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History of the China-Indonesia conflict in the Natuna Sea

(Riwayat konflik China-Indonesia di Laut Natuna)

1. Conflict between China and China in Natuna in 2016.

(Konflik RI di Natuna Tahun 2016)

March 2016, the beginning of the conflict occurred because there were illegal fishing vessels
from China that entered Natuna waters. The Indonesian government plans to capture the ship but
the business does not go smoothly, because there is interference from the Chinese Coast Guard
ship that deliberately crashed into KM Kway Fey 10078, Susi Pudjiastuti who at that time served
as minister of marine and fisheries (MKP).

"Mrs. Reno (Minister of Foreign Affairs) will submit a diplomatic protest note to them.
Diplomatic note for violating entry into our territory." said Susi Pudjiastuti.
2. Change the name of the South China Sea to the North Natuna Sea.

(Perubahan nama Laut China Selatan Menjadi Laut Natuna Utara.)

July 2017, the ministry of maritime coordinator launches a new Indonesian Republic. a map that
gives Indonesia the maritime border with other countries. The name of the South China Sea is
also the North Natuna Sea. But the naming is carried out in the territorial jurisdiction of the
Indonesian sea, not the whole South China sea area. Arif Havas Oegroseno, said there were some
new things that caused the NKRI map to be updated.

"First, there is a border agreement, territorial sea that has been in effect, namely between
Indonesia - Singapore on the west and east sides." said Havas.

On the other hand, the decision sparked criticism and Beijing, "and not in accordance with
standardization efforts regarding the mention of the international territory." Geng Shuang

3. Chinese ships enter the Indonesian Sea.

(Kapal China masuk Laut Natuna)

December 19, 2019, Chinese vessels violated Indonesia's exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and
carried out illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing (IUUF) activities. in addition, the Coast
Guard Chins were declared in violation of sovereignty in Natuna waters. Meanwhile defense
minister Prabowo Subianto said the equipment would not hamper investment with China.

"We're cool, we're relaxed," he said. Even so the entry of foreign fishing vessels in Natuna is a
warning for Indonesia.

"In fact we also lack the ability of ships to carry out patrols in the EEZ (Exclusive Economic

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