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Preventing Successful Spear Phishing

Now, how to mitigate against attacks like this? There is no single approach that will stop this
threat, but here is what you need to do to be a hard target for criminals:

 First of all, you need all your defense-in-depth layers in place. Defending against

attacks like this is a multi-layer approach. The trick is to make it as hard as possible for
the attacker to get through and to not rely on any single security measure to keep your
organization safe. 
 Do not have a list of all email addresses of all employees on your website, use a
web form instead.
 Regularly scan the Internet for exposed email addresses and/or credentials, you
would not be the first one to find one of your user’s username and password on a crime
or porn site.
 Never send out sensitive personal information via email. Be wary if you get an email
asking you for this info and when in doubt, go directly to the source.
 Enlighten your users about the dangers of oversharing their personal information on
social media sites. The more the bad guys know, the more convincing they can be
when crafting spear phishing emails.
 Users are your last line of defense! They need to be trained using new-school security
awareness training and receive frequent simulated phishing emails to keep them on their
toes with security top of mind. We provide the world's largest content library of security
awareness training combined with best in class pre- and post simulated phishing
testing. Since 91% of successful attacks use spear phishing to get in, this will get you by
far the highest ROI for your security budget, with visible proof the training works!

...and ALWAYS remember to Think Before You Click!

According to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre’s (CAFC) latest report, spear-phishing in 2019 was
the number fraud one attack type based on total dollar loss:

 Spear Phishing was responsible for over $21 Million in reported losses – the highest of
any fraud category in their report
 It also represented the highest loss/attack, at a little over $48,000 per attack.

Spear phishing requires some initial diligence to identify victims, proper scam messaging, and
contextual details to ensure the scam seems real to the victim. So, given the high average loss in
each attack, it’s less likely these are individuals reporting successful scams, but businesses,
being attacked.

It should also be noted that according to the CAFC, they estimate that only 5% of all fraud
cases are reported, potentially multiplying the losses by a factor of 20!
Businesses need educated employees that are savvy to the ways of cybercriminals. Those
organizations that put employees through continual online Security Awareness Training are best
equipped with the knowledge necessary to see through even the most detailed and targeted of
scams, and to protect the organization by failing to fall for the phish – even one that’s designed
for a specific individual, role, or company.

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