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Topic – Education


Vocabulary List

something (such as a building or large piece of equipment) that is built for a specific purpose;
patogumai, paslaugos; (studijoms, sportui ir pan.)

1. residence hall / dormitory/ dorm / student residence - a building on a campus that has
rooms where students can live; bendrabutis
2. campus – the area and buildings around a university; universiteto teritorija
3. library – a place where books, magazines, and other materials (such as videos and musical
recordings) are available for people to use or borrow
4. reading room - quiet room in a library where you can read and study; skaitykla
5. computer room – kompiuterinė auditorija
6. lecture hall / lecture room/ lecture theatre - a large room used for instruction, typically at
a college or university
7. workshop rooms – pratybų/ seminarų auditorijos
8. locker - a cupboard or cabinet that has a door which can be locked and that is used to store
personal items (such as books, clothes, shoes, etc.)
9. cloakroom - a room in which outdoor clothing may be placed during one's stay

People (Students)

1. fresher - first year student, Americans use “freshman”; pirmakursis

2. undergraduate -
a student in a university or college who has not received a first,
especially a bachelor's, degree; bestudijuojantysis bakalauro programoje
3. graduate - a student who holds the bachelor's degree and
is studying for an advanced degree; bakalauras
4. post-graduate - a student who continues to study for an advanced degree after earning a
bachelor's degree or other first degree; magistrantas, doktorantas
5. master’s student – someone who is studying to get a master’s degree; magistrantas
6. PhD student - a person who is studying for a PhD; doktorantas
7. swot - a person who studies hard, especially one regarded as spending too much time
studying; kalikas

People (Teachers)

1. faculty - all the teachers in a university, college, or school; mokytojai, dėstytojai

2. professor - in the U.S., any full-time teacher at a college or university.
In the U.K., a professor is a university teacher of the highest status, usually one who is in
charge of the other teachers of their subject; dėstytojas, profesorius
3. lecturer - a teacher at a university or college; lektorius, dėstytojas

4. tutor - a private teacher, typically one who teaches a single student or a very small group; a
person charged with the instruction and guidance of another
1 repetitorius; (namų, privatus) mokytojas
2 mok. kuratorius, mokytojas ir auklėtojas; form tutor - klasės auklėtojas/vadovas
3 (studentų grupės) vadovas, dėstytojas, konsultantas (D. Britanijos universitete)
4 amer. jaunesnysis dėstytojas, asistentas
5. teacher – someone whose job is to teach in a school or college; mokytojas, dėstytojas
6. to give/to deliver a lecture – vesti paskaitą

Degrees (pakopos)

1. bakalauro laipsnis – undergraduate degree, first degree, bachelor’s degree (BA, BSc)-
2. magistro laipsnis – graduate degree, master’s degree (MA, MSc)
3. postgraduate – it involves learning and studying for degrees, professional or academic
certificates, or other qualifications for which a first or Bachelor's degree generally is
required – antrosios pakopos studijos, magistrantūra
4. daktaro laipsnis - doctorate – the highest academic degree in any field of knowledge
5. PhD – Doctor of Philosophy. In the context of academic degrees, the term philosophy does
not refer solely to the field of philosophy, but is used in a broader sense in accordance with
its original Greek meaning, which is "love of wisdom".


1. To revise for … - kartotis

2. To study for … - mokytis
3. To take / to sit … – laikyti egzaminą
4. To pass … - išlaikyti
5. To get through … - to reach a good enough standard to pass a test e.g.
How did he ever get through his driving test?
6. To flunk … - fail to reach the required standard in (an examination, test, or course of
study); (ypač amer.) šnek. neišlaikyti (egzamino); sukirsti (per egzaminą)
7. To fail … - to be unsuccessful in achieving a passing grade
8. To cheat in the exam - act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage, especially
in a game or examination
9. To retake … – to take once more, perlaikyti

General (Verbs)

1. to enroll - to register formally as a participant or member, įtraukti į sąrašą, į(si)rašyti,

už(si)registruoti; įstoti
2. to major - to specialize in (a particular academic field); (ypač amer.) studijuoti pagrindinį
dalyką (in)
3. to minor - to have a secondary specialization in (a particular academic field); amer.
studijuoti neprofilinę discipliną (in)
4. minor – gretutinės studijos
5. to attend classes - to go to classes; lankyti pamokas
6. to fall behind with your studies - to fail to keep up a pace; lag behind; atsilikti
7. to keep up with your studies - to not fall behind; (with) neatsilikti (nuo),(su)spėti
8. to take a year out - to spend a year working or travelling before starting university

9. to graduate from the university - quite formal, in speaking you could use “I left
university” instead; baigti
10. to cram - prepare (students) hastily for an impending exam; (iš)kalti (pamoką ir pan.);
skubotai/paviršutiniškai pa(si)rengti (egzaminui)
11. to swot up - to learn as much as you can about a subject, especially before an exam: e.g.
She's at home, swotting up on her maths; (iš)kalti
12. to play truant - to stay away from classes without permission; bėgti iš pamokų

General (Nouns)
1. scholarship – money to support a student's education, awarded on the basis of academic or
other achievement; stipendija
2. fellowship – type of grant for graduate students; an amount of money that is given to
postgraduates to enable them to study a subject at an advanced level; stipendija
3. assistantship - jobs paid with money or free classes at the university

4. grant - a sum of money given especially by the government to a person or organization for
a special purpose; for those who get good grades and take part in university activities;
dotacija, subsidija, pašalpa

5. traineeship (Br. En.) = (internship – Am.En.) - the state or position of someone who is
employed at a low level in a particular job in order to learn the skills needed for that job; a
job that a student or someone who has recently obtained a degree takes in order to get
experience; stažuotė; praktikos atlikimas
6. traineeship - financial aid that enables you to get trained for a specified job
7. apprentiship = a kind of job training that involves following and studying a master at the
trade on the job instead of in school. Carpenters, doctors, and many other professionals
often learn their trade through apprenticeship; (gamybinė) stažuotė

Types of course
8. full-time – nuolatinės studijos
9. part-time – ištęstinės studijos
10. distance / remote – nuotolinės studijos

11. mandatory/ compulsory subjects – privalomieji mokomieji dalykai

12. electives/ optional – pasirenkamieji dalykai

13. recess (Am.En.) = break (br.En.) – pertrauka

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