Goodbye My Man

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Farewell, my man life!

How do I became a TS?

Author by ladyyunyuner
Chapter 1: Work
Chapter 2: For the bonus
Chapter 3: Makeup
Chapter 4: Playing 1
Chapter 5: Playing 2
Chapter 6: Forced 1
Chapter 7: Forced 2
Chapter 8: Encounter
Chapter 9: Prosthetic Breast
Chapter 10: Complete Makeup
Chapter 11: Sound
Chapter 12: Transformation
Chapter 13: New Job
Chapter 14: New Identity
Chapter 15: Pain
Chapter 16: Goodbye to Old Friends
Chapter 17: Ah Ying 1
Chapter 18: Ah Ying 2
Chapter 19: Plastic Surgery
Chapter 20: Breast augmentation
Chapter 21: Aying's Reason
Chapter 22: Maturity
Chapter 23: Resignation
Chapter 24: Goodbye
Chapter 25: Bad News
Chapter 26: Recognition
Chapter 27: Suicide Note
Chapter 28: Transformation
Chapter 29: Finale

Chapter One Work

In the dead of night, I like to lean on the bed in my pink flower bud

pajamas and look at old photos indifferently under the gentle light.

A strand of long hair naturally hangs on my towering chest, with The

breath rises and falls gracefully.

At this time, there is a slight throbbing in my heart. I will think of a

man named Weiguo. That man used to be the whole thing in my

life, but now, he has faded away and is forever sinking in mine. In

the depths of my memory, if it weren't for these photos, maybe I

would really forget him. Yes, I want to forget him, but his image

always lingers in my dreams, making me unable to make up my

mind, so I always keep his photos.

In the photo, he is very handsome. Although a little thin, he has fair

skin, a high nose, and aristocratic temperament. Especially his big

melancholic eyes are even more attractive. Such a boy should be

the object of a crush on many girls. If possible, I think I will fall in

love with him.

But this is whimsical, because the boy is dead and disappeared

somewhere in this city without knowing it. But on the streets of this

city, there was an extra beautiful girl with the same bridge of nose. ,

The eyes are the same melancholy, the girl named Lini, the

difference is that there is a kind of tenderness in those eyes, which

is not a boy-the tenderness of women.

I closed the photo album and found that the corners of my eyes

were a little moist, and I wanted to cry again. This was unimaginable

three years ago. Female hormones changed my sex and also quietly

changed my soul. When my name was Weiguo, I just watched some

famous tear-gas films and I just sighed. Now, I can’t stand it. As long
as there is a touching scene on TV, I feel my nose sore. I used to

Always laugh at the girls who burst into tears in front of the TV, now

I know them a little bit.

The stars outside the window are still flashing playfully in the night

sky like when I first came to this city three years ago, but the

personnel have changed, and now I think about it, it is like a dream.

Three years ago, I graduated from high school in my hometown.

Because my family was poor, I couldn't go to university, and I

couldn't find a job for a while, so I just stayed at home, bored. I

remember that it was an autumn afternoon. It had just rained and

someone who changed my destiny came to my home. She was my

cousin Huifang.

Huifang has been working in big cities for several years. I heard that

she has made a lot of money, but she rarely goes home. We are all

very happy to come to my house this time. The image of the cousin

has changed a lot from what I remember. When she first went out,

she was just a rustic yellow-haired girl, but now she is suffocating in

fashion and maturity, and I dare not look at her.

‘Weiguo, look at you so shy, like a girl’s house. ‘The cousin joked.

My face blushed, somehow, I shouldn't blush like this normally, but

my cousin said that, I couldn't answer even a word.

‘Huifang, you have a way in the city, help Weiguo find a job! This
kid, staying at home all day is not a problem! ‘Mom said to Huifang.

Huifang looked at me and said, ‘Okay, just come with me this time.

Work is on my body. ‘

Mom and I were very happy to see Huifang agree so readily. I can

finally go to the big city I dream of, and maybe there I can realize my

ideals and ambitions.

I was so excited that I didn't sleep well that night.

On the third day, Huifang and I set off by train. Unexpectedly, for me

as a man, this trip would become a way of no return.

When I arrived in this city, I knew that Huifang was only sitting on

the stage in a nightclub, which disappointed me somewhat, but she

specially drew two skies to accompany me to play everywhere,

which gave me a lot of knowledge, so these two days I had a great

time too. A few days later, she told me that she had already helped

me find a job. She was working as a waiter in the disco bar of this

nightclub. She said she told the boss that she was a freshman

before letting him agree and call me I went for an interview in the

afternoon and asked me to cherish this opportunity.

The boss was very nice and was quite satisfied with me. The

interview went smoothly unexpectedly, and he agreed to let me go

to work in a few words. I also got my first job.

The work in the disco makes me feel very exciting. This kind of crazy
occasion is something I have never experienced before, but after

just a few days, it is inevitable that I am a little uncomfortable, so

my colleagues often laugh at being a wooden person.

A few days later, it happened to be the 5th anniversary of the

establishment of the nightclub. The company was going to hold a

fancy dress party. The boss specially set up a Best Unexpected

Award. The bonus was as high as 2,000 yuan. So many employees

want to take this award with all their heart.

I'm a newcomer, I don't have any special feelings for the company,

and I'm an introvert. I don't have any interest in any 5th anniversary

or any fancy dress party, so even though it was a shift, I just slept in

the bedroom.

Unexpectedly, my cousin came to me that morning and said that

she had come up with a good idea that would allow me to get this

2000 yuan.

Chapter 2 For Bonuses

Unexpectedly, my cousin came to me that morning and said that

she had come up with a good idea that would allow me to get this

2000 yuan.

I lay under the covers and listened to her listlessly.

‘Weiguo, do you remember the games we used to play when we

were young? ‘

"What game?" ‘

‘Do you remember that I often dress you up as a little girl. ‘

Of course I remember that my cousin often used her clothes to

wear to me, and then used watercolor paints as lipstick on my

mouth. I vaguely remember that I was really happy at the time, it

was incredible to think of it.

I was taken aback, and sat up: ‘you...are you asking me to be a girl? ‘

'what! Because of this strategy, you are definitely more feminine

than a woman, and you have this potential. ‘

‘Just kidding! Would you come up with this kind of thing? ‘

'what happened? What's this? ‘

‘Pretending to be a woman in public makes me lose face in front of

my colleagues. ‘

'Pooh! What face do you have! Many people want this white silver,

and many people don’t have this condition to dress up! Besides, this

is just a company activity, maybe it can let the general manager

discover that you are still a talent! ‘

To be honest, I really need money. The hundreds of dollars I bring

out of my family will be used to play. If... if you really get a prize,

that would be great.

I hesitated again and again, and finally couldn't help my cousin's

persuasion and agreed to participate in the competition.

That afternoon, my cousin took me to a beauty salon. I could see

that she was very familiar with it. She talked a lot with a beautician,

Ji Ligua La, and the beautician looked at me from time to time and

smiled again. Laugh, I couldn't help being more embarrassed, I

really wanted to slip away.

In a dilemma, my cousin beckoned me to pass.

I sat on the beauty couch and saw that my face was red from the


The beautician looked at my face carefully for a while, nodded, told

me to lie down, wrapped my head in a towel, and started washing

my face, and then made a mask for me after the trouble. I felt her

hands were My face moved around, very comfortable, and I didn't

sleep well in the morning, so I fell asleep.

After a while, my cousin woke me up and said: ‘Little beauty, now

I’m going to put on makeup! ‘

I sat down on the make-up chair along her hand in a muddle, and

saw me in the mirror, my face became more rosy, this mask worked

well! I think, as soon as I touch my chin, there is no hair at all.

‘This is a depilatory cream imported from Japan. ‘Cousin smiled and


The beautician applied a layer of foundation cream for me, and then
began to put on my makeup meticulously. My destiny also changed

with her powder foundation, eyebrow pencil, rouge brush, eye

shadow cream, eyebrow trimmer, and lipstick. Started to change.

After she finally fixed my eyebrows, she carefully glued false

eyelashes on me.

She looked left and right with satisfaction, and finally said: ‘Okay! ‘

When she moved away, a charming girl appeared in the mirror, with

bright red lips and two frowning eyebrows. Where is the beauty? I

couldn't help but look back, behind my cousin who was smiling from

ear to ear.

I turned my head back, and the beauty in the mirror turned my

head too, I couldn't believe my eyes.

‘Fool, it’s you! ‘Cousin said with a chuckle.

‘This...Is this me? ‘I’m shocked, the beauty in the mirror is also

surprised, there is another kind of delicacy.

"Who are you? ‘Said the beautician.

‘Sister Lin, I didn’t expect your makeup level to improve so fast!

‘Cousin said to her.

'where! where! ‘The beautician smiled and said, ‘I still have a wig

here, so let’s give it to you too! ‘

Sister Lin took out a hair cover with long purple-brown hair from

nowhere, unwrapped the towel wrapped around my head, put on a

wig for me, tidyed it up for a while, and said with a smile: ‘You’re

done! ‘

'stand up! Stand up and let the cousin take a look. ‘Cousin took my

arm and said.

‘If you don’t speak, no one can tell! ‘She admired her.

I looked at the strange and familiar me in the mirror, and couldn't

help being in a daze, but there was an inexplicable feeling in my


‘Come, come to the locker room. ‘Cousin said and took my hand.

When I arrived in the dressing room, I discovered that my cousin

had already prepared a whole set of things for me in her big bag.

She took out a pink wire lace bra and put it on my chest.

‘You... So you have premeditated! 'I say.

My cousin smiled mischievously at me and said, ‘Take off, take off

your clothes! ‘

‘No more! ‘I am embarrassed.

‘Look at you, look at you, saying that you are more embarrassed

than the eldest girl, really didn’t wrong you at all. ‘

When my cousin said this, I aroused my courage: ‘Okay, just take it

off! ‘

After a while, I took off only my pants.

Chapter Three Makeup

After a while, I took off only my pants.

My cousin asked me to raise my hands and put on a bra for me. She

said that in order to highlight the outline of the sex, she especially

chose the steel wire edge. After adjusting for me, two soft sponge

balls were stuffed into the bra.

‘I look really like a woman now. ‘Cousin said.

I can see my upper body from the mirror in the locker room. My

muscles are not well developed and my shoulders are not wide.

After putting on the bra, I realized that my cousin’s words are not

wrong. I have this potential. What appears to be alive in the mirror

is A girl with a pretty good figure.

The cousin took out another flesh-colored garment from the bag.

'what is this? ‘I asked curiously.

‘This is body shaping underwear. Women can rely on this to

accentuate the curve. You see, it can hold your breasts powerfully. It

can also constrict your lower abdomen and raise your hips. The

buttocks of this underwear are particularly thick. It was originally

used for women who have atrophy in the buttocks after giving birth.

Now it is more suitable for you. ‘

‘Cousin, don’t make it so formal, we are just acting. ‘I’m a little bit

‘Go, how can it be done without perfection? This is what I call

ambition. ‘Cousin said.

I had no choice but to put on body shaping underwear as she said.

The underwear is very tight and it makes my whole body feel a little

uncomfortable, especially the waist, there is a kind of strength that

seems to be tightening.

Now that I have done everything, I will do whatever my cousin

wants me to do.

She asked me to put on stockings, and finally helped me put on a

purple dress with middle sleeves.

‘This is a prom dress. ‘My cousin said, when she slammed the zipper

behind my back, I secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The hard time of

the afternoon was finally over.

I was surprised to look at me in the mirror. I was a little attracted by

the self in the mirror. With long shawl hair, underneath was Zhang

Qingxiu's small face, and the purple dress wrapped in the curvy tall

body, I thought Can't get up, what I was like a moment ago.

Back on the beauty chair, Sister Lin was also amazed. She said that I

would be a waste of resources not to be a girl.

I was wondering if I would make a fool of myself tonight.

My cousin painted me red nail polish. She said that she must be

more gorgeous to participate in the prom, but in my heart I still

hope that I will be clean and beautiful, the kind of beauty that is not


'Ouch! Oh no! ‘The cousin looked at the watch, unknowingly, it was

early for dinner and the fancy dress party was about to begin.

'fast! wear shoes! ‘My cousin took out a pair of purple diamond-

studded leather shoes from the bag. I was dumbfounded when I

saw it. The heel was five centimetres high. The most terrible thing is

the pointy toe of the shoe, like a sharp pepper, how can I wear it in.

My cousin stuffed my foot desperately, and I screamed in pain.

‘You can’t wear it, cousin. ‘I shouted.

‘Hold it, and now let you know how beautiful women are made.

‘Cousin said with a smile.

‘I’m a man, not a little woman. ‘I protest.

While talking, the shoe was finally put on, and after some effort, the

other one was also put on.

I stood up, my leather shoes hurt me. Due to the heightening of the

heel, I felt like paddling my feet, and the center of gravity naturally

moved forward. In order to maintain the center of gravity, my waist

and chest were involuntarily pushed forward, so that my hips

protrude further than before. Unexpectedly, high-heeled shoes

have such a magical effect, no wonder women would rather let their

feet suffer a little bit and enjoy it.

‘Take a few steps and take a look. ‘Cousin said, I endured the pain

and walked forward.

‘No way, no way, girls should walk more elegantly, and their feet

should not be too far apart. Don't step too far. It should be parallel,

like me. ‘Cousin gave me a demonstration.

I followed her for a while.

‘It’s still not possible, the body is too tense, you should relax a little,

and walk carelessly like this to be feminine. ‘

I looked at my cousin, relaxed my shoulders, and took a few steps. I

suddenly realized that my ass was slightly unconsciously twisting to

the left and right. It was not really embarrassing. I didn't want this.

A big man did this. This kind of action is really shameful.

The cousin clapped her hands happily: ‘Okay, you learn so fast!

Ready to go! ‘

As soon as I heard that I was about to start, my heart suddenly

became tense, and I was about to face the crowd in this fashion, but

don't be ugly.

The cousin seemed to see through my mind, and smiled and said:

‘You just treat yourself as a girl, be generous, don’t be uneasy,

cousin will get you the 2,000 yuan. In order for you to adapt better,

my cousin gave you a name, um, yes, just use the name of this

beauty salon, Lini, does it sound good? ‘

I like the name very much, but before agreeing, my cousin walked

out holding my hand while gesturing to sister Lin.

‘Lini, let’s go quickly, we’re going to be late, sister Lin, thank you,

goodbye. ‘

‘You will really learn and use now. ‘I said with a smile.

‘This is called using now. ‘Cousin said, we came to the street.

The cousin stopped a taxi.

"Where are the two ladies going? ‘My brother looked at us and


The cousin winked at me triumphantly, and made another

triumphant gesture, meaning that my brother didn't see that I was a

fake girl.

‘Prince nightclub. ‘The cousin said, she pulled me into the car.

Night has come, and the lights in the city are beginning to come on,

and neon lights of various colors are reflected on the glass windows

of the taxi, constantly changing as the car starts.

‘Miss, shall we go to the party tonight? So beautifully dressed. ‘My

brother looked at us in the mirror and said.

The cousin giggled and pushed my hand: ‘Hey, cousin, what about

you? ‘

'I? …‘I was taken aback, and suddenly realized that my voice was still

a male voice, so I quickly coughed, covering my mouth with my


The brother of that didn't seem to feel abnormal and said: ‘the wind

is strong these days, the girl should be careful of catching a cold. ‘

The cousin smiled and said, ‘Yes! My cousin is weak, thank you for

your concern. ‘

Along the way, my elder brother and my cousin laughed and

laughed, fighting fiercely. I was listening with a smile, afraid to say a


Chapter 4 Playing 1

Our nightclub arrived. My cousin and I got out of the car. When

paying the money, my brother looked at me up and down. My heart

was so nervous that he thought he saw the flaw and turned back


‘Your cousin is really quiet, white and tender, and looks pretty good.

‘My brother smiled and said to my cousin.

‘Aren’t you just looking at her? ‘Cousin snorted.

‘Can you be a matchmaker for me? ‘

'Screw you? just you? ‘Cousin said.

‘Haha, it’s a pity that I have a wife. Would you like to tell her and be

my second room? ‘

'Do you want to die! ‘Cousin shouted.

His brother laughed and drove away.

‘This bastard is maddening. In normal times, I have to punch him. 'I


‘Actually, a woman doesn’t say it, but she likes to listen to it in her

heart. ‘Cousin said.

'No way? 'I say.

‘Oh, you are a man after all, you don’t know what a girl thinks. ‘

Speaking of the girl's mind, I really don't understand. When I was in

high school, I used to have a childhood sweetheart. We used to

catch shrimps in the small river ditch by the village. Once by the

river, I saw the breeze blowing her long hair flying and dancing. It

was very beautiful. Excited, she rushed over and kissed her, not

knowing that she was struggling to avoid, looking at me with a

flushed face, suddenly slapped me, and ran away angrily. Although I

felt that something was wrong with me, I felt that she slapped her

too hard, and ignored my man’s dignity, so I simply ignored her.

Soon she changed school and heard that she went to a big city.

Before she left, I received a letter from her. The letter paper was full

of letters, but only the word ‘idiot’. I still don't understand why she

gave me this inexplicable letter, but I always miss her, but I don't

know where she has been.

‘Hey, what are you thinking about? ‘Cousin said, take my hand and
walk towards the door.

‘No...nothing, I was just thinking...ah! 'At this time I found Jiang

Ying, who lives in the same bedroom with me, walking towards this

side. Jiang Ying is a bodyguard in a nightclub. He is a tall man. I

heard that he can defeat seven or eight strong men by himself. He

was originally a He lives in people, so when I was assigned to his

dormitory, his boss was unwilling, and he always treated me kindly. I

didn't want to offend him, so I let him everywhere.

Seeing him coming, I instinctively wanted to say hello to him.

My cousin pulled me hard, and I remembered that I was now in

women's clothing. I stretched my hand to my chest and put it down.

But when I saw an acquaintance, I was panicked and embarrassed. I

always wanted to turn around and find a place to escape.

‘Lini, what are you doing? ‘Cousin held my arms tightly.

Oops, Jiang Ying saw us, his eyes seemed a little special, did he

recognize me? This is how to do? Ouch, he came towards me.

I really wanted to run away, but my cousin didn't allow me to run.

She whispered in my ear: ‘Be careful, don’t talk later, just nod or

shake your head. ‘

Jiang Ying happily came to us, looked at me, my heart was down to

my throat, if he said, ‘Hey! Your kid is nervous! ‘I immediately

turned around and ran out and never showed up in front of him

But he said to his cousin: ‘Huifang, where did your cousin Weiguo

die? He disappeared this afternoon. ‘

Hearing his words, my heart was relieved.

The cousin said: ‘This kid doesn’t like fun, he must have gone to play

video games alone. ‘

Jiang Ying snorted, then set his eyes on me and asked: ‘Who is this?

‘Let me introduce, this is my cousin Lini. ‘

‘Your name is as beautiful as yours. ‘Jiang Ying smiled.

I secretly smiled in my heart: ‘Your kid is so cruel to men. She's

really good at flattering women, but this time she's been fooled.

‘But I still smiled at him politely.

‘Jiang Ying, why don’t you make up? Today is a fancy dress party!

‘The cousin asked him.

‘I’ve prepared it a long time ago, what you can’t think of, you’ll

know later. ‘

We walked to the ballroom together, and met many colleagues in

the hallway, but none of them recognized me.

As soon as we entered the ballroom, the world changed. It turned

out that we were late for a while. The general manager's speech

was over and the party officially began.

The lights were spinning, the rock music was blasting, and the

people on the dance floor were dressed up in weird ways, some

dressed as foxes, some dressed up as black men, some dressed up

as death gods, and some just put on masks.

My cousin took my hand and walked into the carnival crowd.

My feet hurt from being caught in high heels. I just got used to a

little bit in the car, but I couldn't stand it after a few jumps on the

dance floor. I had to step back and sit on the sofa in the corner as a


Chapter 5 Playing 2

After a while, a man wearing a Clinton mask came to me and sat


‘Miss, tonight is a fancy dress party, why don’t you dress up? ‘He

said in a low voice.

I almost laughed. It turned out that it was Jiang Ying. He lowered his

voice and thought I couldn't hear it. But I can't speak, I can only

smile and shook my head.

‘Miss, I feel a bit familiar when I see you. By the way, you are

Huifang’s cousin, that is, Weiguo’s cousin, no wonder it looks a bit

like. ‘

I nodded.
Jiang Ying saw me smiling and sat closer again.

‘I call you Lini, right? ‘Jiang Ying said, and then talked endlessly and

asked me some questions from time to time. Although I wanted to

laugh, I kept my mouth open and answered by nodding or shaking

my head.

Jiang Ying gradually realized something was wrong, and finally

asked: ‘Why don’t you always speak, you... are you dumb? ‘

I deliberately wanted to take this opportunity to tease him so as to

relieve my sullenness, so I pretended to be very helpless and


‘No wonder, I’m so sorry, but you are so cute that you are silent.

‘Jiang Ying said.

I made a very grateful expression.

Jiang Ying is sitting close again, next to me. I have heard that Jiang

Ying is an expert at picking up girls. He boasted that he could make

a girl sleep with him in one night. How to perform.

‘You have a pair of talking eyes. Although you can’t speak, your eyes

have spoken to me thousands of times. ‘

I shook my head and expressed disbelief.

‘I can see the depths of your soul through your eyes. ‘Jiang Ying

whispered in my ear.

I admit that Jiang Ying's voice is very masculine, but when he speaks
it to me at this time, I only think it is a little funny.

Jiang Ying saw me with a big smile, thinking that I was moved by

him. He might also think that I was a dumb and bullying, so he

hugged my waist from behind with his right hand.

I deliberately made no resistance.

Seeing that I had acquiesced, Jiang Ying even took an inch of it, and

gently stroked my thigh with his left hand, while talking to me some

nasty things.

Seeing him look fascinated, my stomach was cramping with

laughter, but I resisted it and my whole body trembled.

Seeing my reaction, Jiang Ying was even more unscrupulous. His

words became less and less irrational, and his hands became more

and more dishonest.

‘Unexpectedly, your reaction is so strong. It must have been a long

time since you touched a man. Your sex is so round, let me touch it.

I was afraid of revealing a flaw, so I knocked out his hand.

Jiang Ying was a little more honest, and talked to me about other

topics, but after a while, his hands reached my lap again.

His hand moved up inch by inch, oh, this pervert! What does he

want to do? If he touched my little brother, it would be over. I

pushed his hand, stood up, and joined the dancer again.
Since then, I have been with my cousin.

After the prom is over, when you enter the most stressful time,

everyone removes their own disguise and reveals the truth.

Following the host's order, everyone took off their masks, and

colleagues looked at each other, and laughter broke out in the


‘So it’s you? ‘

'why you? ‘

‘You kid, why don’t you dress up as a tortoise! ‘


I am standing next to my cousin, not knowing what to do, I don’t

have a mask, how can I show the true face of Lushan?

‘Hurry up, come here! ‘Cousin took me by the hand and walked to

the general manager.

'General manager! ‘Cousin said to him.

The general manager turned around and saw me.

‘This lady is...’ He looked at me hesitantly.

‘General Manager, how about my masterpiece? ‘

The general manager looked at his cousin in confusion.

‘He’s my cousin**! ‘

The general manager still did not react.

‘Excuse me, General Manager, it’s indeed me. ‘I said awkwardly.

The general manager looked at me up and down with his mouth

open and finally understood.

‘Unimaginable, unimaginable! ‘He admired, at this time, the host

invited the general manager to speak on stage. The general

manager looked back at me as he walked.

When the general manager announced that the Best Unexpected

Award was given to me, and I took the stage to receive the award,

there was an uproar in the ballroom, my head was blank, but Jiang

Ying's face was ugly in the crowd. As soon as the host announced

the end of the dance, I ignored the pain in my feet and ran out of

the ballroom quickly. But the long skirt was tightly wrapped around

the thighs, and the high heels weren’t enough, so I didn’t take big

strides when I started, and I was embarrassed. Fortunately, I didn’t

hurt my ankle. Twisted up,

In panic, I heard a burst of laughter behind me.

Chapter 6 Forced 1

I went back to the bedroom, kicked off my high heels, and sat at the

writing desk looking at the two thousand yuan bonus in the red

envelope. I regretted it and felt like I had betrayed myself. The news

will be spread throughout the nightclub tomorrow. How should we

face colleagues in the future?

My cousin’s phone call interrupted my nonsense. She called to

congratulate me, but I hung up her phone without saying a few


I just thought of unloading. Suddenly the door opened. It turned

out that Jiang Ying came in. He locked the door with his backhand.

When I saw his fierce eyesight, my heart was horrified. I made fun

of him at night. What are the consequences?

I smiled at him and said, ‘I’m sorry. ‘He reached out and took off his


‘Don’t take it off! ‘Jiang Ying said viciously.

My hands stopped in the air, and my heart felt a little hairy. Even in

a fight, I couldn't beat him in any way, but I couldn't escape.

