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Find out what
organizational assesment is
and how it can help us
improve the camp

This is the method of
assesment that we have
chosen to use as it best
alligns with the goals of
JCC Camp Chi.

Hello fellow Camp Chi staff! The purpose Insight on how we can impliment the DIGGING
of this newsletter is to Introduce you to concepts that the book discussed. This new
organizational assesment, a new addition initiative will help us identify both how we
to our supervisory training. Prior to your are doing as an organization and what
This summer we will be
arival this summer will be sending out the improvements we can make to go from good
kicking off suporvisory
book “Good to Great: Why Some to great. This incredible book will provide a
training week by analyzing
Companies Make the Leap… and framework for us to examine our leadership
our operations throught the
Others Don’t” by Jim Collins. We ask and our process, to bring out the best in all of
lense of Jim Collins’ Good
that you read through the book and come us.
to Great diagnostic tool.
to training full of

An organisational assessment is a systematic

process for gathering information about the
performance of an organisation and the factors
that affect performance. One of the difficulties
that organizations face is the inability to match
existing membership with the activities the
organization knows it should be carrying out
(Lusthaus, 2002). The success of an organization
is ultimately decided by how its members
interact with one another. Organizational
assessment strives to improve the ability of an
organization to use all the resources it has GOOD TO GREAT!
available to perform at its best (Lusthaus, 2002).
Understanding what successful organizations The Good to Great assessment reviews the quality of leadership and commitment to the
should have is what will help you asses the organizations core values, and the ability to engage others with honesty and flexibility
capacity of your own organization. The (Perkins, 2010). At Camp Chi we have three core values that we wish to instill in our staff
supervisory staff of Camp Chi are the leaders of and campers. These values are respect, kindness an community. We belive that these three
things are an important part of our organization’s identity. The good to great model is the
our community. Leadership sets the standards
ideal tool for us because it places a large amount of emphasis on core values and the quality
for how information is exchanged and how the
of leadership that we have. Putting the right people in the right position is something that we
organization achieves its goals. Having strong spend a lot of time with. Having the right counselor pairings ensures a balanced leadership in
leaders that can identify these goals and each cabin. Having the right people in each area allows us to provide the highest quality of
implement the strategies they need to get there activities. Our most valueble resourse is our staff and our success is due to our ability to
will help set the stage for long term sucess. communicate and work together well. This book is a tool that we will use to understand our
strengths and to elelevate them from being good to being great.

In Collin’s book he breaks down the observations and best practices of successful
organizations in 9 chapters. One of the chapters introduces the consept of level 5 leadership.
These are leaders have humility, and seek success not for themselves, but so that the team and
organization can thrive. They share credit for success, and they're the first to accept blame for
mistakes (Collins, 2001). We belive that you are all capible of becoming a level 5 leader and
that you can inspire and instill these qualities in your staff this summer. In chapter six Collins
introduces the concept of “Three Circles.” This theory means that the leaders of the good to
great organizations understand what their organization is and can be best at, knowing what
drives growth in the business, and knowing what you’re passionate about and listening to it
(Collins, 2001). We know that we have passionate staff at Camp Chi and we want to use that
passion to make sure we are reaching our true potentiol. We know you will find this book to
be a invigorating read and we hope you arrive to camp with lots of ideas and insight on how
you can apply the concepts from Good to Great at Camp Chi. Summer 2019 will be one for
the books!
“Great vision without great
people is irrelevant.”

― Jim Collins, Good to Great

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