Steel & Aluminium Pistons For PC Diesel Engines: System Comparison of

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C o v e r S t o r y PISTONS & RINGS

In recent years, the steel piston has proven to be significantly superior to its aluminium counterpart under the
special operating conditions of commercial vehicle engines. The greater strength of steel, in particular, is a pri-
mary factor due to the prevalence of high mechanical loads. Recently, it has been increasingly considered
whether the use of steel pistons would also be advantageous in passenger car diesel engines. Mahle investigat-
ed this topic through a system comparison in a turbocharged diesel engine.

A u t h ors

is Project Manager Corporate is Project Manager Pre-Development is Development Engineer is Director Product Development
Advanced Engineering for PC Diesel HSD steel Pistons at Mahle GmbH in the Engine Test Laboratory at Engine systems and Components
Technology at Mahle International in Stuttgart (Germany). Mahle International GmbH in Europe at Mahle GmbH in
GmbH in Stuttgart (Germany). Stuttgart (Germany). Stuttgart (Germany).

STATE OF THE ART steel piston concept. The reduced oscillat- furthermore allows the installation clear-
ing masses may make it possible to elimi- ance to be tight, while maintaining suffi-
The aluminium piston is currently the nate the balance shafts. cient operating clearance, when the pis-
state of the art for passenger car (PC) die- The steel piston also allows the cooling ton is hot. Since frictional losses can be
sel engines. Steel pistons are under devel- gallery to be positioned higher [5], thus avoided with low piston overlap, this
opment [1] and are close to start of produc- reducing the top land height. In both provides an advantage especially under
tion. In order to directly compare the cases, a reduction in compression height high loads.
behaviour of the two piston concepts in a becomes possible. The reduced compres-
passenger car application, Mahle per- sion height can be used to extend the
formed a system comparison of steel and length of the conrod in an existing engine OPERATING BEHAVIOUR
aluminium pistons in a turbocharged die- concept, for example, while keeping the
sel engine [2]. The investigation targeted swept volume the same. This reduces the The pistons compared in this study are
the frictional and thermodynamic differ- maximum lateral forces and therefore the developed to the point of series produc-
ences between the two while maintaining friction forces on the piston skirt. It is tion and their clearance is optimised for
emissions values. also possible, however, to take advantage each concept. Both feature a DLC-coated
For this purpose, an aluminium piston of the reduction in compression height piston pin of the same diameter and the
with cooled ring carrier was compared by adjusting the displacement of the same ring pack optimised for frictional
with a so-called TopWeld steel piston. The engine (rightsizing) and the combustion loss. The operating values of the pistons
friction was measured using the indicat- chamber geometry. For a new develop- are compared in the operating map for
ing method [3], the piston temperatures ment of an engine series, the reduced identical nitrogen oxide emissions
were captured online during operation [4], compression height can directly reduce (achieved by adjusting the EGR rate) and
and a thermodynamic assessment and the overall height of the engine, thus identical 50 % heat release points. For
exhaust gas analysis were performed. decreasing the installation space full-load operation, the comparison is
required. This can have a positive effect made only for identical 50 % heat
on the cw value and pedestrian protection release points.
COMPARISON OF THE STEEL AND for the vehicle as a whole. 2 shows the difference in friction for
ALUMINIUM PISTON DESIGNS The lower thermal expansion of steel the two variants in the operating map of

As a material, steel is characterised by the

following properties as compared with Wall thickness Wall thickness
Top land

Top land

at piston bowl at piston bowl

Compression height

Compression height

:: Reduced thermal expansion,

:: Increased strength,
:: Greater density, and
:: Reduced thermal conductivity. Cooling
These properties must be taken into con- channel Cooling
sideration and exploited when implement- channel
ing a design for a steel piston concept,
which is the only way that they can con-
tribute to reducing CO2 or to improving
engine performance. For the steel piston,
the wall thickness can be reduced greatly
due to its higher strength, 1. Conse-
quently, the weight of the piston group ❶ Comparison of the geometry of the steel piston (A: TopWeld) and the aluminium piston (B: piston with
can be the same or even lower with a cooled ring carrier)

