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Unit of Competency:

Module Title:


Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

Santiago City

Installing and
1. Install and Configure ELC724331
Configuring computer
Computer Systems
2. Setting-up Computer ELC724332
Set-up Computer Networks
3. Setting-up Computer ELC724333
Set-up Computer Servers
Maintaining and
4. Maintain and Repair Computer ELC724334
Repairing Computer
Systems and Networks
Systems and Networks

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Welcome to the Module “Installing & Configuring Computer
System”. This module contains training materials and activities for you to

The unit of competency “Install & Configure Computer Systems”

contains knowledge, skills and attitudes required for a Computer System
Servicing NC II course.

You are required to go through a series of learning activities in order

to complete each of the learning outcomes of the module. In each learning
outcome there are Information Sheets, Operation Sheets, and Activity
Sheets. Follow these activities on your own and answer the Self-Check at
the end of each learning activity.

If you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask your trainer for assistance.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

You may already have some of the knowledge and skills covered in
this module because you have:
o been working for some time
o already have completed training in this area.

If you can demonstrate to your teacher that you are competent in a

particular skill or skills, talk to him/her about having them formally
recognized so you don’t have to do he same training again. If you have a
qualification or Certificate of Competency from previous trainings show it to
your teacher. If the skills you acquired are still current and relevant to this
module, they may become part of the evidence you can present for RPL. If
you are not sure about the currency of your skills, discuss it with your

After completing this module ask your teacher to assess your

competency. Result of your assessment will be recorded in your competency
profile. All the learning activities are designed for you to complete at your
own pace.

Inside this module you will find the activities for you to complete
followed by relevant information sheets for each learning outcome. Each
learning outcome may have more than one learning activity.

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Install and Configure Computer Systems
MODULE TITLE Installing and Configuring Computer Systems

This unit covers the outcomes required in installing and configuring desktop and
workstation computers systems. It consists of competencies to assemble computer
hardware, install operating system and drivers for peripherals/devices, and install
application software as well as to conduct testing and documentation.

1. Assemble computer hardware
2. Prepare installer
3. Install operating system and drivers for peripherals/ devices
4. Install application software
5. Conduct testing and documentation

1. Unit assembly is planned and prepared to ensure OH&S policies and
procedures are followed in accordance with systems requirements
2. Materials necessary to complete the work are identified and obtained in
accordance with established procedures and checked against systems
3. Tools, equipment and testing devices needed to carry out the installation
work are obtained in accordance with established procedures and checked
for correct operation and safety
4. Computer hardware is assembled in accordance with established
procedures and systems requirements
5. Basic-input-output-system (BIOS) configuration is performed in accordance
with hardware requirements.
6. Portable bootable devices are created in accordance with software
manufacturer instruction.
7. Customized installers are prepared in accordance with software utilization
guide and end user agreement.
8. Installation of portable applications are carried out in accordance with
software user guide and software license
9. Operating system (OS) is installed in accordance with established
installation procedures and to comply with end-user requirements
10. Peripherals/devices drivers are installed and configured in accordance with
manufacturer’s instructions and/or OS installation procedures.
11. OS and drivers updates/patches are accessed and installed in accordance
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with manufacturer’s recommendations and requirements
12. On-going checks of the quality of the work are undertaken in accordance
with established procedures
13. Application software are installed based on software installation guides,
end-user requirements and software license agreement
14. Variation to application software installation is carried out in accordance to
customer/client requirements
15. Software updates are accessed and installed in accordance with
manufacturer’s recommendations and requirements
16. Devices / systems and/or installation is tested to determine whether it
conforms to requirements.
17. Stress test is conducted to ensure reliability of equipment in accordance
with manufacturer’s instructions and system requirements.
18. 5S and 3Rs are followed according to environmental policies.
19. Documentation in relation to the test is forwarded to appropriate personnel
and/or authority in accordance with requirements.
PREREQUISITE: Operate Personal Computer

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1) Certification - is the process of verifying and validating the competencies of a

person through assessment
2) Certificate of Competency (COC) – is a certification issued to individuals who pass
the assessment for a single unit or cluster of units of competency
3) Common Competencies - are the skills and knowledge needed by all people working
in a particular industry
4) Competency - is the possession and application of knowledge, skills and attitudes to
perform work activities to the standard expected in the workplace
5) Competency Assessment - is the process of collecting evidence and making
judgments on whether competency has been achieved
6) Competency Standard (CS) - is the industry-determined specification of
competencies required for effective work performance
7) Context of Assessment - refers to the place where assessment is to be conducted or
carried out
8) Core Competencies - are the specific skills and knowledge needed in a particular
area of work - industry sector/occupation/job role
9) Critical aspects of competency - refers to the evidence that is essential for successful
performance of the unit of competency
10) Elective Competencies - are the additional skills and knowledge required by the
individual or enterprise for work
11) Elements - are the building blocks of a unit of competency. They describe in
outcome terms the functions that a person performs in the workplace.
12) Evidence Guide - is a component of the unit of competency that defines or identifies
the evidences required to determine the competence of the individual. It provides
information on critical aspects of competency, underpinning knowledge,
underpinning skills, resource implications, assessment method and context of
13) Level - refers to the category of skills and knowledge required to do a job
14) Method of Assessment - refers to the ways of collecting evidence and when,
evidence should be collected

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15) National Certificate (NC) – is a certification issued to individuals who achieve all
the required units of competency for a national qualification defined under the
Training Regulations. NCs are aligned to specific levels within the PTQF
16) Performance Criteria - are evaluative statements that specify what is to be
assessed and the required level of performance

17) Qualification - is a cluster of units of competencies that meets job roles and is
significant in the workplace. It is also a certification awarded to a person on
successful completion of a course in recognition of having demonstrated
competencies in an industry sector
18) Range of Variables - describes the circumstances or context in which the work is to
be performed
19) Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) – is the acknowledgement of an individual’s
skills, knowledge and attitudes gained from life and work experiences outside
registered training programs
20) Resource Implications - refers to the resources needed for the successful
performance of the work activity described in the unit of competency. It includes
work environment and conditions, materials, tools and equipment
21) Basic Competencies - are the skills and knowledge that everyone needs for work
22) Training Regulations (TR) – refers to the document promulgated and issued by
TESDA consisting of competency standards, national qualifications and training
guidelines for specific sectors/occupations. The TR serves as basis for establishment
of qualification and certification under the PTQF. It also serves as guide for
development of competency-based curricula and instructional materials including
registration of TVET programs offered by TVET providers
23) Underpinning Knowledge - refers to the competency that involves in applying
knowledge to perform work activities. It includes specific knowledge that is
essential to the performance of the competency
24) Underpinning Skills - refers to the list of the skills needed to achieve the elements
and performance criteria in the unit of competency. It includes generic and industry
specific skills
25) Unit of Competency – is a component of the competency standards stating a specific
key function or role in a particular job or occupation; it is the smallest component of
achievement that can be assessed and certified under the PTQF

1. Computer System - The complete computer made up of the CPU, memory and related
electronics (main cabinet), all the peripheral devices connected to it and its operating
system. Computer systems fall into two broad divisions: clients and servers. Client
machines fall into three categories from low to high end: laptop, desktop and
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workstation. Servers range from small to large: low-end servers, midrange servers and

2. Computer Network, or simply a Network, is a collection of computers and other

hardware interconnected by communication channels that allow sharing of resources
and information. Where at least one process in one device is able to send/receive data
to/from at least one process residing in a remote device, then the two devices are said to
be in a network. It is a group of devices connected to each other. Networks may be
classified into a wide variety of characteristics, such as the medium used to transport the
data, communications protocol used, scale, topology, benefit, and organizational scope.

3. Configuration - The makeup of a system. To "configure" is to choose options in order

to create a custom system. "Configurability" is a system's ability to be changed or

4. Connector - Any plug and socket that links two devices together. Although taken for
granted and rarely in the limelight, connectors are a huge industry, and the quality of
these components is more critical than most people would imagine. When not designed
or constructed properly, they often become the weakest element in an electronic system.

5. Display Adapter - A plug-in card in a desktop computer that converts the images
created in the computer to the electronic signals required by the monitor. It determines
the maximum resolution, refresh rate and number of colors that can be displayed, which
the monitor must also be able to support. On many PC motherboards, the display

adapter circuits are built into the chipset, and an AGP or PCI card is not required.

6. Expansion Board - A printed circuit board that plugs into an expansion slot and
extends the computer's capability to control a peripheral device. All the boards (cards)
that plug into a computer's bus are expansion boards, such as display adapters, disk

controllers, network adapters and sound cards.

7. Expansion Bus - An input/output bus typically comprised of a series of slots on the

motherboard. Expansion boards (cards) are plugged into the bus. ISA and PCI are the
common expansion buses in a PC.

8. Graphical User Interface - A graphics-based user interface that incorporates movable

windows, icons and a mouse. The ability to resize application windows and change
style and size of fonts are the significant advantages of a GUI vs. a character-based
interface. GUIs have become the standard way users interact with a computer, and the
major GUIs are the Windows and Mac interfaces along with Motif for Unix and the
GNOME and KDE interfaces for Linux.

9. LAN - a local area network (LAN) is a computer network that interconnects

computers in a limited area such as a home, school, computer laboratory, or office
building using network media. The defining characteristics of LANs, in contrast to wide

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area networks (WANs), include their usually higher data-transfer rates, smaller
geographic area, and lack of a need for leased telecommunication lines.

10. Motherboard - Also called the "system board," it is the main printed circuit board in an
electronic device, which contains sockets that accept additional boards. In a desktop
computer, the motherboard contains the CPU, chipset, PCI bus slots, AGP slot, memory
sockets and controller circuits for the keyboard, mouse, disks and printer. It may also
have built-in controllers for modem, sound, display and network, obviating the need to
plug in a card.

11. Networks – see Computer Network.

12. Operating System - The master control program that runs the computer. The first
program loaded when the computer is turned on, its main part, the "kernel," resides in
memory at all times. The operating system sets the standards for all application
programs that run in the computer. The applications "talk to" the operating system for
all user interfaces and file management operations.

13. Peripheral -Any hardware device connected to a computer, such as a monitor,

keyboard, printer, disk, tape, graphics tablet, scanner, joy stick, paddle or mouse

14. Server - A computer system in a network that is shared by multiple users. Servers come
in all sizes from x86-based PCs to IBM mainframes. A server may have a keyboard,
monitor and mouse directly attached, or one keyboard, monitor and mouse may connect
to any number of servers via a KVM switch. Servers may be also be accessed only
through a network connection as well.

15. Sound Card - Also called a "sound board" or "audio adapter," it is a computer
expansion board that records and plays back sound, providing inputs from a microphone
or other sound source and outputs to speakers or an external amplifier. The de facto
standard for sound card compatibility in PCs is Creative Labs' Sound Blaster.

16. User Interface - All graphics based today, the user interface includes the windows,
menus and method of interaction between you and the computer. Prior to the Mac,
Windows and Motif (UNIX) interfaces, all interaction was based on commands entered
by the user. Operating systems may support optional interfaces and allow a new shell,

or skin, to be used instead.

17. Virus - Software used to infect a computer. After the virus code is written, it is buried
within an existing program. Once that program is executed, the virus code is activated
and attaches copies of itself to other programs in the system. Infected programs copy
the virus to other programs.

18. WAN - a Wide Area Network (WAN) is a network that covers a broad area (i.e., any
telecommunications network that links across metropolitan, regional, or national
boundaries) using private or public network transports. Business and government
entities utilize WANs to relay data among employees, clients, buyers, and suppliers
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from various geographical locations. In essence, this mode of telecommunication allows
a business to effectively carry out its daily function regardless of location

19. WEEE Directives - the prevention of waste electrical and electronic equipment
(WEEE), and in addition, the reuse, recycling and other forms of recovery of such
wastes so as to reduce the disposal of waste. It also seeks to improve the environmental
performance of all operators involved in the life cycle of electrical and electronic
equipment, e.g. producers, distributors and consumers and in particular those operators
directly involved in the treatment of waste electrical and electronic equipment.
Additional Terms
 Active Hubs – amplify or boost signals

 Anti-Static – A product that prevents the build up of static electricity

 BIOS – Basic Input/Output System, chip that controls the most basic
functions of the computer and performs a self-test every time you turn
it on.
 Flash drive– RAM that can retain data without electrical power. It is
widely used for BIOS chips and for digital camera and digital music
 Graphic tablet – objects are drawn using a pen or a puck. The puck is
technically a tablet cursor, not a mouse.
 Goggles – A large spectacles, with shields around the rims, for
protecting the eyes from dust, excessive light, wind, etc.
 Hard-disk drive – is a storage device that stores billions of
characters of data on a nonremovable disk.
 Hardware- refers to the tangible (things you can touch) components
of a computer system. Hardware components are further divided into
three groups namely
 Host – any computer whether mainframe, server, or even PC that acts
as an information source on a network.

 Intelligent Hubs – select which path a specific signal will travel

 Joy Stick - a hand-held control stick that allows a player to
control the movements of a cursor on a computer screen or a symbol
in a video game .
 LAN Card – Local area network interface card.
 Laptop computer - A small, portable computer -- small enough that it
can sit on your lap.

 Local Area Network- the smallest of the three network types, consist
of PCs connected together within a limited area, such as within the
same building, floor or department.

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 Mainframe: A powerful multi-user computer capable of supporting
many hundreds or thousands of users simultaneously.

 Metropolitan Area Network – are network that spans no more than

50 miles. It is design to connect LANs spanning a town or city

 Minicomputer: A multi-user computer capable of supporting up to

hundreds of users simultaneously.

 Metropolitan Area Network – is a network that spans no more than

50 miles. It is design to connect LANs spanning a town or city
 Motherboard – contains the CPU, BIOS, Memory, mass storage
interfaces, serial and parallel ports, expansion slot and all the
controllers required to control standard peripheral devices such as the
display screen, keyboard and disk drive

 Modem - (Modulator-Demodulator) The modem is a device that

allows a given computer to share data or otherwise a device which let
computers exchange information
 Modular Hubs – are popular in networks because they are easily
expanded and always have management option. It is purchased as
chassis, or card cage, with multiple card slots, each of which accepts
a communication card, or module
 Multimedia - is the combination of different types of communication
media (sound, print, video, and so on)
 Multitester- is an instrument use to measure voltage, current and
 NIC – Network Interface Card – The PC expansion board that plug into
a personal computer or server and works with the network operating
system to control the flow of information over the network.
 Network – is a communications system connecting two or more
 Network Bridge – divides network into smaller, more manageable
sections helping reduce network traffic.
 Network Hub - a hardware device that all PCs on a network are
connected to by cabling. The hub manages receiving and transmitting
data from networked services.
 Network Server- is a powerful computer whose sole purpose is to
serve network clients.

 Network Switch – It helps determine how data moves over large


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 Notebook computer An extremely lightweight personal computer
that weighs weigh less than 6 pounds and are small enough to fit
easily in a briefcase.
 OHS – Occupational Health and Safety
 Operating System (Os) -software that controls the allocation and use
of programs and data that a computer uses.
 Passive Hubs – simply connects various cables

 Personal computer: A small, single-user computer based on a

 Port hub /Port – is a connector on the back of a computer or other
device. A port is either a serial port or a parallel port.
 Peers- mean any computer sharing the same protocol layer with
another computer.

 Protocol – refers to the specific standards governing the sending and

receiving of data.

 Repeater– a device that strengthen signals and allow then to stay

clear over longer distances.
 Printer - It is a piece of hardware that produces a paper copy (also
known as ‘hardcopy’) of the information generated by the computer.

 RAM – Random Access Memory, is a primary memory. This memory

is used inside the computer to hold programs and data while it is
 RJ 45 – is the connector plugged into the NIC ports on computers and
often connecting the main networking hardware together.
 Router – a device that forwards data packets between Local or Wide
Area Network groups.
 Scanner- it is an input device that read text or illustration printed on
paper, translates the information into a form that a computer can use.
 Server – is a part of a network. It is a special computer that users on
the network can asses to carry out a particular job.
 Software – programs and data that a computer uses.
 Software applications- enables you to perform specific tasks- solve
problems, perform work, or entertain yourself.
 Sound Device Driver Installer / Sound and Audio Devices – A
windows XP Control Panel applet, called Sounds, and Multimedia in
Windows 2000, for configuring the system’s sound card.
 Stackable Hubs – work just like standalone hubs, except that several
of them can be “stacked” (connected) together, usually by short
lengths of cable.

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 Standalone Hubs – are single products with a number of ports. It is
usually include some method of linking them to other standalone
hubs for network expansion.
 Static – The discharge of electricity between two objects with different
electrical potential

 Sub notebook computer - A portable computer that is slightly lighter

and smaller than a full-sized notebook computer. Typically, sub
notebook computers have a smaller keyboard and screen, but are
otherwise equivalent to notebook computers.
 UTP – (Unshielded Twisted Pair) least expensive and most popular
network media.
 USB – Universal Serial Bus, a hardware interface for low-speed
peripherals such as the keyboard, mouse, joystick, scanner, printer
and telephony devices.
 Video Camera - camera using videotape: a camera that records onto
 Wide Area Network – used to distribute information thousand of
miles among thousands of users.

 Wireless Hubs– are hubs designed for the home

 Workstation- is any network computer that connects to and request

resources from a network

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1. OH&S Policies and Procedures
2. Tools, Equipment and testing devices
3. Assembling Computer hardware
4. Basic-input-output-system (BIOS) configuration

1. Unit assembly is planned and prepared to ensure OH&S policies and
procedures are followed in accordance with systems requirements
2. Materials necessary to complete the work are identified and obtained in
accordance with established procedures and checked against systems
3. Tools, equipment and testing devices needed to carry out the installation work
are obtained in accordance with established procedures and checked for
correct operation and safety
4. Computer hardware is assembled in accordance with established procedures
and systems requirements
5. Basic-input-output-system (BIOS) configuration is performed in accordance
with hardware requirements.

Students/trainees must be provided with the following:
 Tools and test instruments
 PC or workstation
 Computer peripherals/devices
 Appropriate OS, drivers and software applications/programs
1. Practical Demonstration w/ oral questioning
2. Interview
3. Portfolio

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Learning Experiences


Learning Activities Special Instructions
1. Read information sheet If you have some problem on the content
1.1-1 ” OHS Policies and of the information sheet don’t hesitate to
Procedures” approach your facilitator.
If you feel that you are now
knowledgeable on the content of the
information sheet, you can now answer
self check provided in the module.
2. Answer self-check 1.1-1 Compare your answer to the answer key
1.1-1. If you got 100% correct answer in
this self-check, you can now move to the
next information sheet. If not review the
information sheet and go over the self-
check again.
3. Read information sheet 1.1-2 If you have some problem on the content
“Tools, Equipment and testing of the information sheet don’t hesitate to
device” approach your facilitator.
If you feel that you are now
knowledgeable on the content of the
information sheet, you can now answer
self check provided in the module.
4. Answer self-check 1.1-2 Compare your answer to the answer key
1.1-2. If you got 100% correct answer in
this self-check, you can now move to the
next information sheet. If not review the
information sheet and go over the self-
check again.
5. Read information sheet If you have some problem on the content
1.1-3 “Computer of the information sheet don’t hesitate to
Hardware” approach your facilitator.
If you feel that you are now
knowledgeable on the content of the
information sheet, you can now answer
self check provided in the module.
6. Answer self-check 1.1-3 Compare your answer to the answer key
1.1-3. If you got 100% correct answer in
this self-check, you can now move to the
next task sheet. If not review the
information sheet and go over the self-
check again.

