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EDU 350-L Midterm: PDS Course Assessment

Student_________Karlyn Budz_______________________________ Date ___3/11/20____________

Assessment of Professional Disposition Qualities

in Teacher Education Program Candidates

This form will be filled out to self-assess professional dispositions and to set goals for your continued development as professional educators. It will be
used to identify professional progress (growth and development) and document areas where improvement is needed.

Unsatisfactor Approaching On Target Above Average Outstanding

y (U)  (A)  (TG)  (AA)  (OS)
Performance is Is making some Performance is Exceeds Performs
not acceptable progress, but acceptable for a required independently as a
performance is student/beginning expectations. superior
not yet teacher; meets student/beginning
acceptable for a minimum standards teacher
passing grade
These are qualities and practices that teacher candidates must exhibit in order to be
recommended for licensure, some of which are explicit in the Iowa Code of Ethics and Code of
Responsibilities. The candidates will display all of the following qualities and/or behaviors that
characterize this set of professional requirements.
Student Comments: Indicators:

I have always been on time, dressed Professionalism: endeavors to meet the standards expected of a teacher such as, appropriateness
professionally, and understand that what is said of dress, grooming, demeanor, punctuality, tact, discretion, courtesy, etc.
in the classroom and between a student and the Personal and Professional Ethics and Integrity: adheres strongly to high moral principles and
teacher is confident unless I feel I need to ethical standards as expressed in the Iowa Code; evidences integrity.
Work Ethic/Responsibility: attends to school policy for teacher attendance; completes teaching
report the situation to a superior.
related tasks in a thorough and efficient manner.
Confidentiality: complies with federal, state, and school policies relating to confidentiality.

Candidates with this set of dispositions are sensitive to and skillful in the various aspects of
human activity. They have effective interpersonal relationship skills and attitudes that foster
collaborative enterprises useful in enhancing the teaching-learning process. The following list
comprises many, but not all, of the qualities, tendencies, and/or behaviors which characterize a
set of communicative dispositions.
Student Comments: Indicators:

I need to be more assertive with helping the Presence: has keen with-it-ness and engagement in human interactions and other’s needs.
students answer their questions and telling my Responsiveness: attends to others’ needs; the ability and inclination to act as best meets the
partner teacher that I want to teach a lesson. needs, subtle as well as obvious, of others and their circumstances.
I’m becoming more comfortable in the Attentiveness: concentrates on others’ communication; takes others’ communication into
classroom so my communication is improving,
Authenticity: fosters and enhances the teaching and learning process while exercising judgment
I personally think it could be better and my about personal and professional boundaries; displays genuineness
attentiveness can increase in the next coming Collaborativeness: involves and works with others in planning, problem solving and
months. implementation of effective practices.
Voice: is willing to openly engage and respond to peers, faculty, teachers, administrators,
parents, and community as need arises.
Candidates with this set of dispositions display the capacity to envision and craft things in novel
and meaningful ways to meet the needs of students. The following list comprises many, but not
all, of the qualities, tendencies, and/or behaviors which characterize a set of creative dispositions.
Student Comments:
Flexibility: adapts, adjusts, and modifies practices to meet the needs of students and peers;
I’m a very creative person in general. I had to thinks on one’s feet; is comfortable with change.
help the students understand the concept of
cellular respiration and photosynthesis. I was Inventiveness: uses the needs and interests of students to approach curricular and strategic
given the materials that day and I made up a decisions; visualizes and implements novel ideas and practices.
study guide/rhyme to help the students
remember. I helped the students achieve high Resourcefulness: uses resources in effective ways; adapts practices to unforeseen challenges.
scores in their assessment that day. I use all the Resilience: endures stress and maintains stability in the face of disruption and/or chaos; recovers
resources given to me and I help the students poise or spirit that enables moving forward in an effective manner.
get around this struggles with understanding by
showing them different ways they can
remember the material

Candidates with this set of dispositions have the ability to examine closely, to critique, and to ask
questions. They do not accept the status quo at face value but employ higher level thinking skills to
evaluate, analyze, and synthesize. Self-evaluation and reflection characterize candidates with this
set of dispositions. The following list comprises many, but not all, of the qualities, tendencies,
and/or behaviors which characterize a set of critical dispositions.
Student Comments:
Reflectiveness: takes time consistently to evaluate effectiveness of instruction and behavior in
I have not had the opportunity to teach a terms of the larger goals of education; nurtures reflectivity in students and peers; reflects on own
lesson yet, but I’ve gotten good feedback on
the questions I answer for the students and growth and accountability.
so forth. Initiative: exhibits a willingness to pursue solutions to problems or questions; gathers relevant data
and persistently seeks to improve situations or areas of need.
Open-mindedness: exhibits an ability to look at different sides of an issue; recognizes the
possibility of error in one’s own beliefs and practices; does not display or act upon prejudices
against people or ideas.
Efficacy: nurtures high expectations, demonstrates self-direction and confidence, and empowers
students and peers.
Humility: places the needs of the learner and/or learning task above one’s own ego; reflects on
own growth and accountability.

Candidates with this set of dispositions value and appreciate all aspects of other persons’ well-
being: cognitive, emotional, and physical–thereby enhancing opportunities for meeting the learning
needs of students. The following list comprises many, but not all, of the qualities, tendencies,
and/or behaviors which characterize a set of caring dispositions.
Student Comments:
Empathy: identifies with and sees things from the perspective of others.
I have payed attention to the students and Compassion: sympathizes, often with a desire to understand and help improve conditions of
what they need from the class. An example,
the students told me that they were attending students’ lives.
a dance and then had a show choir Rapport: develops appropriate relationships with peers and other stakeholders.
competition the next day. Later that week I
asked them how it all went and they said, Respect: shows appropriate regard for the needs, ideas, and experiences of others.
“Oh I’m surprised you remember I told you Passion: demonstrates excitement, enthusiasm and optimism for the people, content, and context of
that”. Showing that you care to your students the teaching/learning process.
and remembering the little things in their
lives go a long way. Cultural Competence: appreciates and capitalizes upon diversity; is aware of and acts to reduce
one’s own biases; employs culturally sensitive pedagogy.

When I reflect on this semester’s PDS field experience at midterm, I’m most proud of:

Goals for the remainder of the PDS field experience this semester:

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