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Revolutionary Change: The Impact of Technological Advancement on Present Lifestyle of


Submitted by:

Tamba, Jan Arvie P.

Padilla, Kate Annedre

Mastrili, Iverson

Fabi, Jullian

Dalusong, Jun Nathaniel


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Table of Contents

Introduction/Background of the Study

Research Problem

Research Objectives

Conceptual Framework

Assumptions or Hypothesis

Significance of the Study

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

Operational Definition of Terms

References (APA Style)

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Chapter 1

Introduction/Background of the Study

In the present world, we are living in the era of advanced technology. Every part of our daily life is
related to technology in one or other way. When compared with olden days, we are having better facilities
and even better luxuries with the help of increased technology. The development of technology is not
confined to any one sector and all the industries and different sectors of society are developing new
technologies according to their needs and requirements. Technology has already been widespread in our
current society, from children of 3 years of age, up to adults 70 years old. The electrical devices or
“gadgets” have been continuously updated and innovated. Thanks to the innovative minds of the
manufacturers, the latest smartphones can do almost anything what a consumer would like to do with
his/her phone. Most of these consumers are mostly teenagers. These people would like to keep up with
the trend and become as close to as what is currently popular in the market. People are being more and
more advanced as the technology advances. The way they are thinking, they are advanced thinkers. In this
era, almost everything is related to electronics. So having a useful gadget is very useful for their everyday
lives. This will give them access to the latest happenings in the society. While this is progressing and
being innovative, the user is being progressive as well. This shows that these have good effects. But
solely dependent on electronics is one thing that makes the advancement of electronics bad. In the future,
given the continuous upgrades and innovations of the current electronics, we could say that there will
come a time when people don’t need to do work anymore. This will cause laziness and abusive mental
states. Because of this, people who are the ones using gadgets everyday are more affected by these
gadgets. There may be good and bad effects, effects to their social life, to their educational life and their
own mental state. One problem is the way that these gadgets are addictive.

A person who is addicted to gadgets will most likely spend most of their time staring and tapping at the
screen of their phone. But this study will not focus only on phones; this will include all types of
electronics including computers. Knowing the fact that most of the teenagers are using gadgets in the 21 st
century, it affects them in their everyday lives. Example is how they socialize in the community. They
may be social in social media but they may be anti-social in person. Also the advancement in technology
can make or destroy their futures. They can become abusive, either consciously or unconsciously. When a
new type of technology is invented, people will start to patronize it. Then it will start to become trendy.
Many teens would start to want the new technology. This advanced technology could benefit a teenager,

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for example, educational purposes. Advanced technology could create an internet connection which can
give easy access to teenagers for their education. But let us not forget that if it has good effects, it should
also have some bad effects. One of these is addiction. A teenager who is addicted to latest technology can
become distracted and become less focused in his/her studies. For grownups though, they tend to be better
at decision makings. Given their life experiences, they may decide what is better to do at the current
moment. For example, they can decide if they should spend their time using electronics or do something
else. Also, adults are not that easily addicted or hooked to electronics compared to teenagers.
Advancement of technology to everyone can be either good or bad. It will always give an effect. But it
depends on how the person will use the advancement, if he or she will make use of it to be productive or
the opposite.

As technology is rapidly advancing, there should be positive and negative effects to teenagers, who are
the subjects in this research study. Pornography, Cyber bullying and other types of illegal activities can be
done online and there is no law that can actually regulate the uses of this websites to people, which means
everyone, by everyone we mean kids, teenagers and adults, have access to these type of malicious

There are many other good and bad effects of advanced technology to people, and technology is like a
coin which has both positive and negative sides. We are the deciders and we have to choose how to use it.
The usage of technology for over exploitation of resources should be always avoided. If we use it for
positive things, it will have positive effect of our lives and vice versa. Nobody would oppose the
development of technologies in any sector but the developments should be in a positive way and they
should not have any negative impact on present or future generations. What about the people who cannot
keep up with the advancements of technology? What will happen to them? If they would be left out,
wouldn’t they become lagging in the current society? This study will try to answer these types of
questions and try to enumerate the possible effects of advancement of technology to teenagers.

