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Theoretical Lens

Adaptation Model of Nursing

To develop an understanding of the live experiences of Nurses during coved-19

pandemic, the study will utilize the Adaptation Model of Nursing by Callista Roy and

Caring as Unending Expression of Nursing (or CUEN Theory) by Joel Rey U. Acob.

According to Adaptation Model of Nursing the goal of nursing is to adapt the

sudden change of the environment during the pandemic. It also considers the concept

of a system as applied to an individual with a holistic view, Roy conceptualizes the

person. In order to shape a single being, individual aspects of components function

together. In addition, individuals are in continuous contact with their surroundings this

helps to the nurses to understand the current situation. Adaptation plays a very

important role on how would they adapt on the environment and how can they deal with

patients. It also help the nurses to assess the patient’s behaviors for adaptation,

promote positive adaptation by enhancing the environment interactions and helping

patients to react positively. Also, Adaptation theory also used in conscious awareness

that could help the nurses. Using the adaptation model of nursing the nurse will be able

to adapt and can able to adjust to the sudden change of the environment as the coved-

19 pandemic rises and nurses to provide clinical assistance to preparation for

management techniques in the shortest possible period. Improving the capacity of

nurses to manage feelings and efficiently deal with them and provide a good protection

and prevention. (Gonzalo, 2019)

Through, the help of Callista Roy’s theory, the researcher, in this study can

facilitate the flow of information when gathering necessary data for the purposes of

exploring the lived experiences of the healthcare providers who are applying the

adaptation model of nursing in action, considering the basic reason that this theory is

fundamental in and emphasizes the need to recognized nurses to adapt and adjust the

changes on the experiences of the nurses.

Caring as Unending Expression of Nursing

According to CUEN Theory is emerged to described clinical nursing practice as

basis to knowledge development of the discipline. Caring as an unending expression of

nursing holds true this very time of trials. CUEN theory of nursing as anchored in

(Boykin & Schoenhofer, 2001) as caring describes nursing profession dedicated to

working with care, and compassion committed to helping the nurse and significant

others in the spirit of caring (Acob, 2020). Unending Language of caring beyond nurse

with the nursed that is identified to grow and live in a caring relationship (Acob, 2018).

CUEN theory believes a person is a dignified being lives grows in a caring environment.

In this Covid-19 crisis, may the health workers recognize people, not as an object of

care, but co equal participant in service. Nursing practice that focuses on persons

through healing

used compassionate way central to the day-to-day experience of the nurse to nursed

relationship. (Acob, 2018)

Through the help of Cuen Theory, the researchers, in this study can facilitate the

flow of information when gathering necessary data of the healthcare providers who are

using this theory. The practice of CUEN becomes evident when the nurse

acknowledges herself as tool for caring; communicates properly in a manner so that it

transpired in the nursing situation. The complete execution of the recognized

intervention will come to play thus creating nursing situation.

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