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Types of Methodology

Quantitative (OBJECTIVE DATA)

This is being observed and seen with the naked eye. Use of senses. It involves
numerical that can be seen and observed.
Cannot be measure by numbers and refers to experiences.

General Classification- motive or objectives (Examples: provided a recommendation or

solution to reduce the rate of people who are smoking)
 Basic and Pure Research
-It is just a matter of researching about anything. Example (research about
 Applied Research
-when you found a solution to your first research.
-seeks for practical application of the theoretical knowledge.
 Action Research
-Study of certain problems, and from that experience, decision, actions and
conclusion are drawn.
-evidence based practice
-action research is you make an action plan for that problem
-Made in short period of time. Should be ebp, Should be tested and proven.
 Historical Research
-narrative description or analysis of past events.
-describe the history
-Primary data (oral histories, written records, diaries)
-no past no present (always have related literature)
Level of Investigation

 Exploratory
Explore more (answers the what question)
 Descriptive
-accurate account of characteristic of particular individual or groups

According to time frame or duration

 Longitudinal or Prospective
-follows subject for a long period of time (example: documentation of lions
in the dessert for 5 years).
-subjected for future data.
 Cross Sectional
-use to infer change over time
-when data are collected on age or developmental groups.
-present data (ex: grades of two groups being compare)
 Retrospective
-begins with the manifestations of dependent variable in the present
-follow by a search for a presumed cause occurring in the past.

Research Design or Approach

 Correlational
-systematic investigation between among variables.
 Experimental
-objective, systematic, highly controlled investigation
-purpose of predicting and controlling phenomena in nursing practice.
-examples is (Clinical Trials for vaccines in COVID)
 Non-Experimental
-studies for researcher primary interest is understanding some human behavior,
naturalistic context.
-observational study.
 Quasi Experimental
-Basis for predicting phenomena
-Explain relationships of the Covid and the Pandemic.
-Provide a solution for that phenomena.
-Why it happens? (events).
-causal relationships.
-based it on the recent experiment.
 Combined or Mixed Method
-Quantitative and Qualitative combination
-statistical treatment
 Sequential Explanatory Method
-Questionnaire first
-sequence or steps
-1 set of respondents
-pag alanganin ka tanungin mo siya kung bat ganun sagot niyo
 Sequential Exploratory Method
-give questionnaire and gather it, check the data, if it is not accurate, You have
the right to ask again your respondents.
-questionnaire to two respondents (staff and administrator)
-compare the difference between their responses.
 Triangulation
-3 respondents (staff, admin, HR)

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