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Patrick John C.

Madrid August 31, 2020

ABM 12 St. Pope John Paul II RS3 Lesson 4



Answer the following questions:
Criteria: Depth (2pts) Reflection (2pts)
1. Why is Church called Catholic and Apostolic?

It means that the Church and her sacraments help to make the faithful holy. The origins and
beliefs of the Church started out with the apostles at Pentecost.

2. What makes the Church one and holy?

The Church makes it one and holy because It’s a holiness that pertains to the Church
because of Jesus, whose body we are, because of the Holy Spirit, who is the soul of the
Church, because of the holiness of the teachings of Jesus.

3. What is the mission of Christ and the Holy Spirit that is entrusted to the Church?

The mission of Christ and the Holy Spirit that is entrusted to the Church is to indicate words of
God and insights of the gospel to the people who believe in God grace and love.

4. Why should Catholic Church be engaged in interreligious dialogues?

Because It aims to contribute in attaining a harmonious society by advocating interreligious

dialogue in its various forms as a mechanism for peace building.
5. How is your ministry as lay faithful related to Christ’s triple role of priest, prophet, and

The ministry as lay faithful related to Christ’s triple role of priest, prophet, and king as mine is I
had to continue what I believe for, and what I live for and that’s is because of God.


What are your insights regarding the nature, images, and characteristics of the Church? What
can you contribute to the improvement of the Church? Write your answers in the table that
follows. (2pts each)

Insights My Plan of Action

1. Nature of the Church Having the Holy Mass every My plan and action is to
Sunday as very special time. Continue to attend Holy Mass
to communicate to god.

a. Mystery Continue to enhance My action into that is give-

liturgical celebration and on activities that can include fun
how you put God into that that could let what God want
celebration. us to do and exciting .
b. Sacrament Eucharistic celebration of the Celebrating the eucharistic
Holy Church. celebration of the Church by

2. Images of the Church Continue and follow the In the image of God let us
Church mission and vision. prepare ourselves from what
God’s want for us.

a. Kingdom of God Christ’s teaching on this Continue to be implemented

subject was a continuation of by the kingdom God. And as
what God had previously an action we put ourselves
revealed through many of the close to God.
Old Testament prophets. 
b. People of God As the people of God we are is to give people freedom to
here to be live by his faith let them decide what will they
and love and by his grace. do to continue to have faith
and love in God.
c. Body of Christ know body of Christ where I don’t have any action but
we could take his blessings, possible I have plan by
forgiveness and preaching knowing how holy the body of
through receiving his body of Christ and all I can do is to
Christ. receive it and pray along.
d. Temple of the When I was loss of My action to this is in myself
Holy Spirit confidence I was scared to because I want to gain
enter a church but instead of confidence to keep my spirit
it I let myself control to go alive from the people who
inside then after that I always love by God.

3. Characteristics of the The church is one, unified by The best action for this is to
Church the confession and shared Continue the tradition of the
life of Christ through the Church as we all know and
Spirit. as a Catholic myself lead the people into God.
we all follow what the
Church want us to do.
a. One Making Christians one body, My plan is to cherish the
one church, is doubtless not common affirms one and
meant to be but it affirms the holy almighty Church.
oneness of the body, the
church, through what
Christians have in common.
b. Holy Christians understand the As I plan we improve the
holiness of the universal holiness of our almighty. To
Church to derive from enhance our relationship to
Christ’s holiness. God.
c. Catholic The adjective can be applied will take a long process and
not only to the church as have a strong confidence to
spread throughout the world face but as long as we can
but also to each local do the plan.
manifestation of the church.
d. Apostolic The characteristics of the As an action it will be better
Church in the Apostolic is to to realize the Apostolic
continuing the living tradition actions of apostles of Jesus
of the apostles of Jesus. then let us do what they did
through preaching and
1. Sacrament A. Living according to the Gospel, so that
our lives may be Gospel inspired
2. Interfaith Dialogue B. Services being done by the bishops,
priests, and deacons
3. Lay Ministry C. Open to new and greater exploration
4. Church as Mystery D. Services being done by the “religious
brothers and sisters
5. Sacramental Ministry E. A visible sign making present an invisible
reality to give grace
6. Ecumenism F. Movement among Christians toward
restoring unity
7. New Method G. Encourages the lay faithful to a have a
full, conscious, and active participation in
liturgical celebrations.
8. Sacrosanctum Concilium H. Services being done by the lay faithful
9. Religious Ministry I. Formed of two components, human and
10. Church as Reality J. Movement of the Church to foster peace
and respect with other religions

1. E

2. J

3. H

4. I

5. B






Here is a simple survey on how well you know your local Church. Fill in the empty box with your
accurate and honest answers. (2pts each)

What are the services Who are doing such Why are they doing
offered in your parish? services? those services?
1. Monthly activities Youth group To preach about gods
about preaching glory.
of God

2. Prayer meeting Community Gospel reading,

praise jam, and share
all about how God
change them and give
them a blessing.
3. Donation services Community To help people that
are in need and be
blessed by god.

4. Youth camping Youth and church Go in parish just to

leaders put the word of God
and his story about
his life.

5. Holy mass Community and the Every Sunday we

church leaders have a holy mass that
will contain what the
Church really is to us.

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