Tonight, it seemed like a bad luck.

‘Damn, I’m so lucky to be played by you tonight. ‘Jiang Ying came

over step by step.

‘I...I didn’t mean it. ‘

‘No talking! ‘

I closed my mouth. My personality was weak at first, so facing the

fierce Jiang Ying, I didn't dare to violate his will.

Jiang Ying walked up to me, put my chin in his hand and stared at

my face.

‘You are such a beauty! ‘He said with a smile.

‘Make no mistake, I’m just for fun. 'I say.

‘When did you speak? ‘He grabbed my arm with his big hands and it

made me hurt. ‘Say another word, I will break your hands

immediately. ‘

‘What are you doing? ‘I yelled, Jiang Ying’s hand was strengthened,

and I screamed in pain.

‘Are you talking? 'He says.

I resisted the pain and didn't dare to speak again.

‘That’s right, you have to be like in the dance hall just now, don’t

talk, pretend to be cute, pretend to be arrogant. ‘

Jiang Ying's hand was released, and I saw a purple circle on my arm.

‘I ask you a question, you can only answer by nodding and shaking

your head. If the answer is not what I want, I will give you some

tricks. Are you okay? 'He says.

I shook my head, and he furiously said, ‘what? ‘

I nodded again before he smiled.

‘This is good! ‘

He gently stroked the part of my arm that was pinched purple by

him just now, and sighed: ‘You are really not a man, and your arm

has no muscles. Do you really want to be a woman? ‘

I shook my head, his hand tightened on my arm, and I almost

screamed in pain.
‘You said, do you really want to be a woman? 'He says.

I just nodded.

He was obviously satisfied, and gently stroked my wig with his hand,

and said: ‘If you are really a woman, I will be tempted by you.

However, it is quite exciting now. ‘

He walked to the TV, picked out a VCD and put it into the machine.

After a while, as the rock music rang, a girl dancing on the TV


I was surprised at what tricks he was doing. Jiang Ying walked over

and said: ‘I didn’t see the way you dance just now. I want to watch it

again. Stand up and jump with the show woman. ‘

I had no choice but to do as he said, but the dance was blunt.

He shoveled a kick on my calf and yelled, ‘Are you a woman? The

waist should be softer, and the hips should be stern. Don't you want

to be a woman? Take a closer look at these girls on TV. They are all

good role models for you. You have to study carefully. If you don't

learn well, I will break your legs. ‘

I had to follow the action on TV, Jiang Ying sat on the sofa with

Erlang's legs tilted, smoking a cigarette and admiring.

‘Yes, that’s it, great, *** are you a woman? Learn so showy! ‘

In fact, I didn’t want to see Jiang Ying’s disgusting face at that time,

so I just stared at TV without thinking about anything, trying

desperately to imitate the dance of girls on TV, and gradually, I felt

like being one with the girls on TV. , I forgot my gender, I just want

to concentrate on dancing.

The end of the dance, the scene of a man and a woman appearing

on the screen, I have been in the countryside when I was in high

school, so I have never watched pornography, and the things about

men and women only exist in fantasy. The picture of the elders can't

help being flushed and emotional.

'come here! ‘Jiang Ying said.

I only have the past.

‘Sit on my lap. ‘

I was stunned.

‘Jiang Ying, shall we be enough? We are all men. ‘I can’t help but

speak at last.

‘Damn, who told you to speak? ‘Jiang Ying punched me in the chest,

and I fell to the ground. Fortunately, the sponge in the bra blocked

some of the force, otherwise I might be vomited by him.

‘Taste the power of my fist! Stand up and sit on my lap. ‘

I had no choice but to sit on his lap.

The men and women on TV are doing well.

‘Didn’t you knock out my hand just now in the dance hall? Do you

still fight now? ‘

I shook my head. At this moment, I thought, a big man can bend

and stretch, Han Xin also suffered from the humiliation of being

crossed back then. What is my little humiliation, and when I figure it

out in my heart, it is not very uncomfortable, but I am a man sitting

like a man. I really feel a little sick in my thigh.

Jiang Ying's hand squeezed on my bra. Although it was a sponge

cushion, he seemed very satisfied.

‘Have you ever had sex with a woman? 'he asks

I shook my head.

‘So what about men? ‘

I shook my head even more.

‘Are you a man now? ‘

I looked at him and hesitated for a while. It seemed that I had to

follow his instructions tonight and escape this level before talking,

so I shook my head.

‘Then you are a bitch? ‘

'is not it? ‘

Seeing that I didn't answer, Jiang Ying grabbed a handful of my ass.

'is not it? ‘He shouted, I couldn’t help but tremble.

Under his pressure, my psychological defense finally collapsed, tears

flowed out, desperately shook my head and nodded desperately.

Jiang Ying laughed. I was terrified when I saw his eyes glow.
‘Bitch women want men to fuck her, right? ‘

I nodded.

‘Then am I a man? ‘Jiang Ying asked suddenly.

This question does not need to be asked. Jiang Ying is 1.8 meters tall

and muscular like Schwarzenegger, so it can be said that he is a man

among men.

I nodded, very strange to him about this question.

‘Bitch, then you must want me to fuck you too? ‘

There was a woman's sex on the TV, which made me startled.

Hearing Jiang Ying's words, I was taken aback and bounced from his


‘No, Jiang Ying, don’t be too right. ‘I shouted.

Jiang Ying didn't scold me this time, and said with a smile: ‘Don’t

you want to be a woman? What's wrong with me letting you taste

what it's like to be a woman? ‘

‘I don’t want to be a woman, I just want this award. ‘I said.

‘Hehe, you still want to be a woman in your heart, right? ‘

‘You’re such a bastard, who wants to be a fucking woman? ‘I blurted


Jiang Ying was so angry when he heard me scolding him, he ran over

and pressed me to the bed.

‘What did you *** say, you say one more word and see how I clean
you up. ‘He slapped me on the face twice and I was slapped with

gold stars.

‘Dare you still say? ‘He shouted.

I simply closed my eyes and ignored him. By now, I really can't do

anything about it.

Jiang Ying's hand was rubbing on my thigh, and he smiled and said:

‘This is good, this is just like a woman. ‘

His hand suddenly slipped into my skirt and grabbed my tiny penis.

Chapter 7 Forced 2

He chuckled and said, ‘So you are a girl, I really thought you were

developing abnormally! ‘

His hands rubbed on my little brother, and my little brother

instinctively cocked up.

‘The function is not bad, but it’s a shame to be born on you. ‘I heard

him sigh heavily, I was puzzled and opened my eyes to look at him.

‘What are you looking at? Are you laughing at me? Damn, I will fuck

you now. ‘Jiang Ying said angrily, I don’t know why he made such a

big fire again, and he was panicked.

He rolled over my body violently and pulled down my shaping

underwear and shorts.

‘What are you doing? ‘I shouted.

A two-hundred-jin thick body was pressed up heavily, and it almost

suffocated me. I wanted to call for help, but I couldn't call it out, just

like a drowning person.

‘Smelly bitch, what are you pretending to be noble, mother, dare to

laugh at me, I am going to fuck you to death, bastard! ‘Jiang Ying

scolded, I can’t see his expression, but I can imagine how terrible he

is at this time.

I noticed something hot against my anus.

My God, this kid is really crazy. I struggled desperately to clamp my

butt, but Jiang Ying held me with one hand and added the weight of

the whole person. No matter how much I resisted, it would not


Jiang Ying desperately tried to squeeze the thing in, but the thing

touched my anus and couldn't get in. I found that his sex was always

soft, and my heart brightened. It's hard for him to be... …

Jiang Ying tried and tried, but without success, he yelled and

suddenly left me.

I turned and sat up, and quickly put on my underwear, and found

Jiang Ying sitting down on the ground dejectedly, his life hanging

softly between his crotch.

'why? Why are you not a man or a woman so good? And I... ***

those stinky women, when they saw my problem, they said

goodbye to me and laughed at me for not being a man. ‘Jiang Ying

said sadly.

I understood the ten best in my heart and understood the meaning

of what he just said. I suddenly felt that he was a bit pitiful. I wanted

to speak to comfort him, but didn't dare to say it.

We sat silently, I don't know what I should do, the sound of *** on

the TV continued, and the pair of men and women were playing in a

posture I had never imagined.

Jiang Ying got up and turned off the TV, and said to me: ‘Go to sleep.

You are not allowed to tell anyone about the matter tonight, or I will

really kill you. ‘

I nodded, took off my wig, took off my skirt, body shaping

underwear, bra and stockings, took a shower, and washed all the

makeup on my face. I washed it for a long time, as if to wash away

the humiliation tonight I have to be clean and give me a clean man.

Back to the room, he found that Jiang Ying was already lying on the

bed, lying in his quilt, not sure if he was asleep. Looking at his back,

I actually felt sorry for him. God gave him the body and mind of a

strong man, but didn't give him the functions and happiness that a

man should have. It was really unfair.

I was lying on the bed, but didn't sleep. I was thinking about it all

night, and Jiang Ying was still sleeping, so I got up and fled the

I was on the night shift. I had nothing to do during the day and

didn't dare to go back to the dormitory. I wandered around the

street and watched two daytime movies. It was already noon.

When I walked into a Chinese fast food restaurant, I ordered a spare

rib noodle. When I was eating it with gusto, I inadvertently found a

figure walking by my side, so familiar figure-the figure I thought

about day and night.

No, I must be dazzled, I said to myself, but finally couldn’t help but

look back, my heartbeat speeded up to 120 beats, it was her, it was

really her, my childhood sweetheart – Xiao Qing, she still has long

hair, but it is more beautiful than before, and I almost fainted.

But what I can’t accept is that she was with a boy. They talked and

laughed and were intimate. Is it her boyfriend? The man in suit and

leather shoes looked like he was from a rich family, and he was also

handsome. In contrast, I suddenly became embarrassed and looked

at my embarrassment. He was just a little waiter in a nightclub.

Bullying, how can you match a good girl like Xiaoqing?

My nose was sour, like a choking in my throat, and the joy just now

disappeared. I can't meet her at this time, it will make her very


I couldn't eat noodles anymore, so she hurried out of the fast food

restaurant to prevent her from discovering me.

I walked briskly on the street, and there were people coming and

going on the road, but in my eyes it was nothing. Excitement, joy,

pain, and strong jealousy made my mood very contradictory.

If I leave like this, I may never touch her again.

Forget it, just treat her as if she didn't meet her, because she no

longer belongs to me.

No, this is the opportunity God gave me to meet her again, and I

can't just leave.

My pace slowed down, stopped, and finally gathered the courage to

go back.

Chapter 8 Encounter

When I walked back to the fast food restaurant, I saw Xiaoqing

walking out holding the man's arm. As soon as I saw their intimate

appearance, my confidence broke again, and I hurriedly hid in a

nearby shop.

Seeing them walking by the door of the store, I moved in my heart,

yes, first find out where she lives, so I won't be afraid to find her.

With a certain idea, I followed them carefully.

I looked at Xiaoqing’s back from a distance, and my heart was sore. I

haven’t seen her for three years. She is more mature than before.

She wore a ponytail and flicked it behind her head and wore a white
lace. Tight stretch shirt and blue corduroy jeans with round

buttocks. She is so youthful. She is no longer the shy young girl

three years ago. Maybe she doesn't like me now, and even forgot

about me. .

Even though I think so, my steps still follow her involuntarily.

After walking through two streets, they entered a bookstore. I stood

under the tree opposite the bookstore and waited. Ten minutes

later, they came out of it. Xiaoqing was holding a book in her left

hand. Now the two of them became hands. Handle it.

I resisted the soreness in my heart and continued to walk. I crossed

another street, turned a corner, and entered an alley. When I

followed the alley, the two of them disappeared.

When I was hesitating, I suddenly saw the man pop out of a house

in the alley and met me. I found that he was holding the book

Xiaoqing bought just now.

I just turned my head and heard Xiaoqing's voice on the second


'Hey! Zhuge, don't forget to bring the book back to school

tomorrow. ‘

The man turned around and replied. I didn't dare to stay, and

quickly stepped out of the alley. Fortunately, Xiaoqing didn't see my

I just walked out of the alley and someone slapped me from behind.

I looked back and it was Zhuge.

‘What are you sneaking with us? ‘He asked hostilely.

‘Follow you? Nothing! ‘I’m flustered, but on the surface I still remain


‘I saw you in a fast food restaurant! 'He says.

‘I’ve seen you too, but I really didn’t follow you! This road is not

yours. ‘I started to shame.

Zhuge had no evidence, and said angrily: ‘better not make any

crooked ideas, or you will look good. ‘After that, I turned and left.

I breathed a sigh of relief and walked in the opposite direction.

Although it was a false alarm, I was very happy. The purpose of this

trip has been achieved. This must be Xiaoqing’s home. I will find a

suitable time and way to follow She met.

When I think of meeting Xiaoqing, I am very excited. Anyway, even if

I can't be a lover, it's good to have a good friend in a foreign


I was walking down the street while whistling, and suddenly realized

that I didn’t know where to go, and I didn’t dare to go back when I

said anything in the bedroom. It was early to go to work. I thought

about it, and I walked into an Internet cafe somehow. An afternoon

of the net.
After a quick dinner at the roadside store, I rushed to work.

As soon as I arrived at the disco, my colleagues gathered around to

congratulate me on my award. Although the vision was occasionally

strange, the degree of affinity far exceeded my expectations, and a

big stone in my heart was also let go.

I was very happy at work this night, thinking that Jiang Ying might

have been angry for a while, and he should have retaliated against

me last night.

After get off work, it was already midnight. As I hadn't rested well

for two consecutive days, I was a little tired, so I thought I would go

back to the bedroom and take a good rest.

I went back to the bedroom and found that Jiang Ying was already

asleep. He was also on the night shift, but in the chess and card

room, he left work half an hour earlier than me. I didn't dare to

wake him up, and tiptoed to bed.

I was awakened by Jiang Ying. I opened my eyes and found Jiang

Ying was patting my face.

‘Hey, wake up! 'He says.

‘What...what’s the matter! ‘I frowned and my eyes were loose.

‘I bought you something! ‘He said with a smile.

Will Jiang Ying buy me something? The sun really came out from the

west, what a jerk did, I sat up and looked at him suspiciously.

Jiang Ying took out the things one by one from the bag, and my eyes

widened with his hand.

‘Look, this is lipstick, pressed powder, eye shadow, blush, as well as

silicone prosthesis, epilator...’

Before he finished speaking, I interrupted him: ‘Jiang Ying, have you

made a mistake? These are all feminine items. ‘

Jiang Ying said with a smile: ‘Are you not a woman? ‘

I cried angrily: ‘You are the woman! ‘As soon as you speak, you will

know that you’re in trouble again. This is Jiang Ying’s taboo.

Jiang Ying's face really turned ugly. He grabbed my hair and banged

it against the wall. The pain made my eyes black.

‘Do you dare to talk back? ‘He shouted.

I succumbed to his force. Although I scolded him in my heart, my

mouth finally softened. I could only say: ‘Don’t beat me, I dare not. ‘

He let go of me triumphantly and said: ‘As long as you still work in

the nightclub and you live here, you have to listen to me. If I tell you

to do what you do, if you fail to do it once, I will hit you once, if you

fail to do it twice, I will hit you four times. ‘

He made another hitting motion, and I shrank on the head of the

bed and said, ‘then...what do you want me to do? ‘

‘I want you to be a woman! 'He says.

'what? ‘I opened my mouth wide.

‘I want you to pretend to be a woman, the better you can be. In the

future, when you go to work at night, you will have to pretend to be

a woman when you come back. ‘

'why did you do this? 'I ask.

‘Don’t talk too much, from now on, as long as you are with me, you

are not allowed to talk. I hate your voice. ‘

I had no choice but to nod.

'it is good! Then you start putting on makeup now. I will go outside

to do something. When I come back in an hour, I hope you will

appear in front of me as a woman. ‘

He dumped the cosmetics on the table and bought a makeup mirror

specially. He couldn't see that the bastard was really careful.

I looked at so many cosmetics that I had never gotten before, I

couldn't get started, I don't know how to make up!

Unexpectedly, Jiang Ying pulled out a book from the drawer, which

was actually "Women's Makeup Guide".

Chapter 9 Prosthetic Breast

I looked at him in surprise.

He smiled and said, ‘this is left by my former girlfriend, now I’ll use

it for you! You have to study hard, and I will bring you breakfast

later. ‘
He patted me on the shoulder and went out. I heard the sound of

the door being locked.

I was the only one left in the room staring at the table in a daze.

Jiang Ying, this bastard is really abnormal. Is he gay? It's not like, he

is only interested in women, he is very annoying to men, otherwise

he will not stop me from speaking, but why does he force me to

pretend to be a woman? What is his purpose? I thought about it for

ten minutes, but still couldn't think of a reasonable explanation.

The alarm clock on the table was ticking around. The door had been

locked by him. There was no way to escape. If he came back an hour

later and found that I didn't move, I don't know what the result

would be.

Thinking of this, I began to focus on cosmetics. I picked up the

lipstick and put it down, and picked up the powder, but I don't know

how to do it. Picking up this way, picking up that way, I was at a loss,

but I was a little curious. I can’t help but think of sister Lin’s magical

hands. I thought it would be great if I had her ability. If I had the

opportunity to put on makeup for my girlfriend, she would be very

surprised. Xiaoqing’s figure appeared before my eyes. , By the way,

let's just experiment with myself first, and when I get a feeling, I will

seriously read the "makeup guide".

I read it roughly from top to bottom. This book is a picture album,

but it is very intuitive. According to the requirements of the book, I

used makeup sponge, powder puff, contour brush, eyebrow pencil,

eye shadow brush, blush, lipstick and other props. Put them in front

of you one by one, and then put on makeup step by step.

I picked some foundation cream with my fingers, tapped lightly on

my forehead, under eyes, cheeks, and chin as shown in the book,

and then rounded it with my fingertips. The guide says that using

finger temperature will increase the foundation cream. Adhesion,

not easy to remove makeup. Then use a makeup sponge to take an

appropriate amount of foundation cream, puff it carefully from the

forehead to the cheeks, and then pour a thin layer of powder on the

face, with a light fragrance filling all around me.

Since my skin is already whiter, after applying a light foundation

cream and powder, it looks more tender and smoother than before.

There is a sense of transparency. Looking at me in the mirror, my

heart is dark. Admire the magic of modern cosmetics.

After applying the base makeup, I started to trace my eyebrows,

which seemed easy and difficult to do. Fortunately, sister Lin had

already trimmed my eyebrows, so I just need to touch the eyebrows

a few times.

Then I started to trim the eyelashes. I used the mascara brush to

gently brush off the powder that I accidentally dropped on my

eyelashes. The original book said that the eyelash curler should be

used to bend the curvature of the eyelashes, but Jiang Ying did not

buy an eyelash curler, so I had to After skipping this step, I gently

lifted my eyelids with my fingers, brushed my eyelashes from the

bottom up, and almost blinked a few times, but fortunately, I held


The effect of mascara is really amazing. My eyelashes seem to be

longer than before, and my eyes look more energetic.

I applied a little blush with a big brush, and now a healthy little

beauty appeared in the mirror. I am very satisfied with my work.

The last process is to put on lipstick. Jiang Ying bought pink lipstick,

which is very suitable for my skin color. This guy does have a set of

views on women.

I applied a small amount of lipstick with a lip pencil, first drew the

shape of the lips, and then filled it with the lipstick. I pressed my

mouth to make the lipstick more even.

I'm done. I look at the beauty in the mirror. I am happy and angry. I

am happy to find that I am a makeup genius. The first time I put on

makeup, I achieved such satisfactory results. It is unbelievable; the

angry pair It was an insult to me. A big man succumbed to the force

of another man, pretending to be a woman, and telling me how to

behave. Thinking of this, my heart is disturbed. Jiang Ying doesn't

know what kind of bad idea he will come up with.

I took out the wig that night, put it on in front of the mirror, and my

eyes lit up, as if I suddenly changed. That day, Sister Lin put on me

party makeup, which was more intense and gorgeous. Now I look

like a beautiful girl next door.

After putting on makeup, forty minutes have passed, and Jiang Ying

will be back in twenty minutes. I saw his silicone breasts thrown on

the bed, and his face felt hot.

It is specially used for women who have flat breasts or breast

removal. It is made of high-grade rubber and silicone. It has a

natural flesh color, and the top has a fuchsia simulation. It looks like

a real breast and the color of the breast. It's very close to my skin

color, I don't know where he bought it from.

I picked up the prosthetic breast and squeezed it. It feels good, soft

and elastic. I have never touched a woman's breast, but this breast

is really comfortable to the touch.

I kneaded it for a while before putting it on myself according to the

instructions in the bag.

This is a bra-style breast prosthesis, which is very convenient to

wear. It is not much different from a strapless bra, but it is tighter

and has a flatter contact with the breast. It sticks to the skin and

The transparent straps on both sides of the prosthesis were very

elastic, and I buckled it backhand without much effort.

After finishing, I noticed a few kilograms of weight on my chest. I

looked down. The pair of prosthetic breasts were flat on my chest,

like two hills, but they were very plump, but it always felt weird, I

don’t know. What a girl really feels about her breasts may be

accustomed to it. It's like we have a little brother, but we don't

always feel its existence.

I walked a few steps in front of the mirror in the room and jumped a

few more times. The prosthetic breast vibrated up and down with

my body, and it felt as if there were two water bags hanging on my

chest. As if I was born on my body, I had never seen a woman's sex.

Looking at the mirror, I felt that the person in the mirror was not

me, and my heart swayed.

I was intoxicated with sensory stimulation, and suddenly there was

the sound of opening the door. Is Jiang Ying coming back? ! I

panicked. Somehow, the intense shame made me nervous, so I ran

over and took the insurance off.

‘Hey, you *** open the door! ‘Jiang Ying roared wildly.

I ran back to the bed in a panic, put on my bra and stockings, and

hurriedly put on the purple evening dress.

Jiang Ying knocked on the door with a loud sound, wait a while,
maybe he will hit the door.

I arranged my wig and dress with my hands, calmed down, and

opened the door, Jiang Ying's hand almost knocked on my head.

‘You kid...’ Jiang Ying glared at me, but he couldn’t speak anymore.

I wanted to explain to him, but when I remembered his warning, I

dared not speak, swallowed the words that had reached my mouth,

looked at him silently, waiting for his reprimand.

‘You look so surprised and frightened. ‘He changed his tone and


Seeing his anger disappeared, I felt a lot easier in my heart, and

turned around and sat on the sofa.

He locked the door behind him, and I saw him carrying a big bag,

not knowing what he had bought.

‘I brought you breakfast. ‘He said, take a pack of burgers out of the


I realized my stomach was groaning, and I took the burger

unceremoniously and started eating.

‘You can look like a girl if you eat more gentle! ‘He said, with a

deterrent in his tone, it was difficult to disobey, I took a bite and

chewed slowly in my mouth.

He smiled, and he looked at me up and down carefully, making me

feel uncomfortable.
"I will call you Qianer from now on, OK? ‘He said suddenly.

This question was abrupt. I looked at him in astonishment and saw

his eyes full of infinite sadness.

The name is just a question of symbols. I already have a female

name named Lini, and there is no defense if I have one more, so I


He was very happy and said in a low voice: ‘Qian'er, as long as you

listen to me well in the future, I will not treat you badly. ‘

From the beginning of the morning, I found that Jiang Ying’s

attitude towards me has changed. It is no longer as blunt and

unreasonable as before, and even a little more gentle. The boss in

my heart is strange, but I think that taking one step now is one step.

Let him talk about it, and look for opportunities to change jobs and

leave this ghost place and this ghost man.

I nodded, and he happily took my hand and said, ‘Great, I know you

will agree. ‘

I grinned reluctantly, but wondered in my heart whether this kid

was fainted, did he really treat me as a woman, that's not great.

‘I bought a set of clothes for you to wear, look, do you look good?

'He took out a red windbreaker from the big bag, a white rally shirt

with a middle collar, a black leather skirt with a covered hip, a pair

of black stockings, a yellow half cup bra, and a light blue

embroidered cotton Triangle shorts.

Oh my! This set of clothing simply covers the woman from head to


'Do you like it? ‘He said again.

I smiled and nodded, but I didn't agree with it. These things only

remind me of women, but they are not attractive to me.

"Put it on and show me? ‘

Although the boss didn't want to, I still did what he said. We lived in

a single room with one bathroom and one bathroom. We couldn't

avoid him to change clothes, so we had to take off our clothes with

our back facing him.

‘How about the pair of breasts? Turn around and come and see me!

‘When I took off my bra, Jiang Ying asked.

I didn't dare to turn around. Originally, we were all men and should

be generous, but somehow, after putting on the breasts, I felt so

ashamed to face him, and I didn't want to face him like this.

