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Soe AOVENTURER__ A Guide to Skillful Characters of All Classes A Guide to Skillful Characters of All Classes Jesse Decker Jesu Dean 5 | ADDITIONAL DESIGN Rictaxo Bakes, Micierte Lyows, Davi NooNay, Stas! . DEVELOPMENT TEAM Ructiarp Baxer, ANDY CoLLins, “ANDREW J. Fincet E D I ir o Rk 8 ‘Jous D. Rarestee, Gar Sanct ADDITIONAL EDITING Jesviver Chance Witxes, Cutis Tuonsasson MANAGING EDITOR Kim Monan DESIGN MANAGERS Ep Starx, CuRistorHEn PERKins. DEVELOPMENT MANAGER Axpnes J Frseci SENTOR ART DIRECTOR RPG Sract Lonestneet ‘ DIRECTOR OF REG R&D Buus Suaviesee DIRECTOR D&D Dawns Moms C0) V2 (RYTR Oo omen T us § Th Marr Cavorra INTERYOR ARTISTS Sreve Bet Lens, Mere Corie, Ep Cox, Sreve Eis, Waxxe ENGLAND, Davin Hoos, Jen Janvis, Dovs Kovacs, Cites akacs Jerr Minacors, Moxre Mooae, WinttaM O'CoNNo#, Macitart. Putt utre, Row SrENcEx, Fase Vouwisent. GRAPHIC DESIGNERS ‘ Dee Barers, Daw Muars CARTOGRAPHER ‘Topp Game GRAPHIC PRODUCTION SPECIALIST Axoztixs Loxorz TECHNICIAN Caxoice Baxer “PRODUGTION MANAGERS ‘Jost Fiscaze, Rawoatt Caews; ART IMAGE ‘Resouteer: tro ant Byopraent Guide by Rac Cagle Jesse Decks Jeff Quick, and nines Wyte Defenders ofthe Fatt by Bich ‘Kedimaa aad Juanes Wyat cenemicen by Andy Collins, Ship Wallan, sal Janes Wyatt, Epe Level Handbook by Kody Cll, ace RCo nd Thonat Mil onars Riaes! Capa Seti by Bd Greco, Se § Rolls Sip Wi nin anf Rob Hino, apie Edetierry of Baer by Soun K Reynolds, Doane Mike Sclinker, Miniatures Handoct by Michael Donsis, Sail Ela Rob Heinsoo, and Jonathan Towel; Oriented rel nnd Angel Mong Mastrsof the Wild by Dav ‘dds yt ef Prd EL, Bg Mas ete tal fos as Sony Fas Deke ESA etl est Sen nod Slncy ave ope foe Bld Deeded fey ta Ast! The Nightsong Enforce” Wy Moate Gook (Di.soot” Magazine #2 "Els hese ioe ft ty Mes x faschew Gook (Dr denn #294); “Cloak & Dagger” by Eri Cagle and Evan Michoel Jakson (Dé.s0ox #316), Silene Warriors" by Me Senne (Dk an 7287) “Saying the ight Ting ty ei Cagle Woe #903) “Spek Archive” varus aha Go ‘wiardecoms "Brees Face & Legend” (wsoupiratsia ‘Rased on the otiginal Duwatoxs & Daacoss” rules created by Gary Gygae aid Dave Arneson avd the new Duxotoss & Dissons ghost detighed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Coot, Skip Wallis Richard Hake, and Peter Adkion. ‘This Woranos on 4 Coasz” game prodecr contains ro Open Gamne Content. No gortion of his work mua be reprodaced ia ary Tort wthoot written persion. To learn moce aboat the Open Gaming Zen atl Ue 420 Sytem License, please vise vworvnizadscom)e20. ey caagy aga enone Seygreas Habana Shae vote eens Siete dete eel Kner eres nati SRIMEESS ouponex sesh pareseaet ira Pind: ovary 2005 bose & Durie DAD, Doan Mur Span, Fesrion Rese, Rama i aly Pe Hoe opt Ran Hl pe stra Wand! tae rd yen atten esha Ma ile Mer gee Ca rte loch ca i ct lr tr sl eh ae Sn ae ee Wve Gg Dad ety by nde ‘Sarthe Ged Sf Sy geal rus Der Ged fe esky Edi ng Ores Cte ie Foe bt Drie wary Wa he Chainer Tic eros tengo oe al Sano Aneren a Trae fe mand tat cused rt abe et tet ance Wate fico es ha sh eed ‘on an ey papi rps cetera pcan, Pan USAC Rear! Cat Visit our website at war wizardscom/dnd ; e € a Contents Introduction eryne Has Sk ‘Whit tovide What You Need Pay Cchapror tsClasses Came hae infomation Human Nini Starting Packages ‘Game Rae nfacmacion Ha Sout Starting Package pelle careers Game Rae information Hlfng Spelt Starting Package Chapter: Prestige Classes Tckinga Prestige Class Animal vd Bessemnstt Heodbound Daggespell Mage Daggecpel Shape Drea iste Dungson Delt Brerple echlcan Lyi. Ghost Faced Killer Highland Sale Most Nighsong Enfcce Nighesong nfilteor ll Shadowbane Inguiser Stadoubane Saker Stadownnind. spymaster Siredghuer fees Theta Wild Pins Oude (Chapter i: hills and Fears ‘Combining Skill rere sxpanded Sill Desciptions lib Decigher Serpe Diplomacy scp Aris Handle Animal esl Open Lack Sense Motive ble Use Rope Appraise Magle Vi Ascetic Hunter Ascetic Knight ‘seetie Rogie Brachation aural Threw Danger Sense sh Blow Def seike osoed Inguisitor Devred Psfrtne Devoted Tack Disguise spel, Dive for Cover Dual Stike Berl _Bxtordinary Spel Aim Green Eat. encthe Unseen proved Diversion Empeoved High. Improved Swimming sgh Refleses Jack fall trades Leap Ack Mobil Spelling Nawral Bond open Minded Oversized Two Weapon Fgh Pevwec Tae Quick Resonnoiter aing tle Subvonies Tete Tapeh adie Musi eat {Chane o Forside Tronskin Cheat yn Spell Wild Fexs Climb ike an ape Sovage Grapple ‘chapter ¢: Tools and Equipment New Weapons Magi lems ‘chapter s:Spells. ‘Swift Actions and inoedite Actions Now Assasin Spells ‘Now Baed Spells ew Clie Spells New Druid Spell New Paladin Spells Sew Range Spells New Sorceres/Wiatd Spells New Spel ‘Chapter 6; Organizations Blacklock Loreseckers. The Blaodhounds College of Cnerescen Lave Deagonbade Nino Clan Eyes ofthe Ovetking (Geayhaunt Imei erg of Boot and Trail Nightsong Guild Onder of rsination Shagowmind Guild Talespinners Les Bulking an Organization Sep Size Step +: Population an Resources ‘Step 5: Demographics Sipe: Flesh othe Deel Appendoe The Epic Adventuter ‘Becoming an EpioLevsl Adeentorer Epictevel Prestige Clans Characters Sample Prestige Class Epc Frogesson Duangeon Dee pices Sidebars Sudden Seve nd Snel Arch Spelthieves nd sioncs. The Fizste Code ochlucan Bande The Fechlvess Coleg Trick Casey Exoue Wespons fiom Using the Hesblade wie Compt dtu Enphssicingan Organization within a Campaign Aseentuersond the League (Option: Create an ‘Onganciionl Satie Block Behind the Caran Epic Level sd Prestige Csses ma ms te 185 ss 189 16 1» 7% Introduction Complete Adventurer isa rules accessory for the Dunceoxs ¢ Duacowes game. Te is pearly» player resource focused on skills and other game elements that charac ters of any class can use. It looks at neatly every aspect of the D&D game with skills in mind, and it allows characters with the proper number of skill ranks access tonew combat options, new spells, new equipment and new classes, DMs can also use this bookas resource for creating or optimizing single creatures or even entive campaign worlds ——— EVERYONE HAS SKILL ‘What does it meaa to be a skilled character? Really, the term isjusta matter of degree. Even a character who gets a measly { skill point for each new level he become better ata particular skill chan other characters hof this bookis potentially relevant to any character —from new uses for skills to new equipment that can help even an unskilled character make a crucial skillcheck, Complete Adventurer provides exciting options even for characers with very low levels ox very few skill points. WHAT'S INSIDE Complete Adventurers structured similarly to its compar: he might encounter or travel with), Mu ior volumes Complete Warrior, Complete Divine, and Covmplete Arcane Te provides the same kinds of game information, emphasizing certain topics in a way that best suits the theme of the book: For instance, a full chapter in Complete Adventurer is devoted to skills and feats, beginning with an extensive discussion o new applications for existing skills —the largest single expansion of the cules in Chapter + of the Players Handbook thar we've ever published, The caper also includes fong list of new Feats, many of which are suited to characters with a large number of skill points pee level ora large number of ranks ina single skill. SOURCES This book includes material from other previously published work, including Dragon Magazine and earlier supplements Such as Defenders of he Feith anc Song ane Silence. This mate: rial has been picked up and revised to v3.3 based on feedbac fram thousands of D&D players comparing and debating the strengths and weacnesses of characters and options at gaming conventions, on message boards, on email lists, and ver the counters of their friendly local gaming stores Three new standard character classes—the deadly ninja, the masterful scout, and the versatile spellhief— provide players with new ways to approach highly skilled characters, and each class his a unique approach ro combat as well. The large number of prestige classes in this book is deliberate. Every character class(and nessly every character concept) is represented, each with a focus on skill use, Whether youre a spelicaster with a few levels of rogue or ninja fighter feeling alack ofskill points ora highly skilled character looking to fucther specialize, youl find exciting options and classes throughout these descriptions. Many of the spells introduced in this book interact with skills—opening up new uses, providing special bonuses, or producing powerful effects for characters with the right skills. In addition, many of the spells focus on using existing abilities in unusual and inter esting ways. These spells allow spelicasters to occupy 4 significant place in campaigns that emphasize skill use and give advzntages to those characters with a large numberof ranks in many skills The last chapter ofthis book provides information on several org ations open to player characters, Some ax related to the prestige classes introduced while others stand on their own. Each organization lines for membership, benefits for joining, and realistic reasons for adventurers 0 belong. Any one of these organizations could become the focus of a campaign since each admits members from a diverse selection of character classes and concepts. WHAT YOU NEED TO PLAY Complete Adventurer makes use ofthe information in the three D&D core rulebooks—Player’s Handboo! Maser’ Guid, and Morstr Maral. Tn ation, ii refere: Exp Avra. Although possession of any oral ofthese supple- ments will enhance your enjoyment of this book, they, Dungeo cludes "es 19 material in the Epic Level Handbook, the & Psiones Hanbook, Complete Warrier, and Complete are not strictly necessary ‘The changes we make to previously publishes! material are intended to reate an improved version of that material—to help out prestige classes that were formerly suboptimal choices, to adjust eats or spells that were simply t00 good, or take whatever steps the D&D 3.5 revsion made necessary for each individual class, feat, spell, or item. OF course, if you're playing with older rmaterial ang it's working fine in your game, you shouldn't £1 compelled to change. mm Ince its inception, the latest edition of the Dunceons & Deacons roleplaying game has been about options, not restrictions. Complete Adventurer continues thar theme, introducing new uses for old skills, new fests and equipment, and the new character lasses presented in thischaptet “Alehough every class participa sstuces and is worthy of the title “adventurer” the classes discussed here emphasize skill use and ingenuity, making them particulasly appropriate for this book’s emphasis on skills and adventure ‘The three classes described in this chapter—ninga scout, and spellchief have access to a wide variety of class skills and gain 6 or smote skill points per level. ‘More important, however, is the way that these skills and the abilities unique to each class change the wey an adventure feels. The scout and ninja both match the rogue's stealth and ability to find and bypess traps, but each of these classes approaches combat in a new way, ‘The spellthiefaddsa modest progressioncfacane spells Although these abilities are potent, che most inuiguing aspect ofa spellthiefis his ability to steal and replicate the abilities ois foes. Sa Each Of these classes hag a unique set of abili- ties, and each presents ® new approach to a wide range of adventuring situations. The ninja, scout, and spellthief classes ate especially interestfig t0 ‘groups who want fo play ina campaign focusedon espionage, politics, or intrigue. NINJA’ Ninjas move through the shadows, striking down the unwaty and vanishing again with ease. Ninjas ‘walkwhere otherscanhot They blend thetctrain- ing in stealth and assassination with a focused sind. Theirrigorous preperation sharpens their minds and bodies, giving them supernatiiral abilities ofstealth and making them phantoms inthe eyes of many. Although ninjasin battle lack the staying power of martial characters such as fighters or barbarians, they excel at ‘making combatoccur on theit teems—ppear ing and disappeering seemingly ata whim. Historically, ninjas came from clans of assas- sins and guerrilla warriorsin feudal Japan. Ina fe) ae) — as) 4 inne re) (eo) Zi eal fantasy setting, they blend a gift for stealth end infiltra tion with devastating surprise attacks and supernatural means of avoiding blows, Although the specific abilities of the class differ from those attributed to the histori ninja, they mirror the ninjas fearsome reputation as @ spy, assassin, and martial artist Adventures: Ninjas adventure fora variety of reasons: A loyal ninja might adventure at her lord's command using her abilities of stealth and subterfuge to ferrerout his enemies or recover powerful treasures to be used in his service. A mercenary ninja might seek only treasure and fame, while a more idealistic ninja might seek to thwart a growing evil. Most ninjas prefer aronymity to fame, and they go out of their way to disguise their profession and abilities. A rate few, however,revel in the mysterious reputation chat surrounds ninjas and their training, making known their abilities and their role in a famous adventuring group. As ninjas grow in wealth and power, their goals often change, and their ability to uncover secrets and kill stealthily car shape the plans of entire nations. Rulers both fear and cover the skills of the ninja, and high-level ninjas whose identities are known ofien find adventures coming to them rather than the Characteristics: Highly skilled spies and assassins, ninjas can master a broad range of skills and combat techniques. Nearly every ninja perfects the arts of moving quietly and remaining hidden, and her secondary skills define her role in an adventuring party ora community. Many ninjas hone skills that help them become better spies, mastering the ers of social inte Others take on the role of car burglars, ion and disguise racticing skills that help them find and bypess traps and locks. In combst, a ninja can deal out devastating blows if her opponent doesn’t know she's there, but sh quite as adepr as a rogue is at delivering such attacks in 4a prolonged battle ‘Ninjas jump and climb fartherand faster than members ‘of most other classes, and they are skilled acrobats as swell. Ninjas also receive special training in the use of pein sand many ninjas employ poisonous weapons in Even with these impressive skills, a ninja’s most dan xgerous and remarkable powers involve the ability to step briefly into the Ethereal Plane. By focusing her ki, ninja con vanish from sight, walk through solid walls, and deal devastating attacks even when not physically present at the scene. As a ninja advances in level, she can turn this Ability to defense, causing blows that would otherwise histo pass harmlessly through her body. Alignment: Although ninjas have a reputation as dangerous assassins and deceptive spies, they follow ‘many different philosophies and ideals and can be of ny alignment, For every dangerous mercenary who uses her ninja training to kill for money, an honest and loyal ninja is guard over ajustlord, Most ninjasfollow their own beliefs rather than the dictates of a noble or magistrate, and therefore more ninjas ate chaotic than lawful Religion: A ninjas religious belief follow those of her clan. In a fantasy game, ninjas can follow any god, although most clans devote themselves to deities of stealth or trickery. Neutral or mercenary ninjas might devote themselves to Olidammara (the god o Evi] ninjas might revere Nevull (the god Etythnul (the god of slaughter). ‘Ninjas who have left or lost cheir clan follow any deity and often choose not to worship a deity. Background: Many ninjas come from isolated clans that train in secret. They spend years perfecting the arts of stealth and subterfuge in distant villages and hidden training camps. These warriors, whether deployed in the service ofan honorable lord or sent to serve as mercenary thieves). leath) or assassins, carefully conceal their identities and origins ‘These ninjas weave complicated webs of disguises, strike only from hiding, and deal chrough intermediaries when- ever possible. Because of their strong ties to their clan, these ninjas must often put aside personal prefevences or goals to serve their lord or clan, but in return they gain thesupportofa powerful political force and access to the clan's many safe houses and hideouts. Although most ninjas come from such isolated clans, exceptions exist at every turn. Some ninjas receive specialized training from e single mentor, pechaps ever aretized adventurer who wishes to pass along his skills Others train alongside monks and other ascetics in a peaceful monastery. In some places, far-thinking nobles set up their own ninja training centers. One of these centers might consist merely ofa single teacher with a handful of students; another might be a full-blown ninja school that progresses students through a rigil series of tests, ranks, and trials. ans, halflings, half-elves, and halfores -ombination of adaptabilityand ambition necessary to master the techniques of the ninja, Elves both graceful and deadly, rarely become ninjas, bt those who do often achieve great fame or notoriety, Such elf ninjas often attain the heights of ninja prowess, shaping, the history of many human generations through their daring exploits. Dwarves and gnomes seldom train as ninjas. Not only is their social structure too open to shelter hidden clans of ninjas, bur their martial instincts un to more straightforward Other Classes: Ni s. Although they appreciate ith rogues, scouts, healing: ies and the sheer offensive mi tans ninjas rely too much on stealth to completely embrac thei ses. Conversely, when sofadventuring with other the presence of ether ubtle and more visible her adventuring ;panions ate, the easier itis for a ninja toremain in the round a herown ties Role: Depending on a ninje’s still selection and the tharacter’s role wn that her party undercakes, th vary dramatically. A ninja p din aise and diplomacy might assume a false identity and sctas the group's leaclerand front person. A stealehy ninja cout of point, whi back, covering the Whatever a ninja role during routine dungeon exploration she is a dangerous and unpr can disable foes poison, se nowhere, and escape almost any situation by using her tural abilities. GAME RULE INFORMATION Ninj Abilities: Ninjas bene shave the following game statistics. from a high Dexterity score their most important skills, and mom their abilities require that they wear no armor. A high Dexterity also helps a ninja to act first in initiative and take advantage of her sudden strike ability. A ninja also appreciates a hi mor Class dom score, which improves her ditional uses of her ki powers, with skills such as Listen and and helps het loc Alignment: Ar Hit Die: de. Starting Gold: 44410 gp. A ninja's class skills (and th bility for each ski Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentra are Balance (Dex tion (Cor Int), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha Hide (Dex), Jamp (Str), Listen (Wis), Move Sile (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Mor owis and Tumble (Dex) Skill Points at ist Level: (6 « Jur modifier) x 4 Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spot (Wis), Swim (St Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6 + Int modi- fier. Class Features Allof the following are class fearures ofthe mina. