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Vaughn Jedry P.


Statutory Construction


1. R.A. No. 007: An Act for the Amelioration of Tax Payers During the Pandemic

Section xx: As it was provided for in the future, so it has been thus, provided that: nevermore ought it

What is the effect of this provision?

“Section xx” provides the reserve provisions for future applicability for the anticipated effects
of the provision on the section.

2. All members of Congress, representatives (including party-list representatives) and senators pass a
joint resolution calling on all LGUs to lift restrictions on business.

Effect of this resolution?

A joint resolution, like a bill, requires the approval of both houses and the signature of the
President. It has the force and effect of law if approved.

3. What is needed so that the PDEA may issue a Circular to all law-enforcement officers providing thus:
"Section xxx of R.A. 9165 or the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act shall no longer be enforced."

It will need a law repealing the R.A 9165 inorder for them to issue a circular because circulars
Circulars shall refer to issuances prescribing policies, rules and regulations, and procedures
promulgated under law, applicable to individuals and organizations outside the Government and
designed to supplement provisions of the law or to provide means for carrying them out, including
information relating thereto.

Section xx: This Act shall cover all food and food-products imported into the country by whatever

Section xxx: The Food and Drug Administration shall determine whether the imported food or food
product is fit for human consumption.

Will yeast be subjected to this procedure?

It will be subjected to the procedure, Yeast is a raw material in food products, and yeast will
also be ingested by the human consumer and it is hereby stipulated in Section xxx that FDA shall
determine whether the imported food or food product is fit for human consumption.

5. "To teach on the collegiate or university level, one must possess at least a Master's degree, a J.D. or
an M.D.".

If a college appoints a bachelor 's degree holder who has not master's degree as Instructor 1, is the
appointment void?

The appointment is voidable, the point is that he is merely an appointee and it is voidable
because he can use his position by appointment and he can also comply with the requirement along
the way and it will come valid after his compliance.

INSTRUCTION: Yes and NO are not answers for a law student. Give me a convincing reason, one that
even God Almighty will accept. Be exhaustive but not verbose. Reason not from what you feel, because
feelings matter little here, but from we studied together.

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