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Research Problem

In the current society, almost everything is connected to technology. Since the dawn of time humans have
been innovating stuffs to make our life worth living, and easy. But these new advance technologies that
companies brought up to us almost every day, it results to a large scale or small scale effect on the present
lifestyle of humans, these technologies may or may not benefit the people. We will try to search for the
effects, outcomes, and benefits of it to the people in order to make use of the answers as basis for what a
responsible user, and manufacturer should take note in making and using these technologies. We would
like to find the answer to the question: “What are the impacts of technological advancement on the
present lifestyle of humans?”

Research Objectives

Specifically, the research objectives included the following:

1. To know the effects of the advancement of technology to the mental ability and state of
a person.

2. To provide an answer on how can the advancement of technology affects the behavior
and thinking of humans, and what can we do about it.

3. To consistently find an answer and solution to the impacts of advancement of


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Conceptual Framework

Technological advancement and its impact on present lifestyle of Humans

Different impacts of technological Advancement

The positive impact of technological The negative impact of

advancement technological advancement

● It makes substantial contribution on the ● Technological advancement leads us to

factors of production. loss of moral responsibility.

● Helps the humans interact faster, raise ● Consequently forgetting one’s traditions
the standard of their life, and many more. and culture.

●Moreover, it helps people to attain more ● Humans rely on technology to do their

information, and higher education. work too much.

● It creates more jobs as new careers ● On the contrary, the number of jobs
prospect is created with the use of decreases as computers and machines
technology. replace humans.

●Help increases the average life ● As humans needed a quick way to eat,
expectancy of humanity and lengthens our preservatives and chemicals are added to
foods that brings health problems to
lives. people.

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Figure 2. The impact of technological advancement to humans

The advancement of technology has been exceptionally fast in the 20 th and 21st century, this revolutionary
innovation of technology drastically changed the present lifestyle of humans. Every sector has benefitted
with the development in technology, whether it is education, creation of jobs, improvement of quality of
life, in the field of medicine, and the faster way of production. the growth of technology has boomed
every segment of the world. And, surely everyone is taking advantage of it. People are going gaga with
every new enhancement. However, these developments surely have a loophole. And, technology does
have a negative impact too. Some of these has a great effect to our heritage or to our culture, people
seems to forget where they came from, or what are their traditions before the advancement of technology
replace them. Moreover, people also rely too much on technology nowadays, we don’t know how to limit
ourselves from using these things that it results to changes in our behavior like we became more lazy, and
procastinate even more. Lastly, people also doesn’t care about their health anymore, and to their
responsibility as they think that technology can solve anything. But still, its humanity’s choice on whether
the advancement of technology will be used for positive or negative outcomes.

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- If the humans know how to appropriately used the newly advance technology that we all have as of now, and then we don’t need to set
protocols, limitations, or rules on how a technology should be use.

- The more the technology comes in handy because of its advancement, the more it will improve our quality of life.

- The more the technology constantly become farther than the current advancement, the more the people become lazy, disgruntled, and
dependable on technology.

Research Type Descriptive Research, Ex-Post Facto Research,

Quasi-Experimental/Casual-Comparative Research.

Research Title Revolutionary Change: The impact of technological advancement on present lifestyle of

Null Hypothesis Technological advancement will not improve the present lifestyle of Humans.

Null Hypothesis Technological advancement will not affect the present

(Non-Directional) lifestyle of Humans.

Alternative Hypothesis Technological advancement will improve the lifestyle of Humans.


Alternative Hypothesis Technological advancement will affect the lifestyle of Humans.


