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Unofficial Question Bank

Table of Contents

1. Digital Media
2. Contemporary Issues
3. Direct Marketing
4. Advertising and Media Research
5. Agency Management
6. Legal Environment and Advertising Ethics
a. Case Studies from Paper
b. Define, Answer, Explain the Statement, Chapter Insights
c. Theorists/Speakers/etc.

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The Question Bank is based on Important Questions, Papers, etc.
The use is completely an individuals responsibility.

For Question Papers


If you have any corrections, additions, questions. Please Connect with me on @kalingad_dynasty
For BMM Related Content

1. Digital Media
1. As a Digital Marketer, What are the Key Objectives to promote “a/this campaign” [was asked
in Paper as Case Study
2. Different formats of Multimedia including graphics, sound, video and animation that can be used
on a web page? Can “avi” and “wav” files be a direct part of a web page?
i. Multimedia [Easier or Alternative]
b. Components of Multimedia [Easier or Alternative]
3. Search Engine Algorithm
4. Micro blogging
5. What is a Blog?
6. Popular Blog Sites today?
7. How to write a blog?

You have a higher chance of getting good marks, if you write Recent Issues/News, Indian Examples
as well as Indian Media Examples for the Questions in the Paper.
Connect with me on @kalingad_dynasty. More BMM Content on

8. How to promote a Blog?
9. Difference Websites and Blogs
10. Importance of Blogs in Digital Promotion
11. Graphics and Animation Formats supported by Web Pages
12. Social Media or Online tools
13. How to use Twitter to promote your company or yourself?
14. What is Digital Media? Definition? Principles? Concepts? Traditional vs Digital Media?
15. Page Rank and Link Juice
16. Google Pagerank, and Increasing Page Rank
17. Tools used to analyse tweets
18. Navigation
19. Hacking
20. Web Hijacking
21. Pornography
22. Virus Attack / Salami Attack
23. Software Piracy
24. Phishing
25. Cyber Terrorism
26. Cyber Laws
27. Crawler
28. Human Directory
29. Hybrid Website
30. Page Structuring and Designing in Websites
31. PPC
32. CPA
33. CPC
34. CRM
35. Conversion Metrics
36. Klout
37. PeerIndex
38. Banner Ad
39. Interstitial Ad
40. AdMob
41. Keyword Optimization and its Benefits
42. Bounce Rate
43. Page Views
44. Landing Page
45. Web Analytics
46. Web Analytcal Tools
47. Google Analytic
48. Log File and Analysis
49. Content Writing and its Principles
50. Principles of Content Writing for Blogs
51. How to write for Twitter
52. How to write for Phone
53. Cyber Crimes and its types
54. Exclusive Rights provided by Copyright Act to the Copyright Owner
55. Digital Security
56. What is Search Engine
57. How does a Search Engine work
58. Different types of Search Engine
59. Explain working of Google Search Engine
60. What is Search Engine Optimization
61. State any benefits of SEO
62. Organic SEO VS Inorganic SEO
63. What are the areas of the operation for SEO professionals?
64. Cyber Ethics
65. Cookie
66. Google Panda
67. Google Core Algorithm
68. HTTP and HTML
69. Hypertextuality
70. Hypertext [I feel it's the same as above. Above was asked in exam]
71. Benefits of Digital Media
72. What are backlinks? How to get them? Why are they important
73. What makes a good website, and what are the most important features that a
website should have
74. Information Act 2000 and 2008
75. Facebook
76. Twitter
77. YouTube
78. LinkedIn
79. Lead Generation through LinkedIn
80. Third Party Applications Facebook
81. Facebook/Twitter/YouTube/Instagram/LinkedIn as a medium/for promotion
82. What is content marketing
83. Copyright? Copyright Laws in India?
84. What are online social media marketing tools
85. Explain Google's AdWords
86. What is social media
87. Different types of social media
88. How social media is affecting Google search
89. Content writing and blogging
90. How to design web
91. Section 66A of the Information Technology Act 2000 deals with publishing
offensive false or threatening information. Name and describe briefly any 3 cases
under the section.
92. What is copyright? When information and content is available freely online, how
would you ascertain that you are not infringing anyone's copyright? Incase you are,
what steps would you take to prevent legal issues? Explain with reference to Blogs,
Youtube and Facebook