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Ninjas are profi cient with all simple weapons, plus the hand crossbow, kama, kukri, nunchaku, sai, shortbow, short sword, shutiken, and siangham. Ninjas are nor proficient with any type of armor or shield AC Bonus (Ex): A ninja is highly wained at dodging blows, and she has a sixth sense that lets her avoid even ‘unanticipated attacks. When wnarmored and unencum- bered, a ninja adds her Wisdom bonus (if any) 10 her Armor Class. This ability does not stack with the monk's ACbonusability (a ninja with levelsof monk doesnot add the bonus twice) In addition, ninja gains +1 bonus ‘ACaar Sth level. This bonus increases by 1 for every five ninja levels thereafter (+2 at toth, +3 at 15th, and +4 at 20th level) ‘These bonuses to AC apply even against touch attacks cor when a ninja is flaefooted. The character loses these bonuses when she is immnobilized or helpless, when she ‘wears any armor, when she carriesa shield, or when she cartiesa medium or heavy load. Ki Power (Su): A ninjacan channel her ki omanifest special powers of stealth and mobility, She can use her bei powers a number of times per day equal to one-half her class level (minimum 1) plus her Wisdom bonus (if any). Ki powerscan be used only ifa ninja is wearing no armor and is unencumbered AAs long as a ninja's ki pool isn't empry (chat is, as long as she has atleast one daily use remaining) she gains a +2bonus on her Will aves. A ninjaski powers are ghost step, ki dodge, ghost strike, sgresterki dodge,and ghost walk. Each power is described under a separate entry below. Sudden Strike (Ex): Ifa ninja can catch an opponent when he is unable to dafend himself effectively from her attack, she can strike a vital spot for extra damage. Whenevera ninjas targer is denied a Dexterity bomus to Armor Class (whether the target actually has a Dexter ity bonuis or nod, the ninja deals an extra 1dé points of SUDDEN STRIKE AND SNEAK ATTACK For the purpose of qualifying for feats, prestige classes, and similar options that require a minimum umber of sneak asthe ‘extra damage dice, treat the ninjas sudden strike ability alent of sneak attack damage with her attack. This extra damage increases by 146 points for every two ninje levels thereafter. A ninja carituse sudden strike when flanking an opponentunless that opponent is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC. ‘This damage also applies to ranged attacks against targets up to 30 feer away. Creatures with concealment, creatures without discernible anatomies, and creatures immune to extea damage from critical hits areall immune to sudden strikes. A ninja cant make a sudden strike while striking the limbs of a creature whose vitals are our of reach ‘Anninja can‘t use sudden strike to Geliver nonlethal damage. Weapons capable of dealing only nonlethal damage don’ deal extra damage when used as part of @ sudden strike. The extra damage from the sudden strike ability stacks swith the extea damage from sneak attack whenever both ‘would apply the same target ‘Trapfinding (Ex): A ninja can use the Search skill 0 locate traps with 2 DC higher than 20, and she can use Disable Device to bypass trap or disarm magic taps. See the rogue class fearure, page 50 of the Mayers Handbook. Ghost Step (Su): Starting at 2nd level, « ninja can spend one daily use of her kt power to become invisible for { round. Using this bility isa swiftaction see Swift Actionsand Immediate Actions, page 137) that doesnot provoke attacks of opportunity. At toch level 2 ninja can become ethereal when using shost step instead of becoming invisible. Poison Use (Ex): Ar3rd level and higher @ ninja never risks accidentally poisoning herself when applying poison to weapon Great Leap (Su): Atath level and highes,a ninja always mekes Jump checks as if she were running and had the Run feat, enebling her ro make long jumps without a running start and granting a +4 bonus on the jump (see the skill description, page 77 of rhe Players Handbook). This ability can be used only if she is wearing no armor and is carrying no more than a light load. Acrobatics (Ex): Starting ar sth level, a ninja geins a2 bonus on Climb, Jump, and Tumble checks. This bonus increases to 44at 12th level and +6 at 18th level Ki Dodge (Su): Ar 6th level and higher, a ninja can spend one daily use of her bi power to cause an attack againsther to miss when it might otherwise hit. When a ninja activates this ability, her outline shifis and wavers, granting her mncealment 20% miss chance) against all attacks for 1 round. Using this ability is a swift action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Tante 11: THE Niwa Base attack Fort Ref wit! lel Bonus Save Save Save. ist +0 40 2 +0 and A 40 3 +0 316 4 a aa a th 43 2 oe a Sth ay 4 a4 a eh +4 22 +5 32 2h 45 22 a5 a ah 46/41 “2 “6 32 oth +9/41 ce 46 a oth 21/42 8 a 3 TT 48/3 8 a a 12th 49-444 45 +4 with 49/040 38 a Vth 10/5 ak “8 +4 a1ya6/0 45 me) on 412/37 45 410 25 2/20 #10) Es wh 43/48/38 an 36 1h Fine 46 au “6 2h HS/HO/+5 46 a2 “6 Sco invisibility has no effect on concealment granted by the hi dodge ability, bur true seeing negates the miss chance. This concealment does norstack with that caused by other effects that grant concealment or by spells such stink or displacement, Speed Climb (Ex): A ninja of 7th level or higher can scramble up or down walls and slopes with great speed She can climb at her speed as a move action with no penalty; however, she must begin and end the round on horizontal surface (such as the ground ora rooftop). If she does not end her movement on a horizontal surface she falls, taking falling damage as appropriate for her distance above the ground. Aninja needs only one free hand touse this ability. This sbility can be used only ifa ninje is wearing no armor and is carrying no more than a light oad. Ghost Strike (Su): Ac sth level and higher, aninjacan spend one daily use of ker hi power to strike incorporeal and ethereal creatures asif they were corporeal. Shealso can use this ability to strike foes on the Material Plane normally while ethereal (for example, while using her ghost step ability) Activating the ghost strike ability is a move action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. fr affect the next attack made by the ninjs, 2s long as thac arrack ismade before the end of her nest turn. Improved Poison Use (Ex): Starting at 9th level, a ninja can apply poison to a weapon as a move action. (Normally, applying a poison is a standard action, like applying an oil) ac Bonus Special +6 Ki power, sudden strike 4146, trapfinding +0 Ghost step (invisible) +0 Sudden strike +246, poise Use +0 Great leap a Sudden sikee6 +1 ‘Acrobatics +2, ki dodge wv ‘Sudden strike 4406, speed cliib 41 ‘Ghost strike 4 Sudden strke 16, Improved poison Use 42 Ghost step (ethereal) +2 ‘Sudden strike 6¢6 EI ‘Acrobatics +4, evasion a Sudden strike S76 42 Ghost mind a Sudden strik¥se 3 ‘Ghost sight 8 Sudden strike 4946 3 ‘Acrobatics +6, greater + doce ar) ‘Sudden strke "10d5 +4 Ghost walk Evasion (x): Beginning t 12th levee ninja can avoid damage ftom certain attacks with a successful Reflex save. (See the monk class feature, page 41 ofthe Payers Handbook) Aninjasuse of evasion differsslightlyfromamonk’ usein thataninja can use evasion only ifsheis wearing no armor and is carrying no more than 2 light load, Ghose Mind (Su): Ar 14th level,a ninja geins special resistance to spells of the scrying subschool. To detect or see a ninja with such a spell, the caster must make a caster level check (DC 20 + the ninjas class level)-In the case of scrying spells (such as arcene eye) that scan the ninjas area, a failed check indicates that the spell works bur the ninja simply isn't detected. Serying attempts ally at the ninja do not work atall ifthe targeted speci check fails Ghost Sight (Su): Ar t6ch level and higher, nin see invisible and ethereal creatures 3s easly as she sees material creatures and objects Greater Ki Dodge (Su): Starting at t8¢h level, a ninjas fei dodge ability grants total concealment (50% miss chance} Ghost Walk (Su): A 20th-level ninja can spend two daily uses of her ki power ro enter the Ethereal Plane for an extended period of time.‘Thisability functions asthe ethereal jaunt spell with a caster level equal to the ninja’s class level HUMAN NINJA STARTING PACKAGE Armor: None (speed 30 feet ‘Weapons: Kama (1d4, light, 2 Ib, slashing) Shortbow (1d6, crit x3, range inc. 60 ft, 2 Ib, piere ing) 20 hurikeen (1d2, range inc. 10 ft, 2 Ib, piercing). Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 7 + Int modifier. ‘Arenor Check shal ranks Ability "Penalty Balance 2 Dex 9 Disable Device 4 lat 0 Hee 4 Dex 0 u 4 Wis = Move Sie 4 Dei ~ Open Lock 2 Dex “ Search 4 int Spot 4 is — Thole 4 Dei +0 Feat; Foine Blank Shor. Bonus Feat: Precise Shot, Gear: Backpack with waterskin, one day's trail rations, bedroll, sack, line and steel. Hooded lantern, 3 pints of oil. Quiver with 20 arrows. Gold: 444 gp. ——_SCOQuT ‘Any force on the move, whether itsanarmy oran adver: turing group, needs information abour whats abead and what’ behind and, more important, time to prepare for battle. scout can navigate difficult rerrain at good speed, and she specializes in seeing her foe before the opponent ever detects her presence. Ina dungeon or in the wild, a scout is seen only when she wants tobe. Adventures: Scouts adventure for numerous reasons. Many have a role in a military organization. Whether serving 2s outviders fora large army or as foresters fora small border fort, these scouts venttre into the wilder ness under orders. Although more common than other scouts, those artached ro the military are unlikely to have the time or permission necessary to undertake regular adventures. Instead, adventuring scouts come from rural villages, having honed their skills over lifetime of wandering the woods. Others have left their military service behind and find themselves attracted to the adventuring lifestyle. Many adventuring scouts begin their careers as guides hired to lead other adventurers through the wilderness. Those who find the excitement and challenge of adventuring ro their taste then seek out a group of their own ‘Characteristics: scout has some training in weapons anda unique combatstyle chat favors fast movementand devastating attacks. She excels in performing during ‘running battles, which allow her to maximize her special fighting techniques and high movement rate. Although a scout can hold her own in a fight, she's at her best before combat begins, when she can use her powers of stealth and observation to find an enemy and give her companions accurate information about what they face The scout is 2 backcountry expert, exceeding even the rangers ability to navigate rough terrain and leada group ‘of companions through the wilderness. “The scout also excels in a dungeon environment, and she can find and diseble traps as well as any rogue. As a scout advances in level, her senses become amazingly acute,and she rn eventually operate normally even in total darkness Alignment: Scouts can be of any alignment, and a scout’ alignment is often shaped more by hex personal background than ftom any training The notable excep tions to this are the many scouts who receive their training in 2 military organization—such scouts are carefully and rigorously taught, and are almost alvays lawful in alignment, Outside of military organizations, more scouts are neurral than any other alignment, but every alignment and philosophy is represented within theclass. Religion: Scouts have varied and individual takes on religion, and no single religion stands out a8 typical the class. Scouts occasionally pay homage to deities of nature, but these devotions are more 2 personal choice con the part of an individual than any outgrowth oftheir training, Scouts dont see nature a5. a force in its own right, and this belief is one of che most profound differ- ences berween the scour and the ranger classes. Where the ranger sees nature as something to be revered and protected, the scout sees its the terrain over which she rust do herjob. Although a scout might love nature for its beauty or for the solitude she ean find within i, shell never draw power from nature the way a anger does. Background: Many scouts receive military taining erve fora time as outriders for an army. They perfect their techniques while trying to spot and hide from large ‘groups of foes. The crucible of military service turns out rough, independent scouts accustomed to working on their own or in small groups. Such steady individuals make great edditions to adventuring parties, and their expertise is often sought by members of other classes. (Other scoutscome from a wide variety of backgrounds, 1g 2 rural lord, and others simply grow up among the common folk of the countryside, spending month after momh Some train with foresters and rangers ser exploring the wild in thelr leisure ime. Scouts from such diverse backgrounds often take up fenturing to leave their home communities behind. Having exhausted the potential for exploration in their home region, they seek awider varity of experience and wish to see a breader portion of the world, Races: Humans make excellent cours. Their prable ider variety of skills nature allows them ro perfect a w than most other races, and they make good use of the scouts many abilities. Elves and halflings are the most naturally gifted scouts; both races have produced nimble scouts with amazing abilities of stealth and observation While halflingsh than elves do, the greater speed of elf scouts gives ve more innate talent for sneaking them advantages of their own, Dwarves and gnomes make respectable under ground scouts, and the scout’s bonuses to speed offset one of these races atest weaknesses Combined with the dwar®s knack for operating inareas of earth and stone, scout training can turn dwarves into impressive und cexplorers—althoug feramore sage SE ferent approach (0 combat a like the skirmish fighting szyle ofthe seout J dis Other Classes: Scouts work well with members of alm led and adaprable they thrive whan they can complement a sherer and bade: group of wdvenharers ot Scouts move ahead of such a group rief periods, stealthily checking the next room or forest clearing for foes, and chen circling bad not snceking upon the group from behind. When combatis joined, however, the group remains as able base to which sed, Clerics, w other class. $I sold for Icagein ro ensure thor enemies are scoutcan fall back when ~, rs, and others willing tocast spells that enhance a scout's mobil ch make her job easier, and welcome companionsin combat ai aswell Conversely, a scout also ug welcomesagroupmadeup | entirely of stealthy char acters such a6 rogues rangers, ninja, and fellow scouts. This group moves much ‘more quietly than a normal adventuring party, and itis sekdom surprised Role: A scout plays several roles in most adventuring groups. First and foremost, a scout excelsat detectingan «enemy or creature before being detected herself Whether ‘moving well zhead of the group or guarding the tear, scout isthe character most likely to discover a potential Servings backup battle, she provides, support for the more straightforward fightersin the group and confuses and distracts the enemy. A scour’ stealth and trapfi for entering and searching dangerous areas. threat and be ready toact in comba melee combatant or ranged expert og ability make her the natural choice GAME RULE INFORMATION Scouts have the following game statistics. Abilities: Dexterity helps scoutsbet stealthy and overcome their lack of ac 5 10 heavy armor. Wisdom also is importanc b cause it affects m ills, especially Spot and Listen, that most scouts consider vital 19 their ability in the wild and 10 detect enemies efficiently Alignment: Any. Scouts in military service are usually lawful Hit Die:ds Starting Gold: 54410 gp. Ciass Skills 'sclassskills(and the key ability for each are Balan Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Jump (St), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Know! edge (geography) (Int), Knowledge Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Ride « (Dex), Climb (S11), Crafe (Uno), (Dex), Search (int), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Lan- guage (n/a), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim ‘Stt), Tumble (Dex), and 7 Use Rop Dex’. z 2 ‘Tasue 1-2: Tue Scour Base ‘attack Fort Ref will Level Bonus Save Save___Save ist +0 40 32 +0 2nd 4 +0 3 40 Sed a2 4 a a ach 3 41 +4 4 Sth 3 4 + 4 en 4 42 ts 42 th a 2 +5) #2 3th $61 42 46 42 sth S5fe1 3 +6 a 10h a7}s2 33 47 3 ith 3843) 33 a = 12th 19/44 sa 44 Bes 49fd 4 44 Vath 1/85 4 “4 ‘15th 6S “5 Weih 27/4235 1s Ta 2ya7pe2 a a5 YBth_ 13/48/23 6 20 “6 Wh siayasfea 46 av as 20th AS/H1O/aS +6 +12 +6 Skill Points at 1st Level: (6 + Int modifier) x4, Skill Points at Each Additional Level: + Int modi fis Class Features All of the following are class features of the scout. ‘Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Scouts are prof RFS affecting the target. Ifthe cargeris willing, spellthiefcan steala spell effect with a ouch asa standard action. The spellthief can choose which spell effect to steal otherwise, the DM determines the st spelleffectsan domly Ifa spelthief tres to steal a spell effect chat isnt present, the stolen spel effect is determined randomly from among those currently in effect on the target. A spellthief cant steal espell effecrifits caster level exceeds his clas level + his Charisma modifier. Upon stealing a spell effect, a spellthief gains the stolen effect (and the original creature loses that effect) for 1 minute per clas level (er until the spel’s duration expires, whichever comes first). Ifthe spell effect’ dure tion hasult expired by this time, the spel effect returns to the creature that originally benefited from it A spelithief can steal the effect of 2 spell only ifthe spell could be cast on him by the original caster. For example, aspellthiefcouldn'egain the effect of an anim! growth spel (unless the spellthief is ofthe animal type) or the effect ofa shield spell (Since that spel's range is personal) Ifa spellthief tries to steal the effect of aspell notallowed to him, the effecris still suppre don the original target of the spell for 1 minute per spellthief class level This ability does not work on spell effe immune to dispel magic (such as bestow curse). Steal Energy Resistance (Su): Beginning at 3rd level, spellthief can siphon off some or all of target's resistance to-an energy type (acid, cold, electricity, Bre, or sonic). A spellthief who hits an opponent with a 1s that are successful sneak attack can choose to forgo dealing tds points of sneak attack damage and instead tempora- ily gain resistance 10 to an energy type to which his target is resistant (or immune). Ifthe target is willing, a spellthief can steal energy resistance with a touch as a standard action Simultaneously, the tanget creature's resistance 10 thar energ A creature with immunity to an energy type retains that immanil pe is reduced by 10 (to a minimum of 0). If his targer has more than one type of resistance to energy, a spellthief can choose which kind to steal: otherwise, the DM determines the stolen resistance domly from among those possessed by the target. Ifa spellthief chooses to steal a type of resistance that the target doesn't possess, the stolen type of resistance is determined randomly from those possessed by the targee The resistance a spellthief gains from using this abil ity lasts for 1 minute. Ifthe resistance is derived from a temporary effect (such as a spell), the stolen resistance disappears when the effect expires. ‘Aspellehief can use this ability multiple times, but its effects do not stack unless they apply to different types of energy. For example, throughout 2 long combat, a spellthief might use this ability to gain resistance to fire and resistance to cold, but he could not use it rice on a creature that is resistant fo fire ro gain twice as much resistance to fire (nor to reduce the creature's resistance to fie by twice as much) At Lith level, a spellthief can steal resistance 20 to an energy type by using this bility, and at 19th level he can steal resistance 30 t0 an energy type. Spells: Beginning at 4th level, a spelithief gains the ability to casta small number of arcane spells, which are drawn fsom a subset ofthe sorcerer/swizard spel ist Gee below), He can cast any spell he knows without preparing ithead of time, just as a sorcerer can (see page 54 of the Players Handbook ‘To learn or cas: a spell,a spellthief muse have 2 Cha risma score equal to at least 10 + the spell level (Cha 11 for tstlevel spells, Cha 12 for 2nd level spells, and soon). The DC for a saving throw againsta spellthie?s spell is 10+ spell level + spellthie?s Cha modifier Like other spelleasters, a spelithief can cast only a cernin number of spells of each spel level per day. His base daily spell allotment is given on Table 1-3: The Spellthief. In addition, he receives bonus spells per day ‘fhe has2 high Charisma score (see Table 1-1, page 8 of the Player's Handbook). When Table 1-3 indicates that a spellthief gets 0 spells per day of a given spel level (for instance, seve spells fora 4th-level spellthief),he gains only the bonusspells he would be entitled to based on his Charisma score for thar spell level A spellthiets selection of spels is extremely limited. Aspellthief begins play knowing no spells but gains one or more new spells ar certain levels, as indicated on Tible 1-4 Spellehief Spells Known. (Ualike spells per day his Charisma does notaffect the numberof spells he knows; the numbers on Table 14 re fixed.) spellehief can lear any sorcecer/vizard spell from the following schools: ahjuration, divination, enchantment, illusion, and seansmutation. No other sercerer/svizard spells are onthe spellthief’s class spell lis. Upon zeaching 12th level, and at2very third spellehief | level after that (15th and 18th), a spellthief can choose to learn a new spell in place of one he already knows. In efiect, the spellthief “loses” the old spelln exchange for the new one. The new spells level must be the same as that of the spell being exchanged, and it must beat least two levels lower than the highestlevel spelthief spell , upon reaching thatthe spellthie® can cast, Forinstan 12th level, 2 spellthief could crade in a single tstevel | spell fora different 1stlevel spell. A spellthief ean swap onlyasingle spell atany given level, and he must choose whether or not to swap the spell atthe same time that he gains new spells known for the level. At 4th level and higher, a spellthieP’s caster level for spellsis one-half his spellthief level ‘Tante 1-4: Seetiruier Speus Kwown — Spells Known —- 2nd 3rd Level 1st 1st 2nd Sr ‘ath seh eth 7h 3th oth 10th neh 2th 13th lath 15th 6th ath 18th 19th 20th 1 Provided thatthe spellhiet has sufficient Charisma to hhave a bonus spell ofthis le oud. eae. ll of B Steal Spell-Like Ability (Su): Arsth level and higher, a spellthief can use a sneak attack to temporarily steal a creature's spelblike ability. A spellthief who hits an ‘opponent with a sneak attack can choose to forgo dealing ‘ds points of sneak attack damage and instead gain one use of one of the target's spelLike abilities. 