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Saizts Tlngkatan 2 Bab 4


Cara Penyakit Berjangkit
•• t. . Tersebar
Ways oflnfectious Diseases are
1. Sesetengah pertyal¢it yang disebabkan oleh patogen dipindahkan kepada seseorang melalui pelb
seperti melalui udara, air, sentuhan dan vektoz.
Some diseases which caused by pothogens are transmitted to a person through various methods sucjb as through air, woter,
bo and vectors.
(a) Apakah maksud patogen? / What is the meoniPg of patfiopen?
Patogen adalah organisma yang menyebabkan seperti
Pathogens are oigonisms that cause
(b) Apakah maksud vektor? / What is the mean!•9 oï vectors?

Haiwan yang memindahkan ./ Animols that ttansmit

(c) Lengkapkan peta pokok di bawah dengan penyakit yang beM berdasarkan medium pemindah-
Complete the tree map below with the correct diseases based on the mediums of transmission. '””
Koiera se xutap rome D senfiri azrteba Oenggi
Cholera SARS Ringworm Tlnea Amoebic dysentry Dengue
' Tuberkulosis Kepialu Zika Malaria Selesema H1N1
Tuberculosis Typhold Ziko Malaria Flu HINI

Penyakit berjangkitf lnfectious diseases

Melalui air IVte1atui udara Melalui Melalui vek-

Though water Though air sentuhan Through vect
Though contact

2. Lengkapkan jadual di bawah dengan penyakit yang berjangkit melalui vektor berdasarkan simptomnya.
Complete the toble below with the diseases transmitted though vectors based on their symptoms
Penyakit/ Disease Simptomf 5yr ptoni
Demam, berpeluh, menggigil/ F-ever sweating, shivering

Muntah, ciJ-it-bi‹it/ Diarrhea, vomitinp

Demam, sakit sendi, sakit kepala, mata berair / F-ever joint pain, headache, watery

Demam, mam, sakit sendi, konjunktivitis/ F-ever, rashes, joint pain and

conjunctivit'. Demam, usus berdarah, ruam merah / Fever, intestinal bleeding, red

roshes Demam, sakit kepala, sakit otot/ devet, headache, muscle pain

3. Lengkapkan jadual di bawah dengan patogen yang betul berdasarkan vektornya.

Complete the table below with the correct potfiogens based on their vectors.
Vektor/ hector
Lipas, lalat/ Cockroach, by 0 Penerö i/an Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

Nyamuk Aedes/ Aedes mosquito

Nyamuk Anopheles/ Anopheles mosquito

Tikus/ Rol
£atogen/ PoMogen

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