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BSN 3 – NCB 2

Prefix and Meaning Medical Term (site 2 - preferably terms used in

a* or an*: without in the meaning of Asepsis - he state of being free from disease-causing micro-
deprived of organisms (such as pathogenic bacteria, viruses, pathogenic
fungi, and parasites).

Apnea - is the cessation of breathing.

dys*: to do with an abnormal Dyslexia - a learning disorder that involves difficulty reading
function or dysfunction due to problems identifying speech sounds and learning how
they relate to letters and word

Dysphagia - the medical term for swallowing difficulties.

poly*: meaning many Polyuria - a condition where the body urinates more than usual
and passes excessive or abnormally large amounts of urine
each time you urinate.

1. Polysome - a cluster of ribosomes held together by a

strand of messenger RNA that each ribosome is translating
oligo*: meaning a few Oliguria - is when you pee less than usual.

Oligocholia - scantiness of bile.

hyper*: means excess or Hyperglycemia - refers to high levels of sugar, or glucose, in
exaggeration the blood.

Hyperventilate - a condition in which you start to breathe very

macro*: means large, long or Macrosomia - a term that describes a baby who is born much
excessive larger than average for their gestational age, which is the
number of weeks in the uterus. 

Macrocephaly - refers to an overly large head. It's often a

symptom of complications or conditions in the brain.
peri*: around Pericardial - is a thin sac that surrounds your heart.

Periaortic - Around the aorta.

anti*: against Antibacterial - active against bacteria.

Anticoagulant - chemical substances that prevent or reduce

coagulation of blood, prolonging the clotting time.
ante*: before Antepartum - occurring not long before childbirth.

Antenatal - he care you get from health professionals during

your pregnancy. It's sometimes called pregnancy care or
maternity care.
pre*: before being ready Preoperative care - refers to health care provided before a
surgical operation.

Prenatal - a type of preventive healthcare.

post*: after Postoperative care - is the care you receive after a surgical

Posteroanterior - From back to front

intra*: within, inside Intramuscular – into the muscle
Intrapartum - The time period spanning childbirth, from the
onset of labor through delivery of the placenta.
endo*: within Endometriosis - a disorder in which tissue similar to the tissue
that forms the lining of your uterus grows outside of your
uterine cavity. 

Endoscope - an illuminated optical, typically slender and tubular

instrument (a type of borescope) used to look deep into the
body and used in procedures called an endoscopy.
extra*: outside Extrapleural – outside the pleural cavity
Extraembryonic – outside the embryo
exo*: means outside or external Exogenous - outside
Exophthalmic - prominence of the eyeball
Ortho*: straight or correct Orthodontics - specialty of dentistry that deals with the
diagnosis, prevention and correction of malpositioned teeth and

Orthopedics - is the branch of surgery concerned with

conditions involving the musculoskeletal system.
*algia: painful condition Myalgia - known as muscle pain or muscle ache

Mastalgia - is breast pain and is generally classified as either

cyclical (associated with menstrual periods) or noncyclic.
*asthenia: loss of strength, energy, Myasthenia Gravis - a long-term neuromuscular disease that
can also refer to a condition of leads to varying degrees of skeletal muscle weakness.
Neurocirculatory asthenia - a clinical syndrome characterized
by breathing difficulties, heart palpitations, a shortness of
breath or dizziness, and insomnia.
*itis: inflammation of an organ Thyroiditis - a general term that refers to “inflammation of the
thyroid gland”.

Appendicitis - an inflammation of the appendix, a finger-shaped

pouch that projects from your colon on the lower right side of
your abdomen.
*emesis: meaning to vomit Hematemesis - is the vomiting of blood.