'how? Are you disobedient again? ‘Jiang Ying’s tone became stiff,

this tone made my heart tremble, I hesitated for a moment, and

finally turned back blushing.

Jiang Ying clapped his hands and laughed: ‘Wonderful! That's

wonderful! Is this ** suitable for you! ‘

I ignored him. I took the goose-yellow bra he gave me and put it on.
The breast was held by the cup, which made it look firmer, and

squeezed the muscles of my chest inward from both sides, forming

a shallow image. Decent natural cleavage.

Chapter 10 Complete Disguise

When I lifted the light blue embroidered trousers, my face looked

difficult. It was too small.

Jiang Ying seemed to see what I was thinking and said: ‘Women can

wear such a big butt, what are you worried about? ‘

I had to take off the original underwear and put on this pair of

women's underwear, but it felt very comfortable, soft and sweet. I

suddenly thought of girls wearing such cute underwear, and I was a

little excited, but the bottom was slightly hard. Up.

I don’t know that when Jiang Ying saw my reaction, she suddenly

seemed mad, stood up and shouted: ‘***Who told you to be hard?

What is this like! Don't be hard! Don't be hard! ‘

I understand his hidden illness, knowing that he is very jealous of

my things, it is not difficult to understand such a reaction, but the

little brother is not hard to say soft and soft, he can do whatever he


He picked up the pillow and slammed it at me. I blocked it with my

hand, but was knocked down on the bed by his surplus. As soon as
his attention shifted, the little brother softened.

‘Remember, you are a woman, you are not allowed to react from a

man! ‘He crossed his hands and said.

This is actually an asshole. No matter how you look at it, I am a

man. I only understand the reaction of a man. If there is no reaction

of a man, wouldn't it be the same as you?

Having said that, I nodded at him.

Jiang Ying turned his eyes and took out a roll of things from the


When I saw it, I was shocked. It turned out to be ten centimeters

wide transparent tape.

‘A big mass of things bulged in a beautiful woman’s shorts is a

terrible sight. I’ll help you make it. ‘He said he came over.

'what are you doing? Hello, what are you doing? ‘I step back.

‘You are not allowed to speak, you can have a good life by

cooperating! ‘Jiang Ying pulled down my underwear.

‘You stand on the ground! 'He says.

I have to rely on him.

He pressed my little brother into the crotch with his left hand, and

his right hand pulled my little head from behind my ass and fold it

back. Although my little brother is soft, his roots still hurt a little.

‘You hold it from behind with your hands, don’t relax. ‘He said, the
tone of this speech is like fixing some electrical appliances.

I had to do as he wanted.

With a sizzle, he tore out a piece of tape and stuck it on my lower

abdomen, and then pulled it down, and pulled the tape across my

crotch neatly. I only felt the cold on my little brother, and the tape

was already stuck. Jiang Ying asked me to let go of my hand, and I

felt a heavy pulling force pulling my little brother from the crotch to

the back. I looked down, but I couldn't see my little brother.

Jiang Ying taped the tape to my back waist, and then passed it

around the left hip bone, along the upper edge of the groin, around

the meridian and crotch, and around the right hip bone, and finally

around my waist. It winds twice like a belt and is fixed in a triangle.

My little brother was caught between the crotches and was tightly

sealed with tape, which was very uncomfortable.

‘Okay, now you can never be tough! ‘He said proudly.

This bastard, I scolded him over and over again in my heart.

Suddenly, there was an idea in my heart. I didn't care about his ban,

and shouted, ‘I’m urinating, let go of this stuff! ‘

Jiang Ying smiled and said, ‘Don’t worry, bear with me for a while.

You lie down on the bed first, spread your legs. ‘

I don't know what tricks he played, but he did.

I couldn't see him. After a while, I felt that something was moving
between my hips. Just about to look back, Jiang Ying said: ‘Don’t

move, don’t blame me if your little brother is gone. ‘

I suddenly heard that the thing in his hand was a pair of scissors,

and I couldn't help being so frightened that I didn't dare to move.

Jiang Ying used small scissors to cut a small hole in the tape at my

place and said: ‘Now you can go to the toilet! ‘

I can’t laugh or cry, and thanks to this bastard, who figured out this

loss, he said, ‘I don’t want to be on it again. ‘

‘First put on this! ‘Jiang Ying handed over the corset shorts that


I put it on without a word, and then put on light blue shorts outside.

Although it was a bit nondescript, the lower body became very flat,

which really looked like that.

Then put on black stockings, white rally shirt, leather skirt covering

the hips, and finally put on the red windbreaker.

I moved quickly, just because I wanted to cover up the physical

insult earlier.

In a short while, I had become a fashionable girl, looking very sexy

and alluring.

‘Xiao Qian, you are so beautiful! ‘Jiang Ying said, he spoke very

tenderly, but I only felt nauseous. I am not gay.

I turned around and didn't want to see him. Unexpectedly, Jiang

Ying suddenly hugged me from behind and stroked my breast with

both hands.

Although my prosthetic breast didn't feel anything, it was a terrible

thing to be hugged by a man from behind. However, I didn't dare to

resist, for fear that he might come up with more damages to torture

me when he gets angry.

‘Xiao Qian, it’s been a long time since I hugged you like this! You are

still that sexy, you really want to kill me! ‘He murmured as if a

downright person was talking nonsense.

I faintly felt that Jiang Ying may have an unknown painful

experience in his heart. It may be this experience that made him so

cruel and crazy. He regarded me as a woman named Xiaoqian. My

heart is very soft. When I think of this, I suddenly feel that this big

man is not as hateful as I see it. Maybe he is more painful and more

confused than me. Thinking about this, his nasty image is also in my

heart. Got a little better. So now I am willing to let him hold it, so as

to give him a little illusory comfort.

After a while, Jiang Ying seemed to wake up from the dream and let

me go.

Chapter 11 Sound

‘You put on your shoes and we go for a walk. 'He says.

God, I go out like this, what if I meet someone I know? Last time I

could excuse the costume party, what excuse did I make this time?

And after the public appearance that night, someone will definitely

recognize me as a woman.

I looked at him hesitantly.

Jiang Ying seemed to understand my concerns from the look in my

eyes, and laughed and said: ‘Let’s go to another district, a place that

is completely unfamiliar to you. ‘

I heard him say that, so I had to put on those high heels.

I was 1.68 meters tall, plus 4,5 centimeters of high heels, and I was

about 1.73 meters, but compared with Jiang Ying, I was still about

half a head short of him.

When I went out, I looked around with a guilty conscience and saw

no one I knew before hurriedly following him down the stairs. At the

last step of the stairs, due to panic and not accustomed to high

heels, he almost twisted his foot. Fortunately, Jiang Ying held a hand

next to him to stabilize his body, but he looked very embarrassed.

‘I have to walk more in the future! ‘He said with a smile.

I blushed, which man must wear high heels to walk, this is a living


From a distance, I saw a colleague walking along the roadside and

hurriedly hiding behind Jiang Ying.

That colleague called Jiang Ying and said, ‘Are you okay with Lin

Qian? Where are the young couples going to be chic? ‘

Jiang Ying smiled and waved at him. The colleague smiled at me,

and without looking at me, he turned up the stairs.

I breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that he used to have a girlfriend

named Lin Qian, but I was a bit like her? Otherwise, why does the

colleague recognize me as her?

Jiang Ying called a taxi, said something to the Provincial Academy of

Arts, his brother answered and started the car.

Along the way, we did not speak.

About fifteen minutes later, we reached the gate of the Provincial

Academy of Arts and got off the bus.

There are many male and female students coming in and out at the

university gates. I just remembered that today is Sunday and there

is no homework in the school.

A clean Wutong Avenue leads directly to the campus. From time to

time, there are beautiful female students with books in their arms.

The whole way is full of books. It makes me feel very kind. I have

never been to a higher education institution, but this place was

what I wanted very much. , Now suddenly here, it is inevitable that

my heart is full of emotions.

Jiang Ying took my hand and asked me to follow him. I feel that my
dress doesn't seem to fit the campus environment, and I feel a little


The two of us were walking slowly on the boulevard. The avenue

was really long, as if it would never go far. When a student looked at

us, my heart beat faster. As long as someone has a strange vision, I

feel as if I have been seen through, and I can’t wait to drill a hole in

the ground to escape. I am so nervous that I have to try my best to

cover it up, hold back the pain in my feet, and pretend to be


Soon, I found a good way to distract. I found that there was a girl in

front of me who walked very nicely. She was gentle, with a slightly

slanted waist. She looked like a pretty lady. I admired her back, but

she didn’t. I consciously followed her to learn how to step on my

legs, how to loosen my hips, how to twist my hips with my

footsteps, and how to swing my arms. I paid attention to her, but I

couldn't feel the presence of others. I walked for a while. This way

of walking slowly became more proficient, and the body was no

longer as tense as before. Because of the relaxation of the whole

body, it seemed that the pain in the toes was also much better.

The girl turned a crossroad and disappeared, but now I don't need

to look at her, I feel that I have this inertia and still maintain the kind

of girl-specific walking posture, which is actually handy.

We walked for a while. I was indulging in that loose and careless

pace. I suddenly saw a boy running by holding a football. I was

suddenly shocked. I felt ashamed. I am also a boy. Feel at ease and

learn how to walk a woman in public? Didn't you fall for yourself

and hit Jiang Ying's trap? I have a fever on my face, and my interest

in learning to walk just now disappeared.

‘Let’s sit on that bench and wait for someone! ‘Jiang Ying pointed to

the left.

Before we knew it, we actually arrived at a small lake. The sudden

appearance of such a green lake on the campus was really


The benches by the lake are full of boys and girls who love each

other. Why is the university so open? I feel very puzzled.

I can’t wait to sit on the bench, take off my high heels and massage

the soles of my feet to let the blood flow. My toes are already

deformed by the high heels.

Who are we waiting for? I looked at Jiang Ying with questioning


He smiled and said: ‘you rest here for a while, don’t go around, I will

bring you someone. ‘

After speaking, I patted my shoulder and left.

As soon as Jiang Ying left, I felt a lot more at ease. I don't know
anyone here, so I don't need to be cautious.

I was facing the quiet water of the lake. There were a few small

canoes on the lake. The boys and girls were splashing water with

each other, and laughed joyously.

‘Zhuge, do you remember the man in the alley yesterday? I feel

familiar with his back. ‘A familiar voice suddenly floated on the left. I

was shocked. Is it Xiaoqing? ! Turning around and looking at it, yes,

it really was her, today she didn't wear a ponytail, she wore

shoulder-length hair.

My heart throbbed and thumped, and I didn’t expect to run into her

here. It turned out that she was already a college student at the

Provincial Academy of Arts, so the gap between me and her

widened again, and I couldn’t help feeling frustrated for a while.

‘Is that kid? This bastard kid followed us sneakily, don't know what

to do, Xiaoqing, I can't be by your side all the time, be careful when

you are alone. ‘Zuge said.

‘No, I want you to be by my side all the time, then I’m not afraid of

anything! ‘Xiaoqing acted like a baby to him.

Zhuge took her in his arms and kissed her, making Xiaoqing blush on

her cheeks.

Seeing them flirting and yelling, my heart seemed to have been

fried, and I was so angry that I turned my head and stopped looking
at them, but their words still drifted into my ears.

‘I always think that person is like a classmate of mine...’ Xiaoqing


‘Nonsense, if it’s your classmate, just come up and recognize each

other openly, why not be like a thief. Is it possible... Is it possible

that he is your first love? ‘

‘You’re just talking nonsense! ‘Xiaoqing Jiao Jiao gently beat Zhuge

on the chest.

‘So do you have a first love? ‘

‘Yes! ‘

With a move in my heart, she was finally about to admit me.

'who is it? who is it? ‘Zhuge asked eagerly.

‘Fool, far away, close in front of you! ‘

When I heard Xiaoqing's words, I suddenly felt the sun and the

moon were not bright, and my heart felt uncomfortable. It turned

out that she had never taken me to heart.

Zhuge said cheerfully: ‘Then I will be your first love and also your

last love. ‘

Xiaoqing smiled and said: ‘You want to be beautiful! ‘

After speaking, I stood up and walked in front of me, and Zhuge

hurriedly pursued it.

I watched them disappear behind the plane tree, and I felt very
uncomfortable. I don’t believe Xiaoqing is so ruthless, that she

would forget my affection for her, even if she doesn’t love me now,

but at least in the depths of her heart. And my childhood friend,

otherwise, why would she care so much about my back, I must

know the true thoughts in her heart.

‘Xiao Qian, I will bring you a teacher! ‘I’m getting jealous, Jiang Ying

suddenly said behind my back.

teacher? I turned around and saw a white middle-aged man

standing beside him.

I stood up, nodded politely to the man, looked at Jiang Ying

puzzledly, this guy always does things like this unexpectedly.

The teacher smiled slightly and said to me: ‘You are Lin Qian. I heard

Jiang Ying talk about you. ‘

I still smile at him.

‘Say a few words to me. ‘The teacher said suddenly.

I looked at Jiang Ying in astonishment, and when I spoke, it wouldn't

show up. It was too shameful. I blushed and I didn't know what to


‘Professor Li asked you to say it, just say it! ‘Jiang Ying said.

Why did you even let me say? I was confused and blushed for a long

time before I said: ‘Mr. Li, hello! ‘

Professor Li nodded and said to Jiang Ying: ‘Her tape may be

inherently wider, so the frequency is lower, close to that of boys,

but after practice, I think it can be changed. ‘

Jiang Ying smiled and said, ‘then there will be Teacher Laoli. ‘

Professor Li smiled and said, ‘whatever you say, you have saved my

life, and I can’t repay it. Your business is mine. ‘

Jiang Ying said to me: ‘Xiao Qian, Teacher Li can help you restore

your daughter’s voice. You will have to practice hard in the future. ‘

Restore my daughter's voice, my goodness! I wasn't a daughter at

all. Where can I recover? You kid must have deceived Teacher Li.

I saw a cruel look in Jiang Ying's smile, and didn't dare to tell the

truth to the teacher, so I changed my words and said: ‘Teacher Li,

please take care of me. ‘

My face flushed with humiliation and low self-esteem, but in the

eyes of others, I thought I was shy.

‘Let’s go to the sight singing room together! ‘Professor Li said.

On the way, I learned that this teacher Li was originally an associate

professor of timbre in the drama department. He has a unique

research on the practice of transversal timbre. A year ago, he was

robbed with a knife on the road. Fortunately, Jiang Ying saved him.

Ying never forgets this life-saving grace. This time Jiang Ying wanted

to ask him, so naturally he happily tried his best to help. Jiang Ying

really concealed it from him, saying that I was his girlfriend. Because
my voice is like a man, I have always been very inferior. I hope to

change my voice through practice.

Chapter 12 Transformation

Five minutes later, we arrived at the sight singing room. Due to the

rest day, the sight singing room was empty and there was no one.

Professor Li asked me to read a line and then asked me to sing a

popular song. I analyzed my timbre through the computer. My

original voice is not very thick, and the rhythm of my speech is

relatively slow. It really has a little feminine taste. Listening to the

replay of the speaker, I am secretly ashamed. It turns out that my

voice is so masculine, but it didn't feel at all before.

Professor Li said that in fact, human vocal cords have a wide

adaptability and change the most. They can simulate most of the

voices in the world. For example, some ventriloquist masters can

completely change male voices into female voices. Of course, this

requires skill and hard work, such as your voice. As long as the

center of gravity of the vocal range is moved up as much as

possible, and then work hard on the mellowness of the tone,

satisfactory results can be achieved.

Then he sang a song "The Great Wall" with a female voice. I was

dumbfounded when I heard it. It was so alike and amazing. It was

comparable to Dong Wenhua's original singing.

This morning, he taught me the basic practice methods and skills,

and arranged a study list for me.

I practiced until noon, and I made a lot of progress in speaking in

false voices. Professor Li praised me for being smart and said that I

was a bit masculine between my eyebrows. If I were to sing in the

Yue Opera department, I would be a talent.

My face went red and white, I didn't know what to say.

After eating lunch in the school at noon and practicing until three

o’clock, Jiang Ying said goodbye. Professor Li delivered to the school

gate and agreed with me to go to the sight singing room to receive

his guidance every Sunday, and asked me to usually The false voice

should not leave the mouth until the original pronunciation method

is forgotten, so that the pronunciation of the false voice becomes a

natural thing, and it becomes the true voice.

Back in the bedroom, it was half past four in the afternoon, and it

was close to work at five o'clock. I hurriedly removed my makeup

and changed back to men's clothing. Just about to tear off the

scotch tape from my lower body, Jiang Ying spoke.

‘No tears, you just go to work like this. ‘

‘I want to pee. 'I say.

‘You are not allowed to talk to me in this voice. Have you forgotten
what Professor Li said? ‘Jiang Ying said angrily.

I didn't answer him, but I also gave up tearing the belt. I can't stand

up and pee, just squat on the toilet like a woman. As the younger

brother folded backwards, the urine accumulated on the roots of

the younger brother. After four or five minutes, he couldn’t solve it,

but he wanted to urinate very much. He was dying uncomfortably. It

finally dripped intermittently from the tape hole Jiang Ying cut. It

took a full minute to solve it.

‘Isn’t this good? ‘Jiang Ying said.

When I go to work, I am always absent-minded. For one thing, my

lower body is painful and itchy because of the adhesive tape, and

secondly, the weird life of the past few days has made me feel tired.

At nine o'clock, my cousin came to see me, but I really hated her a

bit. If it weren't for this dog idea, how could I be so abused?

I was lukewarm to her, which puzzled her.

After a long time.

‘I know you made a fool of yourself in front of your colleagues,

sorry. ‘Cousin suddenly apologized to me.

'It's nothing! ‘I said while wiping the bar.

‘Weiguo, I’m here to tell you today, I, I’m going to another city.

‘Cousin said.

'what? ‘I stopped wiping the table.

‘I’m going to another city with my boyfriend. ‘The cousin looked up

and said.

‘When did you have a boyfriend? ‘I’m surprised.

‘I didn’t tell anyone about this, because I don’t want him to know

that I have been a sit-in woman. ‘Cousin said sadly.

‘You are deceiving him. 'I say.

‘Great country, people are always forced, things are always

changing, you have to constantly adapt to your new environment,

sometimes it is better to cheat than to be honest, you are young

and you will understand later. ‘

My cousin’s words touched me deeply. In the past few days, I really

have to go to the extreme, but how can I adapt to this new

environment? In just two days, I already felt about to collapse.

‘Then I will give it to you. 'I say.

‘No, I’ll leave early tomorrow morning. I will not be by your side in

the future. I will rely on you to fight. After all, this city is full of

miracles. ‘Cousin said.

After my cousin left that night, I suddenly felt lonely, like an

abandoned baby. I no longer have a family or friend in this city.

I can't help but think of Xiaoqing, she is like hope ignited in the

dark, I must tell her, ask her to forgive me, I want to chase her again,

but when I think of seeing the situation by the lake during the day, it
is very Disheartened and discouraged.

Xiaoqing, what are you doing now?

I went back to the bedroom listlessly, Jiang Ying was leaning on the

bed looking at a photo foolishly, and seeing me back, he quickly put

the photo back under her pillow.

'came back? 'he asks.

'came back! ‘I replied, of course I used false accents. I was already

outside the door and I was ready.

Suddenly, Jiang Ying and I felt sympathy for the same illness. We

were also abandoned by our girlfriends, the same loneliness and

the same emptiness.

‘After you come back, you have to change into women’s clothing to

sleep. ‘Jiang Ying said.

'Ok! ‘I said, at this time, my mind is already very pessimistic. Even if I

want to commit suicide, I may agree, and nothing will matter.

I put on prosthetic breasts, bra and wig, and women's underwear. I

didn't make up, but just put on lipstick, so I looked like a woman.

‘Wear this! ‘Jiang Ying threw a pink women’s pajamas. The pajamas

embroidered with a few roses are very beautiful, but you can see

that this pajama is not new.

I slept very deep this night, and I went back to the time when

Xiaoqing and I were together in my dream.

The next day, I woke up by myself, it was already bright.

‘Get up, slacker! Get up and practice your voice. ‘Jiang Ying shouted.

So our life began like this.

After getting up, I finished freshening up and turned into women's

clothing. Then I practiced my voice at the window and Jiang Ying

went to buy breakfast. After breakfast, another morning of intensive

exercises followed.

At noon he would take me out for dinner in women's clothing, and

in the afternoon he would lock me upside down in the room, forcing

me to read a lot of women's magazines and soap operas, and to

write from a female perspective.

I was only allowed to reply to men's clothing when I was at work,

but I was not allowed to speak more in a male voice.

When a colleague asked me to play, Jiang Ying always told me to

reject them, so everyone thought I was an autistic.

Whenever Sunday is my happiest day, he will take me to study with

Professor Li. I always hope to see Xiaoqing, but every time I fail to

do so.

My lower body tape was also changed from ordinary transparent

glue to breathable artificial bio-adhesive. Jiang Ying bought it from a

lot of places. This kind of tape is very close to human skin tissue, so I

don’t know how much better it is than before. Times, and the effect
is much better.

In a blink of an eye, three months have passed. This is how I live a

semi-imprisoned life. Under the careful guidance of Professor Li, my

false voice is very close to that of a female voice, unlike the yin and

yang weirdly speaking like a eunuch at the beginning, I When

appearing in women’s clothing, I can speak with anyone in false

voices very skillfully. Professor Li said that the next step is to forget

the real voice, but he doesn’t know it. This is extremely difficult

because I still have a part of my life. Appeared as a man.

Gradually, I felt that there were some problems with my work, and I

found that I started to be interested in the topic of female

colleagues, as long as they talked about fashion before! Soap opera!

I always stay away from all kinds of topics, but now I listen to them

with interest, and sometimes I have to insert a few sentences, and

then I just joined the big discussion. Because I watch this kind of

stuff every afternoon, so The level of familiarity and insights far

surpass those of the girls. They often surround me to ask questions

and answers, and I take the trouble to answer them. But soon, I

heard some gossip, saying that I was a sissy, and some even called

me invincible from behind. A better colleague told me bluntly that I

had changed a lot in the past two months. Not only did I speak like a

woman, but the actions were also feminine, which was really
unacceptable and asked me if I had a psychological problem. In fact,

I have tried very hard to keep men accustomed during working

hours, but unexpectedly I still show my feet inadvertently.

As time went on, I couldn’t stand the ridicule of my colleagues at

work. But now women’s movements have become natural. On the

contrary, men’s movements have fallen to a secondary position. As

soon as I came to work, I felt that someone was pointing at me.

Pointing, the psychological pressure is very high. In contrast,

women's time has become a paradise to escape ridicule. Moreover,

Jiang Ying is also very good to me. I am not beaten and scolded like

before. What makes me happy is that he actually No deviant

behavior. This inverted embarrassment is pushing me deeper and

deeper into the misunderstanding step by step, leading to a vicious

circle. Later, as long as I wear men's clothing, some people say that I

am a pervert and the East is invincible, and I wear women's

clothing. , I was liberated, free, without any pressure, and even

many people complimented me and admired my beauty. I am

getting more and more not sure which gender I am suitable for, but

I really feel the benefits of being a woman, a beautiful woman, this

society is really funny.

Only when I think of Xiaoqing did I realize that I am a man. My eros

is still aimed at women, and I don't have the slightest feeling for

When I met a beautiful sexy girl, my little brother would still be

tempted to watch pornographic videos. I still have the urge to

substitute the male protagonist and insert a woman, not the other

way around. This let me know that I am always a man, a real man,

but only a feminine appearance, my heart has not changed at all,

I did not expect that, just as I was in distress, another turning point

in my life came quietly.

Chapter 13 New Job

One day, I was suddenly called into the office by my boss.

The boss looked at me and said to me solemnly: ‘Xiao Zhang, we are

also very impatient to make such a decision. Please bear with me. ‘

I don't know why the boss is so polite to me again, but he guessed

something wrong from his expression.

The boss went on to say: "You may have also heard that people in

the company are saying about you, and even a few days ago, some

guests came to me to complain, saying that there is one in our

disco... . Moreover, your work performance in the past few months

has been much worse than before, and you often make mistakes...’

I understood what the boss meant. He didn't need to tell people to

walk. My self-esteem was hurt and I said, ‘Boss, are you not letting
me go on? ‘

The boss sighed and said, ‘It’s okay if you understand. I will go to the

Finance Department to get an extra month’s salary later. I hope you

will have good luck in the future. ‘

I came out of the office in a daze, who did I offend and why was it so

unfair to me?

Back in the dormitory, I repeatedly counted the extra month's salary

in a daze. What should I do in the future? Without a job, without

money, I can’t hang around in the city, I can only go back to the

country. All my ideals are going to be ruined. It’s because they are

not good. I am not a man, a woman, or a person. No ghost, I

scolded my cousin and Jiang Ying harshly.

Thinking of this, tears flowed in my eyes. This is the first time I shed

tears in this city.