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C o v e r S t o r y PISTONS & RINGS

❷ Friction difference in the operating map, shown as the difference in friction mean effective
pressure (FMEP) over indicated mean effective pressure (IMEP) and engine speed (positive values:
steel piston has lower friction) (full load points (1 to 9) examples with increasing speed of the full load
curve, mapping points 1 to 7 as a representative selection for a “normal operation”)

the test engine. The steel piston has a fric- thermodynamics and the oil pump drive remained acoustically unobtrusive.
tion advantage under high loads of up to (e.g., at 2,000 rpm and 100 Nm by 9 g/
0.1 bar friction mean effective pressure kWh BSFC). This behaviour is less severe
(FMEP), which corresponds to as much for the steel piston, but Mahle recom- COMBUSTION
as 3 g/kWh break specific fuel consump- mends that the piston cooling is not shut-
tion (BSFC). Under low loads, the fric- off, particularly for steel pistons, because The indicated specific fuel consumption
tional loss behaviour of the steel and alu- otherwise the engine oil can deteriorate (ISFC) in all cases is significantly lower
minium variants can be considered essen- strongly on the inside of the cooling gal- with steel pistons than with aluminium
tially comparable (measurement accuracy lery and beneath the centre of the com- pistons. The operating map improve-
ΔFMEP = ± 0.03 bar). The equivalent bustion bowl. ments due to thermodynamic advantages
level of friction in this comparison is Due to the tighter installation clearance range between 4 and 8 g/kWh. The ther-
achieved with an aluminium piston with of steel pistons, no acoustic issues are modynamics are affected by the follow-
relatively high installation clearance. As generally expected for a cold engine, but ing parameters:
the clearance is reduced, the frictional even in the warm state the engine :: Blow-by quantity: For measurements
loss advantage of the steel piston becomes
more pronounced.
Differences in frictional losses occur
particularly, when the piston cooling is
shut-off. The frictional loss is then neu-
tral only for a limited set of conditions,
as the piston temperature increases sig-
nificantly for both variants (e.g., at 1,500
rpm and 50 Nm at the bowl rim by 35 °C
for the aluminium piston and by 60 °C
for the steel piston). For ranges with
somewhat higher loads, the rise in tem-
perature increases, leading to overlap
due to thermal expansion of the alumin-
ium piston even though the high installa-
tion clearance.
The frictional loss then rises sharply
and causes an overall increase in fuel con- ❸ Loss distribution for the operating point 1500 rpm, 200 Nm (left), fuel ­consumption advantage of the steel
sumption – despite the advantages of the piston at selected operating points (right)

with identical ring packs, the steel pis- Temperature cylinder 2
300 300 bowl rim, thrust side
ton results in 15 to 45 % less blow-by.

Tbowl rim [°C]

Tbowl rim [°C]
About 30 % (at partial load) or 10 %
280 280
(at high load) of the advantages in fuel
consumption can be ascribed to the 260 260
difference in blow-by. 0 10 20 8 12 16 20
:: Higher wall temperatures in the com- EGR [%] HR50 [°CA a TDC] 2000 rpm,
bustion chamber: The tested configura- 15.98 bar IMEP
Aluminium piston
tion exhibits a difference of about 50
300 300 Steel piston
°C in the maximum component tem-

Tbowl rim [°C]

