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This is a list of the points of objection I have to Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker.

I have attempted to be fair and

excluded objections which were a matter of preference or style. Overall though, this movie was an awful ending to an
awful trilogy intended to serve as a sequel to perhaps the greatest movie franchise ever made, and it is disappointing
that the universe so beloved by many has sunk to this level.
NOTE: I have referred to the Original Canon as “Legends,” and to the New Canon as the New Canon.
1. Poe’s “Light Skipping” should not exist in this universe. Gravity wells have long been recognized in Star Wars
canon, and would definitely prevent going to hyperspace while within a planet’s gravity well.1 In fact, what
Poe did would render Interdictor cruisers2 nigh on useless. We know from canon (both “Legends”3 and New
Canon4) that those have existed and have been used.
2. Rey is a Jedi—Jedi do not have the ability to commune with the spirits of departed Jedi, especially since we
know5 that the capacity to live on (or at the very least, communicate) after death is very limited, and must be
specifically learned. It is unclear what she is attempting here.
3. Leia is not and has never been a Jedi Master.6 Therefore it would not make sense for her to have the capacity
to transfer anything to Rey.
4. Korriban7 is much better established as the “hidden world” of the Sith—both the Order and the race. If the
filmmakers were searching for alternatives, there were options in Vjun,8 Wayland,9 Dromund Kaas,10 Voss, or
a dozen other planets. Creating “new” worlds in a galaxy that is already centuries old only displays the
filmmakers’ ignorance of the source material they are operating from.
5. The Knights of Ren, while mentioned, have never before appeared. This does not make sense, since they are
ostensibly the First Order’s answer to the Jedi Order. Either this is a red herring which has gotten well out of
hand, or it is a sloppy piece of storytelling that does nothing to drive forward the plot.
6. This movie—and in fact this trilogy—insists on the invention of new planets. The entire approach of Lucas to
the Star Wars universe was to be a counterpoint to Star Trek’s brave new world—a galaxy that has a
longstanding history that its viewers simply become part of, a “lived-in universe.”11 Therefore, it does not
make sense to create new planets like Passana, when there are dozens of desert planets our characters could be
thrown into (Geonosis,12 Elom,13 Klatooine,14 and Ryloth15 spring to mind.
7. Why do the Jet Troopers used by the First Order require catapults? Jet Troopers in the Clone Wars—a full
fifty-odd years before this time period, needed no such contraptions.16
8. Why do the filmmakers insist on creating a new universe when there is already one ready-made for them? That
is to say, their “Sith dagger” uses “Sith” emblems we’ve never seen, rather than the half dozen we’ve already
seen countless times before.
9. Force Lightning—like all force powers—is not hereditary. It is well documented to have been utilized by
countless Sith and even a handful of Jedi both in “Legends” and New Canon.17 Therefore, the foreshadowing
of Rey being Palpatine’s kin makes no sense, since her use of force lightning would in fact do absolutely
nothing to connect her to Palpatine. Rey cannot be “born with his power,” because force lightning is not his
power. The only reason it might make sense is if the filmmakers are pandering to viewers who have only seen