After a while, Jiang Ying came back.

‘I’ve heard about this, I’m sorry, anyway...I am also responsible for

this. ‘Jiang Ying said.

‘Now it’s useless to say anything. ‘I waved my hand.

‘No, you can still find a job. There are many job opportunities in this

city. Don’t hang yourself on a tree. ‘

I recalled what my cousin said, people are always compelled, things

are always changing, and you must constantly adapt to your new

Yes, I can't just give up like this. Tomorrow I will go to the talent


Thinking of this, I was not so sad anymore, and my heart was full of

hope. Jiang Ying did not ask me to wear women's clothing that

night. The next day, I went to the talent market as a man. This was

the first time I wore menswear in the daytime in three months.

I have looked for a lot of companies, but they either think that I

don’t have a diploma, or that I’m so gentle and can’t do rough work.

The most annoying thing is that the two companies say that I have

problems with my speech and behavior. Of course I know what they

are referring to. I want to slap him hard.

At the end of the day, almost all the employers have been drilled,

but no one is suitable.

I dragged my exhausted steps back to the dormitory and told Jiang

Ying about the application situation, so angry that Jiang Ying even

called them bastards.

I didn't sleep well this night.

The next day, Jiang Ying rushed in from outside, holding a

recruitment poster in his hand.

‘Yes, why didn’t we expect it! ‘He said happily.

‘What, is there a job? ‘I jumped up from the bed.

‘Yes, there are so many. Pick it yourself! ‘He passed the poster.

I saw that the posters were all recruiting positions, and the

requirements were not very high. As long as you graduate from high

school, have a good appearance, and behave elegantly, I think I

meet these requirements.

But when I look at the poster head, it’s a bit uncomfortable. It turns

out that a newly opened three-star hotel in this city recruits waiters.

There are food and beverage department, guest room department,

commerce department, entertainment center... It’s just that the

gender is specified.’ Female'.

'I dont go! 'I say.

‘This is a good opportunity. It’s not the first time you're pretending

to be a woman. Besides, your voice has been trained by Professor

Li. No one would doubt it. ‘

‘But I don’t want to go further and further down this road! ‘I


‘What’s wrong with this road? You are much cuter as a woman than

as a man. ‘Jiang Ying said.

I was speechless. If three months ago, I would definitely have a

good reason to oppose him, but now I can't think of how to refute

him. Sometimes even I think so.

‘Xiaoqian, listen to me, in the service industry, it’s easier for girls to
find jobs than boys. ‘

Jiang Ying’s words are correct. I have no other skills and no hard

work. The service industry is the best choice for me.

‘Let me think about it! 'I say.

At noon, I finally compromised with fate, and I decided to apply.

I sat down in front of the makeup mirror, and for the first time in my

life, it was voluntary and entirely for my own makeup.

This time I am more careful and more involved than ever.

After putting on makeup, Jiang Ying asked me to put on his favorite

red trench coat. At this time, it has entered the winter. I bought a

pair of black high boots. My toes have been pointed by the high

heels. Now wearing warm and soft high boots can be regarded as a

treat. The red windbreaker and black high boots look both spirited

and modern.

In the afternoon, Jiang Ying accompanied me to apply for the job.

We arrived at this high-rise building called **Fei Hotel. The hotel

was renovated, but it has not yet opened.

When we arrived, there was a long queue of candidates at the

entrance of the recruitment office. They were all trying to dress

themselves up most beautifully, and some of them were chattering


‘Don’t be nervous, everything will be fine. ‘Jiang Ying said, patted

me on the shoulder, he said he would wait for me downstairs.

For the first time I was caught in a pile of women, surrounded by

gorgeous girls, surrounded by a strong powdery fragrance, there

was a girl with big breasts lined up behind me, she accidentally

touched me very tall ** from time to time My whole body seemed

to be electrified on my back, and my little brother couldn't help but

want to lift up, but he was caught by the tape, and it was very


I was attracted by this woman's small waist, and then by the girl's

big ass. This time I was feasting my eyes. I saw fever on my face,

rapid heartbeat, and rapid breathing. Fortunately, no girl found me


After a while, the recruitment started, and the girls were called into

the office one by one. I felt a little sweaty palms, and I must behave

perfectly later, so that the examiner should not be suspicious.

When thinking like this, it was my turn.

When I got downstairs, Jiang Ying greeted me.

'how about it? 'he asks.

I breathed a sigh of relief and made a victory move.

‘What did they ask you? ‘Jiang Ying is very curious.

'They looked at me for a long time, and my heart jumped out. Then

a female manager asked my name. I said my name was Zhang Lini,

and she asked me where my hometown is and whether he had

done it before. I answered all the related jobs and what I think

about the service industry. Finally, they asked me to fill out a form. ‘

‘Why don’t you call yourself Lin Qian? ‘Jiang Ying said a bit lost.

‘My surname is Zhang. Although the husband changed his name, he

dare not change his surname. ‘I said with a smile.

‘You have changed your sex! ‘Jiang Ying laughed.

I was angry and ignored him and walked forward.

‘Then when do you go to work? ‘Jiang Ying came up to ask.

‘Not yet, they want me to report in three days, and I have to bring

my ID. ID card! My ID is male, what can I do! ‘I felt anxious when I

thought about this festival.

Jiang Ying thought for a while, slapped his scalp and said: ‘Yes, some

of my buddies are doing fake certificates, and I want them to help

you get a whole set of things. ‘

‘This, how does this work? This is illegal. ‘

‘Don’t worry, the police can’t tell what they have made. ‘

I couldn't think of another way, so I had to agree.

While Jiang Ying got in touch with his buddies, he asked me to go to

the roadside photography shop to take some snapshots.

The photo quickly came out, and I looked at the smiling woman in

the photo, a bit like in a dream.

Back in the bedroom, Jiang Ying sent the photo to a friend, while I

stayed alone in the room.

I found a little white thing exposed under Jiang Ying's pillow, and my

curiosity was aroused. I walked over and took a look. It turned out

that it was the photo he had secretly looked at last time.

The photo shows a slender woman with big eyes and a melon-

seeded face. She is wearing the same red windbreaker, white

stretch shirt, and leather pants covered with hips as mine. It is quite

similar to me. I suddenly understood that this is Jiang Ying’s. Ex-

girlfriend Lin Qian, I did look a little bit like her in makeup that night.

He loved her so deeply, and was a little perverted. He didn't hesitate

to use me as a sexual fantasy.

As soon as the cause and effect were connected, I also knew the

outline of Jiang Ying’s emotional experience. It turned out that Jiang

Ying loved Lin Qian deeply, but Lin Qian didn’t love him, so he

dumped him because of his impotence. Jiang Ying was right. She

hates and loves her, but can't find her back, so she has to find an

illusory object to vent. I used to hear that he went to bubble girls,

but now it seems that it is possible to bubble girls, but it is probably

not true. At this moment, I broke into his vision as a women's

clothing, and turned out to be the object of his empathy. He wanted

to transform me into another Lin Qian, because I am not a real

woman, so I would not treat him He cares about impotence, which

makes him feel that I am safer than a real woman.

However, I am not Lin Qian after all, not even a woman. I can never

replace her. Jiang Ying has become a victim, and as a victim, I cannot

stop now. Why haven't I become a victim?

I sympathize with Jiang Ying, but no matter what, it is better for me

to leave him early.

After Jiang Ying came back, we went to dinner together.

‘Xiao Qian, we will arrange for someone to live in our room for you

in a few days. ‘Jiang Ying said.

'is it? ‘I said, I was secretly happy, this is a chance to get rid of him, I

have been worried that he will not let me go.

‘I had a fight with the boss, but this miser just didn’t give in and said

that he would either agree or I would go out. ‘

'is it? ‘

‘If one day I leave the company, I have to beat him up. ‘

'is it? ‘

‘Are you listening to me, how is it always? ‘Jiang Ying put down his

chopsticks angrily.

I pursed my mouth and said, ‘No...I’m listening to you! It's not good

for you to beat him like this, it will cause trouble. ‘

‘This kind of person is only enjoyable by beating him. ‘

I smiled and agreed.

‘Do you have a place to live there? ‘

‘I don’t know yet, I think there will be a dormitory. ‘

‘In the future we will have fewer opportunities to meet. ‘Jiang Ying


‘You can come and see me. ‘I said, but in my heart, it’s best for you

not to see me. Maybe when you see me again, I might be a man


‘You must hate me so much that I hurt you like this. ‘

Regarding Jiang Ying, I don’t know if I hate him or not. I used to hate

him to the bone, but in the past few weeks, I feel that besides being

a bit more brutal, he is actually quite good. Also more and more

tender, although I know, in his eyes I have always been Lin Qian's


‘Hate is, of course, hate, but now I’ve taken it lightly. 'I say.

‘That’s good, hope you forgive me. ‘Jiang Ying said.

I smiled and didn't answer him.

Chapter 14 New Identity

On the third morning, Jiang Ying’s buddy sent a package of things. I

opened it and was surprised secretly. It turned out that in addition

to the ID card, there was also a secondary school diploma.

After comparing the fake ID with the real one for a long time, I

couldn't find any flaws before I felt relieved.

I hurried to the Aifei Hotel to report. After completing the

formalities, the personnel director informed us to go to the city

hospital for a physical examination in the afternoon. Only after

passing the physical examination can we be employed.

My face turned pale all of a sudden, if I go for a medical

examination, my secret will not be discovered.

I quickly called Jiang Ying secretly, Jiang Ying told me not to worry,

and he figured out a solution for me.

At noon, Jiang Ying told me that he had made arrangements. He

called a waitress from another hotel to take my physical

examination. During the physical examination, the gynecological

examination was sad. He said that the woman would wait at the

gate of the gynecology department. When she was called to me,

she also went in, and then found a reason to lie to the doctor, so

that she could hide her from the sky.

Despite this, my heart is still uneasy.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, our first batch of new employees

for physical examination took the van in the hotel to the People's


I passed the laboratory tests, eyesight, and blood pressure, and in

the end it was the worst gynecological examination.

We lined up at the entrance of the gynecology department. I saw a

twenty-four-year-old girl sitting in the waiting chair. She gave me a

wink, and I understood.

After a while, the female doctor inside called out "Zhang Lini", the

girl went in, and I followed in.

The doctor closed the door and saw that there were two of us, and

asked: ‘Which one of you is Zhang Lini? ‘

The girl answered.

The doctor said to me: ‘then what are you doing in here? ‘

I have already made up a lie: ‘I’m her sister. My sister was afraid of

coming to the hospital, so she asked me to accompany her. ‘

The doctor said, ‘then what’s so scary, you stand aside. ‘

After the doctor took the girl to the screen, my heart was pounding,

and the time at this moment was really slow.

Two minutes later, the girl came out from behind the screen,

opened the door with her bag and left.

The doctor called the name of the next one inside. A girl opened the

door and came in. I hurriedly pretended to be tidying up her skirt,

and walked out to let the girls looking at the door see it.

As soon as I went outside, someone asked me about the details of

the inspection, such as whether the miscarriage was visible and

whether I could get in with my fingers.

I answered a few vaguely, just excuses embarrassment to change

their topic.

I also asked carefully who the girl was just now, so I said I didn’t

know her, and said she might be an old patient.

The plan to change posts was very successful, and the hotel

informed me that I would officially go to work the next morning.

In the early morning of the next day, Jiang Ying was still sleeping. I

finished freshening up early, putting on my makeup, carrying the

delicate small handbag I bought after the physical examination

yesterday, and rushing to work excitedly.

In the past three months, I have never felt as relaxed as I am today,

because I don't have to live under Jiang Ying's supervision, and I

don't need to see the weird eyes of my former colleagues.

I am like a bird that has just gained freedom, flying excitedly on the


This morning, we were assigned to work. I turned out to be the first

façade of the hotel-Miss Welcome. There are only four people in

the welcome group. I, Aying, Lili and Jiayi are all about 1.7 meters

tall. Tall beauty. The four of us were also assigned to the same


I was worried, excited, and painful. I was worried that I would live
with the girls in the future, and I would show my feet if I was not

careful. I was excited to live in the same room with three big

beauties. I will really be able to enjoy my life in the future. , The

pain is that the greater my beautiful blessing, the more suffering I

suffer, because I can’t associate with them as a male, just like a bowl

of good meat is placed in front of a hungry person, but I can only

see and cannot eat it. This taste is imaginable.

There are still five days before the hotel opens. During these five

days, we have been arranged for pre-job training. The courses

include etiquette, hotel service standards, common hotel English

and hotel rules and regulations.

That afternoon, we received the key to the dormitory. The

dormitory is diagonally opposite the hotel. The conditions are not

very good. There is no separate bathroom. Our floor is full of girls.

There is only one bathroom and one large bathroom. The whole

floor is full of people. All of his life problems are solved here, which

can be overcome for other people, which is really a big

inconvenience for me.

When he returned to the bedroom, Jiang Ying was already on the

night shift. Tomorrow I will leave him. Looking back on my life of

nearly four months, I still can't believe it, like having a nightmare.

I have wanted to leave this terrible place countless times, but I

really want to leave, and I feel a little bit reluctant. I really don't

know why this happened.

I took out the box and packed up my things. I was sorting my

clothes. I suddenly remembered that menswear was useless to me.

Several of them were new. I put them aside with a pain, and put the

women's clothing in the box one by one. , Cosmetics, mirrors, etc.

After four months, the women's clothing I bought could fit in a


When everything was ready, it was already past ten o'clock in the

evening. I originally wanted to wait for Jiang Ying to return to say

goodbye to him, but I was really tired, so I laid the quilt on and went

to sleep.

Chapter 15 Pain

I don’t know how much time I slept. I vaguely felt that a huge thing

was pressing on my body. A hot and humid tongue licked my face

with a smell of alcohol. I suddenly woke up and found Jiang Ying

lying on me. On the body, kissing me with drunken eyes.

The shock was so big that I pushed him desperately, but he grabbed

both hands and couldn't move when pressed on the pillow.

‘Xiao Qian, don’t leave me, don’t leave me. ‘He cried, pressing my

mouth with his lips.

At this moment, I really want to vomit.

'what are you doing? Wake up! ‘I took a breath and shouted.

‘No, I don’t want to wake up! ‘He yelled, and his left hand touched

under my pajamas and rubbed my breast.

I took off a hand and slapped him with a slap.

Jiang Ying's eyes glowed like a beast, which made me panic.

'You hit me? Bitch, how dare you hit me? ‘He roared.

‘I...I didn’t mean it. ‘I panicked.

Jiang Ying suddenly jumped over and rode on me, pulled my

stockings from the chair, hung my hand on the bedside post,

watched me struggling on the bed, he laughed.

‘Jiang Ying, you are crazy! ‘I scolded.

Jiang Ying tore off my bra and stuffed it in my mouth.

‘You scold again, I will let you scold again! 'He says.

I could not yell out, but looked at him in fear.

Jiang Ying turned my pajamas upside down to her hand, and

gnawed wildly on my prosthetic breast. I didn't feel anything. Jiang

Ying's mouth made a smacking sound, seeming to be very engaged.

Jiang Ying stripped herself naked and knelt on me. I have never seen

another man's organ so close. Although it hangs softly, it feels

stronger than mine.

Jiang Ying held her little brother in her hand and rubbed it on my

breast, slowly moving upward.

God, what is he doing?

I was struggling again, but he was sitting on him, and there was

nothing to do. In a blink of an eye, his little brother arrived in front

of me. I turned my head and stopped looking at him.

A warm object slid on my cheek and walked around like a snake.

‘Xiao Qian, don’t you think I’m wilted? Now I will let you taste the

glory of my little brother. ‘Jiang Ying said.

I felt sick and closed my eyes.

Jiang Ying twisted my chin, his little brother drew my eyelids, along

the bridge of the nose to my mouth, and then whirled on my lips, I

smelled a fishy smell, this smell is I have also heard that Jiang Ying’s

little brother oozes a viscous liquid from his mouth, which sticks to

my lips. This is something called prostatic fluid, which is used for


He is withered, how could this thing flow out?

I opened my eyes and was horrified to find that Jiang Ying's little

brother was firming up little by little, swelling up, revealing the red

little brother, and the texture walking on my lips changed from soft

to hard.

His wilting is healed? !

Jiang Ying's breathing became heavier and heavier, and he shouted:

‘I can’t stand it! ‘Hiss-pulled down my panties.

‘Don’t do this stupid thing! ‘I’m shouting in my heart, but I can only

make an awkward sound.

Jiang Ying violently separated my legs and pulled the bio-tape to the

side. I felt a heat in the back and Jiang Ying's little brother had

already pushed it up.

He eagerly wanted to squeeze in, but it was all due to my resistance

and the dryness behind him.

‘Fuck you***! ‘He cursed, spit on the little brother several times,

rubbed his hands, and rushed again.

He lifted my leg high, and then sent it to my head, so that my

buttocks rose up, and it was aimed at his strong little brother. I felt

as if someone was torn from the back, followed by a Hot hard stuff

squeezed in.

Jiang Ying kept pumping, but I felt a sensation of relieving stool. The

back was painful and itchy, and I involuntarily contracted the

sphincter tightly. This way, I pushed Jiang Ying's little brother


Within a few minutes, Jiang Ying screamed and hugged my leg


I am going to faint humiliatingly.

‘So cool! ‘As he said, he pulled out the little brother, my back was

hot and painful, like a fire burning.

After a while, he came back to his senses, half awake from the wine,

and helped me untie the stockings.

I tore off the bra from my mouth, cursed a pervert, and hurriedly

ran to the toilet to relieve the stool that I was holding back.

When I came out of the toilet, Jiang Ying had already put on my


‘Sorry, I drank too much just now! I haven't done it for more than a

year. 'He says.

I ignored him, dressed in a hurry angrily, put on light makeup, and

walked out the door with the suitcase.

‘Where are you going? ‘He ran over to block the door.

I pushed away his hand and said, ‘Don’t worry, I won’t be here

anyway! ‘

I threw back the key of the door to him and plunged into the cold


Jiang Ying was dazed behind me, but he didn't stop me again.

I never want to see this bastard! I walked hurriedly down the street,

my thoughts were flying, but tears shed unknowingly in my eyes. I

now understand a little bit how bad a woman feels when she is


Chapter 16 Goodbye to Old Friends

It was very windy outside, and the sky was still dark. I looked at my

watch and it was 2 o'clock in the morning.

Where should I go? The new dormitory didn't open until today. I

don't have any friends in this city. I am as lonely as a homeless

person, walking on a deserted street without knowing where my

destination is.

I heard the roar of a train suddenly. Before I knew it, I had already

walked to the train station. Another train arrived. Four months ago,

it was two o’clock in the morning. I used to walk from this train

station with hope in life. Stepping out, I wonder if this train that is

near the station comes from home? I thought, walking towards the

station. For a moment, I really wanted to board the train home,

return to my original life, and never come to the city again.

I walked to the waiting hall and sat down. There were many people

in the hall, all anxiously waiting for my own train. I bought the

"Military Friend" magazine to kill time.

‘Zhuge, you have to come back soon! ‘

A gentle word came from behind my ear, my hand shook, and the

magazine almost fell out of my hand. It was Xiaoqing! I never

thought I would meet her here, and she was sitting in the waiting

chair behind me.

I dared not look back at her, and my heartbeat started to speed up.
‘I’m going to go to my uncle’s company for an internship this winter

vacation. I’m really sorry I can’t accompany you! ‘

‘It doesn’t matter, as long as... as long as you think of me in your

heart. ‘

‘Xiaoqing, you are so kind! ‘

‘Don’t say such nasty things are not good, who would call me your

girlfriend! ‘

Xiaoqing and Zhuge Yiyi talked about love, why did Zhuge get such a

good girl as Xiaoqing? Why did Xiaoqing never say such things to me

before? I became jealous.

After a while, their team began to check the votes, and Xiao Jing

waved goodbye to Zhuge until Zhuge disappeared in the crowd.

As soon as this row of people left, the hall was much empty.

Xiaoqing stood there for a while, turned around and walked out of

the waiting hall a little sad.

I involuntarily followed her out of the train station.

Xiaoqing got into a taxi, and I quickly called one to follow her.

Ten minutes later, Xiaoqing reached the alley of her house and

walked inside.

I got out of the car and watched her turn into the alley. If I am

missing something, I came here aimlessly just to see her back?

When I was about to turn my head and leave, I suddenly heard

Xiaoqing scream, but she didn't say half of it as if she was covering

her mouth.

Xiaoqing had an accident? I was shocked, unable to think about it,

and ran towards the alley like flying.

A man was covering Xiaoqing's mouth with his hand, touching her

chest with one hand, Xiaoqing was struggling desperately.

He dared to bully Xiaoqing, I was furious and roared: ‘Let her go!

‘Run up and throw the box on the man’s back.

With an ouch, the man fell to the ground, got up and ran quickly.

I lifted up Xiaoqing, who was crying in the corner, her body


'Are you OK! ‘I said to her in a false voice.

She stood up, sobbed and said, ‘I’m fine, thank you! ‘

'it's OK. 'I say.

‘Thanks to you for saving me! ‘She looked at me.

I smiled and picked up the box on the ground.

‘Be careful when girls are alone. 'I said, somehow, I wanted to talk

to Xiaoqing so much, but once the opportunity came, I didn't dare

to talk to her anymore, I just wanted to run away, don’t let her see

me like this, if she knew it was I don't know what to think.

'Okay, I get it now. ‘Xiaoqing promised. Looking at her pitiful

appearance, I couldn’t help feeling moved, but I still couldn’t face


'I am leaving! ‘I patted the dust on the box and said, turn around

and leave.

‘Sister, don’t go! ‘She ran up and took my arm.

sister? She actually called my sister? My heart is sore and painful.

‘Sister, my house is right in front. Come and sit down at my house!

‘Xiaoqing took my hand and said.

I looked at her pleading gaze. Her eyes flickered in the dark, as if

talking to me, as if back to the middle school days, and nodded

when her heart warmed.

She laughed happily and said, ‘Is that right! Otherwise I will be very

upset. ‘

I finally walked into her home. Xiaoqing told me that her parents

left her alone when they went to do business.

‘Are you afraid? 'I ask.

She shook her head and said, ‘I’m used to it. They only stay home

four or five days a month. This house is like living alone for me. ‘

‘Then you must be very lonely! ‘I said with a smile.

'Yes! ‘She took off the hairpin, draped her long hair like a waterfall

on her shoulders, and tidyed it with her hands.

‘At night, it’s so boring. ‘

‘Won’t you ask your boyfriend to come with you? ‘When I said this, I
was in a panic, but I really wanted to know the situation.

Xiaoqing opened her eyes curiously and said, ‘Huh! How do you

know that I have a boyfriend? ‘

'My guess. ‘

She smiled shyly, lowered her head and said shyly: ‘I don’t want him

to accompany him, I’m still a girl’s, I can’t be so casual. ‘

‘ and him didn’t...that? ‘I was surprised and happy, and I


‘Sister, what’s wrong with you? Your face is so red. ‘Xiaoqing looked

at me strangely.

I couldn’t restrain my joy, and kept saying: ‘that’s how it should be,

that’s how it should be. ‘

Xiaoqing didn't understand my reaction, and went on to say:

‘Actually, I couldn’t control myself several times. Fortunately, Zhuge

is also a gentleman. He said he would not force it until I made a

decision. ‘

I said: ‘really? That's good, girls should be careful. ‘

Xiaoqing smiled and said: ‘I think the same way, sister, I see you

dress so fashionable, I can’t think your thinking is so traditional. ‘

‘Thoughts seem to have nothing to do with dress. 'I say.

Xiaoqing brewed a cup of hot tea for me.

‘Sister, you saved me, I don’t know your name yet! 'she says.
'I? ...My name is Zhang Lini, you can just call me Lini! 'I say.

‘Lini, your name is so nice. ‘Xiaoqing said, but this compliment is

very useless to me.

We chatted for a while. I was very interested in Xiaoqing’s life. She

told me that she was a student in the dance department of the

Provincial Academy of Art, and his boyfriend Zhuge was in the art

department. They were in a school. I met in the exhibition and

talked about many stories between them. I felt like I was sinking in a

vinegar jar and I had to pretend to be interested. That person

couldn't stand it.

‘Then do you have a first love boyfriend? ‘I finally asked the

question that I most want to know the answer to.

Xiaoqing held her head, as if recalling something far away.

‘Say yes, there are, say no, there is no. 'she says.

'Oh? ‘

‘When I was in middle school, there was a boy who was very close

to me. Maybe it can be regarded as first love, but I’m afraid there’s

more sibling relationship here. The boy was shy, self-respecting, and

very funny. Later I moved to the city and never contacted again. ‘

‘Do you like him? ‘

'how to say! Kind of! I still think of him often, but his impression is

getting blurred in my mind. ‘

‘Really? ‘I don’t know if I am happy or sad.

‘Lini Sister, don’t laugh at me, I think you look a bit like him.