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7. Perform Job Sheet 1.1-1 Compare your work to the Performance
Disassembling and checklist and let your trainer check it. If
Assembling Computer you got 100% correct answer in this
activity, you can now move to the next
information sheet. If not review the
information sheet and go over the
activity again.
8. Read information sheet If you have some problem on the content
1.1-4 “Basic-input-output- of the information sheet don’t hesitate to
system (BIOS) configuration” approach your facilitator.
If you feel that you are now
knowledgeable on the content of the
information sheet, you can now answer
self check provided in the module.
9.Answer self-check 1.1-4 Compare your answer to the answer key
1.1-4. If you got 100% correct answer in
this self-check, you can now move to the
next Learning Outcome. If not review the
information sheet and go over the self-
check again.
10. Perform Task Sheet 1.1-1 Compare your work to the Performance
BIOS Configuration checklist and let your trainer check it. If
you got 100% correct answer in this
activity, you can now move to the next
Learning outcome. If not review the
information sheet and go over the
activity again.

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OHS Policies and Procedures
Learning Objective:
After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to identify and
apply OHS policies and procedures in Computer Hardware Servicing.

Occupational Health and Safety Policy

Occupational health and safety is a cross-disciplinary area concerned with protecting the
safety, health and welfare of people engaged in work. The goal of all occupational health and
safety programs is to foster a safe work environment. As a secondary effect, it may also
protect co-workers, family members, employers, customers, suppliers, nearby communities,
and other members of the public who are impacted by the workplace environment. It may
involve interactions among many subject areas, including occupational medicine,
occupational (or industrial) hygiene, public health, safety engineering, chemistry, health

Safety practices should be learned early and always adhered to when

working with any electrical device, including personal computers and
peripherals. This is for the protection of not only the people working with
them, but also for the devices themselves. The basis for this process begins
with your Occupational Health and Safety Policies.

Personal Safety While Working Along With PC’s

While working inside your computer, do not attempt to service the computer except
as explained in this guide and elsewhere in product documentation. Always follow
the instructions closely.

Computer equipment can be dangerous, and you or others can be

injured or even killed if you don’t follow proper safety guidelines when
working along PC’s. The following are some precautionary measures to take
before working with any computer equipment:

Before you start to work on the computer, perform the following steps in the
sequence indicated:

1. Turn off the computer and all peripherals.

2. Touch an unpainted metal surface on the computer chassis, such as the

metal around the card-slot openings at the back of your computer, before
touching anything inside your computer.

3. Disconnect the computer and peripherals from their electrical outlets. Doing
so reduces the potential for personal injury or shock. Also disconnect any
telephone or telecommunication lines from the computer.
NOTE: Before disconnecting a peripheral from the system or removing a

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component from the system board, verify that the standby power light-emitting
diode (LED) on the system board has turned off.
While you work, periodically touch an unpainted metal surface on the computer
chassis to dissipate any static electricity that might harm internal components.

In addition, it is recommended that you periodically review the safety instructions in

your System Information Guide.

OHS or Occupational Health and Safety refers to the legislation, policies, procedures and
activities that aim to protect the health, safety and welfare of all people at the workplace.

1. Do not work alone so that there's someone who can take care of you in case of
2. Always power off the computer and unplug the computer before working on it.
3. Take away any liquid near your working area to avoid getting electrocuted or
accidentally damaging computer parts.
4. Be careful with tools that may cause short circuit.
5. Always ground or discharge yourself before touching any part of the computer.
6. Do not use excessive force if things don't quite slip into place.
7. Clean the area before and after using it to maintain sanitation and prevent
8. Hold the components on the edges and do not touch the Integrated Circuit (IC)
9. Always wear personal protective equipments (PPE) in accordance with the
organization's OHS procedures and practices.
10. Make sure that the pins are properly aligned when connecting a cable
11. Contingency measures during workplace accidents, fire and other emergencies
are recognized.
12. Use brush, compressed air or blower in cleaning the computer system.
13. Wear shoes with non-conductive rubber soles to help reduce the
chance of being shocked or seriously injured in an electrical
14. Do not work on components that are plugged into their power source.
15. Do not remove expansion cards from a computer when it is turned on.
16. Remove all jewelry when working inside any computer related equipment.
17. Be sure not to mix electronic components and water.
18. When you shut down your computer, be sure to shut it down properly. Do not
turn it off with the case switch.
19. Don’t eat or drinks while working.

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Self Check 1.1.1
Identify at least 10 Occupation health and Safety (OHS) policies and procedures in CHS.











Did the Trainee overall performance meet the required

evidence/standard? Yes No

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10 Occupation health and Safety (OHS) policies and procedures in CHS.

1. Disconnect the computer and peripherals from their electrical outlets.

2. Touch an unpainted metal surface on the computer chassis, such as the

metal around the card-slot openings at the back of your computer, before
touching anything inside your computer

3. Turn off the computer and all peripherals

4. Wear shoes with non-conductive rubber soles to help reduce the

chance of being shocked or seriously injured in an electrical accident.
5. Do not work on components that are plugged into their power source.

6. Do not remove expansion cards from a computer when it is turned on.

7. Remove all jewelry when working inside any computer related


8. Be sure not to mix electronic components and water.

9. When you shut down your computer, be sure to shut it down
properly. Do not turn it off with the case switch.
10. Wear anti static materials.

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Tools, Equipment and Testing Device

Learning Objective:

After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to identify and
use hand tools, equipment and testing devices used in install and configure
computer systems.

A tool is a handheld device that aids in accomplishing a task. Tools
range from a traditional metal cutting part of a machine to an element of a
computer program t5hat activates and controls a particular function.

Safety Use of tools

Once selected, use the tool for the purpose for which it was designed. Not
all tools come with detailed instructions, but there are those that do spell
out the safety “ do’s and Don’ts” for your safety. If there are set-up/use
options, operator judgment must always be based on what is the safest way
to use the tool.

Protective eyewear
 Goggles – A large spectacles, with shields around the rims, for
protecting the eyes from dust, excessive light, wind, etc.

Multimeter - A measuring instrument used by

technician for measuring: current, voltage,

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Flat Screw Driver – a tool used to drive or fasten negative slotted screws

Philips Screw Driver- a tool used to drive or fasten positive slotted screws

Side Cutter Pliers – a tool used for cutting or trimming of connecting wires
or terminal leads in the circuit board

Long nose Pliers – Used for holding, bending and stretching the lead of
electronics component or connecting wire.

Tweezers- a tool use to hold small sensitive part of a computer.

Cutter- a tool used in cutting wires.

Flashlight- a small electric light, a flash of electric light

used to give light in dark conditions.

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Paint Brush- a device made of bristles set in handle, use for
cleaning sensitive parts of a computer.

Magnifying glass- a device made in glass with handle, to

exaggerate or to increase the apparent size of an object.

Anti-static wrist strap, mat and spray- are used to eliminate electrostatic
discharge in your work area.

Soldering Pencil – a tool used to join two or more metal

conductors with the support of soldering lead melted around it.

Desoldering Tool – a tool used to unsoldered

unwanted parts or component in the circuit with the
support of soldering pencil

Lens cleaner-is used for cleaning optical media, such as DVD-

ROMS and CD-writers.

Thermal paste-is a paste used for heat dissipation for your processor.

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Self Check 1.1-2

Place write your answers in your computer using MS Word and save in
your folder:

1. Enumerate at least six tools used for troubleshooting.


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1. Enumerate the six tools used for troubleshooting.
a. Screw drivers
b. Pliers and tweezers
c. Soldering iron
d. Anti-static wrist strap, mat and spray
e. Lens cleaner
f. Thermal paste

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Computer System
Information Sheet 1.1.3

Learning Objective:
After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to identify the Basic Terms,
Concepts, Functions and Characteristics of PC Hardware Components

Types of Computer


A workstation is a high-end personal computer designed for technical

or scientific applications. Intended primarily to be used by one person
at a time, they are commonly connected to a local area network and run
multi-user operating systems.

Desktop computer

Desktop computers come in a variety of styles ranging from large

vertical tower cases to small form factor models that can be tucked
behind an LCD monitor. In this sense, the term 'desktop' refers
specifically to a horizontally-oriented case, usually intended to have
the display screen placed on top to save space on the desk top. Most
modern desktop computers have separate screens and keyboards.
Single unit
Single unit PCs (also known as all-in-one PCs) are a subtype of desktop computers,
which combine the monitor and case of the computer within a single unit.

A subtype of desktops, called nettops, was introduced by Intel in February 2008 to

describe low-cost, lean-function, desktop computers.


A laptop computer or simply laptop, also called a

notebook computer or sometimes a notebook, is a small
personal computer designed for portability.

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Netbooks (also called mini notebooks or subnotebooks) are a rapidly evolving

category of small, light and inexpensive laptop computers suited for general computing and
accessing web-based applications; they are often marketed as "companion devices," that is, to
augment a user's other computer access.

Tablet PC

A tablet PC is a notebook or slate-shaped mobile computer,

first introduced by Pen computing in the early 90s with their PenGo
Tablet Computer and popularized by Microsoft. Its touchscreen or
graphics tablet/screen hybrid technology allows the user to operate
the computer with a stylus or digital pen, or a fingertip, instead of a
keyboard or mouse.

Ultra-Mobile PC
The ultra-mobile PC (UMPC) is a specification for a
small form factor of tablet PCs. It was developed as a
joint development exercise by Microsoft, Intel, and
Samsung, among others. Current UMPCs typically
feature the Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7,
or Linux operating system and low-voltage Intel Atom
or VIA C7-M processors.

Home theater PC
A home theater PC (HTPC) is a convergence
device that combines the functions of a personal computer
and a digital video recorder. It is connected to a television
or a television-sized computer display and is often used as
a digital photo, music, video player, TV receiver and
digital video recorder.

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Pocket PC

A pocket PC is a hardware specification for a handheld-sized computer

(personal digital assistant) that runs the Microsoft Windows Mobile operating
system. It may have the capability to run an alternative operating system like
NetBSD or Linux. It has many of the capabilities of modern desktop PCs.


An exploded view of a modern personal computer and peripherals:

1. Scanner 9. Speakers
2. CPU (Microprocessor) 10. Monitor
3. Primary storage (RAM) 11. System software
4. Expansion cards (graphics cards, etc.) 12. Application software
5. Power supply 13. Keyboard
6. Optical disc drive 14. Mouse
7. Secondary storage (Hard disk) 15. External hard disk
8. Motherboard 16. Printer

Computer case

A computer case is the enclosure that contains the main

components of a computer. Cases are usually constructed from steel or
aluminium, although other materials such as wood and plastic have been
used. Cases can come in many different sizes, or form factors.

The central processing unit, or CPU, is that part of a
computer which executes software program instructions. In
older computers this circuitry was formerly on several printed
circuit boards, but in PCs is a single integrated circuit. Nearly
all PCs contain a type of CPU known as a microprocessor. with
a fan attached via heat sink.
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The motherboard, also referred to as systemboard or mainboard, is

the primary circuit board within a personal computer.

Main memory

A PC's main memory is fast storage that is directly accessible by the CPU, and is used
to store the currently executing program and immediately needed data.

Hard disk

Mass storage devices store programs and data

even when the power is off; they do require power to
perform read and write functions during usage. Although
flash memory has dropped in cost, the prevailing form of
mass storage in personal computers is still the hard disk.

Video card

The video card - otherwise called a graphics card,

graphics adapter or video adapter - processes and renders
the graphics output from the computer to the computer
display, and is an essential part of the modern computer.

Visual display unit

A visual display unit (or monitor) is a piece of electrical

equipment, usually separate from the computer case, which
displays viewable images generated by a computer without
producing a permanent record.


In computing, a keyboard is an arrangement of buttons that each correspond to a

function, letter, or number. They are the primary devices of inputting text.

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A Mouse on a computer is a small, slidable device that users

hold and slide around to point at, click on, and sometimes drag
objects on screen in a graphical user interface using a pointer on

Other components

Mass storage
All computers require either fixed or removable storage for their operating system,
programs and user generated material.

Formerly the 5¼ inch and 3½ inch floppy drive were the principal forms of removable
storage for backup of user files and distribution of software.

Computer communications
 Internal modem card
 Modem
 Network adapter card
 Router
Common peripherals and adapter cards
 Headset
 Joystick
 Microphone
 Printer
 Scanner
 Sound adapter card as a separate card rather than located on the motherboard
 Speakers
 Webcam

 LAN Card – is a network interface card. This

is a computer circuit board or card that is
installed in a computer so that it can be
connected to a network.
 Modem - (Modulator-Demodulator) The
modem is a device that allows a given
computer to share data or otherwise a
device which let computers exchange
 USB – Universal Serial Bus, a hardware
interface for low-speed peripherals such as
the keyboard, mouse, joystick, scanner,
printer and telephony devices.

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 Scanner- it is an input device that read text
or illustration printed on paper, translates
the information into a form that a computer
can use.

 Printer - it is a piece of hardware that

produces a paper copy (also known as
‘hardcopy’) of the information generated by
the computer.

 RAM – Random Access Memory, is a primary memory. This memory

is used inside the computer to hold programs and data while it is

 BIOS – Basic Input/Output System, chip that controls the most basic
functions of the computer and performs a self-test every time you turn
it on.

 Flash drive– RAM that can retain data

without electrical power. It is widely used
for BIOS chips and for digital camera and
digital music storage.

 Video Camera - camera using videotape: a

camera that records onto videotape

 SOUND CARD - enhances the computers sound

generating capabilities by allowing sound to be
output through speakers.

 POWER CABLES – it supplies power from the power supply

to the drive. The power cables are red, yellow and black.
The yellow wire furnishes 12 volts of power, the red wire

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furnishes 5 volts of power, the two black wire are ground wire for each.


for Integrate Device Electronics. It shows how to
connect an IDE cable to two devices namely the top
device (master) and the bottom device (slave).

 Serial ATA (SATA, abbreviated from Serial AT Attachment [2]) is

a computer bus interface that connects host bus adapters to mass
storage devices such as hard disk drives and optical drives.

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Self Check 1.1-3
A. Multiple Choice
Direction: Choose the best answer of the given choices. Use a separate sheet
of paper in answering.

1. It is a high end personal computer designed for technical or scientific

applications. Intended primarily to be used by one person at a time, they are
commonly connected to a local area network and run multi-user operating
A. Work Station
B. Nettop
C. Laptop
D. Tablet PC
2. It is a small personal computer designed for portability. Usually all of the
interface hardware needed to operate this computer, such as USB ports
(previously parallel and serial ports), graphics card, sound channel, etc., are
built in to a single unit.
A. Work Station
B. Nettop
C. Laptop
D. Tablet PC
3. It is a convergence device that combines the functions of a personal computer
and a digital video recorder.
A. Work Station
B. Home theater PC
C. Laptop
D. Tablet PC
4. It is a hardware specification for a handheld-sized computer (personal digital
assistant) that runs the Microsoft Windows Mobile operating system.
A. Work Station
B. Home theater PC
C. Laptop
D. Pocket PC
5. It is also called mini notebooks or subnotebooks and are a rapidly evolving
category of small, light and inexpensive laptop computers suited for general
computing and accessing web-based applications
A. Netbook
B. Home theater PC
C. Work Station
D. Pocket PC
6. It is the enclosure that contains the main components of a computer.
A. Mother Board
B. Computer Case
C. Processor
D. Hard Disk
7. It is the part of a computer which executes software program instructions.
A. Mother Board
C. Processor
D. Hard Disk

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8. It is also referred to as system board or mainboard, and is the primary circuit
board within a personal computer.
A. Mother Board
C. Processor
D. Hard Disk
9. It processes and renders the graphics output from the computer to the
computer display.
A. Memory
C. Video card
D. Hard Disk
10. It is a piece of electrical equipment, usually separate from the computer case,
which displays viewable images generated by a computer without producing a
permanent record.
A. Memory
C. Printer
D. Monitor

B. Identification
Directions: Identify the following computer components
Use a separate sheet of paper in answering.

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

7. 8.

9. 10.

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1. A 7. B
2. C 8. A
3. B 9. C
4. D 10.D
5. A
6. B

1. Monitor
2. Video card
3. Hard Disk
4. Memory/ RAM
5. Mother Board
6. Processor
7. Keyboard
8. Mouse
9. Printer
10. Scanner

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Computer System

Title : PC Disassembly and Assembly

Performance Objective : Given personal computer you are going to disassemble &
assemble the unit within 30 minutes.
Supplies, Tools and Materials:
 A small Phillips (star) screw driver and a small flat blade screw driver).
 Bond paper
 Anti static wrest band
 Pliers
 Anti static mat

Equipment : A working PC.

Steps/ Procedure:
1. Confirm that the hardware works...
- Does your video monitor work?
Does your PC boot?
Do your floppy drive and CD/DVD drive work?
Does the hard drive work?
Do the keyboard and mouse functioning?

2. Turn OFF the system.

NOTE : read this entirety before you begin

1. Discharge yourself of all static electricity by touching the PC’s chassis (or the ground
screw on the receptacle.)
2. Safety NOTE!! Beware of sharp edges!!! The cheaper chassis have very sharp edges
that can cut you easily. Be very careful and take your time. Remember, SAFETY FIRST.
3. As you remove each board and disk drive, document the information listed in the
attached Specifications document (note some parts of the spec sheets won’t apply to this

3. Disassemble the Unit

Remove the External I/O Systems:

1. Unplug all power cords, from the commercial outlet
2. Remove all peripherals from the system unit.
3. Disconnect the keyboard from the rear of the unit.
4. Disconnect the monitor power cable.
5. Disconnect the monitor signal cable (video cable) from the video adapter card.

Do the following for each card and drive removed:

 Before removing a card, document any cables that are attached to the card,
noting where they go and their orientation.
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 Store screws properly.
 Note the position of the colour strip (pin no. 1) on the cables and make a mark
for the pin no.1 if needed on the I/O card or Motherboard and on the Floppy
and the hard drive.

Remove the Storage Devices in the System Unit:

6. Remove the floppy drive.
7. Remove the hard drive.

Remove the Interface Cards (Adapter Cards):

8. Remove the video card from the expansion slot.
9. Remove other interface cards if exists.

 draw a picture of the card. The drawing should accurately show-->

 the shape of the board,
 the connectors on the board, including the card edge connector,
 the number of pins on connectors,
 all jumpers and the jumper settings.
 label the board with any identification that appears on the card (chip sets
or manufacturer stamps, BIOS stamps, etc...).

