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Great Trainee’s

Welcome to Computer Systems Servicing NC2

Thank you for choosing TESDA-API as your training center

I have prepared a simple presentation for your orientation about CBT

Before begin, prayer


I keep on speaking about CBT

So what is CBT? (ask)


In short

CBT approach doesn’t care about on how much you know, but it focuses on
how well you can do. And how well you can apply those knowledge.

CBT process Flow Chart

When a trainee Enters a program

Rpl will be administered to the Trainee

A trainee shall be oriented by the Trainer

The role of your trainer and your role as a trainee will be discussed

After a brief orientation

The trainee selects competency and receive instruction

After receiving instruction the trainee will undergo the 6 methodology

The trainee shall practice the task. And the trainer will observe the
performance of the trainee.

After the performance the trainer will rate the performance and the trainer
can also rate their own performance.

If the trainer has satisfactorily performed the Competency, the trainee shall
move to the next competency.

If not the trainee shall go back to the 6 methodology approach

And when the trainee completed all the competencies.

He /she shall Exit the program and Undergo National Assessment

Next is my role as a trainer

My role as a trainer is as follows

To sum it up.

My role as a trainer is to provide you assistance especially to those trainees

who need most of my help, and of course to evaluate, and track your progress
throughout the program.(clear)

Next is your role as a trainee

Your role as a trainee

The qualification CSS NCII has a training duration of 280 hours and compose
of 3 major competencies

The basic, common and core competencies

The basic competencies ….

The common competencies…

And the core competencies which is the most important that a trainee must
possess in order to be qualified as competent

Next are the 9 components of CBT

Kindly follow me as I tour you around.

LRA- cblm, modules for trainees.

PWA- its where you will perform all the task.

The institutional Assessment Area- where oral and written test will be held

Contextual Area -…

How To Use the CBLM

Monitoring Tools

Means of Evaluation


As we continue and, please answer first this Pre-test and Pre-assessment test
in order for me to identify if you have a prior learning in this qualification.

You are only given 15minutes to answer, please answer it Honestly.

Ok 15minutes is over, pls pass your papers.

You may now take a 15minute break, our canteen is just in front of our room,
and for your necessities our comfort room is located at the back of this

(check if all in)

(RPL) After checking your pre-assessment test I found out that most of you
are beginner in this program.

And I have noticed that aiza has already a prior learning on the first

Provide evidence!
Go to – LRA – get module , don’t forget to log it in the borrowers log book.

Read modules

I will now attach your names on the activity matrix!

After reading your module, you may now start working on your individual
task in the PWA don’t forget the safety procedures when working on your
task. Ill be going around to check and monitor your performance.

Aiza! (name of the trainee)work done already

Base on my Performance Criteria Checklist

you are already done with all task in the first unit of competency

Tick the name on the progress chart and achievement chart

Go to- Institutional Assessment Area for written and Oral,

(if Done) Sign the TRB, award the Certificate of achievement

Log out book. Go to next module

Go to the slow learner--- tanungin kung bakit nahihirapan, kung ano


Demonstrate to him(tagalog)

Back to the fast learner.. (ready for the performance task)

(Passed)Last L.O of the Last competency—go to Institutional Assessment

Area for Written and Oral.

Congrats for finishing All the competency!--- Sign the TRB-----ADMINISTER

POST TEST> evaluate the program- Award Certificate of Completion.

Congratulation—for Go to the Assessment Center to apply flr your National

Back to the slow learner!

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