2. Contemporary Issues
1. Carbon Credits
2. Prenatal Diagnostic Technique
4. AFSPA in North Eastern States (issues)
5. CRC
9. Naxalites / Naxalism and Impact
10. Development induced Displacement
11. Causes and Consequences of Deforestation. Suitable Remedial Measures
12. Importance and Features of Environmental Movements in India with
suitable example.
13. Explain the landmarks in the history of human rights culminating in the
UDHR and explain its Significance
a. Significance of UDHR
14. Crime and Politicians, Causes of Corruption, Growth of corruption in India and
remedial measures
15. Womens and CHildren rights
16. Cause and Consequences of Global Warming
17. Cause and Remedial measures of Deforestation, Ozone Depletion,,
18. Anti State Violence ; Insurgency with reference to North East
19. Ageratia Issue
20. Tribal Issue
21. Political Reform
22. Illegal Immigration / Illegal immigration from Bangladesh faced by India
23. Climate Change with reference to HIPPO
25. Cibco, Silent Valley, Aica and Marmade Bachero
26. Displacement and Rehabilitation
27. Criminalization of Politics in India. [Causes and Measures
28. MIDC
29. DRD
30. CRC
31. National Health Policy
32. Tribal Movement in India
33. Terrorism (Causes and Consequences)
34. Mention any two civil rights
35. Coastal Regulatory Zone [Importance, Notification, Examples]
36. Renewable and Non Renewable Resources
37. Ecological and Related Concerns
38. Forest Right Act [also benefits of tribal people through this]
39. Whistleblower Protection Act 2011
40. Domestic and Family Violence Act of 2012
41. Sexual Harassment at workplace 2013
42. Child Labour Act ***
43. Food Security Act 2013
44. Special Economic Zone in Maharashtra (Role and Significance)
45. Transplantation of Human Organs Act
46. Right to Development
47. Right to Education Act
48. Right to Information Act
49. National Food Security Act 2013
50. Farmer suicides in India [Reasons/Factors]
51. Land Acquisition Act
52. Protection of Children from sexual offense 2012
53. Police Reforms [Needs, and Attempts to reduce] [with Contemporary
54. Salient Features of the Juvenile Justice (care and Protection of Children Act
55. Chipko Movement (Environmental Movement)
56. Jal Jagruti Abhiyan (Environmental Movement)
57. Cases and Consequences of Terrorism (Surendra Dubey)
58. Sustainable Development
59. Government Accountability
60. Operation Flood
61. Sugar Lobby
62. Farmers suicide case
63. Various kinds of violence against women
64. Legislative measures to curb violence against women
65. Problems of Sugar Co-operative in Maharashtra
66. Various issues involved in tribal rights in India
67. Role of Peasant Movement in Maharashtra with reference to
Shetkari Sanghatana
68. Special Economic Zone
69. Corporate accountability
70. Gay Rights
71. Legislative measures pertaining to education
72. Challenges of Immigration
73. Main Provisions of National Health Policy 2015
74. Causes and Consequences of Agrarian Crisis in Maharashtra with reference
to Farmers Suicides
75. Jan Lokpal Bill
76. Prenatal Diagnostic Technique
77. Environmental Movements [features, importants
78. Criminalization of Politics and Religious Fundamentalism is responsible
for growth of Communalism in Contemporary India
79. Special Economic Zone in Maharashtra
80. Migration and Identity Crisis
3. Direct Marketing
1. Advantage and disadvantage of direct marketing
2. Importance of direct marketing
3. Economic of direct marketing
4. Appearance of direct marketing
5. Importance of CRM
6. Customise product different need.
7. Importance and functions of database.
8. Source of E database.
9. Advantages and Disadvantages of Direct Marketing
10. Importance of Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy
11. What is Customer Relationship Management? Explain Customer Loyalty in detail.
12. Niche Marketing
13. How to measure Direct Mail Campaign?
14. What is Database and state characteristics of Database Marketing
15. Relationship Marketing, and its characteristics
16. Approaches of Direct Marketing
17. Cross Selling and Up Selling
18. Sales Promotion
19. Email and Internet
20. Market Segmentation
21. Budget in Direct Marketing
22. Steps in developing database.
23. Objective of direct marketing strategy.
24. Role of IMC in marketing process.
25. Tools of IMC
26. Direct response to TV
27. Direct response to advertising.
28. Features of direct marketing
29. Scope of Telemarketing
30. LTV and its uses
31. “Database Management plays a crucial role for marketers” Explain
advantages and disadvantages of a bureau
32. Various reasons for growth of direct marketing
33. Methods or Techniques of Direct Marketing
34. Mass Marketing versus Direct Marketing with examples
35. Catalogues. Different types of catalogues
36. Relationship Marketing. Characteristics.
37. Lists. Various types of list.
38. Trade Fair and Exhibitions
39. Acquisition cost and brokerage commission
40. Customer Relationship Management
41. Types of Approaches
42. Inserts
43. List Broker
44. Merge, Purge and Deduplication
45. Different Approaches of Direct Marketing
46. What is catalogue? Types of Catalogues
47. Scope of telemarketing
48. List Depth
49. Informational
50. Direct Response - print
51. Data Mining RFM
52. Cross Selling
53. Importance of Market Segmentation in Direct Marketing
54. Advantages of Direct Mail
4. Advertising and Media Research
● Design a Questionnaire to find out reaction of Citizens towards e-Transaction
(PayTM, Ola Money, etc.)
● “Bollywood a threat to regional Cinema” Write a report analyzing the validity of
the statement
● Design a Questionnaire for Commercial Bank to find out the scope for usage of
Credit and Debit Cards among urban youth
● Increasing Consumer Income has increased the demand for Luxurious Commodities
and propelled high spending lifestyle in India. Write a report

