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University of Luzon

College of Nursing and Midwifery

Perez Blvd. Dagupan City



Lance Andre Calimlim

Jestian Ryll Delacruz
Angelica Orbe
Millen Jane Bastillo

Prof. Dulnuan

Self-esteem is defined as the confidence and the satisfaction in

oneself or usually refers as self-respect. The period of adolescence is
important for the process of self-esteem formation. The formation of self-
esteem can be stimulated, encouraged both by parents and teachers. The
level of self-esteem is mirrored in the adolescent’s attitude and behavior,
both at home and at school (Mogonea and Mogonea, 2014).

Kant and others have argued conventionally from a philosophical

and ethical standpoint that self-esteem is "the awareness of the absolute
value of one's own personality or dignity." In 1980, James [1] stated that
self-esteem is "the satisfaction or dissatisfaction with oneself." In reality,
humans select a certain pretension and think of failure in that pretension
as a true defeat and of success as a true victory. Feelings such as shame
or joy occur as a result, respectively. As such, James saw self-esteem as a
ratio found by dividing one's successes in areas of life of importance to a
given individual by the failures in them or one's
"success/pretensions"(Okada & Fuji, 2012).

Using several Arab participants, it was found that self-esteem

significantly and positively associated with love of life, mental health,
satisfaction with life, happiness, and hope (Abdel-Khalek, 2007, 2011,
2012, 2013, Abdel-Khalek and Snyder, 2007).

Akinleke (2012) conducted a study and the aim of this study was to
discover how test anxiety and self-esteem affect academic performance.
Two hundred and fifty randomly drawn final year National Diploma (NDII)
students of the Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro were involved in the study. They
were given two questionnaires that took between forty and forty five
minutes to complete. The study was carried out in a classroom
environment during regular school hours. After collecting information from
the students through questionnaires, their comprehensive Grade Point
Averages (GPA) in previous year were also collected. This GPA data were
then compared to the scores obtained from the questionnaires. This study
discovered that overall, low anxiety student had higher GPAs than high
anxiety students and that there is a positive relationship between self-
esteem and academic performance. The implication of the findings were
that stakeholders in education should formulate policies that help
students to cope with anxiety and also initiate programs that will assist
the process of learning and mastering challenges as such would result in
higher academic achievement. (Arshad, 2015).
Self-esteem is how people feel about themselves and how much they
like themselves, especially socially and academically when it comes to
college students. Having one’s academic achievement is a major key to
most college students` self-esteem. Having a high self-esteem has many
positive effects and benefits, especially among college students. Students
who feel positive about themselves have fewer sleepless nights, succumb
less easily to pressures of conformity by peers, are less likely to use drugs
and alcohol, are more persistent at difficult tasks, are happier and more
sociable, and most pertinent to this study is that they tend to perform
better academically (Yazon, 2018).

A Grade Point Average (GPA) is the average of all final grades for
courses within a program, weighted by the unit value of each of those
courses. There are several ways to determine student academic
performance which are cumulative grade point average (CGPA) (Yogendra,
Student academic performance measurement has received
considerable attention in previous research, it is challenging aspects of
academic literature, and science student performance are affected due to
social, psychological, economic, environmental and personal factors. These
factors strongly influence on the student performance, but these factors
vary from person to person and country to country (Mushtaq & Khan,
Self-esteem is a one big factor especially on the nursing students
relates to their academic performance. The researchers observed that
many students that often fail or have poor academic performance tend to
also have poor self-esteem. That’s why the group formulate the idea of
determining the impact of self-esteem to the academic performance of the
students thus the result of the study can be use as a basis in formulating
programs or strategies that can enhance the self-esteem of the nursing
students in University of Luzon.
The objectives of the study include the assessment of the impact of
self-esteem on the academic performance of the nursing students with the
use of scale related to self-esteem to assess the self-esteem status of the
nursing students. It also involves the measurement of the academic
performance of the respondents. Relates the data to prove if there is such
self-esteem status and how it affects the academic performance. And the
last objective of this study is to be able to provide a guide in formulating
strategies or programs that can enhance the self-esteem of the nursing
Conceptual framework
The present study will be anchored on the theory of will be the
backbone of our study as it explained the relationship of high self-esteem
and success and also with those people with low self-esteem and struggle
to success. This concept can help us determine the impact of self-esteem
on the academic performance of the nursing students.
This framework is supported by William James “Principles of
Psychology” William James gave the first clear definition in 1892 when he
said that self-esteem equals success divided by pretensions. In other
words, feeling of self-worth comes from the successes an individual
achieves tempered by what the person had expected to achieve. If the
person expected to do extremely well on an exam his/her pretension are
quite high. If, however, the person expected to do well and then scored 'D'
his or her self-esteem should be low. This important simplistic view of self-
esteem started a movement towards a better understanding of the complex
series of factors that come together to create the positive or negative
feelings individuals have about who they are.
The concept of William James provided a basis that will support
the study on determining the impact of self-esteem on the academic
performance of the nursing students. Being a student nurse needs to be
good in communication, speaking in front of the people with full
confidence given to the activities that they are expose. Great example are
the Related learning experiences(RLE), return demonstration, and
presenting case study which indicates if the student nurse have poor self-
esteem it will results to poor performance and will be reflected to their
GPA. The study will use the concept of William James about self-esteem to
evaluate the self-esteem of the nursing students. It will be used to
determine the different factors that affect self-esteem individuals and by
that concept we will use these factors to identify if the self-esteem of one’s
student is important to succeed on their (GPA). And we will base our
recommendation and strategies that can help enhance and develop the
self-esteem of the nursing students in University of Luzon in Dagupan
Research paradigm of the study
Input-Process-Output will be used to be the framework of this study. The
input of the study is the self-esteem and the academic performance. The
output of the study is determining the impact of the self-esteem on the
academic performance of the nursing students and can be use as guide to
formulate programs and strategies that will be helpful to enhance the self-
esteem of the nursing students.