4. Assemble the PC
- To assemble the PC, reverse the procedure above or follow the procedures in the
Assembling Computer System.

Assessment Method:
Demonstration, Performance Criteria checklist

Procedure in Assembling Computer System

 Computer assembly is a large part of a technician's job.
 Work in a logical, methodical manner when working with computer
 Improve computer assembly skills dramatically with practice

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Open the Case
 Prepare the workspace before opening the computer case:
- Adequate lighting
- Good ventilation
- Comfortable room temperature
- Workbench accessible from all sides
- Avoid cluttering workbench
- An antistatic mat on the table
- Small containers to hold screws and other small parts
 There are different methods for opening cases. To learn how, consult
the user manual or manufacturer's website.

Install the Power Supply

Power supply installation steps include the following:
1. Insert the power supply into the case
2. Align the holes in the power supply with the holes in the case
3. Secure the power supply to the case using the
proper screws
Attach Components to the Motherboard
 As part of an upgrade or repair, a technician
may need to attach components to the
motherboard, and then install the motherboard .

CPU on Motherboard
 The CPU and motherboard are sensitive to electrostatic discharge so
use a grounded antistatic mat and wear an antistatic wrist strap.
CAUTION: When handling a CPU, do not touch the CPU contacts.
 The CPU is secured to the socket on the motherboard with a locking

Thermal Compound
 Thermal compound helps to keep the CPU cool.
 To install a used CPU, clean it and the base of the heat sink with
isopropyl alcohol to remove the old thermal compound.
 Follow manufacturer’s
about applying the
thermal compound.

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Heat Sink/Fan Assembly
 The Heat Sink/Fan Assembly is a two-part cooling
 The heat sink draws heat away from the CPU.
 The fan moves the heat away from the heat sink.
 The heat sink/fan assembly usually has a 3-pin
power connector.
Install CPU and Heat Sink/Fan Assembly
1. Align the CPU so that the Connection 1 indicator is lined up with Pin
1 on the CPU socket.
2. Place the CPU gently into the socket.
3. Close the CPU load plate and secure it by closing the load lever and
moving it under the load lever retention tab.
4. Apply a small amount of thermal compound to the CPU and spread it
evenly. Follow the application instructions provided by the
5. Line up the heat sink/fan assembly retainers to the holes on the
6. Place the heat sink/fan assembly onto the CPU socket, being careful
not to pinch the CPU fan wires.
7. Tighten the heat sink/fan assembly retainers to secure the assembly
in place.
8. Connect the heat sink/fan assembly power cable to the header on the
Install RAM
 RAM provides temporary data storage for the CPU while the computer
is operating.
 RAM should be installed in the motherboard before the motherboard
is placed in the computer case.
 RAM installation steps:
1. Align the notches on the RAM module to the keys in the slot and
press down until the side tabs click into place.
2. Make sure that the side tabs have locked the RAM module and
visually check for exposed contacts.

The Motherboard
 The motherboard is now ready to install in the computer case.
 Plastic and metal standoffs are used to mount the motherboard and to
prevent it from touching the metal portions of the case.
 Install only the standoffs that align with the holes in the motherboard.
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 Installing any additional standoffs may prevent the motherboard from
being seated properly in the computer case.
Install Motherboard
1. Install standoffs in the computer case.
2. Align the I/O connectors on the back of the
motherboard with the openings in the back
of the case.
3. Align the screw holes of the motherboard
with the standoffs.
4. Insert all of the motherboard screws.
5. Tighten all of the motherboard screws.

Install Internal Drives

 Drives that are installed in internal bays are called
internal drives.
 A hard disk drive (HDD) is an example of an internal
 HDD installation steps:
1. Position the HDD so that it aligns with the 3.5-
inch drive bay.
2. Insert the HDD into the drive bay so that the
screw holes in the drive line up with the screw
holes in the case.
3. Secure the HDD to the case using the proper
Install Drives in External Bays
 Drives, such as optical drives (CD and DVD) and floppy
drives, are installed in drive bays that are accessed
from the front of the case.
 Optical drives and floppy drives store data on
removable media.
 Drives in external bays allow access to the media
without opening the case.

Install Optical Drive

 An optical drive is a storage device that reads and writes information to
CDs or DVDs.
 Optical drive installation steps:
1. Position the optical drive to align with the 5.25 inch drive bay.
2. Insert the optical drive into the drive bay so that the optical drive
screw holes align with the screw holes in the case.
3. Secure the optical drive to the case using the proper screws.

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Install Floppy Drive
 A floppy disk drive (FDD) is a storage device that reads and writes
information to a floppy disk.
 FDD installation steps:
1. Position the FDD so that it aligns with the 3.5 inch drive bay.
2. Insert the FDD into the drive bay so that the FDD screw holes
align with the screw holes in the case.
3. Secure the FDD to the case using the proper screws.

Install Adapter Cards

 Adapter cards are installed to add functionality to
a computer.
 Adapter cards must be compatible with the
expansion slot.
 Some adapter cards:
1. PCIe x1 NIC
2. PCI Wireless NIC
3. PCIe x16 video
adapter card

Install the Network Interface Card (NIC)

 A NIC enables a computer to connect to a network.
 NICs use PCI and PCIe expansion slots on the motherboard.
 NIC installation steps:
1. Align the NIC to the appropriate slot on
the motherboard.
2. Press down gently on the NIC until the
card is seated.
3. Secure the NIC PC mounting bracket to
the case with the appropriate screw.

Install the Wireless NIC

 A wireless NIC enables
a computer
to connect to a wireless network.
 Some wireless NICs are installed
externally with a USB connector.
 Wireless NIC installation steps:
1. Align the wireless NIC to the appropriate expansion slot on
the motherboard.
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2. Press down gently on the wireless NIC until the card is
fully seated.
3. Secure the mounting bracket to the case with the appropriate
Install the Video Adapter Card
 A video adapter card is the interface between a computer and a
display monitor.
 An upgraded video adapter card can provide
better graphic capabilities for games and
graphic programs.
 Video adapter card installation steps:
1. Align the video adapter card to the
appropriate expansion slot on the
2. Press down gently on the video
adapter card until the card is fully
3. Secure the video adapter card
PC mounting bracket to the case
with the appropriate screw.

Connect Internal Cables

 Power cables are used to distribute electricity from the
power supply to the motherboard and other components.
 Data cables transmit data between the motherboard and
storage devices, such as hard drives.
 Additional cables connect the buttons and link lights on
the front of the computer case to the motherboard.

Connect Power Cables

Motherboard Power Connections
 The Advanced Technology Extended (ATX) main power
connector has either 20 or 24 pins.
 The power supply may also have a 4-pin
or 6-pin Auxiliary (AUX) power
connector that connects to the
 A 20-pin connector will work in a
motherboard with a 24-pin socket.

Connect Power Cables

 ATA Power Connectors use a 15-pin connector to
connect to hard disk drives, optical drives, or any devices that
have a SATA power socket.
 Molex Power Connectors are used by hard disk drives and
optical drives that do not have SATA power sockets.
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 CAUTION: Do not use a Molex connector and a SATA power connector
on the same drive at the same time.
 4-pin Berg Power Connector supplies power to a floppy drive.

Power Connector Installation Steps

1. Plug the SATA power connector into the HDD.
2. Plug the Molex power connector into the optical drive.
3. Plug the 4-pin Berg power connector into the FDD.
4. Connect the 3-pin fan power connector into the appropriate fan header
on the motherboard, according to the motherboard manual.
5. Plug the additional cables from the case into the appropriate
connectors according to the motherboard manual.

PATA Cables
 Drives connect to the motherboard using data cables.
 Types of data cables are PATA, SATA, and floppy disk.
 The PATA cable (sometimes called a ribbon cable) is wide and flat and
can have either 40 or 80 conductors.
 A PATA cable usually has three 40-pin connectors.
 If multiple hard drives are installed,
the master drive will connect to the
end connector. The slave drive will
connect to the middle connector.
 Many motherboards have two PATA
cable sockets, which provides support for a maximum of four PATA
SATA Cables
 The SATA data cable has a 7-pin connector.
 One end of the cable is connected to the motherboard.
 The other end is connected to any drive that has a SATA data

 Floppy Drive Cables

 The floppy drive data cable has a 34-pin connector and it has a stripe
to denote the location of pin 1.
 One connector at the end of the cable connects to the motherboard.
The other two connectors connect to drives.

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 If multiple floppy drives are installed, the A: drive will connect to the
end connector. The B: drive will connect to the middle connector.
 Motherboards have one floppy drive controller which provides support
for a maximum of two floppy drives.

Install Data Cables

1. Plug the motherboard end of the PATA cable into the motherboard
2. Plug the connector at the far end of the PATA cable into the optical
3. Plug one end of the SATA cable into the motherboard socket.
4. Plug the other end of the SATA cable into the HDD.
5. Plug the motherboard end of the FDD cable into the motherboard
6. Plug the connector at the far end of the FDD cable into the floppy

Re-attach Panels, Connect External Cables

 Now that all the internal components have been installed and
connected to the motherboard and power supply, the side panels are
re-attached to the computer case.
 The next step is to connect the cables for all computer peripherals and
the power cable.

Re-attach Side Panels

 Most computer cases have two panels, one on each side.
 Once the cover is in place, make sure that it is secured at all screw
 Refer to the documentation or manufacturer’s website if you are
unsure about how to remove or replace your computer case.
CAUTION: Handle case parts with care. Some computer case covers have
sharp or jagged edges.

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Connect External Cables
 After the case panels have been re-attached, connect the external
cables to the back of the computer.
 External cable connections include:
 Monitor USB
 Keyboard Power
 Mouse Ethernet

CAUTION: When attaching cables, never force a


NOTE: Plug in the power cable after you have

connected all other cables.

Connect External Cables

1. Attach the monitor cable to the video port.

2. Secure the cable by tightening the screws on the
3. Plug the keyboard cable into the PS/2 keyboard port.
4. Plug the mouse cable into the PS/2 mouse port.
5. Plug the USB cable into a USB port.
6. Plug the network cable into the network port.
7. Connect the wireless antenna to the antenna connector.
8. Plug the power cable into the power supply.

Boot Computer for the First Time

 The BIOS is a set of instructions stored in a nonvolatile memory chip.
 When the computer is booted, the basic input/output system (BIOS)
will perform a power-on self test (POST) to check on all of the internal

 A special key or combination of keys on the keyboard is used to enter

the BIOS setup program.
 The BIOS setup program displays information about all of the
components in the computer.

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Identify Beep Codes
 POST checks to see that all of the hardware in the computer is
operating correctly.
 If a device is malfunctioning, an error or a beep code alerts the
technician that there is a problem.
 Typically, a single beep denotes that the computer is functioning
 If there is a hardware problem, the computer may emit a series of
 Each BIOS manufacturer uses different codes to indicate hardware
 Consult the motherboard documentation to view beep codes for your

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Performance Criteria Checklist

Did you…
Followed Safety procedures
Checked Hardware functionality
Observed safety used of tools and equipment in accordance with
the manufacturer’s instruction
Checked PPE condition in accordance with the manufacturer’s
Disassembled the unit properly
Removed the external I/O system
Removed the storage devices in the system
Removed interface cards
Followed the correct procedures in Assembling the PC
Booted the PC normally

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Basic-Input-Output-System (BIOS) Configuration

Learning Objective:
After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to be familiar with the Basic-
input-output-system (BIOS) configuration


BIOS (basic input/output system) is the program a personal

computer's microprocessor uses to get the computer system started after you turn it
on. It also manages data flow between the computer's operating system and
attached devices such as the hard disk, video adapter, keyboard, mouse and printer.
BIOS is an integral part of your computer and comes with it when you bring
it home. (In contrast, the operating system can either be pre-installed by the
manufacturer or vendor or installed by the user.) BIOS is a program that is made
accessible to the microprocessor on an erasable programmable read-only memory
(EPROM) chip. When you turn on your computer, the microprocessor passes
control to the BIOS program, which is always located at the same place on
When BIOS boots up (starts up) your computer, it first determines whether all of
the attachments are in place and operational and then it loads the operating system
(or key parts of it) into your computer's random access memory (RAM) from your
hard disk or diskette drive.
With BIOS, your operating system and its applications are freed from
having to understand exact details (such as hardware addresses) about the attached
input/output devices. When device details change, only the BIOS program needs to
be changed. Sometimes this change can be made during your system setup. In any
case, neither your operating system or any applications you use need to be
Although BIOS is theoretically always the intermediary between the
microprocessor and I/O device control information and data flow, in some cases,
BIOS can arrange for data to flow directly to memory from devices (such as video
cards) that require faster data flow to be effective.

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Configuring BIOS

In the previous list, you saw that the BIOS checks the CMOS Setup for custom settings. Here's what
you do to change those settings.

To enter the CMOS Setup, you must press a certain key or combination of keys during theinitial
startup sequence. Most systems use "Esc," "Del," "F1," "F2," "Ctrl-Esc" or "Ctrl-Alt-Esc" to enter
setup. There is usually a line of text at the bottom of the display that tells you "Press ___ to Enter

Once you have entered setup, you will see a set of text screens with a number of options. Some of
these are standard, while others vary according to the BIOS manufacturer. Common options include:
 System Time/Date - Set the system time and date

 Boot Sequence - The order that BIOS will try to load the operating system

 Plug and Play - A standard for auto-detecting connected devices; should be set to "Yes" if
your computer and operating system both support it

 Mouse/Keyboard - "Enable Num Lock," "Enable the Keyboard," "Auto-Detect Mouse"...

 Drive Configuration - Configure hard drives, CD-ROM and floppy drives

 Memory - Direct the BIOS to shadow to a specific memory address

 Security - Set a password for accessing the computer

 Power Management - Select whether to use power management, as well as set the amount
of time for standby and suspend

 Exit - Save your changes, discard your changes or restore default settings

Be very careful when making changes to setup. Incorrect settings may keep your computer from
booting. When you are finished with your changes, you should choose "Save Changes" and exit. The
BIOS will then restart your computer so that the new settings take effect.

The BIOS uses CMOS technology to save any changes made to the computer's settings. With this
technology, a small lithium or Ni-Cad battery can supply enough power to keep the data for years. In
fact, some of the newer chips have a 10-year, tiny lithium battery built right into the CMOS chip!

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Self-check 1.1-4
A. Matching Type: Match items in Column A to Column B


1. System Time/Date A. Save your changes, discard your changes or restore default

2. Boot Sequence B. Enable Num Lock," "Enable the Keyboard," "Auto-Detect Mouse"...

3. Plug and Play C. Direct the BIOS to shadow to a specific memory address

4. Mouse/Keyboard D. Set a password for accessing the computer

5. Drive Configuration E. Select whether to use power management, as well as set the
amount of time for standby and suspend

6. Memory F. Set the system time and date

7. Security G. Configure hard drives, CD-ROM and floppy drives

8. Power Management H. The order that BIOS will try to load the operating system

9. Exit I. A standard for auto-detecting connected devices; should be set to

"Yes" if your computer and operating system both support it

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Answer Key

1. F

2. H

3. I

4. B

5. G

6. C

7. D

8. E

9. A

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Performance Objective : Given personal computer you are going to configure BIOS in 10
Supplies, Tools and Materials:
 Bond paper
 Anti static wrest band
 Pliers
 Anti static mat

Equipment : A working PC.

Steps/ Procedure:
- Start the computer and press ESC, F1, F2, F8 or F10 during the initial startup screen.
Depending on the BIOS manufacturer, a menu may appear.
- Choose to enter BIOS setup. The BIOS setup utility page appears.
 On the Main tab, find general product information, including BIOS type, processor,
memory, and time/date.
 In advance Tab find Configuration information for the CPU, memory, IDE, Super IO,
trusted computing, USB, PCI, MPS and other information.
 To change boot priority options:
- Use the arrow keys to select the BOOT tab. System devices appear in order of priority.
- To give a CD or DVD drive boot sequence priority over the hard drive, move it to the first
position in the list.
- To give a USB device boot sequence priority over the hard drive, do the following:
o Move the hard drive device to the top of the boot sequence list.
o Expand the hard drive device to display all hard drives.
o Move the USB device to the top of the list of hard drives.
- Save and exit the BIOS setup utility.
- The computer will restart with the changed settings.

Assessment Method:
Demonstration, Performance Criteria checklist

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Performance Criteria Checklist

Did you…
Started the computer and enter BIOS setup
Find general product information, including BIOS type, processor,
memory, and time/date.
Find configuration information for the CPU, memory, IDE, Super IO,
trusted computing, USB, PCI, MPS and other information.
Changed the boot priority option
Saved and exit the BIOS setup utility
Restart the computer with the changed settings

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1. Creating portable bootable devices.
2. Preparing customized installers.

1. Portable bootable devices are created in accordance with software
manufacturer instruction.
2. Customized installers are prepared in accordance with software
utilization guide and end user agreement.
3. Installation of portable applications are carried out in accordance
with software user guide and software license
Trainees must be provided with the following:
1. Tools and test instruments
2. PC or workstation
3. Computer peripherals/devices
4. Appropriate OS, drivers and software applications/programs

 Hands-on
 Direct observation
 Practical demonstration

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Learning Experiences
Learning Outcome 2: PREPARE INSTALLER
Learning Activities Special Instructions
1. Read information sheet 1.2-1 If you have some problem on the
“Portable Bootable content of the information sheet don’t
Devices.” hesitate to approach your facilitator.
If you feel that you are now
knowledgeable on the content of the
information sheet, you can answer self
check provided in the module.
2. Answer Self Check 1.2-1 Compare your answer to the answer
key 1.2-1. If you got 100% correct
answer in this self-check, you can now
move & do the Activity Sheet. If not
review the information sheet and go
over the self-check again.
3. Perform Task Sheet 1.2-1 Compare your work to the checklist
Creating portable bootable devices. and let your trainer check it. If you got
100% correct answer in this activity,
you can now move to the next
information sheet. If not review the
information sheet and go over the
activity again.
4. Read information sheet 1.2-2 If you have some problem on the
“Customized Installers.” content of the information sheet don’t
hesitate to approach your facilitator.
If you feel that you are now
knowledgeable on the content of the
information sheet, you can answer self
check provided in the module.
5. Answer Self Check 1.2-2 Compare your answer to the answer
key 1.2-1. If you got 100% correct
answer in this self-check, you can now
move & do the Activity Sheet. If not
review the information sheet and go
over the self-check again.
6. Perform Task Sheet 1.2-2 Compare your work to the checklist
Preparing customized installers and let your trainer check it. If you got
100% correct answer in this activity,
you can now move to the next learning
outcome. If not review the information
sheet and go over the activity again.

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Portable Bootable Devices

Learning Objective:
After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to be familiar
and use the Portable Bootable Devices properly.

