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English Exam
Units 1-5
Grupo ___________ Fecha____________

I. Write the sentences in the correct order.

1. She/listened/that music/has/many times

2. Have/I/worked here/ since 2007
3. Mr. Thomas/played basketball/for 20 years/has
4. We/been/have/friends/for a lot of time
5. I/have/since 1999/studied English

II. Complete the conversations use a verb from the box and had better or had
better not. Depending of the meaning



6. A. Is the gift shop still open?

B. Yes it is. But you_______________ it closes in five minutes.
7. A. When does the sales meeting begin?
B. At 2.00 sharp. We _______________ late.
8. A. Do you think we could a table at Carlo´s for dinner on Friday?
B. well, it gets pretty busy. You ______________________ the concierge to make a
reservation for you.
9. A. Do you think I could walk to the museum from here?
B. Well it looks like rain. You________________ you should take a taxi instead
10. A. Hello, front desk? I am trying to connect to the Internet but I can´t seem to get
on line.
B. I am sorry. I ______________ the business centre for you. They can send
someone up to check it.
11. A. Is the fitness centre open early tomorrow?
B. yes, it opens at 7.00. but you _______________early. It gets very crowded after
III. Add already and yet in the sentences

12. She has eaten seafood

13. She hasn´t studied
14. I have worked in that point
15. I haven´t read this book
16. He has finished
17. He hasn´t finished
18. I have eaten mole
19. I haven´t eaten cake
20. We have trained
21. We haven´t taken a shower

IV. Choose FOR or SINCE

22. I have been a big fan of Penelope Cruz (for/since) more than 5 years
23. I have followed her career (for/since) 1995
24. I have watches all her movies (for/since) 16 years
25. I have bought all her movies (for/since) 2000
26. I have read about her (since/for) a lot of time

V. Change the sentences into question.

27.. She won´t study for the test next week

28. Alice will be here soon
29. The students will finish the report next week
30. Mr. Smith will open the store next Saturday
31. The bicycle will be broken soon
32. My brother will be an engineer next semester
33. Patricia and Peter will be married next year
34. My mother will celebrate her birthday next September
35. I won´t pay the taxes next April
36. She will get a new job next month

VI. Complete the sentences with the phrasal verb in the boxes



37. The car´s almost out of gas. Let´s go in here so I can __________it _________.
38. It´s raining and I can´t ________the windshield wipers___________. They are not
39. Do you have a Van for this afternoon? I can _______it ___________at 3.30.
40. We need to return the car before 6.00. Let´s _______it _______early at eh airport and
get something to eat, OK?
41. I can´t _______the air conditioning _______. It´s freezing in here!

VII. Find a expression that has a similar meaning.

42. I´ll pay a. A bunch of

43. really don’t like b. I missed
44. to tell you the truth c. I ´ve heard
45. a lot of d. Frankly
46. didn’t see e. I can´t stand
47. they say f. It´s my treat
48. picture g. movie

VIII. Complete the conversation choose the correct option

49. Do we have any/many shampoo?

50. Yes we have. Many/a lot of shampoo
51. And Maggie uses much/a lot of sunscreen.
52. Is there many/any?
53. No the isn´t some/any.
54. And we don’t have much/many toothpaste either
55. I can pick some/any up on my way back from home
56. Hey, Adam´s shaving now. Does he need any/much shaving cream?
57. He doesn’t shave ever day. He can use some/any mine.
58. I don´t have much/any sugar
59. There aren´t much/many customers in the store right now
60. There is someone/anyone in the room

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