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My invention is like a large magnetic vacuum cleaner that has a job to absorb trashes under the sea

especially those kinds of metal that has emitted corrosion and has damaged a number of aquatic living
organisms and all the other toxic garbage in the ocean as well as collect the building pile of garbage on
the land that has caused pollution and global warming in our environment. It is a machine that cleans
and also recycles the pollutants into useful.

My invention is similar to those ordinary vacuum cleaners that have a function to suck different kinds of
debris at home but it is much larger and has a specified function that includes rusty and old metals in
collecting trash. It is a machine that cleans and also recycles the garbage into useful substances like
fertilizer, new forms of metals that can be used for building structures, tools, and other aspects, and
lastly plastics that can also form into other useful products.

We should create an invention like this not just to make our lives convenient and to reduce manpower
but also to restore the life of all the living organisms and bring back the beauty and health of our nature
from destruction and depletion of our natural resources. This invention would also serve as an
instrument for us to live a healthily; to prevent viruses from forming and spreading.

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