1f the rarger iswilling,a spellthief can steal aspell-like ability with a touch asa standard action, This spelllike ability can originate from the target's class, race, template, or any other source, and can be of any level up to a maximum of one-third the spellthief’s class level. A spellthief can select a specific spelHlike ability to steal; otherwise, the DM chooses the ability at random. Ifthe ability has limited number of uses per day, the target must have at least one such use left, or the spellchief can't steal the ability. If che target can‘t use its ability athe present time (such asa summoned demon's summon ability), che spellthief can't steal it. A spellthiefcan use. stolen spelllike ability once. For all purposes (caster level, save DC, and so on), treat the spellike ability as if it were being used by the original e the stolen possessor of the ability. A spellehief must t spelllike ability within 1 minute of acquirin, lost harmlessly. Until the spellthief uses the ability (or ‘until the minute clapses), the target cannot use the stolen ability Absorb Spell (Su): Beginning at 7th level, ifaspellthief rakes a sucessful save against a spell that targets him, he can attempt to absorb the spell eneray fer later use This ability affects only spells chat have the spellthieFas atarget, not effect orarea spells. A spelithief cen'tabsorb aspell of ahigher spel level than he could steal with his steal spell ability (see above) Toabsorba spell that targets him, aspellthief must sue- ceed ona level check (1420+ spelithief class level) against ADC of 10+ the spells caster level. Failure indicates that the spell as its normal effect. Success means that the spellthief suffers no effect from the spell and can cast the spell later (or use its energy 10 cast one of his own, spells known) as if he had stolen the peif with his steal spell ability. His normal limic of total spell levels stolen still applies, Ar 201h level or higher, a spelthief can choose to use the stolen spell energy as an immediate action (see page either to recast the original spell or to cast one of his own spells known using the stolen spell energy. Arcane Sight (Sp): 9th level, aspellthief can use arcane sight as a swift action (see page 137) a number of times per day equal to his Charisma modifier (minimum 1). His caster level is equal to his spellthief class level. Discover Spells (Ex): A spellthief of 13th level or higher who steals aspell froma spellcaster with his steal spell ability automatically learns the names of all other spells prepared or known by the spellcaster that are of the same spell level as the stolen spell. This knowledge allows the spellthief to better choose which spells to steal on subsequent attacks. For example, 2 13thlevel spellthief who steals ais- integrate from an enemy sorcerer would also discover the names of all other 6th-level spells known by that Steal Spel Resistance (Su): Beginning at 15th level, 4 spellthief can use a sneak attack ro temporarily steal some or all of @ creature's spell resistance. A spellthief swho hits an opponent with a sneak attack can choose to forgo 3d6 points of sneak attack damage and instead reduce the target's spell resistance by 5. The spellthicf also gains spell resistance equal to 5+ his class level (up SPELLTHIEVES AND PSIONICS 1 campaign that includes psionic characters, as described in the Expanded Psionics Handbook, would logically have room for micethered spellthieves, If psionics are common in your game, you have two op- tions. The frst is to allow spellthieves to affect both spells and psionic powers. The second is to create a new class, the psithief, that functions identically to the spelthief except that toa maximum value equal to the original spell resis tance of the target) Ifthe target is willing, a spellchis can steal spell resistance with a touch as a standard The stolen spell resistance benefits the spellthief for a number of rounds equal to the spellthief’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1 round) and then returns ro the carget creature. If the spell resistance is derived from: temporary effect (such as a spell), the stolen spell esis tance disappears when the effect elapses. A spellthef canituse this ability on the same creature again until the creature's stolen spell resistance returns. HALFLING SPELLTHIEF STARTING PACKAGE Armor: Studded leather (+2 AC, armor check penalty ~1, speed 20 feet, 10 lb.). ‘Weapons: Light crossbow (1dé, crit 19-20/%2, range inc, 80 ft, 2 Ib, piercing) Spear (ids, crit 3, range inc. 20 ft, 3 Ib, piercing). ‘Skill Seleetion: Pick a number of skills equal to 6-+ Ant modifier. ‘Armor Check Penalty skal ks Concentration Disable Device Hide Krowledge fany one) ster ove Silently ‘OpeniLock Search Spelleraft Spot Tumble ability Con Int Dex wis Wis Dex Dex Int Wis Dex Feat: Improved Initiative. Gear: Backpack with waterskin, one day's trail rations, bedroll, sack, flint and steel, Hooded lantern, 3 pints of cil, Case with 0 bolts Gold: 4d gp. its special abilities affect psionic powers only. In either case, a spelthief who can affect psionic powess veaate psionic powers as if they were spells of the same level, allowing him ta steal, absorb, or discover known psionic powers as normal fer spells. A spelltiefcaa’t augment a stolen power, even if he has power points available of his own, Treat psilike abilities as spell abilties for the purpose of @ spelthiefs Stealing these abilities, hhis chapter presents a host of new prestige classes that provide skilled and often stealthy, career choices for characters of every class. Spellcasters will find prestige classes that let them blend their spells and skills into deadly new abilities, Fighters and other combar-oriented characters will find ways to use their existing skills, to improve their martial prowess. Rogues and other skillfocused characters will find ways to blend their already impressive abilities with those of other classes. Several of rhese prestige classes favor multiclass characters, accentuating the ideas of versatility awd adventure that pervade this book. -PICKING A PRESTIGE CLASS “The easy part of looking for prestige class involves comparing each class's requirements with the sbilities and feats that you already have, Reading through this chapter and comparing the classes here to your current character or an NPC you'e building is a good way to solidify your character concept at the same rime that you look for new options. The more difficul part of finding a suitable prestige class involves making sure that your character's new suite of abilities fulfills needed role in the patty. I'your characteris the primary trapfinder or scout, you'll want to make ‘sure that the peestige lass doesn’t diminish those abilities while still providing you with interesting ‘options in combat Good Guys/Bad Guys: Members of these groups define themselves by their alignment and their outlook on the world first, and their other sbilities second. Their strengths seflect theiralignment choices, end roleplaying one of these characters means putting attitude Ast Melee: A character belonging to one of these prestige classes is skilled at fighting in close quarters. In keeping with the skilled and stealehy themes of this book, the melee prestige classes described here typically depend.on the sneak attack ability to deal the Kind of damage found in high-level play: Many Balance a good sized Lit Die with armor selec ition ot & high basé attack bons progression, ff OML WaldVHO ‘TanLe 2-1: ADVENTURER PRESTIGE CLAss GroupiNes wild plains autrider SoeCABII Spelcastingipsionics shadowrnind, vigilante steaieh raking their use in play involve much more than si swinging away against the touighest foe present. Nature: These characters are in their element when ly out in the wild. They generally have « good selection of wilderness-oriented class skills and can fend for them: selves quite well Special Ability: Members of these prestige class rake cone special ability—such as bardic music, the druids ld shape ability, or the ability to bond with an animal companion—to the extremes of power. Specialized and extremely effective, these classes provide entirely new sypesof abilities and innovative waysto use characters existing abilities Spellcasting/Psionies: Spellcasters ate rarely known for their selection of skills, since they often depend on spells to ger thers through the challenges they face. The classes described here, however, break that mold, Many of these prestige classes not only emphasize skill use but also provide nev and interesting options for multiclass spellcasters. One prestige iss, the shadowmind, expands the options for psionic characters (see the Expwuied Psionic Handbook) Stealth: The most roguelike ofthe prestige classes in this book, stealthy prestige classes notonly provide Hide and Move Silently as class skills, but they emphasize the benefits of moving unseen through enemy territory or making surprise attacks. —______ ANIMAL LORD Foran animal ord, a humanoid form issimply an accident ofbirth. in spirit, he belongs with the wild pack of wolves, the running herd of horses, or the dancing schoo! of fish, His nearly haieless, two-legged form isa hindrance cobeing one with his true kind, buritis a hindrance he Each animal lord forms a bond with one group of anie mals. Apelords,bearlords, birdlords,catlords,horselords, sharkclords, snakelords, and wolflords all exist. Animals| Daggerspell mage, daggerspell shap iread pirate, ghost-faced killer, nightsong enforcer, shadowbane Group Prestige Classes Bad guys Dread pirste, ghost faced lle? Good guys Dread pirate, shadowbane inquistor, shadowbane stalker, viglante Melee Aasimal lord, aggerspell shape Inquisitor, stretfighter, tempest, wild plains outrider Nature ‘Animal lord, Beastmaster, bloodhound, FocklucanIyrist, highland stalker, master of many forms, ‘Animal lord, beastrnsste, bloadhound, exemplar, master of many forms, ollam, virluose r Fochlucan Iyrist, maester, shadowbane stalke, Daggerspell mage, dungeor dever, ghost Tated ile, highland stalker nightsong enroreey rightsong infltrator, shadowbane Staller, shacowmind, spymaster, thi acrobat iis selected group accept an animal lord asa kindred soul and a leader. They offer him their support, and he watches over them in turn. Individual animal lords approach their calling in Afferent ways. Some are simple defenders oftheir kind content olives partof the nacural cycle of predator and prey. Others, believing that nature's creatures are meant to guard and ultimately improve this world, use their aifts to do good. Still others lead their animal brothers and sisters down a path of selfishness or vengeanc Barbarians, rangers, and druids are the most likely characters to adopt this dass, Barbariens prefer the more physically powerful options,including apelord, bearlord, and horselord, Rangers gravitare toward the stealther selections, such as catlord and wolflord. Most birdlords ave druids with the ability to use wild shape, but deuids are equally likely to select any type of animal to bond with, Some scouts, rogues, and even rare monks find this path rewarding as well. Among the races, elves and halfelvesare the mostcommon examples of animal lords ddue to their close bond to nature ‘A character can choose this prestige class more than once bur must select 2 different group of associated animals and start ar ist level each time. Levels of differ ent animal lord classes do not stack when determining levelbased class features. Adaptation: Customize this class for your campaign by associating each variety with a specific race or cul ture. Sahuagin (malenti) and evil aquatic elves make natural sharklords, for example, while plains-dwelling Jhumans would be most appropriate as horselords. ight animal lord types are presented here, but you can easily create others appropriate to your campaign, such as the sewer dwelling ratlord, the gnoll hyenalord, or even the aquatic squidlord. Alternatively, you could subdivide existing groups (Creating rival tigerlords and lionlords, forexample). Use the examples below as templates when cxeating a new animal lord. Hit Die: dto. REQUIREMENTS To qual fy to become an animal lord, a character must fulfillall the following criteria Alignment: Neutral good, lawful neutral, neutral chaotic neutral, or neutral evil Base Attack Bonus: ski ranks, 4ranks in the appropriate skill as follows. Apelor: Climbs Beartoni:Intimidate; Birdlonl: Spot; Catlond: Move js: Handle Animal 4 ranks, Knowledge (nature) 2 Silently; Horselord: Jump; Sharklord: ‘Swims Snakelond: Escape Artist; Wolford: Surviv Feats: Each kind of animal losd must have a specific feat rl: Tos ness; Brarlord: Endurance; Birdlord: Improved Flight} Ccatiord: Weapon Finesse; Horsclord: Runs Sharklord Improved Swimmingt: Snakelord: Combat Re- flexes; Woiflont: Track. $New feat described page 110. CLASS SKILLS. The animal lord's class skills (and the key ability for each skill are Climb (Ser, Es- Artist (Dex), Handle mal (Cha), Heal (Wi), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (St), Knowl edge (oature) (Ind), Listen Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Spot (Wiz), Sucvival ( 1), and Swim Skill Points at Each Level: ++ Int CLASS FEATURES All ofthe following are class features of the animal lord prestige class. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Animal lords gain no proficiency with any apon ot armor. Animal Bond (Ex): An animal lord d animals of his selected group (see below). He gains bonuson Handle Animal and wild empathy checks jevelops a bond ade 1o influence animals from his chosen group. If animal lord has the animal companion class feature, his anim rd level to his effective druid le for the purpose of determining his animal companion’s bonus Hit Dice, special abilities, and so forth. The eight groups of animals included here, along with examples taken from the Monster Manual, are 25 Apelord: ape, baboon, dire ape, monkey. Bearlord: black bear, brown bear, dire bear, polar bear Birdlord: eagle, giant eagle®, giant ow!*, hawk, owl, Cattord: cat, cheetah, dire lion, dire tiger, leopard, lion, tiger Horselord: horse (all), pony, war pony Sharklord: dire shark, shark al) Snakelord: constrictor giant com strictor, viper (all Wolftord: dire wolf wolf ~These creaturesarein- cluded even though they are not of the animal type. Detect Animals (Sp) ginning at tst level, an the presence of any animals of animal lord can dete his selected group at will, as if using or plants with a caster level equal to his class level Wild Empathy (Ex): An animal lord can improve the atriuude ofan animal. See the druidclass feature, page 35 of the Players Handbook. fan animal lord has wild empathy from another class, his levels stack for determining the bonus First Totem: At 2nd level, an animal lord gains a-+4 bonus on checks made with a specific skill, determined by his selected group as follows. Apeloni: Climb; Bear lord: Intimidate; Birdlord: Spot; Cailord: Move Horslond: Jump; Shavklord: Swimm Wolflord: Survival Low Light Vision (Ex): gains lowlight vision, allowing him to see twice as Silently; dons Escape Artist, 2nd level, an animal lord far as 2 human in sterlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of shadowy illumination. He retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these condition If an animal Jord already has low-light vision from another souxce (such as his race), his lowlight improves, allowing him to see three times as f human in conditions of shadowy illumination, ‘Wild Aspect (Su): At 3 level and higher, an animal lord can take on an aspect of the animals of his selected group. Assumin, wild aspectisa swiftaction that does not provoke attacks of opportunity (see Swift Actions and Immediate Actions, page 137). Unless otherwise noted, the effect lasts for 1 minute per level. An animal lord can use this ability once perd at 3rd level, plus one additional time per day for every three levels gained after 3ed (ewice per day ar éth level and three times perday at ath leveb. ‘When an animal lord reaches 7th level, his wild aspect becomes more powerful, as described below. Fan animal lord has the wild shape ability, he can spend one daily use of wild shape to assume his wild aspect instead (the duration is as normal for the wild aspect) [fan animal lord already has 2 natural attack of thetype gained by his wild aspect, use whichever damage figure is superior while the wild aspect is active. [fan animal lord wields a weapon while using his wild aspecr, he can use the natural attacks gained as natural second- ary weapons if he uses his weapon as a primary attack, provided they are still available (an apelord couldn use a secondary claw attack, for example, if he wields a two- handed weapon). Apdloni: An apelord gains two primary claw attacks Each claw deals 1d¢ points of damage (or 143 points for Small apelords), fan apelord hits an opponent with both claw attacks, he rends the foe foran additional 2d4 points of damage (or 243 points for Small apelords), plus 1/2 times his Strength bonus. At 7th level, the claw damage increases to 1d6 points (or 1d points for Small apelords) and the rend damage to 2d6 points (or 244 points for Small apelords). Bearlord: A bearlord gains two primary claw attacks Each claw deals td¢ points of damage (or 1d3 points for Small bearlords). 1f 2 bearlord hits with a claw attack, he can attempt te starta grapple as free action without provoking attacks of opportunity. The bearlord still fol lows all the other normal grappling rules. At 7th level, the claw damage inczeases to 1d6 points (or 1d points for Small bearlozds) Biritord: A birdlord grows feathery wings, allowing him to fly at his base land speed (average maneuverability ed level h level, the duration increases t0 10 minutes per Catlord: A catlord gains two primary claw attacks Each claw deals 1d4 points of damage (or 143 points for ‘Small catlords). If eatlord charges, he can attack with both claws arthe end of his charge. At7th level, the claw damage increases to 1dé points (or 1d¢ points for Small catlords) Horselord: A horselord's speed, as well a the speed of any horse upon which he rides, improves by 10 feet for a duration of t hour per level. Ar 7th level, the speed increase improves to 20 feet. Sharklond:A sharkdord gains devastating biteas. pei mary natural attack. The bite deals tds points of damage (or 1d6 points for Small sharklords). A sharklord also gains the ability wo breathe water while his wild aspect is active. At 7th level, the bite damage increases to 2d6 points (or td8 points for Small sharklords) Snakelord: A snakelord gains a poisonous bite as a primary natural attack for 1 round pet level, This bite deals 1d¢ points of damage (or 1d3 points for Small snake- lords). The poison’ Fortitude save DC is 10 + animal lord level + Con modifies, and it deals initial and secondary damage of 143 points of Constitusion. At 7th level, the bite damage increases to 1d6 points (or 1d4 points for ‘Small snakelords), and the initial and secondary poison damage increases to 144 points of Constitution. ‘Wolford: A wolflord gains the scent ability (see page 44 of the Monster Manta} for 10 minutes per level. At 7th level, the duration increases to t hour per level Speak with Animals (Sp): Beginning at 4th level, an animal lord can use speak with animals (as the spell) once per day ro converse with animals of his selected sro, Summon Animal (Sp): Beginning at Sth level, an animal lord ean summon one or more animals of his selected group once per day. This ability functions ident cally to summon naturesally¥, except that an animal lord can summon creatures only from his selected group, as detailed below. The duration of the effectis 1 minute per class level Apelord: 143 dive apes or 1d4+t apes, Bearlord: 1 polar bear, 143 brown bears, or 1d4+1 black bears Bindlord 1d44 eagles, gianteagles, giant owls’ hawks, CCatlos 4 dire Hon, 143 tigers, or 1441 lions. horses, light wathorses, ponies, o warponies. ‘harklord:1d3 Huge sharks or 1d4t Lange sharks Snakeloni:1 giant constrictor snake, 143 Huge vipers, ‘or td¢+4 constrictor snakes or Large vipers Wolford: 144+4 dice wolves or wolves. 1 Maybe summoned only by nonevil birdlords. 