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OGL 300- Module 5: Paper 2 1

OGL 300- Module 5: Paper 2

Tiffany Smith

Arizona State University

OGL 300- Module 5: Paper 2 2

Describe in Detail: Transformational Leadership

Transformational leadership is one of the more popular approaches to leadership, which

has been studied and researched since the early 1980’s (Northouse, 2019). Transformational

leadership is, “a process that changes and transforms people” (Northouse, 2019). There are

multiple approaches within the transformational leadership theory, which include the Bass and

Riggio’s, the Bennis and Nanus’, and finally the Bouzes and Posner’s approaches. The Bass and

Riggio transformational leadership approach

The Bennis and Nanus approach was founded through a process of asking basic

questions to leaders, such as, “What are your strengths and weaknesses? What were the critical

points in your career?”(Northouse, 2019, p175). Through this process, both Bennis and Nanus

were able to determine four strategies used within leadership that helped to transform

organizations. These four strategies that transforming leaders possessed were: 1. Vision 2.

Social Architects 3. Trust and 4. Creative Deployment of Self(Northouse, 2019, p175). Having a

clear vision meant empowerment, as each individual within the group knew where they fit into

the organization. Next was Social Architects for the organization, which means “they created a

shape or form for the shared meanings people maintained within their organizations”

(Northouse, 2019, p175). This means that the leaders connected with their followers and

transformed the organization’s norms and values. Third was that transforming leaders created

trust. Trust is compared to being reliable or even predictable by Bennis and Nanus within the

text, leaders build trust by guiding followers in a direction, even when the overall goal may

include uncertainty. And Finally, the fourth and final step in the processes of the Bennis and
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Nanus approach to transformational leadership is through leaders using creative deployment of

self. This gives leaders the opportunity to express their strengths rather than focusing on their

weaknesses. This approach helped leaders to have a high positive self-regard and due to that,

positive self-regard, followers gained more confidence within themselves.

The Third and final approach within transformational leadership came from the Kouzes

and Posner approach. This approach was also found through questions asked directly to

leaders, but this time it was through private interviews in which the leader was asked to

describe their “personal best” experiences as a leader(Northouse, 2019, p176). Through this

research, five fundamental practices emerged which are as follows; Model the way, Inspire a

shared vision, Challenge the process, Enable others to act, and Encourage the heart. Model the

way is explained within its title. As leaders set the example through behaviors, actions,

commitments they are able to fulfill the first practice of the Kouzes and Posner model. Second

is to Inspire a shared vision. Leaders are “able to visualize positive outcomes in the future and

communicate them to others” (Northouse, 2019, p176). Leaders practicing this step are also

able to help followers realize their dreams. Next is to “Challenge the process”, which includes

“being willing to innovate, grow, and improve”(Northouse, 2019, p177). This is done through

experimenting and trying new ways, as well as taking risks and learning along the way. The

fourth step in the Kouzes and Posner process is Enabling others to act. Just as it’s title states,

this step allows followers to make decisions in which leaders will support those choices. The

environment around this is one that allows all to “feel good about their work and how it

contributes to the greater community” (Northouse, 2019, p177). Finally, to “Encourage the
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heart” is to recognize followers for their accomplishments, and give praise and recognition for a

job well done.

This approach allows for all leaders and followers to practice, it does not discriminate

against personality, and there is no “special ability” required. The focus of the Kouzes and

Posner model is behaviors, instead of traits. Not only does it focus on the behaviors of the

leaders, but this approach includes the behaviors of the followers.

Describe in Detail: Authentic Leadership

Authentic Leadership is one of the newer leadership theories within leadership

research. The focus of Authentic leadership is, “whether leadership is genuine and real”

(Northouse, 2019, p197). The world we live in has made people feel anxious and afraid, which

has created a reaction to wanting and needing leaders who are “honest and good”(Northouse,

2019, p198), or in other words, AUTHENTIC. Unlike the transformational leadership theory,

which focuses on behaviors, the authentic leadership theory is focused on characteristics of

authentic leaders.

Bill George came up with five characteristics that authentic leaders demonstrate.

George researched authentic leadership through personal experience as a corporate executive.

He did this through interviews with 125 diverse and successful leaders(Northouse, 2019, p200).

The first characteristic that leaders expressed was having a strong sense of Purpose. George

described leaders as “knowing what they are about and where they are going”(Northouse,

2019, p200).This characteristic was also related to Passion, which includes the leader truly

caring about their work. The second characteristic is to “have strong values about the right

thing to do”. This characteristic is expressed through leaders knowing who they are, where they
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are going, and what the right thing is to do(Northouse, 2019, p201). Values and Behaviors are

intertwined and work together to strengthen a leader. Third is focused on Relationships and

how authentic leaders create a Connection with others, as they expose their own story and

listen to others’. The fourth characteristic is Self-Discipline which is a key factor in helping

authentic leaders reach their goals. Self-Discipline requires one to stay focused and Consistent.