Portable Bootable Devices

A live USB is a USB flash drive or a USB external hard disk drive containing a
full operating system that can be booted. Live USBs are closely related to live CDs,
but sometimes have the ability to persistently save settings and permanently install
software packages back onto the USB device. Like live CDs, live USBs can be used
in embedded systems for system administration, data recovery, or the testing of
operating system distributions without committing to a permanent installation on the
local hard disk drive. Many operating systems including Mac OS 9, Mac OS X,
Microsoft Windows XP Embedded and many of the Linux and BSD distributions can
also be used from a USB flash drive. Windows 8 is also capable of running from a
USB drive, with Windows To Go.

How to Make a USB Bootable

Have an old USB drive lying around that you don't use anymore? Turn it into an
operating install disk for Windows, Linux or Mac, or a diagnostic tool for your PC.

Follow this guide to learn how.

A. Open the Command Prompt. You will need to run Command Prompt as an
Administrator. Right-click on it and select Run as Administrator. You may
need to enter the Administrator password.
a. This method will create a USB
drive that is bootable. You can
then copy the contents of an
operating installation disc onto
the drive to create a portable
installation drive.
b. This method only works in
Windows Vista, 7, and 8.

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B. Open the disk management utility. This can be opened by entering the
command disk part.

C. Display the connected disks. Type the command list disk to show a list of
all the drives connected to your computer. Your USB drive should be listed
here as well. Make note of the number next to your USB drive.

Select the USB drive. Enter the command select disk #, replace “#” with the number
from the previous step.

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D. Clean the flash drive. Enter the command clean to have the disk
management utility verify the integrity of the USB drive, and erase all data.

E. Create a bootable partition. Once the USB drive is clean, type in create
partition primary. You will see a message saying that the operation was

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F. Select the new partition. Enter the command select partition 1 and press
Enter. Once you receive a confirmation message, type active and press
Enter. This will activate the partition.

G. Format the USB drive. Input the command format fs=fat32. When you press
Enter, the program will work for a few minutes (if it is a small USB, e.g. 32Gb
could actually take hours to SLOW format), and the progress will be displayed
as a percentage.

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H. Assign the USB a drive letter. Enter the command assign to give the thumb
drive a letter designation. Type exit to end the disk management program.

I. Copy the operating system. Once the USB drive has been made bootable,
you can copy over the installation files for the operating system you want to
install. You can do this by dragging and dropping using your preferred file

a. Copy over any drivers you might need during the operating system installation to
make the process much smoother.

Note: You can also create a bootable USB Drive using a third party software.

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Self-Check 1.2-1

True or False: Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false.

i. A live USB is a USB flash drive or a USB

ii. Unlike live CDs, live USBs can’t be used in embedded systems for
system administration, data recovery, or the testing of operating
system distributions without committing to a permanent installation
on the local hard disk drive.
iii. Many operating systems including Mac OS 9, Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows
XP Embedded and many of the Linux and BSDdistributions can also be used
from a USB flash drive.
iv. Windows 8 is not capable of running from a USB drive, with Windows To Go.
v. In creating Bootable flash drive you will need to run Command Prompt as an

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Answer key

1. T
2. F
3. T
4. F
5. T

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Title : Creating Portable Bootable Devices

Performance Objective : Given personal computer and other materials you are going to
create bootable flash drive in 1hour.
Supplies, Tools and Materials:
 Flash Drive
 OS Installer
 Blank DVD
 3rd party Software

Equipment : A working PC.

Steps/ Procedure:
A. Creating Bootable Flash Drive
 Prepare the needed materials
 Open the command prompt as administrator
 Open the disk management utility
 Display the connected disks
 Select the USB drive
 Clean the flash drive
 Create a bootable partition
 Select the new partition
 Format the USB drive
 Assign the USB a drive letter
 Copy the operating system

Note: You can also create a bootable USB Drive using a third party software.
B. Create OS Installer Using Blank DVD
a. Prepare the needed materials
b. Install CD/DVD Burner
c. Burn the following OS:
i. Windows 7
ii. Windows 8
iii. Ubuntu
iv. Windows Server 2008

Assessment Method:
Demonstration, Performance Criteria checklist

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Performance Criteria Checklist

Did you…
Prepare the needed materials
Open the command prompt as administrator
Open the disk management utility
Display the connected disks
Select the USB drive
Clean the flash drive
Create a bootable partition
Select the new partition
Format the USB drive
Assign the USB a drive letter
Copy the operating system
Install CD/DVD Burner
Successfully burn the following Operating System
a. Windows 7
b. Windows 8
c. Ubuntu
d. Windows Server 2008

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Customized Installers

Learning Objective:
After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to be familiar
and create customized installers properly.


An installer is a piece of software that is used

to install software programs on a
system. An installer is a way to simplify the
process of installing software by
providing the user with a step-by-step
process with the ability to select the
desired options.

Useful Software Programs for Windows Users:

1. Good Antivirus

A good antivirus software is a must for PCs to safeguard them from harmful threats,
trojans, malware, spyware etc.

Below I listed some of the best antivirus programs.

 Bit Defender
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 Kaspersky
 Norton Internet Security
 AVG Antiivrus
 Aviara

2. Vlc Media Player

Listening to songs and watching movies is one of the most important thing we do in
our PC. So we need a good media player which can play almost all formats of audio
and video files. So VLC Media Player comes 2nd in the list.

3. Registry Cleaners/Tune up Utilities:-

You need an all-in-one software which cleans registry errors and junk files from your
PC and makes your PC run smooth and fast. For this I would recommend Tuneup
Utilities, Uniblue Power Suite or Ccleaner.

I suggest you get one of those three programs and run them when you start using
your PC. I guarantee you that your PC will run like a dream using these utilities.

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4. Image Burner (Nero):-

Nero is the best software if you want to burn any type of CD or DVD, but Nero is not
free so I recommend Img Burner which is very much similar to Nero but you can get
it for free.

5. Firefox and Google Chrome

These are the two leading browsers right now that I recommend you get.

Mozilla Firefox is the best browser ever made for its multi-functional use. Google
Chrome is the fastest and safest browser. It’s a good idea to have at least 2
browsers installed, in case something doesn’t work or display right with one browser,
you can test it using the other one.

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6. MS Office / Open Office:-

We can’t imagine a business without MS Office. Right from student to a business

man, it’s a must have software, but it’s not for free so I recommend you use Open
Office which is very much similar to MS office with the added bonus that it is free.

7. Adobe Reader:-

If you want to read ebooks and pdf documents then its a must software for you.

8. 7 Zip:-

Open source Windows utility for manipulating archives. Formats 7z, ZIP, GZIP,
BZIP2 and TAR are supported fully, other formats can be unpacked. It has the
highest compression ratio ever.

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9. Internet Download Manager:-

IDM is a must have software for PC as it increases our overall download speed by 5

10. Utorrent:-

Utorrent is a light weight and very efficient torrent client.

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11.Adobe Photoshop/GIMP:-

Adobe Photoshop is a great software for editing photos, but it’s sadly not for free, I
have an alternative for this called GIMP, which is free and very similar to Adobe
Photoshop. It can also be sued to make gifs for whoever is interested.

12. Revo Uninstaller

Revo Uninstaller is a freeware innovative uninstall utility much faster than Windows
Add/Remove applet. With its advanced and fast algorithm, Revo Uninstaller performs
a scan before and after you uninstall an application.

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13. Adobe Flash Player:-

This is a must software if you want to watch flash videos on your computer.

14. Malware Bytes:-

Malware Bytes is a tool that quarantines and removes malicious and infected files on
your PC and it can optimize your PC’s performance.

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15. Zone Alarm Firewall:-

Zone Alarm is a cutting edge firewall security option which blocks dangerous sites
and downloads. Zone Alarm comes with a ‘Two way firewall’ which keeps track of all
incoming and outgoing traffic protecting you from hackers and other intruders.

16. Team Viewer:-

Team Viewer is the best software for remote desktop viewing .You can share your
desktop from anywhere in this world with this software.

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17. Notepad++

Notepad++ is a free source and one of the best text editors for several programming
languages under the Windows environment.

18. Folder Lock:-

Folder locker allows you to store all you files with a protected password.

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19. Sandboxie:-

This is a must have software for virus testers. If you download any application from
internet just run it in Sandboxie to check whether it’s infected or not.

20. Keyscrambler:-

In this world of the internet, you can’t always know when a keylogger gets installed
on your PC and makes you lose your confidential passwords. Keyscrambler software
scrambles your keys and helps to stay safe even if a keylogger gets installed

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21. Winrar:-

In this world of the internet, you can’t always know when a keylogger gets installed
on your PC and makes you lose your confidential passwords. Keyscrambler software
scrambles your keys and helps to stay safe even if a keylogger gets installed


Password: alltechbuzz

22. File Opener:-

File Opener is a software which can open different formats of files. This software can
fulfil the need of 10 other programs for opening files.

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Vmware helps us in installing multiple Operating Systems over one single Operating
System. Puzzled? Well, to simplify things, Vmware allows us to run multiple
Operating Systems (called slaves) on our computer. Say you are having Windows 7
installed on your computer as the main Operating System. Vmware runs as an
application on Windows 7 and allows us to install other Operating Systems like
Windows XP, Linux and 20 other types of Operating Systems. So, you don’t need to
boot your computer to change your OS. One Vmware Workstation can
accommodate 20 such OSes.

Vmware helps us in installing multiple Operating Systems over one single Operating
System. Puzzled? Well, to simplify things, Vmware allows us to run multiple
Operating Systems (called slaves) on our computer. Say you are having Windows 7
installed on your computer as the main Operating System. Vmware runs as an
application on Windows 7 and allows us to install other Operating Systems like
Windows XP, Linux and 20 other types of Operating Systems. So, you don’t need to
boot your computer to change your OS. One Vmware Workstation can
accommodate 20 such OSes.


Vmware helps us in installing multiple Operating Systems over one single Operating
System. Puzzled? Well, to simplify things, Vmware allows us to run multiple
Operating Systems (called slaves) on our computer. Say you are having Windows 7
installed on your computer as the main Operating System. Vmware runs as an
application on Windows 7 and allows us to install other Operating Systems like
Windows XP, Linux and 20 other types of Operating Systems. So, you don’t need to
boot your computer to change your OS. One Vmware Workstation can
accommodate 20 such OSes.

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Are you banned from any forum? Try out this software. If you want to surf
anonymously on the web without displaying your real IP address, you use this VPN –
CyberGhost VPN. There are many other proxy software programs on web. But none
of them gives total protection for your computer. Also most of them are restricted to
only browser activities.

It took 3 hours for me to collect these software programs and test them, hope that you liked
this article .

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Self Check 1.2.2

A. Name at least 10 software program for Windows users

B. Name 5 Anti-virus Software

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Answer key
A. 1. Antivirus
2. Vlc Media Player

3. Registry Cleaners/Tune up Utilities

4. Image Burner (Nero)
5. Firefox and Google Chrome
6. MS Office / Open Office
7. Adobe Reader
8. 7 Zip
9. Internet Download Manager
10. Utorrent
11. Adobe Photoshop/GIMP
12. Revo Uninstaller
13. Adobe Flash Player
14. Malware Bytes
15. Zone Alarm Firewall
16. Team Viewer
17. Notepad++
18. Folder Lock
19. Sandboxie
20. Keyscrambler
21. Winrar
22. File Opener

B. Bit Defender
Norton Internet Security
AVG Antiivrus

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Title : Preparing customized installers

Performance Objective : Given personal computer and other materials you are going to
prepare and create needed installers for 30 minutes .
Supplies, Tools and Materials:
 USB Flash Drive
 Blank DVD
 Drivers
 Different utilities software
 Application software

Equipment : A working PC.

Steps/ Procedure:
 Prepare the needed materials
 Open your pc and create folder name “ INSTALLER”
 Copy all needed installers to the folder.
 Diver pack
 Antivirus
 Disk utilities
 Winrar/winzip
 PDF reader
 Flash Player
 Internet browser
 Games
 Office applications
 Video codec
 Cd and dvd burning software (Power ISO, Nero or Magic Iso)

 Installer and run CD/DVD burning software in your computer

 Burn your “INSTALLER” folder to DVD.
 If you are using Flash Drive, just copy and paste the “INSTALLER” folder to your USB flash

Assessment Method:
Demonstration, Performance Criteria checklist

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Performance Criteria Checklist

Did you…
Prepare the needed materials
 Open your pc and create folder name “ INSTALLER”
 Copy all needed installers to the folder.
 Diver pack
 Antivirus
 Disk utilities
 Winrar/winzip
 PDF reader
 Flash Player
 Internet browser
 Games
 Office applications
 Video codec
 Cd and dvd burning software (Power ISO, Nero or
Magic Iso)

 Installer and run CD/DVD burning software in your computer

 Burn your “INSTALLER” folder to DVD.
 Copy and paste the “INSTALLER” folder to your USB flash drive.

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1. Install operating system (OS) .
2. Install peripherals/devices drivers.
3. OS and drivers updates/patches.
1. Operating system (OS) is installed in accordance with established
installation procedures and to comply with end-user requirements
2. Peripherals/devices drivers are installed and configured in
accordance with manufacturer’s instructions and/or OS installation
3. OS and drivers updates/patches are accessed and installed in
accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations and
4. On-going checks of the quality of the work are undertaken in
accordance with established procedures

Trainees must be provided with the following:
 Tools and test instruments
 PC or workstation
 Computer peripherals/devices
 Appropriate OS, drivers and software applications/programs
 Practical Demonstration w/ oral questioning
 Interview
 Portfolio

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Learning Experiences
Learning Outcome 3

Learning Activities Special Instructions

1. Read information sheet 1.3- If you have some problem on the
1 ” Operating Systems” content of the information sheet
don’t hesitate to approach your
If you feel that you are now
knowledgeable on the content of
the information sheet, you can
answer self check provided in the
2. Answer self-check 1.3-1 Compare your answer to the
answer key 1.3-1. If you got 100%
correct answer in this self-check,
you can now move to the next
information sheet. If not review the
information sheet and go over the
self-check again.
3. Perform Job Sheet 1.3-1 Install Compare your work to the checklist
operating systems (OS) and let your trainer check it. If you
got 100% correct answer in this
task, you can now move to the next
information sheet. If not review the
information sheet and go over the
task again.
4. Read information sheet 1.3-2 If you have some problem on the
“Peripherals/devices drivers.” content of the information sheet
don’t hesitate to approach your
If you feel that you are now
knowledgeable on the content of
the information sheet, you can now
do operation sheet 1.3-2 provided
in the module.
5. Answer self-check 1.3-2 Compare your answer to the
answer key 1.3-2. If you got 100%
correct answer in this self-check,
you can now do task sheet 1.3-1. If
not review the information sheet
and go over the self-check again.
6. Perform Task Sheet 1.3-1 Install Compare your work to the checklist
and let your trainer check it. If you
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peripherals/devices drivers. got 100% correct answer in this
task, you can now move to the next
information sheet. If not review the
information sheet and go over the
task again.
7. Read information sheet 1.3-3 If you have some problem on the
“OS and drivers content of the information sheet
updates/patches” don’t hesitate to approach your
If you feel that you are now
knowledgeable on the content of
the information sheet, you can now
answer self check provided in the
8. Answer self-check 1.3-3 Compare your answer to the
answer key 1.3-3. If you got 100%
correct answer in this self-check,
you can now move to the next
Information sheet. If not review the
information sheet and go over the
self-check again.
9. Perform Task Sheet 1.3-2 OS Compare your work to the checklist
and drivers updates/patches and let your trainer check it. If you
got 100% correct answer in this
task, you can now move to the next
information sheet. If not review the
information sheet and go over the
task again.

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Operating System
Learning Objective:
After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to be familiar with the
different operating systems, navigate on the different OS components and install
Operating system and device drivers.

Operating System (OS)

An operating system or OS is a software that enables the
computer hardware to communicate and operate with the computer software.
Without a computer operating system, a computer and software programs would be
useless. The picture to the right is an example of Microsoft Windows 8.

Operating System listing

Below is a listing of many of the different operating systems available today, the
dates they were released, the platforms they have been developed for, and who
developed them.
Operating system Date first released Platform Developer
AIX and AIXL Unix and Linux history. Various IBM
AmigaOS Currently no AmigaOS history. Amiga Commodore
Android November 5, 2007 Mobile Google
BSD Unix and Linux history. Various BSD
Caldera Linux Unix and Linux history. Various SCO
Corel Linux Unix and Linux history. Various Corel
Debian Linux Unix and Linux history. Various GNU
DUnix Unix and Linux history. Various Digital
DYNIX/ptx Unix and Linux history. Various IBM
HP-UX Unix and Linux history. Various Hewlett Packard
iOS 2010 Mobile Apple
IRIX Unix and Linux history. Various SGI
Kondara Linux Unix and Linux history. Various Kondara
Linux Unix and Linux history. Various Linus Torvalds
MAC OS 8 Apple operating system history. Apple Macintosh Apple
MAC OS 9 Apple operating system history. Apple Macintosh Apple
MAC OS 10 Apple operating system history. Apple Macintosh Apple
MAC OS X Apple operating system history. Apple Macintosh Apple
Mandrake Linux Unix and Linux history. Various Mandrake
MS-DOS 1.x MS-DOS history. IBM Microsoft
MS-DOS 2.x MS-DOS history. IBM Microsoft
MS-DOS 3.x MS-DOS history. IBM Microsoft
MS-DOS 4.x MS-DOS history. IBM Microsoft
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MS-DOS 5.x MS-DOS history. IBM Microsoft
MS-DOS 6.x MS-DOS history. IBM Microsoft
NEXTSTEP Apple operating system history. Various Apple
OS/2 1987 IBM IBM
OSF/1 Unix and Linux history. Various OSF
QNX Unix and Linux history. Various QNX
Red Hat Linux Unix and Linux history. Various Red Hat
SCO Unix and Linux history. Various SCO
Slackware Linux Unix and Linux history. Various Slackware
Sun Solaris Unix and Linux history. Various Sun
SuSE Linux Unix and Linux history. Various SuSE
Symbian 1997 Mobile Nokia
System 1 Apple operating system history. Apple Macintosh Apple
System 2 Apple operating system history. Apple Macintosh Apple
System 3 Apple operating system history. Apple Macintosh Apple
System 4 Apple operating system history. Apple Macintosh Apple
System 6 Apple operating system history. Apple Macintosh Apple
System 7 Apple operating system history. Apple Macintosh Apple
System V Unix and Linux history. Various System V
Tru64 Unix Unix and Linux history. Various Digital
Turbolinux Unix and Linux history. Various Turbolinux
Ultrix Unix and Linux history. Various Ultrix
Unisys Unix and Linux history. Various Unisys
Unix Unix and Linux history. Various Bell labs
UnixWare Unix and Linux history. Various UnixWare
VectorLinux Unix and Linux history. Various VectorLinux
Windows 2000 Microsoft Windows history. IBM Microsoft
Windows 2003 Microsoft Windows history. IBM Microsoft
Windows 3.X Microsoft Windows history. IBM Microsoft
Windows 8 Microsoft Windows history. IBM Microsoft
Windows 7 Microsoft Windows history. IBM Microsoft
Windows 95 Microsoft Windows history. IBM Microsoft
Windows 98 Microsoft Windows history. IBM Microsoft
Windows 10 Microsoft Windows history. IBM Microsoft
Windows CE Microsoft Windows history. PDA Microsoft
Windows ME Microsoft Windows history. IBM Microsoft
Windows NT Microsoft Windows history. IBM Microsoft
Windows Vista Microsoft Windows history. IBM Microsoft
Windows XP Microsoft Windows history. IBM Microsoft
Xenix Unix and Linux history. Various Microsoft

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The Purpose of an Operating System

The operating system (OS) controls almost all

functions on a computer.
Roles of an Operating System
 All computers rely on an operating system
(OS) to provide the interface for interaction
between users, applications, and hardware.
 The operating system boots the computer
and manages the file system.
 Almost all modern operating systems can support more than one user,
task, or CPU.
 The operating system has four main roles:
 Control hardware access
 Manage files and folders
 Provide user interface
 Manage applications
Characteristics of Operating Systems
 Control hardware access
 OS automatically discovers and configures
PnP hardware
 File and folder management
 User interface
 Command line interface (CLI)
 Graphical user interface (GUI)
 Application management
 Open Graphics Library (OpenGL)
 DirectX

The Types of Operating Systems

 Command Line Interface (CLI): The user types
commands at a prompt.