‘Xiaoqing said suddenly.

‘Where is it! I don't even know him. ‘I hide my past embarrassingly.

‘Really, especially the eyes and nose, it seems! ‘

‘That proves that you still remember him firmly! ‘I smiled and said, I

am very happy.

When I said that, Xiaoqing's face blushed a little.

‘If he comes to the city to find you, what will you do? 'I ask.

‘I don’t know, maybe we will become good friends! ‘Xiaoqing

thought for a while and said.

The sky gradually brightened, and before I knew it, it was almost six

o'clock. I got up and said goodbye to Xiaoqing.

‘Lini, you must remember to come and play often! 'she says.

I happily agreed to her. Anyway, I have established contact with her

again, and I will slowly figure out a way to make me appear in front

of her naturally.

I told her that I work at Aifei Hotel and gave her the address.

Chapter 17 Aying

When I came out of Xiaoqing's house, I felt so happy. The

predecessors said, ‘If you lose your horse, you will know nothing.

‘Today I really got a blessing in disguise. If it weren’t for Jiang Ying, I

wouldn’t go to the train station or meet Xiaoqing in this way, and

Xiaoqing might be ashamed. The wheel of fortune is really amazing.

I came to the new bedroom, and Ah Ying was already there. She

was 23 years old, four years older than me, 1.70 meters tall,

attractive in figure, and had a fashionable short haircut. She looked

mature and looked like a big sister.

‘Lini, are you here? ‘She nodded to me and said with a smile.

‘Sister Ying, so early! ‘I opened the box and hung the clothes one by

one in my cupboard.

‘Your boyfriend came to you just now! ‘She said with a smile.

‘My boyfriend? ‘I can’t help being stunned.

‘It’s the big guy. ‘

It turned out to be Jiang Ying, why is he following me in a spirited


‘He is not my boyfriend. 'I say.

'is it? He seems to care about you. ‘

‘Sister Ying, let’s not talk about him anymore, shall we have

breakfast together later? ‘

Aying smiled and said, ‘So you guys quarreled. ‘

After finishing our things, Lili and Jiayi just arrived. Aying and I went

out for breakfast, and bought a quilt and sheets, and some daily

When walking on the street, Aying always held my hand

affectionately, which made me confused and infatuated. If I was a

men's wearer, with such a big beauty holding me, I would die in the

street. Now I can only hold her hand angrily so as not to make her


The five-day training soon ended, and we started to work officially.

Ah Ying and I were on the morning shift from 6:00 in the morning to

2:00 in the afternoon. Lili and Jiayi took our class from 2 in the

afternoon. 00 to 10:00 at night. Our job is to wear red and gold

cheongsam and stand at the gate of the hotel to greet guests.

On the first day of work, I changed into a cheongsam in the locker

room. Seeing my curvy figure, I couldn't help but shake my heart.

My little brother was erect. Fortunately, I was holding on to the

tape, otherwise I would really make a fool of myself.

Aying and I stood opposite each other. She stood slenderly, her very

sexy big butt wrapped in a cheongsam. I didn't even dare to look

more, for fear that I could not control myself.

I spent the first morning in the anxiousness of sex. Whenever there

are guests coming in and out, I can always see some wicked eyes

shooting towards my chest and buttocks, but few people approach

Miss Yingbin. Strike up a conversation, because although these well-

dressed people are crazy in their hearts, they pretend to be

arrogant on the surface and think they have a lot of identity.

‘Welcome to come again! ‘I sent away a guest, Lili and Jiayi came to

pick up our class.

Aying and I went to the locker room to change clothes.

‘These hypocrites! ‘Aying cursed while changing clothes.

I feel the same and agree.

‘Men are not good things! ‘She said again.

This sentence didn't even scold me. I smiled, noncommittal.

‘Sister Ying, why are you so prejudiced against men? ‘Back to the

bedroom, I asked Ah Ying.

‘Do we women suffer less from eating men? A man is a dirty animal,

but we women are different. We are all the most beautiful in the

world. ‘

Although Ah Ying's remarks are a bit extreme, I quite agree with her

second half sentence.

‘Lini, if a man bullies you, you will never ignore him. ‘

I answered.

At night, our level is very lively. The girls are laughing and chatting,

making a joke for a while, or getting together to jump checkers.

There are also groups of three or four who go out to the night

market and buy something cheap. When they come back Shouting

in excitement, and taking a washbasin to the bathroom to take a


Aying asked me to take a bath with her. Although I was itchy, I still


Aying Xian came back from the bath and was already wearing a

wide pajamas. She was sitting on the side of the bed and cutting her

toenails. I secretly looked in from the skirt of the pajamas and found

that she was wearing a pair of black silk mesh sexy panties. It is

looming between the white thighs.

Aying obviously didn’t notice that I was peeking at her. When I cut

my little toe, I raised my leg even more. I could see more clearly.

Through the mesh of my underwear, I could even see the pubic hair

and the mysterious triangle of her. Vaguely slit.

I couldn't help being flushed, my younger brother's arteries kept


After ten o'clock, Lili and Jiayi also returned. The three women were

chirping and talking about how they felt at work on the first day. I

got into the quilt and listened to them. While watching them

undress and undress, only the bra was left. And the underwear, for

a while in the bedroom, I was about to faint happily.

My new life started from this night.

From then on, I had to hide myself carefully, always avoiding

everyone to change underwear, wait until the night is still before

daring to take a bath, and when I am arguing with my roommates, I

don’t dare to get too close to avoid being discovered accidentally.

There are still a few days a month to find someone to buy sanitary

napkins together, and secretly dye them with red ink and throw

them away.

After three months of this, the girls did not discover my secret. They

treated me as a good sister, unfettered undressing in front of me,

doing some inelegant movements, which they would never be able

to do in front of men. Yes, they like to talk about some sensitive

topics before going to bed, let me also know that girls have the

same yearning for sex.

But Ah Ying always refutes them. She thinks the love of a man is the

most unreliable. The only reason they are good to you is to get your


Sometimes I really feel that she is a bit too much of a man.

Among the three women in the same dormitory, Ah Ying treats me

best. She always takes care of me like a big sister, which makes me

very touched. The two of us became best friends, working together,

eating together, and resting together, almost inseparable.

During these three months, Jiang Ying came to me four times, but

Aying blocked him from returning. Xiaoqing often came to play with

me. Although I wanted to be alone with her, Aying was always with
me. By my side, I was embarrassed to avoid her, so every time three

people chatted and went shopping together. I used to hate

shopping, but with them, I felt very happy. Unknowingly, I was

happy to be with them. Happiness became like, and then from like

to passion, I actually suggested to go to the store several times, and

I tried and tried all kinds of clothes just like them, and finally

bargained tirelessly.

I found that my personality became more and more trivial, more

and more like these real girls. I knew that I went further and further

on this divergent road, but my life became more and more like a fish

in the water among girls, and I had dissolved with them. In one


Everything is changing unconsciously. I always thought that my

psychological changes were due to my long-term life with girls as a

female. As long as I restore men's clothing, it will slowly change

back, so I didn't take it seriously. .

In a blink of an eye, the next spring is about to pass. The girls put on

beautiful and thin summer clothes. The spring in the bedroom is

strong, even more so than in winter. I already know the girl's body

well, even I know Ah Ying's There is a red birthmark on her big ass,

Lili has a mole on the side of her pubic hair, and Jiayi has three fine

hairs on her areola.

But I am more surprised by myself. I say it is a surprise, rather than

horror. I discovered that my sex started to develop. It used to be

only slightly protruding, but now it looks like two small eggs are

buried, and the sex is bigger than before. Moreover, I can’t

remember the last time my little brother had an erection. On what

day, and what night was the last nocturnal emission. In order to

allow my little brother to grow freely, I have already let go of the

tape. When I first came here, I was upside-down almost every night

(in the quilt of course), but now I always feel I have more than

enough energy. No matter how hard I try, my little brother can't get

tough. Could it be that I also got impotence? In shock, my face


But will psychological changes affect physiology? But I never

thought about becoming a woman!

Chapter Eighteen Aying 2

With a doubtful mind, I secretly pretended to be men's clothing and

went to the hospital for an examination. The doctor looked at my

laboratory test sheet and asked me in surprise: ‘Are you taking

estrogen? ‘

‘Never! ‘I cried.

‘That’s weird, you have a lot of estrogen left in your urine. ‘

I really can't remember when I touched estrogen.

‘Will it have an impact if there are more women around? 'I ask.

The doctor laughed blankly and said: ‘Impossible, this is entirely the

effect of drugs. ‘

Then the doctor prescribed androgen for me, asking me to take it

for two months first.

I dared not let others know, so I tore off the label and said it was a

medicine for enteritis.

But after two months, androgens didn’t work at all. My penis was

still enlarged, and it looked like a young girl who had just developed.

Moreover, I found that the fat in my hips was accumulating, and

other parts became more It used to be soft, and my little brother is

getting worse and worse. This makes me look more like a real

woman when I am naked than ever before.

I also found that my feelings about women have also changed from

before. I used to treat them as objects of sexual fantasies and

secretly masturbate under the covers. Now I feel that they are more

like my sisters, sexually stimulated. It is slowly fading, and the

feeling of identification is getting stronger and stronger, and I have

more and more strange thoughts about being a woman. Seeing

someone wearing a sexy costume, my first reaction was no longer a

surging sex, but wondering if I would be more beautiful than her.

The most terrible thing is that my feelings about men have also

changed. When I see beautiful men, I can’t help but want to look at

him more. And there is a strange attraction to me. Although it is

difficult to detect, it is different from before. It's very different, even

blushing inexplicably.

What's wrong with me? I was puzzled, all this changed in a subtle

way, even I didn't know it.

I went to the doctor again.

‘Impossible, impossible. ‘The doctor said, ‘you take the medicine

out and have a look. ‘

I took out the medicine bottle, the doctor opened the bottle cap

and poured out the remaining pills, his face changed greatly.

‘Your medicine has been changed. This is estrogen! 'He says.

'what? ! ! ‘I opened my eyes wide, this shock was like a bolt from

the blue, it was incredible.

‘The dose of estrogen you are taking is very large. According to your

current situation, it has reached an irreversible stage. Even if the

drug is stopped, it is difficult to fully restore male sexual function.

Think about it, who will change your medicine? ‘

I thought for a while, and suddenly thought of someone.

Could it be her?

I ran madly into the bedroom. Aying had just taken a shower and
was sitting at the table reading.

‘Have you taken my medicine? ‘I walked to her.

She was taken aback, put down the book, smiled and said, ‘Yes, I did

it! ‘

I didn't think she would admit it so quickly, but I was stunned.

She smiled and took my hand and said, ‘Lini, I’ll tell you frankly, I’ve

always added estrogen to your meals, and I changed this pill. ‘

I felt like I was suddenly stripped off, sitting on the bed slumped,

saying: ‘ know? ‘

Aying took my hand and said, ‘I knew it when you first came. You

have deceived others, but how can you deceive someone so close

to you? ‘

‘Then... why did you harm me? 'I ask.

‘I didn’t harm you. I created an opportunity for you. Being a woman

is much better than being a stinky man. You should be proud of

being a woman. ‘

‘How can you do this? ! ‘I said angrily.

‘Lini, you are actually a very good woman, but God gave you a man’s

body, now you come back to our woman! You should be a woman. ‘

‘No, I’m leaving here! ‘

'go away? You are too naive, can you leave so easily? What would

you think if the sisters knew you were a man who came in? No one
wants to be unclear. They will send you to the Public Security

Bureau as a gangster. You don't want to see this ending, right? ‘

I know that Ah Ying is threatening me, but she is telling the truth. If

my identity is exposed, I will really jump into the Yellow River and

be unclear.

I hate her to death. Jiang Ying only made me dress up as a woman

on the surface, but Aying unknowingly transformed my whole body

and mind. People say that the world's most poisonous woman's

heart is true.

'What do you want? ‘I said in frustration.

‘It’s not what I want, but what you want, Lini, as long as you listen

to me, we will be good sisters in the future, and we can even be

good mandarin ducks. ‘

‘You...what did you say? What a good mandarin duck? ‘I was taken

aback and didn’t understand what she meant.

'Lini, sister, let me tell you the truth. From the first day I saw you, I

liked you very much. Unfortunately, I found out that you are a man.

You know I hate men the most. I wanted to expose you, but Seeing

your charming look, I can't bear it anymore. Since then, I have

wanted to turn you into a woman. Now you can see, is your skin

tenderer? And your sex, is it also developed? You try your voice

again, can you still say the original voice? ‘

‘You, you turned out to be gay! ‘I’m surprised, I’m really just out of

the wolf’s den and into the tiger’s den.

‘Lini, listen carefully to what your elder sister says. Your elder sister

will not treat you badly. Don’t you like your elder sister? ‘Aying

touched my face with her hand, said softly, grabbed my hand and

rubbed it on her pussy.

Aying's plump, snow-white breasts seemed to be gushing out from

the bra, lining deep cleavage, and it was elastic and soft to the

touch. Any man like this can't resist the temptation to look at it. But

at this moment, I had unspeakable fear of Ah Ying, so I pulled my

hand back.

Aying smiled and said, ‘Lini, you are really not a man. ‘

‘No, I am a man, I am a man! ‘I shouted.

‘But your physical reaction is telling the truth, no man is not

salivating to me, you are not tempted at all? ‘

Ah Ying took off her coat, reached behind her back and unwrapped

her bra. My eyes lit up, her plump breasts swayed slightly on her

chest, and her pink nipples looked like two red grapes.

I stared at this pair of stunners who had made me dream about

many times with a complicated expression.

‘I am not a woman, I am a man. ‘I murmured and stretched out my

hand slowly, pinching her pussy.

'Ouch! Damn girl, what are you doing? ‘Aying Jiao screamed and fell

on me.

I hugged her, pressed her under me, and kissed her lips. My first kiss

was by the small river in my hometown, but it was still a little hazy

at the time. I haven't kissed any woman, this time it was considered

a real kiss.

Aying turned over, pressed me under her body, and kissed me

passionately. My mouth opened slightly, and a slippery tongue

came in and wrapped around my tongue. I sucked her jade. Tongue,

my heart is excited, and Jiang Ying’s tongue full of tobacco and

alcohol is naturally different from that night. More importantly,

Jiang Ying and I are both males. Every time I remember this, I always

feel sick, and Ah Ying’s It's a natural thing.

My heart became more and more confused. The male instincts had

already overwhelmed the female consciousness. I rubbed her pussy

with my hands and slowly drew it down. Finally I touched Ah Ying’s

petals, her underside was already wet. .

Aying took off my clothes and bra, and also took off the breast.

‘Sister, you won’t need this thing anymore! ‘She said something,

and kissed me again, while gently soothing with her hand on my

penis that developed like a bun.

Then I lowered my head to kiss my penis, my penis was sucked into

my mouth by her, and her tongue circled my penis.

I realized that my penis was more sensitive than before, and

suddenly my whole body was numb and trembling slightly.

‘Lini, you already have a female reaction! ‘Aying said excitedly.

‘I am a man, I want you to taste the power of men! ‘I said, rolled her

a few times and pressed her underneath.

‘No, you’re not a man anymore. Look, your little horns won’t be

tough anymore! ‘She suddenly reached out and grabbed my little

brother and said proudly.

My little brother is really disappointed. Although she feels a strong

pleasure in being caught in his hand, he just can't stand it up.

I blushed and said angrily: ‘This is all your fault! ‘

Ayinglang smiled and said: ‘Little girl, you blame me now, but in the

future it’s too late to thank me. You will definitely know that being a

woman is a hundred times better than being a man! ‘

I shouted: ‘No, I don’t want to be a woman!

Aying rubbed my little brother and smiled and said, ‘This is not for

you. You will cooperate with me in the future. We are still good

sisters, otherwise I will call the police. ‘

I was clever, and the hairs on my body stood up, and Aying's fingers

entangled and played on my little brother, but I seemed to feel like a

warm snake crawling around, which made people frightening.

Aying's smile was better than Jiang Ying Violence is even more


I originally pressed her down heavily, but when she said that, the

courage I had just gathered was blown away, and the hand holding

her shoulder was also released. Aying turned over and pressed me

again. Under the body.

‘Sister, elder sister likes to be on it! ‘Lini laughed.

'What do you want? 'I say.

‘Are you still a virgin? ‘She asked.

I nodded.

‘That’s the best, if you haven’t done any evil to a woman, you are

not a stinky man, I really like you. ‘

Aying kissed my lips, and then all the way down, from my penis to

my belly, suddenly she held my small penis in her mouth and


A kind of pleasure that I had never had before was uploaded from

my little brother, and the anger I had just thrown out of the clouds

along with the pleasure, I couldn't help but yelled ‘oh’.

‘Lini, if you become a real woman, you will definitely be sexually

blessed. ‘Aying raised her head and smiled and said to me.

I felt ashamed, but I wanted her to keep kissing.

‘Your vision shows that you are very lustful. ‘She said, spin my penis
with the tip of her tongue.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed the pleasure.

‘How do you feel? ‘She licked for a while and then asked.

‘So comfortable, my small penis is so comfortable. 'I say.

She hit my penis with her hand and said, ‘Nonsense! Where's your

penis? You are a woman, this is the clitoris, you know? Do you really

want your sister to lick your little sister? ‘

I nodded, but immediately regretted it again. If I kept this head

down, it meant that I had compromised with her. Sure enough, Ah

Ying laughed: ‘Look at you, you still said that you don’t want to be a

woman, so why did you nod your head so readily? ‘

I was speechless, Ah Ying sucked under me for a while, crawled to

my head, pointed at my mouth and said, ‘Now you come and suck

me! ‘

Hers is only 5 centimeters away from me. I have never seen a

woman so close. It is very novel. After just contact, her bright red

petals have crystallized, like a blooming flower in the curly and shiny

pubic hair. , Very beautiful, I looked at it carefully, and I couldn't

think of a woman so beautiful.

She approached little by little, and my mouth greeted me

involuntarily. The salty and wet smell made me almost suffocated,

but I quickly got used to the smell, and slowly I smelled a strange
female body fragrance.

I licked between her crevices with my tongue, sucked on her stalk

for a while, and stuck the tip of my tongue into her for a while.

When Aying was excited, she inevitably groaned.

After a while, we changed to the 69 posture and played for a while.

The little brother stood up slightly, but still very weak. A Ying sucked

hard, I couldn’t help it, and the white semen slowly Streamed out, I

finally shot!

I hugged Ah Ying and lay wearily on the bed. This is my first sexual

love. Although there is no intercourse, it is different from the one

with Jiang Ying. In my heart, I think this time I really feel it* *The


Although Ah Ying may treat me as a woman, at this time, I am a full

man in my heart. I am sure that I made love to her with the

mentality of a man. There is no doubt about this.

I am a man! Not a woman! !

I don't know how much time passed before I was awakened by Ah


'Hey! Silly girl, get up and go to dinner! ‘Aying smiled and said, I was

asleep just now, and I don’t know when Aying got up.

I got dressed and poured a glass of water. Aying suddenly passed a

glass medicine bottle of liquid medicine.

'what is this? 'I ask.

‘This is the estrogen that I secretly put in your food and tea. ‘

'what? ‘My heart trembled, is this little thing taking away my man’s


‘Now you don’t have to secretly add it to you, you can drink it

yourself, two a day. ‘

‘No, no, I don’t want it! ‘I yelled.

‘Are you not listening to your sister? What you did just now, my

innocence was ruined by you, this is always the truth! You have to

think clearly! ‘

My head is in chaos, am I ruining you or are you ruining me? But if

this incident is exposed, I am afraid that no one believes that a man

who has mixed into a female dormitory is a victim. Not only will he

be ruined, he may even go to jail if he fails, then everything will be


‘Are you drinking? ‘Aying was a little angry and her tone became


It seems that I have nowhere to go.

Trembling, I took the medicine bottle from Ah Ying's hand, opened

the lid, closed my eyes and poured the medicine into my mouth.

Ah Ying happily kissed my face and said: ‘You have finally chosen the

right path. Welcome, my good sister! ‘

I smiled helplessly, and wanted to cry again, crying a lot, why did I

have such a fate? God!

Chapter 19 Plastic Surgery

From that day on, I lived under the control of Ah Ying. She not only

forced me to drink estrogen, but also cheated my male ID. My

relationship with her has also developed to not only having sex, my

little brother is completely unable to be hard, and can only take a

fake like a lover, and she likes to use fake anal sex with me, she said

it makes her very Excited. I know the meaning of her excitement. In

addition to sex, she also has a strong heart to revenge against men.

I don't know why she hates men so much. This kind of revenge is all

right now when she fucks me. She is like a man. I tried hard with my

ass, and Jane became crazy, which made me feel uncomfortable for

several days every time after she was done. Then I almost couldn't

figure out who was a man or a woman between me and her.

Both Ai Ying and I have become psychologically distorted people

with dual personalities.

My breasts are a little bigger, my nipples are a lot bigger, and the

areola is also enlarged than before, but it's still very different from

normal women. Aying hid my prosthetic breast again, she said that

the compression of the prosthetic breast is not conducive to the

development of the breast.

It’s midsummer now. I have to put some sponges in my bra to hide

from the eyes of other female roommates. I don’t dare to dress too

thin or change clothes in front of other people. I have to be more

careful about everything. It's dangerous, but fortunately, Ah Ying

was covering for me, so she escaped.

This life is so stressful, I have been exhausted.

‘Lini, go for breast augmentation! ‘Aying and I went shopping after

dinner, she said suddenly.

‘Breast augmentation? how can that be! ‘I rejected her in one go.

‘If you don’t have breast augmentation, it’s hard to hide this

summer! 'she says.

‘What’s the matter? There are many women with flat breasts! ‘

‘It’s not the same. Your profession requires you to have an

impressive figure. If the boss finds that you have a flat chest, he may

take you down. ‘

‘Then I can wear breast implants again? ‘

‘This can’t work! I like to see natural. ‘

‘If it is not prosperous, it is not prosperous! ‘I simply changed the


It was not Ah Ying that made me determined to have breast

augmentation, but a man who wanted to rape me.

I just got off work that day, Ah Ying left beforehand. When I came

out of the locker room, I ran into the head of the vehicle security

team in our hotel. This kid had a smirk. I knew he had been beating

me and Aying for ideas. But Ah Ying is not interested in men, and I

am even more so, so I have always been lukewarm to him.

‘Little Nizi! What are you doing after get off work? ‘He said next to

me and pestering me.

'none of your business! ‘

‘Don’t be so fierce, the manager has a document to convey, about

your welcome group, please go and fetch it with me! 'He says.

‘Why don’t you bring it here? ‘

‘No, this document is very important. The manager said that I must

explain it to you in the office. ‘

‘What document is so important? ‘I became curious, so I agreed to

go with him to read the documents.

He took me to the security office of the underground parking lot.

Since it was noon, the parking lot didn't even have a ghost shadow.

The footsteps of the two of us were very loud on the concrete floor.

We entered the door, and the kid gently locked the door in front of


‘Where’s the file? ‘I asked, faintly feeling something is wrong.

The guy laughed slyly: ‘Xiao Nizi, I’m the document, do you want to
read it? ‘Speaking to me step by step.

‘You...what do you want to do? ‘I cried.

‘Little Nizi! I miss you so much, but every time you pretend to be

noble in front of me, but you look so noble! ‘

He pushed on me again.

‘Don’t come here! ! ‘I angered, stepped back, accidentally stepped

back into the chair and almost fell.

‘Just play with Lao Tzu! ‘He took the opportunity to jump over.

Since I took estrogen and lack of exercise, my strength has become

much weaker than before, and I was soon pressed under him.

‘Don’t mess around! ‘I shouted and wrestled with him.

His big hand grabbed my chest and tore open my plaid shirt,

revealing the light blue bra.

‘Kiss, I want to touch your milk! ‘He stretched to my bra.

‘No! ‘I shouted, but the most worried thing happened. My brassiere

was torn off by him, and the sponge inside spread out, revealing a

small ****.

He was taken aback, and I pushed my knees towards his little

brother. The boy yelled and rolled aside. I quickly got up and ran


He laughed behind me, endured the pain and said: ‘So... so you are

a fake woman! ‘
I ran out of the underground parking lot like my life.

I told Aying about this. Aying was so angry that she rushed out the

door to find the kid to settle the account. I couldn't stop her, so I

had to leave her alone.

After an hour, Ah Ying came back. She told me that the kid had

promised not to tell the story, because otherwise she would sue

him for rape. He also said that the kid didn't actually know that I

was a man, but thought I was a chestless woman, so I didn't worry.

'Thank you! 'I say.

‘Lini, what do you do now? The news will come out sooner or later,

and everyone may easily guess your difference. Not as good as...'

‘Do you want me again...’

