Retrofit Android Example (Step by Step)

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Retrofit Android Example [Step By Step]

Retrofit is a REST Client for Java and Android. It makes it relatively easy to retrieve and
upload JSON (or other structured data) via a REST based webservice. In Retrofit you
configure which converter is used for the data serialization. Typically for JSON you use
GSon, but you can add custom converters to process XML or other protocols. Retrofit uses
the OkHttp library for HTTP requests.

Advantages of Android Retrofit

● Retrofit is dead-simple to use. It essentially lets you treat API calls as simple Java
method calls, so you only define which URLs to hit and the types of the
request/response parameters as Java classes.
● The entire network call + JSON/XML parsing is completely handled by it (with
help from Gson for JSON parsing), along with support for arbitrary formats with
pluggable serialization/deserialization.

Android Retrofit Speed

Compare with Volley and AsyncTask, Retrofit providing the very fast response to the
5 step to create retrofit android example
1. Add the retrofit dependency
2. Creating Model Class
3. Create The Retrofit Instance
4. Setting Up The Retrofit Interface
5. Consume The REST Web Service
6. Set Retrofit response data into the Recyclerview

1. Add the retrofit dependency

Firstly, Add Internet Permission to your Application in AndroidManifest.xml,

<uses-permission android:​name​="​ android.permission.INTERNET"​/>

Then, We have to add the retrofit dependency into our build.grade(app : level) file. We can
find the latest retrofit version in the official retrofit website. ​

implementation ​'com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit:(insert latest version)'

And the GSON converter from retrofit used to convert the JSON response from the server.

implementation ​'com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-gson:latest.version'

2. Creating Model Class

Before creating the model, we need to know what type of response we will be receiving.

"id":​"1"​, "image":​""​,
"title":​"Terminator 2: Judgment Day 3D"
"id":​"3"​, "image":​""​,
"id":​"4"​, "image":​""​,
"title":​"The Salesman"
"id":​"5"​, "image":​""​,

In my JSON response, I am having the list of movies with name, year and director properties.
So, My Model class will be like Movie as class name and name, year, director are properties.

class Movie {

private ​String​ title;

private ​String​ imageUrl;

public Movie(​String​ title, ​String​ imageUrl) {

this.title = title;
this.imageUrl = imageUrl;

public ​String​ getTitle() {

return title;

public ​void​ setTitle(​String​ title) {

this.title = title;
public ​String​ getImageUrl() {
return imageUrl;

public ​void​ setImageUrl(​String​ imageUrl) {

this.imageUrl = imageUrl;

@SerializedName​ is used to map the POJO object into to JSON response properties.

3.Create The Retrofit Instance

We need to create the Retrofit instance to send the network requests. we need to use the
Retrofit Builder class and specify the base URL for the service.

public class ​ApiClient​ {

public static String BASE_URL =​""​;
private static Retrofit retrofit;
public static Retrofit getClient(){
if(retrofit == ​null​){
retrofit = new ​Retrofit​.Builder()
return retrofit;

4.Setting Up The Retrofit Interface

Retrofit provides the list of annotations for each HTTP methods:


The endpoints are defined inside of an interface using retrofit annotations to encode details
about the parameters and request method. T return value is always a parameterized Call<T>.

Because the POJO classes are wrapped into a typed Retrofit Call class.

Method Parameters :

@Body​ – Sends Java objects as the request body.

@Url​ – use dynamic URLs.

@Query – We can simply add a method parameter with @Query() and a query parameter
name, describing the type.

To URL encode a query using the form:

@Query​(value = “auth_token”,encoded = true) String auth_token

public​ interface ​ApiInterface {

Call<List<Movie>> getMovies();

5.Consume The REST Web Service

All the setup are done. Now we are ready to consume the REST web service. In Our
MainActivity.Java, First, need to initialize the ApiClient.

ApiInterface apiService​ = ApiClient.getClient().create(ApiInterface.class);

After the initialization, we to call the getMovies() interface and implement the CallBacks.
Part of the Implementation we need to override the onResponse() and onFailure().
If the request succeeds the callback will come into onResponse(). If any error in the request
the callback will go into onFailure() method. In onResponse() method, we can get our
response from response body.

ApiInterface apiService = ApiClient.getClient().create(ApiInterface.class);

Call​<​List​<Movie>> ​call​ = apiService.getMovies();
call​.enqueue(new Callback<​List​<Movie>>() {
public void onResponse(​Call​<​List​<Movie>> ​call​, Response<​List​<Movie>> response) {

public void onFailure(​Call​<​List​<Movie>> ​call​, Throwable t) {
​Log​.d(​"TAG"​,​"Response = "​+t.​toString​());
Now our data is received in onReceive() . We can use the data for our application purpose. In
this example, I am using this retrofit data to setup in recyclerview.

6.Set Retrofit response data into the Recyclerview

set the received response into recyclerview.

RecyclerView recyclerView = findViewById(;

LinearLayoutManager layoutManager = new
recyclerAdapter = new

ApiInterface apiService =
Call<List<Movie>> call = apiService.getMovies();

call.enqueue(new Callback<List<Movie>>() {
public void onResponse(Call<List<Movie>> call,
Response​<List<Movie>> ​response​) {
movieList = ​response​.body();
​Log​.d(​"TAG"​,​"Response = "​+movieList);

public void onFailure(Call<List<Movie>> call, Throwable t) {
​Log​.d(​"TAG"​,​"Response = "​+t.toString());

That's with the coding part. final output,

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