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Actual Data of Current and Wave

Supporting Data for Wave & Current Direction for Installation

deepLay-eks-2020-089 deepLay, September 2020

Current and Wave Direction
Current and Wave, in Theory
Current is a large movement of water in one general direction. Currents can be
temporary or long-lasting. They can be near the surface or in the deep ocean. At the
surface, currents are mainly driven by four factors, i.e. Wind, the Sun’s radiation,
gravity, and Earth’s rotation. All these factors are interconnected

Waves on the ocean surface are usually formed by wind. When wind blows, it transfers
the energy through friction. The faster the wind, the longer it blows, or the farther it
can blow uninterrupted, the bigger the waves. Therefore, a wave's size depends on
wind speed, wind duration, and the area over which the wind is blowing (the fetch)

See and

the discussion on those posts. From the results in this presentation, we see that current
is unpredictable, it could happen from any directions ( 0 to 360 degree )
Refer to
Current and Wave Direction
Example of Current and Wave Direction in Malaysia ( Annual Data )
Wave Direction Current Direction

From the above graph, it shows that Current and Wave most likely are not on the same direction
Current and Wave Direction
Example of Current and Wave Direction - Australia

Wave Direction
deepLay Energy Service

Current Direction
deepLay Energy Service

From the above graph, it shows that Current and Wave most likely are not on the same direction
Current and Wave Direction
Example of Current and Wave Direction in Ghana ( Annual )

Wave Direction Current Direction

From the above graph, it shows that Current and Wave most likely are not on the same direction
Current and Wave Direction
Example of Current and Wave Direction in GoM ( Annual )
Wave Direction Current Direction

From the above graph, it shows that Current and Wave most likely are not on the same direction
Current and Wave Direction
Example of Current and Wave Direction in Mozambique ( Annual )
Wave Direction Current Direction

From the above graph, it shows that Current and Wave most likely are not on the same direction
Current and Wave Direction
Example of Current and Wave Direction in North Sea ( Annual )
Current Direction

Wave Direction

From the above graph, it shows that Current and Wave most likely are not on the same direction
Current and Wave Direction
Example of Current and Wave Direction in Indonesia ( Annual )
Wave Direction Current Direction

From the above graph, it shows that Current and Wave most likely are not on the same direction
Current and Wave Direction
Example of Current and Wave Direction in Brazil ( Annual )

Current Direction

Wave Direction

From the above graph, it shows that Current and Wave most likely are not on the same direction

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