 Graphical User Interface (GUI): The

user interacts with menus and icons.

Most operating systems include both a GUI and a CLI.

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Compare Operating Systems

Terms often used when comparing operating systems:

 Multi-user – Two or more users can work with programs and share
peripheral devices, such as printers, at the same time.
 Multi-tasking – The computer is capable of operating multiple
applications at the same time.
 Multi-processing – The computer can have two or more central
processing units (CPUs) that programs share.
 Multi-threading – A program can be broken into smaller parts that
can be loaded as needed by the operating system. Multi-threading
allows individual programs to be multi-tasked.

Real Mode
 Executes only one program at a time
 Addresses only 1 MB of system memory at a time
 Directly accesses memory and hardware
 Subject to crashes
 Available to all modern processors
 Only used by DOS and DOS applications

Protected Mode
 Has access to all memory
 Can manage multiple programs simultaneously
 Allows the system to use virtual memory
 Provides 32-bit access to memory, drivers, and I/O transfers
 Each program is assigned a space in memory
 Computer is protected from program errors

Virtual Real Mode

 Allows a real-mode application to run within a protected-mode
operating system
 Creates virtual machines for each program that runs in real mode
 Each virtual machine receives 1 MB of memory and access to
 In the event of a program error, only the virtual machine is affected
 OS provides virtual machine to host the code and protect the PC

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Installing the Operating System
Reasons to perform a clean installation of an OS:
 When a computer is passed from one employee to another
 When the operating system is corrupted
 When a new replacement hard drive is installed in a computer
Before performing a clean installation:
 Back up all data first
 Explain to the customer that existing data will be erased
Confirm that all needed data has been successfully transferred

Hard Drive Setup Procedures

Operating system setup methods:
 Install an OS over a network from a server
 Install from a copy of the OS files stored on the hard drive
 Install from OS files stored on CDs or DVDs
Partitioning and Formatting
 Hard drive must be logically divided (partitioned)
 File system must be created on the hard drive
 During the installation phase, most operating systems will
automatically partition and format the hard drive

Hard Drive Setup Procedures

A technician should understand the process related to hard drive setup.

Prepare the Hard Drive

 The first portion of the installation process deals with formatting and
partitioning the hard drive.
 The second portion prepares the disk to accept the file system.
 The file system provides the directory structure that organizes the
user's operating system, application, configuration, and data files.
 Examples of file systems:
 The FAT32 file system
 The New Technology File System (NTFS)

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How to Install Windows 7

When you make the decision to upgrade your current OS to Windows 7, there are a couple of
ways to go about it. The most hassle free is a complete clean installation. This method will
save you lots of headaches down the road. Follow this guide to help make your transition to
Windows 7 as smooth as possible.
Changing your OS to Windows 7
Install Windows 7

Step 1
Check your specs. In order to run Windows 7 you must have at least a 1 gigahertz (GHz)
processor, 1 gigabyte (GB) of RAM (2 if installing 64-bit), 16 GB of hard disk space (20 if
installing 64-bit), and a DirectX 9 graphics card with WDDM 1.0. [1] Different programs
will have different system requirements.

To check your system specs in Windows Vista, open the Start menu and right-click Computer.
From the menu, select Properties. The screen that opens will provide you with your
computer’s specifications.
To check your system specs in Windows XP, open the Start menu and right-click My
Computer. From the menu, select Properties. This will open the System Properties window.
In the General tab, your system specifications will be listed under the Computer heading.

Step 2
Backup your data. If you are upgrading from
another OS, you will lose all of your files and
programs. The programs can’t be backed up; they
will need to be reinstalled. Any files—including
documents, music, pictures, and videos—that you
want to save need to be copied to a backup
You can use DVDs, CDs, external hard drives,
flash drives, or the cloud, depending on how
much data you have to backup

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Step 3

Set your BIOS to boot from CD. To do this, restart the computer and enter the setup screen
when the manufacturer logo appears. The key to do this will be displayed, and varies by
manufacturer. The most common keys are F2, F10, F12, and Del.
Once in the BIOS menu, select the Boot menu. Change the order of devices so that your
computer boots from CD before booting from the hard drive. Save your changes and exit.
Your computer will restart.
If you are installing from a flash drive, then you will need to set the BIOS to boot from
removable storage.

Step 4

Begin Setup. If the CD has been inserted and the BIOS is set correctly, you will see a
message telling you to “Press any key to boot from CD…” Press a key on the keyboard and
the setup process for Windows 7 will launch.
Your system may automatically launch the setup program without asking you to press any

Step 5

Watch the Windows files load. After completion, the Windows 7 logo will appear. No files
have been altered on your computer yet. Your data will be deleted in later steps.
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Step 6

Choose your preferences. You will be prompted to confirm your Language, Time & Currency
format, and Keyboard or input method. Select the appropriate options for you and click Next.

Step 7

Click Install Now. Do not click repair computer, even if you are repairing a computer by
reinstalling Windows. Once clicked, Setup will begin loading the files it needs to continue.

Step 8

Read and accept the terms. In order to advance, you must indicate that you have read and
agree to Microsoft’s terms of use. Be sure to read through it so that you know your rights and
limitations as a user.

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Step 9

Choose Custom install. This will allow you to perform a clean installation. Even if
you are upgrading a previous version of Windows, it is highly recommended that you
perform a clean install. Performing an Upgrade will often lead to devices and programs not
operating efficiently and effectively.

Step 10

Delete the partition. A window will open asking where you would like to install
Windows. In order to perform a clean install, you need to delete the old partition and start
with a clean slate. Click “Drive options (advanced).” This will give you the ability to delete
and create partitions.
Select the partition of your existing operating system and click the Delete button.
If you are installing an operating system for the first time on this hard drive, then there will
be no partitions to delete.
If your hard drive has multiple partitions, be sure to delete the correct one. Any data
on a deleted partition is lost for good.
Confirm the deletion process.

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Step 11

Select the Unallocated Space and click Next. There is no need to create a partition before you
install Windows 7, this is done automatically.

Step 12

Wait while Windows installs files. The percentage next to Expanding Windows files
will steadily increase. This part of the process can take up to 30 minutes.
Windows will automatically restart your computer when finished.
Setup will launch again, and a message will tell you that Setup is updating registry
Setup will then configure your computer’s services. This happens every time you start
Windows, but will happen in the background next time.
A window will open letting you know that Windows is completing the installation.
Your computer will restart again when this is complete.
Setup will now load drivers and check video settings. This part does not require any input
from you.
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Step 13

Enter your user name and computer name. Your username will be used to log in to the
computer and personalize your account. Your computer name is the name that your computer
will display on the network.
You can add more users later through the Windows 7 control panel.
Windows will ask you for a password. This is optional but highly recommended, especially if
the computer will be accessible by users other than yourself. If you’d rather not have a
password, leave the fields blank and click Next.

Step 14

Enter your product key. This is the 25-character key that came with your copy of Windows.
Check the “Automatically activate Windows when I’m online” to have Windows
automatically verify your key the next time it is connected to the internet.

Step 15

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Select your Windows Update option. To make sure that your copy of Windows runs securely
and stably, it is highly recommended that you choose one of the first two options. The first
option will install all updates automatically, the second option will prompt you when
important updates are available.

Step 16

Select your date and time. These should be correct already as they are linked to your BIOS,
but you can change them now if they are not. Check the box if your area observes Daylight

Step 17

Select network preferences. If your computer is connected to a network, you will be

given an option to identify that network. Most users will select Home or Work network. If
your computer is being used in a public place, select Public network. Mobile broadband users
should always select Public network.
Windows will now attempt to connect your computer to the network. This process is
completely automated.

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Step 18

Explore your desktop. After one final loading screen, your new Windows 7 desktop will
appear. Installation is now complete.
After Installing

Step 19

Run Windows Update. If you selected not to update automatically, you should run Windows
Update as soon as possible. This will ensure that you have the latest security and stability
fixes. If you chose to automatically update, your computer will start downloading and
installing updates as soon as it is connected to the internet.

Step 20

Check you devices and drivers. Windows 7 should install most if not all of your devices
automatically. Some older devices may not be initially supported, however. You will need to
find the correct drivers from the device’s manufacturer’s website.
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Step 21

Reinstall your programs. Because you did a clean install, none of your old program
will be available. You will need to reinstall everything you want to use again. This includes
word processors, web browsers, games, and more.
Not all old programs are compatible with Windows 7. Check for updates from the
program’s manufacturer, or take a look at our guide on running old programs in
Compatibility Mode.

Step 22

Be sure to install a good antivirus program. This is especially important if your computer is
connected to an always-online internet connection.

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The complete guide to a Windows 8 clean installation

Backup your data

Of course, before you get started, you should back up your data. You can
use Windows 7's Backup and Restore to create a backup or you can simply copy
your data files over to an external hard disk. You might even want to do both
operations. After all, you really can't have too many backups, can you?
Getting started

After booting from the DVD installer, the first thing you encountered was the new
light blue Windows logo on a black background, as shown in Figure A. This image
remained on the screen for a few moments while Setup was initializing. I was kind of
hoping that the flag would be animated, but the only animation was the dots spinning
in a circle.

Figure A

The new light blue Windows flag is introduced.

After a few minutes, you'll see the Windows Setup screen shown in Figure B and
you will specify your language settings before clicking Next. When you do, Setup will
perform some more initialization tasks in the background.

Figure B

The first step in the installation is to specify your language settings.

As soon as the initial steps are taken care of, you'll see the Windows Setup screen
shown in Figure C and will click the Install Now button.

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Figure C

To get started, just click the Install now button.

Collecting Information
Once you click the Install now button, you'll see the beginning of the information
collection phase of the installation procedure. As you can see in Figure D, the first
step here is to input the Windows 8 product key.

Figure D

You'll enter your product key to start the information collection phase of the
installation procedure.

The next step is to acknowledge that you accept the license terms, as shown
in Figure E. If you take the time to read through them, you will see that Microsoft has
indeed radically overhauled EULA as Ed Bott over at ZDNet wrote about in a
recent column.
Even if you don't take the time to read the license terms during the installation, once
you have installed Windows 8, you can find the Microsoft Software License
Agreement in the Windows Help and Support system - just search with the
term License. Not only is the license shorter in length, but it is also much clearer and
easier to read.

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Figure E

The new EULA is much easier to read that previous versions.

When you are prompted to choose which type of installation you want to perform, as
shown in Figure F, you'll choose Custom: Install Windows only (advanced) type in
order to perform a clean install of Windows 8.

Figure F

In order to perform a clean install of Windows 8, you'll select the Custom


When you are prompted to choose where you want to install Windows, as shown in
Figure G, you'll see a list of any partitions that are currently on your hard disk. As
you can see in my example system there are actually four separate partitions. You
may have a different combination depending on your system.
As I mentioned, performing a clean install means blowing away all existing partitions.
The first partition in this list is labeled System Reserved and it was created
automatically during the Windows 7 installation. A new System Reserved partition
will be created by Windows 8, so you can remove existing one. The partition labeled
Recovery contains the OEM recovery for Windows 7. I created the recovery DVDs
soon after I got the new system. It won't do me any good going forward with
Windows 8 anyway, so I will remove that partition too. The partition labeled WIN7
contains the Windows 7 installation that I am replacing, so it is definitely going. The
partition labeled DATA contains all of my data that I copied to an external hard disk,
so it is safe to blow that one away too.
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Figure G

On you example system there are four partitions that I will be blowing away.

To begin blowing away partitions, you start by clicking Drive options (advanced).
When you do so, you'll see a list of commands for managing partitions, as shown
in Figure H.

Figure H

When you click Drive options (advanced), you'll see a list of commands for
managing partitions.
Now, you'll select each of the partitions, one by one, and select the Delete
command. When you do, you'll see a confirmation prompt like the one shown
in Figure I. Just click OK to delete the partition.

Figure I

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As you delete each partition, you'll be prompted to confirm the operation.

Once you delete each of the existing partitions, you'll see that all of the space will be
combined together in one chunk labeled Unallocated Space, as shown in Figure J.
While you could create a new partition and format it, you don't have to. Windows 8
will automatically take care of that in the next step. So just go ahead and click Next.

Figure J

All of the space will be combined together in one chunk labeled Unallocated

Installing Windows
When you click Next, Setup creates the partition, formats it, and then instantly moves
into the Installing Windows phase which begins with copying and getting files ready
for the installation, as shown in Figure K. This process will take a while to progress
though, so you can sit back and relax a bit.

Figure K

The Installing Windows stage begins with copying files from the DVD to the
hard disk.

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When this phase of the process is complete, Windows will alert you that it is going to
restart in order to continue, as shown in Figure L. If you are really impatient and
really quick, you can click the Restart now button.

Figure L

Windows will restart after the first part of the process is complete.
Upon restarting you'll see the black screen with the blue Windows logo and see that
Setup is getting devices ready, as shown in Figure M. As soon as that part of the
process is complete, Windows will alert you that it is going to restart again, as shown
in Figure N.

Figure M

Windows Setup will get all installed devices ready to work with Windows 8.

Figure N

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Windows will restart again.

Configuring Windows
When the system restarts, you'll be prompted to choose a color scheme for Windows
8 and a PC name, as shown in Figure O. I chose a light blue color scheme for now. I
can change it later.

Figure O

You can choose a color schema and name your computer.

When the Settings screen appears, as shown in Figure P, you can choose to
customize these settings or you can allow Windows to use the express settings. If
you are unsure, you can click the Learn more link and get more details. I chose to
use the express settings. I can change any or all of these setting later if I want.

Figure P

You can customize the settings or just go the express route.

On the next screen, you'll choose how you want to sign on to Windows 8, as shown
inFigure Q. While you can choose to sign in with a local account, I would
recommend that you use an existing Microsoft (email) account, such as a or a account. If you don't have a Microsoft account, you can
sign up for one or you can use any email address that you want and Windows 8 will
create an account for you.

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Figure Q

It will be to your advantage to use an existing Microsoft account or to create


The advantage of using an existing Microsoft account or creating one is that

you will be able to instantly use the Windows Store, will be able to easily sync
settings between multiple Windows 8 computers, and be able to easily take
advantage of other Windows 8 features. I already have a Microsoft account, so I
entered it here.
After filling the details of your account on the next couple of screens, you'll
eventually see a screen that changes color as it alerts you the Setup is getting your
PC ready. The green version of this screen is show in Figure R.

Figure R

While this screen changes color often, it will remain for a few minutes while
Setup works in the background.
As you may know, Windows 8 comes with a host of native apps for the Start screen
interface that replace and add to the group of applications that used to come with
previous versions of Windows. The screen shown in Figure S indicates that Setup is
installing those apps.

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Figure S

As the last step in the installation, Windows 8 installs its set of native apps.

Once the apps are installed, you'll see the Start screen, as shown in Figure T, and
can begin using Windows 8.

Figure T

The Start screen appears when the installation procedure is complete.

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How to install Ubuntu
The Ubuntu Installation Guide

– Install from CD
– Install with Wubi
– Install in EXT3 Partition
– Install from USB

When it comes to installing popular Linux flavor Ubuntu, there are so many
useful snippets of information on blogs and guides all over the internet. If you Google
“How to install Ubuntu”, you’ll see what I mean.
For an Ubuntu beginner or curious Windows intermediate user however, there’s no
single, simple source of information when it comes to trying out your first Ubuntu
installation. One thing I have noticed is that there’s a lot of technical jargon and
sometimes unnecessary terminal commands in lengthy forum posts, but no simple
“how to” guides, which I think might put some people off! A shame, when you think
about how easy Ubuntu is to install, use and tweak to look really cool!
This post will talk you through your first Ubuntu installation, hopefully teaching you
everything you need to know to give Ubuntu a try without breaking or removing your
existing Windows installation. The end result will be a “vanilla” Ubuntu Installation
running simultaneously with your Windows installation using either the GRUB
bootloader, or WUBI, depending on how far you’d like to go on your first Ubuntu
I hope my guide makes installing Ubuntu an enjoyable, simple experience. By
the end of the guide you should have a dual boot Windows / Ubuntu machine that
happily plays music, video, and acts as a perfectly usable home office computer
with Openoffice 3.0. For the really adventurous you could even run Windows XP
inside Virtualbox, which is linked to later on in the guide. The Ubuntu OS is unique
and seriously cool, so, enjoy the trip.

If you’re planning on installing the latest version of Ubuntu (Jaunty Jackalope

9.04) you can install Ubuntu straight from the CD inside Windows or from a USB
stick and the install process can takes care of formatting your hard drive partition for

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you. You might not yet have a spare partition to do this, so I’ve covered shrinking
your existing Windows partition to make space for Ubuntu here.
How to install Ubuntu from CD
1) Download the Ubuntu ISO from and save
to your desktop
2) Burn the ISO image to a blank CD using Roxio CD creator or similar:

3) Run the CD from “My Computer” – the CD should ask permission to run at which
point you’ll see this option screen:

Install Ubuntu with Wubi

4) If you’d like to install Ubuntu using Wubi, select “install inside Windows” and
follow the instructions. Installing with WUBI is ideal for a first taste of Ubuntu as
you can remove from add/remove programs in Windows later on. This install process
is really easy but you don’t get the same performance as if Ubuntu had a separate
partition running on its EXT3 file system. The following screens are all based on the
Wubi installer process, so you can follow the rest of the instructions below.
If you’d like to install Ubuntu separately to Windows, then skip to point 7) below.
Here’s what you see next:

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If you’ve got the space on your hard drive, go for 30gb or more for the installation size.
5) Now configure your installation using the simple settings options. You can specify
the location of the Ubuntu installation on your Windows partition, the size of the
Ubuntu installation, the Ubuntu flavour (Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, etc), your
preferred language, and a username and password for the Ubuntu system.