‘My sister asked, breast augmentation is not irreversible. There is a

silicone filling method. As long as the silicone is removed, it will be

restored immediately. ‘

'is it? Is this reliable? ‘If it can be restored, then it can be


‘If you don’t believe me, let’s go to the plastic surgery hospital

tomorrow and ask the doctor! ‘

I thought for a while, and finally nodded in agreement.

The next day, Ah Ying accompanied me to the plastic surgery

hospital, and I registered as a female.

The doctor checked my breasts and said: ‘Your development seems

to be very slow, but the breasts have begun to expand. To protect

your breasts, I suggest using silica gel filling. ‘

This is exactly what I want, and I asked, ‘what if I want to take it out

later? ‘

The doctor smiled and said: ‘Our silicone is imported from the

United States and has a durability of 40 years. If you want to take it

out later, it is also very convenient and will not leave any sequelae. ‘

I was relieved, and I agreed with the doctor for surgery and signed a

plastic surgery agreement. When I signed the agreement, my hand

trembled slightly. After signing these three words, I stepped on this

road again. After taking a landmark step, I can no longer take it for

granted that I am a man anymore, because the secondary sexual

characteristics of a woman I already have is also the most obvious

feature of appearance-a pair of breasts.

We agreed to operate three days later. During the two nights of the

night, I was touching my slightly developed small breasts, imagining

what it would be like if there were really a pair of breasts on my

breasts. This feeling will soon be realized. I felt lost, excited, and


I suddenly found that my expectation was greater than the loss.

What is going on? Do I really want to have breasts? Why is breast

augmentation tomorrow? I am not afraid but a little happy, which is

not reasonable!

Moreover, I am very fond of women’s clothing, but men’s clothing is

so dark and monotonous; when I go to the bathroom, I would go

into the women’s bathroom for granted, and squat to pee without

hesitation; I would chat about which one when I was with the girls

Boys are so cool, which boys are lustful.

When did it all start?

The more I think about it, the more afraid.

Chapter 20 Breast Augmentation

The next morning, Aying took three days off for me, saying that I

had a cold and had a high fever. Although the boss felt a little

skeptical, he was still allowed to leave.

We secretly lied to others and came to the hospital.

Because the appointment was made three days ago, the plastic

surgeon gave us a priority arrangement, and the operation could be

performed at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. The doctor took out

various types of silicone gel and asked me to choose, and pointed to

a large number of effect photos to show me what shape of breasts

can be formed by different models. I looked at a series of photos of

breasts, and my heart was beating. , Will I be able to have such

strong breasts as in the photo soon? I hesitated again and again,

and finally, at the suggestion of Ah Ying, I chose a medium-sized

silicone that can upturn my breasts playfully.

'you're so sight! ‘The doctor said, ‘this type of silicone has a very

natural effect and may be better than real breasts!’

I smiled and blushed and said, ‘then use this!’

The doctor wrapped the silica gel and handed it to the nurse for

disinfection. He gave me some laboratory tests and then asked us to

go through the hospitalization procedures, because after the breast

augmentation, I would be hospitalized for three days.

We ate lunch outside the hospital and came back to complete the

hospitalization procedures. It was already half past one.

I walked around in my ward, feeling very nervous and fidgeting.

Aying smiled and said to me, ‘what’s the matter? Breast

augmentation is not a big deal, you don’t have to live so secretly

right away, you should be happy!’

‘But I~~~~’ I want to say that I haven’t made a final decision yet.

At this time the door of the ward was opened and a nurse came in.

‘Bed 39, I’m ready for surgery!’ She said, she wanted me to change

into a patient’s gown, and then she wanted to take me to the

operating room.

I glanced at Ah Ying, she was pursing her lips and laughing.

I glared at her, she smiled and made a V with her hand and said, ‘I

wish you all the best in the operation! Good sister. ‘

'come quickly. The doctors are all ready!'The nurse urged.

I can only follow her to the operating room.

As the door of the operating room slammed shut behind my back,

my heart seemed to sink to the bottom of the water suddenly,

completely lost.

"Take off your shirt!" said the nurse, and I took off my shirt

embarrassedly. I thought they would have a strange look at my

appearance, but the doctors and nurses in the operating room

didn't even look at my chest. At a glance. I just remembered how I

would appear in this place if I had the same breasts as a normal

woman, they would have been surprised.

My chief surgeon came out from inside, nodded to me, and said to

the nurse: ‘You can start!’

The nurse brought a headgear and asked me to wrap my long hair

into the headgear. After so many days, my hair was almost shoulder-

length. With natural hair, I had already thrown away the wig.

I followed her instructions, and then went into the operating room

with her.

The shadowless lamp was turned on. Several doctors and nurses in

surgical gowns were standing by the operating table. At a glance, I

saw the pair of steamed bun-like silicone gels gleaming on the white


‘Lie down!’ the chief surgeon said to me.

I lay down on the operating table with the help of a nurse. The light

pierced my eyes a little bit, and my heart was very nervous. For a

while, I forgot that I was going to have breast augmentation surgery,

and my head was blank.

"It's okay, I will give you an injection, and you will fall asleep quietly,

and everything will be fine when you wake up!" A middle-aged

physician who looked like an anesthesiologist said to me, his voice is

very magnetic, my heart He was calmer and nodded.

The doctor injected a needle into my back and asked me to close my

eyes and sleep.

I closed my eyes and listened to what they were saying. Someone

was shaving my armpit hair. Then I didn’t know who was drawing

two circles on my chest with a pen. Gradually, my consciousness

became more and more blurred. I only knew the side. There are

many people on it.

‘Look! This man is a man. ‘I heard the doctor say,

'is it? Something must be wrong!’ said the nurse.

‘That’s terrible, we’ve already given him breast augmentation, if the

superior knows, it’s amazing! Our qualifications to practice

medicine will all be revoked. ‘

'What should we do now? ‘The nurse is in a hurry.

‘I don’t do it, we don’t stop, let’s just do another sex reassignment

surgery to turn him into a female. ‘

When I heard it, my heart was very anxious. I wondered how your

doctor could mess around like this, but I couldn't open my eyes and

couldn't move my body.

‘Okay, this is a good way!’ The nurse actually agreed.

My patient's pants were pulled down, and I felt a scalpel resting on

my small breast.

‘Start, cut it!’ said the doctor.

My God! No! I yelled, but there was no sound from my throat.

There was a pain in my lower body, so I opened my eyes.

‘Don’t cut it!’ I shouted.

But the top of my head is not a shadowless lamp, but a white

ceiling. My hands subconsciously touched my small breasts, a limp

under the crotch. Fortunately, although it is not useful anymore, it is

still there after all, and I feel relieved. ?

'what happened? Lini! ‘Aying’s sexy face appeared before my eyes.

My consciousness was a little sober, and I realized that I had a

dream just now.

The incision under the armpit was a little painful.

‘My surgery is over? ‘I grabbed Aying’s hand and asked.

‘It’s over long ago, you have slept for two hours. ‘

'is it? I just feel like I just entered the operating room, how could it

be so fast? ‘

'You do not believe? Just look at your breasts! ‘Aying giggled and


I lifted the white quilt, raised my neck and looked at my breasts.

Suddenly, I was dizzy. A pair of breasts. I saw a pair of beautiful and

firm breasts. They were no longer prosthetic breasts, but really

grew on my breasts. before. The upper part of the chest was

bandaged under the armpit. The doctor once told me that the

surgical incision was under the armpit, so I couldn't see it at all.

I fell back on my pillow and said to Ah Ying: ‘Now, are you satisfied?

Aying smiled and said: ‘It’s not that I’m satisfied, but you’re

satisfied! Now, no one will laugh at you anymore!’

I sighed, I don't know if I want to cry or laugh, because the power of

the anesthetic hasn't completely passed away, I fell asleep again.

Half a month later, one night, Aying went to the street, and Xiaoqing

came to see me. She has been busy with exams in the past few

months, so she has not had time to play with me, but I still miss her

and call her often, knowing that her relationship with Zhuge has
deepened one step further, and I slept together one night. I was

jealous, and he stubbornly couldn't speak on the phone. Later, I

realized that nothing happened that night. The two of them just

hugged each other and slept, and I admired Zhuge's personality

very much. It was useless to scold him on the phone, but he was so


This evening Xiaoqing’s sudden appearance surprised me. I took off

my shirt and wanted to try a black bra. Since boys are forbidden to

enter here, everyone is usually not very guarded. I just concealed

the door. Xiao Jing suddenly pushed the door in, which shocked me.

‘Xiao Jing? ! It's you? ‘I was taken aback and suddenly thought of

something in my heart, my face flushed, and I quickly turned around

to prevent her from seeing my breasts, embarrassed.

'what! Sister, why did you turn around when you saw me? I am not

a man! ‘She came over with a smile.

‘No, don’t watch it! ‘I lowered my head and said, like a child who

has done something wrong, afraid to face her.

'What's wrong with you? ‘She said, the more I prevent her from

watching, the more curious she is.

'I know! ‘She shouted suddenly.

'what do you know? ‘I said nervously, but still dare not turn around.

‘Are you pregnant? ‘She smiled and said, ‘your belly must be big, I
dare not let anyone know! ‘

‘You kid, what are you talking about? How can I get pregnant? 'I say.

‘Then you must have a man’s hickey on your chest, right? ‘She is


‘I’m not telling you. I haven’t seen you for a few months, and you

have become so slick. Isn’t that your Zhuge is so rude and bad to

teach you a good girl? ‘I said, I put my bra on with my back facing

her, and stretched out my hands to button the buttons on the back,

but because I was still a little nervous, I buttoned it several times

without buttoning it.

'let me help you! ‘Xiao Jing said, come up, and help me fasten the


I turned around and saw her eyes fixed on my cleavage.

‘What are you looking at? ‘I blushed and said, I felt very

uncomfortable, but when I thought I would face her like this sooner

or later, I didn’t avoid it.

"So my sister has such a good body! Why did you wrap yourself

tightly in those high-collared clothes before? 'she says.

'Ha ha! I am used to it! ‘I said, put on a black silk Japanese dress, the

black bra lined up my curves and loomed in the translucent dress,

which is unique.

‘My sister is so beautiful! ‘Xiao Jing praised.

‘Have you finished the exam? ‘I changed the subject.

'Yes! The next step is the internship! I found a theater, not far from

you. The dean has a good relationship with my teacher. There is a

small house in the theater, so I can live in it, so I don’t have to run

around every day. ‘

'is it? That's very good. 'I say.

‘I want to ask my sister to live together. 'she says.

‘Really? ‘I was agitated in my heart, but also very contradictory. It’s

my always wish to be with Xiaojing, but I’m like this, what would she

think of me if she found out?

Seeing that I was hesitant, Xiao Jing took my hand and acted like a

baby: ‘Sister! It’s okay to live with me, I’m alone there and have no

friends. ‘

I used to be afraid of her acting like a baby. As long as she acted like

a baby, my heart would feel soft. This time I heard her begging for

me, as if I had gone back in time. I found the man's pity and pity in

my heart and nodded resolutely.

Seeing that I had agreed, Xiaoqing jumped up happily and gave a

kiss in my ear. My heart was as sweet as honey, the feeling of a

woman was suddenly overtaken by male instincts. .

Xiaoqing took my hand affectionately and talked to me about this,

but I didn't listen to a word, because I accidentally discovered that

my little brother still feels, he is about to move around, and is

different from the previous feeling of not being able to get an

erection. , This kind of feeling is what I had when I was a normal

man. It is trying to stand up a little bit time and time again, wanting

to regain the old man's glory.

I was restless and eager to burn. I really wanted to rush to Xiaojing

next to me. Maybe this is my last chance, but when I saw Xiaojing's

naive expression, how could I bear to destroy her, so I had to be

strong. Living.

Soon after, Xiaojing received a call from Zhuge. It turned out that

the two of them met to go to the ballroom. Xiaoqing asked if I could

go. I shook my head and said that I was a little uncomfortable.

Xiaojing had long believed when I was absent-minded. Ask me to

rest well before leaving.

As soon as Xiaojing left, I immediately locked the door, lifted my

skirt and touched it under my underwear. Sure enough, my younger

brother was already a little firmer. I rubbed my hands on it a few

times, and the pleasure of a man I hadn’t had for a long time rushed

straight from my lower body. Come up. I glanced at me in the

mirror. My face was pink and gorgeous, and I had an erect penis. I

took off my clothes. My personality suddenly seemed to be divided

into two, one is a man, the other is a woman, and for a while, the
consciousness of a man is occupied. Take the initiative. After a

while, the woman's consciousness took the initiative again, and she

actually made love to herself in the mirror.

Chapter 21 A Ying's Reason

Just as I was immersed in the pleasure of masturbating, the door

was suddenly opened by the key, and I was so frightened that it

would be terrible if Lili and the others came in. It was too late to get

dressed, so I quickly grabbed the bra on the bed to block my lower


It was not Lili who came in, but Ah Ying.

'what are you doing? ‘She asked, but then she knew what was going


At this time, my man's lust was already hungry, he slammed the

door shut, sat on the bed and stared at Ah Ying.

‘Can you stand up? That's weird! ‘She stared at my little brother and


I stared at her breasts and muttered: ‘I am a man...I am a man...I am

a man...’

Ah Ying laughed and said, ‘Okay! Your male instinct is really strong,

you are still a virgin, right? ‘

I nodded.
She continued:'Because your breasts have never been vented, so

the male instinct will resist desperately. Moreover, your breasts

have continued to be manufactured a little bit for such a long time.

Now it has reached the full time. Arouse your male desire, wait for

your vent, it will never be hard! ‘

‘Nonsense, how could this happen? I'm still a man! How would you

know this? ‘I said.

‘I have been instructing your medications and I know all your

changes! how about it? Do you want to try? ‘She smiled happily and

slowly untied her clothes.

'no, do not want! ‘I yelled, desperately suppressing my breasts, but

Ah Ying’s breasts appeared in front of me and couldn’t help but look

at her.

‘What else are you resisting? This is your last chance to be a man!

‘She came over as she said, her white breasts trembling slightly on

the tip of my nose.

My whole body started to heat up, but I still resisted the lust.

‘Do you think you can stand it? I have put aphrodisiac in your boiling

water! ‘She giggled.

‘You... why are you doing this? ‘I can’t figure it out.

‘Don’t you understand? It's like eating. If there is only one bowl and

the bowl contains the food you don't like, and now there is another
food you like, you have to discard the original food first so that you

can put the current food! 'she says.

‘It turns out... It turns out that this was planned by you! ‘I said, now

my small penis is completely hard and my body is getting hotter.

'come! Come fuck me! the man! ‘Aying said.

I swallowed, my eyes seemed to burst out with fire, and I didn't

know whether it was anger or lust.

‘You said that you are a man, it’s useless! ‘She said gently, she

rubbed the tip of my nose gently with her breast.

‘I don’t believe your nonsense! I do not believe! I am a man! ‘I

yelled and bit her breast all at once.

'Ouch! This is like a man! ‘She said tenderly.

I threw her onto the bed, her breasts softened. It turned out that

our two breasts were pressed together and felt softer. My little

brother pushed her up and down, and her underneath was already

wet, because I had never touched a woman before, and I was

anxiously unable to find her love.

‘Fool, I’ll help you! ‘She said, grabbing my little brother with her


A slick pleasure made me scream, and it felt so great.

Ah Ying cried out at the same time.

In the violent friction, our breasts hit each other, snapping, forming
a beautiful melody.

I saw from the mirror on the opposite side, it was clear that two

women were rubbing together in the mirror. My little brother was

growing and shorting at the place where the two people were

connected. Suddenly there was an illusion that I couldn’t see whose

body the little brother was born on .

After a while, Ah Ying pushed me down. She was above me. This

time she actually took the initiative. I watched her white breasts

move up and down with the ups and downs of her body. She

rubbed her hands on my breasts, squirming like crazy, sucking me


A burst of pleasure came, and I gradually felt afraid in my heart that

she would eat me. I was dizzy and wanted to push her away, but

Aying seemed to know what I was thinking, and leaned down and

held my hands. Before, I would definitely be able to kick her out of

bed. But maybe because of the effect of estrogen on my body,

maybe because I was in the indescribable sexual pleasure, and I was

completely powerless and could not do anything to her crazy.

She continued to play around, and my consciousness began to blur.

‘Stop,...Aying...Stop! ……I can not stand it any more! ‘I groaned.

'Do not! I hate men! I want you! I want to fuck you! ‘She yelled, she

burst into tears, but her body hit me crazily.

I was surprised by her reaction, but under her strong stimulation, I

finally couldn't stand it, and my mind was completely blanked by

sexual desire.

My whole body convulsed, and I collapsed weakly on the bed. I was

almost collapsed. I felt hollowed out. When I saw Aying's breasts, I

felt a little disgusted.

Aying sat on my body and hid her face and started crying.

‘You...what are you doing? ‘I finally said a word.

‘Do you know why I treat you like this? ‘She said sobbing.

‘Do you hate men? 'I ask.

She suddenly stopped sobbing and said angrily: ‘Yes, I hate men, I

hate it terribly. Four years ago, on a rainy night, I was gang raped by

four men. My boyfriend abandoned me when he knew about it.

From then on, I hated men to death. I hate their roots. I swear, Let

men taste the pain suffered by women. ‘

I looked at her silently.

‘Although I want revenge, what can I do as a little woman? Suddenly

you came to me one day, and within a few days I found out that

something was wrong with you, and then finally learned the secret

of your disguise as a woman. I can't tolerate a man by my side. I

wanted to report you, but that would be boring. At this time, an

idea came to me, I want to turn you into a woman and make you
lose your dignity as a man. This makes me feel more happy than any

revenge. It's really interesting! ‘She said and laughed again.

‘You don’t know men. Men are not as bad as you think. You cannot

put anger on innocent people. ‘I sighed.

‘But do you know women? Do you know how painful women are

when they are raped? 'she says.

‘I understand, I understand yours. ‘I said, I remembered the night I

was sodomized by Jiang Ying. I haven’t remembered this man for a

long time, but when I think of him, I have a strange feeling. I can’t

tell what it feels like.

We put on our clothes and sat on the edge of the bed silently facing

each other. Ah Ying is still so sexy. Looking at her sultry posture, I

always feel that something is wrong, but I can't think of anything for

a while.

‘Maybe I’m not doing it right. ‘After venting just now, she has

calmed down a lot.

‘Will you hate me? 'she says.

Although I was hurt by her, she was also a victim. I sympathized

with her very much. I did hate her a bit, but finally shook my head.

‘That’s it! I won't force you anymore, you can be your man again! ‘

I was taken aback by what she said, and there was a sorrow in my

heart. I rubbed my cheek with my hand and said sadly: ‘How many
men do I have? ‘

She said: ‘If you start using male hormones now, you should be able

to recover. ‘

I smiled bitterly and said, ‘Forget it, let’s live like this! ‘

I don't know why, I should say so. Although I also want to return to

the original state, there is a faint voice in my heart speaking, but I

can't hear what I said. I thought about it for a while, suddenly raised

my head and looked at Ah Ying up and down, making her panic.

After a long time, I finally understood the sentence in my heart. This

sentence was something I couldn't even think of before, but now it

is so clearly presented in my ears. This sentence is actually: I like to

be a woman! Yes, I like my breasts, like my female face, like my

beautiful dresses, bras, lace panties, like my cosmetics, high heels,

stockings, all women’s things, even, even I like... men . All those

uncomprehensible feelings just now became clear. It turned out

that after this change of sex, a woman's irritated body can no longer

attract my sex. I can only look at her from the same sex and

appreciate her, and Jiang Ying's burly male body is attracting me,

giving me a deep joy.

When I understood this section, I felt that my world was completely

turned upside down. These changes are happening subtly, and

today, in the sex with Ah Ying, it has finally become a qualitative


The next day, I decided to move to Xiaoqing to live there. Xiaoqing

happily came to help me pack my things. Aying watched by the side

without saying a word.

Before leaving, she suddenly grabbed my hand and said, ‘Lini, are

we still good sisters? ‘

My mind was full of thoughts, and I whispered, ‘maybe, maybe not.

Yesterday’s change of thinking hit me a lot. I don’t know how to face

the future. I can no longer extricate myself on this road, but am I a

woman? Or am I still a man? I brought many question marks and

Xiaoqing to her bedroom.

Along the way, Xiaoqing talked and laughed, but I just smiled faintly.

I always feel very kind with her, she is like my closest relative.

The bedroom has been refurbished by Xiaoqing. There is a pot of

fragrant orchids in front of the window, a string of wind chimes

blowing in the wind, and a beautiful music is played. Pink flower

wallpaper is pasted around and the walls are hung. A little wombat,

the room is neatly arranged, full of girls' intercalary atmosphere.

Chapter 22 Maturity

The conditions of this dormitory are many times better than that of
my dormitory.

"Only one bed? ‘I asked after looking around the room.

'Yes! I can’t get used to sleeping with this big double bed, so I have

to get my sister on you! ‘Xiaoqing smiled while tidying up her


‘Then we are going to sleep together? ‘I asked in surprise.

'Of course! Why is my sister's reaction strange? ‘She looked at me

with her eyes wide open.

‘That’s the best. ‘I smiled awkwardly, opened the box and hung the

dresses in the closet one by one.

After everything was sorted out, we were all a little tired. Lying on

the bed, Xiaoqing was lying next to me. I could smell the girly body

fragrance on her.

We lay quietly, the wind blew the light yellow printed curtains,

blowing on our faces, Xiaoqing seemed to be thinking about


‘Lini, have you ever had a boyfriend? ‘She asked suddenly.

I shook my head.

‘Then what is the Prince Charming in your mind? ‘She asked me half

her body.

I never thought about this problem. I used to be the Snow White in

my illusion. Now, that Snow White is by my side, so close, but I am

no longer a prince.

‘I don’t have any Prince Charming in my mind! 'I say.

‘You lie to me, which girl doesn’t have Prince Charming in her

heart? ‘Xiao Jing pouted.

‘But I really don’t know, I never thought about it. ‘I said, but I

thought in my heart, maybe one day, I will also find a prince

charming, but that’s impossible.

‘How about Zhuge? ‘Xiaoqing asked me with a smile.

‘He is a good boy, handsome, upright, ambitious, and very nice to

you. ‘If Xiaoqing asked me this way before, I would definitely change

the subject, but now I speak naturally.

'is it? Is he so good? ‘Xiaoqing couldn’t help herself.

I nodded, there was only a slight sourness in my heart, which I could

hardly notice. I started to feel happy for Xiaoqing and Zhuge. They

were a very good pair. For the happiness of Xiaoqing, I shouldn't

have thought of wrongs. The friendship between Xiaoqing and

Zhuge will no longer make me jealous. Suddenly, there is a feeling of

relief in my heart, but I don't love Xiaoqing anymore? I know that I

still love her deeply, but this kind of love has changed from a

relationship between a man and a woman into a relationship

between brothers and sisters, no, rather, a relationship between

In the evening, we slept together. This is my long-cherished wish.

Now it has finally come true, but I am not excited at all. Under the

moonlight, Xiaojing slept soundly, her pretty face reflected with a

bluish light, her breathing was even and subtle, as beautiful as a

goddess. I stretched out my hand to stroke her long hair, feeling

deeply in my heart.

I kissed her on the cheek, Xiaojing groaned softly and turned over.

I approached my body and hugged her lightly, so that my body and

her body were in contact with each other as much as possible. In

this way, I felt very satisfied, and tears shed unknowingly from the

corners of my eyes.

This night, I thought a lot, but then I slept soundly.

Ah Ying’s words are right. From that day on, I have never been

tough, even in close contact with Xiaoqing, and it is shrinking faster

than before. I clip it between my crotch and put it tightly. A little

stretch underwear, the front is flat, there is no sign of any man at

all, and the effect is better than before with tape. I often change

pants in front of Xiaoqing, but she didn't notice it at all. I increased

the dose of estrogen. After Ah Ying knew about it, she asked me if I

knew what I was doing, and I told her that I was very clear.

My body is becoming more and more feminine. A lot of fat

accumulates in my buttocks, making my butt look round and big. I

don't know when it started, I often secretly compared Xiaoqing, and

found that she was no less than her, even plump than hers, and

there was always a hint of joy in my heart.

My breasts are almost twice as thick as before, and they are curled

up pretty. The areola is round and the pink is very cute. The

sensation on the chest also became more sensitive, and when I was

walking, I rubbed the bra slightly, and it was an indescribable


Due to little exercise and exposure to the sun, my skin is getting

whiter and more tender. Coupled with the effect of estrogen, I feel

less and less energy. What I could easily lift before is now red,

sometimes even The boy must be called for help. Seeing the boys

courteously for me, I don't know if it is happy or sad.