2 May be summoned only into an aquatic or watery’ environment. Second Totem: At 6th level, an animal lord gains 2 bonus feat related to his selected group, everifhe doesn't smeet the prerequisites. che animal lord already has the fext,hecan choose any other fea for which he meets the preteguisites. Apelord: Brachiationt; Bearlord: Improved Grapple; Birdlord: Flyby Attack (see page 303 of the Monster Manual; Catlord: Lightning Reflexes; Horseord ‘Teample; Sharkiont: Improved Critical (bite); Snaeelord: Improved Initiative; Wolford: Improved Trip. *New feat described on page 106. Animal Growth (Sp): Once per day, an animal lord cf 7th level or higher can use anima growth on a single animal from his selected group asa swift action (see Swift Actions and Immediate Actions, page 137)asa spellcaster fis class level. This ability otherwise functions just like the spel. Animal Telepathy (Su): Beginning at sth level, an animal lord can converse telepathically with any animal ofhis selected group that he can see within 400 feet. Third Totem: Ar toch level, an animal lord go permanent 2point increase to one of his ability scores, dezermined by his chosen animal geoup as follows. Aj lord: 42 Strength; Bearlord: +2 Constitution; Birdlor: Wisdom Catlord:+2 Dexterity; Horselond:=2 Constitution; Sharklord-+2 Strength; Snakslord: +2 Charisma; Welflrd crength Tate 2-2: THE ANIMAL LonD ease Attack Fort Ref Will level Bonus Save Save Save Special Animal bonis ee eee detect anima, wild empathy tnd 12 4343 0 First totem, low: light vision Sa SSS id aspect aay thee td a Shi A Speak with animals Summon azimal sh +6 75 +3 $2 Second totem, wild aspect 2/day mh S50 S20 Animal growth ah 62 Animal telepathy th 0/43) Wildaspect 3/dav Toth 410 733 third totecr Horselond: 1d4+t heavy horses, heavy warhorses, light SAMPLE ANIMAL LORD Kozakh: Male halforc barbarian 5/apelord 3; CR Meditsm humanoid (ore); HD sd12e20 plus 3d10+6 plus 3; hp 73: Init +2; Spd 40 ft;.AC 18, touch 12, lacfooted 18; Base Atk +8; Grp +13; Atk +14 melee (1d1217/%3, masterworkeoid iron greataxe) ot +13 melee (1d4+5, claw); Full Atk +14/+9 melee (1d12+7/x3, masterwork cold iron, greataxe) or 113/413 melee (1d445, claw); SA rage 2/dey, wild aspect; SQ darkvision 60 ft, halfore tits, improved uncanny dodge, lowlight vision, uncanny dodge, trap wild empathy +3 +7 chosen group,—1 magical +35 Str 20, Dex beasts); AL CN; SY Fort 43, Ref +6, ¥ 14, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 6 Skills and Feats: Climb +19, Handle Animal-+5 (49 with apes), Jump +19, Knowledge (nature) +4; Cleave, Power Aetack “Toughness Languages: Common, Ore. Animal Bond (Ex): Kozaith gtins a 44 bonus on Handle Animal and wild empathy checks made toinflu- cence apes, baboons, dire apes, or monkeys. Detect Animals (Sp): Kozakh can detect the presence f of any apes, baboons, dire apes, or monkeys at will casting detect animals or plats. Hal€-Ore Traits: For al effec ore is considered en ore Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Kozakh cannot be flanked and can only be sneak attacked by a character wwho has at least 9 levels of rogue. Rage (Ex): Twice per day, Kozakh can enter a state of fierce rage thar lasts for 7 rounds. The following changes are in effect as long as he rages: hp increase by 16; AC 16, touch 10, flarfoored 14; Grp “15; Atk +16 melee (1d12+10/%3, masterwork cold iron greataxe) or +15 selee (14447, claw) Full Atk +16/+11 melee id12410/93, masterwork cold iron geeataxe) or +15/+15 melee (1d647, claw); SV Fort +11, Will 45; Str 24, Con 18; Climb +21, Jump #21. Ar the end of his rage, Kozakh is fatigued for the dusation of the encounter Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Kozalch retains his Dexterity bonus to AC even when flatfooted or targeted by an Dexterity bonus if paralyzed s related to race, a half unseen foe (he still loses or otherwise immobile). Wild Aspect (Su): Once per day, Kozakh can as- sume his wild aspect ro gain two primary claw attacks (described in the statistics block above). If he hits an opponent with both claw attacks, he rends the foe for an additional 24447 points of damage or 244410 while raging) Poscesions:+2 chain shirt, masterwork cold iron greataxe, gauntlets of gre power, 2 potions of cure moderate wounds. _—________BEASTMASTER nature than fellow sentient be rime, these ware 1d a wide variety of animals, from mighty devers bef dire lions to tiny weasels. Eventually, a beastmaster takes on aspects of her animal companions, becoming almost as much animal as humanoid Dridsand rangersare the most common beastmasters, h thanks to those characters’ natural link wieh the animal » 0 become besstinasters, particularly those with strong affinity for nature (such as elves or halflings). Characters of other Jd, Some barbarians, fighters, or scouts classes rarely pursue this p NPC beastmasters are typically loners, relying on their animal companions for friendship on their travels. Good he aligned beastmasters might use their powers to njustices, even allying themselves with for a time. Evilaligned beastmasters are often openly hostile to civilization, becoming reclusive xenophobes. Adaptation: Beastmasters could belong to a wide .e-minded individuals, each one spread orgenization ofl dedicated to the bond ber Rival factions might arise divided by the choice of animal companions. Hit Die: dio. sn humanoid and animal. long alignment lines, or be REQUIREMENTS To qualify to become a beastmaster, a character must fulfil all che following criteria Skills: Handle Animal 8 ranks, Survival 4 ranks. Feats: Skill Focus (Handle Animal). CLASS SKILLS The beastmaster's class skills (and the key ability for ach skill) are Climb (St), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal -e) Une |, Knowledge Listen (Wis), Ride (Dex), Spor (Wis), Su Swim (See Skill Points at Each Level 4 + Int modifier vival (Wis), and CLASS FEATURES of the following are class features ofthe beastmaster prestige class ‘Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Beastmasters gain 0 proficiency with any weapon or armor Animal Companion (Ex): A beastmaster gains the service of a loyal animal companion. See the dru 's Handbook I to class feature, pages 3 eat the beastmaster as a druid whose beastma level4+3, A beastmaster can select one ofthe animals available toa tstlevel druid and then apply druid! version of the modifications as appropriate for 2 4th-le animal companion, or she can selec sth rypic one of the animals available tc Iruid, ‘As a beastmaster gains class levels, her animal com panion gains Hit Dic xd other special abilities just as Use the b class level + 3 to determine the animal companion's a druid’s animal companion do: special abilities Ifa beastmaster already hasan animal companion from levels stack with that grant an animal companion. For example, 2 Sth-level druid/2ndlevel beastmaster would be treated as a 10th-level for the purpose ofimproving the statistics of her another class, her beastmaste class levels from all other classe: Lcompanion (and which alte al cor he could Wild Empathy (Ex): master can improve the attitude 1. See the druid acure, page the Player's a beastmaster empathy from another \ class, her levels stack 4 for determining the bonus. Alertness: A. beast Teste 2-3: THE Beasrwasren Base Attack Fort Ref Will Level Bonus Save Save Save Special ‘Animal @omipaioay wild empaty Tet Haz 2 0 42 434340 Alertness $3 Speak with animals day ah +4441 Extra animal companion (3) Lowlightvision Speak with animals isa sh 48 aS aS 2jday Wh 97 es aS 2 Entra arial companion (-6) Bh B46 6642 Seent Sth 48 46 45 43 Speakwith animate Siday Wh 107673 Extra animal companion learns some of the tricks ofthe animal kingdom. Accord- ingly, she gains Alertness as a bonus feat at nd level Speak with Animals (Sp) Starting at 3rd le beastmaster can use speak with animals once per day as the spell cast by a caster of her class level. She cam use thisability twice per day at sth level and three times per day arth level Extra Animal Companion (Ex): At 4th level, a beastmaster gains a second animal companion, chosen fiom the list of animal companions available roa tstevel druid. Treat the beastmaster as 2 druid whose level is La equal tothe beasemaster’s class level ~3 for the purpose of improving the animal companion’s statistics (or of selecting an alternative companion at higher levels) A 7th level, a beastmaster gains a thitd animal com- panion, chosen from the list of animal companions available to a tstlevel druid, Treat the beastmaster as a druid whose level is equal to the beastmaster’s class level 6 forthe purpose ofimproving the animal companion’s ative companion at statistics (or of selecting an al higher levels) At toth level, a beastmaster gains a fourth animal companion, chosen from the list of animal companions available o 4 1selevel druid. Treat the beastmaster 28a druid whose level is equal to the beastmaster'sclass level ~3 for the purpose ofimproving the animal companion’s| catistics (or of selecting an alternative companion at higher levels) Other class levels in classes that offer an animal com- panion don’ stack for the purpose of determining the powerof'a beastmaster’s additional animal companions, nor do they allow her to choose additional animal com panions from the alternative lists Low-Light Vision (Ex) ar sth level, a beastmaster gins lowlight vision, allowing her to see twice as far as human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of shadowy illumination. She retains the bility to distinguish color and detail under these conditions. Ifshe already has low-light vision from ancther source (such as her race), her low-light vision improves llowin; her to see three times as fat as a human in conditions of shadowy illumination. ‘Scent (Ex): Ar sth level, a beastmaster gains the scent ability (see page 314 of the Monster Manual). SAMPLE BEASTMASTER ‘Leena of the Mean Streets: Female human ranger 5/ beastmaster2; CR7; Medium humanoid; HD 5d8+15 plus 2adt0+6;bp 58;Init: 16; Base Atk +7; Grp +115 Atk +12 melee (td6+5/18-20,+1 rita’); Full Atk +10/+5 melee (1d6+5/18~20, «1 scimitar) and +10 melee (14¢+2/19~20, masterwork short sword); SA favored enemy aberrations +2, favored enemy humanoids (humans) +4; SQ animal companion (dire ra), animal companion benefits, wild empathy +8 (-4 magical beasts ALNG; SV Fort 0, Ref +8, Will +2; Str 48, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha & ills and Feats: Climb 49, Handle Animal +12, Hide 17, Listen +412, Move Silently 47, Spot +12, Survival +9 Endurance*, Improved Initiative, Quick Skill Focus (Handle Animal), Track! Two-Weapon, Defense, Two-Weapon Fighting®. Languege: Common. Animal Companion (Ex): Leena hasa dire rat named Mansterasan animal companion, MansterSsabilitiesand characteristics are summarized below. Animal Companion Benefits: Leene and Manster enjoy the link and share spells special qualities. Links(E): Leenacan handle Mansterasa free action. She also gainsa-+4 circumstance bonus on all wild empathy checks and Handle Animal checks made regarding her dice rat, Share Spells (Ex): Leena can have any spell she casts on herself also affect her animal companion ifthe latter is within 5 feet at the time. She can also cast a spell with a target of "You" on her dite rat. Favored Enemy (Ex): Leena gainsa +2 bonus on her Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks when using these skills against aberrations. She gains the same bonus on weapon damage rolls. Agoinst humans, she gains a +4 bonus on these skill checks and on weapon damage rolls, ‘anger Spll Prepared (caster level 2nd): 1st—longstrider, Possessions: +f chain shirt, +1 scimitar, masterwork shore sword, gauntlet of ogre power: Manster, Dire Rat Companion: CR—; Smal ani HD 54345; bp 27; Init +4; Spd 40 f, climb 20 ft; AC 19, touch 14, fatfooted 16; Base Atk +3; Grp +0; Atk or Full Atk +8 melee (Ad plus disease, bite); SA disease; SQ bonus tricks 2} devetion, evasion, low-light vision, scent, ALN; SV Fort +4, Ref +6, Will 44 Str 12, Dex 19, Con 12, Int, Wis £2, Cha 4 ‘Skills and Feats: Climb +12, Hide +11, Listen +4, Move Silently 49, Spot +4, Swim +12; Alermess, Stealthy, ‘Weapon Finesse Disease (Ee): Filth fever—bite, Fortitude DC 11, incubs tion period 143 days, damage td3 Dexand 13 Con. The save DC is Constitution based. Devotion (Ex): Manster’s devotion to Leena is s0 com- plete thatitgains +4 morale donuson Will saves against enchantment spells and effects. Evasion (Es): If Manster is exposed to any effect that normally allows it to attempt a Reflex saving throw for half damage, i takes no damage with asuccessful saving throw. Tricks: Attack, see, stay Skills: +8 racial bonus on Swim checks; +8 racial bonus oon Climb checks and can always choose to take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened. Manster us its Dexterity modifier for Climb and Swim checks. —_______ BLOODHOUND ‘A bandit king raids caravans on the road. An ogre pllages farmsto the north. A sorcerer has kidnapped the mayor's and hidden him somewherein the marsh—and the soldiers of the king cannot seem to stem the tide. The tervified citizens have only one choice, and it isn't cheap. ‘They callin a bloodhound. 4 bloodhound tracks down wrongdaers and brings them to whatever justice awaits them. Low-level blood- hounds depend on their keen senses and careful rraining to hunc cheir targets. As they gain experience, their obses- sive determination gives them supernatural abilities that make them nearly unstoppabie. Though some bloodhounds leave calling cards oreven brands on cheir targets, most don't killtheie quarry ifthey can help it. They prefer instead to subdue their cargets and bring them in, For those of good alignment, this practice satisfies some deeply held belief in the cause of justice. For neutral and evil bloodhounds, it ensures a steady stream of income from catching the same targets over and over when they break out of ail Rangers and barbarians make the best bloodhounds, bur rogues, bards, druids, and fighters can ako excel in this role, Occasionally a paladin shou ders the mantle, bur never for money. Most bloodhounds are human, though elvesand half elves sometimes find this lifestyle satisfying Some of the best bloodhounds are humanoids such as gnolls, hobgoblins, and bugbears. Most NPC bloodhounds work for money (usually alor of it), bur some accept jobs for justice, revenge, or enjoy- ment. When a bloodhound accepts a job, he designates his carget asa mark. Thereafter, he does not abandon the case until iis finished, which occurs when the mack is apprehended or when either the mark or the bloodhound dies. “Adaptation: The easiest way t0 adapt this class to your own campaign istotie bloodhounds to one or more organizations of superlative trackers, The mest obvious choice is the Bloodhounds, an organization described in Chapter 6 of this book. Bucyou also might introduce a more localized group of blocdhounds—for example,a group ofrangers and bloodhounds sworn to serve a small ‘barony far tothe north; funds earned by ‘the Brennmark ‘Trackers" might be the major income of their tiny home land. Hit Die: 410 REQUIREMENTS ‘To qualify to become a bloodhound, a character must fulfil all the following criteria Base Attack Bonus: +4 Skills: Cather Information 4 ranks, Move Silently 4 zanks, Survival 4 ranks. Feats: Endurance, Track CLASS SKILLS “The bloodhound’ class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Climb (St), Diplomac Disguise (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Heal ( Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Ste), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Ride (Den), Search we (Wis), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), vim (Str), and Use Rope (Dex) ‘Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier. CLASS FEATURES Allof the following are class features of the bloodhound prestige class. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Bloodhounds are ficient with all simple and martial weapons, and with Mark (Ex): A bloodhound can target, or mark, an indi dual humanoid or x s humanoid foe to hs ona foe who is present and vis nt that enemy. To do so, the bloodhound must mn the depiction or description of one who is not, for 10 minutes. Any inter ruption ruins the attempt and forces the bloodhound to otha Jin, Once this st he proc get is called a mark A bloodhound adds his blo bonasonall Gather Informatio vival checks mi Listen, Search, Spot,and decermine the whereabouts ofa 3s levels, onal k.Asa bloodhound g we gains addi lites that can be used agains Habloodhound chooses «new mark hefore apprehend- ingan existing one, the latter becomes unmarked, and the bloodhound loses experience points equal tot 2A atu he would have earned for defeating th bloodhound can choose a mark only once a week. Initially, hound can have only one For every three bloodhound 1st, a bloodhound 3 re one addicional mark, but only le, adblevel bloodhound could mark wo oup of prison ictions of abugbear and lin if bork were studied at he same time. If a bloodhound gives up on apprehending any o! his marks, all remai jing marked creatures become unmarked as described above Swift Tracker (Ex): A blood- hound can move at his normal speed while following tracks. See class featu the Player's Han Nonlethal Force (Ex): Starting at level, a bloodhound sseamelee weapon that lethal damage to deal instead withour taking the usu Ready and Waiting (Bx): Beginning at 2nd level, 2 bloodhound is ready for trickery ar all times. He can ready an action against his mark, even outside of the initiative sequence. Ifthe mack triggers the bloodhound’s readied action at any point within the next 10 minutes, readied actionasifthe e bloodhound If the bloo the bloodhound can carry ourh two were engaged in combat (aslong a is capable of carrying out that action hound is incapable of carrying out the action—for instanc he is too far away to strike the mark with a readi arrack—the readied action is lost. Bring’em Back Alive (x): At bloodhound can turn a potentially killing blow into an incapacitating one—all the better to bring a mark back for punishment. Ar the bloodhound’s option, any mel attack that would reduce a foe to ~2 or fewer hit s instead, A bloodhound must choose to use this ability immediately upon reduce ot fewer hit points, and before making reduces the foe to —1 hit poi ing his foe to any other action (or even continuing attack). A raging bloodhound can't use this ability Tenacious Pursuit (Ex): At 3rd level and above, a bloodhound i mark gains a +4 bonus on Constitution checks made to resist nonlethal damage from a forced march (see f ook ion,ablood: tracking mark speed by 10 feet, up to the mark’s speed. This bonus stacks with all other speed increases. Ar oth level, che speed increase improves to 20 feet, and 30 feet at 9th level goes up Hunter's Dedication (Ex): Beginning at 4th level, a blood- hound adds his Constitution bonus if any) to Will saves made to resi the special artacks or spells of his mark Move Like the Wind (Ex): Starting at 4th level stealthily even ata quick pace. He no longer takes a -S pen on Hide and Move Silently checks when moving at any speed up to his normal speed, and he takes only a -10 penalty (instead of ¢~20 penalty) on Hide and Mov ently checks when running (He takes the normal -20 penalty when attacking or charging. Crippling Strike (Ex): Starting at 5th level, a blood hound can deliver strikes against his mark with such precision that each successful atackcalso deals 2 points of Strength damage to the mark. bloodhound can deliver a crippling strike wich 2 melee attack, or with a ranged attack from a distance of up to 30 feet. See the rogue class feature, page 81 of the Player’ Handbook Track the Trackless (Su): Starting at sth level, a bloodhound can track a creature moving under the influence of pass without trace ora similar effect, though he takes a -20 penalty on his Survival checks when doing so. See Invisibility (Su): This abilicy, gained ar oth level, functions like a see visibility spell, except that ir is constantly in effect marks Shielded Mind (Su): rth level, bloodhound gains spell resistance against divination spells equalto 15+ his bloodhound level. This benetit does nor stack with other forms of spell resistance Locate Creature (Sp): Once per day, a bloodhound of 7th level or higher can produce an effect identical to that of a locate creature spell with a caster level equal to the bloodhound’ character level. Freedom of Movement (Su): Starting at sth level, a bloodhownd can act normally regardless of magical effeccs that impede movement, as if he were affected bya freedom of movement spell. The effec lasts fora total time per day of 1 round per point of Wisdom bonus he possesses (minimum 1 round). The effect occurs auto- it reveals only invisible matically as soon asit s applied, lsts until it runs out or isno longer needed, and can be used multiple times per day (up to the total daily limit ofrounds). The characte caster level is equal to his Bloodhound level Scent (Ex): Arsth level,a bloodhound gains the scent ability (ee page 314 of che Monster Manual) Find the Path (Sp): A 10¢h-level bloodhound can use find the path twice per day asthe spell. His caster level is ‘equal to his bloodhound level SAMPLE BLOODHOUND Ulfar: Male holf-ore scour 4/fighter /bloodhound 3;CR 8; Medium humanoid (orcs HD 4484-4 pls 441044; hp St Init+4; Spd 40 5 AC17 18}, touch 13 (14), flarfooted 17 (48); Base Atk-+7; Grp +10; Atk-=41 melee (1d6s4/19-20, Attack Fort Ref Level Bonus Save AE a ee md 42433840 will Save Special Mare (1) swifetracker Nonlethal force, acy and waiting Bring 'em back alive tenacious pursuit {speed +10 ft) 343) ay 4th 44 og 44H) Hunter's dedication mark (2), move like the Sth 45-444 41 Crippling strike, tack she tackles: Oth 46 45 8 AZ See invisibility, shielded mind tenacious pursult (peed 120 f) Llocare creature) mark Q) Freedom of moverrent ‘Scent, tenacious pursuit @peed +30 ft.) Find the path, mark (4) THT SINS 2 Bh 48g 4632 Sth 49 36 468 Wh 10 47 47 43 “Hi short sword) or +42 ranged within 30 ft. (Ad843/>3, +f composite longhow); Full Atk +11/+6 melee (1d6+4/19-20, d8s3/%3, +1 composite Jmgbow SA bring ‘em back clive, nonlethal force, skim mish (H AC, +1dé damage); SQ darkvision 60 ft, halFore traits, mark (1) ready and waiting, swift tracker, tenacious pursuit, trackless seep, trapfinding, uncanny dodge; AL Nj SV Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +2; Ser 17, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 6 Skills and Feats: Climb +10, Gather Information +5, Hide +13, Jump +14, Mave Silently +13, Search +10, Spot +10, Survival +10 (42 following tracks); Endurance, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Track, Weapon Focus (longbow) Languages Common, Ore Bring ‘em Back Alive (Ex): At Ulfur’s option, any aelee atack that would reduce his foe co~2.r fewer hit +1 short sword) or +12/47 ranges points reduces the foe tot hit points instead. He must choose to use this ability immediately upon reducing the foe to~2 or fewer bit points, and before making any other action (or even continuing a full attack). Hal£Ore Traits: For all effects related to race, ahalf core is considered an ore. Mark (Ex): Ulfur can target, or mark, an individual ‘humanoid or monstrous humanoid foe, in order t better ‘hunt thar enemy. To do so, he must focus on a foe who is presencand le, oron the depiction or description of ‘one whois not for 10 minutes. Any interruption ruins the attempt and forces him to start the process again. Once this study is complete, that tager is called a mark. fur gainsa +3 insight bonus on all Gather Informa- tion, Listen, Search, Spot, and Survival checks made to deceemine the whereabouts ofa Ulfur can have only one mark ata given time, If he choosesanew mari before apprehending an existing one, thelatter becomes unmarked, and Ulfur losesexperience points equal to the amount he would have earned for defeating that creature. Ulfur con choose a mark only once a week. Nonlethal Force (Ex): Ulfuurcan use a melee weapon, that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage instead without aking the usual ~4 penalry on his attack roll Ready and Waiting (Ex): Ulfur can teady an action 2guinst his mark, even outside of the initiative sequence. Ifthe mark riggers is readied action 2t any pointwithin the next 10 minutes, Ulfur can carry our his readied jon asif the two were engaged in combat (as longashe is capable of carrying out thet action). [fhe is incapable of caxrying out the action—for instance, if he is too far away tostrike the mark with areadied melee attack —the action i lost Skirmish (Ex): Ulfur gainsa v1 competence bonus to ACand deals an extra 1d6 points of damage on al artacks duringary round in which he moves at least 10 feet. The extra damage applies only tosttacks taken during his turn. This damage also applies co ranged attacks against targets upto 30 feet away, Creatures with concealment, creatures without discernible anatomies, and creatures immune to cextradamage ftom critical hits are all immune‘ thisextra damage. Ulfarloses this ability when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load. Swift Tracker (Ex): Ulfurcan track at normal speed without taking the usual -5 penalty, or he can track at double speed at only a 10 penalty. ‘Tenacious Pursuit (Ex): When trackinga mark, Ulfur gains a +4 bonus on Constitution checks made to resist nonlethal damage from 2 forced march. | Inaddition, when tracking a mark Ulfur can increase his own speed by 10 feet, up toa maximum value equal to the mark's speed, This benefit stacks with all other speed increases. Trackless Step (Ex): Ulfur leaves no trail in natural surroundings and cannot be tracked. ‘Trapfinding (Ex): Ulfur can find, disarm, or bypass ps with a DC of 20 or higher. He can use the Seatch Il w find, and the Diseble Device skill wo disarm, traps (DC 25 + the level ofthe spell used to create 1d, Ifhis Disable Device result exceeds the trap’s DC by 10or more, he discovers how to bypass the trap without triggering or disarming it. Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Ulfur retains his Dexterity bonus to AC even when flatfooted or targeted by an unseen foe (he still loses his Dexterity bonus if paralyzed or otherwise immobile) Possessions: +2 leather armor, +1 composite fongbow (+1 Str bonus) with 20 arrows, +1 short sword, masterwork manacles. ————_DAGGERSPELL MAGE Tn a reclusive monastery in the hearr of an ancient forest, a varied group of druids and arcane spellcasters| train together. The adherents of this monastery work to perfect 2 unique fighting and spelleasting style that relies on wielding a par of daggers atall times. Some of these students—known as daggerspell mages—blend the fighting style with arcane mat Daggerspell mages see the quick movements of their deadly daggers as an attendant part oftheir spelleasting. ‘These sometimes reclusive figures remain spellcasters first and melee combatants second. Daggerspell mages, like their colleagues the daggerspel shapers, seek eruth and justice, bt they define such concepts in the heat of the moment. Daggerspell mages do nat see morality 25 an absolure, and theiridealsaze guided by theie sense of what is right and fair. Daggerspell mages ae closely related to the daggerspell shapers, the other half ofthe organization known asthe ‘Daggerspell Guardians (see page 167). Both preserve the ‘work of good folk and balance the concerns of civilized communities against the sanctity of nature, but where a shaper is quiet and calculating, a daggerspell mage is wild and impulsive. The two halves of the organization work together amicably, but they have decidedly different proaches to most problems ‘Almost every daggerspell mage begins his career asa king a level or two of rogue aftera Jladventures. Drawn to the exotic fighting style and balanced ideas of the Daggerspell Guardians, these individuals enjoy the enigmatic reputation and ‘unorthodox techniques ofthe guild. Although members of the guild are primarily spellcasters,some follow more complicated multiclass pathways that include fighter or paladin levels. These characters fllow all precepts of the guild, but they are more likely to defend truth with the sharp points oftheir daggersthan with the areane power of cheir spells. Adaptation: Although daggerspell. shapers and daggerspell mages are related through their common organization, they need not be used together in every campaign. The mages, well suited for wizard/rogues of any alignment, could become a deadly group of dagger and spell-wielding cultists Furthermore, in a campaign that includes psionics the daggerspell mage makes an excellent class for psion rogues. Simply change the arcane spelleasting vequive ment and progression a a similar psionic manifester level requirement and progression, and the daggerspell psion, the third branch of the Daggerspell Guardians, is seady for your campaign. Hit Die: de REQUIREMENTS. To qualify tobecome a daggerspell mage, acharacter must Fulfl all the following eviterin Alignment: Any nonevil Skills: Concentration 8 ranks. Feats: Weapon Focus (dagger), Two-Weapon Fighting, Special: Arcane caster level sth Special: Snealsartack +1d6, CLASS SKILLS ‘The daggerspell mage’ class skills (and the key ability for each skill are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Des), Jump (Str), Knowledge (arcana) (In), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Des), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Spelleraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), and Tumble (Dew) ‘Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier CLASS FEATURES Allof the following are class features ofthe daggerspell rage prestige class ‘Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Daggerspell mazes gain no proficiency with any weapon ot armor. Daggercast (Ex}: Daggetspell mages seamlessly blend the use of their twin daggers with powerful spelleasting abilities. daggerspell mage can cast a spell with somatic and material components even when holding a dagger in ‘each hand. Ifa daggerspell mage holds anything other than a dagger, he must have at least one hand fre tocasta spell ‘with somatic or material components. Casting spell in this way sill provokes attacks af opportunity normally. In addition, a daggerspell mage can deliver a touch spell with a dagger attack (eithera melee touch attack or a normal melee attack, but nor with a thrown dagger. Invocation of the Knife (Su): Beyinningat 2nd level, daggerspell mages develop a strong mystical connection between their arcane spelleasting abilitiesand the daggers that they wield. Whenever a daggerspell mage casts an scane spell that deals energy damage, hecan turn half of the damage dealt by the spell into magic slashing damage rather than energy damage. Energy resistance does not apply to this damage, but damage reduction might. This power does not affect a creature's ability to resist the affected spell with 2 saving throw or spell resistance. Using this ability does not require an action; its use is part ofthe action required to cast the affected spell. Only spells with a duration of instantaneous can be modified by this ability Spellsper Day/Spells Known: Beginninga 2nd level a daggerspell mage gains new spells per day at each level {and spells known, if applicable) asifhe had also gained level in an arcane spellcasting class to which he belonged before adding the prestige class level. He does not, however, gain any other benefit character of tharclass would have gained. Ifhe had more than one arcane spellcasting lass before becoming a daggerspell mage, he must decide to which class toadd each level forthe purpose of determin ing spells per day and spells known, Sneak Attack (Ex): Beginning ar 3rd level, 2 dag- gerspell mage deals an extra 1dé points of damage when flanking an opponent or at any time when the target ‘would be denied its Dexterity bonus. This extra damage applies to ranged attacks only ifthe target is within 30 feet. Irincreases ro 2d6 points at 6th level and 3dé points at oth level See the rogue class fearure, page 50 of the Player's Handbook. 1a doggerspell mage getsa sneak artack bonus from another source (such as levels of rogue), the bonuses on damage stack, Double Daggereast (Ex): As a daggerspell mage ad- vances in level, che connection between his spelicasting abilities and his rwo-dagger fighting style strengthens, ‘Ar sth level and higher, a mage can hold the charge for ‘one touch spell for each dagger that he is holding in his hands. He must designate which dagger holds each touch spell atthe time the spell is cast. fone of these daggers leaves che daggerspell mage's hands, the spell immedi- ately bby a mage with the arcane throw ability; see below). Arcane Infusion (Su): At 7h level and higher, « ischarges harmlessly (unless the dagger is thrown daggerspell mage can infuse arcane spell power into his daggers, temporarily enabling them to deal extra energy damage. To use this ability, a mage anust lose a prepared arcane spell from memory (or give up a potential spell slot for the day if he casts spells asa sorcerer). The dag: ‘gerspelll mage chooses one dagger that he is holding and an energy type (fire, cold, or electricity) when this ability isactivated. The chosen dagger deals an extra 1d6 points TABLE 2-5: THe DaccensPent Mace Base Attack Bonus 30 4 2 3 8 od 45 46 38 7 Fort Save +0 +0 a Ref Save Save sa are 2s ery sass 3555 aan 68 +68 “7 will Level i ae an Sth tn th hi Sth oth Special Daggercast Double eaEge Sneak attack =. Arcane infusion ‘Arcane throw of damage of the chosen energy type. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the spell level sacrificed. Multiple uses of this ability on the same dagger don' suck, even if different energy types are chosen. Ifthe dagger is thrown, the energy damage applies to that arack, bur then the effectimmediately dissipates ‘Using this ability is swift action that doesnot provoke atacksof opportunity (see Swift Actions and Immediate Actions, page 137). Arcane Throw (Ex): At 8th level and higher, a dag: gerspell mage can imbue arcane spell power into his ‘hrown daggers. The mage can deliver touch spell with athrown dagger justasif he were making a melee attack Ifthe dagger its, the touch spell is discharged against the creature or object struck, Ifthe dagger missesits intended targe, che dagger rerurns tothe mage just before his next turn @sifit had the returning special ability; see page 225 ofthe Dungeon Masters Guide) and retains ehe spell justasif the mage had missed with a melee attack, Daggerspell Flurry (Ex): A t0th-level daggerspell snagecan blend spelleasting witha fury of dagger attacks. When using this sbiliy, a daggerspell mage can quicken one spell as part ofa full artack with his daggers. Doing this has no effect on the spells effective level. A dagger spell mage must make at least one melee attack in any round in which he uses this ability, and he cannot make anattack with anything other thana dagger (although if a spell cast in conjunction with this ability requires an attack rol, he can still make the spell’ attack). ‘Adaggerspell mage can use this ability a number of times per day equal to his Dexterity modifier (minimum 1). SAMPLE DAGGERSPELL MAGE Vadamar Lyre: izard S/eogue 2/daggerspell mage 7CR 14; Medium humanoid; HD 5d plus 9d6; hp 48)Init +5; Spd 30ft5 AC 20, ouch 17 flar-footed 15; Base Atk +8; Grp 49; Atk +12 melee 184+3/19~20, +2 dagger) or st4ranged (148/58, longbow with masterwork arrow}; Invocation ofthe knife Sak atisek 1e6 Sneak attack +386 Daggerspel furry Spells per Day/Spells Known +1 level of existing arcane spelcasting class ‘Hlevel of existing arcane spelleasting dass “level of existing arcane spellcasting class “level of existing arcane spelleasting elate “1 level of existing arcane spelleasting class ‘lieve of existing\arcane’spelleasting class “level of existing arcane spelleasting class “level of existing arcane spelleasting class + level of existing arcane spelleasting class Full Atk +12/47 melee (1d4+3/19-20, +2 dagger) and +10 melee (td4/19~20, adamantine dagger) or +14/49 ranged (td8/3, longbow with masterwork arrow); SA arcane infusion, daggercast, double daggercast, invocation of the knife, sneak attack +3d6, spells; SQ elf traits, eve sion, familiar (toad), familiar benefits, low-light vision, trapfinding; AL NG; SV Fort +3, Ref +14, Will «9 G4 against enchantments); Str 13, Dex 20 (18 without gloves of Dexterity +2), Con 10, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 8. Skills and Feats: Climb +8, Concentration +15, Craft (armorsmith) +8, Craft (weaponsmith) +8, Disable Device +5, Hide +16, Jump-+10, Knowledge (arcana) +11 Knowledge the planes} +10, Listen +6, Move Silently +14, Seatch 47, Spelleraft +20, Spot +13, Tumble +18; Dodge, Mobility, Scribe Scroll®, Spell Mastery® (displacement, invisibility, vampiric touch), Spring Attack, Two-Weapon ‘Fighting, Weapon Focus (dagger) Languages: Common, Elven, Draconic; Orc, Sylvan. Arcane Infusion (Su). Vadamar can infuse arcane spellpower into his daggers, temporarily allowing them todeal extra energy damage. To use this ability, Vadamar rust lose a prepated arcane spell from memory. He er that he is holding and a specific energy type (ire, cold, or electricity) when this abilityis activated, and the chosen dagger deals an extra 1d6 poinss of damage of the chosen energy type. This effect lasts for anumber of rounds equal tothe spell level lost. Multiple uses ofthis ability on the same dagger don't stack, even if, chooses one da different enexgy typesate chosen. Ifthe daggeris thrown, the energy damage applies to that attack, but then the ect immediately dissipates. Using this ability isa swift action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Daggercast (Ex): Vadamarcan casta spell with somatic and material components even when holding a dagger in each hand. If he holds anything other than a dagger, Ihe must have at least one hand free to cast a spell with somatic or material components. Casting a spell in this ‘way still provokes attacks of opportunity normally. $ 8 5 In addition, Vadamar can deliver a touch spell with a dagger attack (either a melee touch attack or a normal relee attack, but not with a thrown dagge®) Double Daggercast (Ex): Vadamar can hold the charge cof one touch spell for each dagger that he is holding in his hands. He must designate which dagger holds each touch spell ar the time the spell is cast. If one of these daggers leaves Vadamar’s hands, the spell immediately discharges harmlessly. Elf Traits: Elves have immunity to magic sleep effects ‘An elf who merely passes within 5 feet of a secree or concealed door is entitled toa Seazch check to notice f asifhe were actively looking fort. Evasion (Ex): If Vadamaris exposed to any effect that normally allows him to attempt a Reflex saving throw for half damage, he takes no damage with a successful saving throw. Familiar: Vadamar'sfamiliarisatoad named Berkich. ‘The familiar uses the better of sown and Vacamar’s base save bonuses, The creature’ abilities and characteristics are summarized below. Familiar Benefits: Vadamar gains special benefits from having a familiar. Berkich grants him 43 hit points (anchuded in Vadamar’s statistics). Berkich and Vadamat enjoy the empathic link and share spells speciai qualities. Aleriness (Ex): Berkich grants its master Alertness a5, long asitis within 5 feet. Empathic Link (Su): Vadamar can communicate tele pathically with his familiar at a distance of up to 1 mile. “The master has the same connection item ora place that che familiar does. Share Splls(Su): Vadamarcan have any spell he casts on himself also affect Beckich ifthe latter is within 5 feet 2t the time. He can also cast spell target of You" on his familiar Invocation of the Knife (Su): Whenever Vadamar castsanarcane spell that deals eneray damage, he can turn halfoofthe damage char the spel deals into magic slashing damage rather than energy damage. Energy resistance does not apply tothe magic slashing damage caused by an affected spell, bur damage reduction might. This power does not allect che caxger’ ability to resist the affected spell with a saving throw or spel resistance. Using th abil does not require an action; its use is part of the action required to cast the affected spell. Only spells of instantaneous duration can be modified by this ability. Sneak Artack (Ex): Vadamar deals an extra 3d6 points of damage on any successful attack against flat-footed or flanked targets, or against a target chat has been dented its Dexterity bonus for any reason. This damage also applies to ranged attacks against targets up 10 30 feet away. Creatures with concealment, creatures without discernible anaromies, and creatures immune t0 extra damage from critical hitsare al immune to sneak attacks Vadamar can choose to deliver nonlethal damage with hissneak attack, bur only when usinga weapon designed for that purpose, such asa sep (blackjack) ‘Trapfinding (Ex): Vadamarcan find, disorm or bypass traps with a DC of 20 or higher. He can use the Search skill to find, and the Disable Device skill to disarm, magic traps (DC 25 + the level ofthe spell used ro create it). LEhis Disable Device result exceeds the tap's DC by 10 or more, he discovers how to bypass the trap without triggering or disarming it. Wizani Spells Prepared (caster level 44¢h}: 0 lights cvitial strike, detet magic, read magic, touch of fatigue (442 melee touch; DC 13); 1st—mage armor, ray ofenfeble- iment (+13 ranged touch), shal, shocking grasp (+12 melee touch); 2nd—daggerspel slance¥ (2), invisibility, scorching say (143 ranged touch), fouc of idiory (+12 melee touch); 3rd—dlispel magic, displacement, haste, lightning boll ( 16), vampiric touch (+12 melee touch) 4th—enervation (43 ranged touch), shout (DC 17), stoneskin ncof ld (OC 18), shaiow forme; éth—greater heroism. Spellbook: 2s above plus 0—all others; 1st—burning Inands, cause fear, swift expeditions retreat, feather fal, den tify, magic missile, magic weapon; 2nd—bear's endurance, lancing Dladeweavet,fox’s canning, Melf's acid arrow, spectra! hand, suramon monster 15; 3rd—esplosive runes, greater magic weapon, spect! weapon, wind wall; 4th—Evard’s black tentacles, summon yeonster EV, wall of fire; Sth—cloual overland flight; 6th—cloak of the sat, true seeing. + New spell described in Chapters. Possessions: amulet of ratural armor +3, ving of pro 442,42 dagger, adamantine dagger, longbow wich 20 mas- cerwork arrows, glovesof Dexterity +2, wand of magic mise (oth level £0 charges), wand of invisibility (16 charges), scroll of hase, spellbook, 6 gp Berkich, Toad Familiar: CR —; Diminutive magi cal beast; HD 5; hp 245 Init +1: Spd 5 ft; AC 48, zouch! Base Atk +0; Grp -17; Atk ot Full Atk —1 Space/Reach 1 ft,/0 ft; SA deliver touch spells; SQ amphibious, improved evasion, low-light vision, speak ALN; SV Fort +3, Ref «10, Will +11; Str Dex 12, Con 11, Int 8, Wis 14, Che 4 Skills and Feats: Hide +21, Listen +4, Spot +4; Alertness Deliver Touch spells (Su: Berkich can deliver touch spells forts master (see Familiars, page 52 ofthe Player’ Handbook) Improved Eunsion (£3): 1FBerkich is exposed roany effect that normally allows it to artempta Reflex saving throw for half damage, it akes no damage with a successful saving throw and half damage ifthe saving throw fails. Speak with Master(Ex): Berkich can communicate ver- bally with Vadamar. Other creatures do not understand the communication without magical help, Skills A road's coloration gives ita +4 racial bonus om Hide checks Ina reclusive monastery in the heart of an ancient forest, a varied group of druids and arcane spelleasters train together. The adherents of this monastery work to perfect a unique fighting and spelleasting style thar relies on wielding a pair of daggers arall times. Some of these students—known as daggerspell shapers—blend the fighting style with druid magic, spinning a deadly ‘web of steel in front of them as they perform powerful feats of natural magic, or blending their daggers into the claws and talons oftheir wild-shaped forms Daggerspell shapers see the precise martial powers of their rwin-dagger style and their magic asan extension of one powerful philosophy. The shapers seek truth in all things, believing that you can separaie right from wrong and nature from corruption with the clean slice of ablade. Although never numerous, shapers are respected as judges, warriors, and defenders of the weak. Daggerspell shapers are closely related to the other half of their guild, the daggerspell mages. Both preserve the work of good folk and balance theconcerns of civilized communities against che sanctity of nature, but where a daggerspell mage is wild and impulsive, a shaper is quiet and calculating, The two halves ofthe Deggerspell Guardians organization (see page 167) work together amicably, but they have decidedly different approaches to most problems Almost every daggerspell shaper begins her career as a druid, taking.a level or two of rogue or scout after a few successful adventures. These individuals are drawn to the exotic fighting style and balanced ideals of the guild, Alchough most daggerspell shapers are primarily spelleasters, some have mnore complicated multiclass pathways that include ranger or barbarian levels. These shapers follow all the precepts of the guild, but they are more likely to defend nature with the steel of their daggers than with theie spells. Adaptation: The daggerspell shapers and thei col- leagues, the daggerspel! mages, form the two halves of the organization known as the Daggerspell Guardians. Although normally bound together through the guild, these groups need not be used together in every campaign ‘The shapers, well suited for druid rogues of any alignment, can become a drastically different group with just afew changes. Adding neutral evilasanalignment requirement ‘mightchange the shapers into group of dagger-wielding fanatics dedicated to preserving the sanctity of nature by asszssinating those who intrude into the wild Hit Die: de YAGGERSPELL SHAPER REQUIREMENTS ‘To qualify to become a daggerspell shaper, a character ‘ust fulfill all che following criteria. Alignment: Any nonevil. Skills: Concencration 8 ranks. Feats: Weapon Focus (dagget), Two Weapon Fighting. Special: Wild shape class feature. Special: Either sneak attack +d6 or skirmish 1d. CLASS SKILLS ‘The daggerspell shaper’ clas skills (and the key ability fox each skill) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentra tion (Con), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (nature) (In), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Spelleraft (In), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (St) and Tumble (Dex). Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifies CLASS FEATURES Allof the following are class features of the daggerspell shaper prestige class. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Daggers shapers gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor. Daggercast (Ex): Daggerspell shapers seamlessly blend the use oftheir twin daggers with powerful spellcasting abilities. A daggerspell shaper can castaspell with somatic and material components even when holding a dagger in each hand. Ifa daggerspell shaper holds anything other thana dagger, she must have t east one hand free to cast a spell with somatic or material components. Casting a spell in this way still provokes attacks of opportunity normally, In addition, a daggerspell shaper can deliver a touch spell with a dagger attack (ether a melee touch attack or a normal melee attack, bat not with a thrown dagee. ‘Wild Shape (Su): A daggerspel shaper can change into a Small or Medium animal and back again, and can doso ‘more often than mostother characters with the wild shape Thats 2-6: Tie DAGCERSPELL SHAPER Base jateck Fort Ref will Level Bonus Save Save Save Special 4040 42 42 Daggercast, wild’ shape (o/day) e100 4323 Dagger claws, 424343 Sheakattack S146 431g 4 Wild shape (Large) 42 Wild shape (22Jeay) #4 224545 Sneak attack +265 4524545 Fastwild shape 364245 +6 Enhanced wild shape 464346 16 Sneakattack +346 47434747 Daggerspel lurry, wil (-3/day) abiliry See the druid class feature, page 37 ofthe Players Handbook. This ability lases for 1 hour per class level or unui she changes back. Levels of the daggerspell shaper prestige class stack with druid levels for the purpose of determining the maximum duration of the wild shape ability; they do nor stack for any other purpose (such as the size and type of crearure that a shaper can become). daggerspel shaper gainsone additional daily use ofher wild shape ability at 1st level, sth level, and t0¢h level And level, a daggerspell shaper becomes able to use her wild shape ability ro take the form of a Tiny animal Arsh level, she can use wild shape tote the form of a Large animal, Dagger Claws (Su): When a daggerspell shaper of 2nd level or higher uses wild shape, she adds any magical properties of daggers that she is holding in each hand into the natural attacks of her new form. The magic of a Je dagger affects only the natural atacks made with the corresponding limb in the shaper’s sotall her attacks. For example, a 2n animal form, level daggerspell shaper holding a +4 flaming dagger in one hand and a +2 keen dagger in the other hand transforms into a leopard. The daggers affect the claw attacks of her new form as fallows: One gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls and also gains the flaming special ability, and the ther gains a +2 bonus on attack and dama also gains the keen special ability, If the as: does nor have a claw or slam attack wi ¢ rolls and med form cha limb that cor esponds to the druid’s natural limbs, this ability has no effec The bonuses from this ability last forthe duration shape effect. When a shaper uses this ability her nararal weapons in animal foren overcome damage claggers that she was holding when she transformed, Inthe example above, the shaper ‘would beable ro overcomea foe's damage reduction as if ofthe reduction exactly as do th fhof her natural weapons were m: Spells per Day/Spells Known: Beginning at 2nd level, a daggersp!l shaper gains new spells per day a each level ild shape (inj) Spells per Day/Spells Known “1 Jevel of existing divine spelicasting class “level of exsting divine spelleasting class +) level of existing divine spellcasting class ‘level of existing divine «pelleasting class “+1 level of existing divine spelicasting class ‘level of existing divine spellcasting lass 1 level of existing divine spellcasting class 1 level of existing divine spelleasting class ld shape +1 level of existing divine spellcasting cass {and spells known, if applicable) 25 if she fad also gained alevel ina divine spellcasting class to which she belonged before adding the prestige clas evel She does nothoweves, gain any other benefit character of that class would have ‘gained. Ifshe had more than one divine spelleasting class ‘before becoming 2 daggerspel shaper, she must decide to which classto ada each level acthe purpose of determining spells per day and spells known Sneak Attack: (Ex): Beginning at 3rd level, a dagger spell shaper deals an extra 1d6 points of damage when flanking an opponent or at any time when the target would be denied its Dexterity bonus. This extra damage applies to ranged attacks only if che target is within 30 feet. Ivincreases to 2d6 points 24th level and 346 points ar 9th level. See the rogue class feature, page 50 of the Players Handbook. Ifa daggerspell shaper gers a sneak antack bonus from another source (such aslevelsof rogue) the bonuses on damage stack Fast Wild Shape (Ex): Starting at 7th level, 2 dag, sgerspall shaper can use her wild shape abiliry asa move action rather than as a standard action. Enhanced Wild Shape (Su): Starting at 8th level, 2 daggerspell shaper can preserve the physical enhance ments granted by her equipmenteven when in wild shape Whenever the shaper uses wild shape, she retains any enhancement bomuses 10 Strength, Dexterity, or Const tution granted by any equipment she wears, even if the ‘equipment can't be worn normally by er new form. Daggerspell Flurry (Ex): A 1oth-level daggerspell shaper can blend spelleasting with a flurry of dagger attacks. When using this abiliry, the shaper can quicken one spell as part of full attack with her daggers. Doing this has no effect on the spell’ effective level. A dagger: spell shaper must make atleast one melee attack in apy round in which she uses thisability,and she cannot make anattaclewith anything other than a dagger (although if a spell east in conjunction with this ability requires an attack roll, she can still make the spell’ attack) A daggewspell shaper can use this bility @ number of times per day equal to her Dexterity bonus (minimum ‘). SAMPLE DAGGERSPELL SHAPER Zaadi Akanthas: Female human druid 5/rogue 1 /daggerspell shaper 4; CR 10; Medium humanoid; HD ssd5 plus sd6; hp 43; Init +2; Spd 30 ft; AC 15, rouch 2, flarfooted 13; Base Atk +6; Grp 47; Atk +9 melee (1d4+2/17-20, +1 heen dagger) or +8 ranged (1d6/x3, short bow); Full Atk +7/+2 melee id4+2/17-20, +1 keen dagger) and +7 melee (1d4+1/19-20, +1 dagger) or +8/+3 ranged (td6/x3, shortbow); SA daggercast, daggerclaws, sneak: attack +246, spells; SQ animal companion (cheetah), animal companion benefits, resist natur’ lure, trackless| step, trapfinding, wild empathy +8 (+4 magical beasts), wild shape 2/day, woodland stride; AL CN; SV Fort +5, Ref 49, Will +145 Str 13, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 8, Wis 16, Cha 12, Skills and Feats: Concentration +8, Handle Animal Heal +7, ide +4, Knowledge (nature) +9, Listen +7, Move Silently +4, Spor +7, Survival +14 ( natural terrain), ‘Tumble +6; Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (dagger) Languages: Common; Druidic. Animal Companion (Ex): Zaadi has acheetah named Rula as heranimal companion (see Monster Manual, page 271), Its bonus trick is attack Animal Companion Benefits: Zzadi and Rula enjoy the link and share spells special qualities. Link (Ex): Zaadi can handle Rula as a free action. She also gains a +4 circumstance bonus on all wild empathy checks and Handle Animal checks made regarding her cheetah. ‘Share Spells (Ex): Zaadi can have any spell she casts on herselfalso affect her animal companion if Rulais within 5 feet atthe time. She can also casta spell with a target of "You! on Rula Daggcreast (Ex): Zaadi can cast a spell with somatic and material components even when holding a dagger ineach hand. Ifshe holds anything other than a dagger, she must have at least one hand free to cast2 spell with somatic ot material components as normal, Casting a spell in this way still provokes arracks of opportunity normally. Inaddition, Zzadi can delivera touch spell with a dagger attack (either a melee touch attack or 2 normal relee attack, bur not with a thrown dagger) Daggerclaws (Su): If Zzadi uses her wild shape ability to assume animal form while holding her magic daggers, she incorporates the daggers’ enhancement bbouuses and special qualities into the natural attacks of her wild-shaped form. One of her claw attacks gains a +1 enhancement bonus and the keen special ability (Gvom her +t heon dagger), and the other claw gains 2 +1 enhancement bonus (from her +1 dagger). The benefits last for the duration of the wild shape effect. Resist Nature's Lure (Ex): Zaadi gainsa +4 bonuson saving throws against the spell ike abilities of fey. Sneak Attack (Ex): Zandi deals an extra 246 points of damage on any successful attack against flat footed of anked targets, or against a target that has been denied its Dexterity bonus for any reason. This damage also applies to ranged astacks against rargetsup to 30 feet avy: CCxeatures with concealment, creatures withourdiscern- ible anatomies, and creatures immune to extra damage from critical hits areall immune to sneak attacks. Zaedi can choose to deliver nonlethal damage with her sneak attack, but only when using a wespon designed for thet purpose, such as sap (blackjack) ‘Trackless Step (Ex): Zaadi leaves no trail in natural surroundings and cannot be tracked. ‘Trapfinding (Ex): Zaadi can find, disarm, or bypass traps with a DC of 20 or higher. She can use the Search skilltofind and the Disable Device skillto disarm, magic traps (DC 25-+ the level of the spell used to create it). If her Disable Device result exceeds the traps DC by 10 cor mote, she discovers how to bypass che trap without wiggering or disarming it. Wild Shape (Su): Twice per day, Zaadi can change into a Tiny to Large animal and back again, as per the polymorph spell. Her preferred forms are that of a lion anda cheetah. This ability lasts for 9 hours or until she changes back. Woodland Stride (Ex): Zaadi can move through natural thorns, briars, overgrown aress,and similar ter rain at her normal speed and without damage or other impairment. However, chorns, briars, and overgrown areas that are magically manipulated to impede motion still affect het. Druid Spells Prepared (caster level 8th): O—eure minor wounds detect magic, detect poison, guidance, igh, read mi sm antimnal (DC 14), entangle (DC 14), faerie fre longstrider, obscuring mist 2nd —bulls strength, flame blade (+9 melee touch), resist energy, summon swarm; 3rd—eure rmoleraie wounds, dominate animal (DC 16), greater magic fang, poison (+9 melee touch, DC 16); 4th—flame strike freedom of movement Possessions: +t leather armor of light fortification, +1 keen ddagger, +1 dagger, shortbow with 20 arrows, 2 potions o in (42), potion of mvisbility, scroll of bear's endurance, scroll of a's grace, 5 gp ——________DREAD PIRATE Thugs and cutthroats in every port lay claim to the ttle “pirate? butactually making a fortune through piracy is noeasy task. A dread pirate, howe aspect larceny on the high seas. Hisnetwork of contacts tells him when a particularly valuable cargo is shipping out. After a flawless ambush at sea, he swings aboard the target ship on a rope, rapier in hand. Once he and his shipmates have overpowered the prize vessel’ crew, they liberate the cargo and make their escape. Later, the dvead pirate meets representatives from the black market inanisolated cove and sells his newly acquired cargo for ahandsome profit. Some dread pirates accomplish their goals through fear, killing indiscriminately and ruling their ships t rapier. point. Others minimize bloodshed and exhibita curious sort of chivalry, perhaps realizing that the captain and crew of a prize ship are more likely 10 surrender if they beliove they will live to see port again. Now and then 2 dread pirate cakes his chivalric streak a step farther and preysonly on the ships of enemy nations—oreven sclely on other pirates A dread pirates lifestyle is ideal for most rogues, because the job requires a number of skills thar other lasses don't have the time or inclination to learn. How- etshas mastered every ever, the class also attracts some spellcasters, who can use magic to conceal their ships or incapacitate a prize vessels crew. ‘Adaptation: The dread pirate prestige classcan beused ‘orepzesent any powerful individual with great nautical skill. A famous admiral and a ruthless but honest prive- ter might not differ in abilit differ in outlook and demeanor. Hit Die: 43, REQUIREMENTS To qualify to become a dread pirate, a character must Ifill all the following criteria. ‘Alignment: Any nonlaveful Base Attack Bonus: +4 Skills: Appraise 8 ranks, Profession (sailor) $ r inks, Use Rope 4 ranks, Feats: Quick Draw, Weapon Finesse. Special: The character must own a ship worth at least 10,000 gp. The method of acquisition—purchase, force of arms, or skullduggery—makes no difference, as lng ashe can freely operate iton the high seas. bur they will cereinly CLASS SKILLS “The dread pirates class skills (end the key ability foreach .e Appraise (Int), Balance (Des), Bluff(Cha),Climb raft (Ind), Gather Information (Cha), Lntimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profes- sion (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spot (Wis), Swim (Sct), Tumble (Dex), and Use Rope (Dex. Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier CLASS FEATURES All of che following are class features ofthe dread pirate prestige cass. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Dread pirates are proficient with all simple weapons, with light martial ‘weapons, and with the rapier. Dread pirates are proficient with light armor but not with shields Seamanship (Fx): A dread pitare adds his class evel as an insight bonus on all Profession (sailor) checks. Allies ‘within sight or hearing ofa dread pirate add an insight bonus equal to half this number on their Profession Gailor) checks ‘Two-Weapon Highting: A dread pirace wearing light ‘orno armors reated as having the Two: Weapon Fighting feat, ever if he does not have the prerequisites for the feat Fearsome Reputation (Ex): By the time he attains 2nd level, a dread pirate has developed a reputation on the high seas, At this point, be must choose whether to cultivate a reputation as an honorable pirate (avoiding undue bloodshed, honoring flags of truce, and the like) or as a dishonorable pirate (favoring mayhem and dire treatment of prisoners) An honorable dread pirate gains a +2 circumstance bonus on Diplomacy checks, while a dishonorable one gains a +2 circumstance bonus on Intimidate checks, This bonus increases to sat 6th level and to +6 at 10th level. In addition, q dread pirate goins other abilities at higher levels based on his chosen reputation. ‘A dread pirate's actual activities or alignment need not match his reputation, However, a radical shift away from his reputation might negate or even reverse that reputation at the DM's option. Also, a dread pirate in disguise does not gain any effect granted by his reputa- tion (including the special abilities described below that depend on the dread pirate's reputation) Rally the Grew (Ex): Starting at 3d level,an honorable dread pirate can inspire his allies including himself) 0 agreat bravery in combat once per day. This inspiration grants them a+1 morale bonus on saving throws against rust be able to see or hear the dread pirate. The eff requires a free action to activ per class level, even ifthe dread pirate moves out of range or loses consciousness. This is a mind-affecting ability At7th level, a dread pirate can use this ability twice per day, and the bonus in- creases 10 42. If a dread pirare has the inspire cour age bardic music ability heeanadd the morale bonus gained from that ability tothe morale bonus gained from this ability to deter mine the total morale bonus granted. For example, an 8th-level bard/3rd-level dread pirate would provide | Tides by R. Spencs 243 morale bonus on attack rollsand weapon damage rolls ‘Sneak Attack (Ex): Beginningat 3rd level, a dishonorable dread Dasiei“ibe Def? Siow 'cdroad pirate pirate deals an extra 1d6 points of damage when flankingan opponentor atany time when the target would be denied its Dexterity bonus. This extra damage applies 10 ranged attacks only if the target is within 30 feet. See the rogue class feature, page 50 of the Playor’s Handbook, The amount of extra damage dealt increases to 2d6 at 7th level. Ifa dishonorable dread pirate gets « eak attack bonus from another source (such as levels ‘of rogue), the bonuses on damage stack Acrobatic Charge (Ex): A dread pirate of 4th level or higher can charge over difficult terrain that normally slows movement or through the squares occupied by allies blocking his path. This ability enables him wo charge actoss a cluttered ship's deck, leap down from a higher deck, or swing between two adjacent ships to get to his target. Depending on the circumstances, he might still need 10 make appropriate checks (such as Jump, Tamble, charm and fear effects and a +1 morale bonus on arrack rolls and weapon damage rolls To be affected, sm ally J ors J} or Use Rope checks) to successfully move over the tersain, Steady Stance (Ex): At 4th evel and higher, a dread pirate remains stable on his feet when others have difficulty standing. He ismotconsidered flarfoored while balancing or climbing, and he adds his class level as a bonus oon Balance or Climb checks to remain balancing or climbing when he takes damage Luck of the Wind (Ex) (Once perday,an honorable dread pirate of sth level or higher cas reroll any failed attack roll, skill check, ability check, or saving throw. He must rake the result of the reroll, even if it's worse than the original rol. Scourge of the Seas (Ex): Start ing at sth level, a dishonorable dread Pirate can instill fear into his enemies. ‘When the character uses Intimidate to demoralize foes, the at pt affects all enemies within 30 feet who can see and hear him, and the effect! for a number of rounds equal to his Charisma modifier (minimum 1 round). Multiple uses of this ability dont stack. Thisisa mind-affect: ing ability. ll Mastery (Ex): At sth level, a dread pirate becomes supremely confident ofhis mobil- ity. He has mastered the skills Balance, Climb, Jump, and Tumble to the extent that he can take 10 with them even under stress Fight to the Death (Fx): Ar 9th level and higher, an honorable dread pirate can inspire his allies to carry inst tremendous odds. Each ally affected by the ates rally the crew ability (see above) also gains Cha us (minimum 10), gains a dodge bonus to Armor temporary hit points equal o 10 + the dread pirate's equal to the dread pirates Cha bonus (minimum +1), and is treated as having the doesn't meet the pr chard feat even if he uisites. These effets are lost if the dread pirate loses consciousness. Motivate the Seum (Ex): Once per day a dishonorable dread pirate of ath level oz higher can motivate his allies pirate who see the act gaina+2 morale bonuson damage rolls. This effect lasts for 24 hours. Most dishonorable dread pirates don't care whether the victim isa prisoner or one of their own crew. In fact, if the slain individual is one ofthe dread pirates crew, the morale bonus on damage rolls improves to +4, but the alliesalso rake 2—2 penalty on Will aves forthe duration ofthe effect. Pirate King (Ex): A 10:h-evel dread pirate’s exploits, ¢ become so legendary thar great numbers of able sare