Star Wars Rebels episode “Stealth Strike” |
As used by the Galactic Empire throughout its existence |
X-Wing Series |
Star Wars Rebels episode “Stealth Strike” |
“In Revenge of the Sith it is made known that "dying AND maintaining one's identity" is not in fact what happens to every Jedi, but an ability acquired by Qui-Gon's
spirit and passed on to Yoda and Obi Wan.” |
It is made clear in the New Canon that Leia spent a significant amount of her time pre-Resistance as a Senator for the New Republic |
Home to Bast Castle, Vader’s home away from home |
From the KoTOR universe recognized as canon |
Lucasfilm (October 15, 2012). Star Wars and History. Wiley. ISBN 978-1-118-28525-1.
Site of Padme’s roll down the dunes in Episode II |
Further confusing, since we’ve seen Klatoonians in the New Canon |
See Captain Cody in Episode III |
See Vader & Palpatine in Master & Apprentice |
the films, and therefore would only be familiar with Palpatine’s use of it. This is lazy storytelling, and assumes
viewers are stupider and lazier than they really are.
10. The Sith Order18—and the Sith species—have been around for tens of thousands of years, and not once has the
“Throne of the Sith” ever been significant to them. They rule via strength & power, not symbolism.19
Therefore, Rey’s invocation of the Throne is pointless.
11. The further insistence on these made-up planets like Kadjimi smacks of complete and utter disrespect of the
existing universe. If necessary, the Star Wars galaxy is already chock full of ne’er do wells that movie viewers
have not been introduced to yet, that could fill the same function and yet still respect the source material (Nal
Hutta,20 Nar Shadaa,21 or even Kessel,22 to name a few).
12. It makes no sense why Zuri would have a bad impression of the Sith language. As far as non-Jedi and non-Sith
are concerned, the Sith v. Jedi conflict has always been seen as simply a dispute between two conflicting
religions.23 Further, a significant number of people also do not believe the Force is real.24 Thus there would be
nothing explicitly “evil” or “bad” about the Sith to most people.
13. It makes no sense for C-3PO’s memory wipe to be made a big deal. It is routine droid maintenance (like
cleaning your hard drive) and has happened to 3PO at least twice more in the New Canon.25 Further, if C-3PO
has lost his memory, why would he immediately consider entering a military facility operated by the ruling
government as “madness?” This is inconsistency and very poor storytelling.
14. Zuri’s reference to "The Colonies" is nonsensical. The galaxy is hundreds of thousands of years old—there are
no true colonies anymore.26 The fact that this reference is even made is testament to the level of disrespect the
filmmakers have for the responsibility entrusted to them with this world that has already been built.
15. Why do the main characters ignore the fact that R2-D2 has been finding maps for lost adventurers for over
forty years?
16. Hux' betrayal seems entirely uncharacteristic for one of the most cold-blooded characters in the entire series.
The fact that he is also a petty prick does not mean that the turn to rebel against the First Order (which he
seemed to be in charge of in The Force Awakens) makes sense.
17. “Force Dyads” do not exist. They are not a thing that anyone in the entire half-century history of this universe
has ever seen, spoken of, or heard of. We also know that there is no actual connection between Rey and Ren,
and the team behind the film have taken extra effort to shoot this idea down.27 Therefore, it makes no sense to
unveil it as such a unique (and central) plot point between Rey and Ren, when we know they are not related
by blood, by training, or by experience. The narrative clearly suffers when the filmmakers attempt to shoehorn
this in in this manner.
18. When did Palpatine have the time to father a son? We know exactly what he was doing the entire time between
his elevation to Emperor (at which time he was already 65 years old28) and his death at Endor. For him to have
a granddaughter Rey’s age would mean that his son would have fathered her roughly 15 or so years after the
Battle of Yavin (ABY), since Rey is around 18-21 in TFA, which takes place 34 ABY.29 Therefore, the said
son would have to have been at or older than that age, placing his own birth around 15-20 years before the
Battle of Yavin (BBY)—towards the end of the Clone Wars, at a time when Palpatine was a very public figure.
Surely the birth of his son would have been known to the galaxy at large. The entire timeline makes no sense.

