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The impact of computer

uses on our young
Date: 19/01/2011

Submitted by: Submitted to

Shahriar Al-Sehab……..09322131 Ayesha Jahan

Mohammad Sajib……..09322079 Lecturer of school of business

Faysal Islam………………09322015 City University

In spite of having hand, legs, eyes, ears the whole body if don’t have brain man cannot
do anything. When it turns to engine if it hasn’t fuel it can’t do anything. Today’s
developed society without computer similar to machine without fuel or human being
without brain.

The modern age is an age of science. Modern civilization itself it’s a gift of science.
Science has conquered the forces of nature and engaged them for the service of
mankind. Modern science is a blessing of mankind. The computer is a fairly recent
invention. It has become an essential part of life.

Computer is a device of new technology. Technology can be used both for good or bad.
If you use computer for your studies or making applications in your office. You are doing
a productive work. If you use the computer to see prone websites and to make fraud with
the people, you are using it for bad. On the other hand the bad effects of computer are
that your eyes can be affected if you see the monitor for longer period of time.

The good effects are the ways you can get info faster than books, but the bad thing is
even though you’re looking at info the screen is killing your brain cells

I think that computer has become one of the important parts of our life and also it is
something now days without which we cannot live because computer helps the human

The effect of computer:

Computer is bad and good both. Because once the computer is on lots of sight is there. The
person one who operates the computer automatically goes to the sight and due to curiosity
she/he children/all/will open the sight and see which suppose not to see or not for him or
she. Instead of studying or entertaining he may start negative things to do. All are or all may
not mature enough to handle the some of the negative effect of the sight.

Some may use it for some illegal and bad purpose which is happening very much in this
world. What can u do good change for this? World is changing equally but the bad part is
more as we hear in the news. I feel it .I think we all need respect love and proper standard of
life but we are losing it. : The standard of harmony peace and beauty of life we are losing
why. Is it because of computer? Or there may be other reason.


IS IT COMPUER DOING THIS? OR OTHER REASON? The beauty and standard of real
love and life we are losing why.......

The use of computers BAD OR GOOD:

For me too, computers have both a negative and positive effects. They r good coz they keep
us in touch with everyone and everything that's happening in the world around us.
Computers can serve us a lot and in too many ways. In one sense, much of our life is
dependent upon to the extent that each one of us should have a computer alone. They r bad
according to my point of view because they make us lazy to some extent. But what I would
like to say here is that we should cope with all that's new otherwise we will be left out.

Computers are ubiquitous. As computers have become less expensive they have been
purchased by more and more families for their homes. Because of this, many children
begin to use computers at an early age. Even if computers are not available in their
home, children almost certainly will begin to come into contact with computers in

Some adults are amazed by how readily young children use computers. Many children
find that using computers gives them a sense of power and accomplishment. And, unlike
many adults whose first or primary contact with computers is work related, most
children first use computers for entertainment purposes and games. This is by no means
the only use that children have for computers. Children also use computers for accessing
information, as well as for writing stories and research papers.

In addition, children use a variety of learning programs, which either seeks to teach or
reinforce basic skills in math, language, reading, and other subjects. Other software
allows children to draw pictures or create visual works of art and self-expression.
Communication with others is growing as an application of computers by children,
particularly as more homes and schools gain access to the Internet. As computers
continue to become more powerful, increasing numbers of children are using computers
to create multimedia presentations and even web sites that include pictures, text, audio,
and even video.

Active communication: Communication means to communicate each others. If

the system of communication becomes faster it will be called active communication.
This is the time of Information and Technology to develop our society, country we
should increase the practice of active communication. Many survey show that the young
generations are largest user of modern and active communication such as e-mail, face
book, MySpace, hi-fire, twitter, Skype etc.

Decrease sexual power: Today’s kids will be the leader of tomorrows. If their basic
become weak their future will be doubt full. If they become sick what will be future of them?
Computer is just being that. The rays from the screen of computer decreases ovum. As a result
the reproduction power of them decreases too.

It is a red alert for human being.

Decrease the imagine power:

“IMAGINATION” is a gift of God to human being. In the past if one of any news just started to
imagine the picture of the incident. But now a day’s he/she can’t use his imagination to do so.
He gets the readymade picture of the incident very quickly. Getting clear picture of the incident
fast is good but losing the imagination power, is it good too?!

Increase the standard of every work done by computer:

We can make a project by hand, by computer too. But the qualities of those too two will defer a
lot. We can increase the quality of project (done by the computer) by adding some picture,
information (as like as chart or statistics) also by using some advantage tactics (as animation,
impart audio). We can increase the quality little more. Actually this assignment is also
prepared using some common and advance tactics to increase its quality.

Why the genius young generation turns to HACKERS.

When technology are going to be upgrades then it spread out all over people ,all over
the world among the users we can see a big percentage of young generation small
amount of ordinary people .Now a days Japan and china have got a reginable place to
improve the technology all over the world. The number of generation most uses the
developed technology. They increased their skills to use the technology by sharing with
each other or practicing by him. When they got a lot of skilled to use the upgrade or
developed technology but they don’t get a suitable job to prove themselves.

This is the main cause to start HACKING. This is an illegal way to enter a system for to
transfer important information, change the information etc. This type of young hacker
can be found in our country also. They hacker hack the information of an ordinary
people as well as a country or international defense news. Their training system or the
high commands, all these are included in their hacking topic.

Most users of computer: From our survey report we come to know that the
most users of computer are young. Here we are showing the prove of our survey.


Teen age


Middle age

Lat middle age

Most hacker is young:

When technology are going to be upgrades then it spread out all over people ,all over
the world among the users we can see a big percentage of young generation small
amount of ordinary people .Now a days Japan and china have got a reginable place to
improve the technology all over the world. The number of generation most uses the
developed technology. They increased their skills to use the technology by sharing with
each other or practicing by him. When they got a lot of skilled to use the upgrade or
developed technology but they don’t get a suitable job to prove themselves.

This is the main cause to start HACKING. This is an illegal way to enter a system for to
transfer important information, change the information etc. This type of young hacker
can be found in our country also. They hacker hack the information of an ordinary
people as well as a country or international defense news. Their training system or the
high commands, all these are included in their hacking topic.

Extra help from teachers of abroad:

Now a day’s online studying is going to be very popular for all of students. Basically,
those student who are going to job they can’t attended the class regularly. They have a
lot of positive interest of online study. By using privilege system we can know the
lecture system of many well known universities in the world.

Target for future:

To get same improvement in any sector we have to analysis what is going to be means
its future. For this reason to get more benefits from computer we should do so and we
are doing so .

From first computer ENIAC we have now the fastest computer Cray jaguar. The human
being already planed a more advanced computer which will have this simulation of
human brain.
The company IBM is trying to give this gift to human being on 2025.

At last, the result (may be good or bad) of in any invention basically depends on it’s
user .so, we have to choice the way to drive the computer present to future

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