Hyperemesis - a pregnancy complication that is characterized

by severe nausea, vomiting, weight loss, and possibly
*emia: related to blood pathology or Leukemia - a cancer of the blood or bone marrow.
the presence of substance in the
blood Anemia - a condition in which you lack enough healthy red
blood cells to carry adequate oxygen to your body's tissues.
*uria: meaning the presence of Hematuria - is the presence of blood in a person's urine.
substance in the urine
Proteinuria - the presence of anormal quantities of protein in
the urine, which may indicate damage to the kidneys.
*pathy: meaning disease Neuropathy - is damage or dysfunction of one or more nerves
that typically results in numbness, tingling, muscle weakness
and pain in the affected area.

Homeopathy - a medical system based on the belief that the

body can cure itself.
*penia: refers to the lack or Ostopenia - when your bones are weaker than normal but not
deficiency so far gone that they break easily, which is the hallmark of

Calcipenia - A condition in which the amount of calcium in the

tissues and fluids of the body is insufficient.
*plegia: meaning paralysis Paraplegia - an impairment in motor or sensory function of the
lower extremities.
Cardioplegia - is intentional and temporary cessation of cardiac
activity, primarily for cardiac surgery.
*pnea: related to breathing, Apnea - is the cessation of breathing.
Dyspnea - is the medical term for shortness of breath
*plasia: refers mostly to the Achondroplasia - a genetic disorder that results in dwarfism.
formation of cells
Neoplasia - the formation or presence of a new, abnormal
growth of tissue.
*lysis: refers to the decomposition, Hemolysis - the rupture or destruction of red blood cells.
destruction in case such as
paralysis but also as liberation,
loosening in case of neurolysis Bacteriolysis - the rupture of bacterial cells, especially by an
*phage: to eat or consume Macrophage - a type of phagocyte, which is a cell responsible
for detecting, engulfing and destroying pathogens and apoptotic

Bacteriophage - a virus that parasitizes a bacterium by infecting

it and reproducing inside it.
*thermia: generation of heat Hypothermia - a medical emergency that occurs when your
body loses heat faster than it can produce heat, causing a
dangerously low body temperature.

Hyperthermia - refers to a group of heat-related conditions

characterized by an abnormally high body temperature
*ectomy: action to remove Hysterectomy - an operation to remove a woman's uterus

Lumpectomy - surgery to remove cancer or other abnormal

tissue from your breast.
*otomy: to cut a part of the body, but Gastrotomy - surgical incision into the stomach.
not necessarily remove the organ
Phlebotomy - when someone uses a needle to take blood from
a vein, usually in your arm.
*scopy: observation often related to Endoscopy - the insertion of a long, thin tube directly into the
visual observation with an body to observe an internal organ or tissue in detail.
Gastroscopy - a procedure where a thin, flexible tube called an
endoscope is used to look inside the oesophagus (gullet),
stomach and first part of the small intestine (duodenum).
*plasty: remodel Rhinoplasty - surgery that changes the shape of the nose.

Angioplasty - a procedure to restore blood flow through the

*graphy: imaging Angiography - examination by X-ray of blood or lymph vessels,
carried out after introduction of a radiopaque substance.

Cardiotocography - is a technical means of recording the fetal

heartbeat and the uterine contractions during pregnancy.
*stoma/*stomy: create a deviation of Tracheostomy -  medical procedure — either temporary or
a natural flow permanent — that involves creating an opening in the neck in
order to place a tube into a person's windpipe. 

Colostomy - a surgical procedure that brings one end of the

large intestine out through the abdominal wall.
Cyto*: refers to cells Cytokine - any of a number of substances, such as interferon,
interleukin, and growth factors, which are secreted by certain
cells of the immune system and have an effect on other cells.

Leukocyte - A type of blood cell that is made in the bone

marrow and found in the blood and lymph tissue.
Lipo*: refers to fat Liposuction - a surgical procedure that uses a suction
technique to remove fat from specific areas of the body
Lipoadenoma - A benign tumor composed of adipose tissue.
Angio*: related to blood vessel Angiogenesis - the formation of new blood vessels.

Angioedema - an area of swelling of the lower layer of skin and

tissue just under the skin or mucous membranes.
Arthro*: joint Arthrocentesis - is the procedure of aspirating synovial fluid out
of a joint.