1. Stages in Research Process [Case Study]

2. Guidelines for a good questionnaire [pretty important]
3. Projective Techniques
4. Report Writing [can come for Case Study]
5. Longitudinal Studies
6. Case Study Research
7. Experimental Research Causes
8. Applied Research
9. Scaling
a. -Likert Scale
b. -Semantic Differential Scale
c. -Staple Scale
d. -Constant Sum Scale
10. Variable
a. - Independent and Dependent
b. - Active and Attribute
c. - Continuous and Discrete
d. - Extenous
11. Sampling [Methods , Types]
12. Internal and External Validity
13. Pupil Metric Devices
14. Eye Movement Camera
15. Galvanometer
16. Voice Pitch Analysis
17. Brain pattern analysis
18. Interviews and Types
19. Quasi Experimental Designs
20. Print Pretesting and Methods
21. Broadcast Pretesting and Methods
22. Process of Sampling
23. Probability Sampling
24. Various Projective Techniques used in the Research process.
25. Primary Research. Methods of primary research.
26. Pricing Research methods.
27. Quantitative Research
28. Qualitative Research
29. Literature Review.
30. Copy Research and methods
31. Non Probability Sampling
32. Observation Methods / types
33. Depth Interviews
34. Survey
35. Footnotes
36. Bibliography
37. Judgement Sampling
38. Pre Testing Methods
39. Post Testing Methods.
40. Physiological Testing
41. Various Physiological Pretesting
42. Challenges of Pretesting
43. Copy Testing. Methods of Copy Testing.
44. Consumer Panels
45. Focus Group
46. Secondary Data
47. Recall test
48. Product Testing
49. Mail survey
50. Sampling Process
51. Branding Research and Methods
52. Marketing research
53. Packaging Research
54. Concept Testing
55. Hypothesis [Definition, Importance, Types]
56. Halo Effect
57. Pricing Research Methods
58. Basic Methods of Primary Data Collection
59. Projective Techniques
60. Historical Research
61. Basic Research
62. Descriptive Research Design
63. Various Methods of Conducting Product Research
64. Projective Techniques used in Marketing Research
65. Various methods of conducting product research.
66. Importance of Marketing Research.
67. Neurology in Advertising Research
68. New Product Research
69. Package Research
70. Panel Research
71. Objective of Research
72. Important of Research Design
73. Significance of Advertising Research
74. Advantages and problems of a Focu Group
75. Attitude Measurement Scales with examples
76. Exploratory Research Design
77. Casual Research Design
78. Secondary Data
79. Secondary Data and Primary Data
80. Types of Data
81. Method of Primary Data
82. Projective Techniques
83. Steps in Writing Report
84. Podcasting Protesting
85. Moment Camera
86. Primary Key
87. Design a Questionnaire for a company to find out the response of plastic Ban by
88. "Social Media Engulfs Family time." write a report analyzing the validity of the
89. Scaling Techniques.
5. Agency Management
1. Functions and Importance of Ad Agency
2. Type of Ad Agency. How does Ad Agency work. Explain the Structure
3. The GAP Model
4. “Customer expectation and perception creates GAP”
5. “Market Feasibility is an important element of every business plan”
6. Various Agency Compensation Methods
7. Sources of Income for an Advertising Agency
8. 3 Stages of Buying Behaviour
9. Service Quality GAP Model from an Ad Agency Perspective
10. Role of Advertising Account Executive
11. Consumer Franchise Building and Non Consumer Franchise Building Promotions
12. “CRm is a method and tool that helps business to manage ad agency”
13. “Marketing Plan is the specific roadmap that's going to get you there”
14. Role of Account Planner
15. Account Manager
16. Consumer Sales Promotion
17. Structure of Full Service Agency
18. Acc Planning Process
19. Digital Advertising Strategies and Public Campaigns
20. Role of CRM and Digital Advertising in developing new business
21. Marketing Brief
22. Marketing Objectives
23. Marketing Audit
24. How do Agencies get Client? What are the challenges in Client
Agency Relationship
25. What are stages in Client Agency Relationship
26. 7 P's of Service Marketing
27. Model of AIDA
29. Sales Oriented Objective
30. Stages in Setting up New Agency
31. Methods of Agency Remuneration
32. Roles of Sales Promotion
33. Objectives of Consumer Oriented Sales Promotion
34. Techniques and Objectives of Trade Oriented Sales Promotion
35. Features and Importance of advertising agency
36. Trade Promotion and Retail Promotion
37. Push and Pull Strategies
38. POP Technique
39. Coupons and Contests
40. Games and Sampling
41. What do you mean by CFB and Non CFB Promotions
42. Premium and Loyalty Programme
43. MECCAS (Means-end Conceptualization of Components for
Advertising Strategy)
44. Digital Advertising Campaign and its Elements
45. Role and Significance of Account Planner and Executive
46. Pre and Post Testing
47. Storyboard
48. Post Production
49. Various Steps in Developing Marketing Plan
6. Legal Environment and Advertising