willing to sign on as his crew forno compen- mn other than a share of the booty. Treat this ability asthe equivalent of the Leadership feat, except that only ha followers (and no cohorts) are gained. SAMPLE DREAD PIRATE Captain Daniel “the Daft” Simone: Male human bard 3/fighter 2/honorable dread pirate 4; CR 9; Medium humanoid; HD 3d6 plus 2410 plus 448; hp 42; Init +4; Spd 30ft; AC 19, touch 14, flarfooted 14; Base Atk +8; Grp 43; Atk +13 melee (1d6+2/18-20, +1 rapier) or +13 ranged (adt+1/19-20, masterwork dagger); Full Atk +14/~6 melee (1d6+2/18-20, +1 rapier) and +11 melee (1d4+1/19-20, masterwork dagger); or +13 ranged (1d4+1/19-20, masterwork dagger); SA spells; SQ aerobatic ch bardic knowledge +4, bardic music 3/day (countersong, fuscinate,inspixe competence, inspire courage), fearsome reputation +2, rally che crew, seamanship +4(+2 forallis), steady stance; AL CG; SV Fort «5, Ref +11, Will +4 (67 Dex 19, Con 10, against mind.affecting effects); Str Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 14 Skils and Feats: Appraise +9, Balance +10, Bluff «8, Climb 45, Diplomacy +12, Disguise +2 (+4 acting in character), Escape Artist +10, Intimidate +4, Jump +13, Perform (oratory) +8, Profession (sailor) +11, Spot +7, Swim 49, Tumble +16, Use Rope +8 (10 involving bindings); by killing a helpless individual, All allies of the dread Taste 2-7: Twe Deeao Pieate ‘tack Fort Ref Will Level Honus Save Save Save Special Yst 5042 HO Searmanshipy two: ‘weapon fighting and +2 3 +0 Fearsome reputation 74 302 AV Rallythe ewe Q/ 3y) or sneak attack 126 ath 44s) 84 1 Acrobatic charge, steady stance Sth 5S SA Luck oF the winder scourge ofthe seas Fearsome reputation “4 Rally she crew 222) day) or sneak attack Oh 36 ZS 2 es 4286 Bh 4B -2 4642 Skil mastery Sth 4934643. Fight to the deathior motivate the scum Toth D347 48 Fearsome reputation +6, pirate king Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Expert Tacticia Force of Bersonality?, Improved Disarm, Quick Draw ‘Two-Weapon Fighring®, Weapon Finesse. New feat described in Chapter 3. Languages: Common; Elven. Acrobatic Charge (Ex): Daniel can charge over diff ficult terrain that normally slows movement ov allies ‘locking his path. Bardic Music: Use bardic music three times pes day. See the bard class feature, page 29 of the Player’ Hand- boo CCountersong (Su: Use musie or poetics to counter magi cal effects that depend on sound. Fascinate (Sp): Use music or poeticsto cause one or more «creatures to become fascinated with him, Inspire Competence (Su: Use music or poetics to help anally succeed ata task. THE PIRATE CODE Most pirate codes share a number of elements regarding the proper “etiquette” of piracy. Here are a few ideas that might be 29propriate fer your dread pirate's pe-sonal code: + Evenjone shall abey ll orders + Everyone shall have a vote in major decisions. (This pout is not necessarily limited to honorable dresd pirates.) + Everyone shall have 2 share of captured food and drink + 8008) willbe shared out as follows: one share to each among he crew; one and one-half shares each to the First mate, master carpenter, and boatswain: and two shares to the captain, (Some honorable captains might accept a smaller shace, but they will take no fewer than one and one-half shares.) + Anyone not keeping his weapons clean and fit for an engage- ‘ment shall be cut of from his share, and suffer other purish rent as the eaptain deems fi. + Anyone whe strives another among the crew shall eceve forty lashes across his back + Anyone who attempts to desert or keep any secret from the ‘company shall be marooned with one bottle of water and one ‘weapon. + Anyone who steals from a erewmate shall be marooned ar run through. (The latter consequence is more appropriate for dishonorable dread pirates.) Inspire Courage Su): Use moste or poetics to bolster his allies against feat and improve theit combat abilities Rally the Crew (Ex): Once per day, Daniel can inspice his allies (including himself) to great bravery in combat, ‘granting them a +2 morale bonus on saving throws ‘against charm and fear effecisanda +2 moralebonuson attack and weapon damage rolls. To be affected, 2a ally siuist be able to see or hear Daniel. The effect requites a fee action to activate and lasts for 4 minutes, even if Daniel moves out of range or loses consciousness. This isa mind-affecting ability. Steady Stance (Ex): Daniel isnot considered latfooted while balancing or climbing, and he gains 2 +4 bonuson Belance or Climb checks to remain balancing or climbing when he takes damage rd Spells Known (3/2 aster level 3rd): 0—dancing (DC 12), ghost sound (DC 12) know direction, mage hand, message; st—animate rope, inspirational boost sleep cn) Posesions: 42 studded leather armor. +t rapier masterwork dagger, gloves of Dexterity +2, sailing ship, 1,000 gp, 2,000 sp, 5,000 cp. New spell described on page 153, ——_____DUNGEON DELVER Tn many ways, the dungeon delveris the ultimate adver: turing rogue. He's skilled at moving stealthily through all types of dungeon terrain, detecting and disarming inconvenient traps, bypassing locks, locating treasure, and filehing protected items. Since a dungeon delver frequently works alone, he ‘mustlearn to thinkand act independently, relying upon no one but himself. Even when exploring a dungeon in the company of other adventurers, he often keeps 19 himself—scoutung ahead, disarming trapsa safe distance from the group, or seeking treasure while the others are discracted ‘The typical dungeon delver has forsaken interaction skills to concentrate on the nuts ard bolts of dungeon exploration and treasure rervieval. Rogues and scouts make excellent dungeon delvers,as dothe rare few ninjas and spellthieves who choose to pursue this track, Mul: ticlass rogue/rangers who favor the darkness of caverns tothe light ofthe sky also make good dungeon delvers. ‘The best NFC dungeon delversbecome legends and are sought afier by anyone with a particularly inaccessibie treastce to recover. Some evenaccept regular stipends from various nobles to leave their measures alone. Only the best survive to make names for themselves, however—those ‘who lack the necessary skill and savvy perish anonymously ‘on unsuccessful expeditions, leaving behind their bones for some luckier compatriot to discover Adaptation: Some of the most interesting adaptations forthe dungeon delver prestige class involve associating, icwith a certain race. Although dwarves and gnomes are natural choices because of their tes with underground life, dungeon delvers of less obvious races such as humans, dark elves, and halflings are interesting as well ‘because such characters offer something other than the stereotypical depiction of their race. The dungeon delver and the nightsong infiltrator (see page 62) also serve as interesting roguelile prestige classes that do net rely on the sneak attack ability and might serve as 2 model for making similar prestige classes in your own campaign. Bit Die: ds REQUIREMENTS ‘To qualify to become a dungeon delver, 2 character must Fuld Skills: Climb 10 ranks, Craft (stonemasoney) 5 ranks, Disable Device 10 ranks, Hide 5 ranks, Knowledge (dun geoneering) 5 ranks, Move Silently 5 ranks, Open Lock 40 ranks, Search 10 ranks. Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight. Special: Trapfinding class feature, Special: The chacscter must survive a great trial under ground. This trial usually takes one of three forms: + Asolo dungeon expedition that earnsthe character half Il the following criteria, of the experience points needed for advancement to the next level. (Forexample,a7th-level character must, earn 3,500 XP on sucha solo run) The character must ‘complete the venture in one week, though he may leave the dungeon and return as often as desired during that + Survival of 2 cavein or other collapse (see page 66 of the Durigeon Masters Guide), + Living fora year without seeing the light of the sun, usually among underground denizens such as the deep dwarves or drow. CLASS SKILLS ‘The dungeon delver’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Climb (St Craft (Int), Disable Device (Int), Hide (Dex), Jurnp (St Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Search (Ind, Spot (Wis) Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha), and Use Rope (Dex). Skill Points at Each Level: §~ Int modifier CLASS FEATURES All of the following are class features of the dungeon delver presnige class ‘Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Dungeon delvers sin no proficiency with any weapon or armor. Darkvision (Ex): A dungeon delver’s long exposure topitch-back subterranean surroundings enables him to develop darkvision out to 60 feet. Ifthe character already has darkvision, the range increases by 30 feet. ‘Deep Survival (Ex): Ad geon delver’s experience in deep, dark places grants him 2 great familiarity with that world. He adds his class level 19 Survival checks made in underground environments. ‘Trap Sense (Ex): A dungeon delver is adept at evading the effects of traps. See the barbar- fan class fearure, page 26 of the Hoyer Handbook. The bonuses rise by 1 for every three add- tional dungeon delver levels gained (+2 at 4th level, +3 at 7th level, and 44 2t 10th level) and stack with similar bonuses granted by other classes. Reduce (Sp): A dungeon delve frequently finds inex essary 10 squeeze through nacrow crevices, halié-col lapsed passages, prison bars, and other tight spots that wou!d normally block a character of his size and bulk. Starting at 2nd level, a dungeon delver can use re- duce perm om himself three times per day (regardless of his creature type) Hiscaster level isequal to his ‘eee 2 dungeon deer Stonecunning (Ex): At 2nd level, a dungeon delver sins the stonecunning ability. This functions exactly asthe dwvaif racial trait ofthe same name (see page 15 of the Players Handbook), except that the check modifiers are competence bonuses rather than racial bonuses. f dungeon delver already has stonecunning because of hisrace, both sets of bonuses apply. Augury (Sp): Beginning at 3rd level, a dungeon delver cen foretell whether aparticular action will bring good or bad results for him in che immedi furure. Once per day, he can use augury asa free action; hiscaster level is equal tw his class level. He can use this ability one additional time per day for every three additional class levels gained (fay at 6th level and 3/day at 9th level. Skill Mastery (Ex): At 3rd level, a dungeon delver becomes so confident in the use of certain skills that he can use them reliably even under adverse conditions The character selects a number of skills equal to 3+ his, Intelligence modifier. See the rogue class feature, page 51 of the Player's Handbook. Evision (Ex): Beginning2t 4th level, adungeon delver can avoid damage from certain attacks with a successful Reflex save. See the monk class feature, page 41 of the Players Handbook. Tf a dungeon delver already has evasion, he gains improved evasion instead, allowing him to Bp 2void damage from certain attacks with a successful Reflex save and take only half damage on a failed save. See the monk class feature, page 42 of the Players Handbook. Blindsense (Ex): At sth level,adux geon delver gains the ability to activate an acute sensitivity to sounds, smells, movement, and other disturbances with 430 feet. This functions as described on sopereg 9 Ae om age 306 of the Monster Manual and lasts for 1 minute per class level. A dungeon delver can use blindsense conce per diy at sth level and twice per day at 10¢h level Passwall (Sp): Starting at 6th level, 2 dungeon delver can use passwall once per day as a caster of his class level. ‘This ability comes in handy for bypassing small cave-ins or sneak ing into vaults Find the Path (Sp): Starting at 8th level, a dungeon delver can use find the path twice perday asa caster ofhisclass level “Typically, « delver uses ths to find his way inea and out ofconfounding mazes and dungeons. He can target only himself wih che ability. Phase Door (Sp): Ar 9th level,a dungeon delver gains the ability to use phase door once per day as an t8th-level caster. This ability enables him to bypass cave-ins, walk through dead ends and immovable obstructions, and make quick escapes through walls. ‘TaBte 2-8: THE uncon Dewer Base Attack Fort Ref will Level_Bonus Save Save Save Special Tet 40-32-42 49 Darlvision, deep survival, rap sense +1 2nc 33 40__Reduce, stonecunning Bed S233 Augury 1), sel mastery 4th <3 44 441 Evasion, trap sense +2 Sth $3444 G1 Blindsense 1/day Sth $4 5534542 Augury 2/day, passwall Ths SIGS) 42 Tap sense 3 Bth 46 46262 Find the path 98h S60) 3 Angury 3/day, phase oor Yoh $7 374743 Blinceense 2/éay. trap SAMPLE DUNGEON DELVER Morzul Darkhunter: Male dworf rogue 7/dungeon delver 3; Medium humanoid; CR 10; HD 1046+30; hp 67; it +8 Spd 20 ft; AC 21,rouch 15, lafOoted 21; Base Atk 47; Grp 495 Atk +12 melee (146-3/19-20, +1 short sword) ‘or +12 ranged (1d8#4/19-20, masterwork light crossbow with 1 boll Full Atk 12/47 melee (1d6+3/19-20, +1 hort sword) ox +12 ranged (1d8+1/19-20, masterwor hr crosshow with #1 bol); SA sneak attack +446; SQ augury 1/day, darkvision 90 f traits, evasion, reduce 3/day, skill mastery, teap sense +3, reapfinding, uncanny dodge; AL NG; SV Fort +8° (+10 against poison), Ref +12*, Will -3% Str 14, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 6 hills and Foals: Appraise +4 (+6 with meralwor with stonework}, Climb™ +12, Craft (stonemasonry) +8, Disable Device™ +16, Escape Artist 49, Hi deep survival, dwarf as 7, Jump —4, Listen +2, Knowledge (ungeoneering) +6, Move Silently +17, Open Lock +16, Search™ #14, Spot +15, Survival +0 (45 undesground, «2 following trac Swim +5, Use Rope +7 (+9 with bindings); Alertnes Blind Fight, Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse. Languages: Common, Dwarven; Undercommen, Augury (Sp): Morzul can use augury a free action, Caster level 3d. Dwarf Traits: Dwarves have stonecunning, which mice per day a5 grants them a 42 racial honuson Search checks to notice unusual stonework. A dwarf who merely comes within 10 feerofican make a Search clickasif atively searching. Morzul adds his racial bonuses tolais dungeon delver class bonuses to determine his total stonecunning bonuses ‘When standing on the ground, dwarves are exception ally stable and have a +4 bonus on ability checks made toresist being bull rushed or tripped. Dwarves have at racial bonus on attack rolls against orcs and govlinoids and a44sactal bonusto Armor lass against giants. Their race also gives them a +2 bonus on Appraise or Craft checks that ate related to stone or metal items. "Dwarves have a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against spellsand spelLike effects. Evaston (Ex): If Morzul is exposed to any effect that normally allows him 10 attempt a Reflex saving throw for half damage, he rakes no damage with a successfel saving throw. Reduce (Sp: Moral can use reduce person (self only) three times per day. Caster level 3rd. Skill Mastery (Ex): Morzul has mastered the skills Climb, Disable Device, Open Lock, and Search to the extent that he can take 10 with them even under s ‘These skills are designated by ™ in the statisti block, Sneak Attack (Ex): Morzul dealsan extra 4d6 points of damage on any successful attack against flar-footed ot flanked targets, or against a targer thar has been denied its Dexterity bonus for any reason. This damage also 1p to 30 feer ment, creatures without applies ro ranged attacks against targets away, Creatures with cone discernible anatomies, and crearures immune fo exta damage from critical hits areall immune o sneak attacks. Morzul can choose to deliver nonlethal damage with his sneak attack, butonly when using a weapon designed for that purpose, such as a sap (blackjack). Trapfinding (Ex): Moraul can find, disarm, orbypass ‘raps with a DC of 20 or higher. He can use the Search skill ro find, and the Disable Device skill to disarm, magic traps (DC 25 + the level ofthe spel used to create i, Ifhis Disable Device resul exceeds the trap’s DC by. 10 or more, he discovers how to bypass the trap without triggering or disarming it. Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Morzul retains his Dexterity onus to AC even when flacfooted or rargeted by an unseen foe (he still loses his Dexterity bonus if paralyzed or otherwise immobile) Possessions: 42 mithyal skint ving of protection +4, 41 short sword, masterwork light crossbow, 25 +4 boli, 10 sil bolts, 10cold icon belts, gauntlet of Dexterity +2, Hewards handy haversack, 4 potions of cure light wounds, SO-. coil of silk rope, grappling hook, masterwork thieves’ tools. —_________ EXEMPLAR ‘An exemplars someone who believes that most individe: alsand creatutes possess wellspring of untapped talent and capability, and chat the multiverse would be aberter place ifonly they wouldall try rolive up to their potential ‘To her mind, the best way to encourage this behavior in othersisto exemplify icherself. An exemplar focuses her energy on improving the skills she possesses until she isable to perform them with fuidity, grace, and art. She belives shat even the simplest action (such as climbing a tee or building a chair) can be done with such ski and flairas to inspire awe and stimulate a desire for self betterment, No matter what area a particular exemplar cexcelsin, beit walking tightrope, deciphering forgotten languages, or remembering the names of every archfiend sie with passion and joy. in the Abyss, she per Bards are the characters most likely to become exemplars, but wizards, rogues, rangers, and druids sometimes choose this path as well. All of these classes have a fair number of people who believe that their actions canbe viewed asart,and like most art: ists they want co inspire others with their abilities. Clerics, paladins, and monks also choose this prestige class on rare occasions, but their dedication to promoting a philosophy or a higher power sometimes conflicts with the exemplarsbelief thar the best way toinspire odel matric char- others is simply to be a good role NPC exeraplars often are ec acters who travel the multiverse, stopping anywhere that catches their interest, might be nobles or members ofrich merchant families who use their reputations woopen doors he courts of powerful and influential indi- viduals, hoping that their example will help their hosts become wiser rulers. Other cexemplarsare mendicants or wandering sages, traveling among the common folkin the hopes of inspiring the people 10 improve their lors in life. The great majority of exemplars are just ordinary characters making livings as bakers, Blacksmiths, merchants, oreven adventurers, No matter what theirjobs, though, at their heartsthey are all educaiors, hoping. to improve the multiverse by setting a good example Adaptation: The easiest way to customize the exemplar prestige cassis to choose one skill that several exemplars specialize in and describe them as a separate class o organization. The exemplars of the Spot sill, for example, might become the Watchers of Ordoanai, a group of mercenary scouts and bodyguards. The exemplars of the Tumble skill could be described as the Blue Circle ‘Acrobats, a troupe of performers who work secretly as assassins and use their performance asa front Hit Die: de REQUIREMENTS “To qualify 0 become an exemplar, a character must fulfill all the following criteria, ‘Skills: Diplomacy 6 ranks, any other skill 13 ranks eat: Skill Focus (any) CLASS SKILLS All skills are class skills for an exem- plar. Skill Points at Each Level: 8 + Int modifier. CLASS FEATURES Allof the following are class fearures of the exemplar prestige class ‘Weapon and Armor Pro- ficiency: Exemplars gain no proficiency with any weapon Skill Avtistry (Ex): An \\, exemplar is particularly tal WY, ented in the use of one of her skills. Choose one skill \) in which the exemplar has at least 13 ranks. She gainsa +4 competence bonus on all checks involv- ing that skill, ‘At 4th, 7th, and oth levels, an ‘exemplar gains this bility again Each time she selects different skillto receive the +4 competence bonus, provided she hast least 13 ranksin eskill that she has not yet ‘chosen to benefit from this ability. If not, she gains no benefit ftom the ability until she has 13 ranks in another still. She can ply the benefit of skill artistry 10 apse £4 init Briete Ostrom, cexexemplar Vp then immediately that skill. ‘Skill Mastery (Ex): An exemplar is so confident in the use of certain skills that she can use them reliably even under adverse conditions. She selects a number of skills equal to 1 + her Int modifier. When making 2 check with one of these skills, she can take 10 even if stress and distractions would normally prevent ber from doing so. Each time an exemplar gains a class level, she canadd another skill o the list of skills with which she hhas mastery Lend Talent (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, an exemplar can end some of herskill artistry to allies, allowing them toexceed their normal talents. By accepting a penalty on checks using a skill for which she has selected skill art istey,an exemplar grants @ competence bonus on checks ‘with thar skill o all allies within 30 feet. The penalty can be any number that does not exceed the exemplar’ class evel, and the competence bomusis equal toone-half the penalty. Activating this ability isa fullround action, and the effect lasts for as conscious and within range. ng as the exemplar remains For example, a 4thlevel exemplar who has selected skill artistry with Craft (armorsmithing) can