Set A Long Questions: (10 2 20) Attempt Any Two

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Long Questions: [10*2=20]

Attempt Any Two:
1. What do you mean by Object oriented design? Explain about use case,class diagram and
sequence diagram with examples.
2. What is software process model? Compare and contrast waterfall, incremental and spiral
process model.
3. What is software testing? Explain about software testing techniques in details.

Attempt Any Eight Questions:

Short Questions: [8*5=40]

4. Define CASE tools. Explain the types of CASE tools.

5. Differentiate between alpha and beta testing.
6. What is system engineering? Explain system engineering process phases.
7. What is software project management? Explain software management activities.
8. Differentiate between functional and non functional requirements.
9. Explain about software quality management and assurance.
10. What is software reengineering? Explain the software reengineering process.
11. Write short notes (Any two)
 Prototyping
 System requirements specifications
 Safety assurance


Long Questions: [10*2=20]
Attempt Any Two:
1. What is software project management? Explain software management activities in detail.
2. What is software process model? Explain any three types of software development model.
3. What is software testing? Explain about software testing techniques in details.
Attempt Any Eight Questions:
Short Questions: [8*5=40]
4. Differentiate between PERT chart and GANTT chart..
5. Explain about software re-engineering.
6. Differentiate between alpha and beta testing.
7. What is system engineering? Explain system engineering process phases.
8. Differentiate between functional and non functional requirements.
9. Explain about software quality management and assurance.
10. Differentiate software verification and validation.
11. Write short notes on:(Any Two)
a. Software quality assurance
c. Object oriented design

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