Case Studies from Paper

1. Relation between Self Regulation, Code of Ethics and Legal Environment in Media
with reference to
a. Emblems and Names (prevention of improper use act)******
b. Drugs and Magic Remedies (Prohibition of Objectionable Advertisements Act)***
2. Probably studying Hillary Clinton vs Donald, and “Abki Baar Modi Sarkaar” for
Political Advertising might help
3. Being a critique of media is a challenging task, discuss this in light of
a. The question of validity and morality of motivation research as perceived
by Vance Packard.
b. Addition and Feminism as discussed by Jean Kilbourne
4. Ethics in any field is essential t enhance professionalism in the field, discuss
with reference to
b. Advertising to Children
5. Importance of Standardization for consumers. In this context, discuss:
b. ISI
6. Unfair Trade Practices with respect to
a. False Testimonials and Small Print Clarification
b. False and Misleading Comparisons
7. Non Government Initiatives to protect consumer interest. Explain with reference to
c. Grahak Panchayat
8. Socio Economic Criticisms of Advertising. Explain with reference to
a. Creating Artificial Needs
b. Idealizing the Good Life
9. Legal Environment in any country is relevant to its progress. Discuss with reference to
a. Copyright Act
b. Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisements Act)
10. Manipulation by Advertisers is a major Criticism of the Profession, explain with reference
a. Vance Packard
b. Naomi Klein
11. Importance of ethics in Advertising with reference to
i. Stereotyping of Women
ii. Ethnic Minorities
12. Define Standardization and Explain
i. BIS
ii. CMM

Define, Answer, Explain the Statement, Chapter

Questions post 111 have lesser importance and have been included for further insight

