
rection tangential to the meridional stream surfaces and a
component YR,„ normal to this plane, Fig. 12. The component HB ==&+•• 2 .•''
Yit,„ contributes towards the circulation around the blades; the 2
component Yn,m produces additional velocities on the suction side is known too. HR is the "Bernoulli constant" of the rel«i lVl '

530 / D E C E M B E R 197) Transactions of the ASME

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Surface of Revolution

'p,m AWp.n

Fig. 1 I Circular projection of pressure differences between pressure and Fig. 12 Additional velocities induced by relative curl
suction side

Slip Factor. The method used for the computation of the blade
streamlines. In the real flow HR decreases because of the fric- Velocities cannot provide the slip factor. Its value may be com-
tion losses. The distributions of HR on three surfaces of revolu- puted as by Busemann [7] or Stanitz [8]. For the design of the
tion at the inlet and the ovitlet of the channel are drawn in Fig. impeller, the slip factor was assumed. Fig. 16 shows the mean
14. They show an increase of HR on the pressure side. This value in circumferential direction of the flow angle on the outlet;
phenomenon can be explained as follows: The relative total en- the difference between flow angle and blade angle corresponds to
thalpy of the flow near the hub is higher than near the shroud. the slip factor.
The flow adjacent to the pressure side runs in the direction to the Loss Analysis in the Turbine. With the aid of the measurements
shroud (Fig. 13) and shows greater enthalpy than the mean en- of the flow data in the entrance of the spiral case, in the space of
thalpy corresponding to this surface of revolution. the guidevanes, in the impeller, and in the diffusor, the losses in
Only for axisymmetric flows can a loss factor be defined as the whole machinery could be found:
losses in spiral case and guidevanes hv — 0.18 m
= H/l,inlt HR, (7) losses in vaneless space upstream impeller hv — 0.005 m
Hit means the median in circumferential direction of the relative losses in impeller hv = 0.068 m
total enthalpy. Fig. 15 shows losses found in this way on all
losses in diffusor h„ = 0.007 m
surfaces of revolution. From the mean value of hv = 0.068 m,
the hydraulic efficiency of the impeller comes to 97.8 percent. losses of ventilation, mechanical losses h„ = 0.010 m

Pressure Side Suciion Side

Fig. 13 Circular projection of velocity vectors adjacent pressure and suction side

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Section tyi-0,1 iji-0,5 if -0,9


a Inlet
o Outlet
-d in
< IT)
o D


a. _L
10 20 -10 20 10 20
Fig. 14 Distribution of relative total enthalpies at inlet and outlet of the channel along three

a Mean Flow Angle


o Blade Angle

40- —
-C* 0,12 - C

0,08 — \ h v - 0,068

20 —


. I I I I I I
"'"QD 0,2 0,4 0,6 on 1,0
0 50 100
Fig. 16 Distributions of mean flow angles and blade angles at the im-
Fig. 15 Losses on stream surfaces of revolution peller outlet

not twisted guidevanes, essentially influences the position of the

meridional surfaces.
It shows t h a t in the operation point of best efficiency the losses 2 The uniform decline of the angular momentum from Hie
in the impeller are very small compared with the losses in the leading edge to the trailing edge on all stream surfaces in the
spiral case and in the space of the guidevanes. Corresponding impeller proved to be a good design criterion.
results were obtained by Schatzmayr [9] for a low-specific-speed 3 The model impeller designed by this criterion produces
Francis turbine. 97.8 percent efficiency. Moreover the uniform velocity distribu-
tion on the outlet of the impeller prevents high mixing losses in
the diffusov.
Conclusion 4 The losses in the impeller of the turbine amount to 25 per-
1 The design of Francis water turbines with high specific cent; those in the spiral case and in the space of the guidevanes
speed implies, above all, exact knowledge about the upstream amount to 66 percent of the total losses. Because of these
to the impeller. T h e gradient of the angular momentum be- results, an exact investigation of the flow data and of the losses
tween hub and shroud, produced by inclined stream through the in these parts of the machinery should be carried out, too.

