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Student Name: Justin Harp

Date: 09/02/18

Portfolio Artifact Description: Using tools for drawing that is readily available to most people

to make an imitation of a dream home from the perspective of a home builder

What I learned: I learned that I honestly can’t see myself as having a family anytime soon or

even when I die. I honestly thought about it for a long time what I wanted in my dream home but

could not come up with anything more than the bare necessities. I looked at the examples

presented then I also looked at the instructions and I’m just confused because why would the

teacher pick these as examples. All of them had superfluous details such as furniture that teacher

asked especially not to include. I spent a longer time looking at other model plans compared to

making it. My dream home model plan looks bare bones but that’s because I was asked not to

include furniture. This honestly taught me that I only look at the present and that I have not been

looking towards the future. I should really visit an academic counselor since I have not ever

since I came here. I should also broaden my horizons and see what I need or want to have or

have accomplished in the future. As this is also the third and hardest part of the drawing

assignment I feel I have learned and utilized most of the tools I would need for my teacher

career. I also had to learn how to look and see what the house model plans were and had to look

for what it was and how to design it and it’s appearance.

ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for STUDENTS: (NETS)*S Addressed:

Standard # 3 3a: Student plans and employ effective research strategies to locate information and

other resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits.

Application of Skills Learned for the Future: When I was a high school student I was

wandering aimlessly and still am. I want to teach my students what the future could possibly

hold for them and give them goals to strive for further in the future. If we were doing well in

class and we had all the time I would have a mock career day and ask for the counselor’s help or

ask them to seek a counselor and see how they could fill up their time with something more

rewarding. Also if I was doing a history class I would make them construct a city and have to do

a assignment similar to this one where they have to make the city’s government and also put on

top of the government buildings their description and to know their city map or how to read one

similar to how I had to learn to do model plans for houses.

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