In the past few days, boys often come to play with me. I escaped

with excuses. I don’t want to deceive these kind boys, and I still

have many scruples in my heart. Every time I say to myself, I am not

a girl, nor am I. Gay, so I can't go out with them, I still have feelings

for women. I convinced myself that I didn't dare to take a step


But in reality, I found that my feelings for women are getting weaker

and weaker. I used to look at Xiaoqing who was sleeping next to me

when I slept, and secretly touch her body, there was always a faint
excitement in my heart, although my * *Can't get an erection, but I

can feel the instinctive happiness of men. Now I find that the less I

feel about Xiaoqing's body, even if she is naked in front of me, it

makes me turn a blind eye and can't stir the slightest sexual ripple.

Not only that, but I am secretly picky, comparing my body, for

example, her breasts are a little sagging, her calves are a little thick

and so on.

As my feminine characteristics have become more prominent, my

life has gradually changed. I find that the men around me are more

and more polite to me. I can get caring and convenience in many

places, and people often give me gifts. Hua, even the general

manager has been a lot more lenient to me. When I was a man, I

couldn't realize it. I really felt that being a woman could be so

superior, especially a beautiful woman.

Not long after, with the support of Xiaoqing and Ah Ying, I

participated in the city’s top ten image contests, and finally won the

runner-up. When I put on the crown of sister Ya, I looked at the

intoxicated men and slightly jealous. A woman who is willing, I

suddenly felt the joy of stars arching over the moon. Amidst the

fluttering vanity, I even forgot that I was still a man and I was

completely immersed in the aura of happiness of a woman.

This evening, Aying, Xiaoqing and her boyfriend Zhuge celebrated

for me at the bar.

‘Lini, you are a woman among women! ‘Aying said with a smile.

I have forgiven her. After that, Ah Ying slowly walked out of the

shadow of rape. Recently I heard that she started dating a manager

of a computer company. Of course I hope she can be happy.

‘Thank you, sister Ying, I wouldn’t have today without you! ‘I looked

at her and said with a smile.

‘Lini, are you still complaining about me? ‘Aying said.

‘No, I’m telling the truth, I really don’t lie to you. 'I say.

Xiaoqing heard it in the mist, saying: ‘what are you talking about? ‘

Ai Ying and I looked at each other and smiled.

We had a very good chat that night. We were out of the bar. Aying’s

boyfriend drove to pick her up. Xiaoqing and Zhuge went to see the

midnight show together and asked me if I was going. Of course, I

didn’t dare to interfere with them. He said that he was a little drunk

and had to go back to the bedroom to sleep.

Chapter 23 Resignation

Seeing the two pairs of lovers leave sweetly, my heart was ups and

downs, and suddenly I felt very lonely, as if being abandoned,

especially when I watched Zhuge disappear at the end of the road,

hugging Xiaojing’s waist intimately. , My heart was slightly sour, and

tears came unknowingly.

I suddenly realized that my tears were not for Xiaoqing, but for

Zhuge! I can’t believe my crazy thoughts, but it’s true. I’m not

allowed to deceive myself. I’m jealous of Xiaoqing. I understand why

I have seen Zhuge and Xiaoqing’s affectionate attitude and actions

recently. I feel uncomfortable. I thought I was eating Zhuge’s

vinegar, but it suddenly dawned on me that I was eating Xiaoqing’s

vinegar. Before I knew it, I slowly transferred my love for Xiaoqing to

her boyfriend’s. In my body, maybe I loved Ujiwu at the beginning,

and I gradually developed a good impression of Zhuge, but I never

thought that I would be a real act, I would actually like him


No wonder I unconsciously compare myself to Xiaoqing

everywhere. It turns out that deep in my heart, I envy her how

much I love her. Since my love cannot be realized, I love what she

loves and finally fall in love Up her boyfriend.

I ran back to the dormitory reluctantly, and ran into the bathroom

to take a cold shower, trying to wash away this weird idea with the

water, but this idea became clearer and clearer.

I hate myself for not being a woman! I hate my parents for giving

birth to me as a boy!

I hit my lower body desperately with my hands, pulled it, pulled it,
trying to get it off my body, but to no avail, it still hung limply

between my crotch, as if laughing at me.

I envy Xiaoqing, envy all women, I envy their uterus, their ovaries,

their breasts, their petals are as beautiful as petals, envy them

having a monthly holiday, envy their dysmenorrhea, and their

October pregnancy.

I would rather use my ten-year life in exchange for a real daughter.

I knelt down in the bathtub and burst into tears.

When I woke up, it was already dark. Ah Ying bought me my favorite

curry rice, but the nurse said that I could not eat spicy food, so she

had to blanch a bowl of noodles and eat it with me.

Ah Ying ran around in front of my bed, taking care of me

meticulously. Although I hated her a bit, I felt very sorry. In fact, this

little bit of mine is nothing, but it's a little bit painful after the

anesthetic, and it doesn't affect the activities, but she insists on me

lying down.

‘Look, now you have a pair of breasts, even I look a bit envious. ‘She

sat on the side of my bed and said.

‘You joked again, your sexiest. "I said, Ah Ying’s breasts are very big,

almost popping out of her underwear. Compared to this, mine is

much smaller, but it is very round and firm, and the curves of the

breasts are perfect. They are firm without a bra. .

From time to time, I looked down at my bulging breasts, feeling

fresh, curious, and unbelievable. My chest suddenly gained this

weight, which was a bit uncomfortable.

The next day, the breasts were a little swollen. The doctor said this

was normal and it would disappear within a few days.

Aying went to work. I got out of bed and walked away. Through the

patient's clothes, the breasts were looming. I looked at myself in the

mirror and gently touched my breasts with my hands. I trembled

slightly. This is true. My skin! It's no longer the cold and dead feeling

of prostitution.

On the third day, the swelling has subsided and the sensation of

foreign body in the breast is becoming less and less obvious, but the

doctor said that you should not touch it hard for a month,

otherwise you will be easily infected.

That afternoon, Ah Ying picked me up from the hospital. The doctor

changed the medicine for me and removed all the bandages

wrapped around my breasts. They just put gauze on the incisions of

my armpits and asked me to have the stitches removed seven days

after I was discharged.

After completing the discharge procedures, Ah Ying and I returned

to the bedroom. In just three days, I felt like I had a dream. I put on

a purple bra, the cup just tightly hugged my breasts, and a beautiful
cleavage lined out. I looked down at this deep cleavage for a long

time, still a little strange, is this really mine? But thinking that in the

future I will no longer have to secretly wear bras with my colleagues

behind my back. Also, that stinky security guard can no longer laugh

at me as a fake woman, and I can walk past those men with my

head upright, no more Worried about being seen through by them.

I couldn't help but smile, but then I was surprised again, why do I

think this way? Why do I care so much about men's opinions?

My incision slowly recovered, and I gradually adapted to the burden

that breasts brought to me. Real breasts are many times more

comfortable than prosthetic breasts. Relatively speaking, I am

willing to accept them.

It was the first time that I changed bras in front of Lili and Jiayi.

Suddenly, I realized that Lili’s eyes were a little wrong, so I turned

my back quickly, but Lili giggled and said, “Lini, I don’t think you are

so shy. Actually Your breasts are so good that any man will be

hooked on seeing it. Why are you so concealed that you won’t even

let your sisters look at it? ‘

Lili's words made my face flushed, but I was also very happy.

On the seventh day of discharge from the hospital, Ah Ying

accompanied me to remove the stitches. When she came back, she

specially asked me to buy a suspender skirt. I used to be

conservative in my clothes because of fear of exposure. I never

dared to wear a little sexy. I wore a low-cut suspender dress, looking

at me in front of the dressing mirror, I was a little fascinated and

proud, too sexy, plus the shopkeeper’s compliment in my ear, so

straightforward. I floated up.

As soon as I returned to the bedroom, I put on my new clothes,

turned left and right in front of the mirror, admiring my beautiful


Aying smiled and said, ‘Look at you, how can you look like a man? A

little woman in ten dozen ten!'

After hearing this, I gave Aying a blank look, and was not angry with

her at all, but felt a little happy.

At night, we went out for a stroll and looked at the men’s clothes on

the street. It was quite dull and tasteless. Why didn’t I notice it


Along the way, many men's eyes were shot at us. Two men yelled at

each other because they watched us crash into a car, and finally

they fought.

‘These obsessed men, let them be like this! ‘Aying said.

‘Yes, that’s it! ‘I also said, I forgot that I am also a man, I just thought

that being a woman is so proud.

When I came to work in the hotel the next day, many colleagues
congratulated me. I couldn’t help thinking of the masquerade that

changed my life. The world was like smoke, but the scene at that

time was vivid. If my cousin knew what I was now. It was from that

joke she made, and I don't know how she would feel.

‘Lini, the general manager asked you to come to his office.

‘Secretary Zhang came over and said to me.

'General manager? What can he do with me? ‘I feel a little uneasy in

my heart. I have always been afraid of the general manager because

I used a fake ID to conceal my true identity and deceive him. I

always feel a little guilty in my heart.

‘I don’t know, he just let you pass. ‘Secretary Zhang said.

I followed him to the general manager's room, and the general

manager greeted him with a smile: ‘Lini, congratulations! Wins glory

for our hotel. ‘

I smiled generously and said, ‘thanks to the general manager for

your concern. I wonder what the general manager has ordered? ‘

The general manager touched the shiny hair that was combed back,

and said: ‘Today I will take a day off for you to celebrate for you, in

my personal name. ‘

I was embarrassed to reject his kindness, so I agreed.

I got in his private car, and I had never ridden in such a high-end car,

and I was very novel and happy.

‘General manager, where are we going? ‘I asked in the car.

'villa. ‘He said with a smile.

‘Your villa? ‘

‘It’s still mine now, maybe, it can belong to another person soon.

‘He said with a smile.

I don't understand what he said, but I always feel a little wrong, and

I am embarrassed to ask.

Our car drove out of the city and entered a group of villas.

The car stopped under a small white foreign building.

'Arrived! ‘He spoke and took me into the villa.

The furnishings and furnishings inside are very luxurious, which

makes me secretly surprised.

We sat down on the sofa in the living room and said casual words.

‘Lini, you don’t have to be a welcome lady anymore, I will promote

you to be the foreman of the housekeeping department. How about

an 800 yuan salary? ‘Said the general manager.

‘Thank you so much, General Manager! ‘I am overjoyed.

The general manager moved his butt and sat next to me.

‘If you behave well in the future, I can make you a housekeeping

manager. ‘

‘This...I will definitely work hard. ‘I gave him a grateful look.

‘I’m talking about good performance, not just work, don’t you
understand? ‘He looked at me fascinated and said.

I was shocked, could it be that he wanted me to do...

His hand squeezed mine, I broke free of his hand, got up and walked

to the window.

‘General manager, I can’t...please respect it. 'I say.

He chuckled and said, ‘Little Nizi, what's so scary about, woman! To

know how to enjoy youth, as long as you follow me, I won't let you

suffer. Of course, I will keep it secret for you, no one knows the

secret between us. No one knows about this villa except me and

you. Don't think that I am a pervert. In fact, I have fallen in love with

you since you entered the hotel. In order to express my sincerity to

you, I will first give you ten thousand yuan and the key to this villa. ‘

He took the check and key from his arms and put it in my hand, and

took the opportunity to kiss me on the back of my neck.

This was the first kiss from a man since I became feminine. Although

it was someone I didn't like, the chilly feeling on the back of my

neck still made me shiver.

I was holding a light check and key in my hand, but it felt so heavy

that I could hardly grasp it.

I am a person who grew up in poverty. If it weren't for poverty, I

wouldn't play a girl at a party for a mere two thousand yuan, let

alone take this path to survive in this city.

Now, this money is in my hands. With money, I can go to

transgender, be a real woman, realize my dreams, and then sell

myself, and, in case he finds out that I am a man How to do?

Should I take this money?

I struggled fiercely in my heart.

Seeing that I did not resist, the general manager became more

presumptuous and stretched his hands under my arms and stroked

my breasts.

My breasts have never been touched by a man, and in the past six

months, my breasts have become extremely sensitive. My breasts

were a little hardened by the general manager's skillful methods,

and bursts of pleasure came to my mind.

Just when I was a little uncontrollable, I suddenly thought of Zhuge

and Xiaoqing. Whether I am a man or a woman, I can’t destroy my

image in their minds. I slammed the general manager away and

threw the check and the key at On him, he came out.

Behind him, the general manager's unpleasant scolding sounded,

but I couldn't control so much, I just wanted to go back to Xiaoqing's

place quickly.

Xiaoqing was combing her hair in front of the dressing table. She

had a ponytail behind her head and was holding a blue butterfly

hairpin. When she saw me coming in, she said happily:'Lini sister,
look at my new purchase Does the hairpin look good? ‘

I looked at her, my nose was sour, but I was holding back the tears,

but I couldn't speak.

'what happened to you? ‘Xiaoqing clearly saw my strangeness, she

walked up to me and looked at me distressedly.

I couldn't help crying anymore, and leaned against her shoulder and

started crying.

'Who bullied you? ‘She asked.

Hearing her words, my heart was very ashamed. This was what I

used to say to her before, but now when I say it from her mouth, it

is like treating me as a younger sister than her.

I wiped my tears, forced a smile and said, ‘it’s okay! I don't want to

stay in the hotel anymore. ‘

'why? ‘

I told her about the general manager, Xiaoqing was very angry,

saying that such a general manager is simply inferior.

Chapter 24 Goodbye to the old friend

‘Lini, what are you going to do now? ‘Xiaoqing sat next to me and


I shook my head, sighed and said, ‘I can’t stay in the hotel anymore,

I have to find another job. ‘

Xiaoqing said that she would help me find a job. I know that there

are still many acquaintances in the city. Maybe she can really find a

better job for me. Thinking about this, I am not confused about the

road ahead. But this night, I didn’t fall asleep all night. The previous

scenes kept floating in my mind, passing in front of my eyes like a

movie, all the way to the general manager’s villa. At this time, the

breasts and the back of the neck seemed to feel It’s a bit cool and

whizzing, and I have a different feeling. This is something I never

had when I was with Jiang Ying before. When I was in the villa, I

almost couldn’t control myself. My whole body was a little soft. It

was a bit scary to think of it. Maybe this is female sexual

consciousness! It is completely different from men's, it is scattered

all over the body, and it even has sensations deep in the brain.

Xiaoqing was already asleep, and I held her lightly, feeling very

peaceful under the silver moonlight through the window.

The next day, I handed in my resignation to the hotel. The general

manager glanced at me and signed the resignation silently.

Back in the bedroom, Ah Ying hurried over and asked me what was

going on. I didn’t want her to be angry with the general manager

because it was not good for her job. She just said that being a

welcome lady like me is too stressful, thinking Change job.

Aying smiled and said: ‘Look at you, let alone a man, even the
woman in the bedroom with us can’t find that you are a man. What

are you afraid of? ‘

I smiled slightly, and asked: ‘Sister Ying, do you think it’s good to be

a woman? ‘

Ah Ying was startled and said, ‘why did you ask this question

suddenly? ‘

‘I just want to know the answer, is being a woman a blessing or a

curse? ‘

Aying said: ‘It’s the same as being a man. Some men can do nothing

but others have nothing. It depends on your opportunity. For

women, meeting a good man is also an opportunity and the

greatest opportunity. ‘

‘Then can I meet a good man? 'I ask.

Aying looked at me with a guilty expression on her face and said,

"I'm sorry, Lini, I'm sorry, I was only agitated for a while to make you

like this. You are innocent. If you want, I can use all my efforts and

savings. To help you recover the male body. ‘

‘No, can I be a real man like this? What I think now is how to be a

real woman. ‘I lower my head and say.

Ah Ying sat down on the bed and shouted, ‘My God! It's all my sins,

what a damn I am! ‘

I said lightly: ‘It’s none of your business, it’s my decision. ‘

Aying seemed to have thought of something and said, ‘Lini, if you

really want to be a woman, I have a good way. ‘

'what? ‘

‘Dedenaturation. ‘

'transsexual? I thought about it too! But this is not a real woman, I

hope I can be a real woman. ‘

'That’s not necessarily true. The newspapers did not report on a

dancer named Jin Xing, or from a man to a woman, and a Korean

named Ha Li-soo. That looks and body really made me meet real

women like us. They were jealous. ‘

'it is true? Can they have children? 'I say.

‘This...this is not true. By the way, I heard that the operation to

exchange sex organs between men and women has been successful,

but this kind of operation requires two individuals to adapt, and the

chance of encountering it is very small,’ said Aying.

‘If this is the case, I would like to try. 'I say.

‘Let’s go ahead and inquire about which hospital can do such an

operation. ‘Aying said.

I nodded, and there is another hope in my life. This hope is so

strong that it makes my soul frightened, but my small breasts have

shrunk. Who will replace it with me?

A few days later, Xiaoqing told me that she had found a job for me,
but she was afraid that I would not go.

‘What’s the job? 'I ask her.

‘It’s a mannequin from the Art Institute. ‘She said, ‘Zhuge hired him

and the salary was quite high, just because he was afraid that you

would be shy and would not dare to go. ‘

I avoided it, not because I didn't want to go, but because I didn't

have the conditions to go.

It is very difficult to find a job in this big city. There are so many

colleges and universities. People with high school education like us

can hardly find a better job. I tried several positions, and the

positions left for us were only low-level jobs such as hotel and hair

salon waitresses. Although some fancy the honor of my city’s top

ten image young ladies and gave me a relatively satisfactory

position, when I saw the obsessive vision of the recruiter, I was not

chilled and became a beautiful woman with a clean body. It's hard!

A few weeks passed quickly, and one day Xiaoqing took the evening

paper and told me excitedly that there is a position that suits me

very well. It turns out that a newly established security company is

hiring female secretaries, and the conditions are not high. As long as

you graduate from high school, the height is restricted. The

requirement is 1.65M or more. I am 1.68M, which already meets

the standards, but I still She didn't have confidence in herself, but
fortunately, Xiaoqing cheered on her side, so she applied for the job

with the mentality of trying. Unexpectedly, the entire interview

process went smoothly. The company notified me that afternoon

and I could report to you tomorrow. I can't believe my ears. Among

so many highly educated applicants, I have been chosen.

In the evening, I celebrated at the bar with Aying and Xiaoqing. The

next morning, I deliberately dressed up and happily went to work in

the new company.

I signed a contract in the personnel department and was assigned

to work as a secretary in the general manager’s office. Of course,

the most important thing was to meet with my immediate boss. The

personnel section chief took me into his office. The general

manager was looking at the wall with his back facing us. He

gestured to the head of personnel to go out first.

The door closed slightly behind me. Looking at his tall figure, I

always felt as if I had seen him somewhere, but I couldn't

remember for a while.

Before the general manager turned around, I was a little

embarrassed, neither sitting nor standing.

‘You... hello, general manager. ‘I finally said something.

The general manager turned around, and I couldn't help taking a

breath, it was him! It turned out to be Jiang Ying! ! !

He saw me with a surprised look, he chuckled and said, ‘Lini, I didn’t

think we would meet again! Sit down! ‘

When he came, he settled, and to see what he wanted to do, I sat

down on the sofa.

‘No see in one year, you are more beautiful! ‘He said.

‘General manager, you posted it quickly! ‘I say sarcastically.

He smiled, lit a cigarette and said, "Not long after you left me that

day, I also quit my job and did a border trade business with a friend

for a year. After making a small fortune, I returned to the mainland

to do this. Security company. ‘

‘What do you want to do to me? ‘I said coldly.

‘I’m sorry, Lini, I was not good before, I made you like this. But since

you left, I found out that I really like you. I tried several times. As

long as I think of you, my impotence will heal. I don’t know what’s

going on, but it seems to be fatal. I am destined to need you,

although you are not a real woman, but I don’t care, I really love

you! ‘

I didn't expect him to say such a thing, and he said so sincerely.

‘You, would you like me? ‘I looked at him and said.

‘Yes, I have been thinking of you all this year. ‘

This is the first time a man said that he liked me with such a look

and tone since my female makeup. I feel very complicated about

him now, like a girl facing a man who took her first night.

‘Then do you love a woman or a man? 'I ask.

Jiang Ying thought for a while and said, ‘Woman! Because I can't

treat you as a man. In my mind, you have always been a woman. ‘

'is it? If I said to resign, would you agree? ‘I stood up.

'Do not! Linni, you can't leave here. ‘He came over and took my


‘This is my freedom. 'I say.

‘Can you give me a chance? ‘

‘But did you give me a chance? ‘I suddenly felt wronged and angry,

and I reached out and slapped him in the face.

Jiang Ying let me hit a few times, and then suddenly grabbed my

hand and pushed me down on the sofa. I struggled desperately.

‘Have you enough trouble? ‘He cried, in his powerful hand, I

became a useless bird again. He stared at me with a pair of firm

eyes, and when our eyes met, I suddenly felt a sense of being

conquered, and the power of my whole body suddenly disappeared.

I began to cry, sobbing and saying, ‘It’s all you, it’s all your fault...’

Jiang Ying let go of me and said, ‘Lini, you are already a woman. ‘

I hid my face and wept. He sat next to me and put his arms around

my shoulders. I don’t know if he was tired or he collapsed after too

much excitement. I actually leaned on his shoulders involuntarily. I

immediately felt the breath of a man coming to my nose, and I also

felt the unspeakable calmness, maybe this is the so-called sense of

security of a woman!

‘Lini, your breasts? ‘Jiang Ying looked at my chest and said, he must

have seen it in my collar just now.

I shyly pushed him away and said, ‘what else can I do? ‘

‘Then, did you change sex? ‘Jiang Ying said excitedly.

'No. ‘

‘Oh, yes. ‘He said, ‘if you want, I will ask the best transgender doctor

in the country to do it for you. ‘

My heart was beating and I didn't answer him, saying: ‘Boss, I can’t

go to work. ‘

Jiang Ying happily closed his mouth from ear to ear, and said

repeatedly: ‘Of course of course! But I have to announce the news

to everyone. ‘

‘Announce the news? ‘

He opened the door and took my hand out.

Outside, I thought of thunderous applause.

I looked at him puzzled.

‘Boss, congratulations on your reconciliation with the boss! ‘The

Director of Personnel Department said with a smile.

'How is this going? 'I ask.

‘Sorry, when looking at the application materials, I told them that

you were my girlfriend who broke up a few years ago! I want to

chase you again. ‘Jiang Ying whispered in my ear.

Seeing so many people, my face blushed to the root of my ears.

Jiang Ying, this kid, came to the overlord to force the bow. But he is

so self-confident that I know I will forgive him, and he is no longer

the maddening little security guard a year ago. He has his own

career. Somehow, I looked at him and treated him a little more.

Points good feelings.

Back in the bedroom, Xiaoqing asked me how I was doing my first

day at work. I skipped Jiang Ying's paragraph and just said that the

boss is an old friend of mine and Xiaoqing was very happy for me.

Chapter 25 Bad News

In fact, I am not competent for the job of a female secretary and

often do wrong things, but Jiang Ying is always very protective of

me, as if to make up for previous mistakes, or like to repay me,

which makes me feel very restrained.

I often ask myself in the middle of the night, do I love him? What do

I love him?

Thinking of love, there is always a trace of tremor in the depths of

my heart. I find that there is a man in my heart that makes me

unable to let go, he is Zhuge.

Every time I think of him, my heart beats like a deer. I don't know

why, I actually like the same person as Xiaoqing. This feeling became

more and more obvious as I became more feminine. When I saw

her with Zhuge, my nose would become sore, and I always wanted

to cry out on the mountain alone.

I am really hopeless! Jiang Ying is right. I have become a little

woman. Without the generous heart and endurance of a man, I am

worried that one day I will show it in front of Xiaoqing.

Jiang Ying gave me a bachelor apartment, and I finally found a

reason to move away from Xiaoqing. I was very disappointed that


In order to eliminate this sense of loss, I spent a day dressing up my

new apartment, completely like a girl’s boudoir. Jiang Ying was very

satisfied when he saw it. He said that I was an elf among women.

Wrong tire.

It was late, Jiang Ying didn't mean to leave, none of us spoke, just

watching TV silently.

‘It’s getting late, I’m going to rest, and you should go back to bed

soon! ‘I finally said.

'is it? ‘He looked at his watch and then at me. At this moment, I saw

that his eyes were a little hot.

‘You~~~ Time to go! ‘I said uncomfortably.

'Oh! ‘Jiang Ying agreed and stood up.

I drove him to the door and was about to close the door when Jiang

Ying suddenly blocked the door with his hand.

‘You...’ I was taken aback.

‘Lini, I love you! ! ‘Jiang Ying said excitedly, he could not help but

come in and hug me, two hot lips pressed to my lips.

‘No...don’t...this way...‘I managed to squeeze out a few words.

Jiang Ying's wild kiss made me a little suffocated, but in this

suffocation, I felt that I was gradually losing myself. The figures of

Xiaoqing and Zhuge flashed in my mind, and tears dripped

involuntarily. I didn't care about anything and kissed Jiang Ying

wildly. This is the first time I have kissed a man so actively. Jiang

Ying's strong male taste permeated my nerves like anesthetic, and

my whole body was soft.