When you click install, you’ll see this screen:

As soon as the files have finished downloading, you’ll see this:

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6) That’s it! Click reboot now, and select “Ubuntu” on the startup screen. You now
have a fully functional dual boot Windows / Ubuntu machine.

Install Ubuntu on a single (EXT3) partition (separately to Windows)

7) Click “Demo and full installation” and your computer will restart and boot into

It’s worth saying at this point that you’re about to install Ubuntu on an entirely
separate drive partition. That means, you need to make sure you have enough space
on your computers hard drive to accomodate the new setup. Keir Thomas found that
a partition less than 4gb would lead Ubuntu to crash during install in his first look at
Ubuntu 9.04 over at Lifehacker.
Here’s a guide on how to resize or shrink your Windows Vista partition. Follow those
instructions before you reboot into the live version of Ubuntu and you’ll have a really
easy time during the following steps. Maybe you’d like to install from a USB? Let’s
have a quick look at the process of installing from a USB before we continue:
Here’s how to install Ubuntu on a USB drive from Windows Vista:

8) Format your USB stick with a FAT32 partition from Windows. You can get to the
format dialogue by opening My Computer and right mouse clicking the removable
drive icon. Click “Format” and follow the settings in the image below. You need a
minimum 2gb USB stick.

9) Download UnetBootin. UNetbootin allows for the installation of various

Linux/Ubuntu distributions to a partition or USB drive, so it’s no different from a
standard install, only it doesn’t need a CD. The coolest thing about the application is
that it’s a “portable” app. You don’t need to install it into Windows meaning
UNetbootin will run on your Windows PC without “admin” privileges.
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The new version of Ubuntu isn’t in the Distribution list supplied with UNetbootin yet,
so use the downloaded Ubuntu ISO from earlier on. Add the ISO using the
“Diskimage”, make sure your USB drive is selected below and click OK.

The ISO transfers to the USB pretty quickly, so soon after you click OK you’ll see this

10) That’s it – when the installation process is complete, restart your computer and
make sure it’s set up to boot from USB. On my HP Laptop, pressing F9 on the boot
screen shows a boot order menu. Selecting “USB Hard Drive” follows a black screen,
an Ubuntu logo, and finally, your new Ubuntu desktop appears.

Completing your Ubuntu installation, step by step

Installing Ubuntu is so easy that it requires very little effort past this point. If you’ve
managed to repartition your hard drive and restart your computer you’ll sail through
the next few steps:

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11) Click “install” on the live desktop (top left)

12) Choose your language in the welcome screen

13) Choose your location

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14) Choose your keyboard layout

15) Set up your disk partition. This is probably the most “technical” part of the
installation. When I shrunk my Windows Vista drive volume, I never formatted the new
partition, which means the “use the largest continuous free space” option works

16) Choose your username and password:

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17) Migrate your Windows documents and settings

18) You’re now ready to install your new Ubuntu installation

19) When the installation has finished, restart your computer (you’ll be instructed to
remove your cd rom or USB drive). You’re now ready to begin using Ubuntu!

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How to Install Windows Server 2008
Installing Windows Server 2008 is pretty straightforward and is very
much like installing Windows Vista. For those of you who have never
installed Vista before, the entire installation process is different than it
used to be in previous Microsoft operating systems, and notably much
easier to perform.

Using Vista’s installation routine is a major benefit, especially for a server

OS. Administrators can partition the system’s hard drives during setup.
More importantly, they can install the necessary AHCI or RAID storage
drivers from a CD/DVD or even a USB thumb drive. Thus, error-prone
floppies can finally be sent to the garbage bin.

Note: Windows Server 2008 can also be installed as a Server Core

installation, which is a cut-down version of Windows without the Windows
Explorer GUI. Because you don’t have the Windows Explorer to provide
the GUI interface that you are used to, you configure everything through
the command line interface or remotely using a Microsoft Management
Console (MMC). The Server Core can be used for dedicated machines with
basic roles such as Domain controller/Active Directory Domain Services,
DNS Server, DHCP Server, file server, print server, Windows Media
Server, IIS 7 web server and Windows Server Virtualization virtual server.

To use Windows Server 2008 you need to meet the following

hardware requirements:

Component Requirement

• Minimum: 1GHz (x86 processor) or 1.4GHz (x64

processor) • Recommended: 2GHz or faster Note: An
Intel Itanium 2 processor is required for Windows
Processor Server 2008 for Itanium-based Systems

• Minimum: 512MB RAM • Recommended: 2GB RAM or

greater • Maximum (32-bit systems): 4GB (Standard)
Memory or 64GB (Enterprise and Datacenter) • Maximum (64-

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bit systems): 32GB (Standard) or 2TB (Enterprise,
Datacenter and Itanium-based Systems)

• Minimum: 10GB • Recommended: 40GB or greater

Note: Computers with more than 16GB of RAM will
Available Disk require more disk space for paging, hibernation, and
Space dump files

Drive DVD-ROM drive

• Super VGA (800 x 600) or higher-resolution monitor

Display and • Keyboard • Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing
Peripherals device
Upgrade notes:
I will not discuss the upgrade process in this article, but for your general
knowledge, the upgrade paths available for Windows Server 2008 shown
in the table below:

If you are currently running: You can upgrade to:

Full Installation of Windows Server

2008 Standard Edition
Windows Server 2003 Standard Full Installation of Windows Server
Edition (R2, Service Pack 1 or 2008 Enterprise Edition
Service Pack 2)

Windows Server 2003 Enterprise

Edition (R2, Service Pack 1 or Full Installation of Windows Server
Service Pack 2) 2008 Enterprise Edition

Windows Server 2003 Datacenter

Edition (R2, Service Pack 1 or Full Installation of Windows Server
Service Pack 2) 2008 Datacenter Edition
Follow this procedure to install Windows Server 2008:

1. Insert the appropriate Windows Server 2008 installation

media into your DVD/flash drive. If you don’t have an installation
DVD/flash for Windows Server 2008, you can download one for free
from Microsoft’s Windows 2008 Server Trial website.
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2. Reboot the computer.

3. When prompted for an installation language and other regional

options, make your selection and press Next.

4. Next, press Install Now to begin the installation process.

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5. Product activation is now also identical with that found in Windows
Vista. Enter your Product ID in the next window, and if you want to
automatically activate Windows the moment the installation finishes,

If you do not have the Product ID available right now, you can leave the
box empty, and click Next. You will need to provide the Product ID later,
after the server installation is over. Press No.

6. Because you did not provide the correct ID, the installation process
cannot determine what kind of Windows Server 2008 license you own,
and therefore you will be prompted to select your correct version in
the next screen, assuming you are telling the truth and will provide the
correct ID to prove your selection later on.

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7. If you did provide the right Product ID, select the Full version of the
right Windows version you’re prompted, and click Next.

8. Read and accept the license terms by clicking to select the checkbox
and pressing Next.

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9. In the “Which type of installation do you want?” window, click the
only available option – Custom (Advanced).

10. In the “Where do you want to install Windows?”, if you’re

installing the server on a regular IDE hard disk, click to select the first
disk, usually Disk 0, and click Next.

If you’re installing on a hard disk that’s connected to a SCSI controller,

click Load Driver and insert the media provided by the controller’s

If you’re installing in a Virtual Machine environment, make sure you read

the “Installing the Virtual SCSI Controller Driver for Virtual Server 2005
on Windows Server 2008”
If you must, you can also click Drive Options and manually create a
partition on the destination hard disk.

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11. The installation now begins, and you can go and have lunch. Copying
the setup files from the DVD to the hard drive only takes about one
minute. However, extracting and uncompressing the files takes a good
deal longer. After 20 minutes, the operating system is installed. The exact
time it takes to install server core depends upon your hardware
specifications. Faster disks will perform much faster installs… Windows
Server 2008 takes up approximately 10 GB of hard drive space.

The installation process will reboot your computer, so, if in step #10 you
inserted a floppy disk (either real or virtual), make sure you remove it
before going to lunch, as you’ll find the server hanged without the ability
to boot (you can bypass this by configuring the server to boot from a
CD/DVD and then from the hard disk in the booting order on the server’s

12. Then the server reboots you’ll be prompted with the new Windows
Server 2008 type of login screen. Press CTRL+ALT+DEL to log in.

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13. Click on Other User.

14. The default Administrator is blank, so just type Administrator and

press Enter.

15. You will be prompted to change the user’s password. You have no
choice but to press Ok.

16. In the password changing dialog box, leave the default password
blank (duh, read step #15…), and enter a new, complex, at-least-7-
characters-long new password twice. A password like “topsecret” is not
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valid (it’s not complex), but one like “T0pSecreT!” sure is. Make sure you
remember it.

17. Someone thought it would be cool to nag you once more, so now
you’ll be prompted to accept the fact that the password had been
changed. Press Ok.

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18. Finally, the desktop appears and that’s it, you’re logged on and can
begin working. You will be greeted by an assistant for the initial server
configuration, and after performing some initial configuration tasks, you
will be able to start working.

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Operating System

Use a separate sheet of paper in answering.

1. Discuss the importance of Operating system.

2. Name some of the common operating systems used nowadays.

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1. Operating System configures and manages hardware and it helps to

connect hardware and applications.

2. Common operating systems are MAC OS, Windows, MS-DOS and Linux.

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Job Sheet 1.3-1

Title : Installation of Operating System

Performance Objective : Given a working personal computer you are going
to partition the hard disk in two, install different
types of Operating systems. ( Windows 7, Windows
8, Windows Server 2008 & Ubuntu .
Duration 1 hour/O.S.
Supplies, Tools & Equipment :
 Working PC
 OS Installer
 Drivers Software
 Manuals

Steps/ Procedure:
1. Start Computer
a. Check cable connections if it is properly connected.
b. Connect the power cord to the power outlet.
c. Switch on the AVR & UPS
d. Switch on the CPU & Monitor
2. Go to CMOS setup & change boot option to CD or DVD Drive or USB
flash drive
a. Press the Del key or F1
b. On boot option select CD/DVD or USB flash drive as your first
boot & hard disk in the second.
c. Save and restart the computer.
3. Install Operating System using Fresh Installation.
a. Windows 7
b. Windows 8
c. Windows Server 2008
d. Linux (Ubuntu)

Assessment Method:
Demonstration , Performance Criteria checklist

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Performance Criteria Checklist 1.3-1

Did you….
Started the computer properly
Made CD/DVD of USB Drive as first boot option
Deleted partition/s
Created two partition
Formatted Hard disk
Installed Operating Systems:
 Windows 7
 Windows 8
 Windows Server 2008
 Linux
Applied OHS procedures.

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Peripherals/devices drivers

Learning Objective:
After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to use install
Peripherals/devices drivers.

Device Drivers
A device driver (commonly referred to as a driver) is a computer program that operates
or controls a particular type of device that is attached to a computer.[1] A driver provides
a software interface to hardware devices, enabling operating systems and other computer
programs to access hardware functions without needing to know precise details of the hardware
being used.

A driver typically communicates with the device through the computer bus or
communications subsystem to which the hardware connects. When a calling program invokes
a routine in the driver, the driver issues commands to the device. Once the device sends data
back to the driver, the driver may invoke routines in the original calling program. Drivers are
hardware-dependent and operating-system-specific. They usually provide the interrupt handling
required for any necessary asynchronous time-dependent hardware interface.
Because of the diversity of modern hardware and operating systems, drivers operate in many
different environments.]
Drivers may interface with:
 printers
 video adapters
 Network cards
 Sound cards
 Local buses of various sorts—in particular, for bus mastering on modern systems
 Low-bandwidth I/O buses of various sorts (for pointing devices such
as mice, keyboards, USB, etc.)
 Computer storage devices such as hard disk, CD-ROM, and floppy disk buses
 Implementing support for different file systems
 Image scanners
 Digital cameras
Common levels of abstraction for device drivers include:
For hardware:
 Interfacing directly
 Writing to or reading from a device control register
 Using some higher-level interface (e.g. Video BIOS)
 Using another lower-level device driver (e.g. file system drivers using disk drivers)
 Simulating work with hardware, while doing something entirely different[citation needed]
For software:
 Allowing the operating system direct access to hardware resources
 Implementing only primitives
 Implementing an interface for non-driver software (e.g., TWAIN)
 Implementing a language, sometimes quite high-level (e.g., PostScript)
So choosing and installing the correct device drivers for given hardware is often a key
component of computer system configuration

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To install a Plug and Play device
1. Plug the new device into the computer.
2. In the Found New Hardware dialog box choose one of the following:
o Locate and install driver software. Selecting this option begins the
installation process. Review the details in "Additional considerations" in
this topic.

o Ask me again later. The device is not installed and no configuration

change is made to your computer. If the device is still plugged in the
next time you log on to the computer, then this dialog box appears

o Don't show this message again for this device. Selecting this option
configures the Plug and Play service to not install the driver for this
device, and does not make the device functional. To complete the
installation of the device driver, you must detach the device and
reattach it.

If the user selects Locate and install driver software, then the success of the
installation depends on the following factors:
 The device is supported by a driver package included with Windows. Driver
packages included with Windows can be installed by standard users.

 The administrator of the computer has staged the driver package in the driver
store. For more information, seeStage a Device Driver in the Driver Store.
Driver packages that are in the driver store can be installed by standard users.

 The user has media with the driver package provided by the vendor. For more
information, see the "Additional considerations" in this topic.

To install a non-Plug and Play device

1. Open Device Manager.
2. Right-click the top node in the details pane.
3. Click Add legacy hardware.
4. In the Add Hardware Wizard, click Next, and then follow the instructions on
your screen.

To update or change the driver used for a device

1. Open Device Manager.
2. Double-click the type of device you want to update or change.
3. Right-click the device you want, and then click Update Driver.
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4. Follow the instructions in the Update Driver Software wizard.

To view information about a device driver

1. Open Device Manager.
2. Find and right-click the specific device you want, and then click Properties.
3. On the Driver tab, information about the currently installed driver is
4. Click the Details button.
The Driver File Details page appears with a list of the individual files that
make up the driver.

How To Know If My Hardware's Driver Is Installed ?

Click on Start > Right click on My Computer > Manage > Device Manager.

You will see the uninstalled devices are categorized as Other Devices.

How Can I Install These Drivers?

There are two options for this job. Manual or Automatic. In manual installation, you will
have to go to the manufacturer’s official site and look for your device model whereas in
automatic, you just have to click some buttons and the software will do the job. Windows
have its built-in feature to update the software automatically thru Windows Update, but
sometimes it doesn't do the job well. Let's try to update my Ethernet Controller thru Windows
Update and see if it can get the job well done.

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Right Click on the device and choose Update Driver Software

Choose Search automatically for updated driver software.

Windows is now searching the device driver software.

Windows was unable to install the device driver software.

Not because Windows was unable to do the job means that you'll have to go for a manual
installation. This time, we will use an open source automatic driver software installer called
DriverPack Solution.

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Right click on the DriverPackSolution.exe and Run as Administrator.

The program automatically detects missing hardware and will tell if it is in the database.
Click the Install button

It automatically creates restore point so you can rollback changes.

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Device drivers to be installed will be shown. Choose the drivers you want to install and
click Start Installation.

Once started, you'll just have to wait for 5 to 10 minutes depending on how many drivers are
to be installed.

Now its done. All drivers are installed. It is advised to restart your computer for the drivers
to take effect.

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Go back to Device Manager and check if the drivers are installed. In my case, the two devices
are now installed.

So that's how you install device drivers. Although these automatic drivers installers are
supporting most of the drivers, sometimes you might have a device which is not yet in the
database, so you have to wait for the Driverpack Solution software update or you can
manually install the driver:)

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Self-Check 1.3-2

Write the procedure of the following task.

1. To install a Plug and Play device

2. To install a non-Plug and Play device

3. To update or change the driver used for a device

4. To view information about a device driver

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1. To install a Plug and Play device

1. Plug the new device into the computer.
2. In the Found New Hardware dialog box choose one of the following:
3. Locate and install driver software. Selecting this option begins the
installation process. Review the details in "Additional considerations" in
this topic.

2. To install a non-Plug and Play device

1. Open Device Manager.
2. Right-click the top node in the details pane.
3. Click Add legacy hardware.
4. In the Add Hardware Wizard, click Next, and then follow the instructions on
your screen.

3. To update or change the driver used for a device

1. Open Device Manager.
2. Double-click the type of device you want to update or change.
3. Right-click the device you want, and then click Update Driver.
4. Follow the instructions in the Update Driver Software wizard.

4. To view information about a device driver

1. Open Device Manager.
2. Find and right-click the specific device you want, and then click Properties.
3. On the Driver tab, information about the currently installed driver is
4. Click the Details button.

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Title : Install peripherals/Device Drivers

Performance Objectives: At the end of the task the trainees are expected to
Install all necessary drivers in the given personal
Supplies, Tools, Material : Installation CD
Equipment : Functional Computer w/peripherals

Steps/ Procedure:

1. Prepare necessary tools & equipment.

2. Start computer
3. Check the needed drivers to be installed.
4. Insert the installation CD/DVD or flash drive.
5. Install Necessary drivers

Assessment Method:
Demonstration , Performance Criteria checklist

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Performance Criteria
Did you… YES NO

1. Started the system correctly.

2. Inserted the Installation CD/DVD or flash drive

3. Observed proper handling and safekeeping of
installation CD/DVD or flash drive.

1. Followed the instructions on how to install device


5. Installed the device drivers successfully

6. Followed OHS procedures.

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OS and drivers updates/patches

Learning Objective:
After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to
update/patch OS and drivers.

Updating Your Drivers and Operating System

Out-of-date drivers and operating systems can cause a variety of issues, and
are one of the first things to check when a game is having problems. The instructions
below will help you check and update your drivers.
Even new computers can have out-of-date drivers and operating systems
because updates are released routinely.
Some games and programs might run fine on a system with old drivers, but outdated
drivers can still create technical issues with specific games or programs.
Check our supported video cards articles for our driver recommendations:

 World of Warcraft
 Hearthstone
 StarCraft II
 Diablo III
 Heroes of the Storm

Refer to the steps below to update drivers and software for your operating system.

Video Card Drivers

 Press Windows + R.
 Type DxDiag and click OK.
 After the DirectX Diagnostic Tool loads, click the Display tab.
 The video card's name and manufacturer are listed in the Device section.The
current driver version is listed in the Driver section.
 Visit the driver manufacturer's website to obtain the most up-to-date driver.
Contact the driver manufacturer for assistance with updating the driver. If the
computer is under warranty, contact the computer manufacturer.

Sound Card Drivers

 Press Windows + R.
 Type DxDiag and click OK.
 After the DirectX Diagnostic Tool loads, click the Sound tab.
 The current driver version is listed in the Driver section.
 Visit the driver manufacturer's website to obtain the most up-to-date driver.
Contact the driver manufacturer for assistance with updating the driver. If the
computer is under warranty, contact the computer manufacturer.