532 / D E C E M B E R 1971 Transactions of the ASME

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5 The described analysis based on the assumptions of axi- J. H. G. Howard3
gymmetric stream surfaces provides a velocity field in the impel-
The author is to be congratulated on the carrying out of a
ler conforming well with the actual flow; the areas of boundary
timely and interesting series of measurements of the flow pattern
layers are predicted.
within the passages of a Francis turbine. Any attempt to ser-
6 The development of boundary layers in the investigated
iously evaluate passage flow analysis methods will require such
impeller is relatively small because of the short length of the
internal measurements rather than those obtained externally to
channel and of the small number of blades. A distinct boundary
the impeller. Could the author please explain at how many
layer exists only on the suction side near the shroud.
positions the velocity measurements were made, on each blade-
7 The difference between the mean flow angle of the relative to-blade traverse, which led to the distributions in Figs. 6 and 7?
stream and the angle of blade on the outlet of the impeller vary In those figures, the velocity distributions at the passage entry,
between 4 and 11 degrees on the stream surfaces between shroud both experimental and theoretical, show a strong velocity dif-
and hub. ference across the blade. Were the velocities measured just in-
8 With this type of Francis turbine it is above all the Coriolis side the passage, rather than immediately at the entrance as
force which conditions the torsion of the stream surfaces, its in- shown? If further data are available in an internal report or
fluence depending on the number of blades and the inclination of thesis, such a reference would be a useful addition to the paper.
the streamlines against the axis of rotation. This displacement
The high loading and strong losses in the region near the
of the flow from the axisymmetric stream surfaces by boundary
shroud are most significant, particularly since they may be as-
layers appears only near the trailing edge on the section adjacent
sociated with cavitation in some turbines. The approximate
to the shroud.
analysis method employed in the paper also appears to deviate
from experiment more in this region which suggests that a more
complex flow model should be sought.
Since the normal use of slip factor predictions relates to flow
References in radial-outflow pumps rather than radial-inflow turbines,
could the author comment on how he arrived at a slip factor for
1 Traupel, W., "Die Theorie der Stroinung durch Radialmascli-
inen," G. Braun, Karlsruhe, 1962, p. 78. his Francis turbine and how closely it compared with his mea-
2 Stanitz, J. D., and Prian, V. D., "A Rapid Approximate Method sured deviation angles?
for Determining Velocity Distribution on Impeller Blades of Centrif-
ugal Compressors," NACA TN 2421, 1951.
3 Hamrick, J. T., "Some Aerodynamic Investigations in Centrif-
ugal Impellers," ASME Paper No. 55-SA-S3, 1955.
4 Ellis, G. O., "A Study of Induced Vorticity in Centrifugal
Compressors," Journal of Engineering for Power, TEANS. ASME,
Series A, Vol. 86, No. 1, Jan. 1964, pp. 63-76.
5 Raabe, J., Hydraulische Maschinen unci Anlagcn, l.Teil, VDI-
Verlag, Dusseldorf, 1968. J. Raabe4
6 Raabe, J., "Der Relativwirbel als Verlustfaktor und Storungs- The paper of Mr. Fachbach is a very useful contribution to the
ursache fur die Rotationssymmetrie der Stromflachen bei axialen
Turbomaschinen," Maschinenmarkl, Vol. 64, No. 3, 1958, p. 7. research work done on Francis turbines of high specific speed.
7 Busemann, A., "Das Forderhohenverhaltnis radialer Kreisel- I t presents for the first time a measurement of the relative and
pumpen mit logarithmisoh-spiraligen Schaufeln," ZAMM, Bd.8/5, absolute flow field especially beyond the boundary layer carried
1928, p. 372. out with water as fluid. Furthermore it contains simultaneously
8 Stanitz, J. D., "Two-Dimensional Compressible Flow in Turbo-
machines witli Conic Flow Surfaces," NACA-Rep. 935, 1949. the concept of the authors blade design.
9 Schatzmayr, G., "Tiber die Stromungin einer Francis-Turbine," Similar measurements on a similar runner of 0.455 m 4> with
fch. dissertation, Technical University in Graz, 1970. water as fluid limited to the runner blade surface region had been
carried out by E. Baer (references [10 and l l ] ) 5 at the Institute
of Hydraulic Machines and Plants of Technical University,
Munich in 1969. Static pressure was measured by feeble air
injection from wholes in the runner blade. Total pressure of
relative flow has been measured also by air injection with small
J. T. Hamrick Pitot tubes of low direction sensitivity, located adjacent to the
The author of this paper is to be congratulated on performing boundary layer and fixed to the runner blades. Accuracy of the
an experimental investigation of such complexity. He has demon- stand had been 0.5 percent concerning efficiency. Therefore
strated the usefulness of the techniques in the evaluation of a operational points could be repeated for total pressure measure-
given turbine design. In nry opinion, he has probably attributed ment with the same wholes in the blade as for static pressure.
too high an efficiency to the impeller. The velocity distributions Simultaneously used Pitot tubes had been arranged in such a
as shown in Fig. 2 indicate an abrupt unloading of the blades. manner that their wakes didn't disturb mutually. By this the
With this abrupt unloading, it is impossible to avoid severe mix- magnitude of relative velocity could be measured. Air injection
ing losses downstream of the impeller. On the other hand, if has been in use for three reasons:
the blades had been designed to unload so that there was no
1 Elimination of pressure rise due to centrifugal forces of the
velocity difference between the suction and pressure faces at the
fluid in the rotating tube from the measuring whole on the blade
exit, there probabfy would have been greater deceleration along
to the axis of turbine and therefrom to the resting manometer.
the suction surface of the blade and, therefore, a thicker boundary
2 Abbreviation of measuring procedure.
layer accumulation. This assumes no change in the blade solidity.
3 Pick up of the static pressure from the blade surface for
The primary losses would then be more obviously traceable to
detection of cavitational regions and getting the pressure differ-
the impeller. There is a clear indication that there is a need
ence as blade load distribution for stress calculations.
for optimization of impeller design. This would involve a study
of blade shape and solidity or possibly evaluation of an impeller
having additional short vanes at the impeller outlet or staggered
consecutive blade rows. Staggered blade rows can result in a Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
thinner boundary layer build up. University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
Professor and Director of Institute for Hydraulic Machines and
Plants, Technical University, Munich, Germany
Numbers in brackets designate Additional References at end of
'^resident, Aerospace Research Corporation, Roanoke, Va. discussion.

^Journal of Basic Engineering DECEMBER 1971 / 533

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