Tbowl rim [°C]

perature at the bowl rim for steel and Baseline setting
280 280 (ISO HR50, ISO NOx,
aluminium pistons with identical cool-
poil = 2 bar, Toil = 90 °C)
ing (steel piston: maximum 430 °C, 260 260
measured near the surface). The differ-
10 20 50 70 90 110
ence is even greater at the centre of the Oil flowfor four pistons [l/min] Toil piston [°C]
bowl, at 90 °C, as this area is more dif- ❹ Changes in piston temperature at the bowl rim by varying engine parameters and by varying piston cooling
ficult to cool with steel pistons. The
first ring groove shows the same tem-
perature level for both piston types to the high thermal conductivity and ton would attain the component temper-
(maximum 190 °C). The tests indicate larger material cross sections, and is then atures of the steel piston. A variation in
only a minor effect of piston tempera- dissipated by the cooling oil. The heat temperature of up to 15 °C can be
ture on fuel consumption. The loss dis- transport in the steel piston, in contrast, is achieved by means of the EGR rate and
tribution from the pressure curve anal- rather limited and takes place primarily around 20 °C if the centre of combus-
ysis indicates similar or slightly lower by means of the cooling oil. tion is shifted to an extreme extent.
wall heat losses for the steel piston. Starting from this behaviour, the Piston cooling can have a significant
:: Reduced top land volume: The first effects of various parameters on the pis- direct effect on the piston temperature
piston ring on the steel piston can be ton temperature were investigated. This without negatively affecting the engine
placed at a higher position than on the is shown as an example for the bowl thermodynamics to any substantial
aluminium piston. The smaller top rim of the piston at 2,000 rpm and 250 degree. A change of 70 °C in the cooling
land volume is advantageous for CO Nm, 4. The base temperature (series oil temperature changes the bowl rim
emissions of the steel piston and has a settings) is 260 °C for aluminium and temperature by about 35 °C. The effect is
positive influence on the effective com- 277 °C for steel. It is immediately evi- nearly linear. Fuel consumption and
pression ratio for the same combustion dent that the influence of the parame- engine friction are barely altered, 5. For a
chamber geometry. It is beneficial to ters on the temperature is similar for difference in cooling oil temperature of 30
reduce this volume, which makes this both variants (similar gradient of the °C, the steel and aluminium piston would
a system advantage of the steel piston. temperature curves). There is, however, have the same bowl rim temperature. The
The combustion process of the steel pis- no setting for which the aluminium pis- change in cooling oil flow rate has the
ton is characterised by a shorter duration
in the second half of the combustion Indicated specific fuel
consumption Friction mean effective pressure
cycle as a result of the effects described. 198 1.00

The 90 % heat release point is up to 5 196

°CA earlier, with the centre of combus-
ISFC [g/kWh]

FMEP [bar]

tion at the same location. 3 shows an 0.96
example of loss distribution for an oper-
ating point with identical nitrogen oxide 0.94
*See note
emissions and the same position of cen-
tre of combustion, as well as the fuel Temperature of bowl Ratio of engine oil enthalpy
rim thrust side, cyl. 2 (for energy balance) 2000 rpm
consumption results at a few selected 290
18 15.98 bar IMEP

operating map points (1 to 7), which rep- Aluminium piston

16 Steel piston
Tbowl rim [°C]

Xoil total [%]

resent a “normal operation”.

14 Baseline setting
poil = 2 bar, Toil = 90 °C)
50 70 90 110 50 70 90 110
The temperature distribution in the alu- Toil piston [°C] Toil piston [°C]

minium and steel piston are fundamen- *Heating of base engine oil necessary

tally different. In the aluminium piston, ❺ Variation of temperature of the piston cooling oil (base engine at a constant 90 °C): effects on piston
the heat is distributed more uniformly due ­temperature, fuel consumption, engine friction, and overall proportion of the oil heat in the split of losses

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C o v e r S t o r y PISTONS & RINGS