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Network Card Drivers
 Click Start (Windows Key + Q in Windows 8).
 Click Control Panel. If there is an option to Switch to Classic View, do so.
 Click System.
 Click the Hardware tab, then click Device Manager.
 Expand the Network Adapters category. Make note of the network card name
and model listed.
 Double-click the network card listed.
 Click the Driver tab and make note of the driver date and version.
Visit the driver manufacturer's website to obtain the most up-to-date driver. Contact
the driver manufacturer for assistance with updating the driver. If the computer is
under warranty, contact the computer manufacturer.
Direct X
 Press Windows + R.
 Type in DxDiag and click OK.
 Click System.
 In the System Information section, look for the DirectX Version that
corresponds to your operating system.


Windows XP DirectX 9.0c

Windows Vista DirectX 11

Windows 7 DirectX 11

Windows 8 DirectX 11

1. If your version of Windows does not match the version of DirectX listed in
Step 4, you must update it to play World of Warcraft properly.

Motherboard Chipset Updates

Experienced users can download and install the latest motherboard chipset
drivers to help resolve rare issues caused by outdated motherboard chipset
drivers. Although it is out of the Scope of Technical Support for Blizzard to
assist, you can search on your own for a program that will tell you what type
of motherboard you have, then visit the manufacturer’s website for the update
Windows OS Updates
Run Windows Update . The Windows Update link works best with Internet
Note: The newest service packs may not automatically install when you run Windows
Update. You must manually choose to install new service packs in Windows Update.
After the updates have been installed, check if there are additional Windows
Updates available

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What is Windows Update?
There's an easy, free way to help keep your PC safer and running smoothly. It's called Windows
Update. All you have to do is turn it on, and you'll get the latest security and other important updates
from Microsoft automatically.

Setting up Windows Update is simple. If you've already got automatic updating turned on, Windows
Update in Control Panel will open and show your update status. If it's not yet turned on, you'll be
guided through the steps to do so. After that, all the latest security and performance improvements will
be installed on your PC quickly and reliably.

It's (mostly) automatic

When you turn on automatic updating, most updates will download and install without you having to
lift a finger. But sometimes Windows Update will need your input during an installation. In this case,
you'll see an alert in the notification area at the far right of the taskbar—be sure to click it. If you don't
respond to a Windows Update alert, your PC might end up missing an important download.

We recommend that you use automatic updating—but if you choose not to, be sure to check for
updates at least once a week.

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Self-Check 1.3-3
Write the steps to update your drivers and software of the following:
1. Video Card
2. Sound card
3. Network Card

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Answer Keys:

Video Card Drivers

 Press Windows + R.
 Type DxDiag and click OK.
 After the DirectX Diagnostic Tool loads, click the Display tab.
 The video card's name and manufacturer are listed in the Device section.The
current driver version is listed in the Driver section.
 Visit the driver manufacturer's website to obtain the most up-to-date driver.
Contact the driver manufacturer for assistance with updating the driver. If the
computer is under warranty, contact the computer manufacturer.

Sound Card Drivers

 Press Windows + R.
 Type DxDiag and click OK.
 After the DirectX Diagnostic Tool loads, click the Sound tab.
 The current driver version is listed in the Driver section.
 Visit the driver manufacturer's website to obtain the most up-to-date driver.
Contact the driver manufacturer for assistance with updating the driver. If the
computer is under warranty, contact the computer manufacturer.

Network Card Drivers

 Click Start (Windows Key + Q in Windows 8).
 Click Control Panel. If there is an option to Switch to Classic View, do so.
 Click System.
 Click the Hardware tab, then click Device Manager.
 Expand the Network Adapters category. Make note of the network card name
and model listed.
 Double-click the network card listed.
 Click the Driver tab and make note of the driver date and version.

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Title : OS and drivers updates/patches

Performance Objectives: At the end of the task the trainees are expected to
Install all necessary updates/patches OF os and
Supplies, Tools, Material : Installation CD/Internet Connection
Equipment : Functional Computer w/peripherals

Steps/ Procedure:

1. Prepare necessary tools & equipment.

2. Start computer
3. Check the needed OS & drivers updates.
4. Updates your OS and Drivers.

Assessment Method:
Demonstration , Performance Criteria checklist


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Performance Criteria
Did you… YES NO

1. Started the system correctly.

2. Followed the instructions on how to update device

drivers and OS.
3. Installed the OS and device drivers update

4. Followed OHS procedures.

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1. Install application software.
2. Variation to application software installation and Software updates.
1. Application software are installed based on software installation
guides, end-user requirements and software license agreement
2. Variation to application software installation is carried out in
accordance to customer/client requirements
3. Software updates are accessed and installed in accordance with
manufacturer’s recommendations and requirements

Trainees must be provided with the following:
 Tools and test instruments
 PC or workstation
 Computer peripherals/devices
 Appropriate OS, drivers and software applications/programs

 Practical Demonstration w/ oral questioning
 Interview
 Portfolio

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Learning Experiences
Learning Outcome 4
Learning Activities Special Instructions
1. Read information sheet 1.4- If you have some problem on the
1 ” Application software” content of the information sheet don’t
hesitate to approach your facilitator.
If you feel that you are now
knowledgeable on the content of the
information sheet, you can answer self
check provided in the module.
2. Answer self-check 1.4-1 Compare your answer to the answer key
1.3-1. If you got 100% correct answer in
this self-check, you can now move to the
next information sheet. If not review the
information sheet and go over the self-
check again.
3. Perform Job Sheet 1.4-1 Compare your work to the checklist and
Install application let your trainer check it. If you got 100%
software correct answer in this task, you can now
move to the next information sheet. If
not review the information sheet and go
over the task again.
4. Read information sheet 1.4- If you have some problem on the
2 “Variation to application content of the information sheet don’t
software installation and hesitate to approach your facilitator.
software updates.” If you feel that you are now
knowledgeable on the content of the
information sheet, you can now do
operation sheet 1.3-2 provided in the
5. Answer self-check 1.4-2 Compare your answer to the answer key
1.3-2. If you got 100% correct answer in
this self-check, you can now do task
sheet 1.3-1. If not review the
information sheet and go over the self-
check again.
6. Perform Task Sheet 1.4-1 Compare your work to the checklist and
Application Software Updates let your trainer check it. If you got 100%
correct answer in this task, you can now
move to the next information sheet. If
not review the information sheet and go
over the task again.

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Learning Objective:
After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to Install
application software.

Application software

An application program (app or application for short) is a computer

program designed to perform a group of coordinated functions, tasks, or
activities for the benefit of the user. Examples of an application include
a word processor, a spreadsheet, an accounting application, a web browser,
a media player, an aeronautical flight simulator, a console game or a photo
editor. The collective noun application software refers to all applications
collectively. This contrasts with system software, which is mainly involved
with running the computer.

Applications may be bundled with the computer and its system software
or published separately, and may be coded as proprietary, open-source or
university projects.


An office suite is a collection of bundled productivity software (a software

suite) intended to be used by knowledge workers. The components are
generally distributed together, have a consistent user interface and usually
can interact with each other, sometimes in ways that the operating
system would not normally allow.

The earliest office suite for personal computers was Starburst in the early
1980s, comprising the word processor WordStar, together with companion

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apps CalcStar (spreadsheet) and DataStar (database). Various other suites
arose in the 1980s, and over the course of the 1990s Microsoft Office came
to dominate the market, a position it retains as of 2015.
Typical office suite components

Existing office suites contain wide range of various components. Most

typically, the base components include:
 Word processor - is an electronic device or computer software
application, that performs the task of composition, editing, formatting,
printing of documents.
 Spreadsheet - is an interactive computer application for organization,
analysis and storage of data in tabular form.
 Presentation program- is a slide show presentation program.
Other components of office suites include:
 Database software
 Graphics suite (raster graphics editor, vector graphics editor, image
 Desktop publishing software
 Formula editor
 Diagramming software
 Email client
 Communication software
 Personal information manager
 Notetaking software
 Groupware
 Project management software
 Web log analysis software

Install Microsoft Office Application

Office is one of the most popular productivity programs around. If you
have your product key, you don't even need a disc to start installing Office.
All you need is an internet connection. If you don't have a product key, you
can purchase one from the Office online store.
Microsoft Office 2010 includes essential productivity apps such as Word, Excel,
PowerPoint, and more. It is available in both Home and Student as well as
Professional packages. The products included in these packages differ, but the

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installation process is the same. Follow this guide to get Office running on your
computer with minimal fuss.


1.Uninstall any old versions of Office. Keeping any older versions of Office
installed can cause errors and problems with your files. To remove old installations.
Open the Control Panel and select Programs and Features (Windows Vista, 7, 8), or
Add/Remove Programs (Windows XP). Wait for the list to load and then select your
old Office installation. Click the Uninstall/Remove button and wait for the
uninstallation process to finish before installing Office 2010.

2. Insert your Office 2010 DVD. Alternatively, open the downloaded Setup file that
you received when you purchased Office 2010 online. Either method will follow the
same steps.
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3. Enter the Product Key. This is the 25-character key found on the packaging that
your Office 2010 came in. If you purchased online, the key will be displayed in the
order confirmation window.
 You do not need to enter the dashes in between groups of characters

4. Accept the License Terms. In order to proceed with the installation, you need to
check the box indicating that you have read and agree to Microsoft’s terms of use.

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5. Choose your installation. Clicking Install Now will install all of the Office products
included in the version that you purchased. Office will be installed to your default
hard drive (the same that Windows is installed on).
 Choose Customize to specify which products you want to install. For
example, if you never use Excel and just need Word, use Customize to disable the
Excel installation. You can also use the Customize option to install Office to a
different location on your computer.

6. Wait for installation to complete. Once you have chosen your installation
options, Office will be automatically installed. The amount of time this takes will vary
depending on the version you are installing and the speed of your computer.
 Once Office is finished installing, you can access each of the individual
Office programs from the Start menu.
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The installation file for Windows from is a self-extracting EXE file. Download the file.
Your browser will save the file to your harddrive.

 Locate the downloaded file on your harddrive and double-click the file to start the installation.
You will be asked for a temporary folder to extract the files that are needed for installation. By
default this is a new folder on your desktop. You can enter any other drive and folder.
Next, the files will be extracted to the folder and the Setup.exe program inside that folder is
started automatically. Double-click the file named Setup.exe if it does not start automatically.

 A guided installation dialog will begin and will step you through the installation process.

 If you want to install to another drive and folder than the default 'C:\Program files',
choose the User Defined setup and change the path.
For OOo 4.x, the next folder will be created:

'C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenOffice 4'

For OOo 3.x, the next folder will be created:

'C:\Program files\ 3'

 After installation finished, you should not delete the folder with the extracted files,
because these files will be required for a repair via Windows system manager.


Adobe Acrobat was the first software to support Adobe

Systems' Portable Document Format(PDF). It is a family of software, some
commercial and some free of charge. The Acrobat Reader program (now just
called Adobe Reader) is available as a no-charge download from Adobe's web
site, and allows the viewing and printing of PDF files. It is a major
component of the Adobe Engagement Platform, and is widely used as a
standard format to display text with a clean visual appeal.


1. Download Adobe Acrobat Reader.

 Download the Software by clicking on the Download Button.
2. Go to the directory, where your downloaded Installation file has been kept,
usually Desktop.
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3. Double-Click the Installation File.
4. Let the Setup File install Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer.
5. Restart your computer.
6. Start Using the software.


DivX is a type of video codec based on the MPEG-4 format of digital video.
The DivX codec makes it possible to maintain relatively high levels of video quality
while minimizing a video file's size. Read on below the jump for instructions on
downloading and installing this codec.
1. Look for the codec. From the official page of DivX, click in the
superior menu in the marked Link as “Download Divx” . Look for Free
2. Download the .exe file. Select the "Save" button, and choose where
you want to save it.
3. Execute the file. Choose the language of installation.
4. Install the codec.
 Click “Next” on the first screen.
 Accept the license and select “Next”.
 Choose those components to install (you may just use the DivX
 Click next and finish the installation.


Antivirus or anti-virus software (often abbreviated as AV), sometimes known as anti-

malware software, is computer software used to prevent, detect and
remove malicious software.


1. Uninstall any antivirus programs. You should only run one antivirus
program on your computer at a time to avoid conflicts and errors. Many
antivirus most likely will not even install if it detects another antivirus
program running.

2. Download Free antivirus software. You can search the file from any
search engine. You will be directed to, where you can
start your file download.

3. Run the install file. The install will begin, and the necessary files will be
downloaded. Select your language and click Next >.

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4. Read and accept the license agreement. You must accept it to continue,
so it recommended that you read the details.
5. Select the Free license. After checking to make sure that no conflicting
programs are installed, antivirus will ask what type of installation you
would like.
 Selecting Express Install will install antivirus toolbars and custom
search sites into your browser. Disable these if you wish by
choosing a Custom Installation and unchecking the boxes.
Click Next >.
 If you chose Custom Installation, you can choose what components
to install in the next screen. You can turn on or off extra features.

6. Wait for antivirus to install. Once your installation is configured, the files
will be downloaded and installed automatically. This may take several
minutes depending on your computer speed and network connection.

7. Restart your computer to complete the installation.

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Self-Check 1.4.1

____________ 1. It is a computer program designed to perform a group of

coordinated functions, tasks, or activities for the benefit of
the user.
______________ 2. It is a collection of bundled productivity software intended
to be used by knowledge workers.
______________ 3. It is the earliest office suite for personal computers.
______________ 4. It is one of the most popular productivity programs around.
______________ 5. It was the first software to support Adobe Systems'
Portable Document Format(PDF).
______________ 6. It is a type of video codec based on the MPEG-4 format of digital
_____________ 7. It is computer software used to prevent, detect and
remove malicious software.
______________ 8. It is an electronic device or computer software application,
that performs the task of composition, editing, formatting,
printing of documents.
______________ 9. It is an interactive computer application for organization,
analysis and storage of data in tabular form.
______________ 10. It is a slide show presentation program.

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Answer Keys:

1. Applications
2. Office Suite
3. Starburst
4. Office
5. Adobe Acrobat
6. DivX
7. Antivirus
8. Word Processor
9. Spreadsheet
10. Presentation Program

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Title : Install application software

Performance Objectives: At the end of the task the trainees are expected to
Install Application Software
Supplies, Tools, Material : Installation CD/DVD/USB,
Equipment : Functional Computer w/peripherals

Steps/ Procedure:

1. Prepare necessary tools & equipment.

2. Start computer
3. Install Office Application
4. Install DivX Codec or other Video Codec
5. Install Antivirus Software
6. Install PDF Reader

Assessment Method:
Demonstration , Performance Criteria checklist

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Performance Criteria
Did you… YES NO

1. Started the system correctly.

3. Install Office Application

3. Install Video Codec

4. Install Antivirus

5. Install PDF reader

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Variation to Application Software Installation And Software Updates.

Learning Objective:
After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to update and
upgrade application software.

A software update, also known as a ‘Patch’ or a ‘Service Pack’, is a

piece of software released by software vendors, mainly to address security
vulnerabilities in their existing products. Software updates occasionally
contain bug fixes and product enhancement. These updates are installed
over the current installation and do not require uninstallation or re-
installation of the software in question. In simple words, when you need to
update a program, you don’t need to do anything other than let the updater
do its thing.

A software update may contain:

 Security Vulnerability Fixes: More than 90% of software and operating

system (OS) updates are to patch security vulnerabilities in programs.
A software program with a security hole in it can allow very bad things
to happen to the computer. Exploiting security vulnerabilities in
programs to deliver malwareis a common method employed by
cybercriminals. Back in April this year, we reported how a Trojan
called Mal/JavaJar-B exploited a flaw in Java™ and left computers
running on Windows®, Mac OS®, and Linux® vulnerable to serious

 Bug Fixes and Product Enhancements: Though most software updates

are developed mainly to address security holes in programs, you may
come across software updates with bug fixes and product
enhancements to improve program’s performance.

A ‘bug’ refers to unintended mistakes done by the programmer which causes the program to give
unexpected results and errors. Whenever new bugs are found and reported, developers develop fixes and
offer them as a part of the software update.

Software Update vs. Software Upgrade

The term ‘software update’ is often confused with the term ‘software upgrade’. Though both the terms
sound similar, there is a huge difference. A "software update" updates your existing version of the program
to the current version, but does not upgrade it to the next major version. For example, when you install
Service Pack 1 on your Windows 7 computer, you are actually updating your Windows 7 computer with
Windows 7 Service Pack 1.
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On the other hand, a “software upgrade” allow you to upgrade a program to its next major version. For
example, if you are moving from Windows Vista® to Windows 7, you are actually performing a software
upgrade. While a software update usually comes free, there’s usually a cost for a software upgrade.

Upgrade Office 2010 to 2013

NOTE: Upgrading to Office 2013 will automatically remove Office 2010 from your PC.

Step 1: Download your copy of Office 2013 ISO file. Yes, Office 2013 setup file comes in an
ISO file and you need to mount the ISO to run the setup. If you are on Windows 8, simply
right-click on the file and click open with Windows Explorer to mount it. And if you’re on
Windows 7, install ISO image mounting software like PowerIso or Virtual Clone Drive.

Step 2: Double-click on the Setup file and click Yes for the UAC prompt.

Step 3: Accept the license agreement, click Continue button.

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Step 4: In the following screen, click Upgrade button to automatically remove existing
Office installation and install the newest version of Office. You are done! Enjoy your
Microsoft Office 2013!

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When you run Office 2013 for the first time, you will be asked to activate the program.
Follow the instructions provided in our how to activate Office 2013 guide to activate your
copy of Office.

Please note the setup only removes earlier version of Office program and it doesn’t delete
your data and settings. But if the edition of Office you are installing doesn’t include some of
the program that were part of your earlier version of Office, those earlier programs might not
be removed automatically. You need to manually uninstall them.

Update Office and your computer with Microsoft Update

Software isn't perfect, and that's why most software companies give you updates.

The best way to get your Microsoft updates is to set your computer to install them
automatically, and you can do that in Windows. Office updates are part of the Microsoft
updates you get after you set up getting updates in Windows.

You can also get updates manually at any time. We recommend that you use automatic
updating—but if you choose not to, be sure to check for updates at least once a week.

Turn on automatic updates in Windows 8 or 8.1

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1. Open Control Panel by pressing the Windows logo key + X to see a list of commands
and options, and then click Control Panel.

2. Choose System and Security.

3. Choose Windows Update.

4. Choose Change settings, and choose or change the settings you want and remember
your computer has to be on at the time you selected to install new updates, including
checking the Give me updates for other Microsoft products when I update Windows box
so you can get Office updates.

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Turn on automatic updates in Windows 7

1. Close all open programs.

2. Choose Start > Control Panel.

3. Choose System and Security (which you see when you view Control Panel by

4. Choose Windows Update.

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5. In the left-hand pane, choose Change Settings.

6. Under Important Updates, choose Install updates automatically and

under Microsoft Update check the Give me updates for Microsoft products and check for
new optional Microsoft software when I update Windows box to get the Office updates.