Finally, Compassion and Heart allows for an authentic leader to be willing to help followers

along with recognizing situations where sensitivity is required. A leader that practices and

displays these five dimensions of leadership, are an example of how, what, and who an

authentic leader should be. This leadership approach is developed over a lifetime, through life

experience and an individual's life story(Northouse, 2019, p202)

Comparison and a Contrast

Both transformational leadership and authentic leadership have differences and

similarities to each approach. The main focus of transformational leadership is behaviors, while

authentic leadership is more concerned with characteristics within leadership. Authentic

leadership is still in “the newer areas of leadership research”(Northouse, 2019, p197) with

studies and research still going on to understand this theory, with the possibility of changes

being made as new analysis is conducted. While authentic leadership is still within its younger

stages of development, the transformational leadership theory has been researched and

studied for a longer period of time. Robert House published a book in 1976 about the theory of

charismatic leadership, which is typically described in similar ways with transformational

leadership(Northouse, 2019, p167), these studies were used throughout the development of

the transformational leadership theory. Transformational leadership focuses on transforming

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and leading people to change along with transforming results and organizations. This theory, to

me, seems as more focused on the outward, with hopes of changes and transformations.

Authentic leadership is concerned with the actual leader, their values, genuinity, and visions.

This theory is more focused on the inward of the leader, with hopes of helping followers

becoming more authentic and effective. I do feel like both leadership styles are subject to

interpretation, meaning one person might feel as though they are fulfilling the requirements to

be an authentic or transformational leader, while somebody else feels differently of that

person’s leadership style. Both theories are vague but have similar end goals of helping

followers to change and become better.


An example of a leader who demonstrated transformational leadership qualities was

Walt Disney. Walt faced different hardships throughout his life that taught him some very

important lessons, and helped shape him into the leader he would become. At the young age of

nine years old, Disney would wake up with his brother everyday at 3:30am to load and deliver

newspapers, and would leave school a half hour early for his afternoon route("Walt Disney – A

Transformational and Charismatic Leader", 2017). This was extremely difficult for him, and he

would contemplate on his lost childhood, but in the future would give him the “opportunity” to

be a “kid again” through the creation of Disney Inc. Claiming bankruptcy and unable to keep his

business afloat at the age of 21, Walt and his brother, Roy, began Disney Brothers Studio in Los

Angeles("Walt Disney – A Transformational and Charismatic Leader", 2017). Walt was a

charismatic person, and an “excellent communicator who had a clear vision of what he wanted

to achieve and the drive and determination to realize his vision”("Walt Disney – A
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Transformational and Charismatic Leader", 2017). This was the start to Walt’s growth into a

leader, specifically a transformational leader. He expected change, change within himself,

change within those he was leading, and change within the organization he was bringing to life.

As he brought on more employees to his company, Walt would inspire his followers, and the

followers would go above and beyond expectations("Walt Disney – A Transformational and

Charismatic Leader", 2017). Walt Disney is the perfect example of a Transformational leader

because he changed and transformed people.

A great example to me, of an authentic leader, is someone who I know on a more

personal level than Walt Disney, her name is Dawn Heath. Dawn is one of the most authentic

leaders I have ever met. I met Dawn through my church organization, in which she would later

become one of my youth leaders. This is where I got to personally know Dawn and all of her

wonderful qualities. She is honest and good, and when she said she wanted the best for

someone, she really meant she wanted the absolute best for someone. Many of Dawn’s

characteristics came from personal experiences, which nurtured her into an authentic

leader(Northouse, 2019, p198). She conveyed most, if not all, of Bill George’s five basic

characteristics of an authentic leader, Specifically Heart and Values. Dawn is someone who

“knows her True North”(Northouse, 2019, p201) and does not waiver in her ways. I am grateful

to know Dawn, and for her example of authentic leadership and how it should be approached

and exemplified.


An experience that I can specifically identify and recall, was when I first started working

at Starbucks. I remember feeling overwhelmed and frustrated many times while trying to grasp
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new concepts in a foreign workplace. Not only was I personally struggling with my new

workload, but our store was experiencing many changes in new employees and management.

After a couple months passed by, I came to realize the store I was placed at, was not succeeding

like it was expected to be, but I didn’t know that at the beginning because I thought the things

going on around me were “normal”. Now, today, one year later, things have improved

drastically. The changes my store has experienced were due to a new district manager being

brought in, who is a wonderful example of a transformational leader. He has taught us how to

make changes, but then allowed each and every employee to help in the process of improving

our store. I think this has personally helped me to develop more into a leader because I have

been a part of this change. I have seen and experienced what a negative situation can turn into,

with the guidance of a transformational leader.

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Northouse, Peter (2019) Leadership: Theory and Practice, PERUSALL Edition

Walt Disney – A Transformational and Charismatic Leader. (2017, June 4). Retrieved February

18, 2020, from


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