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Title Page
Approval Sheet

Table of Contents

a. Background of the Problem
This should contain a discussion on the general problem to be addressed by the project

b. Overview of the Current State of Technology

This should contain the current solutions being implemented and the problems with each of
these. The discussion could either be in chronological or logical order. This should include only
enough detail to show the specific improvements introduce by each. This should lead to the
specific problem that the proponents intend to address. The information regarding the
technology or field should be contemporary and not based on outdated sources.

c. Project Rationale
This should point out how finding a solution to the specific problem is beneficial.

a. Problem Statement
This could be either in question form or as a declarative statement. The major statement or
question may be followed by minor statements or questions. This attempt to focus on a stated
goal gives direction to the research process. It must be limited enough in scope to make a
definite conclusion possible.

b. Proposed Research Project

i. General Objectives
This should contain a single paragraph describing the general objective of the

ii. Specific Objectives

This should contain a list of the specific work that the proponents expect to address
to arrive at the accomplishment of the general objective.

iii. Scope and Limitations

This should contain the basic assumptions within which the project should work the
solution to the problem. Consequently, this should also contain the extent is to be
evaluated to be developed and the means by which the proposed system is to be
evaluated on its capability of solving the problem.

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The limitations are those conditions beyond the control of the proponents that may
place restrictions on the conclusions of the study and their application to other

iv. Methodology of the study

This should contain the specific approaches that may be employed by proponents in
arriving at the realization of a solution to the problem.

a. Calendar of Activities

Description of Activities
This should contain the detailed sequence of activities that the proponents will undergo in
completing the project.

Gantt Chart of Activities

This should contain a chart giving when each of the activities listed above are expected to start
and end. The time unit should be in terms on the week number (not actual dates) from the
start of the semester

b. Resources
This should list the specific hardware resources that the proponents expect to need in
completing the project.

This should list the specific software resources that the proponents expect to need in
completing the project.

a. References
b. Resource Person/s
c. Personal Technical Vitae

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(In bold characters, underlined, font size 14)

A Project Proposal
Presented to
The Faculty of <Name of School>

In Partial Fulfilment
Of the Requirements for the Degree of
(Program title)


<last name, first name, middle initial of proponent 1>

<last name, first name, middle initial of proponent 2>
<last name, first name, middle initial of proponent 3>
<last name, first name, middle initial of proponent 4>

<Subject Coordinator’s Name>

Subject Coordinator

<Date of submission>
Month and Year

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STI College – (SC Name)

(In bold characters, underlined, font size 16)

(In bold characters, underlined, font size 14)

This Project Proposal entitled

<Project Title>
(In bold characters, font size 14)

developed by:

<last name, first name, middle initial of proponent 1>

<last name, first name, middle initial of proponent 2>
<last name, first name, middle initial of proponent 3>
<last name, first name, middle initial of proponent 4>

After having been presented

Is hereby approved by

<Subject Coordinator’s Name>

Subject Coordinator

<Date of submission>
Month and Year

01 Documentation Outline 1 *Property of STI

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