Symmetrical Components

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B. Tech. Sem. V
2EE303: Electrical Power System – II
UNIT – 1: Symmetrical Components -I
1. Introduction
2. Definition of symmetrical components
- positive sequence components
- negative sequence components
- zero sequence components
3. Graphical method of determining, sequence components
4. Significance of operator α and its properties
5. Relationship between unbalanced phasors and symmetrical components.
Va = Va1 + Va2 + Va0
Vb = Vb1 + Vb2 + Vb0
Vc = Vc1 + Vc2 + Vc0
Again Vb1 = α2 Va1 Vb2 = α Va2 Vb0 = Va0
Vc1 = α Va1 Vc2 = α Va2
Vc0 = Va0
Va  1 1 1 Va1 
Vb  ∝ 2 ∝ 1 Va 2  ---------------------(1)
 = 
Vc   ∝ ∝ 2 1 Va0 

i.e Vp = AVs
6. Relationship between symmetrical components and unbalanced phasors.
Vp = AVs
A-1 Vp = A-1 AVs
∴ Vs = A-1Vp

Va1  1 ∝ ∝2  Va 
Va  1 1 ∝ 2 ∝
 Vb 
 2 = 3   
Va0  1 1 1  Vc 

UNIT - 2 Symmetrical Components - II
Example 1: A delta connected load is connected across an unbalanced 3-phase supply. If IA =
10∠30° A and I B = 15∠-60° A, find the symmetrical components. Also find the symmetrical components of
delta currents. Comment .
[IA1 = 14∠42° A, IA2 = 4.65∠248° A, IA0 = 0,IAB1 = 8∠72° , IAB2 = 2.7∠218° , IAB0 = 0]
Example 2: Prove that the three line voltages Vab, Vbc and Vca will have no zero-sequence component.
Example 3: Prove that neutral current can flow only if zero sequence current exists.
Example 4: A balanced star – connected load takes 150 A from a balanced 3-phase 4-wire supply.
If the fuses in two of the lines are removed, find the symmetrical components of the
line currents before and after the fuses are removed.
[Ia1 = 50∠0° A, Ia2 = Ia0 = 0, Ia1 = Ia2 = Ia0 = 50∠0° A]
UNIT – 3 Symmetrical Components - III
1. Absence of zero- sequence components
- line voltage in 3-phase system
- Line currents in 3- phase, 3 – wire systems
2. Power in terms of symmetrical components
S = VaIa* + VbIb* + VcIc*
= 3Va1Ia1* + 3Va2Ia2* + 3Va0Ia0*
= sum of symmetrical component powers
3. Example :
Given Va0 = 30∠-30° V, Va1 = 450∠0° V, Va2 = 225∠40° V
Ia0 = 10∠190° A, Ia1 = 6∠20° A, Ia2 = 5∠50° A
Determine the complex power represented by these voltages and currents by (i) symmetrical
components (ii) unbalanced phase components
[S = 10245.78 – j 2777.9] VA
4. Sequence impedances of a transmission line.
- equal positive and negative sequence impedance
- zero – sequence impedance much larger than the positive (or negative) sequence impedance
Comment: sequence equations are in decoupled form

UNIT: 4 Sequence Networks of Synchronous Machines and Transformers

1. Sequence network of a synchronous machine

- Va1 = Ea – Ia1Z1 - Va2 = -Ia2Z2

- Positive sequence network - Negative sequence network

- Va0 = - Ia0Z0 when Z0 = Zg0 + 3Zn
- Zero – Sequence network

2. sequence impedances of transmission line

Z1 = Z2
Z0 = Z l0 + 3Zg 0
Z l 0 = Zero – Sequence impedance of a line
Zg 0 = Ground impedance
3. Zero-sequence networks of a transformer
Rules for developing zero sequence network of a transformer

1. Series switch of a particular side is closed if it is star connected with neutral grounded
2. Shunt switch of a particular side is closed if that side is delta connected
Exercise: Develop Zero – sequence networks for various type of transformer connections

UNIT: 5 Sequence Networks of a Power System

1. Assembly of sequence networks of a power system
2. Draw sequence networks of a power system given below
3. Example=Develop-sequence network of a given power system

Gen 1 : 25MVA, 11kV, X1 = 0.2, X2 = 0.15, X0 = 0.03 pu

Gen 2 : 15MVA, 11kV, X1 = 0.2, X2 = 0.15, X0 = 0.05 pu
Syn. Motor 3 : 25MVA, 11kV, X1 = 0.2, X2 = 0.2, X0 = 0.1 pu
Transformer1: 25MVA, 11 ∆ / 120 Y kV, X = 10%
Transformer2: 12.5MVA, 11 Y/ 120 ∆ kV, X = 10%
Transformer3: 10MVA, 120 Y/ 11 ∆ kV, X = 10%
Choose a base of 50MVA, 11 KV in the circuit of generator.
Note: Zero sequence reactance of each line is 250% of its positive sequence reactance.

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