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Recursion is the process by which a function calls itself repeatedly, until some specified
condition has been satisfied. It is a way of programming or coding technique, in which a
function calls itself for one or more times in its body.

Condition for implementing Recursion

The problem must be written in recursive form. There must be a stopping condition.
There must be a terminating condition for the problem which we want to solve with
Recursion. This condition is called the base case for that problem.

Disadvantages of using Recursion

 It consumes more storage space because the recursive calls along with local
variables are stored on the stack.
 It is less efficient in terms of speed and execution time.

Factorial of a Number Using Recursion

1. Test if n<=0. If so, return 1.
2. If not, then call the factorial algorithm with n–1 and multiply the result by n and return
that value.


def factorial(x):
if x==1:
return 1
return x*factorial(x-1)
print ("factorial of 5 is", f)

Program to calculate ab

def Power(a,b):
if b==0:
return 1
return a*Power(a,b-1)

Fibonacci numbers Using Recursion

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233,
Fib (n)
1. If n=1or n=2,then
2. return 1
3. else
4. a=Fib(n-1)
5. b=Fib(n-2)
6. return a+b

def fib(n):
if n<=1:
return n
return (fib(n-1)+fib(n-2))
if nterms<=0:
print("Plese enterapositive integer")
print("Fibonacci sequence:")
for i in range(nterms):
print (fib(i))

Binary Search Using Recursion
1 .Find the midpoint of the array; this will be the element at arr[size/2]. The midpoint
divides the array into two smaller arrays: lower half and upperhalf
2. Compare key to arr[midpoint] by calling the user function cmp_proc.
3. If the key is a match, return arr[midpoint]; otherwise
4. If the array consists of only one element return NULL, indicating that there is no
match; otherwise
5. If the key is less than the value extracted from arr[midpoint] search the lower half of
the array by recursively calling search; otherwise
6. Search the upper half of the array by recursively calling search.

Binary Search Using Recursion


def binary_search (list, low, high, Val) :

if (high<low):
return None
else :
midval = (low+high)//2 # OR midval= low + (high-low)//2

#compare the search item with middle most value

if list[midval] > Val :
return binary_search(list, low, midval -1, Val)
elif list [midval]<Val:
return binary_search(list, midval+1, high , Val )
return (midval+1)
list1 =[5,11,22,36,99,101]
print (list1)
n=int(input("Enter the item to be searched for"))
if pos==None :
print ("Number does not exist")
print ("Number exist at location ",pos)

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