Arthrodesis - surgical immobilization of a joint by fusion of the

adjacent bones.
Cardio*: refer to the heart Cardiology - is the study and treatment of disorders of the heart
and the blood vessels. 

Cardiomegaly - an enlarged heart.

Uro*, ureth*: refer to urine Urosepsis - a term used to describe a type of sepsis that is
caused by an infection in the urinary tract.

Urolithiasis - the formation of stony concretions in the bladder

or urinary tract.
Pedi*: foot Pediculosis - infestation with lice.

Pedicure - a cosmetic treatment of the feet and toenails,

analogous to a manicure.
Oto*: ear Otorrhea - drainage exiting the ear. 

Otosclerosis - is the abnormal growth of bone of the MIDDLE

Rhino*: nose Rhinorrhea - a condition where the nasal cavity is filled with a
significant amount of mucus fluid.

Rhinocheiloplasty - plastic surgery of the nose and lip

Neuro*: brain, nerves Neuroma - is a painful condition, also referred to as a “pinched
nerve” or a nerve tumor.

Neuropraxia - a type of peripheral nerve injury, and is known as

the mildest form of nerve injury.
Femoral: at or near the femur Femoral anteversion - an inward twisting of the thigh bone, also
known as the femur

Femoral hernia - usually occurs when fatty tissue or a part of

your bowel pokes through into your groin at the top of your
inner thigh.
Osteo*: refer to the bones Osteoporosis - is a disease in which the density and quality of
bone are reduced. 

Osteoarthritis - It occurs when the protective cartilage that

cushions the ends of your bones wears down over time. 
Cranio*: skull of the brain Craniotomy - is the surgical removal of part of the bone from
the skull to expose the brain.

Craniopharyngioma - is a rare type of brain tumor derived from

pituitary gland embryonic tissue that occurs most commonly in
children, but also affects adults.
Opto*, Opth*: refer to vision Ophtalmia neonatorum - is an eye infection that occurs within
the first 30 days of life.

Ophtalmoplegia - paralysis of the muscles within or surrounding

the eye.
Maxillo: refer to the jaw Maxillofacial -  refers to the face and jaws
Maxillofacial injury - also called maxillofacial trauma, is any
physical trauma to the face
Vascular: which convey fluids Vasculitis -  an inflammation of the blood vessels. It happens
when the body's immune system attacks the blood vessel by

Vascular dementia - a general term describing problems with

reasoning, planning, judgment, memory and other thought
processes caused by brain damage from impaired blood flow to
your brain. 
Gyneco*: refer to woman Gynecomastia - an enlargement or swelling of breast tissue in
males. It is most commonly caused by male estrogen levels
that are too high or are out of balance with testosterone levels.

Gynecology - is the medical practice dealing with the health of

the female reproductive system.
Laparo*: abdominal Laparotomy - a surgical incision into the abdominal cavity, for
diagnosis or in preparation for surgery.

Laparoscopy - a type of surgical procedure that allows a

surgeon to access the inside of the abdomen (tummy) and
pelvis without having to make large incisions in the skin. This
procedure is also known as keyhole surgery or minimally
invasive surgery.

Other medical terms:

Pace: Rate of activity Arthroplasty: Reconstruction or
replacement of a joint
Excision: Remove organ Diathermy: Refers to the production
of heat in a part of the
body to stimulate the
circulation to relieve pain,
destroy unhealthy tissue,
or cause bleeding
vessels to clot.
Resection: Remove part of an organ Coronary: Refer to the heart
Reduction: bring organ back in ENT: Ear Nose and throat,
position also known as
Grafting: Take a piece to another Varix: Permanent abnormal
place dilation and lengthening
of a vein
Prosthetic: An artificial device to Obstetric: Refer to childbirth
replace a missing body
Arthrodesis: Surgical immobilization
of a joint, joining and
blocking 2 bones

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