Your IT department might set automatic updates for you. If they do, you'll see the message in
the yellow bar, and you won't be able to use the Important Updates list or set dates and
times, like so:

7. Select any other options, and remember your computer has to be on at the time you
selected to install new updates.
o If you view the items in Control Panel by their icons instead of categories, you
choose System >Windows Update > Change Settings.

o You'll receive updates for Office, Windows, and other products like Zune.

o Updates come in three flavors: Important, Recommended, and Optional. You'll only get
the important updates unless you select the second option Give me recommended updates
the same way I receive important updates.

o It's a good idea to install the recommended updates. The optional updates may be things
you don’t need, like the ability to change the language in your Office programs. It doesn't hurt
to install them, but you have to get those updates manually.
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Update your antivirus software

Antivirus software must be updated regularly to stay effective against new viruses. Most antivirus
software is designed to update automatically, but you can also update your software manually.

Windows doesn't come with antivirus software, but it can often detect and monitor antivirus software
that was installed by you or your computer manufacturer. The status of your antivirus software is
typically displayed in Action Center.

1. Open Action Center by clicking the Start button , clicking Control Panel, and then,
under System and Security, clickingReview your computer's status.

2. Click the arrow button next to Security to expand the section.

If Windows can detect your antivirus software, it will be listed under Virus protection.

3. Click Update now.


 The Update now option only appears if Windows detects that your antivirus software is out of
date. Not all antivirus software reports its status to Windows.

If your antivirus software isn't displayed in Action Center, go to the downloads section of your
antivirus software provider’s website. Find the update for your version of the software and your
operating system, and then install it. For more information, check the Help for your antivirus software.

Most antivirus software updates are free, but some providers charge a small fee for the updates. If
you're using an older version of the software, you might also have to pay to upgrade to a more recent
version to continue to receive the updates.

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1. Software update is also known as _______________ or ______________.

2. A software updates may contain: ____________________ and _____________.
3. _________ is refer to unintended mistakes done by the programmer which
causes the program to give unexpected results and errors.
4. _________ must be updated regularly to stay effective against new viruses.
5. ____________ allow you to upgrade a program to its next major version.

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Answer Key

1. Patch or Service Pack

2. Security Vulnerability and Bug Fixes & Product Enhancements
3. Bug
4. Antivirus Software
5. Software Upgrade

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Title : Application Software Updates & Upgrades

Performance Objectives: At the end of the task the trainees are expected to
Install Application Software Updates and upgrade.
Supplies, Tools, Material : Installation CD/Internet Connection
Equipment : Functional Computer w/peripherals

Steps/ Procedure:

1. Prepare necessary tools & equipment.

2. Start computer
3. Upgrade Office 2010 to Office 2013.
4. Turn on Automatic Updates of your computer
5. Update Antivirus Software

Assessment Method:
Demonstration , Performance Criteria checklist

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Performance Criteria
Did you… YES NO

1. Started the system correctly.

2. Upgrade Office 2010 to Office 2013

3. Turn on Automatic Updates

4. Update Antivirus Software

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1. Devices / systems and/or installation testing.
2. Stress test.
3. 5S and 3Rs.

1. Devices / systems and/or installation is tested to determine
whether it conforms to requirements.
2. Stress test is conducted to ensure reliability of equipment in
accordance with manufacturer’s instructions and system
3. 5S and 3Rs are followed according to environmental policies.
4. Documentation in relation to the test is forwarded to appropriate
personnel and/or authority in accordance with requirements.

Trainees must be provided with the following:
 Tools and test instruments
 PC or workstation
 Computer peripherals/devices
 Appropriate OS, drivers and software applications/programs
 Practical Demonstration w/ oral questioning
 Interview
 Portfolio

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Learning Experiences
Learning Outcome 5
Learning Activities Special Instructions
1. Read information sheet 1.5-1 ” If you have some problem on the
Devices / systems and/or content of the information sheet
installation testing” don’t hesitate to approach your
If you feel that you are now
knowledgeable on the content of
the information sheet, you can
answer self check provided in the
2. Answer self-check 1.5-1 Compare your answer to the
answer key 1.3-1. If you got 100%
correct answer in this self-check,
you can now move to the next
information sheet. If not review the
information sheet and go over the
self-check again.
3. Perform Task Sheet 1.5-1 Devices Compare your work to the checklist
/ systems and/or installation testing and let your trainer check it. If you
got 100% correct answer in this
task, you can now move to the next
information sheet. If not review the
information sheet and go over the
task again.
4. Read information sheet 1.5-2 If you have some problem on the
“Stress test.” content of the information sheet
don’t hesitate to approach your
If you feel that you are now
knowledgeable on the content of
the information sheet, you can now
do operation sheet 1.3-2 provided
in the module.
5. Answer self-check 1.3-2 Compare your answer to the
answer key 1.3-2. If you got 100%
correct answer in this self-check,
you can now do task sheet 1.3-1. If
not review the information sheet
and go over the self-check again.
6. Perform Task Sheet 1.5-2 Stress Compare your work to the checklist
testing and let your trainer check it. If you
got 100% correct answer in this
task, you can now move to the next
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information sheet. If not review the
information sheet and go over the
task again.
7. Read information Sheet 1.5-3. If you have some problem on the
content of the information sheet
5S and 3Rs don’t hesitate to approach your
If you feel that you are now
knowledgeable on the content of
the information sheet, you can now
answer self check provided in the
8. Answer self-check 1.3-3 Compare your answer to the
answer key 1.3-3. If you got 100%
correct answer in this self-check,
you can now move to the next
Information sheet. If not review the
information sheet and go over the
self-check again.
9. Perform Task Sheet 1.5-3 5S Compare your work to the checklist
and 3Rs and let your trainer check it. If you
got 100% correct answer in this
task, you can now move to the next
information sheet. If not review the
information sheet and go over the
task again.

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Learning Objective:
After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to test Devices
/Systems and/or Installation.

Check Computer Information

Knowing the specifications of your computer will help you make
informed decisions when purchasing new hardware and software. You can
check your system specs in every operating system, regardless of how old it
is or what system it's on. All you need is to know where to look.

Device Manager
Generic hardware information of what Microsoft Windows is detecting can
be found through the Device Manager. If more detailed information is
required use a third-party utility. Below is an example of what the Device
Manager looks like and the type of devices that may be listed.

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Using MsInfo32)
1. Click Start > Run
2. Type MsInfo32

3. Find the System Summary on the main page, it includes the principal
information about your computer(System , physical memory , virtual
memory , BIOS version ...)

4. Find information on your hardware on the "Hardware resources" tab.

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5. Find information about codecs (video, audio, other multimedia ... etc)
installed in the "Components" tab.

6. Look for information on drivers and services in the "Software Environment" tab.

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7. Find information about your Default Navigator "Internet Explorer" in
the "Internet Settings" tab.
8. Look for MS Office applications' information on the "Office
Applications" tab.
Using DxDiag

1. Click Start > Run.

2. Type Dxdiag.
 You must have any version of DirectX installed on your system.

3. Find information about System , Display , Sound , Network, etc. in their

appropriate tabs.

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Windows 7
1. Use this method for Windows 7

2. Go to Taskbar > Control Panel> System.

3. It provides Information about the system

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4. Use the DirectX Diagnostic Tool as mentioned in the prior section.
Windows Vista

1. On the Taskbar : Click "Start" > All Programs > Accessories > System
Tools > System Information.

2. Follow the same steps as Windows 7.

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Microsoft Help Center

1. Hold and press Start + F1 on your keyboard.

2. Click the Performance and Maintenance.

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3. Click on Maintaining Your Computer. This will be on the left task panel.

4. Click Get Information About Your Computer on the right pane.

5. View General System Information about your computer. It will tell you
it is processing.

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6. When processed, you will find the computer's information.

Third-party programs
If this program does not list the information you need, see the third-party
program section on this page. It contains a list of programs that can be
installed to detect and list the hardware and software on your computer.

Finally, there are several third-party programs that enable users to

display their system specifications and in some cases
also benchmark their computer. Below is a short listing of some of these
programs and each of the programs capabilities listed in the order we
recommend most

1. WinAudit
2. Belarc Advisor
3. Fresh Diagnose
4. HWiNFO and HWiNFO32
5. Lavalys EVEREST
6. SiSoftware SANDRA

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Self Check 1.5-1

A. Give at least 5 different ways and methods of checking your computer


C. Five third party programs used in checking computer operation


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Answer keys

A. Methods in checking computer information

1. Using MsInfo32)
2. Using DxDiag
3. Windows 7 System Information
4. Windows Vista System Information
5. Microsoft Help Center
6. Device Manager
7. Third Party Program

B. Third party programs used in checking computer operation

1. WinAudit
2. Belarc Advisor
3. Fresh Diagnose
4. HWiNFO and HWiNFO32
5. Lavalys EVEREST
6. SiSoftware SANDRA

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Title : Devices / systems and/or installation testing

Performance Objectives: At the end of the task the trainees are expected to
test and check computer system devices and
Supplies, Tools, Material : Computer System Inspection Sheet, Internet
Equipment : Functional Computer w/peripherals

Steps/ Procedure:

1. Prepare necessary tools & equipment.

2. Start computer
3. Using Computer System Inspection Sheet Perform the Computer
System Information Check.
4. Let your trainer check your work
5. Turn off your computer and perform 5S.

Assessment Method:
Demonstration , Performance Criteria checklist

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Performance Criteria
Did you… YES NO
1. Prepare necessary tools & equipment.

2. Start computer properly

3. Perform the Computer System Information Check

accurately .

4. Shoot Down computer properly

6. Perform 5S

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Information Sheet 1.5-2
Stress Testing

Learning Objective:
After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to perform
Stress testing

Stress Testing

Stress testing (sometimes called torture testing) is a form of deliberately

intense or thorough testing used to determine the stability of a given system
or entity. It involves testing beyond normal operational capacity, often to a
breaking point, in order to observe the results. Reasons can include:

 to determine breaking points or safe usage limits

 to confirm mathematical model is accurate enough in predicting
breaking points or safe usage limits
 to confirm intended specifications are being met
 to determine modes of failure (how exactly a system fails)
 to test stable operation of a part or system outside standard usage
Reliability engineers often test items under expected stress or even under
accelerated stress in order to determine the operating life of the item or to
determine modes of failure.

The term "stress" may have a more specific meaning in certain industries,
such as material sciences, and therefore stress testing may sometimes have
a technical meaning – one example is in fatigue testing for materials.


Stress testing, in general, should put computer hardware under

exaggerated levels of stress in order to ensure stability when used in a
normal environment. These can include extremes of workload, type of task,
memory use, thermal load (heat), clock speed, or voltages. Memory and CPU
are two components that are commonly stress tested in this way.

In software testing, a system stress test refers to tests that put a greater
emphasis on robustness, availability, and error handling under a heavy load,
rather than on what would be considered correct behavior under normal
circumstances. In particular, the goals of such tests may be to ensure the
software does not crash in conditions of insufficient computational
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resources (such as memory or disk space), unusually high concurrency,
or denial of service attacks.

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Self-Check 1.5.2

True or False

________ 1. Stress testing is a form of deliberately intense or thorough

testing used to determine the stability of a given system or

_________2. The purpose of stress testing is to determine breaking

points or safe usage limits.

_________3. Reliability engineers often test items under expected stress

or even under accelerated stress in order to determine the
operating life of the item or to determine modes of failure

_________4. Stress testing, in general, should put computer hardware

under exaggerated levels of stress in order to ensure
stability when used in a normal environment.

_________5. In software testing, a system stress test refers to tests that

put a greater emphasis on robustness, availability,
and error handling under a heavy load, rather than on
what would be considered correct behavior under normal

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Answer Keys

1. T

2. T

3. T

4. T

5. T

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Title : Stress testing

Performance Objectives: At the end of the task the trainees are expected
Perform Stress Testing
Supplies, Tools, Material :
Equipment : Functional Computer w/peripherals

Steps/ Procedure:

1. Prepare necessary tools & equipment.

2. Start computer
3. Perform Stress Test of Hardware and Software
4. Record the result of your test
5. Turn off your computer and perform 5S.

Assessment Method:
Demonstration , Performance Criteria checklist

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Performance Criteria
Did you… YES NO
1. Prepare necessary tools & equipment.
2. Start computer properly
3. Perform stress test of Hardware & Software

4. Shoot Down computer properly

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Information Sheet 1.5.3
5S and 3Rs

Learning Objective:
After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to perform 5s
& 3Rs.

5S is the name of a workplace organization method that uses a list of
five Japanese words: seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu, and shitsuke.
There are five 5S phases: They can be translated from the Japanese as
"sort", "set in order", "shine", "standardize", and "sustain". Other
translations are possible.
 Remove unnecessary items and dispose of them properly.
 Make work easier by eliminating obstacles.
 Reduce chances of being disturbed with unnecessary items.
 Prevent accumulation of unnecessary items.
 Evaluate necessary items with regard to cost or other factors.
 Remove all parts or tools that are not in use.
 Segregate unwanted material from the workplace.
 Need fully skilled supervisor for checking on regular basis.
 Don't put unnecessary items at the workplace & define a red-tagged
area to keep those unnecessary items.
 Waste removal.
Set In Order
 Arrange all necessary items so that they can be easily selected for use.
 Prevent loss and waste of time by arranging work station in such a
way that all tooling / equipment is in close proximity
 Make it easy to find and pick up necessary items
 Ensure first-in-first-out FIFO basis
 Make workflow smooth and easy
 All of the above work should be done on regular basis
 Clean your workplace completely
 Use cleaning as inspection
 Prevent machinery and equipment deterioration
 Keep workplace safe and easy to work
 Keep workplace clean and pleasing to work in

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 When in place, anyone not familiar to the environment must be able
to detect any problems within 50 feet in 5 secs.
 Standardize the best practices in the work area.
 Maintain high standards in workplace organization at all times.
 Maintain orderliness. Maintain everything in order and according to
its standard.
 Everything in its right place.
 Every process has a standard.
 To keep in proper working order.
 Also translates as "do without being told".
 Perform regular audits.
 Training and discipline.
 Training is goal-oriented process. Its resulting feedback is necessary

5S Seiri; Sort, Clearing, Classify

5S Seiton; Straighten, Simplify, Set in order, Configure
5S Seiso; Sweep, shine, Scrub, Clean and Check
5S Seiketsu; Standardize, stabilize, Conformity
5S Shitsuke; Sustain, self-discipline, custom and practice
And for completeness, some companies add a 6th (6S) of Safety, although in
my opinion this should be an integral part of the steps of 5S and not a
separate stage in itself.

3 Rs
The three R's - reduce, reuse and recycle - all help to cut down on the amount of waste we
throw away. They conserve natural resources, landfill space and energy.

Plus, the three R's save land and money communities must use to dispose of waste in landfills.
Siting a new landfill has become difficult and more expensive due to environmental regulations
and public opposition.

Everyone can help meet this goal and save natural resources, energy, and money by following
the three R's.

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The best way to manage waste is to not produce it. This can be done by shopping carefully and
being aware of a few guidelines:

 Buy products in bulk. Larger, economy-size products or ones in concentrated form use
less packaging and usually cost less per ounce.
 Avoid over-packaged goods, especially ones packed with several materials such as foil,
paper, and plastic. They are difficult to recycle, plus you pay more for the package.
 Avoid disposable goods, such as paper plates, cups, napkins, razors, and lighters.
Throwaways contribute to the problem, and cost more because they must be replaced
again and again.
 Buy durable goods - ones that are well-built or that carry good warranties. They will last
longer, save money in the long run and save landfill space.
 At work, make two-sided copies whenever possible.
 Maintain central files rather than using several files for individuals.
 Use electronic mail or main bulletin board.
 Remove your name from the mailing lists of materials you no longer want to receive:
write to Mail Preference Service, c/o Direct Marketing Assoc., P.O. Box 90008,
Farmingdale, NY 11735.
 Use cloth napkins instead of paper napkins.
 Use a dish cloth instead of paper towels.

It makes economic and environmental sense to reuse products. Sometimes it takes creativity:
 Reuse products for the same purpose. Save paper and plastic bags, and repair broken
appliances, furniture and toys.
 Reuse products in different ways. Use a coffee can to pack a lunch; use plastic
microwave dinner trays as picnic dishes.
 Sell old clothes, appliances, toys, and furniture in garage sales or ads, or donate them to
 Use resealable containers rather than plastic wrap.
 Use a ceramic coffee mug instead of paper cups.
 Reuse grocery bags or bring your own cloth bags to the store. Do not take a bag from
the store unless you need one.

Recycling is a series of steps that takes a used material and processes, remanufactures, and sells
it as a new product. Begin recycling at home and at work:
 Buy products made from recycled material. Look for the recycling symbol or ask store
managers or salesmen. The recycling symbol means one of two things - either the
product is made of recycled material, or the item can be recycled. For instance, many
plastic containers have a recycling symbol with a numbered code the identifies what type

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of plastic resin it is made from. However, just because the container has this code does
not mean it can be easily recycled locally.
 Check collection centers and curbside pickup services to see what they accept, and begin
collecting those materials. These can include metal cans, newspapers, paper products,
glass, plastics and oil.
 Consider purchasing recycled materials at work when purchasing material for office
supply, office equipment or manufacturing.
 Speak to store managers and ask for products and packaging that help cut down on
waste, such as recycled products and products that are not over packaged.
 Buy products made from material that is collected for recycling in your community.
 Use recycled paper for letterhead, copier paper and newsletters.

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1. What are the 5 words in Japanese which represent the 5S?
2. Give the English meaning in each word.
3. What are the 3Rs?

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Answer Keys
5S Japanese English
1. Seiri; Sort, Clearing, Classify
2. Seiton; Straighten, Simplify, Set in order, Configure
3. Seiso; Sweep, shine, Scrub, Clean and Check
4. Seiketsu; Standardize, stabilize, Conformity
5. Shitsuke; Sustain, self-discipline, custom and practice

3 Rs
1. Reduce
2. Reuse
3. Recycle

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Title : 5S and 3Rs

Performance Objectives: At the end of the task the trainees are expected
Perform 5S & 3Rs
Supplies, Tools, Material : Cleaning Materials, Screw driver, Paint Brush, Pliers

Equipment : Functional Computer w/peripherals

Steps/ Procedure:

1. Prepare necessary tools & materials.

2. Perform 5S in a given station.
3. Apply 3Rs
4. Let your Trainer check your work

Assessment Method:
Demonstration , Performance Criteria checklist

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Performance Criteria
Did you… YES NO
1. Prepare necessary tools & materials.
2. Remove unnecessary items and dispose of them

3. Remove all parts or tools that are not in use

4. Arrange all necessary items so that they can be easily

selected for use

5. Clean your workplace completely

6. Keep workplace safe and easy to work

7. Maintain orderliness. Maintain everything in order

and according to its standard

8. Apply 3R in performing the task.

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Servicing NC II May 05, 2015
Installing & Issued by:
QA SYSTEM. Developed by: Page
Alain C. Gallarde Revision No.: 202 of 202
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