❻ Mahle passenger car steel piston range (A: Monotherm, B: TopWeld, C: MonoGuide)

potential to vary the bowl rim tempera- ference in thermal expansion between extends to the ring area, optimal guid-
ture by up to 50 °C. steel piston and aluminium cylinder ance in the liner with good noise behav-
An optimised oil flow rate provides the block, the operating clearance increases iour. This type of piston is therefore also
opportunity to adjust the piston tempera- as the temperature rises, and the piston perfectly suited for use in engines with
ture in a targeted manner with a reasona- may strike the cylinder wall with greater aluminium crankcases.
ble level of effort. This is better achieved impact. This can be counteracted by opti-
for the steel piston than for the alumin- mising the piston installation clearance,
ium piston. For small oil flow volumes, the shape of the piston, and the piston OUTLOOK
the steel piston exhibits a friction advan- pin offset.
tage of 0.04 bar (corresponding to 1 g/ It is expected that the steel piston will
kWh BSFC). This is due to the fact that find wider application in passenger car
the temperature at the skirt rises by 15 °C MAHLE PASSENGER CAR DIESEL series production in addition to the alu-
for a smaller oil volume flow, and the STEEL PISTONS minium piston. The attainable fuel con-
reduced oil viscosity has a positive effect sumption advantages and the possible use
on friction. In contrast, small oil volume The so-called Monotherm piston has at maximum combustion pressures will
flows are critical for steel pistons with been proven and tested millions of times surely be a motivating factor.
respect to cooling channel coking and sur- in commercial vehicle engines for over 10
face scaling. years and will be employed in the first References
passenger car diesel engines in 2014. The [1] Baberg, A.; Freidhager, M.; Mergler, H.;
Schmidt, K.: Aspects of Piston Material Choice for
thermally decoupled and flexible shaft of Diesel Engines. In: MTZ worldwide 73 (2012), No.
CHALLENGES FOR the one-piece forged piston has the great- 12, pp. 26-30
SERIES-PRODUCTION READINESS est potential for CO2 savings at the low- [2] Schneider, S.; Ehnis, H.; Schreer, K.: Analyse
von Aluminium- und Stahlkolben – Vergleich von
est weight, 6.
Reibung, Kolbentemperatur und Verbrennung.
Since the steel piston has a substantially Another concept in the Mahle passen- ­I nternational Stuttgart Symposium, 2013
higher temperature level than the alumin- ger car steel piston portfolio is the so- [3] Deuß, T.; Ehnis, H.; Freier, R.; Künzel, R.:
Friction Power Measurements of a Fired Diesel En-
ium piston, as demonstrated, scaling can called TopWeld piston, made from two
gine Piston Group Potentials. In: MTZ worldwide
occur at severely thermally loaded loca- parts joined together. Characterised by a 71 (2010), No. 5, pp. 20-24
tions such as the bowl rim. This scaling closed cooling gallery and an attached [4] Schäfer, B.-H.; Schneider, V.; Geisselbrecht,
layer and the scaling scars that form can skirt, this piston type is suitable for the M.: Real-time Kolbentemperaturmessungen mit
einem auf Telemetrie basierenden Datenübertra-
become initiation points for bowl rim highest peak cylinder pressures. Its gungssystem – Messtechnikapplikation und erste
cracks during subsequent operation. greater rigidity allows for smaller wall Ergebnisse. 10th Stuttgart International Symposi-
Another challenge is the tendency of the thicknesses, especially between the com- um, 2010
[5] Stitterich, E.; Geisselbrecht, M.; Künzel, R.:
piston cooling oil to coke in the cooling bustion chamber and the cooling channel,
Influence of cooling channel design on piston tem-
channel and at the inner form of the pis- which in turn makes it possible to opti- perature of HSD engines. 13th Stuttgart Interna-
ton. The coke oil deposits reduce the cool- mally cool the bowl rim. tional Symposium, 2013
ing efficiency and thus additionally aggra- The consistent on-going development
vate the temperature problems at the and optimisation of the advantages of
bowl rim. The soot input from combus- both piston concepts results in the new
tion also has a rather significant effect on so-called MonoGuide piston, which is
oil aging and the tendency for carbon also a two-part joined piston. Analogous
build-up. to the Monotherm piston, it is character-
The development of steel pistons for ised by a flexible, decoupled skirt. This
engines with aluminium crankcases pre- gives the piston excellent seizure resist- Read this article on
sents another challenge. Due to the dif- ance and, together with the skirt that


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