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Demonstratives (Places)

Listener あそこ


ここ そこ

Previous chapters
1. Connect two nouns.
の 2. Modify nouns
3. N1 explains what N2 is about.
4. N1 explains who owns N2

Chapter 3
1. When N1 is the name of a country and N2 is a product, it
means that N2 is made in that country.
の 2. When N1 is the name of a company and N2 is a product, it
means that N2 is made by that company.
いくら ・・・ か How Much

どこ ・・・ か Where

どちら ・・・ か Where (Polite)

1. This bag is made from China.
2. That pencil is made by Pentel. (Pointing near the listener)
3. Where is the lobby? (Use plain and polite)
4. The lobby is in the 3rd floor. (The lobby is over there.)
5. How much is that Umbrella? (Pointing far from the listener)
6. How much is this Magazine (holding it)
Let’s Review Some Words!
かいしゃ company きょうしつ Classroom えんぴつ Pencil
くつ shoes がっこう school かぎ Key
たばこ Cigarette じむしょ office とけい Watch or clock
くに country うけつけ Reception かさ Umbrella
トイレ toilet ロビー lobby かばん Bag
おてあらい toilet へや room じどうしゃ Cars
かいだん staircase ほん Book つくえ Desk
エレベーター elevator じしょ Dictionary いす Chair
エスカレーター escalator ざっし Magazine チョコレート Chocolate
ちゅうごく China アメリカ USA コーヒー Coffee
にほん Japan イギリス United Kingdom ~だん ~Floor
フィリピン Philippines かんこく South Korea ~ペソ・~えん ~Peso/ ~Yen

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