STATUS Analysis of the programs or
two variables strategies that
ACADEMIC can be used to
self esteem
PERFORMANCE enhance the self-
academic esteem of the
performance nursing


Figure 1. Research Paradigm of the Study

Statement of the problem
The study aims to determine the impact of self-esteem on the academic
performance of student nurses in the University of Luzon. Result of the study
will serve as a basis to formulate strategies that can enhance the self-esteem of
student nurses.
Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:
1. What is the self-esteem of the student nurses?
2. What is the academic performance of the student nurses in terms of their
3. Is there a significant relationship between the self-esteem and academic
4. What strategies can be proposed to enhance the self-esteem of student
Assumptions of the Study
Some of the assumptions of this study are:
1. The respondents will provide honest questions to the questionnaires
2. Having only high self-esteem does not result in good academic
3. The respondents will benefit from the study.
Scope and Delimitations
The general intent of this study is to determine the impact of self-esteem
on the academic performance of the nursing students in University of Luzon in
Dagupan City and propose strategies or programs that can boost the self-
esteem of the student nurses.
The respondents are students from third year to fourth year who are
enrolled in the college of nursing. this study will include the GPA of nursing
students on both semester during the academic year 2019-2020. The GPA will
only cover the major subjects of the student nurses.
The researchers only choose the third year and the fourth year because
of timeframe issues. If researchers include all year levels, there’s a possibility
that the study would not reach the timeframe allotted for the study.
Researchers chooses third year and fourth year students because of the
experience that they had in the college of nursing that includes their Related
learning activities (RLE), return demonstration, and presentation of case study
which based on their year level indicates that they are more expose than those
in lower years. Which the researchers assume that in order to determine the
self-esteem of the student nurses they need to use respondents that are
already been exposed to these kinds of activities.
That’s why the researchers didn’t include the lower years because they
are just starting on there journey to nursing course and maybe they are
exposed but only minimal and they focus more on lectures and less return
demonstration and last reason is they are not yet been exposed to hospitals or
new environment which the highest years been already exposed by their (RLE).
Due to this pandemic where students are having an online class which means
that they are not yet allowed to undergo to their (RLE) that’s why the
researchers conclude that the lower years are still not a candidate for this
Significance of the Study
The outcome of this study will determine the impact of self-esteem of the
nursing students to their academic performance. This study will be a basis to
formulate strategies or programs specific to nursing students on how they will
enhance their self-esteem for better academic performance.
Student Nurses- this study will benefit the third year and fourth year
student of the college of nursing in University of Luzon. The study will be use
as a guide to raise their awareness on the impact of self-esteem to achieve
academic success and also to boost their self-esteem. The study will also
benefit the upcoming 2nd year and 1st year students as an insight to adjust to
their learning process.
Nursing education- The study will be able to help the educational
system of the college of nursing to be able to formulate activities and strategies
to mainly enhance the self-esteem of their students which can result to positive
academic performance.
Nursing practice- this study can be use as guide especially for future
nurses to enhance their self-esteem and awareness to promote efficiency at
work and better care and relationship to their clients.
Nursing research- this study can be use by future researchers as source
of information and can be used as a basis for improvement of their research to
solve various problem related to nursing education or practice.

Definition of terms
The following terms are either defined operationally or conceptually for
easier understanding of the study.
Self-esteem refers to the confidence and the satisfaction in oneself or
usually refers as self-respect. The period of adolescence is important for the
process of self-esteem formation. The formation of self-esteem can be
stimulated, encouraged both by parents and teachers. The level of self-esteem
is mirrored in the adolescent’s attitude and behavior, both at home and at
school (Mogonea and Mogonea, 2014).
Academic Performance refers to the Grade Point Average (GPA) is the
average of all final grades for courses within a program, weighted by the unit
value of each of those courses. There are several ways to determine student
academic performance which are cumulative grade point average (CGPA)
(Yogendra, 2017).
Nursing students refers to the student nurses that are enrolled in the
College of Nursing in University of Luzon.

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