‘Are you... crying? ‘After a long time, Jiang Ying found the tears on

my face.

I sat on the sofa and couldn't cry.

‘Sorry, I’m reckless again! 'He says.

‘No, it’s none of your business, I want to cry. ‘

‘Just now, I didn’t expect you to take the initiative like that. ‘Jiang

Ying said.
I did not speak.

‘I’m leaving, sleep well! ‘He said, walk towards the door.

‘Jiang Ying! ‘I stopped him.

'what's up? ‘He turned towards me.

‘Can... can you not leave. ‘I said blushing.

Jiang Ying stood blankly, as if he didn't hear me clearly.

‘Can you not leave? Stay with me, I'm so lonely...‘I lower my head

and say.

Jiang Ying walked back and sat next to me.

‘Lini, I know you have suffered a lot. What can I do? Just say. 'He


‘You said, can I become a real woman? 'I say.

‘Your mind is already a real woman. ‘Jiang Ying stroked my long hair

and said.

'thank you! But I really want to be a real woman, the kind who can

have children. 'I say.

‘Yes, the development of medicine is fast now, even humans can be

cloned, what else is impossible? ‘

‘It would be nice if that day comes early. ‘I’m full of longing.

‘Come on, I will give you a massage. ‘Jiang Ying said, standing

behind me.

His hand was pushed up on my shoulder, very comfortable.

‘Unexpectedly, you still have this hand! ‘I laughed.

'Ha ha! There are so many things you can't think of. ‘Jiang Ying said


I squinted my eyes to enjoy his massage. His hands walked on my

shoulders and neck, and then touched my neck. I felt something,

but I didn't want to move. My heart was beating hard.

I was wearing a round-necked red pullover. His hands stretched

straight in without any effort, and he swam in like a snake from my

collar, and the two gently pinched my breasts. At that moment, an

electric current came from my breast, and my whole body


He stroked his hands skillfully, and I didn't dare to open my eyes, I

could hear my heavy breathing.

Just as I was indulging in Jiang Ying's caress, the phone rang


I can see that Jiang Ying is a little disappointed, but I am a little lucky

when I wake up. I can't imagine what the result will be if this


'Hey! Is it Lini? ‘Zuge anxious voice came from the phone.

‘It’s me, what’s the matter? Zhuge! ‘

‘It’s not good, Xiaoqing is in trouble! ‘He said anxiously.

'what happened? ‘I panicked when I heard it.

‘She fainted suddenly while taking a bath at night, and she is now in

the 711 hospital! Come here! ‘

'How could this be? ‘I hung up the phone, got dressed hurriedly,

Jiang Ying drove me in the car.

When he arrived at the hospital, Zhuge was already waiting at the

door of the operating room.

‘Zhuge, what's the matter? ‘I ran over and asked.

‘I don’t know. The doctor said that there was a big tumor in her

brain that blocked the blood vessels and she had to have an

operation right away. ‘Zhuge said crying.

‘Tumor? how could be? Xiaoqing never said it. ‘

‘Now her parents are away, I have called them, and I won’t be able

to return until the day after tomorrow. ‘

‘Don’t worry, Xiaoqingji people have their own astronomical

phenomena, and they will definitely get through this difficult time.

‘Jiang Ying said.

There was a fire in my heart, but there was nothing I could do, so I

stood at the door of the operating room and waited.

After four hours, the doctor finally came out.

'how about it? Doctors. ‘We can’t wait to ask.

The doctor shook his head and said: ‘The tumor was taken out, but

we estimate that the patient is suffering from a malignant brain

tumor, and it has reached an advanced stage. Further confirmation

will have to wait for a pathological examination, but you must be

mentally prepared. ‘

We are like a bolt from a blue sky and we are stuck in place.

‘Impossible, doctor, have you made a mistake, she is still so young! !

‘Zuge yelled frantically.

‘Sir, please calm down, we will treat every patient very carefully.

'The doctor said.

Zhuge collapsed in the corner, heartbroken.

After a while, Xiaoqing pushed it out. The doctor said that the

patient should not be disturbed at this time. We held back our

heartache and followed to the ward.

Looking at Xiaoqing's pale face, my tears gushed out like spring


Chapter 26 Recognition

More than a month passed, and we came to the hospital every day

to accompany her. Zhuge was even more meticulous. I envied

Xiaoqing for having such a good boyfriend, but the doctor said that

she has only two months to live at most.

We did not tell her without telling her.

I know Xiaoqing’s parents, but they don’t recognize me. They always
regard me as Xiaoqing’s best sister.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a problem that I had been avoiding

finally came to me. I was coming out of the ward that day and

happened to ran into Xiaoqing’s parents, but the couple next to

them made people want to wait. Immediately escaped by drilling a

hole in the ground.

They are my mom and dad! ! !

I never expected that they would appear here at this moment.

Seeing their gray hair, I felt as if I had committed a heinous crime

and did not dare to face them.

‘Lini, are you leaving? ‘Xiaoqing’s mother said.

‘Yes, yes...’ I lowered my head and hurried past them, for fear of

being recognized, but my mother still gave me a strange look.

I took a sigh of relief after I got out of the hospital, what should I

do? You can never see your parents again in your life, right? But he

knew that I was compensated by him, so it would be strange if I

didn't faint immediately.

My thoughts were surging, and I came to the apartment and bore

myself in the bed for a long time.

I washed my face and removed my makeup. I tied my bulging

breasts tightly with a cloth tape. I found the men's clothes before

and put them on. I put my long hair on and put on a men's baseball

Well, if I see them as a man, everything will be fine.

I came to the standing mirror to take a photo, but squatted on the

ground in frustration. In the mirror, it was clearly a tomboy

pretending to be a man. Where could I find the shadow of the boy

named Weiguo before. Before I knew it, my appearance had

become even I didn't even recognize it.

The phone rang again.

'Hey! who is it? ‘

‘Is Weiguo there? ‘A female voice came from the phone.

It's cousin! Misfortunes never come singly, how come we all meet


‘He... he’s not here! 'I say.

‘I’m his cousin, are you his girlfriend? ‘

'No, I am not! ‘I hung up the phone.

After a while, the phone rang again and it was the cousin again. I

thought about it for a long time before I answered her call.

‘Tell him, please tell him that something happened to his sister! Tell

him to contact me quickly! ! ‘

‘My sister? When did I have a sister? ‘I was shocked, I forgot to

cover up and blurted out, only to find out what was wrong.

‘You, you, who are you? ‘Cousin obviously heard something.

I made up my mind to tell her the truth. Maybe she could help me.

If it weren't for her, I wouldn't have become the Lini now.

‘Cousin, I’m a great country! ‘

'you? How could your voice become like this? ‘The cousin’s voice


‘It’s not clear on the phone, you will know when you come. ‘I said, I

told her the address.

Hanging up the phone, my heart couldn't calm down. It took a long

time before I came to the dressing table, re-makeup, put on the

women's clothing, and quietly waited for my cousin to come.

The door finally knocked, and I opened the door, and it was my


She saw me with her mouth wide open, she couldn't believe her


‘Are you really a great country? ! ‘

‘Yes, cousin, but my name is Lini now. ‘

My cousin had seen my female makeup, so she quickly accepted

this fact.

After listening to my narration, she sighed and said guiltily:

"Unexpectedly, a joke back then would cause so many things,

Weiguo, how can my cousin be worthy of you? ‘

'No, cousin, I didn't blame you, it was my choice, and thank you for
giving me a chance to let me know my essence, because I like to be

a woman and think of the life of a man before, no matter how good,

I don't miss it anymore. ‘

‘Then what do you do now? ‘

‘I don’t know, but I think I will live as an ordinary woman. But I

worry about my parents...’

‘I’ll help you explain your parents’ aspect, and I’m also very happy

to have a beautiful...sister like you. ‘

‘Huh, sister, you just mentioned my sister or something, what's the

matter? ‘

‘Hey, you never knew that you still have a sister. ‘

‘My sister? ‘

'Yes! Now is the time to tell you. Because your family is poor, your

sister was born a year later and she was renewed to a family. You

played and studied together since you were young, but you didn't

know this relationship. Later that family moved to the city to do

business, so you won’t see it. ‘

The more I listened, the more frightened.

‘What you said is... Xiaoqing? ‘

‘You guessed it, it’s her! ‘

Xiaoqing, Xiaoqing turned out to be my sister! ! ! The news hit me

too much and almost made me faint.

Fortunately, I didn't do anything to her, otherwise I would really kill


'what happened to you? ‘The cousin asked with concern.

‘She turned out to be my sister, my God! ‘I mumble to myself.

‘Lini! ‘Cousin doesn’t call me Weiguo anymore.

I told her everything about Xiaoqing.

‘It’s so risky! ‘Cousin also sweated for me.

‘Xiaoqing is so unfortunate, we decided to let you know about this

relationship, so we asked you to meet her brothers and sisters, no,

sisters. ‘

‘But I...I...’

‘I’ll arrange everything! ‘Cousin said.

Chapter 27 Suicide Note

The next day, my cousin called me to go to the hospital.

"Is it for men or women? 'I ask.

‘Female makeup! ‘She replied.

I changed my mind. I wore a black bat lace sweater, purple and blue

jacquard bell bottom pants, and a princess hair tied in the back of

my head, with a blue butterfly hairpin. It looked fashionable and

innocent. I want to give it to Dad. Mom, a good new image.

When we arrived at the hospital, our cousin greeted us, and we

went to the garden below the inpatient department.

‘Wait a minute, your parents are coming. ‘

‘Cousin, you have to help me! ‘I hurriedly said.

‘Don’t worry, if you have a cousin, it must be fine. ‘

From a distance, I saw my parents coming.

'you! Are you really a great country? ‘Mom is here.

‘It’s me, mom! ‘My tears came out.

‘How did you become like this! ? ‘Dad said bitterly, ‘I shouldn’t have

let you out in the first place! ! ‘

‘Uncle, he can’t be blamed, Weiguo is also forced to be helpless by

life! ‘Cousin persuades my dad.

After my cousin's persuasion, although my parents still couldn't

accept it, they had done nothing but sigh.

"Does Xiaoqing know? ‘I asked my cousin.

‘She only knows that Weiguo is her brother, but she doesn’t know

that you are Weiguo. ‘Cousin said, ‘you go and see her now! ‘

When I came to Xiaoqing's bed, she half sat up.

‘Don’t move, Xiaoqing. ‘I hold her.

‘Thank you Li Ni! ‘Xiaoqing said.

‘Xiaoqing! ‘I took her hand and my eyes were red.

We talked a lot this morning.

When lunch time was approaching, Xiaoqing suddenly asked

everyone to go out, and she wanted to speak to me alone.

‘Xiaoqing, what’s the matter with you? So mysterious. 'I ask.

Xiaoqing looked at me, smiled slightly, and suddenly called out:

‘Brother! ‘

‘Wh... what brother? ‘I’m at a loss, like being exposed to a lie in


‘You are my brother, the great country! ‘

‘Xiaoqing, are you okay? This is Sister Lini! ‘

Xiaoqing smiled and said, ‘You still don’t pretend, in fact, I knew you

were a boy a long time ago. ‘

Seeing that she really knew my true identity, I sat down beside her


‘How do you know? ‘

‘Fool, you have lived with me for so long, don’t I know? From the

very beginning, I thought you were very similar to Weiguo. Later I

discovered that you had a birthmark on your back, exactly like

Weiguo. ‘

'how do you know? ‘

‘I saw when you were swimming when you were a kid! ‘

My face was red to the root of my ears.

‘Later, I secretly checked you while you were asleep! ‘Xiaoqing

blushed and said.

'what? you……'

‘I’m sorry, because I can’t hold back my curiosity. ‘Xiaoqing said

wryly, ‘but I didn’t know you were my brother. ‘

‘Why didn’t you expose me then? ‘

‘Why expose you? You are so good to me. When I was young, I

regarded you as my brother, and then I always regarded you as a

good sister in my heart. Although I know that you liked me before,

gradually, you are just like a sister to me. . ‘

‘So you have been observing me. ‘

‘Sister, I’m asking you a question, you have to answer me honestly. ‘

'what is the problem? ‘

‘Do you like Zhuge? ‘

This question asked me by surprise.

But in front of a person who was about to end his life, I didn't have

the courage to tell lies, so I nodded gently.

'I knew it. ‘Xiaoqing said proudly,’ he is a good man. ‘

‘Sister, I really envy you. ‘

Xiaoqing sighed and said regretfully: ‘It’s a pity that I can’t be with

him anymore. ‘

‘Sister, don’t say this. ‘I comfort her.

‘Sister, I beg you to promise me one thing. ‘

‘Go ahead. I agreed. ‘

‘Zhuge also has a good impression of you, it is better to help me but

my wish. ‘

Although Xiaoqing's blood is not good, she blushes and is very shy

when it comes to this.

‘What’s your wish? ‘

‘I’m ashamed to say! ‘

‘Sister, speak up! I will definitely do it. ‘

‘I want...I want...I want you... to give him a baby for me and take

good care of him in the future! ‘

‘ does this happen? You know, I’m not a real woman, how

can I...’

Xiaoqing held my hand and said, ‘Sister, I will give you the organ and

let you be a real woman! ! ‘

‘Sister, don’t be whimsical, okay? ‘

‘Sister, I’m serious, I promised Zhuge, otherwise I won’t look down.

‘Xiaoqing is about to cry.

‘Okay, sister promised you! But this is very unfair to Zhuge! ‘I can’t

bear to see Xiaoqing sad.

‘Zhuge doesn’t know your true identity. Moreover, the most

important part of my body lives on you, just like me. I know that

Zhuge has a good impression of you and will definitely fall in love

with you in the future. There is nothing unfair about love. I have
already written the suicide note for organ donation. Don't you even

agree to the request of a dying person? Besides, isn't it your wish to

become a real woman? Even if you do not associate with Zhuge, I

will help you realize your wish. ‘

I took the suicide note, and I couldn't cry.

Chapter 28 Transformation

A month later, Xiaoqing's condition began to deteriorate, and she

left the world on a rainy afternoon. At the same time, I was lying

quietly on the operating table, waiting for her to come.

This is the first case of simultaneous transplantation of internal and

external sexual organs between close relatives. Both my parents

and Xiaoqing’s adoptive parents respect her last wish, but keep it

secret to the outside world. My cousin handled all the procedures

for me, and Jiang Ying asked the most Good masters of sex

reassignment surgery, they have studied countless options before

this. The doctor told me that the success rate of organ

transplantation between brothers and sisters is more than ten times

higher than that of outsiders, which comforts me somewhat.

The door of the operating room slammed open and Xiaoqing was

pushed in, standing next to me. I turned my head to see her face

like asleep, tears blurred my eyes, I really wanted to get up and

shook her hand again, calling her sister, but the anesthesia has

taken effect, and my consciousness has gradually blurred. .

The shadowless lamp snapped on, and I closed my eyes.

‘Ready, let’s start! ‘The last sentence, I heard the doctor say.

Today, I am going to become a real woman!

When I woke up, I was already lying on the hospital bed, and the

white ceiling was shining an incredible light above my head. Mother

and cousin are sitting next to me.

‘Where’s Xiaoqing? 'I ask.

‘She’s gone! ‘Mum said with tears.

‘The operation was very successful. ‘Cousin stroked my forehead.

‘Lini, since then, you and Xiaoqing have become one person, and

your mother is the only daughter. ‘Mom sighed.

'mom! Don't worry, I will be a good daughter. ‘

I felt a sharp pain like acupuncture in my lower body. I touched my

crotch. Although it was wrapped with gauze, it was flat and flat.

Everything was like a dream.

On the fourth day, I had a urge to urinate. Although the catheter

was inserted and it was a bit painful to urinate, the doctors told me

that my urethra and Xiaoqing were in good agreement, and the

tissues were all alive. There was no rejection reaction. Consistent

with the treatment plan, or even better.

I have never seen my new organ. Every time the doctor changes the

dressing, I always lie down. I have a strong desire to leave the


It's finally time for the stitches to be removed. Due to the use of the

latest biological thread technology, the surgical thread is actually

automatically absorbed by the human body. The doctor said that

there are basically no scars left. The so-called stitching is just

removing the bandage.

My heart was excited and tense that day, and I was finally able to

untie the shackles of gauze and experience the feeling of a real


As the layers of gauze were removed, the lower body was finally


When the doctor's finger stroked the sexual organ, I actually felt it.

Although it was not very obvious, I did feel the touch.

‘You have recovered very well, you can see for yourself! ‘The doctor

smiled and handed a mirror.

I took the mirror and slowly moved it towards the crotch. Finally, I

saw my breast, which was also Xiaoqing. Because of the shaved hair

early, it appeared so clearly in front of me. This is such a small and

lovely breast. A tightly stitched breast, the large breasts on the side

are full and full, and two small pink breasts like petals are
sandwiched inside. The small breasts are slightly protruding above,

that is the clitoris. This is the pubic part of Xiaoqing I had imagined

when I was a man before. It was once my favorite woman and then

my favorite sister. Her breasts grew on me alive and will stay with

me throughout my life. , It's incredible!

‘She’s still a virgin. 'The doctor said.

'virgin? Xiaoqing is still a virgin? ‘I opened my eyes wide. When she

used to say that she was a virgin, I never believed it. I didn’t expect

it to be true.

‘You have to cherish it, this is the virginity she has been taking care

of. ‘A nurse said with a smile.

I went for a B-ultrasound again, and it showed that the internal

genitalia and my tissues began to join together.

I have a uterus and ovaries, and a whole set of female organs. Now I

can finally say that I am a woman, a real woman.

My tears flowed down.

On the day I was discharged from the hospital, the doctor told me

that I could not have sex for half a year.

‘Then can I have a baby in the future? ‘

‘That depends on your physique. With some special means, you

may be sure. ‘

I was pleasantly surprised: ‘that means I can? Can I have a baby like
a normal woman? ‘

'Theoretically speaking, yes, because your organs were transplanted

from the deceased, we transplanted female organs for you to the

greatest extent. Structurally speaking, you are no different from a

normal woman, but you have to wait for your first discharge. The

egg can be sure. ‘

Two months later, I had my first menstrual period. That day, I invited

my cousin to celebrate with Ah Ying! This day is so unusual for me.

In fact, I was used to living a female life before, and I quickly

adapted to the new reproductive organs. I felt like removing a stone

in my heart, and I felt very relaxed. The pubic hair began to grow,

curled up thin and bright, shining with a moving luster, completely

covering the small scars left by the operation. Now I can go in and

out of the women’s bathroom generously, swim on the beach in a

bikini, and take a bath in the women’s bathroom freely without

worrying about showing up.

I asked about Zhuge. My cousin said that after Xiaoqing died, he left

the city and heard that he opened an advertising agency in Beijing.

‘I’m going to find him! ‘I said and told them Xiaoqing’s wish.

The cousin thought for a long time before she said: ‘Go, Lini, if you

really like him, we support you! ‘

On the day I went to Beijing, Jiang Ying came to see me. During this
time, he has been taking care of me, but I have been evasive to him

and feel very sorry for him.

‘I know it! Go, this is Xiaoqing's last wish, you should fulfill it, and

wish you a happy life! ‘When parting, Jiang Ying said.

For the first time I thought he was so good.

‘I’m sorry, Jiang Ying, I’m sorry! ‘I fell on his shoulder and cried.

‘Silly woman, why are you sorry for me? Let's go! ‘

I got on the plane with my luggage and left the city that changed my


Chapter 29 Finale

According to the address provided by my cousin, I quickly found

Zhuge. My cousin said that Zhuge didn't know anything about

Xiaoqing and I. He always thought I was a woman, so he told me not

to worry.

After half a year, Zhuge became haggard a lot. I faintly felt

distressed, and women's love and compassion could not help but


I stayed in Beijing for three months. Zhuge asked me to work as a

marketing secretary in his advertising company. He slowly taught

me. As we got in touch with each other more, we gradually moved

closer together.
Zhuge was still a bachelor, and I helped him take care of his life.

Zhuge sometimes expressed his affection for me, but I knew that he

couldn't forget Xiaoqing. Sometimes he would go out alone to drink

alcohol at night and didn't come back until he was drunk.

One night, I came to Zhuge's dormitory and put some clothes on for

him. Just as I took the clothes back and prepared to leave, Zhuge fell

into a drunken body.

‘Are you going to drink again? ‘I helped him into the house.

"No...I didn't drink...I didn't drink..." he waved his hand and said.

‘Look, you’re drunk again! ‘I took him to the bedroom, but he

staggered and fell to the ground with him, Zhuge pressed on me,

and he looked at me with fiery eyes.

‘Zuge...’ I said.

‘Shh~~~ Xiaoqing, don’! ‘He whispered, his face is very close

to me, alcohol and spray on my face, the deer bumps in my heart,

he takes me as Xiaoqing.

I didn't speak anymore, Zhuge pressed down his two hot lips, and I

closed my eyes.

‘I know you will come, you won’t just abandon me like this. ‘Zhuge

said drunkly.

He kissed my mouth, kissed my face, kissed my eyes, kissed my

forehead, and bit my ear gently.

I can't resist his caress.

‘Xiaoqing, you used to never let me move you. You said you want to

keep this moment on the wedding night, and you said you want to

give me a fat baby. ‘

My tears flowed down irresistibly, like a river breaking a bank.

‘You cry? ‘

‘No, I’m happy, Zhuge, I love you! I will dedicate everything to you

tonight. ‘

I want to fulfill her wish for Xiaoqing.

Zhuge hugged the tearful me from the opposite side of him to his

lap, my body trembling slightly in his arms.

‘Xiaoqing, I love you too! ‘He said, licking up my tears.

Zhuge picked me up and put me on the bed, his eyes full of love and

pity when he saw me. I looked at him helplessly, as if the world

would collapse without him.

Tonight, I want to return Xiaoqing's chastity to him.

My body was lying straight on his bed, tears filled his sheets like

water, Zhuge began to kiss my crying eyes, cheeks to lips.

Like sleepwalking, I stroked his elastic back vigorously, and I said to

his ear over and over again: ‘I love you, I am yours, I want you...’

There was a throbbing in the womb, and there was a stream of fluid

flowing out, and I realized how women feel.

Zhuge began to unbutton my buttons one by one, and besides his

face flushed and the whole body hot, I found that my body had

undergone different changes. And when he stretched his hand

through the mouth of my shirt and stroked the half-covered breasts

of my bra, I felt a trace of warm liquid flowing from my soaked

panties to the inner thighs.

My thinking became a little intoxicated, and I didn't know when he

took off the underwear. The long skirt had been lifted to the

abdomen, the goose-yellow shirt was opened, and the bra was

taken off by him.

We are entangled like snakes.

When Zhuge first picked my breasts with my tongue, I realized that

being loved by a man is really a happy thing.

There seems to be a feeling of something intangible coming out in

my body.

Finally, what was expected happened. When he pressed on me, I

only felt a sharp pain in my lower body. A soft stick-like thing

stabbed in, and I almost cried in pain. But apart from the pain, what

was just now seemed to come back. He started to twist up and

down, and slowly I felt it was too painless. The pleasure began to

rise. I felt like flying in a cloud. I always wanted him to touch my

deeper sensitive points. It was a rhythmic rhythm that sometimes

pushed me to the peak and sometimes fell to the trough. It turns

out that women’s breasts are actually It's so wonderful.

Zhuge moved faster and faster, and I also cooperated with him. I

just hope that feeling will be released as soon as possible. Zhuge let

out a soft cry. I felt his hot semen shot on the wall of my uterus, the

invisible in my body. At last, the thing of the spit was erupted, and it

spread quickly from the lower body to the whole body. The whole

body was collapsed, and the brain was empty. At that moment, I

seemed to feel that it was not me who was with his breast, but

Xiaoqing. We were sweating, hugging each other tightly, I got the

first breast in my life, and I finally became a complete woman!

The next day, Zhuge found out that he had done something foolish

and regretted it, but I didn't blame him, this was his.

Zhuge said he would be responsible for what happened last night,

but will he really marry me? No, he will never forget Xiaoqing in his

heart, and what happened last night made him feel ashamed of

him, and it is hard for me to tell him that his sex organ is Xiaoqing.

A few days later, Zhuge said that he could no longer face me and

Xiaoqing. He was going to sell the company and go to study in

France. In fact, the procedures were completed a few months ago,

but he never wanted to go.

I drove him on the plane.

I returned to that city, Jiang Ying came to pick me up.

A month later, my menstruation did not come, and as a result of the

examination in the hospital, I was pregnant with Zhuge's child. The

doctor said it was a miracle.

Jiang Ying expressed his willingness to be the father of the child,

and I am very grateful to him.

After returning, Jiang Ying formally proposed to me, and I promised

him, I hope Xiaoqing will not blame me.

The night was already very deep, I tore up the previous photos to

shreds and threw them out the window, the photos flying in the

wind like butterflies.

Tomorrow, I will forget everything before and become someone

else's bride.

Farewell, my man life! !

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