accept a—+ penalty on Craft(armorsmithing) checks to grantallallies within 30 feet a +2 competence bonus on Craft @armor smithing) checks for as long as she remains nearby. ‘Ar 8th level, the competence bonus granted by this ability becomes equal to the penalty accepted by the exemplar. Bonus Feat: At 3rd, th, ond oth levels, an exemplar gains a bonus feat, which must be selected from the fol lowing list Acrobatic, Agile, Alertness, Animal Affinity, Athletic, Blind-Fight, Combat Casting, Combat Expertise, Deceitful, Deft Hands, Diligent, Improved Initiative, Improved Swimming, Investigator, Magical Aptitude, Negotiator, Nimble Fingers, Open Minded, Persuasive, Self Sufficient, Skill Focus, Stealthy, Track, or Versatile Performert. The exemplar must meerall the prerequisites forthe chosen feat. { New feat described in Chapter 3, Sustaining Presence (Su): Starting 2t 4th level, an exemplar knows how to call upon her force of personality tohelp keep herself alive in tente or dangerous situations. She adds her Charisma bonus ( on checks and Forcicude saves, Persuasive Performance (Ex): Starting at Sth level, an exemplar can use her skill artistry to improve the attitudes of NPCs. To do this, che NPCs must observe her using one of the skills to which she has applied skill artistry. Treat this as a Diplomacy checic made to influence NPC attivudes (see pages 71-72 of the layers Handbool), but replace the Diplomacy check with «check using the chosen skill The demonstr any) to her Concentra: n inst be nonthreatening and and amuse the onlookers. Viewers must be within 30 feet ofthe exemplar, muscbe able to see her clearly, and must willingly pay attention to her iovended to enter actions. This ability requitesat least { minute o perform, anditcan affect a particular creature only once every 24 hours. Intellectual Agility (Su): Starting at 8th level, an ‘exemplar can channel her intellect to more physical needs. She adds her Intelligence bonus (if any) to her initiative checks and Reflex saves. Perfect Self: A 10th-level exemplar has tuned her body with skill to the point that she becomes 2 magical creature, Her type changes to outsider (native). See the monk class feature, page 42 of che Players Handbook. ‘Taave 2-9: THe ExemPLar Base ‘Attack Fort Ref will Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Tt +0 40 40 42. Skil artistiy, sk mastery 2nd $1 40-30 43—_Lendtalent (one-nalf penalty) Sed 2B Bonus feat ath 43TH) #8 Sul artisary, Sustaining presence StH SSS SUS Persiasive performance 6th 424248 Bonus feat “Ah ee = STS artiste Sth +622 +6 Intellectual agiity id talent (equal to penalty) Sth 4643436 Bonus feat Yoh 47334347 Perfect self skll artistry SAMPLE EXEMPLAR Brieta Oestrow: Female gnome bard 10/exemplar 4, CR 14; Small humanoid; HD 14d6; hp 54; Inie +4; Spd 30 ft; AC 18, touch 14, latfooted 17; Base Atk +8; Grp +3; Atk +11 melee (1d4/18-20, +4 rapier) or +11 ranged (1d6/19~20, masterwork light crossbow); Full Ack +11/+6 melee (1d4/18-20, +1 rapier) or +11 ranged (6/19-20, masterwork light crossbow; SA spells, spell like abilities; SQ bardic knowledge +12, bardic music to/day (countersong, fascinate, inspire competence, ce, inspire greatness, suggestion), gnome tats, lend talent, lowlight vision, skill mastery; AL CG; SV Fort 49°, Ref 46%, Will «9°; Str 8, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 22. skills and Feats: Balance +16, Bluff +23, Concen- rration™ +19, Diplomacy +23, Gather Information +8, Hide™ +5, Intimidate +8, Jump +21, Knowledge (local +8; Listen +3, Perform (cing)™ +26, Sense Motive™ #13, Spor +9, Tumble™ +22, Use Magic Device +23; Acrobatic" ‘Combat Expertise, Disguise Spelif, Skill Focus Perform [sing)), Versatile Performerf, Weapon Finesse. New fest described in Chapter 3. the bard class feature, page 29 of the Players Handbook. tg(Sui): Use music or poetics tocounter magi- al elects that depend on sound Fascinate (Sp): Use music or poetics to cause one ce more creatures to become fascinated with her. Use music or poetics to help ally succeed at a task Inspire Courage (Su): Use music or poetics to bolster her allies against fear and improve their combat abilities. Inspire Greatness (Su): Use music or poetics to inspire greatness in herself or anally, granting her target extra ting capability Suggestion (Sp): Use music or poetics to make a sug- getion as the spell) to a creature that she has already fascinated. Gnome Traits: Gnomes have a +1 racial bonus on ickrolls against kobolds and goblinoids. Gnomes have 24 racial bonus to Armor Class against giants “Gnomes have a +2 racial bonus on saving throws 2gainst illusions Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day—dancing lights ghost sound (DC 16), prstiigitation, speak with animals (burrowing mammal only, duration 1 minute). Lend Talent (Ex): By accepting penalty on Perform Ging) or Tumble checks, Brieta grants a competence bonus on checks with those skills toall allies within 30 feet. The penalty can be up to —4, and the competence bonus is equal to one-half the penalty. Activating this ability isa full-round action, and the effect lasts for as long as she remains conscious end within range. Skill Mastery (Ex): Brieta has mastered the skills luff, Concentration, Hide, Perform, Sense Motive, and Tumble to the extent that she can take 10 with them even under steess. These skills are designated by ™ in the statistics block. ord Spells Known (3/5/5/3/4;-casteclevel 10th): 0—dane- nglights, detect magic, ghost sound (DC 16), lullaby (DC 16), nage hand, read magic; tst—aecelevated movement, animate rope distor speect# (DC 17) feather fall; 2nd—biadeweavet DC 18) silence (DC 18), suggestion (DC 18), swift invisibit Iblis glibnes sculpt sound speechlink 4th—cure sounds, freedom of movement. New spell described in Chapter 5 Possessions. amulet of natural armor +1, bracersof armors 4 rapier; masterwork lightcrossbow, ringof protection +2 tobols, 10 cold iron bolts, ba doak of Charisma +4, gold ring with amethyst (1,7 26pp. 5 of striding and bringing © BP) Languages: Common, Gnome; Draconic, Dwarven. Bardic Music: Usebardicsousictentimesperday.see ___ FOCH LUC AN LYRIST ‘Warrior, thief, spy, poet, woodland champion—the Fochlucan lyrist is a legendary figure who serves 2s the herald and teacher to great kings, the champion of the common folk, and the keeper of lore long forgotten elsewhere. Only the best and brightest are invited to become Fochlucan lyrists, and those who eventually ‘win the approval of the Fochlucan College's masters are remarkable individuals indeed, skilled in swordplay, ‘magic, and diplomacy. Those who aspire to join the Fochlucan College face a long and difficult road. The great bards who lead the school choose only individuals who have demonstrated skill atarmsand stealth, learning and cleverness, superb talent with the lute and an ear for the stories of old Finally, all applicants must frst study the lore of the draids, learning the ways of growth and the hidden secrets of nature, Few indeed can standup tothe rigorous scrutiny of the Fochlucan masters. Fochlucan lyrists adventure ro gain informat They are spies and rumormongers, ever on the watch fornews of events that may upset the balance they seek: to preserve. lyristcan serve as a diplomat, messenger, cor assassin, as needed. The Foclilucans strongly believe in fostering the careers of other adventurers whose viewpoints align with their own, and many lyrists attach themselves to adventuring companies specifically for the purpose of guiding their comrades to oppose the right encsnies and advance the interests ofthe Fochlu- can College. Adaptation: This class is a fusion of the druid and bard base classes. An interesting variation would be to adaprthe class into a fusion of the druid and ranger base classes. Hit Die:ds, REQUIREMENTS Toqualify to become a Fochlucan Iyrist, character must fulfill all the following criteria Skills: Decipher Script 7 ranks, Diplomacy 7 ranks, Gather Information 7 ranks, Knowledge nature) 7 ranks, Perform (string instruments} 13 ranks, Sleight of Hand 7 ranks, Speak Language (Druidic). Alignment: Neutral good, neural, chaotic neutral, or neutral evil Spells: Ability 10 cast tstlevel arcane and divine spells. Special: Bardic knowledge and evasion abilities. CLASS SKILLS ‘The Fochlucan lyrists class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft(any)(In0), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Gather Information (Cha}, Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Im), Listen (Wis), Move ently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Morive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Speak Language (0/2), Spelleraft (Int), Survival (W (See), and Use Magic Device (Cha) ‘Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier LASS FEATURES All of the following are class features of the Fochlucan Iyrise prestige class. ‘Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Fochlucan Iyrists {gain no proficiency with any weapon or a:mer Spells per Day/Spells Known: At each level, 2 Fochlucan lyrist gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if she had also gained a level in any one arcane spelleasting class and any one divine spelicasting class to which she belonged before adding the prestige class level. She does not, however, gain any other benefita character of that class would have gained. If she had more than one arcane spelleasting class oF divine spelleasting class before becoming 2 Fochlucan lyri, she must decide to which class to add each Fochle- can lyrist level for the purpose of determining spells pe day, spells known, and overal caster level Forexample,a 2n¢-level rogue/sth-level bard/4th-level druid/3nd-level Fochlucan lyrist can castarcane spells as an Sth-level bard and divine spells as a 7th-level druid, Bardic Knowledge (Ex): A Fochlucan Iyrist can attempt to recall some relevant piece of information about local notable people, legendary items, or noteworthy places. See the bard class feature, page 28 of the Player’ Handbook. She adds her Fochlucan Iyrist class level to her bardic knowledge checks, so her bardic knowledge checks havea bonus equal ro her bard level + her Fochlu: can lyrist level + her Int modifier. FOCHLUCAN BANDORE Inthe same vein that most folk consider the Fochlucan College to be the most famous ofthe bardic colleges, the mast wellknown and most offen encountered of al the famed instruments of the bards isthe Fochlucan bandore. This item and the other instru iments ofthe bards are described in detail in Complete Arcane.) This three stringed masterworklute grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Perform (string instruments) checks and a +1 compe: Bardic Music: A Fochlucan Iyrist adds her Iyrist level 0 her bard level to decermine the number of times per day she can use her bardic music, the bardic music ities she can employ, and the powerof those abilities. For example, a 2nd-level rogue/th-level bard/+th-level druid/3rd level Fochlucan lyrist can use her bardie music eight times per day, can use any bardic music ability an sthrlevel bard could use (assuming she meets the Perform, skill rank requirements), and is treated as an sth-level bard for adjudicating th as number of targets, save DC, and so forth). Unbound: A Fochlucan lyrist's druid oaths are relaxed, allowing herto wear light metal armor with no fects of those abilities (such loss of spelicasting, supernatural, or spelllike abilities. A lyrist also suffers no experience point penalty for multiclassing, SAMPLE FOCHLUCAN LYRIST Tyrea Neylis: Female halfelf rogue 2/bard 4/druid 4/Fochlucan lyrist 2; CR 12; Medium humanoid (elf); HD 8d plus 4d8 plus 3; hp 45; Init +15 Spd 30 fi AC 18, touch 12, lacfooted 17; Base Atk +9; Grp #8; Atk 40 melee (1d, +4 spll storing quarterstaf), Full Ack +10/45 melee (1d6, +1 spell storing quarterstajf) SA sneak attack +146, spells; SQ animal companion (dire weasel}, animal companion benefits, bardic knowledge +7, bardie music 6/day (countersong, fascinate, inspire courage, inspire competence), evasion, halfelf traits, low-light vision, resist nature's lure, trackless step, trapfinding, wild empathy +7, woodland stride; AL NG; S¥ Fort +8, Ref “+12, Will +16 (+48 against enchantments),Str 8, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 20, Cha 16 Skills and Feat: Climb +6, Concentration +14, Decipher Script-+10, Diplomacy +14, Gather Information +14, Hide +10, Knowledge (nature) +13,cisten +14, Move Silently 6, Search +2, Sleight of Hand +40, Spot +6, Survival +7; Eschew Materials, Green Earj, Scribe Sccoll, Toughness, Weapon Focus (quarterstaff) + New feat described on page 110. Languages: Common, Elven; Druidic, Sylvan. +415, Perform (string instruments) tence bonus on bardie music checks for countersong, fscinate, and suggestion. The instrument can be played by snyore 70 produce light once per day. Auy charactar with at least 2 ranks in Perform (string instruments) can use the bandore to cast far, ‘mending, and message each once per day. Faint transmutation, faint evacation; CL id; Craft Wondrous Item, fae, light, mending, message, creator must be a bard: Price 1,200 gp Weight 3 Ib 1d6 points af damage on an snack against £ cfooted or flanked targets, or against 2 target that has been denied its Dexterity bonus for 0 applies coranged attacks against vargets up 10 tures with conceal. any reasofi. This damage 30 feet away. ment, creatures without discernib anatomies, and creatures immune to extra damage from critical hits aveall immune to sneak attacks. Tyrea can hoese to deliver nonlethal daraage jab hersneak ar buronly when wing @ weapon designed for that purpose, such asa sap (blackjack) Animal Companion (Ex): Tyres hasa dire weasel named Fanger as an animal companion (see Mon ster Manual, page 65). Its bonus ckis defend. Animal Companion Ben- fits: Tyrea and Fanger enjoy the link and share spells special palites. Link (Ey): ‘Tyrea can handle Fangerasa free action. She also isa +4 circumstance bonus nall wild empathy checks and f Handle Animal checks made regarding her dire weasel. re Spells (Ee have any spell she casts on herself also affect Fanger ifthe latieris within 5 feet at the rime. She can also cast a spell with a target of "You" on her animal companion. Bardic Musie: Use bardic susie six times per day. See the bard class feature, page 29 of the Player’ Handbook ountersong (Su): Use music L or poetics to counter m: effects thar depend on sound, inate (Sp: Use music or poetics to cause one or more tures to become fascinated with her. Use music or poetics to help anally succeed ara task: Inspire Courage (Si: Use music Inspire Compatence or poetics to bolster her allies against fear and improve cheit combat abilities. Evasion (Ex): If Tyrea Is exposed to any effect that THE FOCHLUCAN COLLEGE Pashaps the most famous of the bardic colleges, the Foch College serves as = beacon of learning and diplomacy in dack and restless land, Many have accused the Fochlucan masters of fomenting intrigues among the nearby kingdoms tnd using their famed neutrality to conceal the real extent of theiemeddling and manipulation, By adv'sing mighty rules and undertaking the tutoring of royal heirs, he Fochlucan bards ture he fate of vingdoms with nothing more than quiet words ané wagered 5 The Fochlucan College itself ie lotated on the shores of the misty Loch Fienen, 2 few miles from the town of Oakerway. The Colige is a rambling old stone building that resembles some hing between a mirior lord's manor house and a decrepit old ‘monastery Green ivy covers its walls, and old lanterns hanging from its e=ves warm its chil, misty nights with golden light. [No more than a handful ofits collegians are present at any given time—the strength of the organization lies inthe learn: ing and shil ofits individual members, not in any muster Warriors. Members ae welcome to stay a8 long as they lik ected to conibute tothe college's upkeep. The custom: ry donation is SD go a manta (For tinerant merers} oF 200 gp rn for members living on the premises) A small number of servants keep the College in order and prepare meals, but there are no guards or soldiers. Instead, Its ‘efence les primarily in the reputation and influence ofits mem bers. Should trouble come anyway, the College is well e‘erdied by the handful of Iyriss or guests wno happen to be visiting at any given time. In ease of sericus trouble, the Fochlucans turn to the creatures of the surrounding forest. Through anc ent pacts, the sylvan denizens of Loch Firmen's foreste are pledged to defend the bards’ house against attack The College is governed by the Yew Circle, 2 small council composed ofthe five most senior Fochlucans Currently enrolled in the order. All five are nominally equal, but ifthe Cirde's ‘opinion is divided on any important matter, the Eldest of the Clecie—the Fochlucan who has served the longest in the col lege—decides the ixue. Currently, the Eldest of Fochlucan is ‘Yew Master Hutlich Stennarden, 3 halfelfwho has belonged to the College for better than fify years. The masters of the Yow Gitcle rarely meet, since they are not often atthe College atthe ‘The Fochlucans are affliated with severel other bardic colleges in neighboring lands, including the College of Mac-Fuirmich, the Doss School, and the High College of Anstruth, oldest and most knowledgeable of the colleges Ld VID. SISSY 10) SES ReGen (CUEST DOCK Tibrary Parlor Masser dents] Room, Nuster Re Gusset Qt ‘iste 2-10: THe FOCHLUCAN LyRist Base Attack Fort | Bonus Save 40 Ref Save 42 will Save #2 Special 4043 aes “ oh 410 7 sormally ellows her to attempt ¢ Reflex saving throw forhalf damage, she takes no damage with a suc saving throw. HalfEIf Traits: Half elves have immunity to magic slep effects. For al effects relaced to race, z half-elf is considered an elf Resist Nature's Lure (Ex): Tyrea gainsa +4 bonus on saving throws against the spell-like abilities of fey. saful Trackless Step (Ex): Tyrea leaves no tral in natural surroundings and cannot be tracked. Trapfinding (Ex): Tyrea can find, disarm, or bypass traps with a DC of 20 or higher: She can use the Search skill1o ind, and the Disable Device skill o disarm, magic saps (DC 25 + the level of the spell used to create it) If her Disable Device result exceeds the traps DC by 10 she discovers how to bypass the trap without triggering ot disarming it. Woodland Stride (Ex): Tyrea can move through ral thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar te rain at her normal speed and without damage or other impairment. However, thorns, briats, and overgrown areas that are magically manipulated to impede motion, sill affect her Band Spells Known (3/4/3 per day; caster level tb 0—dancing lights daze (DC 13), ghost sound (DC 13), leby(DC 13), mage hand, semmmon instrument; 1st—alarm, charm person (DC 14), disguise self, undetectable alignments and—detect thoughts (DC 45), invisibility, miror image Druid Spells Prepared (caster level sth): 0—create water, care minor wounds, detect magic, know direction, purify food ond drink Ast—entangle (DC 16) longstrider, pass without Bardic knowledge, bardic music, unbound Spels per Day/Spells Known “level of exeting arcane spelicasting dass andi level of existing dine speleaiing class ‘Tlevel of existing arcane speleasting cass nd tt level of existing divine spelicasting class $V evd of exiting scare spelcasing dass andi level ofex sting cvinespellcating class SMevelofexsting arcane speleastng care ands lve’ of sting divine speleating class Teel of existing arcane spelcasting dass and’ level of exting cvne spelleating class =] level of existing arcane spellcasting dass ane +} level of existing divine spelicastng class | level of existing arcane spe'lcasting cass and level of esting tive splleastng lass “Teel of existing areane speieasing dass and at level of existing divine epeicarting class evel of eisting arcane spellesting case 3nd 1 level of ex sung divine spelcasting class “evel ofexsting arcane apeleasting case and #1 level of exting divine spellcasting class animal messen cure moderate with animals; 2nd limb, tree shape; 3 trace shillelagh, spe ar cat’ race, spider ¢ wounds set storm, speak with plants, Possessions: +2 mithral chain shir, ring of protection +4, ‘H1spll storing quarirstaff (poison), masterwork shortbow periaptof Wisdom 9, boots ofeoenknd, divine scroll of protection from energy, wich 20 arrows, oak of Charisma masterwork lyre. 27 gp. ——____GHOST-FACED KILLER From out of nothing the specter of death appears, an armored shadow with a brilliant blade held high, In a flash the katana falls, severing life from limb ina bloody arc. All around, screams of terror and shouts of fear erupt, as quaking hands draw blades to fight the masked murdecer, His targer dead, the ghostfaced killer walks calnaly away as swords and fists pass harmlessly chrough his nearly transparent body. Long ago, a persecuted clan of dangerous warriors sought a way 1 take revenge against their oppressors, Through sorcery, the spelicasters of the clan beseeched dark spirits to reveal a way that their clan might survive the coming strife and take revenge on the emperor ‘who sought to crush them. The clan members struck a dark bargain, and the demon-spirits they had contacted provided the clan with a means 0 the bloody ends they desired. Donning terrifying masksto hide their identities, warriors of the elan crept into the imperial palace, and through the evil power af the pact they had made, passed invisibly and intangibly into the imperial household and

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