Super Newton Essay: Error Identification Car Accident 2

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Last Sunday afternoon, Mr. Gavin is driving his Honda Civic on a busy highway. His son,

Jeff, were seated beside him. They are on their way home to dinner. After a while, Jeff

got bored. Mischievously, he began pull his dad’s beard and poke his potbelly.

“Stop it!” Mr. Gavin says angrily. “It’s dangerous to do that while I’m driving.”

Jeff ignoring his dad’s warning and continued his naughtiness.

“Don’t…” Before Mr. Gavin could finished his sentences, he suddenly realized the

trafik light had already turned red. He slammed hard on the brakes, but it is too late. The

car does not stop on time.

An speeding container lorry was on a direct collision course with Mr. Gavin’s car. The

lorry driver braked, but the massive 10-ton mechine failed to slowing down in time. The

screeching lorry hitted the side rear of Mr. Gavin’s car, sending the vehicle into a violent

spin, “Bang”, and it crashed into a roadside trees.

The power impact smashed the glass windows into smithereens and crushing the car.

Miraculously, both father and son is unscathed, since they are safely strapped into their

seats. But they faced yet another danger. The engine has caught fire, and the ripped fuel

tank was spilling petrol.

Fear the car might explode any second, Mr. Gavin hurriedly freed himself from his

seat belt and then he unfastened the seat belt in his son. Unfortunately, the doors were

jammed. Thinking quickly, Mr. Gavin climbing out of the car through front window instead.

Once he was out, he reaches into the car for his son and pulled him out. The jagged edges

of the broken window cut deeply into their hands and legs.

With only seconds to spare, Mr. Gavin lifted his son with both arms and running as fast

as he could away from the burning vehicle. Moments later, there was an earth-shattering

‘Boom!’. The car erupted into a hellish ball of fire, sending a plume of smoke into the sky.

The powerful shock wave threw the father and son violently onto the ground. Incredibly,

they survived the ordeal with only minor injuries. Once they know they were safe, they

embraced each other. They are grateful to be alive.

It took several weeks for them to fully recovering from their wounds but it would take

a lifetime before they would forgetting this horrifying accident. Jeff had learnt a

valuable lesson. He knows that he should never fool around in a car, for it well could be

your last trip.


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