Hence, the Sith Code, which notably neglects to mention honor, pride, or symbolism |, See further: Darth Vader:
Sith Lord
Home to the Hutts, the resident gangsters of the Star Wars universe |
Site of many a wayward scoundrel, as seen in the Old Republic games |
Site of Han Solo’s infamous “Kessel Run” |
“While the Sith Order was defeated at the Battle of Endor, it was merely one of many denominations of Force-worshiping religions that existed throughout galactic
history. The Sith's ancient legacy as enemies of the Jedi and, at times, rulers of the galaxy, would continue to be felt in the decades that followed its extinction.” |
Recall Rey pestering Han with questions in The Force Awakens.
At the end of Episode III, on Bail Organa’s orders, and in Star Wars Rebels episode “Evil Plans” |
Specifically, editor Matt Martin from the Lucasfilm Story Group, refuted the fan theory that Palpatine created or induced the Skywalker bloodline via Shmi |
He was 84 at the time the Battle of Yavin occurred |
19. Why is there a sudden increase of “force messages?” Even in Episode II, with the Jedi at the height of their
power, the most they could muster was vague feelings.30
20. It makes no sense why Palpatine would give Ochi a knife containing the map of his greatest defeat—and a way
to locate his hidden location. If Palpatine had known the Wayfinder was in the ruins of the Death Star, why
not simply retrieve it and retain his secrecy? Assuming that Palpatine’s body indeed survived the destruction
of the Death Star, why would he leave the artefact onboard? Furthermore, we know from RoTJ that the Death
Star II was always intended as a trap for the Rebel Alliance. Therefore it would make no sense that Palpatine
would keep Sith artefacts on board.
21. Further, Endor is a forested world. Why is this entire scene set on a prairie?
22. In addition, what is a “Sith wayfinder?” We have had holocrons capable of filling that role without new
additions being foisted onto this already-existing universe.
23. The lightsaber duels in this new trilogy are poorly filmed, scored, and choreographed. We have moved so
much further than Sir Alec Guinness in ANH and yet Rey and Ren seem to just be swinging aimlessly at each
other. The camera angles are so confused they almost make us forget how they faked Christopher Lee’s duel
in AoTC. The lack of a soundtrack also seems to point at the lack of enthusiasm for this duel.
24. Kylo Ren reacting to his mother’s presence now is nonsensical. He had been able to ignore it all throughout
The Last Jedi—and presumably in the years prior, while already being a baddie. Therefore, it makes no sense
for him to react this way now.
25. Leia's death was shown so aimlessly—almost without any manner of emotional impact or connection. Further,
her disappearance as a force ghost is also troublesome, in light of the specialized training required for her to
accomplish this.31 Chewie's reaction is more heartbreaking than the actual death scene itself.
26. Han Solo’s appearance also makes no sense, being absolutely unconnected with any way that we know the
dead appear in this universe. If the film is attempting to show this as a vision or a hallucination Ren is having,
it could have been done much better.
27. Who is this new general? Should we not have been aware of his existence before? We had Pellaeon,32
Thrawn,33 and a dozen others to fill this role. Instead it goes to an unknown, when it could have served to
connect the New Canon with the existing universe.
28. Luke's reappearance & interaction with the lightsaber breaks all the rules of what Force ghosts can do. If indeed
physical interaction is possible, why couldn’t the ghosts of Luke, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, and the
many other Jedi who have become Force Ghosts, simply band together and assault Palpatine? Why do they
not take charge of Rey’s training themselves? This is extremely poor storytelling.
29. If Rey is indeed a Palpatine, then she’s also related to a dozen other sane Palpatines, who were Naboo's upper
class politicos.34 I do not see the issue here. There is no real “Sith legacy,” because “Sheev Palpatine” (the
insistence on a first name still makes my skin crawl) was the only Sith of this bloodline.
30. Where did the rule that shields do not work in atmosphere come from? We’ve seen examples to the contrary
such as Anakin’s N-135 in Episode I. It makes no sense that this rule suddenly exists and yet we ignore the
rules on hyperdrives functioning in gravity wells.
31. Never have Star Destroyers been built in atmosphere. That is precisely why the Imperial Fleet always relied
on the orbital shipyards of Kuat,36 Eriadu,37 and Corellia38 to produce their big ships—and why the Rebellion
relied on Dac’s shipyards to do the same for them.
32. We know the cultists caring for Palpatine were known as the Sith Eternal. It would have been far better for the
filmmakers to have co-opted the Prophets of the Sith, the Jensaarai, or some other Sith aligned cultist group

Recall Obi-Wan’s inability to transmit his crucial messages to Coruscant, thus needing retransmission by Anakin on Tattoine |
“Through special training, however, deceased Force-sensitives could retain their identity and, therefore, communicate with the living.”|
Whose existence is canonical, as seen in Star Wars: Rebels |
His father, Cosinga, was head of the House Palpatine, a highbrow Naboo political family |
Noted as “One of the foremost military shipbuilding corporations in the galaxy” |
Tarkin’s home system |
The birthplace of the famous Millennium Falcon, among other ships |
instead. But what do you expect from people who have little to no respect for the fact that the world they are
adding to is a living, breathing universe.
33. How could the Sith Eternal have constructed this large a fleet without anyone noticing? Assuming Exegol has
the natural resources for that (most planets do not, since we know a ton of raw materials enter Kuat, Corellia,
and the other major shipyards of the galaxy, but let’s assume it does), would a hidden planet in the Unknown
Regions have the sort of population necessary to support and crew such a large fleet? I do not think so.
34. Rey is invited to join Palpatine “as a Sith,” not even Lord/Lady or a Darth. Can we please respect the history
of that word?
35. Admittedly a cool use of the mechanic between Ren and Rey but it's still so unclear why and how it has
happened. If it is a force connection like between Bastila and Revan in KoTOR39 (newly accepted as canon,
hurrah), it could have been presented so much better and with so much more respect for the pre-existing world.
36. The arrival of the all the galaxy’s ships is cool and all, but we should've seen reference to who they were
talking to/contacting. This is lazy storytelling, whose only real bright spot is Dennis Lawson.
37. And no, every Jedi who ever lived does not live in Rey. That makes no sense, since Luke never made that
supposition, and neither did the dozen other Jedi who survived the Purge and became “the Last of the Jedi.”
38. Chewie finally gets his medal but, why is Maz the one who gives it?
39. Who/what function as Rey’s astromech? We know that X-Wings need these to fly40—especially Luke’s old
one that Rey is now piloting.
40. How is Rey now visiting the Lars homestead, when we saw it torched and destroyed by the Empire in ANH?41

"The History of R-Series Astromech Droids"—Star Wars Adventure Journal 7 |
The actual site has since been preserved by fans |,

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