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Significance of the Study

In this generation of ours, advance technology is a must or in demand in our society especially to
work and to school. For example, the machines that are used in factories to make the production of
goods faster, and the smart phones that are used to communicate with other people and also for
entertainment, just to name a few. But little did we know that advance technology at some point has
negative and positive effects on us. Here we don't want to settle on just one situation but rather we
want to see both sides of the problem/situation. The positive effects of this in our lives is that advance
technology helps us in so many ways it also becomes our right hand in our work, school and in our
daily life, advance technology makes our life easier. It helps us to communicate to others and voice
out our opinions through the use of social media which is also a result of advance technology. While
on the other hand, the negative effects of it is that at some point in our lives advance technology is
somewhat somehow, is making us dumb or making us a lazy person. Because we tend to rely or
depend on it too much that we often forgot how to sit manually or do it in the traditional way. We also
often forgot how to talk, communicate to others in person because we are always on our phones doing
snapchats, chatting to others on messenger and playing games in our personal computer. This is
actually bad for our health because even though advance technology is helping in different ways, it is
also the cause why some people do not know what to do in some situations when technology does not
work anymore for some kind of reason. That is why we want to open the eyes of people that advance
technology can be fair and unfair depending on how you handle it.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This study is about how the advancement and new technologies affects and changed the
twenty first century people’s lives. The objective of this study is to make people to be
oriented or well-informed when it comes in the effects of the advancement of it. As the time

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pass by electronic and gadgets continuously updating and innovating that make us people
wants to be updated and keep up with a trend and what’s new. Technology greatly affects and
changed the way we live in this world even the way we work example in the farm, farmers
these days are using technology to plant and harvest crops and plants, technology also help us
to communicate with people that far away from us thanks to the inventors of cellular phones
and as the year passes inventors continuously inventing innovated phones that has the better
features. But even technology has the positive effects, it also have negative example when
this electronics will continuously upgrading and advancing, in the future people will realize
that they do not have to work anymore because technology will do the rest of the work for
them and it will cause to laziness, next is the addiction and the behavior or the mental state of
the people especially the youngsters, teenagers nowadays can’t spend a day without touching
or using their phone, they can’t just stop staring and tapping on the screen of it and
unconsciously make the user get addicted to it, and addiction can affects the behavior of the
teenagers they become irritated when it comes in small things example when there is no
service that available in the area, when the battery of their phone has died and etc., and the
time that they spend in the gadgets is also a problem they spend more time in phones and
computers than family, school, friends and other business. Even the social life of the person
can affected by the technology example is how they socialize with people and community,
there are people that is not used to fit with society or do not like physical interactions with
people so they will rely on social media to communicate and socialize, but if this style of
socializing keeps goes on they will spend their life as a “shut in” and they will spend more
time than virtual world than real world. Gadgets can also destroy the youth’s future when
they become abusive to it. This study focuses on how the technology greatly affects the
people’s lives and this study covers the whole humanity that always relies on technology.

Operational Definition of Terms

 Positive Impact – Fully assured that technological advancement will have a good effect or
result to humanity.
 Negative Impact – A negative result of the advancement of technology to humanity.
 Factors of Production – There are four factors of production – the land, capital, labor, and
organization. With the use of technology, the movement of the production will be much
 Career Prospect – A higher possibility that someone can find a desirable job.

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 Loss of Moral Responsibility – The obligation of people and their responsibility for what they

List of References

Tajane, T. (2017, July 21). Techzoom. Technological Advancements & Its Impact On Present Lifestyle.
Retrieved from

Parker, C. (2015, April 15). The advancement of new technology. Positive or negative. Retrieve from

Le, T. (2015, May 21). Quantitative Research Questions and Hypotheses. Retrieve from

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Kowalczyk, D. (2015, February 3). Formulating the Research Hypothesis and Null Hypothesis.
Retrieve from

Alert, D. (2013, September 10). Positive & Negative Effects Of Technology On Our Lives. Retrieve

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