1. Significance of Legal Environment in Advertisement

2. Role of Ethics in Field of Advertising
3. Ethics vs Morality
4. Ethics vs Legality
5. Correlation between Self Regulation, Ethics and Laws in World of Advertising
a. Above with reference to Dos and Don'ts of Advertising
6. Prevalence of Materialism and Idealizing the good life as Social Criticisms of
7. Does publication on the internet amount to Defamation? Explain the statement in the
light of growing role of Social Media and Internet usage
8. Consumerism has emerged as a mass movement in recent years. Explain the
statement with respect to the agencies and laws supporting the movement
9. Discuss the terms and conditions formed by an ad agency for a company seeing ad
10. If infringement has increased recently and there is a need to protect it. Explain the
process of safeguard as per the Ad
11. Social Responsibility of Advertising and role of Advertising as a moulder of
opinion and values
a. Social Responsibility of Advertising
12. Ethics in Advertising and Stereotyping
a. Senior Citizens*
b. Children*
c. Women*
d. LGBT*
e. Ethnic Groups
f. Racial Communities
g. Religious Minorities
13. IT Act
14. Trademark Act
15. Copyright Act
16. Intellectual Property Rights
17. Relevance of Cyber Laws including Section 66(A)
18. (Two or More) Socio Economic Criticism of Advertising
19. Indecent Representation of Women [Prohibition] Act
20. Standards and Weight Measure Act
21. Drug and Cosmetics Act 1990
22. Drug and Price Control Act
23. Drug and Magical Remedies Act, 1954
24. Essential Commodities Act 1955
25. Standards of Weights and Measures Act 1976
26. Prevention of Food Adulteration Act
27. BBC Act
28. National Security Act
29. Citizen Bill
30. Maintenance of Internet Security Act
31. Patents Act
32. Consumer Protection Act
33. Section 66A of IT Act 2000
34. Special Marriage Act 1954
35. Sharia Law / Muslim Personal Law
36. Uniform Civil Code
37. Competition Act and features
38. Difference between Criminal Law and Civil Law
39. Emblems and Names (prevention of improper use act)******
40. Drugs and Magic Remedies (Prohibition of Objectionable Advertisements Act)***
41. Right to Information, Equality, Constitutional Remedies, Freedom and Religion
42. Standard, Controversial, Surrogate, Subliminal Deceptive, Comparative, Misleading,
Brainwashing, Ego Gratification, Shock Advertising [Indian / Media Examples]
43. Discuss the Classification of Law and its categorization
44. Political Advertising [Growth, Importance, Concerns]
45. Advertising codes adopted by Western Nations
46. Net Neutrality and its Relevance in Media
47. Consumerism [Contemporary examples]
48. Self Regulation in Advertising
49. Laws pertaining to Media
50. Right against Exploitation
51. Media Advertising
52. Prasar Bharati Bill
53. Consumer Laws
54. ASCI
55. AAAI
56. BCCC
57. IBF
58. Six Sigma
59. Open Internet
60. CGSI
61. CERC
62. CFBP
63. CMM
64. CE
65. FPO
66. ISI
67. CCC
68. CFBP
69. Consumer Redressal
70. CERC and Customer Cares
71. Grahak Panchayat
72. NCFF
73. ISO
75. Trademarks
76. Patents
77. Law Defamation in India
79. BIS
80. Contempt of Court and its types
81. FPO
82. FDA
83. Customer Care Centres
84. Rights of a consumer
85. Censor Board for Films
86. Press Council
87. Shah Bano Case
88. Unfair Trade Practices towards the consumer
a. False Promises
b. Incomplete Description
c. False and Misleading Comaprisons
d. Bait and Switch Offers
e. Visual Distortions
f. False Testimonials
g. Partial Disclosures
h. Small Print Clarification
89. Principle of Natural Justice
90. PDS
91. Consumer Cooperative
92. Defamation [Indian / Media Examples]
93. Media and Tort of Defamation
94. Libel and Slander
95. Paid News
96. ASCI

97. Vance Packard
98. Motivation Research as perceived by Vance Packard
99. Eight Hidden Needs according to Vance Packard, that advertisers use in
100. Naomi Klein
101. Naomi Klein is against Multinationals
102. Branding and Logo recognition has become the order of the day. Throw light on the
statement with emphasis on criticism laid by Naomi Klein
103. Naomi Wolf
104. Naomi Woolf's views on Advertising and Women in her book “The Beauty
105. Images of Women are used against Women - Naomi Wolf
106. “No Logo”
107. Jean Kilbourne [ Women and Advertising, Feminism, Addiction, changing
women Imagery]
108. Noam Chomsky's criticisms in Advertising
109. Noam Chomsky's views on Advertising and American Polity and Society
110. Noam Chomsky on Media and Advertising
111. Noam Chomsky on American Society and impact of Ad

112. Creating Artificial Needs

113. Manipulation of Advertising Research
114. Indian Broadcasting Foundation
115. Fundamental Rights of Citizens of India
116. Government Policies and Advertising
117. Characteristics of Modern Corporation
118. Trials by Media
119. Judiciary Trials
120. Freedom of Media
121. Corporate Law
122. ICLS
123. Registrar of Companies
124. Official Liquidators
125. Fixation of Rates
126. Satellite TV Channel Empanelment Criteria
127. Decisions on Spot Release
128. Entertainment Attorney
129. Information and Broadcast Industry
130. Electronic Media Advertising Policy of Government of India
131. Radio, a tool for national change
132. eMail and ICR related Crimes
133. Cyber Crimes
134. Confidentiality
135. Cyber Squatting
136. Plagiarism
137. Cyber Terrorism
138. Cyber Stacking
139. Adjudication
140. Digital Signature
141. Begar
142. Fees vs Commission
143. Conflict
144. Dispute
145. Indemnities
146. AAA Contract
147. AACA
148. Drugs
a. Adulterated Drugs
b. Spurious Drugs
c. Misbranded Drugs
d. Bulk Drug
149. Competent Authority
150. Register
151. Unfair Competition
152. Defectiveness vs Deficiency
153. Puffery
154. Ration Black
155. Operation Black
156. Depth Approach in Hidden Persuaders

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